Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...)

by ahadiachmad

First published

an epic battle just about to happening in Equestria

it began with a factory that would stand up and fight for they kind.........
but they forget that they all needed each other for a good of living in the land of Equestria.....

The Truth

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"You have requested to be in my presence?" asked Princess Celestia

"Yes your highness" replied a dark green Pegasus with a black and purple streaked mane, and the cutie mark of a glow stick

"What is your name?" asked Celestia

"Chaser, Rain Chaser. My friends usually just call me Glow" stated the pony

"Now tell me. What is it you wish to speak to me about that was so urgent?"

"You see your highness... I was in Cloudsdale the other day, and while there, I happened to catch a gander at the ongoing flight school test. I noticed three extremely upset ponies who had failed. They were headed towards the west gate. One of these ponies I happened to know vaguely. She used to be associated with a Pegasus I used to... well... know very well."

"I'm not understanding where you're going with this"

"Well you see princess. This little pony lived in Ponyville for quite some time, as well as her one little friend, and since then I have not seen either of the two ponies around Ponyville. I was wondering where they were sent."

"This isn't exactly what I'd call urgent my little one. You see, I am extremely busy, and cannot keep track of every single pony in all of Equestria, so I have entrusted responsibility of Cloudsdale to a high up Pegasus I know and trust. She has taken control over Cloudsdale for me, so I needn't worry about it. I'm sure she has simply sent the little ones who fail back to study again to pass the test at a later time."

"So you have no control over Cloudsdale?"

"Well of course I will always have control. It IS part of Equestria of course." remarked the princess "Now if you don't mind I have some things I must atten...."

"PRINCESS CELESTIA!" interrupted a bloody guard who managed to escape

"My goodness what in Equestria happened to you"

"Your highness, it's the weather Factory. The Pegasus you gave power to... She's killing the ponies who have failed the flight test." one guard said through a busted lip

"FOR WHAT PURPOSE?!?!?" she questioned

"We are unsure. While completing out task we heard commotion coming from the Rainbow room. We quickly killed power and began a further investigation, but we believe they have possibly found an alternative to getting the spectra"

"From the beloved little ponies?" she questioned in heart break "This will not be tolerated! I must put a stop to this!"

"PRINCESS NO!!! It appears as though the pony in charge has been driven to insanity. She knew who we were and she would stop at nothing to kill us. We believe that the other guards have been taken captive, if not killed already. We cannot allow you to risk your life and the fate of all of Equestria."

"You are right. Gather up the armies and take care of this. We will not tolerate such behavior in MY KINGDOM!!!!" Glow, still standing there in awe and disbelief finally got the courage up to speak up.

"Princess if I could make a request" he began

"This isn't the time or place for such a reque..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt" Interrupted Rain. "but there are many lives at stake here and I wish to join in on the fight. I knew something was wrong and I must do something about it"

"DID YOU INTERUPT THE PRINCESS!?!?!" screamed one of the guards by the throne jolting forward as he placed the spear to the ponies throat

"It's quite alright good sir" exclaimed the princess. "He's right. We need all the help we can get to win this fight against Cloudsdale. Who knows how the numbers are up there, and this Pegasus did come to me first with this concern. You are of course welcome to join, but do know that your life is at risk here."

" I am quite aware of this and I humblely give my service to your highness."

"Then you will forever be in the gratitude of Canterlot"

Meanwhile the army of Cloudsdale gathered.

"IT IS TIME!" Shouted Rainbow "We knew this day would finally come. The day when we go to war with the pegasi who support the ways of those pathetic wingless earth ponies, and what do we consider those sad excuses for ponies?"

"A DISGRACE!" Shouted the many armored ponies

"THAT'S RIGHT! A DISGRACE!" replied Rainbow "These pretentious creatures depend on US to supply them with the weather to keep them alive and we've been complying for far too long. WE ARE THE PEGASUS! PROUD AND THE MIGHTY! WE HAVE THE LUXURY OF OUR OWN WEATHER TO KEEP US ALIVE!!! It is time... To go to clean up the dirt on the ground"

Little Scootaloo, still in agonizing pain opened her eyes. She was now on a table, in a separate room still chained up and unable to escape. Why was she kept alive? Had Rainbow only done this so she could kill her with her own hoofs? If so why hadn't she done it earlier? Why wait and keep her alive this long? Was it torture? Or was it pity? Is it possible she would be released? The pony could hear the armies shouting and getting enthusiastic in the room next to her. What was happening? Was all of Equestria about to be destroyed by these monstrous creatures? All she could do now is lie there and try to cope with the pain of 3 broken legs and the bones still sticking from her now patched up holes in her skin, and pray.


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"The troops are at the ready your highness" stated one of the guards

"Excellent" replied Celestia

"Your Highness" Glow started. "What about the Elements of Harmony? Whatever evil lies up there, won't they revert it back to its original state?" he questioned

"You're right, but you see... We need all the ponies that represent the elements" she replied

"Then that's what I can do. I can gather the ponies up while the others fight. We can save all the lives that we can." said Glow in an excited voice.

"That is an excellent idea my little pony, but alas it will not work."

"But... Why?" he questioned

"Because the element of loyalty... is the Pegasus we must defeat." She exclaimed. L...loyalty... that means it's... MY GOD IT'S RAINBOW DASH!! He thought to himself.

He had to do something about this. She was the pony he cared about for so long... Until forced to move to the big city of Fillydelphia, whilst Rainbow went away to Cloudsdale. He always wondered what she was doing up there. He thought to himself

"WAKE UP! The hour is finally upon us." Scootaloo could hear Rainbow shout as she entered the room.

"The hour for what?" Scootaloo questioned

"For you to bear witness to the great power of the ONE TRUE PEGASUS!" She said with a chuckle

"But why? Why keep me alive? Why not just kill me now" She muttered questioningly

"Because! I want to show you what your "big sister" is about to accomplish

"You're not my sister... You're not even my friend. I wish... I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU... I loved you. I trusted you" She said sobbingly. "And here I find out that this whole time y...you were lying to me. How could anypony... How could you do this?

Rainbow, tired of these pitiful words, punched the little orange pony across her face. "That will be enough of your pathetic words. Get over it. We won, you lost, and you could have been part of it. I taught you every itsy bitsy thing I knew about flying. I was so confident in you. I was ready to have you at my side during this great moment, BUT YOU WENT AND FUCKED IT ALL UP!!! How could you?"

"NO!!!! HOW COULD YOU!?!?! This isn't the Rainbow I used to know"

"Shut up you pathetic creature! I was NEVER the pony you thought I was. Don't you get it. the pathetic Earth ponies are all going to die. Your friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell. Even my old friends... Those pathetic little saps."

"You won't get away with this. As soon as you go down there they'll use the elements"

"I AM AN ELEMENT YOU PATHETIC TWAT!!! I knew that whore of a princess sent Twilight to Ponyville for that reason. To locate the other elements. She knew she was the element of magic from the moment Twilight had her school interview. Why do you think she was her number one student? The other of the three ponies had their own personalities. It was just a matter of her leading Twilight in the right direction. The only one of the elements left was loyalty. So surely I could pull that simple emotion off."

"You're not loyal. You're pathetic"

Rainbow threw her hoof across Scootaloo's face once more. "Bitch! I'm loyal to my own kind! It was those un-loyal, sad excuses for Pegasus that betrayed us all. They treated the stupid no winged freaks as equals. We don't need them. THEY NEED US! We bring them their weather and keep them alive. We are their superiors!" she said with power and pride. "Now it is time. We must go now before they strike first. Guards put her in a cage or something and bring her along" She said as she exited the room.

The guards unlocked the chains on the floor and yanked them causing Scootaloo to fall off the table, and dragged her along the ground. They pulled her into the next room and threw her into a square cage not much taller than she was, but twice as long. The four guards then hooked a few chains to the top of the cage and picked her up, they then purposefully began shaking the cage causing her fall and smack into each end of the cage. Her wings weren't broken, but there wasn't enough space to fly, even if she had the strength to. They proceeded to carry her out of the weather Factory. As they got closer to the exit, Scootaloo began hearing loud cheering. and chanting. The guard opened the door, and she could see a crowd of armored Pegasi. Rainbow was on the platform above giving orders and getting their war faces on.

Once Rainbow got every pony quiet, she began.


"YEAH!" Shouted the crowd. Scootaloo didn't understand this. The Pegasus ponies were always so kind. They complied and helped bring the weather.

Wait a minute she said to herself. All the Pegasus she could see, they were... Factory employees. Were these ponies just that hateful against others. Thinking they are the ultimate race? OR was there something bigger there that she couldn't see?


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As the troops were getting ready in Cloudsdale, the Canterlot troops began to assemble. All kinds of brave ponies from all around Ponyville, Fillydelphia, and other cities came to join in.

At that moment the ponies looked to the sky, it had become dark. Was there about to be a storm? No, it was becoming more clear now... These were the other troops on their way. The battle was about to begin and none of the ground troops were ready.

Glow quickly began searching for some fellow pegasi; he had a special mission in mind. He tried talking to pegasi who already landed, but their commitment to Celestia's army was unwavering. Frustrated, he took to the air and intercepted a group of fourteen pegasi just arriving. "I've been tasked with a special mission" Glow started, trying to sound official "and your just the pegasi I need. Can I count on you?" They shook their heads tentatively. " Good! We're going directly to Cloudsdale to find Rainbow Dash, who we believe is a high commander." The ponies nodded again and the party of fourteen left towards Cloudsdale. As they climbed higher towards the clouds, something occurring on the ground grabbed their attention. They could see the still readying troops of Canterlot getting ambushed by the opposing pegasi.

The Cloudsdale Pegasi nosedived into the crowd of gathering ponies, armed with blades attached to the end of their hoofs, like a bunch of kamikaze ponies. The Earth ponies couldn't do this very well, since they were unable to fly they needed their hoofs flat on the ground. The deadly Pegasi kept swooping in, taking the ground ponies one by one. Still panicking, the ponies rushed to get their armor and weapons. To protect themselves as best as possible, the ponies began kicking at the oncoming Cloudsdale troops, using everything they had to survive until they could get inside the armory and get suited up. Many ground Pegasi entered the armory and finished gathering their battle items. They then proceeded to the highest level and took off from the platform on the roof. Weapons, connected to each of the front hoofs, they began to pray as they flew directly into the herd of deranged Pegasi.

The battlefield was a horrific site. Glow could see the troops in the main district of Canterlot. He could see a dark armored Pegasus with a spear on his hoof, fly down and drive the long staff into not one, but two separate ponies. The weight being too much to carry, kept him on the ground, causing him to drop his guard long enough to be clean shaven from the neck up by a pony. As the blood hit his face like a hot faucet spraying him on the neck, the frightened pony dropped his sword from his mouth and screamed. Glow could tell, even from here that many of these ponies had never been trained, let alone killed any pony. He rested with slight ease, knowing the princess had been escorted out of the kingdom for the battle. Glow began to tear up when he finally realized... this WAS happening. He couldn't think about this anymore. He knew he needed to accomplish this mission, and that he couldn't let his emotions get in the way of this; the lives of every pony depended on it. He faced forward again as his party climbed closer to the city in the clouds.

His party finally reached the Weather Factory. They remained hidden inside the clouds to look for anything they could use to their advantage. However, something seemed off. There was nopony around. "Surly they would've expected some Pegasi to remain with Canterlot? Why aren't there any ponies guarding the Factory?" Glow whispered to his fellow pegasi. "There's no way they didn't expect some sort of surprise attack on the Factory."

They moved slowly from cloud to cloud, inching their way towards the building. "Alright every pony. We need to be careful around here" Rain whispered. The rest of the party nodded. The ponies pulled themselves the rest of the way through the clouds, into Cloudsdale, when suddenly there was a bright flash a short distance from the party. There was a sudden explosion... Time seemed to slow down for Glow. He could see the fire rushing towards him, only a short distance from him now. As it rolled upon him, he could feel a slight pain and then everything faded to black.


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The dark green Pegasus opened his eyes slowly. The world around him was blurred, like looking through teary eyes. They were no longer outside on the bare clouds, but instead in a faintly lit room; his armor missing. He tried getting up, but quickly realized his legs wouldn't move. Trying to see through the dark, he noticed that his front legs were tied together and clamped to the floor. Trying to move his hind legs, he could feel those tied and clamped as well. He wondered if this was the weather Factory, or if he had been taken somewhere else. He tried to look around to see if he could spot the rest of the party.

"Guys?" He shouted. "Sound off"

"Steel Scream" Said one of the ponies. He was a light brown Pegasus with a simple black mane, his armor had been stripped of him as well.

"Brilliant Charge" Stated another pony. This pony was a faded orange color, the color orange that would result from leaving a photograph of a bright carrot in the sun too long, and a short brown mane.

"Divine Haste" Said a third pony who was a very bright white, with a matching buzzed mane.

"Stormy Showers" Said a final light blue pony, only slightly darker than Rainbow's original color.

The five laid there expecting more to answer, but to their surprise no other pony responded. It was just the five of them.

"Nopony else?" Rain questioned. Suddenly a rush of light, too bright for Rain's dilated eyes, forced him to turn his head.

"Hey you five!" Rain could hear as he turned his head to see two sets of hoofs walk in from a door " SHUT THE HELL UP!" Glow could now see that his holding cell was "L" shaped, with the heavily armored ponies entering from the door around the corner. They proceeded around the corner, to where Rain and his party was, and then violently struck the nearest pony.


"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?" Rain could see a guard pass beside of him and go straight for the pony who made the remark. He tried turning around, but he couldn't turn his head around. "Filthy? You call Us the filthy ones? WE ARE THE PURE ONES! We are trying to get back what is rightfully ours. The way it was supposed to be before that shitty little Hearth's warming bullshit holiday. Those ground creatures need us to grow their crops and stay alive. Why should we? What purpose do they serve? This world would be so much better with only the wingéd master race.

"They supply you with the food to keep you alive." Quipped Steel. The guard, clearly unhappy about this comment, thrust the small spear attached to his hoof through the pony on the ground.

"YOU THINK WE'RE FUCKING IDIOTS?!?! WE KNOW HOW TO GROW, YOU LITTLE SHIT!"He screamed as he twisted the spear. The pony, still alive screamed in agonizing pain. The guard then yanked the spear up and proceeded to head towards the door. "NOW KEEP QUIET!!!" The one guard screamed as the two exited the room.

"STEEL!" Rain panicked in a hushed voice. "Are you okay?"

"Y...yeah. I... I'm f...fine. I shhhhould pull thhhhrough." replied Steel, gargling blood. Though he tried to sound positive, Rain could tell he wouldn't make it, and he knew Steel had realized by now, that there wasn't much time left.

"Promise me you will return to get me." Rain heard one of the soldiers speak.

"Who just said that?" Rain questioned

"It is I, Divine Haste" Stated the pony proudly.

"I refuse to let you do anything stupid" Rain replied protectively

"I'm not asking for your permission. I simply want the comfort of knowing you will return for me"

"And why exactly won't you be joining us?" Rain whispered puzzlingly

"Well, cause I w...won't be walking much after thi-ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Rain could hear him scream as he heard a loud crack of a leg snapping.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Rain yelled in a whispering voice.

"I've...just...gotta get, the chains lose enough. NNNNNNGGGGGGGG" The pony moaned quieter this time, as he intentionally shattered another leg into pieces.

Rain could hear the agony, as the brave white Pegasus muffled the shrieks he let out with each passing snap.

"I... I'm coming guys..." Divine said in a voice that hurt just to hear.

He began to combine a sort of hop, with a roll as he pulled lose of of the chains with ease and proceeded to hop on his side towards the door.

"When I get to the door, I need to guys to get the guards in here" He whispered quietly

It took the poor pony more than three minutes just to reach the door. Three minutes may not be that long for some, but for Divine it was three whole minutes of trying to move on four completely shattered legs, knowing if he made a peep all would be in vain. As he finally reached the door, he gave a faint nod to Rain and the other ponies. Then, looking up at the door, he rammed his head against the wooden door shaking it violently.

"Hey guys, I'm free!" shouted Rain in joy, lying of course. "Let me get you guys out" He hoped this pathetic fib would help attract the guards. He knew it was either this foolish plan, or simply dying in shame.

Sure enough the guards burst through the door looking to stab any loud mouth pony. Divine, from behind the door, mustered all his strength and flung his limp body once the guards moved past him. His shambled body crashed into the nearest guard, and together they landed with a thud. The other guard, oblivious to what was going on, turned about face just in time to see Divine grab his cohort's spear-laden hoof with his mouth. Before he could register what Divine was plotting, he felt his throat tear as he saw the flash of the blood-soaked blade glide past him. Suddenly, the blade was turned on its master, as Divine thrust it through the guard's thin bronze helm.

There then was a silence as everypony tried to comprehend what just happened. Rain and his fellow captives couldn't believe that a shot in the dark chance at freedom had actually succeeded. Rain looked at Brilliant first, then Stormy, expecting one of them to say something. He didn't know they were doing the same.

"Wha...what do we now?" Rain finally peeped.

"Wait, Divine, see if there's a key or something on one of their bodies!" suggested Steel

"I..I'll try." Divine moaned, still in agonizing pain. Divine began to nudge the guards with his nose, flipping them over. He was having trouble seeing in the dimly lit room. The little light coming from the open door made things a little better, but not enough. "Wait I think I found them" He said in joy. The accomplishment he made over powered the pain he was suffering.

"OH MY GOD! Bring them here. We need to get out fast. Divine began to approach Rain, leaping as fast as he could, not complaining about the pain once. Once he finally reached his finish line he used his teeth to hold the keys, and unlocked Rain from the torturous chains. Rain then got the keys from his savior's mouth and proceeded to unlock the reaming ponies. He came to Steel first. He looked down into the Pegasus' face and saw that he was longer moving.... He paused for a moment.

"RAIN COME ON!" hurried Brilliant "More guards are sure to come soon"

"He didn't make it guys" Rain said quietly as he slowly turned around" The Pegasus then ran over to Stormy and unlocked him and Brilliant.

"He did not die in vain" Stormy stated as he rubbed his hoofs. "Now come on lets go. I'll help Divine"

"NO!" Divine screamed at them. "You guys go without me. I will just slow you down. I'll be much more useful down here where I can at least be a distraction." The three ponies saluted the soon to fall soldier and ran out the door.

"Okay now what do we do? How do we find the exit, and where do we go?"

"Nowhere" Smiled Rain. "We're already here"

No Worries

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"Ughhhh How long are we going to be here for?" grumbled Spike. What seemed much older in simple pony years, wasn't much in dragon years. He had only grown ever so slightly, an inch or two at the most.

"Only a few more days, I promise. The princess will be very pleased when she sees the results I have come up with" Stated Twilight gleefully. Twilight had moved back to Canterlot to live with the Princess shortly before Rainbow had left for Cloudsdale. She was now Celestia's "Mare In Waiting, her most important pony, and was currently on a special assignment for the princess.

"What are these results for anyway?" He asked.

"Now Spike, you know I can't reveal anything about this. Especially to a dragon. You're going to grow up one day, and knowing such things could jeopardize the entire kingdom"

"But Twilight! I won't fully mature for at least a thousand more years. That's not even in your lifetime. So what do you have to worry?" He mumbled

"It IS in Celestia's though, and I can't take any chances. I love you Spike, but you know how adult dragons can be"

"Yeah yeah yeah. Forget I even said anything" Spike grumbled. "I really miss Rarity"

"Now come on... We've only been gone a few days. She'll still be in Canterlot when we return." Rarity had in fact moved to Canterlot a few years back. She was now a top designer for the famous Fancy Pants. She was living the life she had always hoped for, and still had the majority of the same friends she had always had.

Fluttershy had also moved to Canterlot around the same time as Rarity. She had been invited by Celestia to work for her as her personal gardener and naturist. She as well was living her dream; she got to be in the garden with the most beautiful of any flowers, as well as with her animal companions who had learned to love her in the same way she loved them.

Applejack remained where she was meant to be. On Sweet Apple Acres with Big Macintosh. The two of them had inherited the farm to take care of together after Granny Smith had passed. Mac was in charge of taking care of the trees and apples, while AJ had found that she was doing well in sales. She had made a great deal with a company that specialized in selling apple based products.

Pinkie Pie had gone on to be what else, but a party planner. She had won multiple awards that hailed her as the best party planner in all of Equestria. She even helped a few couples to plan their weddings, which many agreed was the most beautiful wedding they had ever attended. She was the happiest she had ever been. After all, she got to help ponies plan the happiest days of their lives.

"Twilight... I don't feel well"

"What did you eat this time Spike?" Twilight slowly turned to Spike to see him become nauseous and hunch over. He then spit out a green flame and a piece of paper came with it.

"A letter from the princess?" She questioned "She hasn't sent one of these in ages. Then again... she hasn't had the need to. I'm always right at her side when she needs me" She giggled. Spike, still lying on the floor, forgetting how it felt to receive a letter, didn't say a word. Twilight opened up the letter and began reading it to herself

I would have sent out this letter sooner, but there was much that needed my attention. Canterlot is under attack from the Sky Pegasi. Many brave ones have already fallen, yet the battle has just begun. Your friends, as well as I, have been removed from the kingdom unharmed. Our hopes of getting the elements to revert this evil, will cease to succeed, for the evil we are against, is the Element of Loyalty, your friend Rainbow Dash. I would like you to remain where you are for your own safety and do not let anyone know where you are located. I have sent a handful of troops to safely escort you to a secure location.

Twilight's eyes did not move for several moments after reading this. She hadn't spoke a word.

"Twilight?" Spike asked, concerned

"W...we must s...stay here Spike." She shuttered. "Rainbow Dash..." she paused "has placed an attack on Canterlot"

"Rainbow what!?!?!" Spike screamed "There has to be some mistake. It couldn't be her. She wouldn't do such a thing... w...would she?" The two just stood there. Speechless and emotionless. They didn't know what to do.

The Princess at Hand

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The sun was now beginning to set. Many hours had passed since Twilight had received the letter, and there was still no sign of her escort party. The sky was getting dark, and it the temperature was dropping at exceptional rates extremely fast. What was happening? she thought to herself. It wasn't scheduled to get this frigid for at least 2 more months. The temperature continued to drop. What began as a sunny and warm summer day, was becoming a late falls night. Twilight looked to the sky. She could see clouds forming over Equestria. It blocked out what little sun was still shining in the sky. The temperature was still dropping, and snow began to drop. Twilight looked closely at these clouds with a gut feeling. She began to see movement in the clouds, like something flying. She looked harder and confirmed to herself that these were the infamous Windigoes.

"No. It can't be... NOT WINDIGOES!!!" She exclaimed "They haven't been seen in over 600 years!"

"Well there hasn't been such an act of hatred since then." Spike replied "This is a land of peace Twilight. No one in a million years would have thought anything this evil still existed still"

"HEY WATCH IT! That's Rainbow Dash we're talking about." She started to sob. "There HAS to be something wrong with her" There..." She sniffled. "There's no way she... could do something like this. I know her"

"Twilight snap out of it. I know you loved her. We all did, but there's nothing we can do about it. You know what has to be done. We have to find the missing element, and stop her." Just then the door was kicked in by a white Pegasus wearing gold armor.

"Miss Twilight Sparkle. We are your royal escort" He said quickly. "We apologize for the time we took. We were caught off guard by a swarm of Sky Pegasi. We lost only a few colts, but we overtook them. We must leave, and find an alternate route." Twilight and Spike quickly followed them outside, where there were easily 60 colts to guard them.

"WE MUST GO NOW. PROTECT THE MARE AT ALL COSTS!!!" Twilight then began to climb in a carriage.

"Wait!" She panicked. "I need to gather some books"

"Miss, we don't have time"

"I MUST. I have to do some studying to figure out what we're up against"

"WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE UP AGAINST! Some uptight little pricks that think they are the best, and we are dirt." Twilight ignored this comment and ran back into the house, grabbing at least 20 different books with her magic and placing them into the carriage before climbing in herself. The troops began taking off in flight. The snow was getting heavy now, and the blizzard was only getting worse as the battle raged on. Twilight was unsure as to where they were going, nor did she care at this point. From the minute they began moving, Twilight had her nose buried in her books. The golden carriage began descending, finally landing back on the ground.

"Twilight we're here" Spike announced. Twilight just sat there, reading her book and not flinching. "TWILIGHT! He screamed

"HUH!?!?! What?" She shrieked

"Weeeee... Aarreee.... Heeeerrrre..." He said slowly

"Oh right..." One guard came and opened the door. Twilight didn't even acknowledge this. She just picked her book up and carried it with her spell, reading it as she walked. One guard who Twilight didn't even get a look at, opened the front door to a small, yet secure building. She looked away from her book for a moment to see the other 4 ponies as well as Celestia standing there. Not saying a word.

"Guys... I think I know what's going on." Twilight said as she closed her book

"You mean other than the whole. Rainbow trying to kill us thing?" Questioned Applejack in a sarcastic voice.

"There's nothing we can do..." Fluttershy said softly. "We can't fight. All we were good for were the Elements... without Rainbow.... it's hopeless" She said with teary eyes. Pinkie Pie just sat there staring at the wall. Hair completely straight instead of her usual gleeful and luscious curls. She slowly turned her head with tears running down her cheeks.

"This can't be happening. Rainbow killing?" She cried. "It can't be. I can't do this you guys. This war... IT'S CREATING SO MUCH HATRED!!! and it's getting colder by the second . I can't... take much more of this"

"YOU GUYS!" said Twilight in an enthusiastic voice "I don't think this is Rainbow at all. I've been reading in this book. It describes everything that is happening right down to the Windigoes. It happened 1200 years ago"

"Well?" Questioned Rarity "What in the world does it say?" Everypony stared at her "What... I haven't said anything yet.

"Rarity!" AJ yelled "This is hardly the time to be thinking of yourself"


"Oh you just needed to get an word in edgewise"

"YOU GUYS ENOUGH!!!" Shrieked Twilight. They all fell silent. "Listen it says here that an Alicorn such as Celestia, has the magic to cast a powerful spell known as Purity. It makes the one whom the spell was cast upon feel the need for complete perfection at something. We know Rainbow. Flying was her life. What if that's what happened?" Celestia looked surprised.

"Twilight... What you're suggesting" The Princess exclaimed "That means Luna has reverted back to evil!"

"It looks like it. You two are the only Alicorns left in Equestria" Twilight replied. "It says here that the spell has been known to temporarily vanish, giving the pony a few moments of a their conscience, but it's only temporary"

"Is there any way to permanently stop it?" Questioned AJ

"You must shatter the magical horn of the Alicorn" replied Celestia quickly. She knew this spell. She had fear in her eye. "This won't be an easy task"

Hell Freezes Over

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the ground, the battle raged on. Hundreds of both Earth ponies and Pegasi had been slaughtered. The buildings of Equestria were painted with the blood of the fallen Pegasi. The streets lined with pieces of ponies, heads over her, an organ over there, and the battle was still getting worse. The armies were so cold, they were losing mobility. The Pegasi's wings were freezing, sending them crashing down at incredible speeds, and they were beginning to move slower. Unable to feel anything.

As the troops became unable to move another step, ice began to form around their feet, quickly expanding over their bodies, until all the troops were frozen solid in a block of ice. The battle had ended, and no victor had prevailed.


"Okay you guys" Said Rain, flying directly over the ground in a static position. He could not walk on the ground. He was equipped with the armor and weapons he had pulled off one of the guards his party had previously killed. "We've already taken out quite few guards, and 90 percent of them are below in Canterlot" He glanced out the window and stopped. "HOLT SHIT GUYS LOOK!!! It's a fucking blizzard out there!" He looked at the other two ponies. They as well were armed.

"I didn't think we'd be getting this kind of weather for a few more months" Brilliant stated

"We aren't supposed to EVER have anything this bad" puzzled Stormy "Look at how horrible it is out there. That's the worst snow storm I've ever seen"

"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU SAD EXCUSES FOR PEGASI!!!" Shouted a guard running at them fast. One guard? Rain thought to himself? Easy as pie, he thought to himself. He proceeded to lift his hoof, and bolt towards the guard, taking his head off in one swift slice as he blew past him, like that of a warm knife gliding through a stick of butter. Rain immediately made u-turn and regrouped. The three then began on the flight to the Rainbow Room.

"Okay guys" Rain said nervously "Our chances for survival in this battle are not in our favor, and you guys know it. There are only three of us and who knows how many will be guarding Rainbow Dash, but we must not give up. We must try our hardest in restoring order to Equestria"

As the three closed in on the entrance to this horrifying room, they began to increase their speed. The three flew neck and neck and rammed the door head on and knocked it open with ease. Before they even got a moment to analyze the room after entering, they were quickly ambushed by guards. They didn't even stand a fighting chance. They had failed, they all thought. The battle was finished now, and the final hour was in sight. The guards knocked them out, and when Rain woke up, he was being pinned down by a filthy looking Pegasus, with knotted up red fur, and a grey mane barely showing through a thick helmet. They had a sickly orange eyes, and a cruel aroma coming through the already gagging stench of decaying pony meat arising from the machine. He looked around, but could not see his comrades.

"Well well. It's about time you woke up!" The pony said in a deep scraggily voice "I figured it was time I talk to you face to face. I know you from somewhere, I just can't place my hoof on it"

"I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU IN MY LIFE!!!" Shouted the pony at the terrifying creature that stood over him. As the red Pegasus repositioned their body, he caught sight of the cutie mark on the back of the pony. It was Rainbow Dash! She looks even worse now, and didn't resemble the pretty Pegasus in the slightest. The only thing that let you knew who this great pony was, was her now fading cutie mark. "Rainbow?" he questioned. The mighty leader flashed her attention to him, staring directly into his eyes, as if trying to gaze into his soul.

"Yes it is I, the great Rainbow Dash!"

"You don't have much rainbow left in you" Rain smirked "You look absolutely pathetic!" Rainbow, still standing on top of him so he was unable to move, raised both her front hoofs and brought them down with mighty force, making direct contact with Rain's nose. His nose began bleeding profusely.

"Don't taunt me you little fuck. I will rip you apart without a second thought!" She screamed

"THEN DO IT! Let's see if you kill someone with your won hoofs for once, instead of hiding behind a machine and an army" Rainbow laughed at this comment.

"You really don't know me at all do you?" She said grimly. "FINE! I WILL rip you to pieces"

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Sounded Twilight's voice. The fierce Pegasus froze, and slowly turned her head to see the princess and the other 5 elements standing to the room now.

"HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?!" Rainbow asked fiercely

"THAT IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!!!" Screamed Rarity. Rainbow glanced at the princess, and smiled knowing she had used a spell to teleport them all. Twilight could see Rainbow's cutie mark, and had to take a second glance. This couldn't be her. Could it?

"You guys shouldn't be here" Rainbow laughed "You're just gonna get yourselves killed"

"Forget it. The guards are all dead" said Twilight with a smile "You're out numbered"

" We have three magical beings with us" Pinkie chimed in "and what do you have? NOTHING!"

"Oh I wouldn't say that" chuckled Rainbow "In fact... I think you miscounted. I believe I have the more powerful being"

"What in the hay are you talkin' about?" Asked AJ

"It's over girls" sounded the princess' voice "give it up, and just submit to her. You were all going to die anyway"

"PRINCESS!" Shrieked Twilight "What are you doing?" The princess smiled

"Well she's right. I mean... what purpose do Earth ponies truly serve? They serve no purpose to us. They simply get in our way"

"Princess no..." Twilight said as a tear came to her eye "How could you say such a thing?"

"None of you have any reason to still be amongst the living... Except you Fluttershy. You... YOU still have a chance to survive. Join us and you may still live. You can still have your animal friends with you after this war is over. Think about how much they need you"

"I...." Fluttershy began softly, looking down at the ground. She then got red in the face and the fierce "I WON'T!" she yelled more forcefully "I CAN'T SIMPLY TURN MY BACK ON MY FRIENDS!!! Not like you Rainbow... and Princess.. You... I can't..." She didn't finish her sentence. She simply broke down, and dropped to the floor in tears.

Twilight knew something had to be done. She looked at Rainbow, then to the princess for some sort of strategy. She then noticed something rather odd. Celestia's eyes... They weren't pink like they should have been. They were... red. Was the evil just taking over her like it was Rainbow Dash? Was she under control too? No there's no way... It happened too fast. The evil wouldn't have done something like this for some time. This couldn't be the princess. Twilight quickly thought to herself, trying to recall a spell she had once learned... The True Form spell. She remembered it rather quickly, and began to cast it. Before Celestia could even see what was happening, the spell was now in orb form, making contact with the princess' face

"GAHHHHH! YOU BITCH!" She screamed. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!" A bright light blinded everybody as she began to change. This WASN'T the princess after all. She was right. As the light faded out, the ponies took a glance to who they had thought was the princess. There stood what appeared to be a Zebra... WITH WINGS AND A HORN?!?!? Was this even possible? There's no way this could be right. Where did she come from, and who was this mysterious Alicorn like creature?

The Cataclysm

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"Oh hush" replied the mysterious Alicorn with what appeared to be a group of stars as a cutie mark.

"Now you looky here missy" Applejack snapped in Twilight's defense. The Alicorn had a sour look on her face as her horn began to glow "She asked you a question, and I thi..." Apple jack was cut short as she dropped to the floor unconscious without a warning.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!?" The four ponies shrieked at the same time.

Rain, weak and badly beaten from the ambush, tried to stand, now that Rainbow wasn't perched on top of him. He festered all the strength he could and managed to push himself up. He stood there momentarily, trying to gain some stability. Once he felt he was ready he charged towards the villainous adversary as fast as his damaged body would allow him to travel. He was closing in now, less than 10 feet away.

Rainbow saw the brave Pegasus charging towards her master and jolted forward, reaching at least 80 miles per hour within her first second of take off. Rain was shut down before he could reach the Alicorn, as Rainbow's head made contact with his ribs. The already broken pony went soaring into the air from the impact of the blow, landing with a loud thud as his head hit first.

Rain began to cough up blood. Looking around, he knew there wasn't a fighting chance left. He was ready for the end. He wasn't upset at the fact that he was about to be destroyed by this vicious striped devil, but the fact that he was one of Equestria's last hope... and he was about to die. The only thing left to do was accept his fate and hope that the remaining few ponies could change the fate of the land.

The disheartened Pegasus looked at Rainbow with a crushed look. He still had no idea what was happening. He knew not that Rainbow wasn't in control of her own actions. The Alicorn in control turned about face from the four ponies to see Rain laying on the floor. She paced over to immobile pony. She looked deep into his eyes, as if reading his soul. She could see the heartache he was in. She could see how crushed he was over being taken down by Rainbow.

"You really care about this Pegasus don't you?" She smiled. Rain simply gazed up at her. Refusing to say a word. "Well then... I only see it fit then that she does you the honor of putting you out of your misery" She turned and began to walk back towards the others. "Rainbow.... come take care of this"

As Rainbow closed in on the motionless soldier, she paused momentarily. Tears began to run down her eyes, and she began to struggle. Rain could see she didn't want to do this. As the powerless Pegasus began to fight the binding magic, an aura began to form around the hellish red Pegasus. She was fighting with all of her strength. Was it possible she could overcome it and destroy the magic? Would this be different than the others the spell had effected? Could she be stronger than the rest of them and be the first one to beat this spell?

The aura around Dash was beginning to spark and crackle like a short circuiting wire. Rainbow began to scream in agonizing pain. Was this spell breaking really causing her this much pain? Even Twilight looked at this event in awe. Her eyes wide, and jaw hanging loosely, just as the other ponies around the room. The room began filling up with lightning. It was like a storm in there, but all the energy was being directed to the dark magic glow.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" laughed the Alicorn. Go ahead and try. It's useless to break out of a spell whilst still in my presence" The smug Alicorn chuckled. Her horn began to glow again as she casted her spell, not redirecting all energy into her horn. "This power... IT FEELS EXCELLENT!!! With this kind of energy I can place them all under my command in one shot" She schemed to herself. She closed her eyes, and her horn began to glow brighter as her power increased. As she opened her eyes again, they were white with power, much like the power in Twilights eyes with the help of the Elements.

The room abruptly became still. Rainbow was now on the ground next to Rain, neither of them moving. All the energy streaks, all the shouting... silent. The zebra like Alicorn stood there momentarily oblivious to what had happened. Before she could look around to see what had happened, she was struck with a look of terror when her horn shattered into a million different pieces. The petrified, and now powerless Alicorn looked to the other ponies behind her and saw two familiar faces behind the concerned Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie, while AJ still lay there unconscious.

"Hello Constella" Twilight heard Celestia exclaim.

"PRINCESS!!!" Twilight delighted as she turned to see both Celestia and Luna. "Wait you the this mare?"

"Yes Twilight" Luna replied. "This is our younger sister"

"SISTER?!?!" Twilight yelled, puzzled. "I didn't know you guys had another sister"

"Well that's because we thought she was banished forever" Luna gritted her teeth. "How did you return to our land, you pathetic excuse for royalty?"

"That's not for you to know" chuckled Constella.

Celestia glared at her wicked sister. "We should have just killed you. We should have known you would find some way to return. I don't see how you can do this to us. We always loved you, and welcomed you. Even with your differences"

"IT WASN'T YOU GUYS I HATED! It was everypony else. They couldn't handle my differences. I was the best flyer ever to grace these lands... Like Rainbow here. I wanted her to create the perfect flyers, and get rid of the disgraces. You just got in the way. I needed something to test the new armies. It was never about my hatred for the Earth ponies. It was about creating the perfect group to serve under my command when I took my rightful place... AT THE THRONE!!!"

She lunged at the other two, but was too, cut short of reaching them. The Alicorn was bombarded in the side by a supersonic Rainbow Dash. Constella let out a painful screech, as her ribs shattered at once, and almost immediately again from the other side as she made contact with the wall, shattering a good portion of solid wall.

"No one controls Rainbow Dash" The now freed pony said as she spun around and kicked Constella in the side of the neck, crushing her neck and instantly killing her.

The End of Days

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room was silent. The only sounds were those of the heavy breaths and wheezing coming from around the room. Not a single one of them knew what to say, not even Celestia. Ice was beginning to form inside of the room. THE WINDIGO STORM! IT'S REACHED CLOUDSDALE!!! Rainbow, now in control of herself looked over to Rain, knowing she was the one who had done this to him. She quickly ran over to his side, while the others ran to Applejack's.

"AJ... Wake up" Pinkie pleaded.

"Yeah..." Rarity sniffled "You can't just leave in such a sloppy manner... we... we didn't say goodbye"

"Rain?" Rainbow questioned with tears in her eyes. "Rain! Respond to me" Rain slowly moved his eyes to meet hers and smiled. At one point, they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever looked into, and he was happy to be gazing into them once again. He could see the innocence in her. She never meant to do the things she was forced to do. She was still virtuous in his eyes. He had already forgiven her. After all... what choice did he have? He couldn't in good conscience hold it against her. No matter, he could never stay mad at her.

He looked upon her mangy ruined fur and felt sorrow. He didn't know if she would ever be herself again. Still, after all the memories he had with her, he smiled. She was still beautiful in his eyes. He only wished he was able to speak. The two princess' trotted toward Rain.

"Twilight" Celestia said calmly looking at the purple pony. "We are going to need your help if this has a chance at working"

"But... What are we doing?" She questioned

"Just get over here and follow our lead my little pony" Twilight was quick to attend her side. As the 3 horns began to glow, there grew a supernatural atmosphere, like tiny tickling sparks flying throughout the room. The three magical beings began to ascend into the air. The other ponies, baffled, simply looked in awe as the room began sparking. It almost seemed as though something could catch fire in this electrical storm. Around the room machinery began cracking and shattering. The beautiful waterfalls full of sin corroded away, causing the multicolored mixture of spectra to seep out onto the floor. The instruments ceased to produce any further colors, while the room was growing dark. The spell was draining all the energy from the room, even the life. The few ponies around the room began to grow weaker.

The energy created such power, that it caused a blast, sending all the ponies in different directions, like a smaller version of the Big Bang. They all quickly jumped up, including Applejack, oblivious to what had happened, and ran over to the green Pegasus still curled in the same position. They couldn't save him Twilight thought as she hung her head in shame, while the two Alicorns continued to wait.

"APPLEJACK!!!" They all cheered as they hugged the now conscious pony.

"Whoa now.. Let's not get carried away just yet ladies." stated AJ

"Nnghhh" they could hear Rain in pain. "AGHH!!!!" He shouted louder. He began to move uncontrollably, screaming in anguish as the pain continued to increase. "AHHHHH!!!!! I CAN'T AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The shattered bones of the smashed colt began to shift under his flesh, repositioning themselves in their correct location. The screams began to ease, as all that was left was the blood stains remaining on his fur. After the pain completely came to a halt, the newly fixed pony lost consciousness.

Sighs of relief could be heard coming from every pony. While the ice began freezing the floor below them, the hatred of the previously unwilling ponies was being replaced with the love and joy that it was over. Everything had ended. They knew how the rest would play out. They all had a laugh as they witnessed the ice beginning to melt. Rainbow dash, however remained by Rain's side not even caring they had reached the end. All that remained on her mind was the still perfect images of the faces of ever living being she had so carelessly massacred. She knew it wasn't her, but all that blood... all that pain... it was on her. Every last bit of it was caused by her or under her command. She began sobbing profusely.

"I COULDN'T STOP IT!" she shrieked, grabbing the others attention "If only..." she gasped "If only I was stronger... I could have broken the spell sooner. I could have prevented this" She bellowed in fury and regretful tears.

"Rainbow" Twilight said in support as she walked over to Rainbow's side. "There was nothing you could have done differently. This could have happened to any pony. This blood isn't on your hoofs. It's on the beast that we have already slain"

"YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU!?!?!" Rainbow panicked "I sat there and watched. I witnessed every second of these last few months. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE NO CONTROL!?!?!" she sobbed harder "I saw the last moment of so many lives with a smile on my face... AND I COULDN'T DO SHIT ABOUT IT!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS LIKE?"

"Well no" Twilight began "but you're stronger than that Rain.." She was quickly cut off

"I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME HOW STRONG I AM!" Rainbow said raising herself up a few feet higher in the air "I'm Rai... I'm R.... R..." She dropped her wings to her side, dropping the few feet to the floor as she broke down in an uncontrollable wallow.

"Rainbow" all the ponies said close to the same time, causing an echo effect. They closed in on her.

"Look sugar cube" AJ began to say. Rainbow jumped up, tears still in her eyes as she smiled in a creepy manner. Applejack couldn't even finish what she was saying. She just stared, dumfounded at the insane look she was receiving from Dash. "I... uh...."

"YOU'RE RIGHT!" Rainbow said in a cheerful voice "Aaaaaabsolutely right my fellow compadres!" I couldn't have done it without you" They all remained stupefied at what was occuring.

"Uhhh Rainbow" Pinkie said curiously "Are.. uh... Are you okay?"

"NEVER BETTER! Why do you ask general?"

"General?" she asked with a puzzled look, similar to the others. Even Celestia and Luna were stunned by this performance.

"Now... I must go. I have to finish this within 10 minutes or all of us are going to die when the world explodes!" She said as she twitched.

"RAINBOW WAIT!!!" Twilight shouted as Rainbow dashed out of sight. They all stood there momentarily silent. "What are we gonna do now girls?"

Off Her Rocker

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Celestia looked to her younger sister. "Luna" she paused momentarily "You must go below and take care of the troops on the ground. They will be melting shortly, and we don't need innocent Pegasi being slaughtered by our confused troops" Luna nodded in agreement and rushed to the door.

"What do we do princess?" asked Twilight


Rain was now beginning to wake up. "ohhhhh.. my head... what happened?" He asked in confusion

"That's what you guys can do. Stay here and keep watch over this young one" Celestia exclaimed.

"WAIT!" Shouted Rain in fear. "The rest of my party... They vanished. I have to find them"

"It's okay Rain. We found them in a chamber as we were clearing the Factory out. I teleported him to safety. There is no need to worry"

"Wait then why don't you just teleport US to safety... no offense."

"None taken. It is an reasonable question. You see... Magic DOES take a lot of energy. I was not expecting to find any other soldiers along the way"

"Wait... My comrades didn't mention me?" He said in a heartbroken voice

"No no... They did. They said you had been taken to be used on the rainbow machine hours ago. They said the guards told them you were already dead. So I ported them to a safe place and now I do not have the energy. Twilight and anyone who can't fly" she paused a moment and looked to Rain "That includes you. You're going to kill yourself if you try. Your bones are newly formed and they aren't strong yet. They will shatter very easily". She looked to them all and nodded, then proceeded to the door before taking off in flight.


Fluttershy was creeping on Rainbow unnoticed. Though her voice was still quiet and she was still as shy as ever, she now had a much tougher exterior to her. She was able to complete her job of keeping Rainbow out of trouble with ease. As she began to close in on her, she could see the insane Pegasus running into walls and from the looks of it, trying to kill herself.

"DASHIE STOP!!!" Shouted Fluttershy. Rainbow stopped in her tracks and turned to face the other pony.

"What did you call me?"

"D....Dashie... it's what we y..y...used to call you. Don't you remember?"

"What are you trying to pull huh?"

"wh..wha?" She said in major confusion


"Rainbow it's me... Fluttershy" she said. Rainbow gazed at her in puzzlement.

"Don't play games. I will destroy you" She screamed. These words sent chills down Fluttershy's spine. She knew in her current state that she wouldn't hesitate to act on her words. The mad Pegasus turned around and took off in the other direction. Fluttershy, quickly realizing this, tried to catch up to her as quick as possible.

"It's a good thing I went back to flight school" She thought to herself. Even though she had fallen behind, she could still see her target ahead of her. Rainbow made sharp right turn around a corner. By the time Fluttershy made it around the turn she could see Rainbow make another turn, this time left. She gave all her might to fly faster to keep up with her, but by the time she made it around the next turn she had lost sight of her. Fluttershy panicked and flew higher into the air to get a better view, but there was no luck. Rainbow had vanished... Fluttershy began to tear up slightly. She had failed Twilight. The one simple task she was given and she couldn't handle it, but most of all... She had failed Rainbow Dash. This was probably the only chance she had of saving what was left of her sanity. She began to land on the street below near the coliseum where all Hell had begun. Before she even touched the ground, she could see a flash of red as she was tackled by the one and only Dash; or what was left of her anyway.

"The taste of innocence" She said as she licked Fluttershy's face. "Tell me... Why are you here? There is a battle about to occur and an innocent one such as yourself has no part in this massacre.

"DASH!" Fluttershy screamed, causing Rainbow to shoot her a evil and defensive look. "LOOK AT YOURSELF! You're off your rocker. None of this is real... none of it. Now get a hold of yourself and come with me. We can help you. Twilight can bring back your memories. Rainbow Dash was clearly displeased and didn't believe a word coming from her mouth

"You filthy little pissant. You're gonna say fuck you to the pony who is telling you to save yourself? TRYING TO LET YOU KEEP YOUR INNOCENCE!?!? FUCK ME?"

"Rainbow I never said..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rainbow quickly shot a glance Eastward. "THEY'RE HERE! WE'RE TOO LATE!" Fluttershy looked in the same direction. She could see a swarm of beautiful multicolored birds coming towards them. A storm was following and rolling up fast. They could hear the thunder cracking louder and louder as it approached in no time.

"Rainbow. It's just a flock of.... birrrdddssss...." She finished slowly as she began to see that these birds had curling horns and razor sharp teeth within it's already deadly looking beak. The thunder roared as the flock clapped their wings together in perfect sync with one another, while the lightening seemed to be emitting from the snakes that gave a toxic looking glow. "No..." She shrieked... IT CAN'T BE! NOT.... THUNDERBIRDS!!! THEY DON'T EXIST!" Rainbow looked down at the pony she was still holding down.

"You must go!" She insisted.

"DASHIE NO!!! It's impossible to take them all at once. Not by yourself"

"Why should I listen to you? You haven't listened to a thing I've said all day"

"Alright Dashie. Please... I'm sorry. I should have listened to you, but what did you expect? You don't even remember who I am"

"I REMEMBER WHO I AM! AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS! I KNOW MY MISSION AND NO ONE WILL GET IN MY WAY OR THEY... WILL... DIE!!!". Rainbow shot off in the other direction directly into the flock of birds. Before she reached the storm, she began using the wind to pick up more speed and get into formation to create a twister. How can she know all this stuff? Fluttershy thought to herself. She doesn't remember anything. She's lost it, yet she can do all these tricks?

A Twister began to form. Fluttershy began to fly away. She couldn't argue with what Rainbow had said. She knew that Rainbow could snap her in half without even trying, and she sure wasn't ready to try when she knew there was no chance. She could see a huge flash of lightning and the strong winds of the tornado died. She instinctively looked behind her. Rainbow Dash was dropping. She panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do. She decided to try. She dashed forward with every ounce of energy she had. Flying arrogantly into the storm. The birds hardly acknowledged her passing through. Once through the storm she shot down perpendicular to the ground. She could see Rainbow still falling. She started to cry as she picked up speed. She knew she wasn't going to make it in time. Her friend was about to be crushed on the ground below and she could have prevented the whole thing.

The Return

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The emotional yellow pony was growing tired, rainbow was almost to the ground now. As a last hope, she gave one more push. She could feel the air expanding around her. It felt like she was slowing down, while in reality she was only gaining more speed. She could see Rainbow nearly within her grasp now. She held her breath has she made an attempt to grab her friend. The ground was right below them, less than mile away now. She quickly wrapped herself around Rainbow and made 90 degree turn before beginning to gradually climb. As she began to rise into the air she came to realization how hard she had pushed herself and what had been accomplished. She had created a Sonic Rainboom. Fluttershy began to cry tears of awe. She thought seeing it was rare enough, but for her to actually accomplish such a thing. She knew how Rainbow had felt when she preformed her spectacular show. She looked down at her unconscious friend and was beginning to see movement.

"Rainbow?" She questioned. The bloody pony regained her thoughts quickly and bolted from her saviors grasp, ready to re-enter battle.

"What is...." Dash said in bewilderment. She glanced at the Fluttershy in awe, realizing that the trail had previously ended at Fluttershy. The baffled pegasus just hovered there with the most dazzled look on her face. "Someone else... pulled it... off?" she muttered as she glanced down to Fluttershy. The Young Flyers competition began to run through her mostly empty mind. She became teary eyed as she recognized her friend. "Fl...Fluttershy?" She mumbled

"Dashie?" Fluttershy cried

"I... I..." She failed to complete her sentence before getting a sour look on her face and taking off out of site instantly.

"DASH WAIT NO!!!!!" She bawled.


Rain and the remaining four ponies sat there obedient to the Princess. The room was still; not one of them spoke a word, and no one moved a muscle. Suddenly Fluttershy burst into the room.

"GUYS!" She shouted as she burst through the door.

"FLUTTERSHY!" The four mares shouted in surprise

"Sugar Cube" AJ said questioningly. "Where Rainbow?"

"That's just it. She took off. She ran directly into a flock of Thunderbirds and...

"THUNDERBIRDS?!?!" Twilight said in surprise. "There's no possibility that that's true th's not possible"

"Oh but Twilight..." Fluttershy stammered "That's just what I had said, but They were there and they shocked her knocking her out of the sky" They all gasped at once. "No. It's okay. I flew after her and caught her" They all looked surprised "She came through for a moment. She knew who I was... But then she took off again"

"OKAY THAT'S IT! I have to do something"

"Rain you can't move" Twilight stated "The Princess said you would only hurt yourself if you moved"

"I don't care" He murmured. "I'm not just gonna let this happen while I sit here on my ass. I came prepared to die, and I'm damn sure going to fight till the end." Without waiting for a response of approval he took off running for the exit.

"RAIN STOP!" Shouted Pinkie as she ran after him, followed by the others.


Scootaloo opened her eyes to total darkness. She could feel that there was no blindfold or anything of the sort. Was it that dark where she was, or had she been blinded? She stood up and walked forward, but was instantly stopped by the metal bars of the cage she was still in. She placed her face to the bars to figure out if she could see something directly in front of her, but she was unsuccessful at seeing anything.

"THEY BLINDED ME!" She shrieked.

"Your sightless nightmare is all in your mind" A deep mysterious and familiar voice chimed "Don't worry young filly for you aren't blind"

"DISCORD!" She shouted. Discord appeared in front of her making himself perfectly visible to her, while everything around still remained invisible to her eyes.

"Yes. It is I, Discord. Ruler of chaos and blah blah blah. Look I'm here to help you get out of this"

"Why would you ever help me?" She yelled at him.

"It's quite simple actually. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine"

"Of course there would be a catch"

"Not much of a catch really. It's something we both want. I want you to kill Rainbow Dash" She thought to herself how Rainbow was ready to kill her. She hadn't been notified of the changed conditions. She felt an unhealthy amount of her consideration leaning to take the offer.

"And why can't YOU kill her?"

"Now where would the fun be in that? We need one of her friends to kill her. Someone who she tried to kill. Someone... To show her payback"

"FORGET IT! I may be ready to kill that bitch myself, but I would never help you. Who knows what you'll do afterwards"

"OH FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY! I'm on a tight schedule right now. I wanted to have you do it with all your emotions attached to you, but this is mostly a punishment for Rainbow, so here" He snapped his fingers, placing Scootaloo under his control and filling her with more and more hatred. "Now go on" He said as he opened the cage and clicked his fingers again producing a bright glowing red door within the center of the pitch black room. As she approached the door it opened on its own, revealing a beautiful field lined with the corpses of fallen soldiers, pegasi and ground ponies alike. She stepped into the portal and continued on her way, anger clearly marked on her face, not noticing as the door closed and disappeared behind her.


Rainbow crashed back into the Weather Factory. She began searching around the entire facility as if trying to find something. As she approached the Rainbow Room she kicked in the door. The machines had all been fixed. Everything was running again. The spectra had been filled again with natural spectra. She could see the steam pouring out from the pipes over head. There were no employees working... Except one... Dr. Atmosphere

"Well well..." He exclaimed "If it isn't my dear friend... Rainbow Dash" She looked to him and immediately remembered who he was.

"DR. ATMOSPHERE!!!" She shouted back. Had the Sonic Rainboom recovered her memory? Or did Dr. Atmosphere just stand out in here memory that much?

Chapter 13: The Nick of Time

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"Oh so you DO remember me?" Dr. Atmosphere questioned undoubtedly. "I was told that you had stormed out of here all crazy like" He said as he walked down the stairs from the platform he stood upon.


"Oh. I was told by the lovely Constella."

"NO! There's no way. I killed her. I snapped her neck"

"Oh yes. Well you killed her physical body. But if an Alicorn is killed before their ascension, then they are forced to live on as a spirit for a hundred years before ascending to a place known as Darsidia. A place where the shamed and disgraceful Alicorns are forever damned to. If their magic has not been disrupted then for those hundred years you might as well call them a God, but you... You went and shattered her horn... But wait" He paused for a moment and gave a curious look. "You should have known this. The princess'.... They told you about this, did they not?" Rainbow just stood there in disbelief. "THEY DIDN'T... DID THEY?" He began to laugh insanely. Rainbow just stood there. Growing more red in the face.
"NO!" She shrieked. "I can't believe you. You're a filthy liar" She ran at him with all her might. She was cut short when a wall of electricity zapped her, sending her flying backwards. The power hungry pony laughed at her demise.

"You think I'm stupid? I wouldn't bring youuuuuu iiiin" his voice slowed down like playing a tape in slow motion before coming to a complete halt. He ceased to move. Rainbow looked around in confusion. The steam that was leaking from the pipes was motionless. Time around her had frozen while she was still in control of her actions. "niiii uuuuuuoy gnirb t'ndnlow I ?diputs m'I kniht uoy" he repeated backwards before busting out laughing how he had done before. The electrical wall sparked as it did when she hit it, but she did not feel the shock. He began to walk backwards up the stairs then through the door on the other side of the platform. The room went still again. all sounds were frozen. Not even the sound of her own breath echoed throughout the room.

Rainbow looked around the room, hoping to find an answer to what had caused this. She turned around just in time to see the door behind her get kicked in. The sound of the crash couldn't be passed through the air while time was frozen. Not a sound came from anything except for the sound of Scootaloo's voice as she snarled "Hello... SISTER!"

"Scootaloo I'm so sorry. You must know... It wasn't"

"Don't you say another God damned thing" Scootaloo snapped at her. "You don't get to talk. Not after what you did."

"Scoot you don't under.." Scootaloo shoved her hoof against Rainbow's mouth with incredible force and keeping them there, preventing her from speaking"

"You're just trying to weasel your way out of this, because you know how this is going to end. Well let me just tell you. You will NOT deny me the satisfaction of ending you once and for all" Rainbow wanted to fight back so badly, but she couldn't. She was already beaten up from the previous battles as well as her run in with the Thunderbirds. Things were looking dark for Rainbow. She deserved what she had coming. She had done all those cruel things to one of her best friends, and even worse to thousands of innocent ponies. She became teary and gazed deeply into Scootaloo's eyes, showing just how much sorry she had.

Scootaloo paused for a moment. Things began rushing through her head. Memories of the true Rainbow Dash. Seeing her eyes had returned o their natural rose color, replacing the sickly grey color that had taken over. She knew... Her sister was in there. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh Dashie... I thought you were gone" She removed her hoof from her mouth to allow her to reply.

"Oh Scoot. I'm so sorry. You must know... That wasn't me. Please bel..." Scootaloo gently placed her hoof back to Rainbow's mouth to hush her as she smiled.

"I know Dash. I realize that now. I knew that the time we had together was real" She began to sob tears of joy. "I love you so much big sis" Rainbow hugged her friend to comfort her, and placed her head against the side of hers.

"I know ya do kid... I know ya do..." She smiled "I love you too little rascal.

"OH GAG!!!" Exclaimed Discord "That'll be enough of this Soap Opera. I'm tiring of it." Discord snapped his fingers resuming time. Dr. Atmosphere immediately entered from the door onto the platform. He shot a glance over at the two.

"Oh Rainbow Dash. You're earlier than I expected. And you brought the runaway with you. Excellent" he laughed. "So I heard you took off out of here all crazy like"

"That will be enough Dr. Atmosphere" Rainbow shouted.

"OH! So you remember now?"

"Every... little... thing" She snarled

"Ooh. Even your greatest moments? The feeling of pleasure you had when you crushed their bones with your own hands all those times, instead of simply letting the machine do it?"

"Don't listen to him Dashie" Chimed Scootaloo.

"And you... Why are you defending this cunt? Look at what she did to you"


"Sure it was. All the spell did was strengthen her mind, make her tougher. She made the choices all on her own"

"No" Shouted Rainbow "NONE OF IT'S TRUE! I swear on my own grave" she looked to Dr. Atmosphere "I swear that I will fucking rip you to pieces" She began to charge at him then stopped, remembering the invisible electrical barrier.

"Ooh. This is getting juicy" Discord's voice echoed

"WHO THE HELL IS THAT!?" Shouted Atmosphere

"Let's make it even juicier" He laughed as the room began to melt. Dr Atmosphere jumped from the platform as to turned to goo, landing in inches of the goo that used to be the room. They were now outside on the clouds. Rainbow looked to the evil stallion, noticing that the electrical barrier had been melted away.

"Let's see what evil you still withhold Rainbow" Said Discord in a chuckle. Rainbow bolted at the mad colt ready to unleash hell and she would stop at nothing to see this truly evil beast suffer.

Chapter 14: Trickery

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Rain came to a sudden halt. He was struck with awe as he gazed down the hall ahead of him. Everything was becoming liquefied and seeping onto the deathly black cloud surface that lie below, displaying the sky and empty space where the Weather Factory once stood. "We shouldn't continue to just stand here" Twilight said with a firm tone. "Whatever force is driving everything to melt, it's coming this way. We don't know WHAT that will do to US!" The six ponies quickly shot in the other direction. Running away from the force, looking for some way out of the Factory on the other end.

"WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" Pinkie shouted with a winded voice.

"QUICK! IN HERE!" Shouted Applejack as she opened a door to an office like room. The others quickly followed her in. She bolted at window and dove through it, not realizing that they were on a cloud.

"NO!" Shouted Twilight as she cast the cloud walking spell on Applejack before she passed through the clouds. She mustered as much strength as she could and cast it on the other Earth Ponies. They all landed with a thud on the clouds below, except Fluttershy, who was hovering above. As they pulled themselves onto their hoofs, something a slight distance from them grabbed everyone's attention. They could see Rainbow beginning to charge at Atmosphere.

As Rainbow approached the malice stallion, He raised his hoof and struck her down with ease. He began to rub his hoof. Not from pain, but to show how easily he could take her down. Scootaloo gasped. "RAINBOW DASH!" She screamed in horror. She closed her eyes tight and rushed towards the laughing mad colt. As his laugh faded, he looked to Scoot as she approached and struck her as well, sending her soaring across the cloud surface. She bounced and rolled a bit, stopping just before reaching the edge of the cloud where in her condition would have surely fell to her death.
"LEARN YOUR PLACE YOU MAGGOT!" He yelled in disgust. "Rainbow... You were NEVER the strongest, you were NEVER the fastest, and you SURE as fuck weren't the smartest. You got put in charge because that filthy excuse for an Alicorn favored you, because she too was the so called "best flyer"" He said through his gritting teeth.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Snarled Constella's spirit, echoing through the air around them. "You REMEMBER WHO I AM YOU LITT-"

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Screamed Atmosphere. "YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU LOST YOUR HORN! You... You aren't worthy of your Alicorn title. You're a disgrace to your majestic race. You're almost as pathetic and powerless in death as you were in your miserable life."

"You pretentious little FUCK!" She screamed "I will fucking tear your throat out with my bare hoofs" Atmosphere laughed at this

"And... How? How do you plan to do any of this?" He chuckled.

"That would be where I come in..." sounded Discord.

"What the hell?" said Atmosphere in a startled voice.

"You see" said Discord. "Constella unfroze me with the simple task of bringing chaos to this specific place and time. Thus including one of my favorite means of havoc." The beautiful and still horned Constella descended from higher in the sky. As she landed she smirked.

"This was all part of my plan... and YOU sir; have just damned yourself to eternal suffering." Her horns tip began to glow and Atmosphere vanished from his stand point. Rain and the others were still standing there, unnoticed by the living monster.

"YOU!" Shouted Twilight. Constella turned to face the group that had been watching.

"Well hello girls. Oh sorry... I forgot that Rain isn't a mare." She laughed "You just looked so much like one that I got confused. It's nice to see that you are still alive."

"Y-you.... w-w-watch it you p-piece of shhhit..." stuttered Rainbow in pain from the blow to her face.

"AND YOU!" She screamed at Rainbow as she turned to face her lying on the cloud. "You are the biggest disappointment to me."

"You thhhink that I... g-give a fffuck?"

"No. You don't. Which is all the more reason that I finally put an end to you... Once... and for all." She took a few steps to close the gap between the two.

"Okay, that's enough" came the voice of Discord. Constella halted in disbelief. "I want to finish these ponies myself."

"And who the hell do you think you are?" She questioned in fury.

"I... am your savior. You owe me both gratitude and your life."

"I don't owe you shit!" She muttered angrily. "I will destroy you"

"Don't even think about it there sweetie." He laughed. "You're only alive because of MY chaos. Without me, all disharmonies would vanish... INCLUDING YOU! Without me you will die. So it looks like YOU answer to me now honey."

"You're lying!" She screamed in fear.

"But do you really want to take that chance?" He said with a smug look on his face. "Alright fine. Believe what you want. Here I stand. Strike me down now if you will." He spread apart his arms and legs making himself a bigger target. "Come on then. Let's see it." The furious Alicorn stood there grinding her teeth in hatred. "You see... I don't make a deal without first making the rules. I'm in control now, and unless you're ready to die again. I'd step away from Rainbow Dash or I'll end you where you stand." Dash began to pulls herself up from the ground, rubbing her busted jaw from the heavy hoof that was laid upon her. "In fact... Maybe I will let you kill her." He said with a second thought. "Let's make it a game. I can get plenty of amusement from this." He said as he snapped his fingers and laughed

Chapter 15: Game Start

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“Hahaha…” Discord mysteriously chuckled echoing. Constella felt a terror on her face and she never felt so frighten this much.

Twilight in other hooves, she teleported herself to the side of Rainbow Dash, trying to heal her up. And Scootaloo stood on herself, she was so tired and grown weaker.
Suddenly Discord revealed himself by the side of Constella. “I never had seen you so frighten dear Constella, what got in to you?” Constella wanted to beat Discord so badly but she can’t hardly move her own body.

“Oooo… no need to fight, I promise this will be over soon “

“What do you want from me?” Constella replied in frighten.

“Hmmmmmmm….. All I want just to scratch your back after you scratch mine that day…” Scootaloo gasped, Discord snapped his finger and Constella was nowhere to be found.

“Where do you sent her?!” Rain yelled

“Ahhh… Rain …” Discord said like he knows everything.

“Nice guess there Rain, I thing this game wouldn’t be fun without you. I just simply sent her to a place where she could grow her own army and plan an attack to this place. Wasn’t it beautiful “Discord said with a smile in his face.

“Equestria would be the best place”

“Stop this nonsense Discord” Celestia came.

“PRINCESS!” Twilight shrieked.

“What in the hay?” AJ confused

“Ahhh… Celestia… soo happy to see you joining this party.” Discord said calmly.

“STOP IT DISCORD” Celestia yelled.

“Ahh… so boring Celestia. The game had just started” Discord replied calmly.

“No pony want to play with you mean Meany pants” Pinkie Pie grumbled.

“Ooo… don’t worry pinkie, you pony wouldn’t play with me.” Discord said in surely.

“You pony will be looking for your elements in this game. And I would only give you all six clues. So listen closely Cloudsdale is a place not for fools, so the element are up there flouts.” Discord snapped his finger and gone.

Every one stayed silent in a moment.

“What is the meaning off that?” Rain questioned.

“Hmmm… Discord says that he’ll be giving us six clues. That mean the elements are placed separately.” Twilight said while she healing Scootaloo after Rainbow Dash.

“What in the hay are you saying sugar cube?” AJ questioned.

“No wait…” Rain cut the topic. “Aren’t we supposed to secure our beloved Kingdom first?” Rain suggested.

“Don’t worry Rain. Shinning Armor is already ahead of you, he already make a strategic plan to make a better defense and offense, and also he cast a shield spell with a power of a couple.” Celestia replied. “Now Twilight please continues”

“As I was saying. That Discord gives a hint from one to another element…”

“Clues… What clues?” Rainbow Dash said in heavy breath she taken rapidly.

“Yes… Dash is right, and watch out from Discord trick. We would not want that to happen again wouldn’t we?” Rarity cut Twilight word.

“Now… now Rarity amd Dash… let her finish her word first would ya.” AJ replied.

“So you see, I already solved this clue.” Twilight said in confidently.

“I think the way you explain to us, doesn’t help us use our spare time pretty well, no offense” he mumbled.

“No… I think you right. We should use our spare time quickly and invectively.” Twilight replied.

“So the way I thing that the element is up above this Factory, flouting.” She said in surely.

“So why are we waiting this SHIT!” Rainbow Dash shot to the sky in incredible speed.

“RAINBOW WAIT!” Twilight yelled.

“Dashie no…” Fluttershy said in softly.

“I-ii h-have t-to help my s-sister…” scootaloo said as the agony still in her body.

“No… you aren’t fully recover yet, and so does Rainbow” Twilight tried to blocked the orange pegasi with her unicorn and continued healing her.

“FLUTTERSHY!” she shouted at Fluttershy as the yellow Pegasus shrieked.

“Eeee… y…yes Twilight?” she shrieked

“Could I count on you to Rainbow” Twilight said as Fluttershy replied with a hoof on her head, shown that she takes the task.

Before she started to fly, it was cut short by Rain. “NO… let me take care of Rainbow, you in the other hooves take care of your friend and Princess Celestia. I don’t want you be thrown by Rainbow again like she did to you before.” Rain flew away to the cyan Pegasus direction.


As Rain has manage to flew outside the Factory and began to search for Rainbow. “It wouldn’t be hard to find an aggressive Pegasus as Rainbow Dash.” As He thought to himself.

Rain was right. Rainbow was in front of Him, as she was holding one of the element. The element forms a necklace with a logo in the middle of it, the logo shape like Rainbow cutie mark. It was element of loyalty.

Then He felt something bad that about to shown. There was Thunderbirds, but that wasn’t the only one that frights the dark green Pegasus.

He thought to himself that the stubborn cyan Pegasus will aggressively strake to the flock of Thunderbirds herself, but no… Rainbow was desperate calling for help. She notices to herself that she can’t fight the flock in this condition, as it just happen before. So she doesn’t take the changes and flee.

Rain never felt so relieved, but he can’t be happy just yet. He knows that Rainbow needed his help.

So Rain tried to distract the flock of birds and take the attention to him.

“Hey you BIRDS!” Rain shouted. The plan works. The flock of bird was distracted to Rain and started to chase him down with a quick speed.

“What the FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Rainbow yelled.

“Bring the element to TWILIGHT, I’ll be fine!” he shouted and almost lost from Rainbow sign eyes with the flock of birds to the other way of the city.

Rainbow immediately flew back inside the Factory, with the element that she holds.

Chapter 16: Fallen of The Factory

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The shattered Factory was almost collapsed. Pinkie tail started to twitch rapidly that mean something bad about to happen and Twilight felt this terrible condition of the Factory. “Princess… I think you should go back to Canterlot and help my Brother.” She suggested. Celestia nodded and started to teleported away.

“Twitch twitchy… twitched twitchy twitchy tail.” Pinkie pie tail kept twitching.

“What’s wrong sugar cube?” AJ questioned.

“My tail is twitching… My tail is twitching, that mean there’s something going to fall.” She replied.

“Braise yourself girls.” Twilight make herself aware of the condition.

“What? What? What will happen?!” Scootaloo

“When Pinkie tail twitchen, you better listen.” AJ replied.

“Yes indeed.” Twilight nodded. “We need to aware that something going to fall, but we don’t know what it is.” Twilight said.

“But we’re in a factory. What could fall from the sky that could hit us?” Scootaloo even more confused than before.

The Factory began to collapse and fell to the Forest Ground.

Twilight already noticed and started to fly and levitated Apple Jack. With her horn. Fluttershy lifted Rarity with her hooves and flew to the air, Scootaloo also flew to air but she couldn’t be able to lifted, she still in recovery.

“Every pony okay?” Twilight asked.

“Hey! Pinkie… where’s Pinkie?” Rarity panicked.

“Eeehhh… girls… little help here.” As the light pink pony said while stood on the falling part of the Factory to the ground.

Everyone felt so terror as there friend almost crushed to the ground. None of them was able to save Pinkie. And they could hardly see Pinkie because of the falling parts. Everyone looked desperately to Pinkie.


After that fell, everyone tried to find a sign that Pinkie manage to survive from the fall or something in the Forest. But Pinkie was nowhere to be found. All hope was lost. No pony finds a clue about Pinkie still alive or not.

“This is hopeless, why does it happen? Why Pinkie?” Rarity cried in dramatically. “I can’t believe we lost Pinkie…” She said and tears began to falling down her cheeks through her neck till the ground.

“Now… now girls. Don’t back up just yet, she’s a happy pony and our best friend. But we still have our future kingdom ahead of us.” AJ said whit sob that she can’t stop it, but she tried to change the sad situation.

“Apple Jack right.” Twilight sniffed out her tears. “Our kingdom still needed our help, we know that we lost Pinkie, but that won’t stop us. I know Pinkie also hoping us to continue the journey. She died in honor.” Twilight stood on a higher level.

“So come on lets go back on our hoofs and save our kingdom.” Fluttershy flew to Twilight side; she said in softly and whipped her poured tears.

“Yeah.” They all yelled and started to move toward nowhere, where there is only Forest, spectra’s, factory parts, shrieked sounds, and five of them walking.

“Ehhh… I’m not sure about that.” Twilight cutting every pony moves.

“We’ll be walking on foot now, I think.” She mumbled.

“Why so? We could just fly to the city and save some spare time. Besides, I couldn’t take another of walking, my nail are crushed.” Rarity mumbled and shown her hoofs to other, AJ sighed.

“Yeh twili… why do we need to go on foot, while we have wings, Fluttershy could lift me and you use your horn and wings to levitate rarity and yourself. Scootaloo could flew in herself while she still in recovery right?” AJ questioned, Fluttershy and Scootaloo nodded to AJ.

“That’s about it, which is our problem…”

“Our problem?” Rarity mumbled and cut Twilight words.

“Well… most of it are my problem, this wings are given by Princess Celestia herself. So I could keep up with her and always be on her side. So this wings won’t last long at all, if it over worked I’ll be able lose it.” Twilight explain.

“You didn’t tell me all about that spell, why wouldn’t you? I tell you all about dresses. You know that could be useful to me, I need one of those things, not the one that could even evaporated by the heat of sun.” Rarity grumled.

“Now Rarity… you know Twilight, she’s our Princess mare now. Now that we know she needed Twilight so badly.”AJ replied Rarity.

“Thank you Apple Jack… and Rarity, this spell is powerful and only an alicorn like her could do it, or some pony strong enough that could be able to do it.” She reclaimed the explanation.

“Well than… let’s move out now if ya’ll wanna survive, it’s getting dark here, and we know how bad a forest could be at night, anything could happen.” AJ suggested.

“No wait!” Fluttershy said in calmly but clear. But that doesn’t stop her friend by kept moving forward.

“What’s wrong sugar cube.” AJ questioned but still moving.

“It’s getting dark. We need to stand and watch our back, there’s might a Cockatrice on the loose” Fluttershy blocked her friend with a little shiver.

“Ooo dear…” Rarity shrieked.

“What’s a cockatrace?” She confused.

“Well it’s a cockatrice not cockatrace.” Fluttershy replied. “Well… eemm… you see… cockatrice is a creature that some…” Fluttershy voice was getting lower and she began to walk back with her head lower down to the ground.

“Sorry I didn’t slightly catch that, dear…” Rarity replied.

“Did you say COCKATRICE?” Twilight said in a shock on her face with a shiver in her body.

“You to Twilight? Have you seen to this… mmm, creature?” Rarity questioned.
“Well I never have seen any of those creature, but that time when Fluttershy saved me and scootaloo and the gang from that creature. I never seen it, but I have read it in a book about it.” Twilight said with a body language.

“Cockatrice is a creature that formed a body of a dragon, a head of chicken.” She explains in fright.

“What?! That is nonsense, I bet there’s no such thing, what a creature be looked like such a thing, that is silly.” Rarity chuckled.

“ Yeh twili… if there’s a cock- ahh… whatever it’s called. I believe it won’t give us harm.” AJ nodded with Rarity.

“Ooo… this creature is harmless, without it sharp claws and it scale skin and it sharp teeths…” Fluttershy stopped and inhaled. “And it could d-…”Fluttershy mouth was closed by Scootaloo wing. Fluttershy looked at Scootaloo.

“I’ve seen this creature with my own body with my CMC (Cutie Mark Crusaders) crew.”

“Do you mean, you seen this with your own eyes right? Cause if you saw this creature with your body, which is silly.” Rarity kept cutting.

“Would you stop and listen to some pony if they are talking, Sweetie Belle was right you are an annoying sister.” Scootaloo replied, she felt annoyed by Rarity. Rarity become glum from what Scootaloo have said.

“Why I’ve seen this creature with my own body, not eyes. Cause this creature have a red eyes that could change anything sees it to a solid cool stone, but that day Fluttershy saved us when we are kind a lost in the forest.” Scootaloo said in calmly but surely.

“WHAT!” Rarity surprised.

“I know… something hah.” Twilight replied.

“Yes… I can’t believe Fluttershy let them to the forest, especially to my sweat Sweetie Belle.” Rarity showed her anger face to Fluttershy. Fluttershy squee with an innocent smile.

“I thought you could take the three of them on your own.” She mumbled.

“And she does. She was able to save me out there to. When I was change to stone, I’ve been change back. And Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are fine till now right. She have done her duty nicely and fine.
“But Fluttershy… are you sure about his creature on the loose?” Rarity questioned with a confused on her face.

“Well… no. But we still have to stand and watch our back, if any of my guess is right.” Flutershy said in lower tune.

They all began to continue their journey in the forest. Where the place isn’t safe and dark, they walked closely to each other. They couldn’t hardly sees the place around them. They shivering not only because it cold, but the forest was a place that squeaked every single time. They all felt frighten and their eyes opened till the rest of the night.

Chapter 17: Cities

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i haven't finish this chapter.. and still planing to continue it until chapter 30 to 40..............


At Canterlot. All guards were commanded by a Turquoises white unicorn pony, his hoofs were Moderate sapphire blue, his mane was Moderate sapphire blue with a
Moderate cerulean and Dark phthalate blue line, and his cutie mark was a picture of a shield with a big star on the middle and 3 stars above it. He was a brother of Twilight Sparkle. And he has a responsibility to Canterlot safety.

But he was shocked after what happen at Canterlot. He never had seen a condition this bad. This never happen since before his honey moon with Princess Cadance.

It was terrible at the main town. Blood was spread all over the building. Body parts on the ground. He felt so terror at the Canterlot condition. Even the guards were in the bad shape.

He was shocked from the letters that was sended to him when he was at the honey moon, so he soon goes back to Canterlot and take the charge again.

When he finished his job, he went straight to see Princess Celestia. She was in the Recovery Room with his wife, Princess Cadance. She was a Pale, light grayish cerise alicorn, with a Grayish purple eyes, her mane were strip color of: Dark violet, moderate rose, and pale gold, and her cutie mark was Teal heart within gold lace. She was Twilight sister-in-law, and Celestia was her aunt.

So as he saw the room, it was horrible. Some unicorn ponies lost their horn, some ponies’ pegasi lost their wings, and many off the earth ponies lost their body parts from the war. But he knew this was just the beginning of the worst ending for Equestria. And he knows he won’t let anything of that to happen.

Every doctors and nurses were running to one and another pony.

“Eh… Princess Celestia… we are ready…” He said in softly tune. “Was the battle make this much ponies cried for agony, even the innocent?” He began to higher his voice.

“Yes… but we Alicorn and Unicorn could handle this. You in the other hooves need to send some pegasi o find some help, we need all the help as much as we could get.” Celestia replied.

“Yes Princess.” Shining Armor nodded and started to leave the room.

“Honey…” Cadance called. “Please take care of yourself.”

Shining Armor stopped in front the door for a moment and turned his head forty five degree to left.

“You to hon…” he wrinkled his forehead with an anger face and started to walked forward.

Shining Armor began to send some pegasi to all over Equestria to find some help and expand army.

There they go. To all the cities. First they went to Fillydelphia. A quick speech and some agreement with the mayor there, they manage to expand the hooves army on the ground pretty much, some pegasi and a little of unicorn.

Then the army at the Hoofington, they manage to get a lot of unicorn ponies.

Then there’s a unicorn ponies that ran even before the guards came, she thought that this guards must be sent by Twilight, she might still have the revenge on me from bringing the great Ursa Minor to Ponyville. So she was hiding on the hay back from her house with shivering body.

She listened to the guard quick speech that they needed a great force of unicorn ponies for the battle that about to come. Then she widened her Dark grayish violet eyes, this is the great opportunity for me to shown how great I am at magic. The Brilliant azure coat pony than went straight to guards who stop them from flew to sky.

“I’m sorry madam; we can’t take a female to go to fight.”
“No problem! Take me to Canterlot and let me help the nursing problem.” She thought that Twilight wouldn’t see her at the Canterlot, because she’s at ponyville. The guard still refused her to go.

But still she packed the things that she about to bring from the traveling carriage. When she taking things from her cottage, she remembered the last time her show was a total disaster. She’s been banned to traveling because of her selfishness, which leads her to be failure. And she cried, when she read the foal of her clumsiness, was getting even worst after she failed from the show at ponyville.

She was retired from being a traveling pony to her own cottage stayed there while holding her Pale cornflower blue with a Very pale cornflower blue mane to her hooves.

Tears were pouring down from her eyes. Why, she thought. Why, could I be so selfish, I’ve made so many mistakes. The moment of crying was quiet long, but then she sniffed and wiped her tears then stood on. She knows what she’ll have to do, she take the magician costume and bought a lot of foods to her carriage, there’s no one could pull the carriage so she glowed her horn and started to stirred straight to the way at where the guards go, she plays it quiet and sneaking, the guards must not sees her. And she couldn’t use the train, because that only could be use for the ponies that joining the army.

She began the journey of a life time, she wouldn’t take any time to waste, and so then she tried her best to go to Ponyville before the war started, again.

Then, the pegasi guards at Trottingham. Where the British ascent they are usually spoken to each other. The guards manage to get the minimum of the willing ponies to go. Not much pony there that would like to join the army, they more likely to hide under their basement or any kind of shelter.

At the Las Pegasus they managed to find a great force of a pegasi army there. But not likely to the Cloudsdale, every pegasi at the flouting city isn’t a fighting pegasi, they more apt to be a worker, and Cloudsdale where the place of a worker pegasi. So it doesn’t much but they get some for the reparation.

At Manehattan, the ponies are too fancy and not able to fight they are often to save their selfish self, from anything. So the mayor got a better plan for his city. He made a selfish plan for only their city. Each one of the unicorn ponies (it was not much there) were combining their power to made an unbreakable shield. So the guards only get a minimum force of earth ponies.

After all their searching of, there one last inhabited city called ponyville. The guards first landed on the side of wonderful city furniture. Every pony filled their mind with confusingly thoughts.