• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 2,469 Views, 54 Comments

Chaos and kindness: My Beautiful Bride - Sapphire One

Discord runs into Fluttershy at the market place and somehow ends up on a date.

  • ...

Hearts and Hooves day

I woke up about two hours after Luna's visit, I was heading to Canterlot to get some of those fancy chocolates that Fluttershy was talking about. When I was in Canterlot I somehow found my way into the castle.

"What, Canterlot Castle? I didn't teleport here. Oh well. I'll just make my way down to the square."

I was turning a corner and ran horns first into Celestia. Papers and scrolls went everywhere.

"Oh, sorry." We both said at the same time.

I was flat on my tail and so was Celestia. We both laughed. When we tried to stand up her horn got caught inn between the notches of the back of my antler. I made things worse when I tried to pull but both of my horns out of her mane I got tangled in her already tangled mane. I didn't realize she was in pink pajamas and her hair......was also pink?

"Celestia? Do you dye your mane?"

"Um, yes, and to make things worse, Luna pulled a prank on me with magic and spell proof sticky conditioner."

"Okay, is Twilight around?" I said trying to twist my self into more comfortable position for the both of us but only making things even worse.

"Yes, she is helping with the tour around Equestria with Arabian Night."


"Also on the tour."

"This might ruin my plans for today with Fluttershy!" I groaned.

"And this might ruin my plans with Sombra!" Celestia groaned.

"Wait, Sombra!"

"He's been reformed for as long as you have. He's back to the stallion I knew a thousand years ago." Celestia said dreamily.

"Well, let's try to walk."

"No, that wouldn't work because you're much taller than me and I have four hooves."

"In that case, we can try to fly."

"True, and it would be much more comfortable."

We tried to lift off and it worked. so far.

''We can lift off, try to go left,"

"Your left or my left.?"

"I'll always refer to yours since I'm giving directions and I know which way to go."

"Ok, where exactly are we going?"

"To first get my revenge, into Luna's bedroom.. She always sleeps in, and she won't get up until Arabian Night gets close to Canterlot."

"What prank?"

Celestia whispered the plan to me.

I smiled wickedly, "You know we should team up more often. I never get to do these any more!"

I snapped and a video camera appeared in my free paw.

As we flew into the kitchen, quite a few chiefs and waiters looked at us confusseed.

"Luna's idea of a prank." we said together.

"Anymore questions?" Celestia asked.

a waiter spoke up. "How did he get in this?"

"We ran into each other while I was walking to my bedroom. And before any of you ask yes I dye my mane, yes I wear pink PJ's to bed and yes, this is war!"

"What do you need?" the dishmare asked.

"A bowl. Fill it with warm water. And call the laundry maid." Celestia said with a smirk.

"Celestia, I had no idea you can be so evil!"

After the maid levitated the bowl up to Celestia and bowed. She nodded he head in acknowledgement and we attempted to leave in a somewhat dignified way. We quietly entered Luna's bedroom.

Luna was snoring loudly and left the lamp on.

Celestia levitated the bowl of warm water and I gently lifted her hoof up just enough for Celestia to get the bowl under her hoof. After the bowl was directly under her hoof I gently put her hoof in the bowl.

"where did you learn this trick?"

"The Internet."

"Of course."

"Turn the camera on." Celestia said as she pulled the covers back and reveiled tthat Luna was wearing bright cyan colored PJ's

I turned the camera and for good measure turned on the light.

"We waited for a full minute and a dark spot on Luna's pants began to form. After a little bit more waiting the moment we had been waiting for finally came. The trickle became a full on stream. The dark spot grew too her shirt and the clean white mattress became yellow and steam began to erupt off of luna's pants.

"Is she going to stop anytime soon?"

"Oh, soon. I guess she went to bed with a full bladder."

"Can I wake her up?" I asked pleadingly.

"Go ahead."

I conjured up a blow horn and and earplugs for me and Celestia once the earplugs were in I pointed the blow horn upwards and pushed the button.



We both fell over laughing.

"You did this!? Celestia? What did I do?"

"What did you do? Your kidding."

"Is this about that sticky conditioner? I know, but this is a little extreme! I mean come on makiing me pee my bed?"

"No it's no extreme for this! Now how long does this last?"

"An hour."

"Okay, now that I've got you back all we have to do is wait for this spell on my conditioner to wear of and we can both go on our dates with out being humiliated."

"Well that makes three of us, wait please don't show that video to Arabian!" Luna looked at us with pleading eyes.

"Fine! in exchange....... For your desserts for all of next weekend!"

Luna hesitated. "D...Deal."

"Hold on, I think that the spell wore off," I slowly stepped back and my horns slid out a little.

"It wore off! Okay, Celestia, take a step to the right and one step back." In a split second we were separated.

"Yes, that had to be the weirdest hour of my life so far."

"Agreed!" I said as I stretched my back.

"Luna, I think you should go take a shower!"

"Agreed." Luna said looking at her wet PJs.

"Well, good luck on your dates!" I said as I turned to leave.

"Good I still have an hour till Fluttershy wakes up." I went down to the square to get those chocolate and I got the chocolates that Fluttershy wanted and I also got a nice big bouquet for her. I teleported back to my house.

"I teleported Fluttershy to her cottage and left a note by her bed.

" Meet me under the gazebo in sweet apple acres for a special surprise.

Love, Dissy"

I set up the picnic up under the gazebo. When I looked up I saw..... Sombra?



"You got rid of the purple mist stuff and that red glow from you horn."

"And Celestia told me you're reformed."

"It's good to see you, Sombra! So what have you been doing these last several hundred years?"

"Oh, well I got trapped in ice for a thousand, before that Tirek corrupted me so he could take over Equestria. But since he got sent to Tarterus the spell went with him. So what about you? What was your punishment?"

"Trapped in stone for a thousand as a statue. Went mental when ponies told me I was a freak and that ticked me off quite a bit. But I stormed off and I met Crystaliss in the shape of my mother. She told me stuff about why she didn't love me and why shy left me. That's why I went nuts."

"So How did you get reformed?"

"A pony named Fluttershy. Kinda funny really, she's one of the elements of harmony, you know the only things that can beat me. But I bumped into her in the market and kinda had ssome feelings for her since she's the first friend I've ever had and well it became so much more then that."

"Am I interrupting?" a voice from behind said.

"Arabian?" me and Sombra said together..

"Yup, so what are you two doing?"

"Waiting for my date."


"I actually am also on a date, do you mind if I have it here with you guys?"

"I don't mind, how about you Sombra."

"It's good with me."

"It looks like a triple date then. Did you guys bring food? I only have enough for Luna and me."

"I only have enough for Celestia and me. How about you Discord?"

"Me and Fluttershy, but who likes dessert?"

"I brought dessert. Hearts and hooves day extra large cupcakes." Said Arabian Night.

"Special Dark Chocolalate cake. Sunny's favorite."

" Hearts 'n' Hooves day Dump cake, Carrot cake cupcakes and Blueberry Cheesecake extra large pie. All of my Butterfly's favorites"

"You guy's have already started nicknames? What did they come up with for you guys."



" I think it'll be Nighty-Night."

I saw three bobbing figures in the distance.

"Quick! Lay out the food! They're coming!"

We each used our horns to take everything out of our baskets."

"What kind of flowers do your marefriends like?

"Lulu likes petunias and night shades."

"Sunny likes Morning Glories and cherry blossoms."

I snapped and two large bouquets appeared in front of them along with a box of caramels and chocolates.

The three mares were very surprised when they saw the triple date.

"Dissy, did you plan this plan this?"

"No,not really, we just happen to have the same spot."

"Well, let's eat."

We sat down to eat.

"Sunny, this is for you." Sombra levitated a golden locket in the shape of a heart. Embodied in the top of the locket is Celestia's cutie mark and Sombra's which is gem of his birthstone and other jewels surrounding it.

"Open it."

Celestia opened the locket and a slide show of all the happy times since they got back together.

"I love it Shadow! Now for your present."

Celestia levitated a large box out from inside her saddle bag.

Sombra opened the box and levitated it out. It was a jumbo jewelry makers kit with brand new tools and more jems.

"Wow Sunny! How did you know?"

"I had a feeling when you gave me a pair of earrings." Celestia giggled a bit.

"Your turn Lulu" Arabian Night levitated a a small box that was decorated with sapphires and a crescent moon shape to top it off.
"Open it, Lulu."

Luna opened it and a beautiful melody played out of the box. Inside, there was a necklace and earrings that matched the outside of the box.
"Nighty, it's beautiful! Now for your gift." Luna livitated a square siver locket out of her saddle bag.

"Open it." Luna said sweetly.

Arabian Night opened it and inside was a picture of them that she had tacken earlier today. On the other side of the locket was an inscription. "Every moon needs it's night. just like every night needs it's moon."

"Your so sweet Lulu, you know that, right?"

"Your turn Dissy," Fluttershy said.

She pulled out a box that was wrapped. I tore off the wrapping paper and opened the cardboard box. Inside my present was, a varity of fearther, a nice set of strings, a bottle of feather glue, some new scissors, a big varity of gems, and a jem cutting knife.

"Oh, how did you know?"

"Well, I looked at your tools and they all looked rusty so I got you some more and newer ones."

Did I mention the big tool box?

"Well now it's your turn." I gave her a long thin box.

She opened the box and pulled out the bow and the stealth of arrows with ten more arrows.

"Dissy! This is even more beautiful then the last one! What did you use this time Dissy?"

"Red oak for the arrows and the bow, Red Jay feathers and rubys. Look on the bottom."

Fluttershy tilted the stealth so she see the bottom. Engraved in the leather, was a heart, inside the heart, was " Discord + Fluttershy.".

"Discord, you're too sweet sometimes."

"I know, but I don't want to stop!"

"Happy hearts and hooves day everypony!" Celestia said.

"Hey y'all, oh, my goodness. Your highnesses!" Applejack said with a bow.

"Ah figued y'all would want some pie. Granny Smith always makes a big apple pie for the couples out in the gazebo. So, y'all want some pie?"

"Oh Applejack, there's no reason to bow, you know us."

"Apologies, Celestia, old habits die hard." Applejack gave a small laugh.

"Do ya mind introducing your dates?"

Gladly, this is Sombra. I beleive you two have met once." Celestia said.

"This is Arabian Night. I sure you've heard of Saddle Arabia. He is the Prince there."

"Well, howdy, wait, that's reformed Sombra, right?"

"Quite, he's been reformed for a while."

"Well, Howdy, I guess I'll be seein' yall around. And feel free ta use the gazebo anytime ya want."

"thank you Applejack, I hope you'll come to forgive me for what I've done in the past." Sombra said.

"Don't worry 'bout it sugarcube. I've already come to forgive ya." Applejack said with a wink.

We continued our dates with out any intteruptions. I have to say It was one of the best Hearts and Hooves Days I ever had.

Author's Note:

Hit me with whatever you got Luna/Sombra! Yes I paired her up with some pony else. He is an saddle Arabian if you remember magic duel I got it from there!

*presses button an d force field appears around house and puts armor on*

I told you that you were gonna hate me.