• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 2,470 Views, 54 Comments

Chaos and kindness: My Beautiful Bride - Sapphire One

Discord runs into Fluttershy at the market place and somehow ends up on a date.

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Discord's Brother

My brother is a time lord. The last time lord to be exact. We're not exactly brothers. He crash landed in my backyard when I was about six. And yes I mean 6. When he crash landed, the Tardis, his ship, had to self repair itself. It was bigger on the inside. A lot bigger on the inside. In fact, he uses an entire star to power it. His ship is just a little blue Police Box on the outside.
I teleported us inside the Tardis.

The Doctor was talking to his companion River, who had been exposed to the time vortex when she was conceived so that made her part time lord.

"So, since it's your birthday darling, where and when do want to go?" The Doctor asked.

"Surprise me!" River said.

"Surprise!" I yelled as I hung down from the ceiling.

"Discord, is that you?" The Doctor said in surprise.

"Yes, is it you brother?"

"My goodness, Discord, you nearly gave two heart attacks!" The doctor said clutching two places of his chest for empathize.

"Ah, just like times Doctor," I chuckled.

"Yes, River, this is Discord. He's my brother, well, adoptive brother I should say."

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Discord. The lord of all things Chaos," I extended my talon to her.

"Lord of all things chaos? Now when did my little brother get such a title?" He joked.

"When I wrecked havoc when I went a little mad," I answered casually.

"Okay, so you mind telling me who these ponies are?"

"Yes, this is Applejack, element of honesty, Rarity, element of generosity, Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty, Princess Twilight Sparkle, element of magic and princess of friendship, Pinkie Pie, element of laughter. And finally, Fluttershy, element of Kindness and your new in-law. The two are Honey Cloud and Ocean Breeze, Fluttershy's mother and father. And of course our parents," I took a breath.

"Mom, Dad, it's good see you. How is your trip in Zimbabwe? And.... What about in-laws?"

"Are all my relatives losing hearing of something? Fluttershy is my fiance, your new sister in-law and her parents are our new mother and father in-laws," I said again slightly annoyed.

"Wow, congratulations, Discord. So who is Fluttershy out of this bunch?" He said looking at the ponies in front of him.

Fluttershy steps out from behind Rarity.

"Guilty as charged, honored to meet you,"Fluttershy said extending a hoof not realizing that she extended her ring hoof.

"Wow, what a ring. Discord must have really thought you were gonna yes!"

"Oh, he actually just made the bits he needed out of thin air."


"He's the lord of chaos. I'm also the one who originally reformed him," Fluttershy explained.

"Discord? What is she talking about being reformed?"

"We'd like to know too," my parents stepped out of the crowd and joined the conversation.

"Oh, well, you know how I said elements and I went a little mad? Well, I look different from other ponies and at first they didn't accept me into society at first. They called me things like 'it' and 'monster' and 'freak and 'chimera'. That's when my sanity broke into a million pieces. I created chaos. I made the clouds cotton candy and made them rain chocolate milk.
"I made Pegasus wings paper and unicorn horns candy canes. I made bunnies with long giraffe like legs. I make corn popcorn and I made other ponies sneeze so the houses around them fell. I kept on making chaos. I turned.....temporarily evil.

"The princesses Celestia and Luna used the elements of harmony to imprison me in stone. For a thousand years. I managed to be freed when some fillies fought nearby me. I planned to get revenge on Celestia and Luna for trapping me for a thousand long and cold years in black silent limbo. I can hear things and slightly see things. Imagine having to live a millennium without moving, without talking and without blinking.
"When these six ponies put me into back into that boring prison for the second time I was even madder than before. I was put in a position like this!" I mimicked the position I was in for who knows long.

"That does look very uncomfortable,"River remarked.

"It was. Celestia decided to have Fluttershy reform me. You know, turn me back to good. I was stretching when I made the plan I had into action. I made the nearby beavers think that they could build a giant dam in sweet apple acres, Applejack farm. The made the dam alright. I said I would fix it in return, Fluttershy could never use her element of Kindness against me. I never said I would fix it their way. She promised to never use her element and I changed the large flood into my own ice rink. She said she was going to keep the promise. I started ranting on about how I won because we're friends. She's not going to turn me into stone because we're friends. You can't use the element because we're friends. And how I'm free forever!

"That made her upset so she threw the ice skates away from her and shouted 'I'm not you friend!'
"I told her who care if I keep it like, Who care that if I don't do what you say then I'll lose the one friend I've ever had. Logic hit over head with an anvil. I skated to a nearby tree and sat. I snapped and everything was normal like nothing. I told her ' well played'. Apparently that was considered a test that I passed to be 'reformed'. So I was welcomed into society. And I fell in love with her."

"Son, you know you can tell us these things, we are your family," Dad put one of his tiger paws on my shoulder.

"I know, I was going to tell you, I really was. I just, needed someone to introduce it for me," I looked at the ground.

"Enough about this, that was in the past. So what a few years back he made my house turn in circles. Now we're going to miss my appointment," Fluttershy sighed.

"My dear, we're in the Tardis! It's a time machine! You could go everywhere in the galaxy and be back in time for tea! Just tell me the date the time the place and hold on!"

"April 12, 2015, 4 PM, The Beautiful Bride in Manehatten," Fluttershy recited.

"Hold on to your horse shoes!" The Doctor said after adjusting many dials and pressing a button.

The Tardis went spinning through the time vortex after a few minutes. Twilight moved closer to the Doctor and asked, "Won't this make a paradox?"

"No, if you took this path of choice then it's a fixed point in time, so every time you'll take my Tardis, I'm simply transporting you from one point in your timeline to back a little, there for making a small time loop, you all will simply relive the rest of the day. You're so called paradox is in a completely different universe doing exactly the same thing. So the loop is just a fixed point in time. You couldn't screw it up if you tried but I could, You see, it's all worked out!"

"Okay, just making sure because I don't really want to save world from the universe falling into itself."

"You into science you majesty?"

"Please call me Twilight and I love science!"Twilight said.

The Tardis came to a sudden stop.

"We're here, please watch your step and exit the Tardis in an orderly fashion," I mimicked a a stewardess.

"My, Discord, you're still full of laughs,"my brother chuckled.

"Hey, you still have to meet my grooms stallions, you'll meet them after Fluttershy find the dress. I wanted to ask you, if you would be my best colt?"

"I would be honored Discord," he said as we walked into the large shop.

Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating this one, I've been busy with other stories. And getting a new pair of glasses and more contacts. I'm trying to type as much as I can before school.:applejackunsure: I'll try and update this one, seeing it as it takes up a total of 82 pages currently on gdocs:pinkiegasp:, at least once a week. Prepare for a typing frenzy from me! :rainbowwild: