• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 2,470 Views, 54 Comments

Chaos and kindness: My Beautiful Bride - Sapphire One

Discord runs into Fluttershy at the market place and somehow ends up on a date.

  • ...

Discord's Parents

I snapped and we appeared in Twilight's castle, in the throne room.

"Wow, so, this is where you live Fluttershy?" Honey asked.

"No, it's where my friend Twilight lives. I just hang out here."

Twilight walked down the stairs on our right.

"Hey Fluttershy, hey Discord. So what brings you here?" Twilight said.

"Hi Twilight, we're about to go dress shopping. And I want you to be one of my consultants."

"Oh, of course, and who do have with you."

"These are my parents, Twilight, this is Ocean Breeze and Honey Cloud."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, but please, just call me Twilight." Twilight said holding her hoof out.
Ocean Breeze and Honey Cloud took it.

"Come on, the rest of the girls are in the lounge."

We walked up the stairs and found the rest of the gang hanging out.

"Girls, we're going to go dress shopping for Fluttershy and she wants us to be consultants."

"Awesome! I'd love to go." Rainbow Dash said.

"So would I!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Well, let's go then." Twilight said.

"First we need to get my parents, after all, they don't even know that I'm engaged."

"True, but how are they going to react?"

"Who knows? Speaking of who, I also need to get my brother."

"You mean The Doctor? The time lord you said earlier?"

"Bingo!" I shouted

“Well, to Zimbabwe!”

I teleported us in the middle of a campsite.

“That’s weird, they sh- AHHHH!!!” I stepped on a trap and ended up hanging upside down a good ten feet above the

“Wolfie! We have visitors!” My mother shouted at my father.

“Coming dear!” My father shouted as he stepped out of the tent.

My father looks a lot like me, but more muscular. He has two sets of horns on his head, each look like mine but the one on either side was the same as the other. His arms are two different tiger limbs and his hind legs are made out of an eagle talon and a lizard leg. His eyes the same shade as mine.

My mother however looks very different from me. Her head is a light shade of lilac and her body a sapphire blue that was slender like mine but more feminine. Her arms are made out of a falcon talon and a snow leopard's paw. Her hind legs consist of a blue lizard leg and a cloven hoof like mine. Her eyes were a soft baby blue. She has a flowing white mane, emerging through her hair was a unicorn horn, she also had a ram's horn and a greenhorn, but we never could decide what it was. she also had two mismatch Pegasus wings. Her tail was a scorpion’s.

My mother flew up to me and cut me loose.

I ungracefully fell head first leaning against the tree i was cut from.

“Discord, it’s been forever since you came down here!” My mother said as she gave me a hug. I got up and returned it.

“Ah, it’s been too long since you’ve seen your old man!” Dad said as he ruffled my mane.

“Mom, Dad, this may be a bit sudden, but, I’d like you to introduce you to a couple of friends.” I walked them over to the group.

“Mom, Dad, this is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Honey Cloud, Ocean Breeze, and this is Fluttershy. I suggest getting to know these ponies especially Honey, Ocean, and Fluttershy.” I said.

“Why those three specifically?”

“Well, those three are your future in-laws.”

“What do you mean, Discord, come on spit it out.” Wolfie asked.

“Fluttershy’s my lovely bride to be!”

There was an awkward silence.

“Well, I’m Zayiana. Nice to meet you!”

“I’m Wolfie. I look forward to the wedding, when is it?”

“We’re planning it. We came to get you for consultants of my dress fitting. I’m Fluttershy by way. And Discord's the only pony for me, I honored to finally meet you.” She said shyly.

“Come on, we can talk more when we pick up the Doctor.” I said trying to rush them along

“Let’s go! We’re behind schedule as it is.” Fluttershy added.

“Hold on, I need to protect the camp real quick.”

Zayiana’s horn lit up with a purple aura. When she was done, the camp was in a bubble of protection.
I whisked us away to fetch my brother.

Author's Note:

Short chapter, I know. I still going!