• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 499 Views, 8 Comments

Bored On A School Night - MLRNitevision

The story of a young Bat Pony, reunited with an old love of his from many years ago, in the most unlikely place... College.

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Chapter 2 Chemicals and Romance!

"Are you sure he's asleep?' A mare's voice...it was familiar, but he couldn't place it.
"I'm pretty sure." A second mare's voice. He knew this one too, but he wasn't fully aware of who it was.
"I told you to make sure BEFORE we broke in Silver Spoon!" The first voice growled.
"How am I supposed to do that Diamond Tiara?" The second voice whined. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara? What were these two doing here at this hour?
"Just lay down and let's just get this over with!" Diamond Tiara ordered. Nitevision felt something on the bed next to him. What was going on? Suddenly, he grinned as an idea came into his mind. He moved very slowly to not attract attention. It worked. Somehow, he managed to turn his body so that he was facing Silver Spoon. The mare didn't notice. Nitevision heard something. It sounded like a camera shutter...but why would these two be...he realized what was happening moments too late. Silver Spoon's trying to make Sweetie Belle think I was sleeping with her! He thought, his face contorting with rage. Moving with a speed and silence known only to the Bat Pony race, Nitevision jumped out of the bed, positioned himself right behind Diamond Tiara, and then wrapped his hooves around her without warning. The mare shrieked, and dropped the camera, causing her companion to let out a scream. When Diamond Tiara flipped on the lights, she didn't see the Bat Pony anywhere. She turned around, desperately searching for her attacker. Without warning, Silver Spoon let out a cry of surprise. Diamond Tiara whirled around. "That's not funny Nitevision!" She cried. The Bat Pony in question simply snickered. He had no intention of letting his prey go so easily. They had to learn that they could not just mess with him without consequence. True, he did have the handicap of not being able to see in the light, but no matter. He was about to begin picking up the mares and dropping them onto the floor from the ceiling, when his fun was interrupted by a knock at the door. No doubt this was the campus police, come to investigate the screams. He opened the door.
"I can explain!" He began. His voice trailed off as he realized that he was not in fact addressing the police, but in fact, Sweetie Belle!
"Oh?" The Unicorn with the vanilla coat asked, raising an eyebrow. Within moments of analyzing the room, Sweetie Belle determined what had occurred. "Having fun are we?" She asked. Nitevision dropped from the ceiling, and sat at the mare's hooves, allowing her to pat him on the head. "And you two?" Sweetie Belle taunted, addressing the other mares in the room. Silver Spoon shook her head, and Diamond Tiara just swallowed nervously. "Now. I want you two to leave, and never come back here. Ever."
"But..." Silver Spoon started.
"Have you forgotten what happened earlier?" Sweetie Belle warned. "Or do I need to remind you?"
Silver Spoon gulped and shook her head.
"Then leave." Sweetie Belle ordered. The mares hung their heads and walked out the door. Nitevision could have sworn he had heard Silver Spoon mutter 'This isn't over' as she passed, but a single glare from Sweetie Belle put a stop to that.
"Maybe you should come over to my place for a late night study session Nitevision." Sweetie Belle offered. Nitevision nodded. He suddenly felt very afraid to be alone.
"Let's go" the snow white Unicorn beckoned, and Nitevision followed.

Sweetie Belle unlocked the door to her dorm room. The lights were off, so the mare turned them on. The sight that greeted the pair, caused Nitevision's blood to run cold. The dorm looked like a tornado had touched down in it, with papers strewn this way and that, with no rhyme nor reason to them. The same thought occurred to Bat and Unicorn simultaneously.
"Silver Spoon!" They said at the same time.
"We should go after her!" Nitevision growled.
"No...let's stay and clean up first." Sweetie Belle suggested. "We can report this in the morning." She flashed a grin, which implied she was hiding something. But like most things, this was lost on Nitevision.
"Well, if you say so..." He said.
"Oh, I say so." Sweetie Belle said, a droplet of saliva forming at the corner of the mare's mouth. She was hungry...but not for food. She was a hunter, and Nitevision was her prey. Perhaps, he hadn't noticed that there was something suspicious about the mess. Perhaps he had failed to notice that the door wasn't locked, that she had pretended to use her key. Perhaps he hadn't noticed that it was her, that had made the mess in an attempt to get Nitevision alone in her dorm at night? A grin spread across her face. She had been waiting for this for a long time. She turned around, gently running her tail underneath Nitevision's nose. The Bat Pony simply sneezed. Sweetie Belle sighed.
"Nitevision, are you getting tired at all?" She asked. Nitevision shook his head.
"I don't usually sleep at night. Tonight was an exception, it was a long way to fly from Whinnieapolis to here."
Sweetie Belle cursed under her breath. How did she forget that? Nitevision was a Bat Pony, and from what she remembered, Bats were nocturnal. Maybe if rest wouldn't motivate him...
"Would you like some blackberries? There's a bush outside the dorm, I picked them this morning." She offered.
"Sure!" Nitevision was excited to be able to eat. Sweetie Belle smiled.
"I just need you to do me one quick thing." She requested.
"What's that?" The Bat Pony asked.
"Help me clear off the table? I'd do it myself, but the stacks are so heavy...it would take me all night!" She complained.
"So use your magic!" Nitevision suggested. Sweetie Belle gave a frustrated sigh. Clearly, this was not working. Time to switch up my game plan...no more helpless mare. Clearly he's the submissive type. No matter, I can play that way. The mare thought. If he's gonna be submissive, then I'll have to play the dominant role.
"When you're done there," she said "you can have your snack." Nitevision simply nodded, and began to organize the papers as best he could by placing his front hooves on the table. His tail swished back and forth, the mindless gesture mesmerizing Sweetie Belle. Has his tail always been that shade of blue? She wondered. It looked like cotton candy... Maybe just one little taste... The mare's mouth watered. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she neglected to notice that she was no longer looking at his tail, but at her reflection in his goggles.
"Um...Sweetie Belle?" He asked, jolting the mare back to the present
"Yes Nitevision?" She asked.
"I uh...finished the stack..." He replied.
"Good boy..." Sweetie Belle said. "Now time for your reward!"
Nitevision cocked his head. He hadn't heard anything about a reward...
"Close your eyes!" Sweetie Belle said. Nitevision did as he was told.
he was told. Moments later, he felt something like short pieces of hair, along with small...bumps...it seemed at first squishy, but a bit firm, the surface was a bit sticky, and when he bit it, sweet juices flowed out.
"Blackberries!" He said, his mouth full of the fruit. Sweetie Belle nodded, then put one of them into her own mouth, and allowed the juices to flow out. She smiled at him. He smiled back, but this time, he noticed something...odd...about the mare's smile.
"S-shouldn't we be getting back to work?" He asked, glancing at the mare's eyes.
"I would like nothing more." She replied, but Nitevision noticed that the Unicorn's tail had knocked the papers off of the table and on to the floor. "But I'm getting tired..."
"Then I can go home and you can go to bed!" Nitevision offered. Sweetie Belle smacked her forehead with her hoof, then grabbed Nitevision by the tail and dragged him over to her bed. The mare then proceeded to toss Nitevision onto the mattress, then crawled in over the top of him, pausing for a moment to brush a loose strand of mane from her eye, then pinned Nitevision's shoulders to the bed, as her tail tangled into his. She leaned forward, allowing her tongue to roll into his mouth. The Bat Pony proceeded to pass out.

When Nitevision awoke the next morning, three things occurred to him at once: one, he hadn't remembered wandering home the night before...two, this wasn't his bed...and three, he wasn't alone. He looked over his shoulder, at what appeared to be a white ball of fur. Nitevision reached up and felt for his glasses. They weren't on his face, so he felt around for them and located the object on the nightstand. He slowly placed them over his eyes, and rolled over to see what was lying next to him. His heart skipped a beat. It was Sweetie Belle...a stray shaft of sunlight illuminating her snow white fur, which sparkled as she stirred. What did I do last night? He wondered. The blackberry juice stains around the mare's mouth reminded him. Very gently, the Bat Pony laid his head down next to Sweetie Belle's, then proceeded to lick the juice off of her muzzle. Sweetie Belle stirred.
"Oh, NOW you want to be romantic?" She teased.
"I was just hungry...." he admitted.
"Still want to get breakfast?" Sweetie Belle offered.
"Did Celestia raise the sun for a week while Luna was off at Space Camp?" Nitevision responded. Clearly, he had not been very good at History class...
"Sure." She smiled. "Shall we?"
Nitevision crawled out of bed first, then paused to look back at her. She was beautiful...her body up to her chest was wrapped in the sheets. Her eyes sparkled in the light.
"You coming?" He asked. Sweetie Belle nodded and slid out of bed, reaching for her bag.
"I'll meet you outside, I just need to get ready." She winked.
"Okay! See you soon!" Nitevision took a step out the door, and immediately crashed into Snips, the star quarterback for the University. The school was looking at an undefeated season, all thanks to Snips...
Walking along next to him was Spitfire, the gym coach. A silver whistle hung around her neck, and when it flashed in the light, it captured Nitevision's attention, to the point that he didn't notice that Snips was shouting at him.
"HEY!" Hey shouted angrily. "YOU LISTENING TO SNIPS?" He yelled. Nitevision shook his head. Snips readied a blast of magic, while Spitfire looked down at her clipboard.
"Let him go Snips!" Another male shouted. Nitevision, Snips, and Spitfire all looked over at the same time, to see a red Unicorn charging at them with impressive speed. Snips' feeble mind registered what was about to happen - only seconds too late. The red Unicorn slammed into him, sending both Snips and Nitevision spiraling to the ground.
"You okay?" The Unicorn asked.
"Yeah! Who are you?" Nitevision asked.
"I'm Fire Alloy. I don't care who you are." He replied.
"I'm Nite-" The Bat Pony was interrupted by the Unicorn, who shoved a hoof over his mouth.
"I said I don't care who you are." Fire Alloy growled. Spitfire raced over to Snips's side, having witnessed her star player hit the ground with no protective gear. Sweetie Belle stepped out of her dorm room, her mane dripping wet.
"Sorry I'm late boys!" She said, flipping her soggy mane as Rarity would have. "Rarity says a mare never goes out in public without washing her mane first." She shifted her saddle bag from one side to the other.
"You're all wet!" Nitevision pointed out. Sweetie Belle knocked her head against the wall several times, and Fire Alloy just shook his head disapprovingly. Even the Unicorn had known that the mare was trying to seduce the Bat with her dripping wet mane, and clearly this had failed.
"Hey sugar cube!" A familiar voice with a southern accent called. "What are you up to?" It was Apple Bloom!
"Just saving this kid's flank." He replied.
"Oh hey Nitevision! Morning Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom called as she walked over. "What are you two up to today?"
"We were going to get breakfast, care to join us?" Sweetie Belle offered.
"Sure! Hey, Nitevision's here awful early..." the yellow Earth Pony observed.
"He stayed with me last night." The vanilla Unicorn replied, casually.
"But you only have one bed...and a lady never makes her friends sleep on the floor...and..." Suddenly, the situation registered to Apple Bloom. "You slept with him last night?" She shouted. At this juncture, Nitevision hacked, coughed, and pulled a hair matching Sweetie Belle's mane from his throat.
"Alright, I admit it, sleeping isn't the ONLY thing I did with him last night." Apple Bloom's eyebrows shot up. "You mean the rumors about ya'll are true?"
"Well, yes. However, he did pass out the moment I got him in the bed..." Sweetie Belle explained sadly.
"That would make things...difficult..." Apple Bloom said softly. "So do you mind if we join you for breakfast?" She asked.
"We?" Nitevision asked.
"Yeah, Fire Alloy and I are together, kind of like you guys!" The Earth Pony explained.
"Well all right then!" Nitevision replied. He was looking forward to the chance to catch up with Apple Bloom.

The four ponies sat at the table in the cafeteria. All around them was the buzz of chatter, though it was difficult to understand any specific conversation.
"Every Bat Pony, even those as innocent as Nitevision have their guilty pleasures." Sweetie Belle said with a sly grin.
"What's Nite's?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Watch this." Sweetie Belle replied, as she reached a hoof down between her legs underneath the table, and began digging for something. Sheer pleasure illuminated the Unicorn's face as she found what she was looking for, and raised her hoof, now dripping in a clear, sticky liquid. Nitevision recognized the substance immediately, and leaned across the table to lick it off of her hoof.
"Corn syrup!" Apple Bloom cried! "How did you know that?"
"Back when we first met, I didn't know about Bat Ponies, so I asked Twilight about it. Turns out, he loves corn syrup. I keep some in my bag for him so he can lick it off."
"That's a cool trick!" Apple Bloom said.
The doors at the end of the cafeteria opened, and two ponies entered the room.
"What's SHE doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked, watching as Spitfire and Snips entered the room.
"I'm thinking she's playing body guard." Apple Bloom said.
"You've both got it wrong," Fire Alloy said. "Rumor has it, that physical education isn't the only thing she's teaching him."
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, then pushed each of their trays away from them. Nitevision was the only one that was still eating.
"Why are you still eating?" Apple Bloom asked. "What he said is disgusting!"
Nitevision shrugged. His breakfast, consisting of oats and powdered sugar, covered his muzzle.
"Are you brain dead?" Fire Alloy asked. Sweetie Belle shook her head.
"He's innocent. I like that." The mare explained.
"Whatever." Fire Alloy rolled his eyes.
"What are you two up to tonight?" Apple Bloom asked. "Another sleepover?" The Earth Pony winked.
"Maybe, maybe not. Actually, why don't you call up your cousin, and we can go out for drinks?" Sweetie Belle offered. Apple Bloom visibly paled.
"W-why Babs Seed?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Because, it's been a long time since I've seen her!" Sweetie Belle replied. "I'll go find Scoots and see if she wants to join us. Let's say we meet up around six, at my place?"
Apple Bloom gulped. "S-sure..." She said.
"Perfect. See you at six!"

There was a knock at the door. Sweetie Belle answered with a grin.
"Hey there Sweets!" A familiar mare with a Manehattan accented called.
"Babs!" Sweetie Belle cried. "How long has it been?"
"A long time! Oh! I almost forgot! Look who I found!" Babs Seed took a step to her right, revealing Scootaloo standing next to her. The Pegasus cracked a grin.
"Hey Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo said. "What's up?"
There was another knock at the door.
"Come in!" The trio shouted at once. The door opened, and Apple Bloom entered the room.
"Hey there cousin!" Babs Seed greeted the Earth Pony.
"How are you Babs?" Apple Bloom responded.
"Not bad! Who's the stallion?" She asked.
"I'm Fire Alloy. Apple Bloom's boyfriend."
"Ooh! How adorable!" Babs taunted.
"Oh, pipe down." Apple Bloom shot back. There was another knock at the door, and it opened before anyone could respond.
"Sorry I'm late guys!" Nitevision said. Sweetie Belle grinned.
"Hey Nite!" How are you?" The Unicorn greeted.
"Pretty good! When are we gonna leave?"
"How about now?" Babs Seed asked.