• Published 21st May 2012
  • 2,036 Views, 7 Comments

Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...) - ahadiachmad

an epic battle just about to happening in Equestria

  • ...

Hell Freezes Over

the ground, the battle raged on. Hundreds of both Earth ponies and Pegasi had been slaughtered. The buildings of Equestria were painted with the blood of the fallen Pegasi. The streets lined with pieces of ponies, heads over her, an organ over there, and the battle was still getting worse. The armies were so cold, they were losing mobility. The Pegasi's wings were freezing, sending them crashing down at incredible speeds, and they were beginning to move slower. Unable to feel anything.

As the troops became unable to move another step, ice began to form around their feet, quickly expanding over their bodies, until all the troops were frozen solid in a block of ice. The battle had ended, and no victor had prevailed.


"Okay you guys" Said Rain, flying directly over the ground in a static position. He could not walk on the ground. He was equipped with the armor and weapons he had pulled off one of the guards his party had previously killed. "We've already taken out quite few guards, and 90 percent of them are below in Canterlot" He glanced out the window and stopped. "HOLT SHIT GUYS LOOK!!! It's a fucking blizzard out there!" He looked at the other two ponies. They as well were armed.

"I didn't think we'd be getting this kind of weather for a few more months" Brilliant stated

"We aren't supposed to EVER have anything this bad" puzzled Stormy "Look at how horrible it is out there. That's the worst snow storm I've ever seen"

"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU SAD EXCUSES FOR PEGASI!!!" Shouted a guard running at them fast. One guard? Rain thought to himself? Easy as pie, he thought to himself. He proceeded to lift his hoof, and bolt towards the guard, taking his head off in one swift slice as he blew past him, like that of a warm knife gliding through a stick of butter. Rain immediately made u-turn and regrouped. The three then began on the flight to the Rainbow Room.

"Okay guys" Rain said nervously "Our chances for survival in this battle are not in our favor, and you guys know it. There are only three of us and who knows how many will be guarding Rainbow Dash, but we must not give up. We must try our hardest in restoring order to Equestria"

As the three closed in on the entrance to this horrifying room, they began to increase their speed. The three flew neck and neck and rammed the door head on and knocked it open with ease. Before they even got a moment to analyze the room after entering, they were quickly ambushed by guards. They didn't even stand a fighting chance. They had failed, they all thought. The battle was finished now, and the final hour was in sight. The guards knocked them out, and when Rain woke up, he was being pinned down by a filthy looking Pegasus, with knotted up red fur, and a grey mane barely showing through a thick helmet. They had a sickly orange eyes, and a cruel aroma coming through the already gagging stench of decaying pony meat arising from the machine. He looked around, but could not see his comrades.

"Well well. It's about time you woke up!" The pony said in a deep scraggily voice "I figured it was time I talk to you face to face. I know you from somewhere, I just can't place my hoof on it"

"I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU IN MY LIFE!!!" Shouted the pony at the terrifying creature that stood over him. As the red Pegasus repositioned their body, he caught sight of the cutie mark on the back of the pony. It was Rainbow Dash! She looks even worse now, and didn't resemble the pretty Pegasus in the slightest. The only thing that let you knew who this great pony was, was her now fading cutie mark. "Rainbow?" he questioned. The mighty leader flashed her attention to him, staring directly into his eyes, as if trying to gaze into his soul.

"Yes it is I, the great Rainbow Dash!"

"You don't have much rainbow left in you" Rain smirked "You look absolutely pathetic!" Rainbow, still standing on top of him so he was unable to move, raised both her front hoofs and brought them down with mighty force, making direct contact with Rain's nose. His nose began bleeding profusely.

"Don't taunt me you little fuck. I will rip you apart without a second thought!" She screamed

"THEN DO IT! Let's see if you kill someone with your won hoofs for once, instead of hiding behind a machine and an army" Rainbow laughed at this comment.

"You really don't know me at all do you?" She said grimly. "FINE! I WILL rip you to pieces"

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Sounded Twilight's voice. The fierce Pegasus froze, and slowly turned her head to see the princess and the other 5 elements standing to the room now.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?!" Rainbow asked fiercely

"THAT IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!!!" Screamed Rarity. Rainbow glanced at the princess, and smiled knowing she had used a spell to teleport them all. Twilight could see Rainbow's cutie mark, and had to take a second glance. This couldn't be her. Could it?

"You guys shouldn't be here" Rainbow laughed "You're just gonna get yourselves killed"

"Forget it. The guards are all dead" said Twilight with a smile "You're out numbered"

" We have three magical beings with us" Pinkie chimed in "and what do you have? NOTHING!"

"Oh I wouldn't say that" chuckled Rainbow "In fact... I think you miscounted. I believe I have the more powerful being"

"What in the hay are you talkin' about?" Asked AJ

"It's over girls" sounded the princess' voice "give it up, and just submit to her. You were all going to die anyway"

"PRINCESS!" Shrieked Twilight "What are you doing?" The princess smiled

"Well she's right. I mean... what purpose do Earth ponies truly serve? They serve no purpose to us. They simply get in our way"

"Princess no..." Twilight said as a tear came to her eye "How could you say such a thing?"

"None of you have any reason to still be amongst the living... Except you Fluttershy. You... YOU still have a chance to survive. Join us and you may still live. You can still have your animal friends with you after this war is over. Think about how much they need you"

"I...." Fluttershy began softly, looking down at the ground. She then got red in the face and the fierce "I WON'T!" she yelled more forcefully "I CAN'T SIMPLY TURN MY BACK ON MY FRIENDS!!! Not like you Rainbow... and Princess.. You... I can't..." She didn't finish her sentence. She simply broke down, and dropped to the floor in tears.

Twilight knew something had to be done. She looked at Rainbow, then to the princess for some sort of strategy. She then noticed something rather odd. Celestia's eyes... They weren't pink like they should have been. They were... red. Was the evil just taking over her like it was Rainbow Dash? Was she under control too? No there's no way... It happened too fast. The evil wouldn't have done something like this for some time. This couldn't be the princess. Twilight quickly thought to herself, trying to recall a spell she had once learned... The True Form spell. She remembered it rather quickly, and began to cast it. Before Celestia could even see what was happening, the spell was now in orb form, making contact with the princess' face

"GAHHHHH! YOU BITCH!" She screamed. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!" A bright light blinded everybody as she began to change. This WASN'T the princess after all. She was right. As the light faded out, the ponies took a glance to who they had thought was the princess. There stood what appeared to be a Zebra... WITH WINGS AND A HORN?!?!? Was this even possible? There's no way this could be right. Where did she come from, and who was this mysterious Alicorn like creature?