• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 2,470 Views, 54 Comments

Chaos and kindness: My Beautiful Bride - Sapphire One

Discord runs into Fluttershy at the market place and somehow ends up on a date.

  • ...


I grabbed a piece of wood off the small pile of red wood I had gathered a little while ago.

As I put the piece of wood next to her. I thought of something to say.

"So, where is this special place of yours you keep mentioning?" I said with a variety of tools in my mouth.

"Oh, it's just a small clearing in the forest that my father took me to when I was younger. Not much."

I started running a small knife up and down the edges of the stick to remove any thorns or nubs of branch, but at the same time not trying to remove any of the unique coloring. next I took the glue in my claw and oh so very carefully so there was no extra stands of the glue. I next took the scissors in my claw and snipped just up where the thick part joins up with the feathery lightness. I was careful to make it so that that thick part was cut in half so that all of the feather stayed together. I carefully aligned the glue and the feather and stuck in there and held it for about ten seconds. I repeated the process four times over and let the arrow dry while I worked on the next one. I did the process for ten arrows.

"Do you shoot with dull or sharps?"

"Sharps." Answered Fluttershy who was fascinated by how I make arrows.

"I'll be right back." I said.

Again into the forest I venture. Of course since I am trying to impress her I want to make this batch my most amazing yet. I usually just make arrowheads from plain limestone but since I wanted to impress her I was going to the abandoned diamond dog mines. They picked up and moved someplace else because, if I remember correctly they were afraid that whining little pony pony would come back. I walked into the mines and made a basket appear out of thin air. I was trying to remember that spell that Rarity had shown me for finding pacific gems. Oh yes that's right!

"Amethyst, glow, sparkle and show." In a moment a series of small lights shown out of the ground.

I set the basket beside me and started to rapidly dig. In five minutes the basket was full and overflowing slightly. I whisked away with the basket of jewels and instantly appearing in front of Fluttershy. Her eyes were full of sparkle and amazement.

"Wow, Discord. Not even Rarity can find that many gems in less than five minutes!"

"Well, Rarity told me a very handy spell to find certain types of jewels."

I started to carve out the first arrow head. It was a little bit shaky but with good practice I picked up on a technique. The rest went by and I carefully set the last of the pinkish carved gems. I looked down into the basket and saw that there were still plenty of gems. I had a sudden stroke of genius of what to do with the remaining ones. I picked up the leather that I planned to use and quickly painted it pink. Then, while it was drying I picked up a gem and started to carve out a butterfly. The paint dried quickly. By the time that that had rolled around, I had already finished the three butterflies. I quickly start to glue them in the shape of her cutie mark and let it dry. Next I Take the remaining piece of wood and start to move the knife over the wood but not robbing it of it's natural color. The piece of wood is already in the shape of a bow so there is no need to work on the shape. Then I make a small notch for where the arrow is suppose to fly. Then I wrap a long thin piece of leather that I dipped in the pink paint when I painted her sheath. Next the string. I chose a long elastic one from my draw and Quickly string the bow. Then I use the remaining gems to decorate the bow.

I didn't realize that I had frozen time when I started to make the bow. No matter, with a snap of my claw we were back on track.

"Wow, that was fast!"

"Actually Fluttershy, I accidentally froze time. Don't worry, everything is back on track." I blushed again, what is wrong with me?
"Well, that's good. Can I see the your work?"

I didn't realize I was hiding it behind my back.

"Of course! It's my best one." I could feel the blood rush to my checks.

"Oh my Celestia! It's the most beautiful one I've ever seen! And you made this?"

"Yes, I did like I said it is one of my best ones. Come on let's go and see what this can do!"

A few minutes later we were walking in the moonlight towards the Forest. Fluttershy was carrying the bow and sheath of arrows. Suddenly she took flight with a swift motion of her wings. We were now Flying into the forest canopy. A small opening in the trees appeared and Fluttershy swooped down and landed, I followed.

"So this is it?"

"Uh huh, just behind these bushes."

Behind the bushes was a series of targets and stands for a bow.

"Watch this." Fluttershy said confidently.

She set the new bow on one of her stands. She loaded the bow and pulled back taking a careful aim. She released and the arrow was sent flying. The arrow quickly found it's mark, right in the center on the target.
"Bulls-eye!" cried Fluttershy.

"Wow, that's amazing! Do your friends know about this?"

"I actually was going to tell them tomorrow. I've only been shooting here for about a year now."

I stood dumbstruck as every arrow found their way into the center of each target. She retrieved the arrows and stowed them in the stealth.

"Here, thanks for letting me test them, and thanks for the dinner, it was delicious by the way. Do you want to do this again sometime?"

"That would be lovely, and keep them, as a gift from me. I don't even know how to shoot them so you have them."

"Really!? Are you serious!?" she cried admiring the bow I made her.

"Of course and one more thing." I knew I was blushing at this point." Do you want to be my, um..."

"What was that?"

"Would you like to be my...."

"Go on spit it out lover boy!" Shoulder Angel said as he hit me up-side the head.


"One more time?"

"Will you, be my mare...friend?" I finally asked, my heart racing.

"After tonight, yes." she giggled in response.



"Well, come on, I'll walk you home."

Author's Note:

Hey, fellow bronies and pegusisters Zhane0220 here,

You should have seen it coming, bite me Celescord, I don't ship it. In my world, they're related. If you're one of these fans, then stop reading! Cuz you're gonna hate me later!