• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 499 Views, 8 Comments

Bored On A School Night - MLRNitevision

The story of a young Bat Pony, reunited with an old love of his from many years ago, in the most unlikely place... College.

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Transfer Student

Author's Note:

Hello viewers!
My story has gained a lot of popularity in the past few days! Thank you guys so much! So, to show my gratitude, when this story gets 350 views, then I will start working on the sequel I have planned! So good luck guys!

‘Welcome to Ponyville Community College’. The sign seemed to mock the black bat pony as he nervously wandered past, trying desperately to find his way to class. ‘Late on the first day at my new school!’ He mused. ‘Every pony will laugh at me!’ Despite his intrepidation, he carried on. B wing. Why was it so hard for him to find? ‘Why is it even CALLED a wing? The building doesn’t even LOOK like a Pegasus, so how could it have WINGS?’ The stallion was so lost in thought, that he didn’t notice that his current path intersected a group of mares, standing in a circle. As a result of this, he crashed right into the middle of them.

“Watch it!” Applebloom snapped.

“I’m so sorry…” Nitevision responded, trying to keep the panic from creeping into his voice.

“Hey wait a minute…” Scootaloo started. “I know you from somewhere.”

‘Was this true?’ The bat pony wondered. “I think you might be mistaken miss…” Nitevision responded. But something about the mares voice….it seemed so familiar.

“I’ve got it!” Sweetie Belle shouted, causing Nitevision to jump. “You were a Cutie Mark Crusader! But…not from the Ponyville branch…you were the one who moved, aren’t you!” Nitevision looked up, and his heart melted. It was her! His fillyhood crush…she looked beautiful…more so than he remembered! Her coat was whiter than a fresh snowfall…the colours of her mane even more vibrant than he remembered. It was as if someone had opened a floodgate of memories, as his past came back to him all at once.
It was a rainy day, years ago. He still remembered his mother, tears in her eyes, telling him to pack his stuff. They were leaving town. “Say goodbye to your friends Nite, and meet me back here in an hour.” She said. Minutes later, Nitevision and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders were sitting in the Clubhouse, all of them on the brink of tears, yet each of them refused to let the others see them cry…especially Scootaloo. Applebloom broke the silence. “Promise you’ll visit us when you get your Cutie Mark.” She ordered.

“I will.” Nitevision promised.

“Be sure to write us when you get there,” Scootaloo told him. “We’ll write you a letter every week!”

“I promise…” Nitevison replied, choking on a sob.

“One more thing.” Sweetie Belle said. “Make sure you start a Cutie Mark Crusader branch…wherever you end up.” Sweetie Belle was the only one of the group that Nitevision had told….that he and his mother had no idea where they were going…

“You got it…” Nitevision said. He gave up fighting his emotions. A silver tear rolled down his cheek, staining his black fur. Sweetie Belle used her hoof to gently wipe the tear away, and smiled. “Look me in the eye Nitevision.” She ordered. When Nitevision did not respond, she put a hoof under his chin, and raised his head to look at him. “This isn’t the last time we’ll see each other. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly…” was all she managed to get out.

“How long has it been?” Applebloom’s voice snapped him out of his trance.

“Too long…” Nitevision replied. “I got my Cutie Mark…” he said, with a sad smile. “It’s a bat…just like me.”

“Sweet!” Scootaloo said. “That’s pretty cool.”

“Where did you…end up, if you don’t mind my asking?” Applebloom asked.
Nitevision had prepared himself for this question. “Well…we ended up in Whinnieappolis. Or…at least, I did. I’m not sure what happened to my mom. All I remember, is she told me to stay in the cardboard box we were using as a shelter, and wait for her to come back…that was three years ago today.”

Scootaloo swallowed, and Applebloom immediately regretted asking. Sweetie Belle was the only one who appeared to not be phased by this…which Scootaloo found odd, but she didn’t want to point it out.

“If I remember correctly,” Scootaloo said, in a desperate attempt to change the subject, “you used to have a HUGE crush on Sweetie Belle…In fact, I think you still do!”

The statement caused the snow white Unicorn to blush, and Nitevision to take a half step back. “D-do not!” He stuttered.

“Look at him.” Applebloom said, with a mocking smile. “He’s sweating more than a pig wearing a fur coat in the middle of the summer!” Admittedly, Applebloom’s expressions had gotten a little harder to understand since the three of them had moved to the city.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sweetie Belle asked, not bothering to even TRY to mask the edge in her voice.

“You know,” Scootaloo said, “I think she likes HIM too!”

Nitevision had heard enough. His wings unfolded suddenly, and he took to the skies. In his haste, he neglected to notice a sheet of paper had fallen from his saddle bag. The sheet drifted down, landing at Sweetie Belle’s feet.

“Two Thirty-Seven.” Applebloom read aloud. “Wonder what that means!”

“Hopefully it isn’t something too important…” Scootaloo observed.

Neither of the mares noticed that Sweetie Belle had picked up the paper, folded it in half, and placed it into her saddle bag.

“Did you see how fast he took off?” Applebloom chuckled.

“I bet you fifty bits Nitevision has a crush on Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo responded.

“You’re on!” Applebloom accepted the challenge.

“Sweetie Belle, you in?” Scootaloo asked. “Sweetie Belle?” The earth pony and Pegasus looked around for their friend, who was nowhere to be found.

“Think we might have had a little bit too much fun with them?” Applebloom asked.

“We might have gone a little too far this time.” Scootaloo admitted.

Nitevision was hiding under the covers of his bed. In his haste to get away from the teasing, he had dropped the page with his dorm room number. As it turned out, he had a photographic memory of sorts, that he didn’t even know he could use! His room was 237. Or…was it 732? Or perhaps it was 372? No…he was just confusing himself. 237, he decided, was the number he would check first. If he was wrong, there were only a limited number of combinations, weren’t there? The bat pony frowned. How many three digit combinations could there possibly be? 000…001…002…003…well, there were four of them…his train of thought trailed off. What was he doing? Oh yes, he was looking for room 237.

After what seemed hours of searching, he had finally found the room. In reality, it had only taken him ten minutes, but this particular bat pony had a distorted sense of time. It had then occurred to him, that he was very tired. It had been a long journey back to Ponyville. Maybe a nap wasn’t such a bad idea…

He was on the brink of sleep when he was rudely awakened by the sound of some pony knocking. ‘I’m coming!’ is what he had meant to say. But, in his groggy, half-awake state, what ended up coming out was essentially “Murble Grish Nak!” The knocking ceased momentarily and a mare’s voice drifted through the wall. “Are you going to open the door, or do I have to keep knocking?”
Nitevision scrambled to get to his hooves. “I’m coming Sweetie-“his voice trailed off, as he opened the door. The mare standing in the hall was NOT in fact Sweetie Belle, but Silver Spoon.

“So much for being friends first,” the mare said.

“What do you want, Silver Spoon?” Nitevision asked. True, it had been years since he had seen this particular mare, but it appeared to him that she hadn’t changed a bit…

“I need a towel.” Silver Spoon said, ignoring the hostile tone in Nitevision’s voice. “Do you have one for me?”

“No.” He stated flatly. “I don’t.” It now occurred to the bat pony that Silver Spoon’s mane was dripping wet. He felt his heart beat a little bit faster at this realization. Silver Spoon grinned ear to ear.

“Well, that’s too bad.” She said, faking a yawn. “Mind if I stay with you?”

Without even waiting for an answer, the mare pushed past him, and flopped down, right on his bed, then patted the space next to her, beckoning him to join her.

“Come now,” she said, “you look tired. Come rest.”

All of this had happened to quickly for him to respond.

“N-no!” He protested. “I’m already in love with Sweetie Bel-“he tried desperately to cut himself off, but it was too late. Silver Spoon grinned.

“So the rumors are true!” She observed.

“Leave. Now.” Nitevision growled.

This caught Silver Spoon off guard momentarily. For as long as she had known Nitevision, he had never been aggressive…she would have to exploit this, but at a later date.

“But your bed is soooo much more comfortable than mine!” The mare said, stretching out her body in an attempt to emphasize her comfort. Nitevision decided he had had enough. He casually strolled over to the far wall, and opened the window.

“What are you doing?” Silver Spoon asked.

“You can go through the door,” Nitevision pointed at it. “Or you can go through the window.” He nodded towards it. “Choice is yours.”
Silver Spoon pouted. She knew he was serious. This wasn’t over, she decided.

“Fine, have it your way.” Her wet body had left an outline on the bed, a result of her having just gotten out of the shower in an attempt to seduce him. Clearly, this had failed, which annoyed her, but in a strange way, amused the grey mare. As she walked past Nitevision, she flicked her tail, sending a small barrage of water droplets onto the bat pony’s body. He didn’t notice. Nitevision was too busy staring at the stain on his sheets, and picturing Sweetie Belle in its place.

Sweetie Belle grasped the paper close to her. She knew what the three numbers printed below the Ponyville University logo meant. It was the number of Nitevision’s dorm room. She had wanted to reunite with him, just not with her friends around. They always made jokes out of everything. Especially Scootaloo...always was teasing her… While it was true that Sweetie Belle had eyes for Nitevision, she didn’t want everyone to know about it. Not yet, at least. It suddenly occurred to the mare that perhaps the reason Scootaloo was mocking her so much, was because she too, wanted Nitevision’s attention? The thought alone made her angry. She wanted to buck something…or perhaps, someone…but no. Rarity had attempted to teach her to be a lady, and that’s what she wanted to be. Rarity had taught her that ladies do NOT express their anger. Which Sweetie Belle found somewhat confusing, as Rarity often times got mad at her, on occasion even YELLING at the mare. The snow white Unicorn dismissed this, and went back to her quest. Where was room 237? She took a deep breath, and visibly relaxed. ‘If I am currently here,’ the mare wondered, ‘and I want to get there,’ Sweetie Belle jabbed a hoof at the map she held. ‘Then what’s the quickest route to-‘Her train of thought was cut short as she slammed right in to “Silver Spoon?” The mare asked in surprise. What are YOU doing here…and why are you all wet?”

“Oh, this?” Silver Spoon asked, with a taunting grin. “I just came from Nitevision’s room. His bed is soooo comfortable.” The mare shook out her mane, effectively getting Sweetie Belle wet. Sweetie Belle found this odd. She had thought time had changed Silver Spoon, the way the time of year changed the seasons…at least, that’s what Scootaloo would say. Scootaloo…the mere thought of the mare’s name caused Sweetie Belle to snap. To Tartarus with Rarity, AND her teachings! Silver Spoon had crossed the line. Sweetie Belle’s hooves shot out, wrapping around the grey Earth Pony’s throat. Silver Spoon let out a small shriek of surprise. She wanted to get Sweetie Belle upset, but not mad! Sweetie Belle’s face darkened, as an evil smile spread across her face.

“You know that sound an empty can makes when you stand on it?” The snow white mare asked. Silver Spoon gulped. This was NOT going according to plan.

“Y-yeah, what about it?” She asked.

“It turns out a pony makes the same noise when you hit them hard enough.” Sweetie Belle said as she slammed the mare into the wall of lockers behind her, watched as the pony slid to the ground, and then turned to walk away.

“Bravo. Good show!” The voice caused Sweetie Belle to stop dead in her tracks. Hadn’t she hit Silver Spoon hard enough to knock her out?
Fearing the worst, the snow white Unicorn turned to face the owner of the voice. As it turned out, it wasn’t Silver Spoon…
It was Trixie.

“I’m impressed, Sweetie Belle. I didn’t think you had it in you to hit another mare, especially not Silver Spoon!” Trixie laughed. It was not a pretty sound.

“W-what are you planning to do with that information?” Sweetie Belle asked, fearfully.

“Oh, nothing, just as long as you do exactly what I tell you, for as long as I tell you, or until I get bored with you. Whichever comes last!” Sweetie Belle’s ears folded back and her face fell. Trixie could be so cruel…but then again, if Trixie told anyone what she had done…she could be suspended…expelled even! It appeared that this was her only option…

“Alright Trixie…” Sweetie Belle sighed. “You’ve got a deal.”

“Wonderful!” The blue Unicorn’s face lit up with excitement. “This is the beginning of a beautiful…” Trixie paused, as if she didn’t know what to say next. “…partnership.” Sweetie Belle sighed. This was going to be a long year.

“One more thing,” Trixie stated. “I’m tired of walking to class. I want you to carry me.” Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped. This was an outrageous request! Trixie took her silence for an answer and jumped onto Sweetie Belle’s back. The Unicorn blushed as Trixie’s hoof brushed across her flank.

“Hurry along now,” Trixie taunted. “I don’t want to be late for class!”

‘I don’t want to be late for class’ Sweetie Belle mocked.

“What was that?” Trixie challenged.

“Nothing!” Sweetie Belle blushed. She had not intended for Trixie to hear her.

“That’s what I Thought.” Trixie said forcefully. Sweetie Belle trembled. But this time, it wasn’t from the weight of the mare on top of her…Trixie used her magic to summon a whip from thin air, and cracked it over her head. Sweetie Belle broke into a full on run, nearly causing Trixie to fall off.

“Whoa there!” Trixie called, causing Sweetie Belle to slow down. “The Great and Powerful Trixie requires Peanut Butter Crackers.” Sweetie Belle absolutely HATED it when Trixie referred to herself in the third person…but what could she do? Trixie was on her fifth year at Ponyville University…Sweetie Belle was just a freshmare…

“Giddy up little horsey” Trixie teased. Admittedly, she may have been having a little too much fun with her new slave… But what did she care? She was the Great and Powerful Trixie! No pony was her equal, and it had become her goal to make sure every pony knew it. “I heard you were looking for a pony by the name of Nitevision.” Trixie said casually, using her magic to file her hooves. “What if I were to tell you I knew where to find him?” Sweetie Belle pondered this for a moment. Could it possibly be true? Or was Trixie playing tricks on her? Sweetie Belle decided it was worth the risk.

“Okay Trixie. I’ll bite. Where is he?”

Trixie quickly retracted her hoof. “No biting! The Great and Powerful Trixie does NOT like to be bit!”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“Not what I meant.” She explained.

“Oh. Well, in that case…” Trixie continued. “I know where to find him. I’ll direct you to his dorm after you take me to class.” Along the way, they passed the semiconscious form of Silver Spoon.

“Mother of Celestia” Trixie cursed. “How hard did you HIT her?”

“Hard enough to get the point across,” Sweetie Belle shot back.

After what seemed like hours, Sweetie Belle dropped Trixie off at the door to her classroom.

“We had a deal, Trixie. I took you to class, now you have to tell me where to find Nitevision.”

“I suppose, the Great and Powerful Trixie is a mare of her word.” The blue Unicorn mused. “His dorm is halfway down the hall.”
Sweetie Belle gave a silent grin, and then walked away. Finally, she was able to see her old friend.

Sweetie Belle knocked softly on the door.

“Go away Silver Spoon! I told you, I’m already in love with Sweetie Belle!” Nitevision shouted. Sweetie Belle took a step back…on the one hoof, he had called her Silver Spoon…on the other hoof…had he just professed his love for her?
She knocked again.

“Give it up Silver Spoon!” Nitevision shouted again, getting angry.

“I hate to say this,” Sweetie Belle’s soothing voice drifted through the door. “But we won’t be hearing from her for a looooong time.”
Nitevision froze. Was Silver Spoon playing a trick on him? Could she manipulate her voice to match Sweetie Belle’s? He decided it was worth the risk. Hopping down from his perch on the ceiling, he moved swiftly to the door, and opened it. “Sweetie Belle?” he asked, in complete shock. “It’s really you?” The mare smiled. “Yes Nitevision, it’s really me.” She said. His heart melted. After all these years….here she was. His love for her had never ceased…in fact, the separation had only strengthened their bond…

“Would you like some cocoa?” Nitevision offered. The snow white unicorn nodded. Cocoa sounded nice. Nitevision smiled, and then took off towards the kitchen. Sweetie Belle watched from a distance, staring at the stallion’s tail. ‘Has it always been such a wonderful shade of blue?’ She wondered. So lost in thought was she, that Sweetie Belle failed to notice when Nitevision returned. “I uh…brought the cocoa…” He said nervously. Sweetie Belle looked up, staring at the large, smooth, mug of cocoa in Nitevision’s hoof. He smiled awkwardly, and set the mug down in front of her, then took his place at the table. “So what happened in your day today,” the bat pony asked, hoping to pick up where they had left off, so many years ago.

“Funny you should ask.” The mare replied. Nitevision’s attention had been caught by the mare’s brilliantly white smile. He loved her smile…it was so much more beautiful than his…he was a monster. Where a normal pony had small, pearly white teeth, Nitevision had fangs. Sharp. Ferocious…deadly…how could any pony like him? He subconsciously ran his tongue over one of the fangs, and then flinched as his sharp teeth sliced it open. Blood trickled down his chin, and Sweetie Belle screamed. “Nitevision,” She shouted. “You’re bleeding!” Nitevision opened his mouth. “It was an accident.” He replied. “I forgot how sharp my fangs are…” Sweetie Belle smiled. She knew how to remedy the situation. “Open your mouth Nite. I know what to do.” The stallion did as he was told. Sweetie Belle took a step forward, and snaked her tongue into his mouth, licking the wound clean, then retracted it, blood dripping from her mouth as well. She wiped her muzzle with a hoof, and then chuckled. “Better?” She asked. Nitevision was too stunned to react. In a way, the mare’s bloody muzzle made her look like she was wearing lipstick. This was too much for Nitevision to handle. He started laughing. Soon Sweetie Belle was laughing too, having momentarily forgotten her troubles with Trixie. Soon, she was laughing so hard that she collapsed, landing on top of Nitevision, who blushed madly. “Sweetie Belle…” he started.

“Yes?” The mare responded, rolling over, looking him in the eye, and brushing a loose strand of her mane from in front of her face. “What is it Nitevision?” The stallion paused. He wasn’t sure how to say this. “Can you do me a favour?” He asked.

“Anything for you,” The mare replied.

“Can you please remove your knee from my stomach?” Nitevision asked. Sweetie Belle looked down, blushed, and then moved back ever so slightly.

“Better?” She asked.

“Much better,” Nitevision said with a grin. “Do you happen to know what time it is?” He asked.

“Uh…” Sweetie Belle looked around. “Ten thirty.” The mare replied. “Oh buck! I’m going to get in trouble if I don’t get back before curfew!” Nitevision frowned. The mare had left her cocoa untouched.

“Before you go…” He started. “Promise me one thing?”

“What is it Nitevision?” She asked, fearing the answer.

“Promise me you’ll visit soon?” He asked. Sweetie Belle nodded.

“That shouldn’t be too much trouble.” She decided, with a giggle.

“Then I will see you in the morning!” Nitevision said excitedly. Sweetie Belle grinned, kissed him on the nose, then stood up and exited the room. “Good night!” She called.

“See you in the morning!” Nitevision called after her, as she closed the door quietly. He sighed, then crawled in to his bed, and drifted off to sleep. ‘What a great first day.’ was his last thought before he fell fast asleep.