• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 4,622 Views, 323 Comments

Sunset Nanodrive - MythrilMoth

In a world where all living things are infected with nanomachines, only Sunset Shimmer has the power to cure the rampaging EVOs that threaten mankind. But what's in it for her?

  • ...

02. Pegasus

"So where were you yesterday? Umm...if you don't mind me asking," Fluttershy asked as she and Sunset Shimmer approached the school.

"Oh, just checking out this big black crystal fortress in the middle of the frozen wasteland that was full of freaky EVOs," Sunset said, shrugging. "Not exactly a vacation destination."

"Oh," Fluttershy said. "Well...that's interesting." She smiled. "Did you..." Her cheeks turned pink. "...whoop their butts?"

Sunset grimaced. "Actually, it—"

"Good morning, Sunset Shimmer," Principal Celestia interrupted as Sunset and Fluttershy walked through the school doors. "I was hoping I could speak with you for a moment."

Sunset shifted uncomfortably. "Uhh..."

"I promise it'll only take a second."

"Go on ahead," Fluttershy said with a bright, encouraging smile. "I'll see you in class."

Sunset sighed and shuffled her feet. "So...what is it?" she asked.

"We're having soccer tryouts this afternoon," Celestia said. "I was hoping I could convince you to try out for the team."

Sunset frowned. "Umm...pass," she said. "I, uhh...don't have much free time. Besides, I don't even know how to play soccer."

"Well, it couldn't hurt to try, could it?" Celestia asked. "Sports activities are a good way to make new friends, and I'd really like to see you make more friends here."

"More friends?" Sunset asked increduously. "The kids hate me! They know I'm an EVO!"

Celestia shrugged. "Then they don't really know you, do they? There's more to you than your Nanites." She patted Sunset on the shoulder. "Come on. Please? At least drop by the tryouts."

Sunset sighed. "I'll think about it."

Celestia smiled sunnily. "Great! Good luck! Have a pleasant day!" With that, she walked off to her office.

Sunset rolled her eyes, shook her head, and hustled to class.

Unnoticed by either, a locker door slammed. A blue-skinned girl with multicolored hair watched Sunset with narrowed eyes and a deep frown. "Like hell you'll be on my team, you freak," she hissed.

* * * * *

After school, Sunset and Fluttershy headed out to the soccer field. "You really didn't need to come with me, Fluttershy," Sunset said.

"Oh, well...I wanted to give you moral support," Fluttershy said. "Besides, it's a nice day, the grass smells so lovely..."

Several tiny animals erupted from Fluttershy's backpack and scampered over her arms and shoulders.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh." Shaking her head and chuckling, she parted ways with Fluttershy at the bleachers, heading out onto the field. A crowd of hopefuls milled around, as well as the incumbent team members and the captain of two years running, Rainbow Dash. The coach was walking around with a clipboard and a pen, talking to students and making notes.

As Sunset approached, the mood abruptly shifted. Nearly every student on the field glared at her. Some looked scornful, some looked terrified. She frowned at their reactions.

"What's the EVO doing here?" a purple-skinned girl with blond hair yelled. "Get off the field, freak!"

"Bad enough you're even at our school to begin with!" a boy jeered.

The coach blew his whistle. "Okay, that's enough," he said sharply. He frowned at Sunset Shimmer. "I heard from Principal Celestia that you might be trying out for the team."

"Yeah, that's right," Sunset said sullenly, looking away and crossing her arms.

"Well, let me tell you right now," the coach said, "any EVO nonsense and you're gone, you got me? If I see you do even one thing a normal human can't do..."

"I got it, I got it," Sunset said. "I wouldn't use my powers for this in the first place. It's just soccer."

"You think soccer is just a game, freak?" Rainbow Dash hissed. Her rose-colored eyes burned with menace as she stormed up to Sunset. "We've worked our butts off to get good enough to play for Canterlot! We've been to regionals three times in three years! Some of us might wanna go pro one day! So you comin' in here with your attitude and your freaky Nanites and—"

The coach blew his whistle again. "Rainbow Dash! Fifteen laps! Move!"

With a frustrated growl, Rainbow took off running. The coach shook his head. "Alright, everyone line up..."

For the next hour, Sunset proved that for all the amazing EVO-trashing skills she had working in the field for HARMONY, the simple act of kicking a ball where she wanted it to go without tripping over her own feet was beyond her. It didn't help that the other students trying out for the team mocked her, jeered at her, and occasionally tried to deliberately trip or injure her.

After a particularly hard kick from one of the other hopefuls smashed into the side of her head hard enough to knock her to the grass, the coach blew his whistle. "You! Rumble! Off the field! I warned you!" He jogged up to Sunset Shimmer as she picked herself up, glaring spitefully at the younger student's back. "You, Shimmer," the coach said. "I...think you should go home." He sighed. "For one thing, you've got no game. Even if you did..."

"Yeah, I get it," Sunset said. "There is no EVO in 'team'." She shook her head, rubbed at the nasty bruise forming, and staggered off the field to the laughter and mockery of the other players.

Fluttershy fell into step beside her, a tearful frown on her face. "I'm sorry they acted that way toward you," she said.

Sunset snorted. "Whatever. I never wanted to do this stupid soccer thing in the first place."

Unseen by either girl, Rainbow Dash watched with a savage smirk of triumph.

* * * * *

"You're back late," Rock observed as Sunset stormed to her quarters.

"Principal Celestia talked me into trying out for soccer."

Rock raised an eyebrow. "Did you make the team?"

Sunset shook her head. "I suck," she said. "Besides, it's stupid and the rest of the team are jerks." She grimaced as she rubbed the side of her head. "PLEASE tell me there's an EVO I need to beat the crap out of."

"Sorry, no EVOs today," Rock said. "Dr. Sparkle needs you in the lab, though."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Wonderful. An afternoon playing guinea pig is all I need..."

* * * * *

Sunset lay on Twilight's scanning table. All around her, things lit up and buzzed and whistled and generally did sciencey stuff she didn't really understand. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle walked circles around her, fingers flying over the screen of a tablet. "So, soccer tryouts, huh?"

Sunset sighed. "Can we just forget it ever happened? I made a fool of myself and all it did was remind me how much the kids at that school hate me."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "If you hate being there so much, why are you still going? There are other places you could get an education." She adjusted her glasses. "If nothing else, I could tutor you right here. You could have the equivalent of any degree you wanted in less than a year."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I'm not going there for the education, I'm going for...other reasons. Personal ones."

Twilight shrugged. "Anyway...I agree with your principal to a certain extent about making new friends. You always seem a bit less...well...nasty after you've spent time with this...Butterfly, was it?"


"Yeah, her."

Sunset shrugged. "I can't help it. She's...she's nice. It's like she doesn't even care that I'm not from this world or that I'm an EVO." Her eyes clouded. "It's...it feels good."

Twilight smiled. "That's called friendship," she said. She sighed. "It must be nice..."

"What, you don't have friends?"

"Never had time," Twilight said. "Besides, all the kids my age, well...let's just say nobody ever understood me." She chuckled humorlessly. "That's something we have in common, I guess." The scanners shut down. "Alright, we're done."

Sunset slid off the scanning bed and returned to her quarters.

* * * * *

Rainbow Dash whistled to herself as she stripped off her clothes, tossed them in the hamper, and turned on the water, waiting for it to warm up to just the right temperature before stepping into the shower. As she scrubbed the day's sweat and grime off her body, she thought about the freakshow that was Sunset Shimmer's soccer tryout. She snickered as she remembered some of the better digs the freak had taken from the others. She frowned as she recalled the chewing-out the coach had given all of them after he sent Sunset Shimmer packing.

She lathered her hair and scrubbed it vigorously, then applied her favorite body wash to every inch of her body, letting a layer of lather build up before carefully scrubbing every inch of herself clean. She then stood under the hot spray for a full five minutes, just letting the water cascade down her body. When it started to lose its heat, she turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a big, fluffy towel and wrapping it around herself. Drying her hands, she pulled her hair dryer out of the cupboard, plugged it in, and spent several minutes drying her hair. Satisfied, she finished drying off her body, then threw on her robe and padded back to her room.

Once there, she stripped off her robe and took a moment to examine herself in her full-length mirror, turning and flexing and posing. "Perfect muscle tone, perfect feet for soccer, nice slender hips, firm abs, awesome tits...heh. Rainbow Dash, you are the perfect package." She grinned at her reflection as

she suddenly doubled over in pain

and a high-pitched oscillating whine filled her ears

and she screamed

and it felt like her skull and her back and her feet were splitting open and on fire

and she curled up in a whimpering ball on the floor

and in the mirror, "the perfect package" started to change...

When the pain subsided, Rainbow Dash sat up, stared at her reflection in the mirror, and screamed.

Her door burst open, and her dad rushed in. "Rainbow? What..."


"...oh my God..."

"GET OUT!!" Rainbow yelled, shrinking into herself and shuddering.

Her father, wide-eyed, pale, and shaking, staggered backwards through the door before turning and running down the hall.

Rainbow trembled as she took another look at her reflection.

Her feet had changed into wide, oddly-shaped blue hooves.

Her ears had disappeared, replaced by a pair of pointy equine ears which poked up out of her hair.

A rainbow-hued horse tail had sprouted from just above her butt, swishing agitatedly across the floor.

And a huge pair of feathery blue wings had grown out of her back.

"No..." she sobbed. "No...!"

She curled up in a ball on the floor and whimpered pathetically, her new wings wrapped protectively around her.

* * * * *

Rainbow Blaze, eyes bloodshot and face covered in stubble, stared blearily at the clock on the wall.

He hadn't slept all night. Several times, he thought of going to Rainbow Dash's room and checking on her, but...

What he'd seen...

He frowned, got up, and paced around the living room again, as he had done for the last several hours.

For sixteen years, he'd raised Rainbow by himself, ever since her mother left in the night shortly after she was born. He'd changed every diaper, nursed her through every sniffle, taught her to play soccer, done his best by her at every opportunity.

When the Event happened, both of them had been scared shitless by the news reports. More EVOs were showing up every day. Canterlot High School had had three EVO attacks in the last few months. And...then there was the EVO that was enrolled at the school.

All the parents knew about Sunset Shimmer. It was impossible not to.

A lot of them were afraid of her. Seventeen students had been transferred out of the school once she'd been revealed, relocated to other school districts.

Blaze was not among the parents who feared the EVO. He'd watched her on the news, he'd seen her in action. She frequently risked her own life to save others.

As far as he was concerned, she was a good kid.

But Rainbow...recently, she'd changed. He had heard her make cruel remarks about EVOs, about Sunset Shimmer, even about a girl who hung out with the EVO. He'd tried to have talks with her about it, but...he had to be honest with himself. It was a dangerous, sensitive subject, and he wasn't even sure HE was the one who was right about that girl.

Yesterday afternoon, he'd gotten a call from the soccer coach. He'd been informed that Rainbow Dash and several others had sabotaged Sunset Shimmer's audition for the team. There had never been any real danger of her joining the team, but the coach was severely disappointed with the actions and behavior of the others...even as he himself admitted he was relieved the girl hadn't made the cut.

All evening, Blaze had thought over how he'd handle the situation. He'd waited as Rainbow came home, as she took her shower...waited until he was certain he knew how to handle her.

And then...

"Dad? Can...can you help me out in here?" he heard Rainbow call from her bedroom. He blinked. It was the first sound he'd heard out of her in hours, ever since she'd cried herself to sleep.

Blaze walked to his daughter's room, trepidation in his every step. After what he'd seen last night...

He knocked on the slightly ajar door as he approached. "Is...it is okay to come in?" he asked.

"Y-yeah," Rainbow Dash said. "I...I need your help."

Blaze opened the door and walked in. Rainbow sat on the bed, looking miserable. She was wearing her usual tight black bicycle shorts and skirt, and nothing else. She covered her chest with a bedsheet, flushing. "I, uhh...I can't figure out how to get a shirt on," she said. "These stupid wings..."

Blaze felt like he was going to faint as he stared at the huge feathery wings mounted on his daughter's back. "Rainbow Dash..."

Rainbow bowed her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'm a freak, Dad," she whimpered, sniffling. "I'm a freak..."

"You are NOT a freak!" Blaze sat down beside his daughter, enfolding her in an awkward hug and stroking the back of her head. "You're my little girl, and I love you and I'm proud of you, and...and okay, so...so you're an EVO now, but..." He looked at her. "You know all those other EVOs, the ones that turn into huge rampaging monsters?"

"Yeah," Rainbow said in a small, scared voice.

"Well...you're...more or less still you," Blaze pointed out. "I mean, as far as EVO mutations go, this...this isn't really so bad..."

"But I'm still a freak," Rainbow said pitifully.

Blaze stood up and looked at her, willing himself to be calm for his daughter's sake. As he took in the changes to her appearance, he tilted his head thoughtfully. "Actually...now that I'm getting a good look at you? I think I actually like this," he said. He walked over to Rainbow's dresser and picked up her hand mirror, bringing it over and holding it up to her face. "See? The new ears are actually pretty cute."

Rainbow sniffled and let out a little giggle. "Y-yeah...I guess..."

"And, well...wings!" Blaze smiled hopefully. "You're like a little angel..." He mussed her hair. "My little angel. It...it could be a LOT worse. I don't think...it's that bad at all, really..." He hoped he sounded convincing, for her sake. He himself didn't feel much conviction in his words, even if he was sincere about the ears.

Rainbow sighed. "Yeah, well...I won't be able to hide any of this either," she said. She looked down at her hooves. "None of my shoes or boots will fit these things. And, well..." She flushed. "I can't even get my bra on. These wings are in the way."

Blaze turned red himself. "S-so, uhh...you needed help with...?"

"Just...help me find a shirt I can actually wear, okay? And...and help me get it on? And..." Rainbow's flush darkened. "Try not to stare at my tits."

"I'm your father!" Blaze squawked indignantly. "I wouldn't—" He shook his head. "Anyway, let's...let's see if we can't get you dressed. But you're not going to school today, right?"

Rainbow snorted. "I don't think I'm goin' to school ever again," she said. She sighed. "I...I'll have to quit the soccer team..." She buried her face in her hands and started to cry. "Everyone'll hate me, just like...just like that freak Sunset Shimmer..."

Blaze sighed and rubbed her back comfortingly. "I...I'll call Principal Celestia," he said. "Then we'll...we'll get you taken care of. I'll make some breakfast..."

He stood up and pulled out his phone, never taking his eyes off his little girl. His heart sank into the pit of his stomach. *Rainbow Dash...*

* * * * *

As Sunset Shimmer reached the front doors of the school, Fluttershy a step behind her, she was intercepted by Principal Celestia. She blinked. "Two days in a row? Seriously?"

"Could I speak with you a moment?" Celestia asked quietly. "In my office, alone?"

Sunset frowned. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, no," Celestia said. "But...one of your fellow students might be."

Sunset's brow furrowed. She glanced at Fluttershy. "I'll see you in class," she said. "Or at lunch..."

As Fluttershy headed for class, casting a worried look back at her, Sunset followed Celestia to her office. Celestia closed and locked the door behind her as Sunset sat down, then moved to sit behind her desk. "First of all, I heard about what happened at the soccer tryouts. I'm sorry. I intend to speak to several of the students who harassed you."

Sunset looked down. "Uh-huh."

"But that's not why I called you here," Celestia said. "Although it's related." She folded her hands. "You know Rainbow Dash, right? The captain of the soccer team?"

Sunset snorted. "I know she's an arrogant, self-centered little bi—"

"That will do, Miss Shimmer."


Celestia sighed. "I got a call from her father this morning. Last night, she went EVO. I'm...not letting the rest of the school know, and I'd like to keep it a secret for as long as possible, but..."

Sunset frowned. "How bad is it?"

"From the sound of it, not...too bad," Celestia said. "It sounds like she's still herself...just, well..." She shrugged. "Probably not very different from you."

"Hmm." Sunset scratched her cheek. "Well...sucks for her, I guess."

"I was sort of hoping you might go over to her house, check on her, talk to her, help her through this..."

"Play EVO guidance counselor?" Sunset folded her arms and shook her head. "Not my thing. I smash EVOs. I cure EVOs. I don't chit-chat with EVOs."

"Then you could cure her," Celestia said.

Sunset snorted. "Why should I? She was a real bitch to me yesterday. I'd say she got what she deserved."

Celestia frowned. "I see," she said mildly. "I'm disappointed, Miss Shimmer. Somehow, after all you've been through, I expected better from you."

Sunset looked away. "I've heard that before," she muttered. She shook her head. "Anyway...if she's not causing trouble, I have no reason to get involved. And I kinda hate Rainbow Dash, so...I'm not gonna help her." She stood up. "I'm late for class."

As Sunset left the office, Celestia sat, lost in thought, for a long time.

* * * * *

Rainbow sighed as she sat in the living room watching television. All the curtains were drawn. Her friends at school were texting her; she pretended everything was okay, that she just had a cold.

She'd spent all night freaking out and crying over what had happened to her. Now, she just felt numb inside. Disconnected. Like nothing was real anymore.

In the end, her dad had wound up cutting up one of his tank tops and awkwardly tying it on her, since neither of them could figure out how to get a shirt on her over her wings...which she could only manage to fold behind her back a third of the time; they insisted on flaring out and stiffening up. A thoughtless joke about morning wood on Blaze's part had nearly gotten him a hoof to the balls, after which he'd hastily headed out to do some shopping after calling work to take the day off.

She stared down at her bare hooves and sighed again. "This sucks..."

She thought back to yesterday, at practice, and the way she and everyone else had picked on Sunset Shimmer. The things she'd said to her...

Of course, Sunset Shimmer was a freak, and she deserved to be treated like a freak.

...didn't she?

Rainbow reached up and felt her ears. Now she was a freak.

If her friends saw her, they'd...they'd treat her like a freak too.

Wouldn't they?

* * * * *

"There's a new EVO at your school?" Twilight Sparkle asked, pushing up her glasses. "Who is she? What's she like? What are her powers?"

"Her name is Rainbow Dash," Sunset said. "She's the captain of the school soccer team, she's an arrogant, conceited little bitch, she hates me because I'm a 'freak', and I don't know what her powers are because I haven't seen her since yesterday. I don't really care, either. It's not my problem."

"It most certainly IS your problem," Black Queen said as her image appeared on the monitor screen. "I'm ordering you to investigate this new EVO."

"And I'm ordering YOU to stuff it," Sunset said. "She's been nothing but a bitch to me ever since I was outed as an EVO. Now it's her turn. Let's see how SHE likes being treated like a freak."

Twilight frowned. "Sunset...that's not—"

"It's not WHAT, Twilight? Not nice? Not cool? Well guess what? I don't care what happens to Rainbitch. If she goes nuts? If she starts hurting people or blowing shit up? Then I'll gladly beat the living hell out of her. But for now, I want her to suffer. I want her to go through the same shit I've had to put up with."

"You're better than this," Rock said quietly. "I know you are."

Sunset sighed, clenching her fists. "You don't know me at all," she hissed, turning on her heel and storming out of the lab.

On the monitor, Black Queen scowled. "Now do you see what I've been saying all this time?" she asked. "That girl is dangerous. She needs to be controlled. Or contained."

Twilight frowned sadly. "She's...she's going through things you can't possibly understand," she said. "Things none of us can understand. Just...just give her some space, alright? She'll do the right thing...you'll see..."

* * * * *

Late in the afternoon, Rainbow Blaze returned with several shopping bags and two large pizzas. "Thought you'd like some pizza...maybe cheer you up a bit," he said.

Rainbow smiled weakly. "Well...can't say no to pizza..."

As they were getting out plates and filling cups with ice for their sodas, the doorbell rang. Blaze and Rainbow exchanged glances. Rainbow cringed. "Gimme...gimme time to hide," she said. She ran down the hall to her room.

Blaze sighed and answered the door. It was Principal Celestia. He swallowed. "Hello," he said. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I'm sorry to intrude," Celestia said. "I wanted...I wanted to visit. I've been worried about Rainbow Dash all day long. Is it...is it alright if I see her?"

Blaze grimaced. "I'll ask," he said. "She...I think she doesn't want to be seen like this..."

Celestia sighed. "She can't hide from the world forever," she said. "The sooner she accepts that..." She smiled. "Besides, she's not the first EVO, and she won't be the last."

Blaze nodded and walked down the hall. "Rainbow? Rainbow...it's Principal Celestia. She wants to see you. I think...I think you should come out."

The bedroom door opened, and Rainbow hesitantly walked out into the hall and followed her father back into the living room. As she walked into view, Celestia looked her over. She smiled, covering her mouth with one hand. "Oh! Don't you look cute!"

Rainbow crossed her arms. "Don't make fun of me," she said.

"I'm not making fun of you, Rainbow Dash," Celestia said. "I really do think you look cute. Especially the ears." She tilted her head. "Those wings...can you fly?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I dunno," she said. "I can't really control 'em. I guess..." She frowned. "Well, maybe? I mean, if I've got 'em, it'd be nice if they did somethin', but..." She sighed. "What's it matter? I'm never leavin' the house again."

Blaze walked into the kitchen. "We were...just about to have pizza," he said. "You're welcome to join us."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I can come back—"

"No, I insist," Blaze said. "Especially since you were so kind to come out and visit Rainbow. Besides, I have a feeling we're all about to have a long talk."

"Well then," Celestia said with a smile. "Since I haven't eaten yet, I think I will take you up on your kind offer. Thank you."

"How are you not freaked out by this?" Rainbow demanded as she sat down heavily on the sofa.

Celestia sat across from her and smiled. "Why should I be? We all know...we all know the world has changed," she said. "I've seen...well...a lot worse than this. I imagine you have as well."

Rainbow grimaced. "Well...yeah," she admitted. "But..."

"Rainbow Dash," Celestia said. "You're more or less still yourself. You're still an attractive young woman. That's more than a lot of EVOs can say." She tilted her head. "I understand what's happened to you is...confusing, and right now you're upset and disoriented, but..."

"But I'm a FREAK!" Rainbow cried, throwing her hands up. Her wings sprang out to her sides, fully extended. "It took us an hour to figure out how to cover up my tits this morning because I can't even put a freaking SHIRT on with these wings!" She gestured at her hooves. "And then there's this! I can't wear shoes anymore!"

Celestia rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Well, those are admittedly challenges that will take some...creative adaptation..."

Blaze set the two pizza boxes on the living room table, as well as three plastic plates and a pile of napkins. He returned to the kitchen and came back with two bottles of soda and three cups full of ice. He sat down, letting Celestia and Rainbow help themselves first. "I don't want Rainbow to be out of school too long," Blaze said. "But...I understand her frustrations. And her fears." He frowned at Rainbow. "Especially after that call I got from your coach yesterday."

Rainbow tensed up, fingers freezing halfway to a slice of pepperoni. "Uhh...what call from Coach?"

"I think you know," Blaze said. "I...I sort of forgot about it after, well...after this happened, but...this might be the best time to talk about it." He pierced Rainbow with his most parental gaze. "You were in on that whole mess with Sunset Shimmer, weren't you?"

Rainbow wilted.

Celestia frowned. "Sunset Shimmer did seem rather...well...dismissive of your plight."

Rainbow's eyes widened. "You TOLD HER?!" she shrieked.

"I asked her to visit you, to help you through this," Celestia said, folding her arms. "I thought maybe since she's an EVO herself, she could make this easier for you." She sighed. "But...she doesn't want to help you."

"I don't need her help," Rainbow muttered, grabbing a slice of pizza and biting into it viciously. "Anyway, she's probably laughing her ass off about this happening to me."

"You know, I've tried to encourage tolerance at my school," Celestia said. "Tolerance of others with different ideas, beliefs, lifestyles..." She frowned. "Since the Event, I've had four EVO students withdraw their enrollment and disappear. And then there's Sunset Shimmer. She's hanging in there despite the way the student body turned on her once her secret got out." She looked at Rainbow. "And now there's you.

"You're coming back to school, Rainbow Dash. As soon as we can do something about your...ah...clothing issues, I expect to see you back in class, and I expect to see you on the field, winning games for Canterlot. But most of all, I expect you to stop seeing yourself and Sunset Shimmer as freaks." She leaned forward, giving Rainbow a stern stare. "Can you do that?"

Rainbow looked down. "I...I don't know," she said.

Celestia sighed. "There is another option," she said. "But...you'll have to really swallow your pride for this."

"What is it?" Rainbow asked.

"Sunset Shimmer...can cure EVOs," Celestia said. "I asked her to cure you, but...she said no."

"What?!" Blaze demanded. "Why?!"

"Because I called her a freak," Rainbow said with a heavy sigh. She laughed. "Heh. I called her a freak, and now I can't even pass for human anymore the way she does."

"You ARE human," Celestia said. "This...change...it hasn't affected who you are inside." She smiled. "It's barely affected who you are on the outside."

"She's right," Blaze said. "You're still my little girl, and the only reason you're not grounded for bullying this Sunset Shimmer girl is because, well..." He gestured vaguely. "I think what happened to you is punishment enough."

Celestia sat back. "I think," she said slowly, "if you talk to Sunset Shimmer, and apologize to her for what you said, and...and take time to understand her...she might just cure you." She tilted her head. "If you want to be cured."

"Why wouldn't I?" Rainbow demanded.

Celestia shrugged. "That's for you to decide. In any case, you have two options. Make peace with Sunset Shimmer and get her to cure you, or make peace with Sunset Shimmer, then come back to school as an EVO as soon as you're ready."

"But either way, I have to apologize to the fr—to Sunset Shimmer?"

"That's right, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow sighed.

"You don't have to do anything right now, of course," Celestia said as she picked up a slice of pizza. "But...don't take too long." She studied Rainbow's wings. "And before you make up your mind...maybe you should try to find out whether or not you can actually fly." She smiled. "Wouldn't that be fun? I know I'd love to fly if I could."

Rainbow sat back, chewing thoughtfully on her pizza. "Fly, huh...?"

* * * * *

Fluttershy set a platter of carrot sticks and cabbage leaves arranged around a bowl of ranch dressing on the coffee table, next to her spread-out homework. Sunset Shimmer lay sprawled out on the couch, her history book open in front of her.

"Thanks for letting me come over to do homework and hang out," Sunset said. "I...I just had to bail for a while."

"You're always welcome," Fluttershy said. "What happened this time?"

Sunset sighed as she dragged a carrot stick through the dressing and popped it in her mouth. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course!"

"You know that loudmouth Rainbow Dash? She's an EVO now."

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my...she must be so scared..." She broke a carrot stick in half and dipped the tip of one half into the dressing. "Is that why Principal Celestia wanted to talk to you this morning?"

"Yeah." Sunset tore a cabbage leaf in half and started chewing on a piece. "She wants me to help her."

"Oh. Well...are you going to?"

"Why should I?"

"Because it's the right thing to do," Fluttershy said. "And you know it is."

Sunset frowned. "After the way she treated me?"

"Sunset Shimmer! That girl is suffering!" Fluttershy sat forward, a stern frown on her face. "She has family, and friends, and...and a life...she doesn't deserve to have all of that ruined! Yes, she was mean to you, and she needs to apologize, but that doesn't give you the right to sit and watch her suffer!"

Sunset flinched.

"And what if everybody started treating her the way they treat you? Would that make you happy? Would that be right?"

"Okay, okay! I get it!" Sunset said, sitting up and throwing her hands up. "I'll...I'll talk to her. I guess. I'll...I'll get her address from Celestia tomorrow."

"Thank you," Fluttershy said primly. "And...I'll go with you."

"Are you sure about that?"


Sunset smiled. "You're too nice for your own good."

Fluttershy looked away shyly.

* * * * *

Long after night fell, Rainbow Dash left the house for the first time since her change. Her neighborhood was quiet and still after dark; nobody was likely to see her.

She stood in the back yard and looked up at the night sky. A breeze gently stirred her hair and tail. She felt the wind ruffle the feathers of her wings. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on spreading them, then relaxing them. It felt strange and unfamiliar, but slowly, she started to understand how to control her new body.

Information on flight filled her brain. It was as though it were an instinctual thing, something she should have known how to do all her life, and yet it made no sense...

She supposed the Nanites were responsible for that.

Taking a deep breath, she ran several steps, then jumped, flapping her wings. She gained altitude, rising above the treetops. Hesitantly, she climbed higher, learning how to maintain altitude with a combination of flapping and gliding.

She smiled as she coasted over her neighborhood. "Wow," she breathed. "This...this is kind of awesome..."

For several minutes, she flew over the tranquil houses below. The occasional dog would bark up at her. A few predatory night birds ghosted past her in their nightly hunts. The glistening eyes of cats atop fences watched her warily.

After about fifteen minutes, her wings started to ache. It took her a few minutes to get herself oriented and figure out where her house was. By the time she determined where she was, her wings were burning. Hissing, she swooped low, making a stumbling, staggering landing on her bare hooves on the sidewalk. A huge dog barked at her; a light came on inside the nearest house. Cursing, she broke into a sprint, running away into the night before the house's owner could come out to investigate.

It took her several minutes to get home. When she staggered through the door, she collapsed on the living room sofa. As her heartrate settled down, she threw back her head and let out a whoop of laughter.

Blaze poked his head out of his bedroom. "Rainbow? Are you okay?"

"I just FLEW!" Rainbow cried. "It was AWESOME!"

Blaze smiled. "That's wonderful. You'll have to show me next time."

"Heh...next time..." Rainbow sighed. "Yeah..."

* * * * *

At school, Sunset noticed quite a bit of gossip floating around. Rainbow Dash being absent two days in a row had not gone unnoticed.

Shortly after third period, Sunset located Principal Celestia near the teacher's lounge, holding a cup of coffee. "Good morning, Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said neutrally.

Sunset folded her hands behind her back and cast her eyes away. "Listen...about that thing we talked about yesterday..."


"I...I'll see what I can do."

Celestia smiled. "Wonderful. I'll text you what you need."

For the rest of the day, Sunset barely paid attention in class. She thought about what she would say to Rainbow Dash, about what she expected her to say...

After school, Fluttershy met Sunset at the school entrance. "Did you get the address?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah," Sunset said, double-checking her phone. "It's about four miles from here..." Her legs and torso transformed into their motorcycle form, the engine purring to life as she grabbed hold of the handlebars. "I know you hate it, but...hop on."

Fluttershy shuddered, then hesitantly climbed onto the seat behind Sunset. "Just...don't tell me what part of your body I'm actually sitting on," she said. "Or what the handlebars are. I don't think I can take it..."

Sunset snickered and gunned the bike into motion.

Within minutes, they pulled up to a modest one-story house in a quiet neighborhood. Fluttershy hopped off as soon as the bike stopped; Sunset shed bike parts all over the lawn as she turned back to normal. Fluttershy frowned. "I hate the way your Builds litter," she said.

"Yeah, I've been trying to figure out a way to stop that," Sunset sighed. "Especially after that time that one guy bitched me out for 'taking a junk shit' all over his parking lot." Shaking her head, she walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

After almost a minute, a tall, fit man with dusky blue skin and rainbow hair answered. His eyes widened slightly. "You're Sunset Shimmer, right?"

"That's right," Sunset replied. "We're here to see Rainbow Dash."

The man swallowed. "C-come right in," he said, opening the door and stepping aside. "I don't believe I know your friend..."

"This is Fluttershy," Sunset said. She looked around. "Is she hiding in her bedroom?"

"Yeah," Rainbow's father said. "I'll go get her. Please, have a seat," he added, motioning to the living room.

As he headed down the hall, Sunset and Fluttershy sat down on the sofa. "I wonder what kind of mutation she has," Sunset said.

"Just...don't laugh at her, alright?" Fluttershy said. "I know you're not happy with her, but she doesn't need to be teased right now."

Rainbow's father returned. A moment later, Rainbow Dash herself walked into the living room. As she came into view, Sunset raised an eyebrow. She covered her mouth, fighting the urge to laugh.

Fluttershy shot to her feet and ran over to her, a loud *squee* tearing its way out of her throat. "Oh my GOODNESS!" she cried. "Your ears are so ADORABLE!" She reached out and started scratching Rainbow's ears.

"H-HEY!" Rainbow cried, swatting her hand away. "Cut it out!" she said, flushing crimson. She glared at Sunset. "And you! I see you laughin'! Think this is funny, huh? That I got turned into a freak like you?"

"Rainbow Dash," Rainbow's father said sternly.

Sunset snickered. "I'm s-sorry," she said. "I wasn't laughing at you...it's...it's something else."

"Oh yeah? What?" Rainbow challenged.

"You just...with the wings, and the hooves, and the ears..." Sunset giggled. "You remind me of a p-p-pegasus!" She doubled over, wheezing for breath.

"A pegawhat?"

Fluttershy pulled out her phone and opened her web browser. After a minute, she showed Rainbow a picture. "Pegasus," she said. "It's a mythological winged horse."

Rainbow studied the picture, ruffling her wings. "Huh," she said. "That's...kinda cool, actually."

"A-anyway," Sunset said, standing up. She looked Rainbow over. "So...this is it? This is all your Nanites did to you?"

"As far as I can tell," Rainbow said, shrugging. "I'm not getting any weird urges, I don't have machines popping out all over my body." She flexed her wings. "I can fly, I figured that out last night. Other than that..." She shook her head.

"You can fly?" Fluttershy gasped. "That sounds like fun! Maybe a bit scary, but..."

"Scary nothin', it's awesome!" Rainbow said.

Rainbow's father coughed. "Young lady, isn't there something you were supposed to say to Sunset Shimmer?"

"Huh? Oh...oh yeah." Rainbow ducked her head. "Listen, I...uh...I'm sorry I gave you a hard time, okay?"

"That sounded really convincing," Sunset said with a smirk.

"Sunset," Fluttershy said.

Sunset sighed. "Okay. Fake apology accepted." She clapped her hands together. "So, did you want me to fix this, or...?"

"Oh, don't!" Fluttershy cried. "She looks so cute like this! She could be the poster girl for good EVOs!"

Rainbow blushed. "W-well..." She sighed. "I might ask you to c-cure me later, but...I'm not ready yet." She frowned. "Last night, when I went flying, it...it felt right. Natural. I think..." She flexed and fluffed her wings. "I think...I'm not ready to give that up just yet."

"Even if it means you have to go to school like this?" her father asked. "Even if it means the other kids might call you a freak?"

Rainbow bowed her head. "I guess...maybe I deserve a little of that," she said.

"Nobody deserves that," Fluttershy said. "Not Sunset, not you, not anyone else." She tilted her head. "You have a lot of friends, Rainbow Dash. If they're really your friends, they'll accept you no matter what you look like. No matter how much you change on the outside."

"I...I guess..."

"Tell you what," Sunset said. "Give it a week. If you can't take being an EVO in public for a week, I'll cure you." She held out her hand.

Rainbow hesitantly took it and grasped it firmly. "One week. Got it." She frowned. "There's...still a problem, though..."

"Rainbow's having clothing issues," her father said. "Her wings are making it hard for her to put on shirts."

"More like impossible," Rainbow muttered. "And forget about shoes."

"I can probably help with the shirts," Fluttershy said. "I mean, I can sew...I can probably alter some of your clothes to fit." She frowned. "I can't do anything about shoes, but...I might know somebody who can."

Rainbow's father smiled and clapped his hands together. "Why don't I leave you girls to work, then! You're welcome to spend the night if you like. A little new-friends sleepover!"

"New friends, huh?" Sunset said. She raised an eyebrow at Rainbow.

Rainbow grimaced. "Well...maybe not new friends, but..." She sighed. "I guess...at the very least...I can try to not hate you anymore."

Sunset smirked. "I guess I can try to not hate you too." With a playful flick of Rainbow's ear, she added, "Pegasus."

* * * * *

"Dr. Sparkle. Where is Sunset Shimmer?"

Twilight looked up at the face of Black Queen on her monitor. "She's staying over at a new friend's house tonight," she said. "And you'll be happy to know that she's checked into the new EVO, Rainbow Dash. She reports that the girl is not a threat."

"Hmm." Black Queen disappeared abruptly from the screen.

Twilight smirked and went back to work.

* * * * *

"I don't know how you got through to her, but thank you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't." A pause. "And your other situation?"

"...unchanged. You haven't...told Queen, have you?"

"Of course not. We had a deal. I'm keeping it. But you can't hide this forever."

"I know." A sigh. "Thank you. I hope..." A pause. "Nevermind."

"Keep me posted on the situation with the new EVO, Bishop." Rock nodded respectfully to Principal Celestia and left her house.

Once Rock was gone, Celestia locked the front door, then grabbed a powerful LED lantern from the top of a bookshelf and walked down a long hall at the back of the house. Approaching a locked door at the end of the hall, Celestia steeled herself and unlocked it.

Blackness oozed out from inside, engulfing the hall.

"Ssssiiiiiiiiisssteeeeeeeer," a rasping, sibiliant, feminine voice hissed from the deep blackness.

Celestia turned on the lantern. There was a scream from inside the room, and the blackness retreated.

"How...how was your day, Luna?" Celestia asked.

"Let me ooooooooooooout," the blackness hissed. "Let me feeeeeeeeeeed..."

"No, Luna," Celestia said firmly. "But...there's someone who might be able to help you. A girl...she's special. She can cure EVOs..."

"Bring her to meeeeee," the blackness hissed. "I want to eeeeeeeat heeeeeer..."

Celestia sighed. "Luna...I just want my sister back," she said.

"Luna isss deeeeeeeeeeeeeeead," the blackness said. "I am the Niiiiiiightmaaaaaare..."

Celestia bowed her head. "We'll...we'll talk later." She closed the door, locked it, and turned on the bright halogen lamps that lined the hall. As she headed for her own room, she wept bitterly.

Comments ( 155 )

5956780 I'm almost 97% positive I don't want to use Flash as Circe.

Curse you Moth! You had to update it when I was about to go to bed. I can't believe this. Just my luck.

Another great chapter. :pinkiehappy:

"Just...don't tell me what part of your body I'm actually sitting on," she said. "Or what the handlebars are. I don't think I can take it..."

That line made me laugh uproariously. That's something I never thought about when watching Generator Rex originally, and now I'm never going to be able to look at his builds without thinking about it.

Also, it seems there's some sort of connection between what the nanites do and the Elements of Harmony. How long until Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy get anthro-ponified?

And that bit at the end though...wow...

5956861 Don't assume all of them will become EVOs. In fact, don't assume anything. :trollestia:


Just letting you know I'm picturing Sunset and the Human Mane 5 firing a Nano-powered Harmony blast to deactivate Sombra's nanites and purge his dark magic...and it is awesome!

5956923 Heh. That WOULD be awesome.

And it's to keep Sombra from getting through the active portal...and then Sunset has to decide if she still wants to go through with her plan of using her Evo powers against Equestria.

...although either way, I'm now wondering what effects the nanites had on the Sirens.

"Just...don't tell me what part of your body I'm actually sitting on," she said. "Or what the handlebars are. I don't think I can take it..."


Wow. I don't think anything else needs to be said about this.

Dammit Myth, I was just about to sleep! Oh well. Let's dig in!

When you said I predicted this, I pretty much expected something like this to happen. For RD to become a Pegasus though? Left field. Not that I'm complaining, and I hope she comes around and joins Sunset in kicking some EVO butt eventually. If that doesn't happen, I won't be that upset or surprised though. Seeing her and Gilda fight would be pretty sweet, though!

Luna as an EVO makes a lot of sense, and it does explain Celestia's stance on EVOs, in a world where there's so much prejudice. I'm kinda worried that Luna might be uncurable, though, as EVOs like that often are. Are some EVOs uncurable in this universe? I'd assume so, but I figured I'd ask.

...:twilightoops: What if Rainbow goes the week, and decides to have Sunset cure her, only to find she's uncurable? That'd cause an angry lashing out for sure, and it may shatter their potential friendship! Not gonna lie, I almost want that scene to happen. Dash might like flying, but I doubt the blow to her reputation would be something she'd stomach easily, and the cure option might be much more tempting to her once her public's opinion of her takes a nosedive.

As usual, I'm awaiting the next chapter eagerly. :pinkiehappy:


Since unlikely everypony else, they still are able to use magic, I guess they became quite powerful, but maybe they lost their sanity?

5956954 I'm thinking it'll be more along the lines of going through and leaving it open for Sombra, or destroying it and giving up her chance at revenge.

For some reason, I want Rex to appear from a wormhole like Ben Tennyson did and help out or something.

Great chapter!

Here comes the Nightmare...

And also, Rainbow being a bully redemption person, alright then, I can dig it.

Wonder what made her go anti-Evo, weird to see her act like this out of spite... yet again, lots of fics have shown she could get angry over the smallest of weird things.

5956797 Who is Circe?

Also, I kind of want to see a fight scene where Luna forces the Nightmare out and uses her as a scythe.

Could you uhh... maybe do that?


5957267 Could be anything really. Maybe an EVO killed her puppy, maybe she's only seen Monster EVOs, maybe she's just racist. Could be a deep story or there. Or not.

5957083 I doubt that'll happen, although the author did something similar with another story of his, but only with the LTE edition hosted on his website.

5956996 I figure Dash could go anywhere at this point. Sombra is probably still recruiting Sapient EVOs, and if Dash faces a lot of abuse during her week, she could be persuaded to join him.

Circe is an E.V.O with the power of high pitched screm coming from her mutated mouth that she can grown just like Rex's build. At first, Rex had a crush with her but when she turn to Van Kliess' Brotherhood, Rex tries to show the errors of her ways.

Hmm... I know I've never actually seen the show but I'm curious on one thing, could Rainbow's Nanites be semi-deactivated so that she could also transform at will instead of just maintaining her Flight of The Pegasus form? I'm just thinking from headcanon logic that yes there would need to be a process to start the transformation but what is maintaining it and what is preventing her from changing back? Would it be the Nanites itself or is it also partially similar to Sunset's case where she can change at will? Though from the first chapter she seems to have that already imprinted so that might be a bust.

Theory craft is fun.

Does Celestia fear her sister is currently too strong for Sunset to handle? Is that why she's not telling her about Nightmare yet? Could be. One might argue she could be related to some sort of side boss.

5957267 Anti-EVO sentimentality is common, due to the widespread destruction EVOs have caused and a general latent fear of the "plague" hitting anyone at any time.

5957268 Circe was Rex's love interest and recurring anti-villain. She could create powerful sonic waves from her mouth. She was a bit...conflicted. As to the other thing...no.

5957511 Doesn't really work that way. EVOs who can "hide" their mutations are INCREDIBLY rare. There are, in fact, only four such EVOs in Generator Rex. As for Rainbow Dash, she's permanently Pegasus now, unless she decides to be cured. It's either all or nothing with Nanites.

Well, this is an interesting development. It's almost like the Nanites have a sense of irony. It'll be interesting to see how the student body reacts to Dash. That could go either way.

Also, you may want to put a few more dialogue attributions and/or context clues in that exchange near the end. I had to work backwards from the end to confirm that Rock didn't also have a dark secret. She very well may have one, but she hasn't alluded to it.

5957720 The lack of attributions is deliberate.

"Oh," Fluttershy said. "Well...that's interesting." She smiled. "Did you..." Her cheeks turned pink. "...whoop their butts?"

This made my morning! Glad you used that line from Rainbow Rocks.

For the present, I don't see Rainbow wanting to get cured. She seemed to love flying way too much. Really, though, what's new there?

That ending... Hoooooooooooooooooooo boy...


Yeesh, and why not we make fun of the entity that can rip us to shreds? THAT makes a lot of bloody sense...

You have to be pretty mean spirited and stupid too do that.

5956797 you could do one of the dazzlings or vinyl maybe sweetie bell if you even use the Circe type at all oh and just had a thought if you get stuck on a Evo type you could barrow a bang baby type from Static Shock (I promise not to tell anyone if you do) any how loveing the story so far cant wait to see where you go with it.


Man of Action Did this with Ben 10 and Rex, so you could use that.

5957083 I've already said it once, but I'll say it again, and hopefully this time it will kill this once and for all:

Never. Happening. Ever.

This is so sad about Luna. :raritycry:

5956954 Wonder if they fused into some sort of ghidorah like monster.

5956797 Heh, oddly enough I though Gilda was Biowulf's stand in. So is she filling in for Skalamander or Jungle Cat?

5957861 It's actually a pretty common theme in the show. There's one episode (I think it was called 'Hunter') where some Evo hater with a big gun blows up a couple Evos and then does a smear campaign against Rex. At one point in the episode Rex gets surrounded by an angry mob and rips a bus to shreds when they try to run him over with it.

Do i smell potential Sunshyne ship?

I really hope Sunset gives RD the power to control her transformation, or at least make it so RD can grow her wings whenever she wants

Nice chapter, I liked RD's karmic Awakening

Does that make me a bad person?


Yeah, exactly my point, I suppose she didn't realize how much of an idiot she is being, trying to piss off a Evo, let alone the only Evo that is actually doing anything to help, I'm waiting for the next moment where she tries something only for Sunset to tear apart a bus.

That would be awesome...

5957268 In case somebody didn't get it from all the other people who answered, Circe is Rex's kind of sort of girlfriend. It's complicated because she works for the bad guys. She is one of the few EVOs that can pose as a normal human, and she has the ability to hit things with a wall of sound or attract EVOs when she sings. Essentially, she's a siren. Her name is pronounced sir-see.

5957330 Maybe in the short term, but she'd come around. She always does. :rainbowdetermined2:

5958347 Yeah. Definitely not Flash Sentry. I don't know. Why DOES he get so much flack?

5957694 Damn it! What is Luna, anyways?

5957477 Ahh... In this case, I think seombody else would fit that better than Flash Sentry?

Up to the meeting where Celestia asked Sunset Shimmer to try out for the soccer team I wondered where Luna was

and then Rainbow became an EVO, and then this line

I've seen...well...a lot worse than this.

Did/will Luna become a Nightmare Moon equivalent?

AHA, so she is!

5958307 I guess Skalamander. Like I said, it's not 1:1 here.

5958471 There's several BS reasons he's hated, take your pick. It's stupid.

5958669 I've heard of them. Probably.

You're right. They're so stupid taht it barely registers as a reason. I have to think about it.

It just doesn't make sense. Why does Sunset get all the character development, but Flash doesn't?(Not that I have anything against that. I'm reading your story after all!)

But I don't think he works quite as well.

I mean in the show, he is shown to be clumsy. While Circe seems to be more elegant.

Also, Sunset needs a pet.

5958471 Mostly because he's "dating" Twilight with no character development at all. If they're going to make a canon ship for her, it should be a little more than "Oops, I bumped into you, lets get married." It works for Disney princesses, but Twilight has much more character and deserves a better love story. Preferably one with a character who has more development than "what do teenage girls like in a guy? Lets make that."

That's why I don't like him at least. There are a lot of other reasons people will give, but I think the real one nobody is willing to say is that he stole their waifu.

5958693 :facehoof: Right, because girls never develop a crush on a guy just because he's cute even though they know nothing about him. That's not even remotely realistic AT ALL, right?

Another enjoyable chapter. And I found "junk shit" to be quit funny. Good job.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

5958709 Well, yes, but he is an entirely different species, that she first saw about twenty minutes before developing that crush. I'm not saying that this makes falling in love completely impossible, but the racial barriers would need a certain time to overcome. They would also definitely need more interaction than five sentences.

But the main problem is that in my eyes Flash can't even be considered a real character. He is just a personified concept of an ideal high-school love interest.
Apart from the traits he has to fulfil that purpose, he has literally no personality at all. And yes, I mean "literally" literally. Take away all the attributes that are directly tied to that cliche and you end up not a single thing you can say about him. I dare any of you to prove me wrong :trixieshiftleft:
While many background characters are just personified concepts, fucking don't make one the crush of your main character, if you want any personal investment in that crush.

Oh, and by the way, good job, I was a bit sceptical about this story at first, but this chapter eared you my like.

5958693 Waifu?

Wow... That's kind of sad. People need to get a life.

Of course, I'm being hypocritical.

But I agree, HASBRO really should hire some writers on this site. We know what we're doing, don't we?

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