• Member Since 9th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2016




You'd think that, after two demonic rulers, the students of Canterlot High would decide that they would defend themselves if another mad ruler came. Starlight Glimmer then proceeds to try to rule the place. Discord would be proud of the chaos that follows.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 45 )

What's next? The chairs rising up against their oppressors and creaming them?

To be fair, their reaction to Starlight Glimmer is entirely reasonable.

Pure silliness. Make sure this gets a Random tag.

Hilarity. Absolute, utter, brilliant hilarity. I love it!

Although I imagined less chair-throwing and more bum-rushing, plus someone calling "We won't get fooled again!", but I'll take what I can get.

Well you know what they say.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice...

I feel the need to make some kind of chair related pun but for the life of me I can't think of a good one.

Though this does remind of of this fun little scene. Behold warriors who've studied the ancient art of IKEA.

5884120 And you've officially become "That guy".

5884212 You know the one right? The kind that wears a backwards hat and uses his hand to shield the sun from his eyes? That's what happens on the thrice fooling.

okay, I give! Take your like already - BANG

I was laughing so hard at this! xD Though Sunset being involved with chair-related violence has always got me.

You wouldn't have happened to have read Cafeteria Control, would you? The parallels are uncanny! :rainbowlaugh:

Lol this was jus-Bang

Several hours later, Starlight Glimmer is the first to wake up. She immediately knocks herself out again in order to be equally as unconscious as the rest of the student body.

Wow i mean wow so dam funny

5883624 Quite possibly. I think you might have just inspired a sequel, you'll never know.

5883668 Yes, I was hoping something like this was going to happen with the Sirens, but no tomato.

5883701 Random Tag added.

5883796 Thank you for taking what you can get. I am low on creative ideas, so thank you for your consideration.

5884120 Fool me thrice, you get a chair thrown at you. Depending on this story's logic. :pinkiecrazy:

5884147 I am beholding. Very enlightening. I like it.

5884652 I very much liked your reference. Thank you for the like. :pinkiehappy:\

5884766 I actually read Cafeteria Control yesterday after I posted this, and I was unable to breath due to laughter. I am a little ashamed of writing a story so similar though. :twilightoops:

5885089 Exactly.

5885261 Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

5885810 Dang, I should have included that!:raritydespair:

5887119 Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

I'm pretty certain that story can be used as a murder weapon. The laughter just about killed me!
I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of though; especially since you had never read it beforehand; It is just an amazing coincidence. This story does stand out on its own perfectly.

*gets buried in fluffy pink ponies*

Wait did anyone gain permanent damage :rainbowderp:

5887601 None more than they might have already have had.

Discord as a janitor...


She could of caught it. She could of anticipated it. She could of dodged.

She could have caught it. She could have anticipated it. She could have dodged.

Kanji Tatsumi would be proud.

5887869 Well thank you. :twilightsmile:

5888885 Fixed.

5890973 Ikr... i guess...

Hold on, wait, I've got an even better super-geeky obscure reference that like two people would get!


"Hello students. I am Starlight Glimmer. And I-" BANG.

That part just fricking KILLED me.

5888885 Yes, but she DIDN'T, now DID she?!

5913752 I am delighted in learning that you were killed, I suppose from laughter. Just clarifying, because, no, I am not a maniac.:pinkiehappy: Glad you liked it!

I thought the bang meant guns.



Said the students to Starlight.

This story was so fun to read! Liked and faved!

Just /)
I can't /) this enough

6028885 Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
6028959 :pinkiesmile:


...what? I ship Flash with Sonata! Give me a break... *hides*

Also, this was very random, but very entertaining...I would love a sequel to this!

6140678 There might be a sequel shhhh don't tell anybody it's a secret

Poor Discord. His alternate self is channeling all his negative karma over to his janitor counterpart.

(in secret he probably screws with the Principal, though)

You wouldn't happened to have read this before writing this did you? Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that I ended up having to wade through my 30+ Sunset Shimmer favorites to find and reread that fic again.

So really, I should be thanking you.

Was she basically wearing a nazi uniform?

The girl climbed on top of a table and took a deep breath. "Hello students. I am Starlight Glimmer. And I-" BANG .

Share Gif: https://media0.giphy.com/media/WPozw7z6nUMrQ12Kc7/200_d.gif?cid=2b0a73c5tfyhcc760ygim36m9tm07visdr8uhx71vzmzw7nk&rid=200_d.gif&ct=g

Discord wheeled his janitor's cart into the cafeteria. Looking around, he noticed the unconscious students, the comatose principal, and the chairs with head-shaped dents in them. There was food on the floor as well. He sighed and realized that this would probably take a very long time to clean up.


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