• Member Since 6th May, 2014
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Good authors too, who once knew better words, Now only use four-letter words writing prose. Anything goes. :raritywink:



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves: Only My Will

Cover art by: _Vidz_

Edited by: Ephraim Blue

The Doctor has regenerated, a new face, a new attitude, and of course, new troubles.

Ponyville seems to have survived the ordeal, but the Doctor has arrived again with a few new questions.

What will this new persona mean for the Doctor's future?

What is the significance of these two musicians that he has been led to?

Who exactly is "Blue," and how does he know the Doctor?

And finally...

"What do you want?"

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 35 )

"What do you want?"


The Dragon blinked.

"Dragon" should not be capitalized.

"You still don't know how your knew hooves work!" Scootaloo added.

"new" not "knew".

And it's begun! And Blue seems strange, what with his moving snake tattoo and space-demonic possession.

Started this morning and now I'm all caught up. :twilightsmile:

Aaaand cue the theme music!...

Why is it for this new Doctor Whooves I'm hearing Capaldi's voice when I read?...

Meh, maybe it's just me.

When's the new update coming?


"Inactive" is one thing. I did try to contact you after you hadn't continued for a couple months. But no matter what I sent, PMs or Comments, it never seemed to get anywhere.

Glad you're finally getting back on your feet. I feel that being angry at a fandom is no reason to let your own works go to wastes. I've practically stopped all my stories because I've run out of ideas to fill the gaps. I want the plot to continue, but leaving gaps makes it worse on everyone.

Again, being mad at a fandom is just plain idiotic, I'm saying it right now. I know you like Doctor Who. I do too. But if I got mad over what everyone else thinks, it just causes more and more problems for me. You're letting those thoughts take over and influence your own work, which is a show of how you would like a story of the franchise to go.

All my stories I've written are tiny fabrications to the universe of My Little Pony and whatever else I occasionally reference them too, whether it be a Doctor Who Story, Equestria Girls, or my own life I wish to go the way I write.

But what I'm saying is that they are yours. No fandom of anything has any jurisdiction of it, especially those "die-hard-11th-Doctor-'Oh Marry Me'" Types you mention.

And I get that "very specific backstories" are hard to get used too and follow, and to be honest, that's more or less a lot like a fan influencing a writer's story. I don't mind this change to "Blue's" character that you've made. Its neat to look at and see. And really, it gives you more distinction or control over the story, which is the way its really meant to be.

I'll probably still influence you, if not a little, a lot, about "Blue's" backstory. But really, I don't oppose to any of what I see. Willing to sacrifice himself over someone else is certainly something worth doing, but also seeking out help once he's made sure that some are safe. Plus, his thoughts about willing to even die to take the Mara with him, while probably not something he'd do, but I agree would be something of tiredness and stress of holding a murderous snake thing.

All and all, I hope you get in contact with me again. I'd love to continue editing this for you, and who knows. Maybe helping another's works with what it needs will help me write more. New ideas is what I need.

I swear, I don't think I can take one more surprise today...

Well, hello Murphy. :rainbowlaugh:

"Don't give me something you're willing to die for," the Doctor said angrily. "Ponies have been willing to die for countries, philosophies and to maintain there own idiot pride. All things as common as the dirt under our feet. We all have something we would die for. Now, something to live for... That's hard to find. Everyone has something to die for. Dying is easy. I should know I've done it around twelve times now. Living takes time, patience, and more than a fair bit of pain. You go through it for a reason. Especially when a bloody massive psychic snake has coiled around your brain and it's squeezing ever tighter.

"You don't go through this for something you're willing to die for, Blue. Why are you still alive?"


There's an evil among us.


I hope this story is a bit longer than the others. The rate its going right now, if it just went and ended within the next couple chapters, it would seem a bit rushed to me. Another 10 chapters might do :twilightblush:

7609792 Six more chapters. Nine chapter story like all the others. And I'm kind of padding to get to THAT, tbh.

So i did not know that you had made a sequel to the lynch pins series so I just liked and faved and when i pare down the 1400 unread chapters i have waiting i will read on this. Unless it happens to be at the top of my list :raritywink:

Mentioning snakes made me remember this:

How do you strangle someone with a single hoof?

she could always hit his throat, then use the small window of surprise to wrap a leg around his neck. just as action packed, though about half a second longer to do.

How do you strangle someone with a hoof?

Thanks alot!

I like your choice of a bowler hat. :moustache:

...I'm just gonna leave this here:


You've got a lovely way of writing quick and fulfilling chapters that kinda make me envious. And your Doctor is a really cool incarnation.

"Neither do I," Blue said defensively. "That being said, when the subject of the schadenfreude is a being who exists on torment, and has been harming you and the ones you care about..."

What the HECK is a schadenfreude?!

7647587 The German word for taking pleasure in the misfortune of others.

7647634 Oooh, okay. I love doing that. Just ask Gray. He'll tell you. :twilightsmile:

Rereading the beginning of this chapter, I realize that "spoilers" is not the word they should be using. Yeah, it takes the fun out of it and it is technically "spoilers" to what will happen, you literally can't tell what will happen in the future, cause if you do, it will mess up a huge timestream.

Telling someone their future of what is going to happen will either make them embrace it or just shun it entirely and make the best efforts to change it. In which case, things become out of whack and that future doesn't entirely happen again. All in all, it creates an infinite paradox where one person had to have come back to tell them the future, but then the efforts continue changing for all of eternity, and then there was no one to tell them the future.

Unless the universes live in a way where the person who told them came from an alternate timeline where it already happened, and telling them just creates 2 separate timelines from the point he was told or found out about it. Creating 2 universes so that one will continue as if never told, and the other will continue as if they were.

All in all, "spoilers" is not the word to use. "Wibbily Wobbily Timey Wimey" is the phrase.

i imagine the new doctor being voiced by peter capaldi

ok so I actually agree with you on the Classic Doctors and on the whole "I don't want to go". But at the same time I do like some of the things they have done as team ups with the older doctors. I know he's not Supposed to be able to do it (I chalk it up to the TARDIS being Ornery nowadays, specially after the whole Trenzalore thing and I am talking about the FIRST time he went to Trenzalore not the 11th's[?] Finale) What I do hate though is that they make the Regeneration so..... tediously Long. Good Lord is it just me or is the Doctor's Regenerations getting Longer and Longer?

1400?! I hit the reset button at about 300!

Huh, interesting. Well I imagined Peter Davison (old present day Peter Davison, not young 1980's Peter Davison).

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