• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 1,095 Views, 10 Comments

The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions - RainbowBlitzkrieg

Rainbow Blitz isn't your usual pegasus, or is it alicorn...nevermind, just hitch a ride with him and his friends as they crash the Tardis in a strange new Ponyville. "Wait, why are there mare look alikes of all of us, Blitz?" -Dusk Shine

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An Encounter With the Familiar

Whirring…buzzing…flashing lights. Rainbow Blitz, still in his Time Lord form, lay, unconsciously, on the floor of his Tardis. The room was a mess of loose bolts, broken wires, sparks, and cluttered boxes, everywhere, as if they had made a crash landing. Blitz twitched one ear and then the other, groaned, then slowly cracked his eyelids open. He stirred, surveying the disaster zone, “Guys…Guys!?” he yelled out, in a weak and strained voice. Out of one of the mounds of boxes he saw a butterscotch wing break through and stretch into the air. Rainbow Blitz struggles to his feet, soar in his joints but unscathed. He staggers over to the cluttered mound of boxes and started to dig. He uncovered Butterscotch’s dazed body under the mess. Rainbow Blitz got his strength back and started nudging Butterscotch’s side, “Butterscotch...stay with me buddy...”

“Uh...what happened…?” Butterscotch asked, in a dazed voice, as his slowly became conscious and stared about the room.

“We must’ve made a crash landing,” Blitz elucidated as he helped his friend up. Butterscotch got to his hooves and when the friends looked around at the room, closely, they noticed that their friends’ motionless bodies were strewn about the floor. They both helped each one to their hooves as fast as their soar joints could move them. Everypony looked around the massacred room and followed Rainbow Blitz to the door, after they all gained their strength. Rainbow Blitz rapped on the broken door of the Tardis, but it wouldn’t open to his touch. He stood back, “AJ, think you and I could bust open the door?”

“Let’s try it, Sugarcube,” AJ said in a patronizing tone, already stretching out his legs for the job.

Blitz stretch out his wings to full length and assumed a fighting stance, awaiting the blow-back from the door.

AJ assumed his stance next to Blitz and gritted his teeth. “Ya ready, partner?”

“Just hope you can keep up, Workhorse. On the count of ‘three.’”

Blitz and AJ counted down. As soon as they said, “THREE!” they bolted for the door. First hit gave them soar shoulders, but the door didn’t budge. They tried again, the door cracked outwards a bit, effecting smiles between all the friends. The third try sent the door shattering outwards along with AJ and Blitz onto the dusty ground outside, in a heap. The rest of the colts were blinded by the sudden sunlight, a great opposition to the dark Tardis, and they all stumbled out on top of AJ and Rainbow Blitz. Then there was a clutter of hooves, manes, tails, and a din of, “Get your hoof out of my face!”--"move your tail!”--”OUCH!”

All the friends managed to get their bearings and untwist themselves. They started brushing each other off. “Hey, look guys, we’re back home!” AJ announced. All the friends looked around in delight as they noticed they were in Ponyville, back behind Sugar Cube Corner.

“Then how did we take such as spill?” Elusive interjected, referring to the battered and smoking Tardis that now laid behind them.

“I don’t know. See Blitz, that time and rational dimen...”--Dusk Shine stuttered with trying to remember what Rainbow Blitz had explained the Tardis was--“...you know. That contraption of yours doesn’t work, we’re back home.” Butterscotch noticed a bird sitting in a nearby tree, tuning the argument out, he whistled a tune and the bird fluttered over to him. The bird landed on Butterscotch’s shoulder, then it quickly fluttered off when it noticed who he was. Butterscotch laid down in distress and both Dusk Shine and Rainbow Blitz stopped arguing, changing there attention to Butterscotch.

“What’s the matter Butterscotch?” asked Blitz as he patted him on the shoulder.

“I...don’t...know...that bird got scared as if it didn’t know me...” his hushed tone faded as he lowered his head.

“See! Now you even got Butterscotch paranoid!” Dusk Shine exclaimed. Butterscotch slinks away from both of them and walks to Elusive’s side.

“Paranoid? It’s a fact that we’re in another dimension, considering that the camera’s gone,” Blitz said, calmly, to Dusk Shine, he then gestures to where the camera had stood, but there were no tripod marks in the dust. Dusk Shine hesitates with his answer, then Bubble Berry intervened.

“Let’s take this up with Ms. Cup Cake, she’ll set this straight!” he bounces up to the street corner and around to the front door of Sugar Cube Corner, the others rush after him. He bounded in and across the threshold to the counter where Ms. Cup Cake was putting out some treats in the display cabinets. “Ms. Cup Cake, Ms. Cup Cake! I’m back!”

She stares at Bubble Berry with a confused smile as the other colts walk through the door. “Well, hello?...I’m sorry, but do I know you?” Ms. Cup Cake asked, finishing up with the pastries and sitting down behind the counter, staring at Bubble Berry. She glanced over all the colts, “you all look very familiar...” Rainbow Blitz walked up behind Bubble Berry and patted him on the back. Bubble Berry hung his head and lowered his ears and tail, walking back to his friends.

Blitz looked back at Ms. Cup Cake, “You really don’t know us?”

Ms. Cup Cake shook her head, “You must be new here. Pinkie will be pleased,” she smiles and pranced off to the kitchen. Midway to her destination, in front of the staircase, she stopped and called, gently, “Pinkie? Come down here and help me with these muffins.” She then resumes her course and walked to the back kitchen. The friends all look at each other and then Blitz gestured to a table in the corner and they all went to sit down, around it.
“How does she not remember me?” Bubble Berry exclaimed as he started to whimper, but luckily AJ decided to cheer him up.
“She probably is gonna throw ya a surprise party, o’something,” he grinned to Bubble Berry who started to perk up at the thought. The friends started debating the situation of time travel, considering that the place was cleaned up, as if the princes had left some time ago. Then, the friends hear some audible bouncing from upstairs, then a door opened and the bouncing travelled down the steps.

Pinkie Pie bounded off the last step and walked over to the counter, “Which ones are for Derpy, Ms. Cup Cake?”

“The ones in your saddle bags, Pinkie,” Ms. Cup Cake replied, from the kitchen. Pinkie reached for them, but through the display glass she notices a pink tail. She got curious and walks around the counter to see what was up. She starts to approach the table, where the colts were discussing their troubling matter. She believed she recognizes them, “Hi, Twilight!” Dusk Shine turned around and offered her a confused smile. She looks back at him puzzled and then looks at Bubble Berry. She gasped and jumped over the table at Bubble Berry, all the colts lean back as she topples Bubbles to the ground. They roll over a couple of times and Pinkie ended up sitting on top of Bubble Berry, and she pinned him down, gently, “Hiay!”

“Uh...hiay, Miss?” Bubble Berry replied, a little confused. Pinkie got off of him and then realized that the colts weren’t from Ponyville and gasped. She jumps up and zipped out the door.

“What was that all about?” asked Rainbow Blitz as he walks over to Bubble Berry and helped him to his hooves.

“I really don’t know, but she was something,” a dazed smile crossed his face and then he walks over to the door and looks outside.

“That mare looked awfully familiar,” Elusive exclaimed.

Butterscotch nodded in agreement.

Bubble Berry pinned his ears back in disappointment and walks back to the table, from the door, taking his seat beside AJ.

“It’s alright, partner, she’ll be around,” AJ patted Bubble Berry on the back. He started to perk up.

Rainbow Blitz smacked one hoof on the table and smiles, “Bubbles, would you do exactly what that mare did, if you met newcomers?”

“Yeah, I would even through them a party, like I did with Dusk Shine,” Bubble Berry elbowed Dusk Shine in the ribs. Dusk smiled and then walked over to the counter and took a look at Pinkie’s saddle bags.

"Bubbles, isn't this your cutie mark?" Dusk Shine waved Bubble Berry over and all the colts walked over with him.

"Yeah! These look like the same ones you made me Dusk Shine," Bubble Berry sniffed them and grimaced, "but they don't smell the same."

Rainbow Blitz coughed to get everyone's attention. Everypony turned and noticed that one of Blitz's saddle bags was soaked and his colors had returned to normal. "Hey, what was in your bag?" asked AJ.

Rainbow Blitz looks at his colors and then his bag, "Must have been the antidote Zecuro had given me." He smiles, his accent returning to normal, and then stated again, "If we hadn't crossed into another dimension, Dusk Shine, then why is there a mare very similar to Bubble Berry, here?"

Dusk Shine sighed, in defeat, "I concede to your notion, but now that you've proven your point, can we go home?" All the colts nodded in agreement with Dusk Shine's plea.

“Sorry guys, I checked the Tardis before we got into Sugar Cube Corner. It’s pretty beaten up and it’ll need some time to repair itself.”

Bubble Berry retracted his nose from Pinkie’s saddle bags and looked at Blitz, “Did you just say it was ‘repairing’ itself?”

Rainbow Blitz nodded in return, “Besides, it won’t let me in unless I undergo another change into my Time Lord form,” he gave Bubble Berry a convivial smile.

After the shock of being stuck in such a quandary passed, Dusk Shine started making conversation over what to do in the meantime. To the colts’ surprises, they heard chattering from outside.

“Pinkie, settle down Sugarcube,” said an unfamiliar voice, to the colts, displaying AJ’s western accent.

“I told you, I told you, Ireallysawclonesofyouguys! You guys haven’t cloned yourselves, right?” said the distinctive, upbeat, voice of Pinkie Pie.

“No we haven’t Pinkie, but we’ll indulge you and take a look.”

“Oh, thank you Twilight!”

There was a melancholy pause and the colts looked at each other in silent questioning. Then the door swung open by the majestic push of a blue Pegasus wing, that resembled Rainbow Blitz’s own, and six young looking mares made there way into the shop. The door slowly creaked closed as both groups of friends looked at each other, the colts identifying only the fact that the new guests had striking likeness to themselves. The mares had evidently noticed the same, for they now huddled together and started conversing in inaudible speech. The colts looked at one another, and reflecting on the manners that they acquiesced from their princes, lined themselves up and bowed to the mares, bidding them welcome. The mares in return fluttered in a silent giddiness, at least that’s what the colts could deduce from the sudden high pitched chatter coming from the mare’s huddled bundle. Then finally, Elusive mustered up the courage to bid them “good morning.”

He stood straight and took two paces to the center point between the two groups, “Good morrow, ladies,” he said in his unflinching accent, and with a fashionable smile. Then a purple mane, such as his, amongst the throng of mares caught his eye. “And who’d it be that belong to such a magnificent, velvet, mane, such as my own?” he asked in a beckoning tone. Out of both reply and curiosity, a white coated unicorn walked, awkwardly up to Elusive. She was obviously flattered and blushing because of his compliment, and when she stood in front of him, she sheepishly smiled and moved some of her mane. Elusive was about to speak, then noticed her cutie mark which had a remarkable resemblance to his. The mare noticed he was eying her flank and sat down out of embarrassment, which effected laughter from the other mares. Elusive’s look alike seemed to get infuriated by the laughter that she jumped back up to her hooves and looked him in the eyes.

“The name is Rarity, sir, and who are you?” she elucidated in a stern manner.

Elusive was taken aback by the sudden harshness, but then stated, “I’m but a tailor who mends bad soles and lovers’ hearts to one another.” Referencing his mental playbook of gentlecolt like responses, Elusive affectionately lifted up Rarity’s hoof with his own and kissed it. She recoiled and blushed harder, then ran back into the throng of mares. Elusive, for a few seconds, stood dumbfounded in the middle of the groups, trying to get another glimpse of the beauty. With no luck he sighed and returned to his place in the line of colts where AJ, the nearest to him, patted his back in a job well done. Then, after a brief pause, a purple coated unicorn walked out to the center of the groups. Dusk Shine noticed her perfect resemblance to him, all the way down to the cutie mark, and valiantly trotted forward to greet her. She extended her hoof in the air in front of him and he put his underneath, and they did there best to shake.

In a melodic, and intelligent statement from the mare, “the name’s Twilight Sparkle, what is your name, stranger?”

“The name’s Dusk Shine, proud pupil of Prince Solaris,” he stated in a choppy, nervous, reply.

“Did you say ‘prince?’ We only have princesses here, Dusk Shine.”

“Then I believe we come from different dimensions where we’re ruled by different genders, ma’am,” he said politely, bowing to Twilight as to not seem pretentious.

Twilight seemed to be confused for a moment, then walked back to her group murmuring, “I have to analyze this...” She entered the mass of mares as Dusk Shine slowly released a sigh of relief and returned to his friends, shooting a look of submission at Rainbow Blitz. The next thing anypony knew, Bubble Berry and Pinkie Pie were getting a conversation going about cupcakes and Fluttershy was cautiously approaching Butterscotch with one question after another. The rest of the colts paired up with their mare counterparts, flattering them with their gentlecolt like actions; however, Rainbow Blitz was left alone where he had been standing, not ever catching a second glimpse of that majestic blue wing, he’d seen earlier. He let out a sigh, then someone poked his wings from behind. Blitz turned around to come face to face with a rainbow maned Pegasus that had a striking resemblance to him.

She ruffled his mane, “If you were my clone, you’d look better.”

Blitz thought of a witty comeback that he’d used on Elusive once, “would twenty percent cooler suffice?”

She back pedaled two steps in astonishment, but Blitz just looked on like that was nothing.

“How did you know I said that?” she said, but her voice trailed off as she looked at her hooves, trying to hide her involuntary blushing.

“I had a hunch,” Blitz notices some of her mane fall in her face, and pushes it back with his nose, “the name’s Rainbow Blitz, and I have a hunch that yours it quite similar.”

Her face turned evermore pink and her wings stood up a little. She stepped back from him and tried to compose herself, and when she got herself back together she smiled at him. In her cocky fashion, “The name’s Rainbow Dash, the one and only.”

“Well, Ms. Dash, I do believe that you’ve peaked my interest,” he bows to her, effecting a blush, from her, once more.

It took several hours for some of the ponies to get acquainted, others took less time, but were intrigued to keep talking due to the signs of courtesy they gave each other in turn. In the end, the colts were each invited to stay with there mare counterparts, "Should we accept guys?" asked Dusk Shine.

"Well, we do need a place to stay. What better accommodations then our own homes?" stated Rainbow Blitz. He then looked over at Dash, noticing that she too was in a vehement discussion with her friends, he turned back to his group.

"I would like to pick up a sowing trick, or two, from Rarity," said Elusive with a grin.

"We shouldn’t get involved with ourselves, even if it's another dimension," Dusk Shine stated, cautiously.

"Oh, come on, Sugarcube, I saw how you were eyeing Twilight," AJ said, mockingly.

Dusk Shine interjected, "I wasn't," then he sheepishly admitted, "okay, your half right."

"Then it's settled, we're bunking with the mares tonight!" Rainbow Blitz said triumphantly. The colts gave each other hoof-bumps out of excitement, then they parted ways with there new found company.