• Published 9th May 2012
  • 4,397 Views, 53 Comments

The Stars That Aided In Her Escape - WorldWalker128

Moonbase Alpha's typical gameplay meets poor Nightmare Moon.

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Epilogue: A New Job

Epilogue: A New Job

“Well, that was a grand failure!” Robert said with a sigh as he looked out from the windows of the starship at the wiped-out moon base.

“At least we're still alive, right?” Sally asked, joining him by the window with a glass of thawed (formerly) concentrated cherry cider. She offered him a bit but he shook his head.

“Yeah. Alive, and fired. And probably blacklisted. For life.”

“Oh, I wouldn't be too sure of that.” Robert laughed without humor.

“And why not? This project was worth countless dollars and took years to set up! Why wouldn't we get fired for it?!”

“Because we weren't supposed to succeed anyway.” Sally replied, taking a sip of her drink. Robert blinked, unsure he'd heard her correctly.

“Say what?”

“I'm not supposed to be telling you this, but we've been friends for a long time and I don't want you to just throw away your career prematurely. Just don't spread this around, okay?” Robert nodded. “That space-horse we found on the moon wasn't our first encounter with life in this solar system, and I'm not talking about the primitive creatures that we've been observing. About sixty years ago another of the winged-horned ones came to the second NASA research center without a ship and told them- in perfect English, mind you- she knew of a good place for another observation station, and she gave them the location, and the necessary raw materiel for its construction. When she was asked why, she replied that it was to welcome back a relative in the future and refused to say more other than for how long she'd allow us to observe from the station's construction site. Last week was the end of that time.”

“So then why did HQ send us here?”

“To make it look like it was a natural accident that was not fixable and to make it seem that HQ had made an effort to save it. Don't worry, your job is in no danger.”

“So then, us getting stuck with the two teams of idiots was completely according to plan?” She nodded. “Huh. Okay, but why did you know about it?”

“Because I was told before the mission began. Remember, me and my team were assigned to keep track of replacement equipment and tools. We would have to know about it in case teams 1 and 3 took this more seriously than they usually do everything else so that we could, if necessary, sabotage or 'lose' a few things ourselves.”

“So what happens now? Just go home?” Sally shrugged.

“If you want. Me, I've been offered the job of overseeing construction of a new observation base on the planet itself. It's supposed to be built in a large cave in a mountain near one of the smaller settlements. I'm going to need a few hard-working assistants to ensure that everything gets built and is maintained the way it's supposed to be. Interested? I seem to recall you saying something earlier about wanting the chance to walk around and breathe in non-recycled air.” Sally extended a hand to him.

Robert grinned and took her hand, and shook it.

“If it's all the same to you two, can I come along too?” came a tired voice from behind them. Sally and Robert turned to see a man with a number of gray hairs near forty holding a cup of coffee. “I've had it with putting up with those idiots, and if my work will be appreciated, then all the better.”

“What's your name?” Sally asked.

“Maruus. Maruus Clay. You know me better as White-bot 1.”

“You were the man who came up with the idea to use the AC in the station as a cooling unit, right?” He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. She smiled. “Welcome aboard, Mr. Clay.”


And that's it! Thank you all for reading; please leave a thumb up or down, a comment or suggestion, and I hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 18 )

This story far surpassed my expectations in that it did not die after one chapter. :twilightsmile:
(I was expecting a oneshot, really)

Okay, this was an absolute GEM, and I hope you continue it as a series.
In all honesty, I think it would do quite well.
Especially since it would be a truly novel method starting a HiE fic that (for once) has the human character(s) knowing what's going on in advance, and having Royal permission in advance as well.

Originally that was exactly what it was going to be, but I didn't want to take the time to write all of it up just to post something that almost nobody would read, so I broke it into parts and posted in increments.

I don't think that I myself will, but if anybody else wants to, they're welcome to it. This fic was meant as an attempt to break my Writer's Block on 'A Favor Returned'. I'm probably going to have to watch a season of Doctor Who again for that, though.
As to it 'doing well', the most attention this got was during the first chapter, and the votes for 'like' are still rather low compared to the amount of 'favorites' (numbering forty-three, currently, in comparison to the 25 up votes :rainbowhuh: ). If this had gotten featured I might have done so, but I don't think I will now.
And to that guy(or girl) that accused me of stealing his/her idea, No one is stopping you from making your own version. There are literally DOZENS of stories for one topic or another on this website alone: Halo, Fallout, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Cupcakes- there are enough of those that if printed out we might be able to sink an aircraft carrier. Just make another. Who knows, yours might be better. *Shrugs*

Oh, well, all right.
Well, I hope you can get rid of your writer's block, mine's been chasing me around for a while.

While I'm at it, you should join in my (rather gigantic) project, involving a huge amount of alternate universes!
Sign up is [here] if you want to, and it includes a lot of the relevant information. If you're interested, shoot me a PM and I'll work stuff out w/ you!

Now this was nice! :pinkiehappy: I'm not really good at making very nice looking compliments, but know this: The epilogue just adds on to making this story memorable! This was a fantastic fanfic to read, and honestly it saddens me abit that not more people had read this.

And about that sequel thing someone else said, I think the story is good as it is, but if for some reason you did want to make a sequel, I have no doubt that would go great as well. :twilightsmile:

That ending you made can serve as a good story plug, as well as give enough room for a sequel BTW :duck:

I have just discovered that some people have indeed found a way to sing in Moonbase Alpha. I'm actually probably the last person to find this out. I usually am. Nevertheless,

Guess what they're singing. :pinkiehappy:

924159 I found out about that (and this) beacause of a vid you commented on about this story... (9896yoyo on youtube btw)

yeah, shows you how much I love to draw attention to myself. :twilightsheepish:

It's a magic moon, bro. True story. :coolphoto:

Mate, it took me way too bloody long to read this. I apologise for leaving this on my read later list for months. :twilightsheepish:
But it was great, and worth reading, so thank you for writing it. :twilightsmile:

You're welcome. I actually had a ridiculous amount of fun writing it.

2721079 I can tell. :pinkiehappy: it's that kind of fun story.

Human stupidity never gets old in terms of comedic value.

So last year they release an update which added a game mode that you say was partial horror. You know who to blame it on?

Nightmare Moon :3

I haven't read it, but I saw Moonbase Alpha and thought 'wow, and I thought I was the only one who's seen an episode of Space: 1999!'

? It was written with the purpose of being mostly stupid, and I drew on material directly from the videos. How can one improve on that? I probably made a few mistakes here and there, but could you be more specific, please?

Well we had a surplus on Earth, and we felt that the rest of the universe should have to feel our pain as well, I guess. :twilightsmile:

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