Chaos and kindness: My Beautiful Bride

by Sapphire One

First published

Discord runs into Fluttershy at the market place and somehow ends up on a date.

Discord runs into Fluttershy at the market and ends up on a date! Celestia ends up dating an old friend/enemy who is reformed. Luna ends up with the stallion who saved her life. Twilight gets hitched with a guard. Will sparks fly? Will they hear wedding bells? Or will they each part their seperate ways? Find out in this goofy tale told by Discords point of view!


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I was simply walking down to the market having a casual stroll. The air was crisp and I found myself staring at the pegasi above the clouds. It was because of that I bumped into Fluttershy.

"Oh, Fluttershy I didn't see you there," I paused, realizing I was staring.

"Are you okay?"

I felt very stupid staring at her like that. "Here, let me help you with your bags," I said as polite as I could. I helped her up and carried her bags to her cottage.

"Um, thank you Discord." She was blushing and what happened next I think was either destiny or stupidity.

"Hey, Fluttershy, are you doing anything tonight?"

"No, why?"

My answer came out of nowhere. "Would you like to catch a bite at my place?"

I felt a blush creep across my face.

I do make a mean pasta." Again, I have no idea where that came from.

Fluttershy's answer was even more surprising than mine, and I'm the spirit of chaos, am I not?

"Sure, I'd love to. What time?" she said with sparkle in her eyes. Speaking of eyes, those eyes were full of love and kindness, and how else do I put it? Beauty.

"How about six."

"That works for me." Her eyes were like a snakes, enchanting.

As the door closed I teleported away to my pocket dimension and started talking to myself and pacing.

"Shoulder Angel, where are you?"

"Yes, you called?" a voice answered from his miniature self in white robes. Shoulder Angel was a conjured up mini Discord that I could talk to about anything I want, and yes I mean anything.

"Apparently I had the guts to ask Fluttershy out."

"You mean that Pegasus that you had a crush on a while back? I thought you said you were over that!"

"I am. I thought you had something to do with this! I completely lost control"

"Well maybe I pushed a button or two in that thick skull of yours." His halo was glowing brighter.

"Well, maybe I didn't need that," I huffed back at him.

"Well, maybe I thought it was best, you're desperate! Look at yourself! You're pacing a hole through the floor!"

I looked down and sure enough he was right.

My face was red with anger.

"Shut the buck up, will you!" I cussed at him.

"Over her? Yeah, right. And watch your language!"

"Fine, you can think that and I just won't go!" I yelled at him.

"Whatever. Wait! What? You can't just leave her there, by herself, alone."

"Yes I can and will!"

"Fine, leave her there and you lose the only friends you have!"

"What do you mean?" I said suspiciously eyeing him.

"Think about it! If you leave Fluttershy then she's bound to tell her friends and they will never forgive you for this!" This is when I realized he was right.

"Fine! I'll go but you owe me big time!"

"Trust me, you’re gonna thank me later!"

When I looked up at the clock it was a quarter past five. Almost time for my date. I got my home all spiffed up and got the table set for two. I started to cook our dinner. We were going to have mushroom pasta with a side of salad. I zapped up some flowers for a center piece. She liked tulips and roses so I did that. For a last minute touch I added a napkin with a silver spoon and fork for the two and went to meet Fluttershy.

The Date

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I snapped my friend's fingers and I instantly appeared in front of Fluttershy. She was giving instructions to Angel.

"All you need to do is feed the rest of the animals. It really isn't that hard."

I cleared my throat to let her know I was there. Her ears perked up when she heard my presence.

"Discord! I didn't realize you were here! Just give me a second to straighten this bunny out." Angel gave a barely audible gulp.

Fluttershy gave Angel the stare, the worst punishment that Fluttershy could give to one of her critters. I thought she was cute when she was angry. Wait what am I thinking! Well, maybe I did think that.

When Angel got his stare out and he decided that he was going to obey. I zapped us back to the pocket dimension and we sat down and started to eat dinner. The first half of dinner was quiet and very uneventful.

"So, Fluttershy, what do you do in your free time?" It was a stupid question but I couldn't bear any more silence.

"I actually sing and do target practice." Fluttershy said.

I wasn't surprised when she said singing, but target practice?

"Um, target practice? I'd believe singing since I can hear you sing from here but I don't ever see you do target practice. What kind?"

"I'm good on a slingshot and a BB gun, but the bow and arrow is my thing! Of course I wouldn't hurt anypony but I live so close to the Everfree Forest I need some type of defense. I can show you after we eat if you like, but what about you?"

I thought for a moment or two to answer," I sometimes work on working my magic skills like doing chain teleports or hovering a glass of chocolate milk around the room without spilling a drop. I also create and fly model helicopters but feathering arrows and making bows are my favorite hobbies even if I don't know how to shoot them. If I run out of material I just think up some more or go pull a good one on Luna or Celestia." I said with a satisfied smile, thinking I had impressed her.

"Do you make and feather the bows and arrow by hoof or by magic?" She asked.

"By hoof of course! Even though I do tend to levitate it to where I need it or just to keep it steady to string them but the carving does feel weird if I do it by magic so I do that by hoof too."

"Since we're done with eating we can show off our skills! You can make me a couple of arrows and a bow and I shoot! I have the perfect spot in the Everfree Forest where I go most of the time to practice. I can take you there."

"Deal! I just go and get my tools and materials and I'll show you how to make one." I said with a wink. I disappeared to gather some fine oak once I had found the perfect pieces I tested it strength, bendy but doesn't break. Then I went further into the forest where just the other day I saw some pink Flamingos nesting and it was molting season for that type of bird. At least that was what the book in my paw said. I featured outwards till I found the springs that I had seen the birds fly towards. The birds were nesting but most of them were asleep. I quietly tiptoed deeper into the nesting grounds. I quickly spotted the alpha bird. The one with the deepest colored feathers. Sure enough he was on guard for his young and his mate who often had the darkest and glossiest beak. His mate was asleep. Her feathers matched Fluttershy's mane exactly!

"Perfect." I said to myself.

Around her there was at least forty feathers. I quickly picked them up and stepped away. Teleporting back to my pocket dimension where Fluttershy was waiting, I made sure to be less dramatic with my entrance. She was a little surprised when she saw me holding a bunch of flamingo feathers.

"Discord! How did you get those? You didn't...." I cut her off.

"No of course not! It's molting season for Flamingo's. I found an entire flock of them by a spring. I always feather arrows with real feathers. They fly much easier with real ones."

She gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness. What kind of wood is that?"

"Oak." I tell her.

"That's red Oak Discord! It's really rare! How did you?" I cut her off again.

"A whole grove by the spring that the flamingos are nesting in."

"That's amazing!"

"I know, and back a while ago maybe ten or eleven years ago I found a pond in a hole in the ground. Behind a thicket where the brambles were thickest in the middle of the Everfree Forest. I happened to be carrying a red oak tree for Celestia and I fell in the hole. It was pretty deep in the Forest so I got lost but before I could teleport I fell in the hole. Surprisingly the plant didn't break. I knew that that red oak was probably the last of it's kind so. I came up with a spell but in a rhyme.Into your reflection you stare. So you're yearning for one whose reflection your share? Do you solemnly swear not to be scared of the prospect of being doubled in paired. I said the rhyme out loud and the tree sort of grew out of the water. I picked it up and had an idea. If I make enough I can make a grove and make Celestia happy by saving an entire plant from going extinct. I, uh, kinda had a slight crush on her back then, but, that was before she blasted me into an uncomfortable stone prison block.

"Hey, about two years ago Pinkie fell into the same pool. But how come there's a legend about the mirror pool when Pinkie's granny told it to her about Seventeen years ago."

"Oh, did I say seven? I meant seven hundred years. Celestia and I were friends back then.

"Oh, well that makes some sense I guess. Oh well, let's get to work on the bow and the arrows."


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I grabbed a piece of wood off the small pile of red wood I had gathered a little while ago.

As I put the piece of wood next to her. I thought of something to say.

"So, where is this special place of yours you keep mentioning?" I said with a variety of tools in my mouth.

"Oh, it's just a small clearing in the forest that my father took me to when I was younger. Not much."

I started running a small knife up and down the edges of the stick to remove any thorns or nubs of branch, but at the same time not trying to remove any of the unique coloring. next I took the glue in my claw and oh so very carefully so there was no extra stands of the glue. I next took the scissors in my claw and snipped just up where the thick part joins up with the feathery lightness. I was careful to make it so that that thick part was cut in half so that all of the feather stayed together. I carefully aligned the glue and the feather and stuck in there and held it for about ten seconds. I repeated the process four times over and let the arrow dry while I worked on the next one. I did the process for ten arrows.

"Do you shoot with dull or sharps?"

"Sharps." Answered Fluttershy who was fascinated by how I make arrows.

"I'll be right back." I said.

Again into the forest I venture. Of course since I am trying to impress her I want to make this batch my most amazing yet. I usually just make arrowheads from plain limestone but since I wanted to impress her I was going to the abandoned diamond dog mines. They picked up and moved someplace else because, if I remember correctly they were afraid that whining little pony pony would come back. I walked into the mines and made a basket appear out of thin air. I was trying to remember that spell that Rarity had shown me for finding pacific gems. Oh yes that's right!

"Amethyst, glow, sparkle and show." In a moment a series of small lights shown out of the ground.

I set the basket beside me and started to rapidly dig. In five minutes the basket was full and overflowing slightly. I whisked away with the basket of jewels and instantly appearing in front of Fluttershy. Her eyes were full of sparkle and amazement.

"Wow, Discord. Not even Rarity can find that many gems in less than five minutes!"

"Well, Rarity told me a very handy spell to find certain types of jewels."

I started to carve out the first arrow head. It was a little bit shaky but with good practice I picked up on a technique. The rest went by and I carefully set the last of the pinkish carved gems. I looked down into the basket and saw that there were still plenty of gems. I had a sudden stroke of genius of what to do with the remaining ones. I picked up the leather that I planned to use and quickly painted it pink. Then, while it was drying I picked up a gem and started to carve out a butterfly. The paint dried quickly. By the time that that had rolled around, I had already finished the three butterflies. I quickly start to glue them in the shape of her cutie mark and let it dry. Next I Take the remaining piece of wood and start to move the knife over the wood but not robbing it of it's natural color. The piece of wood is already in the shape of a bow so there is no need to work on the shape. Then I make a small notch for where the arrow is suppose to fly. Then I wrap a long thin piece of leather that I dipped in the pink paint when I painted her sheath. Next the string. I chose a long elastic one from my draw and Quickly string the bow. Then I use the remaining gems to decorate the bow.

I didn't realize that I had frozen time when I started to make the bow. No matter, with a snap of my claw we were back on track.

"Wow, that was fast!"

"Actually Fluttershy, I accidentally froze time. Don't worry, everything is back on track." I blushed again, what is wrong with me?
"Well, that's good. Can I see the your work?"

I didn't realize I was hiding it behind my back.

"Of course! It's my best one." I could feel the blood rush to my checks.

"Oh my Celestia! It's the most beautiful one I've ever seen! And you made this?"

"Yes, I did like I said it is one of my best ones. Come on let's go and see what this can do!"

A few minutes later we were walking in the moonlight towards the Forest. Fluttershy was carrying the bow and sheath of arrows. Suddenly she took flight with a swift motion of her wings. We were now Flying into the forest canopy. A small opening in the trees appeared and Fluttershy swooped down and landed, I followed.

"So this is it?"

"Uh huh, just behind these bushes."

Behind the bushes was a series of targets and stands for a bow.

"Watch this." Fluttershy said confidently.

She set the new bow on one of her stands. She loaded the bow and pulled back taking a careful aim. She released and the arrow was sent flying. The arrow quickly found it's mark, right in the center on the target.
"Bulls-eye!" cried Fluttershy.

"Wow, that's amazing! Do your friends know about this?"

"I actually was going to tell them tomorrow. I've only been shooting here for about a year now."

I stood dumbstruck as every arrow found their way into the center of each target. She retrieved the arrows and stowed them in the stealth.

"Here, thanks for letting me test them, and thanks for the dinner, it was delicious by the way. Do you want to do this again sometime?"

"That would be lovely, and keep them, as a gift from me. I don't even know how to shoot them so you have them."

"Really!? Are you serious!?" she cried admiring the bow I made her.

"Of course and one more thing." I knew I was blushing at this point." Do you want to be my, um..."

"What was that?"

"Would you like to be my...."

"Go on spit it out lover boy!" Shoulder Angel said as he hit me up-side the head.


"One more time?"

"Will you, be my mare...friend?" I finally asked, my heart racing.

"After tonight, yes." she giggled in response.



"Well, come on, I'll walk you home."

Nicknames and friends

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We've been dating for the past few weeks and in a few short days it will be hearts and hooves day! Fluttershy absolutely adores the bow I made her. She's going to show it to her friends soon.

As I walk through the market I see Fluttershy and her friends in a group.

"Fluttershy! How did you get an amazing bow and arrow set?"

Fluttershy started to answer, but I of course stepped in, " Hello My little butterfly! Have you told them yet?"

Pinkie looked at Discord with a confused look "My little butterfly? What's that all about?"

"Yeah Discord, and told us what?" Twilight asked.

"I was just about to tell you that me and Discord have been dating and he made me this with his own paw and claw."

"You? And Discord? An item? Somepony get me a fainting couch!" Rarity be overly dramatic... Again.
"Yes, is there something wrong wig me and dissy?"

"Dissy? Oh Celestia, here comes the nickname!" Rainbow who rolled her eyes said with disgust.

"I think it's kinda sweet," added Twilight."And Discord did you really make those without magic? That must have been hard!"

"Actually Twilight, it's my some of my hobbies. When I'm bored I go out into the Forest and gather some wood, stone and feathers. This one is my best one yet and I made it for my little butterfly to impress her so she would be willing to be my mare friend. The tips of the arrows are amethyst and so are the gems on here. and the bow and arrows are made of pure red wood and the feathers are flamingo feathers from the leader of the flock's mate herself."

"Impressive, very impressive. I especially like your technique on the.... wait did I hear that correctly? Red wood? That's impossible! Red wood has been extremely endangered for the past century!"

"You know that mirror pool that Pinkie fell into a few years back? Well seven hundred years ago I was bringing Celestia the last Red wood tree to protect and maybe get it to bear seeds. But on my way back I got lost and didn't know where in Equestria I was. If you've been keeping up on your studies, Twilight, then you should know that red wood is magic proof when still alive. So I couldn't teleport back to the castle. I kept wandering and I fell into a hole in the ground behind the where brambles grew thickest, in the middle of the Everfree Forest. I tumbled down and found a small pond and go the most awesome idea yet! I decided to use a duplication spell on the water and sang out a rhyme.' So into your reflection you stare. So you're yearning for one whose reflection you share. Do you solemnly swear not to be scared of the procces of being doubled and paired?' I said this as I put the tree in front of the water, another one appeared out of the water. I called this rhyme the mirror pool. And I made Celestia happy that I planted a grove of red wood."

"Wow, that's fascinating!" Twilight said in awe.

"Yes, and I would also like to show you guys something, and it may be a little surprising."

Fluttershy's Surprise

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Fluttershy led us thought the forest toward to were Fluttershy and I had our first date. It was daylight and there was a gentle breeze with barely a cloud in the sky. The group came to a sudden stop and we started too fan out so each of us can see what she was doing.

"Girls, this is one of my hobbies, and I assure you that I would never hurt an innocent animal."

Without another word Fluttershy walked over to a stand, set the bow on it, loaded the bow and pulled back. After a few moments Fluttershy released and made yet another perfect bulls-eye. She pick up the bow and repeated the process with all ten of the arrows that I made he. All of thee arrows perfectly in the center of each target. Everpony stood shocked and dumbstruck like I did when I first found out,.

"Fluttershy turned around and looked at everpony in surprise.

"what? I have to protect myself from the timberwoves that come near the treeline. I'm best on a bow but I can do slingshot and firearms. I'm deadly accurate."

"Well, that's cool and all but who taught ya?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy was blushing,"I don't really like to talk about him."

"We completely understand Fluttershy, well let's go get some lunch."

"Um, Twilight, are you really okay with us being together?"

"Yes, of course we're just a little bit shocked from the news."

Futtershy and I looked around and everypony gave a nod.

"Thanks girls. If you don't mind, I want to have lunch with Dissy." She said walking up to me.

"You guys should really try his cooking. It's amazing! Especially that mushroom pasta."

"Ok, see you later Fluttershy, you too Discord."

As the group walked away. I asked Fluttershy if she wanted to have some lunch at my place and watch a movie.


"But first we need to get to the market and pick up a few things."


"What do you need to pick up?"

I pulled out a shopping list out.
"It looks like I need to pick up, eggs,milk cinnamon, cloves, garlic, bread, cherries, flour, vanilla extract, mushrooms, and some noodles."

Fluttershy thought for a moment. "How about, we split that list in half. I'll get half the list and you can get the other so we can get back faster."

I tore the list in half and gave one half to Fluttershy.

"Meet me back here when your done." I say to Fluttershy.

She nods in response.

When our shopping trip is over, we meet in the same spot about an hour later with grocery bags and some left over bits. I snap us back to my pocket dimension and I start to make supper. While the water's boiling I start to make my favorite dessert, dump cake. I de-pitt the cherries with magic since that usually take forty five minuets, I levitate brown sugar and a measuring spoon from the cupboards. I make sure that there is cherry juice in the bottom of the bowl and stir in the brown sugar until thick.II dump it in the pan. Next I mix the eggs a cup of milk a cup and a half of flour and three teaspoons of vanilla. After it was all stirred in I snapped and made all the cake batter, cake batter mix I pored the dry cake batter all over the cherries and put it in the oven for ten minutes. I went to go check on Fluttershy, I told her to browse my DVD and blue-ray disk collection. Looks like she picked a movie.

"What will we be watching?"

"It's call beauty and the beast.."

"That sounds good, Do you like dump cake?"

"Dump cake? I've never tried it."

"Well no wonder, I made the recipe myself."

"Well that sounds good."

"Let's get this disk in while our foods still cooking."

I popped the disk in and we sat on the couch. After some previews I heard the familiar beeping sound of my oven. I had timed it perfectly so that the dump cake would be cool enough to eat right after we finished our supper. We watch the Disney movie beauty and the beast for a while, Fluttershy tried my dump cake and she loved it! I can't wait for Hearts and hooves day. You know what I just realized? That movie was just like us but with out me sending her away. Just wait til you see what I've got planned for Hearts and hooves day!

Luna's crush

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We had both fallen asleep on the couch together during the movie last night. This is when Luna Decided to come stomping through my door. She saw the TV on but she didn't see Fluttershy. She went around to the front of the couch. She was no doubt about to yell at me for something. Then she saw me and Fluttershy snuggled up close to each other.

I woke up seeing her, face to face with me.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me Discord."

I rubbed my eyes,"What?"

She eyed Fluttershy's Figure beside me. I caught the hint.

"Oh,you haven't heard? Fluttershy is my mare friend."

"That doesn't explain why you two are sleeping together." Luna said Glancing at still sleeping Fluttershy.

"We were just having supper and a movie and we fell asleep while we were watch beauty and the beast. That's all all."

Fluttershy stirred in her sleep.

"Does Celestia know?"

"I don't know. Twilight and her friends know. Besides whats the big deal anyway? So what I found a mare that I like, is there a problem?"

"No, but do you know what say is today?"

I looked at my calendar. " Hearts and Hooves day. Why?"

"Discord have you forgotten! Today is also Arabian Night's visit to tour Equestria, Starting with Pony Ville! He will be touring how things work! I want everything to be perfect!" Luna was bblushing when she said Arabian Night.

"Luna I would have automatically marked y calendar if you had told me that today is a certain day. Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"Fine, I admit it. One day a while back, he saved my from being crushed to death and I....."

I finished the sentence for her. "Like him?" I said smiling.

"Yeah, I know I have more important things to do then chasing some stallion," Luna's cheeks flooding with blood.

"You can't get him out of your head, can you."

"I tried to forget about the indecent but I couldn't it haunted my dreams, I couldn't get rid of the vision, the boulder was coming at me my wings were injured and while I was running I tripped and fell I couldn't get up, then he came out of no where, his wing spread and my in his arms, I got one glance before I passed out. He brought me to Canterlot where Celestia met up with him, I have vague memories of Clelestia running in the hospital with Arabian Night yelling.

"Some pony any pony help! Luna's hurt!" Then I remember waking up in a hospital bed a couple of hours later with Tia and Arabian standing next to my bed. I had a concision, four fractures, both of my wings broken and a sprained ankle. If he hadn't heard me scream then I wouldn't be here right now."

"You know how you can get rid of those nightmares?"


"Ask him out."

Luna went deep in thought.

"Fine, but can you decorate the palace? Please so it looks as it his visit is really important." Luna looked up with pleading eyes."

In return I rolled mine and simply snapped my fingers.

"There, now may I go back to sleep, It's five in the morning." She rolled her eyes at me and left with out another word and I went back to sleep thinking about how today was going to be perfect.

Hearts and Hooves day

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I woke up about two hours after Luna's visit, I was heading to Canterlot to get some of those fancy chocolates that Fluttershy was talking about. When I was in Canterlot I somehow found my way into the castle.

"What, Canterlot Castle? I didn't teleport here. Oh well. I'll just make my way down to the square."

I was turning a corner and ran horns first into Celestia. Papers and scrolls went everywhere.

"Oh, sorry." We both said at the same time.

I was flat on my tail and so was Celestia. We both laughed. When we tried to stand up her horn got caught inn between the notches of the back of my antler. I made things worse when I tried to pull but both of my horns out of her mane I got tangled in her already tangled mane. I didn't realize she was in pink pajamas and her hair......was also pink?

"Celestia? Do you dye your mane?"

"Um, yes, and to make things worse, Luna pulled a prank on me with magic and spell proof sticky conditioner."

"Okay, is Twilight around?" I said trying to twist my self into more comfortable position for the both of us but only making things even worse.

"Yes, she is helping with the tour around Equestria with Arabian Night."


"Also on the tour."

"This might ruin my plans for today with Fluttershy!" I groaned.

"And this might ruin my plans with Sombra!" Celestia groaned.

"Wait, Sombra!"

"He's been reformed for as long as you have. He's back to the stallion I knew a thousand years ago." Celestia said dreamily.

"Well, let's try to walk."

"No, that wouldn't work because you're much taller than me and I have four hooves."

"In that case, we can try to fly."

"True, and it would be much more comfortable."

We tried to lift off and it worked. so far.

''We can lift off, try to go left,"

"Your left or my left.?"

"I'll always refer to yours since I'm giving directions and I know which way to go."

"Ok, where exactly are we going?"

"To first get my revenge, into Luna's bedroom.. She always sleeps in, and she won't get up until Arabian Night gets close to Canterlot."

"What prank?"

Celestia whispered the plan to me.

I smiled wickedly, "You know we should team up more often. I never get to do these any more!"

I snapped and a video camera appeared in my free paw.

As we flew into the kitchen, quite a few chiefs and waiters looked at us confusseed.

"Luna's idea of a prank." we said together.

"Anymore questions?" Celestia asked.

a waiter spoke up. "How did he get in this?"

"We ran into each other while I was walking to my bedroom. And before any of you ask yes I dye my mane, yes I wear pink PJ's to bed and yes, this is war!"

"What do you need?" the dishmare asked.

"A bowl. Fill it with warm water. And call the laundry maid." Celestia said with a smirk.

"Celestia, I had no idea you can be so evil!"

After the maid levitated the bowl up to Celestia and bowed. She nodded he head in acknowledgement and we attempted to leave in a somewhat dignified way. We quietly entered Luna's bedroom.

Luna was snoring loudly and left the lamp on.

Celestia levitated the bowl of warm water and I gently lifted her hoof up just enough for Celestia to get the bowl under her hoof. After the bowl was directly under her hoof I gently put her hoof in the bowl.

"where did you learn this trick?"

"The Internet."

"Of course."

"Turn the camera on." Celestia said as she pulled the covers back and reveiled tthat Luna was wearing bright cyan colored PJ's

I turned the camera and for good measure turned on the light.

"We waited for a full minute and a dark spot on Luna's pants began to form. After a little bit more waiting the moment we had been waiting for finally came. The trickle became a full on stream. The dark spot grew too her shirt and the clean white mattress became yellow and steam began to erupt off of luna's pants.

"Is she going to stop anytime soon?"

"Oh, soon. I guess she went to bed with a full bladder."

"Can I wake her up?" I asked pleadingly.

"Go ahead."

I conjured up a blow horn and and earplugs for me and Celestia once the earplugs were in I pointed the blow horn upwards and pushed the button.



We both fell over laughing.

"You did this!? Celestia? What did I do?"

"What did you do? Your kidding."

"Is this about that sticky conditioner? I know, but this is a little extreme! I mean come on makiing me pee my bed?"

"No it's no extreme for this! Now how long does this last?"

"An hour."

"Okay, now that I've got you back all we have to do is wait for this spell on my conditioner to wear of and we can both go on our dates with out being humiliated."

"Well that makes three of us, wait please don't show that video to Arabian!" Luna looked at us with pleading eyes.

"Fine! in exchange....... For your desserts for all of next weekend!"

Luna hesitated. "D...Deal."

"Hold on, I think that the spell wore off," I slowly stepped back and my horns slid out a little.

"It wore off! Okay, Celestia, take a step to the right and one step back." In a split second we were separated.

"Yes, that had to be the weirdest hour of my life so far."

"Agreed!" I said as I stretched my back.

"Luna, I think you should go take a shower!"

"Agreed." Luna said looking at her wet PJs.

"Well, good luck on your dates!" I said as I turned to leave.

"Good I still have an hour till Fluttershy wakes up." I went down to the square to get those chocolate and I got the chocolates that Fluttershy wanted and I also got a nice big bouquet for her. I teleported back to my house.

"I teleported Fluttershy to her cottage and left a note by her bed.

" Meet me under the gazebo in sweet apple acres for a special surprise.

Love, Dissy"

I set up the picnic up under the gazebo. When I looked up I saw..... Sombra?



"You got rid of the purple mist stuff and that red glow from you horn."

"And Celestia told me you're reformed."

"It's good to see you, Sombra! So what have you been doing these last several hundred years?"

"Oh, well I got trapped in ice for a thousand, before that Tirek corrupted me so he could take over Equestria. But since he got sent to Tarterus the spell went with him. So what about you? What was your punishment?"

"Trapped in stone for a thousand as a statue. Went mental when ponies told me I was a freak and that ticked me off quite a bit. But I stormed off and I met Crystaliss in the shape of my mother. She told me stuff about why she didn't love me and why shy left me. That's why I went nuts."

"So How did you get reformed?"

"A pony named Fluttershy. Kinda funny really, she's one of the elements of harmony, you know the only things that can beat me. But I bumped into her in the market and kinda had ssome feelings for her since she's the first friend I've ever had and well it became so much more then that."

"Am I interrupting?" a voice from behind said.

"Arabian?" me and Sombra said together..

"Yup, so what are you two doing?"

"Waiting for my date."


"I actually am also on a date, do you mind if I have it here with you guys?"

"I don't mind, how about you Sombra."

"It's good with me."

"It looks like a triple date then. Did you guys bring food? I only have enough for Luna and me."

"I only have enough for Celestia and me. How about you Discord?"

"Me and Fluttershy, but who likes dessert?"

"I brought dessert. Hearts and hooves day extra large cupcakes." Said Arabian Night.

"Special Dark Chocolalate cake. Sunny's favorite."

" Hearts 'n' Hooves day Dump cake, Carrot cake cupcakes and Blueberry Cheesecake extra large pie. All of my Butterfly's favorites"

"You guy's have already started nicknames? What did they come up with for you guys."



" I think it'll be Nighty-Night."

I saw three bobbing figures in the distance.

"Quick! Lay out the food! They're coming!"

We each used our horns to take everything out of our baskets."

"What kind of flowers do your marefriends like?

"Lulu likes petunias and night shades."

"Sunny likes Morning Glories and cherry blossoms."

I snapped and two large bouquets appeared in front of them along with a box of caramels and chocolates.

The three mares were very surprised when they saw the triple date.

"Dissy, did you plan this plan this?"

"No,not really, we just happen to have the same spot."

"Well, let's eat."

We sat down to eat.

"Sunny, this is for you." Sombra levitated a golden locket in the shape of a heart. Embodied in the top of the locket is Celestia's cutie mark and Sombra's which is gem of his birthstone and other jewels surrounding it.

"Open it."

Celestia opened the locket and a slide show of all the happy times since they got back together.

"I love it Shadow! Now for your present."

Celestia levitated a large box out from inside her saddle bag.

Sombra opened the box and levitated it out. It was a jumbo jewelry makers kit with brand new tools and more jems.

"Wow Sunny! How did you know?"

"I had a feeling when you gave me a pair of earrings." Celestia giggled a bit.

"Your turn Lulu" Arabian Night levitated a a small box that was decorated with sapphires and a crescent moon shape to top it off.
"Open it, Lulu."

Luna opened it and a beautiful melody played out of the box. Inside, there was a necklace and earrings that matched the outside of the box.
"Nighty, it's beautiful! Now for your gift." Luna livitated a square siver locket out of her saddle bag.

"Open it." Luna said sweetly.

Arabian Night opened it and inside was a picture of them that she had tacken earlier today. On the other side of the locket was an inscription. "Every moon needs it's night. just like every night needs it's moon."

"Your so sweet Lulu, you know that, right?"

"Your turn Dissy," Fluttershy said.

She pulled out a box that was wrapped. I tore off the wrapping paper and opened the cardboard box. Inside my present was, a varity of fearther, a nice set of strings, a bottle of feather glue, some new scissors, a big varity of gems, and a jem cutting knife.

"Oh, how did you know?"

"Well, I looked at your tools and they all looked rusty so I got you some more and newer ones."

Did I mention the big tool box?

"Well now it's your turn." I gave her a long thin box.

She opened the box and pulled out the bow and the stealth of arrows with ten more arrows.

"Dissy! This is even more beautiful then the last one! What did you use this time Dissy?"

"Red oak for the arrows and the bow, Red Jay feathers and rubys. Look on the bottom."

Fluttershy tilted the stealth so she see the bottom. Engraved in the leather, was a heart, inside the heart, was " Discord + Fluttershy.".

"Discord, you're too sweet sometimes."

"I know, but I don't want to stop!"

"Happy hearts and hooves day everypony!" Celestia said.

"Hey y'all, oh, my goodness. Your highnesses!" Applejack said with a bow.

"Ah figued y'all would want some pie. Granny Smith always makes a big apple pie for the couples out in the gazebo. So, y'all want some pie?"

"Oh Applejack, there's no reason to bow, you know us."

"Apologies, Celestia, old habits die hard." Applejack gave a small laugh.

"Do ya mind introducing your dates?"

Gladly, this is Sombra. I beleive you two have met once." Celestia said.

"This is Arabian Night. I sure you've heard of Saddle Arabia. He is the Prince there."

"Well, howdy, wait, that's reformed Sombra, right?"

"Quite, he's been reformed for a while."

"Well, Howdy, I guess I'll be seein' yall around. And feel free ta use the gazebo anytime ya want."

"thank you Applejack, I hope you'll come to forgive me for what I've done in the past." Sombra said.

"Don't worry 'bout it sugarcube. I've already come to forgive ya." Applejack said with a wink.

We continued our dates with out any intteruptions. I have to say It was one of the best Hearts and Hooves Days I ever had.


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It was time for Winter Wrap-up. The end of winter had come, the land was done resting and the Pegasuses had dropped the last snowflake.
Fluttershy, Celesta, Luna, and Twilight had joined our get together with Flash. We didn't complain. we decided to get Shining Armor and Cadence on our dates. We all decided to go ice skating, Lyra and Bonbon were put in charge of supervision and organization for winter wrap-up.

"Come on Flash! You'll look fine. Ice skating is easy when you get the hang of it." Twilight called from the ice. She had been practicing ever since Pinkie showed her how much fun it was when you got used to it. Twilight picked up on it pretty fast when Pinkie started giving her lessons.

"Okay, here it goes." Flash closed his eyes and stepped on the ice.

The other Princesses were also having trouble, Luna was scrambling, Arabian Night was trying to calm her down but was unsuccessful and instead falling down with her, They both fell over laugh.

"Sunny, like this, left hooves, right hooves." Sombra said.

"That's it Fluttershy, you've got it! try to come to me."

"Okay, I'll try."

Fluttershy started to shakily skate towards me.

"Dissy, I did it! But i prefer to state together."

"Anything for you my sweet."

"This is so much fun!" Said Luna as she span out of control on her flank.


"Don't worry Sunny, I got ya." Sombra said catching Celestia.

"Wow, that was fun! But I can't feel my hooves. Let's go check up on winter wrap up."

After we made sure everything was going okay, we headed home. I dropped Fluttershy off at her cottage. After I said goodnight, I went back to floating castle in my pocket dimension. I went over to my desk and continued the surprise for Fluttershy. I'm going to present it to her on her birthday, just three days away. The surprise was a magic compass that pointed to us if we ever got separated.

After a few fixes and decorating it was ready. The compass was my mothers til she gave it to me. She was in Zebrabway filming a documentary on wild Zebra natives. My Father is her camera man. I looked at my clock, two in the morning. I fell asleep knowing that Fluttershy will love her birthday present.

Two days to go until the big surprise for Fluttershy. Today I gathered some bits and headed to Shine's emporium. As I headed out I caught a glace of the unfinished poem on my desk. I was suppose to give it to her on Hearts and Hooves day but I completely forgot about it. I reread what it said. And Finished it, the last two stanza.

"Oh, my dear Fluttershy, Even thou I'm no pony
you certainly are my one and only.
All through the night, as the owls call who,
everything in my chaotic mind is centered around you.

"And whenever the time come if I must say goodbye,
I'll never let go until the time is rye
although I'm not a very pleasing view
every time we part I'll say, I love you"

I mean every word of it, my little butterfly,

Met me at your favorite shooting spot, on your birthday. We can watch the sun set together. Wear something nice.

Love Dissy."

I signed my nickname and teleported it into her mailbox.

I came back from Shine's Emporium and saw the mail pony trying desperately to stay upright.

"L-L-Letter for Mr. Chaos. Is that you?" The mailpony was a rookie who had never seen me before.

"Why yes, are you new? You look a bit terrified."

"Y-Y-Yes I am! I also heard from the others that you would eat me if I got too close."

"No, I'm reformed! But the schmooze however, he has his own way of eating you."

"You mean that big green thing with the mailbag in it"


My pet platypus, Guano, ran/waddled out to the mailpony.

"Guano, you need to get back inside." I said as I picked him up.

"Well thanks for the letter. Here I'll teleport you back.

With a snap he was gone and safely back in ponyville.

I looked at the clock and it was a quarter past two. I sighed and I opened the letter.

"Dear Dissy,

Thank you for the poem. And yes I will be able to make the date. I can't wait.

See you soon, Fluttershy."

I smiled at her reply. I pick up one of my helicopters and my remote and flew it around.

Sometime while I was flying around I fell asleep. I was having the most wonderful dream, I was on a picnic with Fluttershy, She told me that she loved me and we almost kissed, but I woke up. I looked up at the clock, seven. I got up and made myself some pasta. then I went to bed.

Today's the day, I woke up rather late this morning but I'm not as tired as yesterday. I went to the market, my stomach gave a funny jolt. This is where I bumped into Fluttershy and asked her out. Considering today I was

"Discord, it nice seeing you here." Twilight said Interrupting my train of thought.

"Hello Twilight, nice seeing you here. How are you and Flash doing."

"I'm fine, but Flash has been acting strange, do you think he'll pop the question?"

"I don't know Twilight, he just might." I said thinking.

"How about you and Fluttershy, she said you were taking her on a birthday date to watch the sunset."

"Yep, I got her something special."

"Well I'll see you around. and tell Fluttershy happy birthday for me."

"I will, see you around."

I quickly finished my shopping list and teleported back home.

After I put everything away, and ate it was around two. I took a nap, hopped in the shower and wondered what to wear. My plan was to take her ballroom dancing in the forest. It was around an hour left till sunset. I made my chose of what to wear. A navy tuxedo. I snapped myself to the spot and made sure everything was ready and perfect. I snapped back the house. And got my gift.

I went to go pick up Fluttershy.

"Happy birthday, Fluttershy! That's from Twilight and me."

"Aw! You are so sweet! How do I look?"

I opened my eyes and took a look.

"You look,..............." She was beautiful. She was in a dazzling white dress with a white orchid tucked behind her ear.

" oh, too much huh, I'll just go and change."

"No! You look beautiful Fluttershy. Shall we?"

She giggled and nodded in reply.

We walked into the everfree till we got to were Fluttershy's practice station was. It is now a marble waxed floor with a fancy gazebo over top with a magical orchestra.

"Oh Discord, this is wonderful!"

" Oh it's just something I put together at last minute." I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"well, what are we waiting for let's dance!"

We danced for a while and also watched the sunset.

"Wow, what a beautiful sunset, almost as beautiful as you."


"You'll never get me to say that something else is more beautiful than you."

"My, someone's a flatterer." She said batting her eyelashes.

"How long have we been together? Six months? Well, to tell the truth, I didn't think we'd make it this far."

I reached in my pocket and pulled out the gift I got her. At the same time, I got down on one knee,

" I want it to be longer, so Fluttershy? Will you marry me?"

She looked down at the ring that was fit to her hoof, it was engraved with diamonds and other gems. I had picked the most beautiful and expensive ring that the store had.

"She looked at the ring and back at me,
"Yes, no pony else is for me! Yes, yes yes yes yes!" She was crying as she put the ring on. After she did she jumped on me and kissed me full out he lips.

"I love you, dissy."

"I love you too, Butterfly."

We made out for a good five minutes and pulled away for air.

"Should we go tell our friends?"

"sure if you want to."


"Ok, now that everyponys here. Me and dissy have an announcement."

We let the suspense build, " I'm engaged to discord!"

There were various gasps and congrats from all around the room.

"So are you two lovebirds happy?" Asked Spike.

"Spike, all I can feel is happiness." I replied.

Now my life is complete.

Other Surprises

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They were still congratulating us when Sombra and Celestia walked in.

"Hey everypony, what going on?" Sombra asked.

"Oh, nothing, we just got engaged." I joked.

"Oh, that's nice. Wait, what? You got engaged?! That's amazing!" Celestia exclaimed

"Speaking of engagements." Sombra said suspiciously.

He got down on one knee and sommon a small blue velvet box. He opened it and inside there was a ring fit to her horn, it was embedded with ambers and sunstone and said, "Celestia Solar Eclipse? Will you marry me?"

There was various gasps from the group awaiting her answer.

"Oh, Sombra, Yes, Yes YES!" Celestia's eyes welling up with tears as she leaned in to kiss Sombra. Sombra gladdly returned the kiss.

There was applause and cheers from around the room. I was happy for them.

As Twilight was talking to Celestia I went to talk to Sombra and Arabian.

"So you finally had the guts to pop the question, huh." Arabian joked.

"Yeah, I knew she was gonna say yes, maybe." Sombra said

"So, you gonna start planning?" I asked.

"Yeah, we"re probably going to start tomorrow."

"I've got plans and would you two be my groomsmen?"

"I would be honored Discord."

"So would I."

"Great!" I said.

"I also need suggestions on where the wedding should be."

"How about, that field, you know where she released you from stone."

"That's a great idea! If you'll excuse me, I need to go talk to Fluttershy."

Fluttershy was talking to her friends, probably about the wedding.

"Fluttershy, my dear, um, do you think that the field where you released me from stone is okay for the wedding? You know, since it's where we first met."

"I was actually thinking about that field too!"

"That's great! I'm assuming that your bridesmaids are these five, right?"

"Actually, I think I'm going to have Twilight host the wedding since she's a princess and all, but besides that, yep. And what about your groomsmen?"

"Already got it covered. Sombra and Arabian Night."

"We can have Spike be the ring bearer, and the cutie mark crusaders be my flower girls." Fluttershy said excitedly.

"Applejack can bake and cook, and Rarity can design your dress, or we can go dress shopping." I said in return.

"We should have Pinkie host the after party."


"What? Did somepony say I get to get ahold of the music?" Pinkie jumped form behind us.

"Oh, my Pinkie, you startled me."

"Sorry Flutters, but do I get control of the music?"

"At the wedding reception." I said as I flew down from the celing.

"Why were you on the celing?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm part cat, when somepony scares me like that, I jump."

"Oh, well, okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie said with glee as she skiped away.

"Anyhow, do you want to come over to, my place, to plan the wedding."

Fluttershy giggled and stepped closer to me.

"I'd love to."

Right before the party cleared out, we announced that there will be an engagement party.

I snapped Fluttershy and I back to my house.

"Well, so when did you buy the ring?"


"You know, my engagement ring." Fluttershy said as she held out her hoof.

I kissed it in return.

"Oh, two days ago."

"So, did you really think I was going to say yes?"

"I don't know to be honest, I had a feeling that you'd say yes. But at the same time I had a horrifing thought that, you'd say no. And push me away."

She saw the look in my eyes, saddness, at the thought that she wouldn't want to see me again.

"Hey, but things worked out. I mean, come on, I would never push you away. Never."

"Okay, that's all I need to hear from my future wife."

"I love you Dissy."

I was shocked at the words. Then I realized that, it's true. And I loved her.

"I love you too, my little butterfly."

I said as we kissed and fell asleep on the couch. With her beside me.


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I woke up on the couch around nine. The first thing I saw was her beautiful yet delicate figure breathing softly. I took a peek in her head.

She was still dreaming, we were skating together, I quickly jumped in when she looked away.

I replaced the dream version of me with myself.

"Oh, Discord. Your such the flatterer, taking me skating like this." She stared into my eyes dreamily.

"Oh, I can do much more." I flirted with her.

My powers were even more powerful in the dream plain.

In an instance e appeared at my favorite places.

"Welcome, to my dream plain. Since I'm the element of pure chaos, I have more control of my dreams than most ponies. For instance."

I thought one of my favorite dreamscapes and the scenery changed instantly. It was my best friend's planet, Gallifey. He once showed it to me via hologram. His name, well, he has a name, but he never told me it. He goes by the Doctor, he travels through time and space in his tardis. He is a Time Lord. The last one perhaps. He's an outcast, like me. He looks like a normal pony. He doesn't die, like most ponies. He regenerates. His anatomy is exactly the same as a pony's but he has two hearts.

The ground beneath our hooves was littered with silver leaves, there were mountains in the distance, the second sun was small and steadily rising in the south. Meanwhile, the first sun was also rising, but it was in the west. The skies burned ruby, it was even more impressive then Celestia's. The city, in the north, in a bubble of pure energy, protected the city from unwanted visitors. The clouds in the sky, were a light shade lilac. In the west, where the first sun was rising, there was a lake. The lake shimmered as it reflected the sunlight. A beautiful flower, floated atop the water. It looked like a rainbow colored lava lamp. I picked it and gave it to Fluttershy, my one and only true love.

."It may be pretty, but your beauty could out shine it with ease."

"Oh, Discord, I love you to the end of the Earth."

"I hate to end it, but we' ve got planning to do."

"Yeah, but, can we stay? Just five minutes longer. It's just so beautiful."

"This is Gallifrey, it actually exist and I can take you here. You can meet one of my friends, the Doctor."

"For our honeymoon, can we go here?"

"Of course, I just need to send him a invitation to the wedding."

"Speaking of which, wakey wakey!"

I snapped us out of the dream plain, her eyes snapped open.

"Good morning my love."

"Oh, my," she said as she yawned and streached "I had the most wonderful."

"I know, I took you to my dreamscape, and I wasn't lying when I said it was a real place, or planet I should say."

"You, can see inside my dreams?"

"Never mind that. We've got planning to do!"

Fluttershy's Parents

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"Honey, do you have the list?"

"Yes, Dissy, I have the list."

"Well let's go then! What's first?" I asked.

"Um, first we need to, get the cake. To Sugar Cube Corner first." Fluttershy said as she looked at the list.

I teleported us to Sugar Cube Corner.

"Hello, Mrs. Cake, we're here for our appointment to sample cake, for our wedding."

"Why, yes dear, ju..."

She was interrupted by the twins yelling.


"ONLY IF YOU CAN CATCH ME EGGHEAD!" Pound answered back





Rainbow was training Pound and Twilight was mentoring Pumpkin in magic. both of them were about ten years old.

"Here, you get the cakes and I'll tell Pound a surprising fact about Dash."

"Kids, can you come down here for a moment?"


"Now please."

"Okay." The twins said in a much calmer tone.

The twins came down the stairs

"Now, Pound, why did you take your sister's book?" Fluttershy asked calmly when the two were front and center.

"Because, she needs to get her head outta the paper, and stop reading and help time me for my flight test on Monday."

"My test is much more important and I've already timed you, you shattered your record three times already!"

"Bot of your tests are both equally important, but Pound, you need to stop calling Pumpkin names. Do you want to know what happened when Rainbow called Twilight an egghead when she landed herself in the hospital?" Fluttershy said.

"I don't recall that one from Twilight."

"I don't remember Dash telling me anything."

"Well, then I'll tell you the story. Rainbow was doing some pretty cool tricks, and she crashed pretty hard. She ended up hurting her wing. So she had to stay in the hospital for a few days. She was very bored, so Twilight went into the hallway and out to the passing rolling hospital library. She grabbed a book off the shelf, it was called "Daring Doo And The Quest For The Sappire Statue". She laughed and told Twilight that books were for eggheads like her.

"Eventually, Rainbow got so bored that she did the unthinkable!"

"What!?" The twins cried out.

Fluttershy let the suspense build.

"She.......started to read the book!"

The two gasped.

"She got so into the book that she even liked it, but when she was checked out early, she didn't have time to finish it. She tried to get checked back into the hospital, but she failed. Then, she tried to sneak back in the hospital. It worked, for a short period time, the current resident of the bed she was in, woke up, and cried out in Alarm. The doctors and the nurses came running. But she remembered that Daring Doo had been in a similar situation. She drained the last strength in her injured wing the glide over the filly that was on her right.

"She ran through out Ponyville waking everypony up, they finally cornered her in Sweet Apple Acres, the doctors were confused, they thought she was stealing slippers, but she was just trying to finish Daring Doo. Twilight was surprised that Rainbow even picked up the book. She let Rainbow borrow all of the books. She learned that books are for all ponies, sporty and 'eggheads'. And if you don't beleive me, I'll bet you my wedding dress that Rainbow Dash has the entire Daring Doo collection in her room right now, and you can probably sneak up on her while she's napping, and find a Daring Doo book in her hooves."

"Ha, ha right! Books are for eggheads, and that's that."

"Pound, I'm telling you, she likes some books, and that's that."

There was a soft snoring sound coming from out side, we all went to see what it was. In the tree behind Sugar Cube Corner, was Rainbow Dash taking a nap.

Flutter shy nudged Pound and whispered,"go on, see if there's a book."

Cautiously, Pound quietly hovered up. Rainbow, was asleep, there WAS a book, but it was covering her face, the title read, "Daring Doo And The Quest For The Sapphire Statue". Pound had landed on a branch above Rainbow to get a closer look. There was a crack, Pound suddenly fell, right on top of Rainbow.

"GAAAAAAHHH! Pound? What are you doing!?"

"Rainbow? Your an egghead?"

"Yes and no, but can we talk about this when you're not on top of me?"

Pound nodded and they both flew down to the ground.

"Now, what the hay were you doing?" Rainbow asked calmer than I thought she would.

"Fluttershy told me that you were into books, and that you had this weird incident where you were in the hospital, and Twilight gave you a book to read, and you read it and you couldn't finish it, and you broke into the hospital....."

"Yes, Pound, you need to understand that you can be totally awesome but like read some too. There's nothing wrong with being wrapped up in a book or liking reading, and trust me, if any pony makes fun of you for reading, then tell 'em that I read."

"Okay, I'm sorry Pumpkin for calling you an egghead, here's your book back."

"Apology excepted, I promise that after my exam, that I'll time you, promise."

"It sounds like you need to write to Princess Twilight." Rainbow said.

"There you all are, you can start sampling some cake. Its all laid out." Mrs. Cake said pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

"Thank you Mrs. Cake, we'll let you know which cake to bake." I said with a smile.

After around twenty samples, we deciphered on a special dark chocolate that was moist, and a delishios carrot cake, also moist. We wanted to have an eight layer cake, alternating between the two flavors. with a cotton candy flavored icing. We both came up with the design.

"thanks again Mrs. Cake." Fluttershy said pulling out some bits.

"Oh, it really is no bother dear. Come again soon!" She said as we walk out of the little sweet shop on the corner.

"What's next?"

"Flowers, to Lilly's, Roses, and Cherry Mash."

I snapped and we appeared in front of Lilly.

"Oh, hello Lilly, where's Cherry mash and Rose?" Fluttershy asked looking around.

"Oh there in Canterlot, helping with Princess Celestia's wedding."

"I had to stay behind and help you two with your appointment. So how are you and Discord coming along."

"We're doing good. How are you and Orchid?"Fluttershy asked

"Good I supposed, he's been acting up, he's not seeing me as often. But that doesn't matter right now, you two need flowers!"

"I was thinking Roses, orchids, carnations, and, do you have and poison joke?"Fluttershy said reading the list we made earlier.

"I need more carnations but, I have everything else."

Zecora had recently made a discovery, if you water poison joke with the herbal bath water then it won't play the jokes on you. The flower has a pretty blue hue, so it has been quite popular.

"Here, I found the rest of the Carnation, will that be all the flowers you need?" Lilly said looking at what she had in stock.

"Yes, that should be it, thank you Lilly!" Fluttershy said as she walked out of the store.

"Let's see, next is, ooh, my wedding dress."

"Oh no! I forgot to tell your family!" I cried out as I realized my mistake.

"No matter, we can pick them up."

I snapped us to Manehatten.

We were in front of the veterinary clinic.

"Now, remember Mr. Youcon, Rover gets the pill, and Lady gets the syrup." a light yellow pegusis with a violet mane in a bun said in a sweet gentle voice that sounded similar to Fluttershy's. Her cutie mark was a paw print with a red cross inside it. Her eyes were the same sapphire blue that Fluttershy had.


"Fluttershy! how have you been! It's been too long!"

"I know. I've been wrapped up in things."

"Well that was my last appointment for the day, so, who is this?" She asked looking at me.

"This is Discord. He got a little forgetful and forgot to send the letters out."

"Well, hello, I'm Honey Cloud, let my call my husband in here. Ocean Breeze! Fluttershy's here!"

"I'll be there in just a second dear!"

There was hoof steps and a few seconds later, a pegusis with a ragged brown mane appeared at the stairs.His coat was a shade of buttercup and his eyes were also a shade of yellow. He was wearing a tie. His cutie mark was a dolphin over top of a red cross under water.

"Fluttershy!" Her father said as she gave him a hug.

"We missed you so much."

"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Discord."

They didn't see that I had gotten bored and hung from the ceiling.

"Hello, I'm Discord. Nice to meet you." Fluttershy's parents jumped back in fright, because I had appeared out of nowhere.

I casually walked across the ceiling and down the wall and on to the floor so they could see me properly.

"Discord, you behave yourself, you do want to make a good first impression, don't you?" Fluttershy said in a glaringly voice.

"Now dear, I'm just having some fun."

She rolled her eyes, her gorgeous sapphire eyes.

"Oh, Dissy, I love you, you know."

"Not as much as I love you." I said, flirting with her.

She giggled in return.

"Um, Fluttershy, is there something you'd like to tell us?" Her father asked.

"Um, yes, Discord is my fiance."

Her father paused, things running through his head.

"Well, this is wonderful, so when did he pop the question?" Her mother asked excitedly.

"About a month ago. He got me the most expensive one they had." She said holding up her hoof to show her parents.

"Oh, my word! It's beautiful!"

"Yes, it's pretty, may I have a word with you, Discord?" Ocean Breeze said finally coming out of his trance.

He led me into another room and shut the door.

"Now you listen here Discord, you take care of her, and if you leave her, I swear, I will make you regret it until the day you die, and I, will personally make every day of your miserable life, LIVING TARTERUS!"

"Whoa, take it easy 'dad', but I will never leave her. She is the one pony who ever showed me compassion. She is the only pony in a thousand years to even be a friend. She is the one, who freed me from a stone prison.Do you, really thing that I would even think about throwing all that away? Now, I swear, that every ounce of chaos in me, will be dedicated to making her happy. I, The Lord Of All Things Chaos, will, for once, be happy. And that's because of her. Because of her,is the only reason that Manehatten is even still here. So, I don't think that I'll be leaving her anytime soon."

"I've warned you Discord."

"Dissy, we need to stay on track, come on! We need to go pick up the girls!" Fluttershy called from the other room.

"Coming dear!" I said as I rushed out the door and in front of Fluttershy.

"After we pick up my friends, then we'll go to "The Beautiful Bride" in Fillidephia."

"Well, let's go!"

Discord's Parents

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I snapped and we appeared in Twilight's castle, in the throne room.

"Wow, so, this is where you live Fluttershy?" Honey asked.

"No, it's where my friend Twilight lives. I just hang out here."

Twilight walked down the stairs on our right.

"Hey Fluttershy, hey Discord. So what brings you here?" Twilight said.

"Hi Twilight, we're about to go dress shopping. And I want you to be one of my consultants."

"Oh, of course, and who do have with you."

"These are my parents, Twilight, this is Ocean Breeze and Honey Cloud."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, but please, just call me Twilight." Twilight said holding her hoof out.
Ocean Breeze and Honey Cloud took it.

"Come on, the rest of the girls are in the lounge."

We walked up the stairs and found the rest of the gang hanging out.

"Girls, we're going to go dress shopping for Fluttershy and she wants us to be consultants."

"Awesome! I'd love to go." Rainbow Dash said.

"So would I!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Well, let's go then." Twilight said.

"First we need to get my parents, after all, they don't even know that I'm engaged."

"True, but how are they going to react?"

"Who knows? Speaking of who, I also need to get my brother."

"You mean The Doctor? The time lord you said earlier?"

"Bingo!" I shouted

“Well, to Zimbabwe!”

I teleported us in the middle of a campsite.

“That’s weird, they sh- AHHHH!!!” I stepped on a trap and ended up hanging upside down a good ten feet above the

“Wolfie! We have visitors!” My mother shouted at my father.

“Coming dear!” My father shouted as he stepped out of the tent.

My father looks a lot like me, but more muscular. He has two sets of horns on his head, each look like mine but the one on either side was the same as the other. His arms are two different tiger limbs and his hind legs are made out of an eagle talon and a lizard leg. His eyes the same shade as mine.

My mother however looks very different from me. Her head is a light shade of lilac and her body a sapphire blue that was slender like mine but more feminine. Her arms are made out of a falcon talon and a snow leopard's paw. Her hind legs consist of a blue lizard leg and a cloven hoof like mine. Her eyes were a soft baby blue. She has a flowing white mane, emerging through her hair was a unicorn horn, she also had a ram's horn and a greenhorn, but we never could decide what it was. she also had two mismatch Pegasus wings. Her tail was a scorpion’s.

My mother flew up to me and cut me loose.

I ungracefully fell head first leaning against the tree i was cut from.

“Discord, it’s been forever since you came down here!” My mother said as she gave me a hug. I got up and returned it.

“Ah, it’s been too long since you’ve seen your old man!” Dad said as he ruffled my mane.

“Mom, Dad, this may be a bit sudden, but, I’d like you to introduce you to a couple of friends.” I walked them over to the group.

“Mom, Dad, this is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Honey Cloud, Ocean Breeze, and this is Fluttershy. I suggest getting to know these ponies especially Honey, Ocean, and Fluttershy.” I said.

“Why those three specifically?”

“Well, those three are your future in-laws.”

“What do you mean, Discord, come on spit it out.” Wolfie asked.

“Fluttershy’s my lovely bride to be!”

There was an awkward silence.

“Well, I’m Zayiana. Nice to meet you!”

“I’m Wolfie. I look forward to the wedding, when is it?”

“We’re planning it. We came to get you for consultants of my dress fitting. I’m Fluttershy by way. And Discord's the only pony for me, I honored to finally meet you.” She said shyly.

“Come on, we can talk more when we pick up the Doctor.” I said trying to rush them along

“Let’s go! We’re behind schedule as it is.” Fluttershy added.

“Hold on, I need to protect the camp real quick.”

Zayiana’s horn lit up with a purple aura. When she was done, the camp was in a bubble of protection.
I whisked us away to fetch my brother.

Discord's Brother

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My brother is a time lord. The last time lord to be exact. We're not exactly brothers. He crash landed in my backyard when I was about six. And yes I mean 6. When he crash landed, the Tardis, his ship, had to self repair itself. It was bigger on the inside. A lot bigger on the inside. In fact, he uses an entire star to power it. His ship is just a little blue Police Box on the outside.
I teleported us inside the Tardis.

The Doctor was talking to his companion River, who had been exposed to the time vortex when she was conceived so that made her part time lord.

"So, since it's your birthday darling, where and when do want to go?" The Doctor asked.

"Surprise me!" River said.

"Surprise!" I yelled as I hung down from the ceiling.

"Discord, is that you?" The Doctor said in surprise.

"Yes, is it you brother?"

"My goodness, Discord, you nearly gave two heart attacks!" The doctor said clutching two places of his chest for empathize.

"Ah, just like times Doctor," I chuckled.

"Yes, River, this is Discord. He's my brother, well, adoptive brother I should say."

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Discord. The lord of all things Chaos," I extended my talon to her.

"Lord of all things chaos? Now when did my little brother get such a title?" He joked.

"When I wrecked havoc when I went a little mad," I answered casually.

"Okay, so you mind telling me who these ponies are?"

"Yes, this is Applejack, element of honesty, Rarity, element of generosity, Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty, Princess Twilight Sparkle, element of magic and princess of friendship, Pinkie Pie, element of laughter. And finally, Fluttershy, element of Kindness and your new in-law. The two are Honey Cloud and Ocean Breeze, Fluttershy's mother and father. And of course our parents," I took a breath.

"Mom, Dad, it's good see you. How is your trip in Zimbabwe? And.... What about in-laws?"

"Are all my relatives losing hearing of something? Fluttershy is my fiance, your new sister in-law and her parents are our new mother and father in-laws," I said again slightly annoyed.

"Wow, congratulations, Discord. So who is Fluttershy out of this bunch?" He said looking at the ponies in front of him.

Fluttershy steps out from behind Rarity.

"Guilty as charged, honored to meet you,"Fluttershy said extending a hoof not realizing that she extended her ring hoof.

"Wow, what a ring. Discord must have really thought you were gonna yes!"

"Oh, he actually just made the bits he needed out of thin air."


"He's the lord of chaos. I'm also the one who originally reformed him," Fluttershy explained.

"Discord? What is she talking about being reformed?"

"We'd like to know too," my parents stepped out of the crowd and joined the conversation.

"Oh, well, you know how I said elements and I went a little mad? Well, I look different from other ponies and at first they didn't accept me into society at first. They called me things like 'it' and 'monster' and 'freak and 'chimera'. That's when my sanity broke into a million pieces. I created chaos. I made the clouds cotton candy and made them rain chocolate milk.
"I made Pegasus wings paper and unicorn horns candy canes. I made bunnies with long giraffe like legs. I make corn popcorn and I made other ponies sneeze so the houses around them fell. I kept on making chaos. I turned.....temporarily evil.

"The princesses Celestia and Luna used the elements of harmony to imprison me in stone. For a thousand years. I managed to be freed when some fillies fought nearby me. I planned to get revenge on Celestia and Luna for trapping me for a thousand long and cold years in black silent limbo. I can hear things and slightly see things. Imagine having to live a millennium without moving, without talking and without blinking.
"When these six ponies put me into back into that boring prison for the second time I was even madder than before. I was put in a position like this!" I mimicked the position I was in for who knows long.

"That does look very uncomfortable,"River remarked.

"It was. Celestia decided to have Fluttershy reform me. You know, turn me back to good. I was stretching when I made the plan I had into action. I made the nearby beavers think that they could build a giant dam in sweet apple acres, Applejack farm. The made the dam alright. I said I would fix it in return, Fluttershy could never use her element of Kindness against me. I never said I would fix it their way. She promised to never use her element and I changed the large flood into my own ice rink. She said she was going to keep the promise. I started ranting on about how I won because we're friends. She's not going to turn me into stone because we're friends. You can't use the element because we're friends. And how I'm free forever!

"That made her upset so she threw the ice skates away from her and shouted 'I'm not you friend!'
"I told her who care if I keep it like, Who care that if I don't do what you say then I'll lose the one friend I've ever had. Logic hit over head with an anvil. I skated to a nearby tree and sat. I snapped and everything was normal like nothing. I told her ' well played'. Apparently that was considered a test that I passed to be 'reformed'. So I was welcomed into society. And I fell in love with her."

"Son, you know you can tell us these things, we are your family," Dad put one of his tiger paws on my shoulder.

"I know, I was going to tell you, I really was. I just, needed someone to introduce it for me," I looked at the ground.

"Enough about this, that was in the past. So what a few years back he made my house turn in circles. Now we're going to miss my appointment," Fluttershy sighed.

"My dear, we're in the Tardis! It's a time machine! You could go everywhere in the galaxy and be back in time for tea! Just tell me the date the time the place and hold on!"

"April 12, 2015, 4 PM, The Beautiful Bride in Manehatten," Fluttershy recited.

"Hold on to your horse shoes!" The Doctor said after adjusting many dials and pressing a button.

The Tardis went spinning through the time vortex after a few minutes. Twilight moved closer to the Doctor and asked, "Won't this make a paradox?"

"No, if you took this path of choice then it's a fixed point in time, so every time you'll take my Tardis, I'm simply transporting you from one point in your timeline to back a little, there for making a small time loop, you all will simply relive the rest of the day. You're so called paradox is in a completely different universe doing exactly the same thing. So the loop is just a fixed point in time. You couldn't screw it up if you tried but I could, You see, it's all worked out!"

"Okay, just making sure because I don't really want to save world from the universe falling into itself."

"You into science you majesty?"

"Please call me Twilight and I love science!"Twilight said.

The Tardis came to a sudden stop.

"We're here, please watch your step and exit the Tardis in an orderly fashion," I mimicked a a stewardess.

"My, Discord, you're still full of laughs,"my brother chuckled.

"Hey, you still have to meet my grooms stallions, you'll meet them after Fluttershy find the dress. I wanted to ask you, if you would be my best colt?"

"I would be honored Discord," he said as we walked into the large shop.

Bonding Time

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Fluttershy and the girls went to their appointment and Ocean Breeze, Wolfie, the Doctor, and I went out for some “bonding time” together.

“Dear, if you see the bride’s dress before you marry her, then it brings de je vu and bad luck.”

“Alright dear if you really want your dress to be a surprise, then I’ll go and do something else,” I said rolling my eyes.

“How about you boys get some bonding time together, after all, you are all going to be future in-laws," Fluttershy said winking before closing the shop door.

There was one of those long awkward pauses I hate.

"Well, I suppose, since she wants it to be a surprise, what does everypony like to do?" Doctor asked.

"I have an amazing idea!" I exclaimed before I teleported us.

When the smoke cleared, Wolfie, Ocean, the Doctor, and myself stood outside the Paint Bomb.

"The Paint Bomb? What kind of a place is this? I don't recall the name," the Doctor stated in confusion.

"This was just built this year. How about we play some paintball?"

"What is this sport 'paintball'?" Wolfie asked me.

"It's a game where teams of four are equipped with paintball guns that shoot small balls of paint filled pockets and we have to fire them at another team. Once you're hit three times, your suit goes rigid and you can't move until another player on your team drags you back to home base or another team wins, unicorns magic is disabled and all suits are wingless. To put another twist on the game, we play in an anti gravity chamber and there are many different places to hid," Ocean Breeze answered.

"That sounds chaotic! And Awesome! I'm in," My father said.

"Sounds splendid!" my brother exclaimed.

"I'm not sure," my future father in-law said, nervously pawing the ground.

"Aw, that's too bad, looks like my newest old man's....chicken?" I said slyly.

"What did you say?" he asked still looking down.

"Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk!" I answered.

He looked up, with the very gates of tartarus in his eyes. That's when I found out where Fluttershy got her stare, but his was more of a glare. He suddenly smiled.

"If I'm so big of a chicken, then, let's see how your lovely bride's old man does when we team up with each other. Let's make a bet, shall we?"

"Let's hear it pops," I said just egging it on.

"I bet you, fifty bits, that I can get hit less times than you, and you can't use any magic, Discord," he put a smug face on.
I thought for a moment.

"And if I win, I get the okay for as many pranks as I want with a guaranteed pardon. If you win, you get to pick out my tux," I said smile on my face. He was not aware that he was making a deal with a devil.

He smiled at me and spit onto his hoof and held it out to me. I copied this and shook with Fluttershy's father.

As we walked to the stadium I heard faint whispers behind me.

"Twenty bits on Discord, no matter what I bet him, it always bites me in the flank later," I heard the Doctor tell dad.

"No way, not this time. Did you see the look in Ocean's eyes? Twenty on him."Dad agreed to the deal.

"Deal!" the Doctor shook his tiger paw and went on walking until we reached the desk.

"Yes, is there room for one more team?"

"Just in time, get into suit and go to the south entrance of the west game room," the mare behind the window replied.

"Thanks!" the Doctor said to the mare.

I warped the suits to fit me and dad and put a heat detecting spell on the glasses. Since I'm not a unicorn, the magic dis-abler didn't work on me.

We headed to the entrance to the game room.

"T minus two minutes til game," the familiar sound of the mare in the front voice filled the locker room.

"Ready to lose, son?" my father in-law asked with a smirk on his face.

"In a parallel universe, maybe," I returned the smirk.

"T minus ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, begin," the mare's voice said.

The deadlocked door opened, and my father stepped out.

"This feels like there's nothing holding me down!" My father whispered/yelled.

"Come on, we're still fair game until we're the last ones standing," I said as I put my protective glasses down and jumped into the maze of anti gravity.

"Yes, let's keep moving," the Doctor said.

We heard a cannon, the signal of somepony's team has been eliminated. We heard celebration cheers. I pressed the small button on top of the frames on my protection glasses. The setting around me turned blue and I looked around. I saw some red pony figures. They were just on the other side of the wall, an entrance to the small area not fifty feet away. Another cannon sounded.

I signaled for my teammates to come closer and to follow me. Four ponies were in this small grove. We latched onto the wall near the entrance. I peered inside.

"Yes! We totally wiped out the northern team and the western team! Next we get the southern," I looked around, I was by myself, I caught a glimpse of my father's paw. The others must be guarding the four exits.

I saw his eyes watching for my signal. I nodded. He made the first three shots. the pony on his side was frozen in his tracks.
Nopony noticed. The Doctor made the next move. Three direct hits. Ocean shot the next pony. My turn, three more direct hits, I knew for a fact that they were frozen in their tracts.

"Hello there, I must say, what team are you? I'm the southern one," The doctor said as he stepped out into plain view.

"Hey, somepony shoot him!" A stallion yelled.

"We can't Gruff, we're frozen," the pony tried to move.

"Come on out boys, they're stuck," he called out.

We each moved into the grove.

"Dang, we're beat Thunder," one of the ponies said.

The anti gravity suddenly turned into real gravity. We all fell ungracefully on the hard floor.

"How many times did you get hit?" Ocean asked me.

"None, you?"

"Same thing, looks like we both get pardons for prank wars when we meet," Ocean said grinning evilly.

"I think so, looks like we each keep our bits, dad. They tied!"

"Oh, well," Dad shrugged, "let's go check up on the girls."

We agreed.

We put the suits in the basket and the guns on a conveyor belt to be reloaded. We walked out the door.

"Good game gentlecolts, good game," The Doctor said as we started to walk to the shop where the girls were at.

Wedding Bells and a Birthday wish

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I was in my dressing room pacing around.

"What if this is a mistake?" I asked out loud.

"It's not if she said yes in the first place," my brother said trying to reassure me.

"What if she doesn't want me?"

"She loves you Discord,"Arabian said.

"What if I trip in the dance?"I said going over everything that could go wrong.

"So what?"Sombra asked.

"So what? I could land on top of her and hurt her! So don't tell me so what!" I snapped back.

"Geez sorry!" Sombra started to back away from me slightly.

"Sorry, I'm just a little....worried." I wanted to say scared.

"So are we,"Arabian and Sombra.

A knock at the door of my changing room snapped me out of my "what if"trance.

"Son? It's me, can I come in?"

I opened the door for my father.

"Let me guess. Scared outta your tail?"

"Try scared outta my skin! What if this is all just a big mistake? What if-"

"Now Discordial Chaos! I've seen the way you look at that mare and that's the same way I look at your mother, so what, she's a pony. But love comes in all forms. It wouldn't matter if I were a zebra and she was a griffon, we'd still love each other and no one can have a say on it...unless, you don't love her," dad said with a look in his eyes that set me off.

"Don't love her? I love more than chocolate, I love her more than cotton candy, I love her more than chaos itself! Do you think I'd propose to her just so I could toy with her emotions? Do you really think I could stoop that low and just abandon her on our wedding? Well let me tell you something pop! That mare is the only reason that Equestria is even still here! So-" I stop ranting when I heard them snickering.

"What are you waiting for then?"

"Um...I got nothing," I said shrugging.

"Then get your flank out there and kiss that bride!"

"Hey, you sure this Triple wedding idea was good?" I asked Sombra.

"Yeah! I mean, our first hearts and hooves day together was on a triple date. Why not?"Sombra said.

The wedding march played and three brides stood at the end of aisle, her father next to her and Luna. Celestia on the right side of her father, in a gown that was white and flowing, it had a jeweled sweetheart neckline and was fitted around her waist, with a long train with fading yellow turning into a soft orange. Her hair was in a bun carefully weaved in with ambers and sunstones. Over her eyes was a thin veil, behind her right ear was a single Sunflower. Her bouquet was made of Sunflowers and Morning Glories and Cherry Blossoms.

"She's gorgeous." Sombra said as soon as he saw her.

"Take it easy, if I have to wait then so do you." Arabian whispered.

Luna wore a dress that had a light blue hue and also had a sweetheart neckline and was jeweled, she wore the necklace that Arabian gave her. her hair done up in a similar fashion only her hair was weaved with sapphires and moonstone. It was a traditional style with a shorter train. Stars embroidering along the edge and the color darkening to a midnight blue. Her bouquet made of Nightshade, Petunias, and Blue Morning Glories. Her veil was a shade of blue.

Thier father was a tall alicorn with a midnight dark coat, and sky blue eyes. He wore a tuxedo and led his two daughters down the aisle. His name was Cosmos. After them followed Fluttershy.

She wore a white gown with gold vines and green leaves with a long train. She also had a sweetheart neckline with vines creating three roses on her chest. Her bouquet was made of Poison Joke, Roses, and Tulips. A Rose behind her ear, and a veil draped delicately over her face.

Her father followed Celestia and Luna down the aisle and to the alter.

Before giving his daughters away, I heard him whisper.

"Do anything to them, and I swear, what Tirek did to the kingdom, will look like a pathetic party, compared to what I can and will do to you two," Cosmos said to Sombra and Arabian with a dark look in his eyes.

The both gulped in sync and muttered, "yes sir" to him.

"Good," his face brighten at the reaction.

Twilight was to wed all three of us.

As the wedding march came to a stop the three brides stood alongside their future husbands. I turned to face Fluttershy.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Celestia Solar Eclipse and Sombra Midnight, Princess Luna Lunar Eclipse and Prince Arabian Night, and finally Discoidal Chaos and Fluttershy Rose.

"These three couples are no doubt are in love with each other with all of the passion they can. Do you, Princess Celestia, take Somba as your lawfully wedded husband? Now Forever and all eternity?"

"I- I do,"Celestia said with tears of joy in her eyes.

"Sombra, do you take Princess Celestia as your lawfully wedded wife? Now, forever and all eternity?"

"I do," Sombra said.

"Do you Princess Luna take Arabian Night as your lawfully wedded husband? Now, forever and eternity?"
"I do," Luna said with tears also gathering in her eyes.

"Do you Arabian Night take Princess Luna as your lawfully wedded wife? Now, forever and eternity?"


He sat there looking into Luna's eyes with a big goofy grin on his face.





"Do you take Princess Luna as your lawfully wedded wife? Now, forever and eternity?" Twilight ask a little annoyed.

"I-I do," he said still with the goofy grin, never looking away from her eyes.

"Fluttershy, do you take Discord as your lawfully wedded husband? Now, forever and eternity?"

"I do."

"Discord, do you take Fluttershy as your lawfully wedded wife? Now, forever and eternity."

"I do."

"May I have the rings?"

She took the rings from the pillow Spike was holding up.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," she slide sliding one ring onto Celestia's, Luna's,Sombra's, and Arabian's horns. One on my middle talon. And one with a chain around Fluttershy's neck.

"I also pronounce Prince Sombra and Prince Arabian Night. You, gentlecolts, may kiss your brides."

I leaned in and sealed our marriage, now my life is complete.

The ponies in the audience stomped and cheered.

I was sitting next to my dear Fluttershy at the grand table with the other lucky couples. We were all at the reception. Pinkie was at the DJ.

Twilight tinged her glass to get everypony's attention.

"First of all, I'd like to congratulate the six lucky ponies. And I have a little speech for them all.

"Celestia, you've been my mentor, teacher, and second mother. I am very happy that you've found love in the most unlikely stallion in my opinion. However, I still approve of your marriage.

"Sombra, I'm very happy with the fact that you've made Celestia happy. I'm impressed, and I hope you have a long happy life.

"Luna, I'm glad that you've found love with your childhood crush. I very sweet and romantic stallion who you deserve.
"Arabian, I hope you and Luna are happy for the rest of your days.

"Fluttershy, you've been one of my best friends for a while. I was very surprised at your choice, but if you're happy then I'm happy. I hope you find happiness and joy.

"Discord, all I can really say is thank you, for making one of my best friends happy. And one more thing, screw it up, and you're dead,"

Everypony laughed at the joke.

I glanced down at the ring on my talon. It was black with small diamonds embedded in it. Fluttershy's was the same only with gold. I was no doubt, the luckiest Draconequus in the world.

Pinkie saw the deep look in our eyes and put a slow dance on.

I led Fluttershy out to the dance floor.

I recognized the song as the one we danced to when I asked the question. The truth is that I had liked her before we started dating. I realized that I couldn't live without her when I gave up friendship for "freedom". For Tirek. That's all in the past now.

As the dance came to a close, I dipped her and kissed her for a surprise.

"I love you, my little butterfly," I whispered in her ear.

"I love you more, Dissy," she teased back.

"I love you more than chocolate rain."

"I love you more than a candy cane."


I was leading her to the carriage that awaited us, before she stepped in, she called out.

"All the single ladies!"

She tossed the bouquet over her shoulder. Celestia and Luna did the same. Rainbow caught Luna's, Twilight caught Celestia's and Pinkie caught Fluttershy's.

I started the carriage rolling and we headed to the old ruins of the royal pony sister's old castle. Twilight said we could use it for our home. Fluttershy's cottage was much too small and my pocket dimension was a little, well, odd for a ponies natural needs. Fluttershy's creatures could live outside and well, I didn't tell Fluttershy that I had already fixed the place up. It had my chaotic needs and my dear Fluttershy's needs.

“We’re here, my dear.”

She gasped in amazement at the castle.

“Welcome home, dear.”

“Happy birthday Fluttershy!” I cried bring her a cake I had made. I had found out that I enjoyed baking.

“Make a wish my dear,”I said waiting for her to blow out the candles.

We had a party earlier that day with every one of her friends came to celebrate, but I wanted to have a little party all to ourselves.

She took a breath and blew that candles out.

“Well, what do you want for your birthday my dear?”

“I was wanting to ask you, but, I think now's the right time. I want to have a foal.”