• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 1,099 Views, 10 Comments

The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions - RainbowBlitzkrieg

Rainbow Blitz isn't your usual pegasus, or is it alicorn...nevermind, just hitch a ride with him and his friends as they crash the Tardis in a strange new Ponyville. "Wait, why are there mare look alikes of all of us, Blitz?" -Dusk Shine

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How Old Wrong Doings Bring New Ones

“She dropped me off before that. Remember? And apparently picked me up before we came in the Tardis…” Blitz smiled, taking a sip of his tea and looked at Fluttershy.

“Before what? I haven’t said anything?” Fluttershy got up to get the tea kettle from the stove, nuzzling Celestia’s phoenix on the way back. Since Butterscotch was gone for the day to help Rarity and Elusive at their boutique, Fluttershy saw it a good time to give her phoenix friend a proper caring as Blitz told her about how it could be possible.

“Before he killed her…”

“Wait? Who, Haiex?”

“I don’t expect you to understand right away, Flutter…” Then, Blitz started falling into his reverie once more.

He could see it like it was just the day before, being walked up to that familiar cottage while under the caring wing of his Professor. “Why do I have to stay here?” he whined.

“Because, Haiex, you need to get familiar with this place and go to school.”

“But why?” He fumbled up the steps, still uneasy on his hooves. “Being a horse is weird.” As he grimaced his horn began to glow and with a flash of the Professor’s glasses the magic was gone.

“I told you to control your temper,” she knocked on the door of the cottage and Fluttershy answered, “you know what can happen.” She gave Haiex one of her stares that always gave Haiex the shivers.

“Umm...Hello?” Fluttershy smiled and peaked out.

“Yes, hi; we spoke by letter, Ms. Fluttershy?”

“Oh, yes, Ms. Rane.” Fluttershy looked from her to the colt by her side, patting him on the head, “And this must be your son? ‘Hay-ex?’”

The Professor snickered, then gained her composure as she looked around, the clear sky making the thought of leaving so dreadful. “Yes, but you pronounce it ‘High-ex.’” She smiled.

“Yes, of course.” Fluttershy ruffled Haiex’s mane behind the ear, which apparently the colt like for he smiled and wagged his tail as if a dog. “So, I’m going to be taking care of you for a while. The name’s Fluttershy. And yours?”

In a shy manner, almost parallel to Fluttershy’s, Haiex answered, “The name’s…Haiex…Flutter…Flutter…” He couldn’t get the ending of her name right, maybe because he was still enjoying the feeling of being petted, or maybe he was just shy, he would never remember.

“Well, it’s alright if you’re shy, I’m the same way. If you want, you can just call me Flutter.” She smiled at the colt, who smiled back and with that magic coming about his horn again.

With another flash of the Professor’s glasses and a whip of her magic, his horn was gone, leaving the wings to be seen and Fluttershy gasping. “Don’t worry. A little dimensional rift spell. He didn’t care much for the horn anyway.”

A knocking at the cottage door snapped Blitz out of his story. “You expecting somepony?” He looked at Fluttershy and sipped his tea.

“No, maybe it’s Discord coming by. I’ll get it and you can continue your story.” Fluttershy went to the door to open it to the dragon she was expecting.

“Why, hello Fluttershy,” Discord said in his usual, elongated phrased, speech.

“That voice…” Blitz thought as the drums started coming into his head, distant but there; they lulled him into another dream like state, this time while overhearing the conversation and not saying a word:

He had just kissed her, that female Doctor. She had just shoved him onto her work table and strapped him in, face down on the metallic surface. “Professor!? What are you doing!?”

She started putting needles into his flank, legs, and a larger three needled cup-link into the back of his head. “Sorry, my Lake Song. This is for science.” She trotted around the table as Haiex flailed against the restraints. “Easy there, it’ll just...be a minute.” She gave him a loving and frantic kiss on the head and then flipped the switch as she skipped back into their bedroom.
The heart of the Tardis whirred and brightened as its power grew and made its way down through the tubes that fed into Haiex. His coat became a dark cyan and his horn began to show; his mane and tail dulled to a brown with the green strips aglow; and soon his cutie mark began to shift, a lightning bolt to rift that protruding hourglass that now lay on his hip. He tossed and turned as the power surged through him, from his left heart to his right and soon his mind was adrift. He could see, in a dream, when they had loved, but now the Professor was using him as guinea pig. He felt his mind split and heard the Professor scream. There were two voices in his head now, Haiex and Rainbow Blitzk. He could feel the restraints come loose and the cup-links dislodge, the one on his head leaving a wound that healed instantly with sparks. As the scar became he rolled over on to the floor and realised he was back to his old “rainbow” self. “That’s strange,” he thought, hearing his American accent as well as his old British one in unison. He didn’t understand, nor did he care, for the whole Tardis was spinning about him as he walked to the bedroom. “Professor Rane?”

She looked up from a packed suitcase, and smiled at him. “Seems you made it, TimeLord,” she smiled and walked close.
“I...heard you scream, right?” He looked at the suitcase and a calendar was there, with that day’s date circled in red. He looked back at her, “Sweetie?”

“Tick tock...it seems the day has come.” She kissed him after she popped a coat on him, slipping her own green sonic screwdriver into the pocket along with his blue one, without Blitz’s knowledge.

“Professor?” He was dazed and trying to shake it off, to no avail, as the Professor made her way out to the table again. He followed, almost in a drunken fashion, overwhelmed with the two voices and personas in him as well as the power that was swelling his brain.

The Professor sat up on the table, bringing down the Chameleon Helmet that hung above her. She inserted her fob watch into the back slot and slid it over her ears.

“Rane?! Professor?! What are...you doing?” Blitz fumbled and had his head land on the Professor’s lap. Then the Tardis shook violently as the Chameleon Helmet started to work.

“I’m Sorry!!” The Professor’s body went limp and Blitz caught her, snapping to his senses finally. The fob watch fell out on to the table too as the Professor gained consciousness. “Well, if it isn’t you, silly filly,” she said as she rubbed Blitz’s cheek.


“Who? No. Remember me?...I think my name was...Jane Doe…”

There was a crash and an explosion. A black hole seemed to just rip through the front of the Tardis. Blitz protected the Professor against the table, he eyed the watch too and shoved it into his coat pocket, not feeling the screwdrivers.

“Oh Doctor~! I’m home~!” The Master strutted through the opening with Daleks on his tail, chattering away: “The Professor must be EXTERMINATED!”

“You’ll have your fun,” he waved off the three Daleks in separate ways, to find the Professor.

“We gotta hide, Professor.”

Jane Doe trembled, not compliant with Blitz whatsoever. The console had been the only thing obscuring the Master’s view of them, but as he moved about it, Blitz became ready to fight.

“Why, hello Haiex,” the Master greeted in his usual, elongated phrased, speech.

“Come on, leave the Professor alone. It’s me you want!” He braced between the Master and the Professor.

“Oh, no...you took my beloved. I TAKE YOURS,” with the entirety of the Master’s might he threw Blitz, with his magic, against what was left of the wall. He strutted up to Jane and pulled her chin up; he look into her eyes with his red irises flamed like death. “And, it wouldn’t be symbolic, unless it was by your blade…” With that, and his magic, he conjured Blitz’s swords from down the hall and they flew to the Master’s sides. He took his time prodding Jane’s chest with the tips of them.

“No...Please...I didn’t do anything…” Jane whimpered.

“The second to last TimeLord, groveling on her flank as if a child. How pathetic.”

Blitz came to, his vision blurred. He looked horizontally at the two and Haiex screamed in his head, “NOO!” but Blitz could only manage a whimper from his lips as he saw the Master plunge both rapiers into the Professor’s chest.

The Daleks lined up at the now regenerating gap, at the start of the Tardis. “The Professor has been EXTERMINATED!” they screamed in unison.

“If you don’t get to destroying the Tardis, I’ll ‘EXTERMINATE’ you!” The Master yelled at the Daleks as he turned around. The three of them wheeled about, bumping into each other in haste, and then started to fire upon the Tardis.

The Master and his entourage of Daleks slowly left as the gap closed in the front of the Tardis, the Master’s tail tip barely making it as the hole closed. Their work was done, the Tardis on fire, and the flames reflecting in the pool of the Professor’s blood. Blitz came to, again, crawling on his belly to the Professor, his wings and legs sprained. He needed to get her in his arms one last time, pulling the blades out with his magic as he crawled through the Professor’s blood, smearing it down his underbelly and his face when he collapsed from the trauma. When he finally got to her, her body was carefully propped up against the table, as if the blades had stuck her there; their clanging on the floor seemed louder than the raging fire that engulfed the Tardis. With shadows dancing on their bodies and the blood making Blitz’s face partially black, he cradled her against him, moaning and sobbing…rocking to and fro. “No...no…” his tears fell from his cheeks onto hers as Jane Doe’s wings laid limp in the blood on the floor.
The Master’s voice rang in Blitz’s ears, deafening him to the roar of the fire that was soon being put out by the Tardis’ ability to heal. “I guess...Tick tock goes the clock, he laughed at fate and mourned her...tick tock goes the clock, even for the Doctor…”

“Shut up...Shut up…” Blitz mumbled, the fire slowly dying.

“Tick tock goes the clock...he cradled her and rocked her….Tick tock goes the clock...EVEN FOR THE DOCTOR!” The Master’s laugh rang throughout the Tardis, sending the dying flames higher, for an instant, then they died completely.

“SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!!!” Blitz yelled to the ceiling, holding the Professor closer. As the laughter overwhelmed him, Blitz cried out, “TICK TOCK GOES THE CLOCK! NOW I”M THE DOCTOR!”

“Oh, Rainbow Ditz?” Discord poked him on his shoulder.

Blitz’s eyes opened and he jumped right into Discord’s arms, “What the?” He looked up.

“Uh...it seems that Fluttershy’s rubbed off on you.” He gave him a smile.

Blitz snorted and teleported back onto the floor, “She did...a while ago. Now, what did I miss?” He looked around to see Fluttershy sitting on the couch sipping tea. She slowly patted the seat next to her, signaling for him.

“You were asleep, we thought. You were having a nightmare, weren’t you?” Fluttershy asked in her sympathetic tone as Blitz came to sit by her side.

“Cucumber sandwiches?” Discord offered the platter that was on the centre table.

“Of course, Discord. Thank you.” Blitz picked up one of the sandwiches with his magic and started chewing away.

“You were mumbling in your sleep, Blitz. Something about your Professor...and blood?” Fluttershy started to shiver at the thought.

Discord slowly patted her shoulder to console her, then snapped his fingers and a horn appeared on his forehead. “I like the new fashion statement, Blitz. Where did you acquire it?” Discord poked at the horn and smiled at Blitz, who was touching his own forehead.

“Oi, that belongs here, Discord,” with a click of his tongue, finishing his sentence, the horn magically floated off Discord and onto Blitz fixing itself upon his own forehead.

“Hello? That’s a bit of my magic,” Discord seemed, surprised, and reclined in his seat.

“Well, you’re not the only one that can use dark magic to ‘cause chaos,’” Blitz grinned.

“Well, now that I know that, I believe my work here is complete. Good bye~” Discord did his usual disappearing act, into thin air, leaving the sandwiches.

“What was that about? What business?” Fluttershy asked Blitz as she picked up a card that had appeared on the platter:

I Am Truly Sorry, Fluttershy. It seems that a fellow by the name of THE MASTER, hath decided to ask me for service in serving BLITZKRIEG some untimely justice. See you in the city square!

“What?” Fluttershy looked at Blitz, confused. “What does it mean?” She looked back down at her hoof and the note had turned into another sandwich.

“I don’t know, but we need to get to the town square if the Master’s involved.” Blitz took Fluttershy’s hoof and raced towards the door, letting Fluttershy’s hoof go to let her follow. The two flew and soon found themselves in front of the town hall and in a crowd of ponies.

The din of hoof beats on the path was deafening within the crowd, but somehow Blitz was able to tell Fluttershy to follow as they picked out their friends and rushed to the centre of the gathering.

“Does anypony know what this is?” Mayor Mare announced, inspecting the silvery domed object that sat in front of her.

“Well, by the way it’s humming and the smoke coming from underneath. I assume it might be some sort of projectile.” Dusk Shine gave the object a once over and stopped at the purple fumes.

“Pinkie? Is this another one of your rockets?” Twilight gave her a sidelong glance.

Pinkie was bouncing around, trying to get a better look at the rocket as she spoke. “Nope. But I think I saw Trixie put it here with the help of Discord. I think it could be a really big party rocket!”

“Trixie and Discord? This isn’t good.” Blitz checked the control panel of the rocket and was able to get somewhere. “Bubbles, see anypony else?”

Bubbles had been bouncing through the crowd, a party hat on his head and a kazoo in his mouth. “Well, I did see a red haired stallion with Trixie. As they say, the more ponies, the crazier the party!”

“Were his wings bat like?” Blitz turned his head to look at his friend, but ended up pressing their muzzles against each other.

“Whoa! Can you see what happens around here too?” He smiled. “OOOH! What does that button do?” The soft click of the green button on the console made everypony gasp.

“Bubbles!” Blitz bared his fangs in annoyance and scowled at his friend. The rocket started humming and emitting more smoke.

“Everypony clear out!” Twilight issued, her horn glowing a bit.

Everypony scattered, leaving the twelve friends semi-circled about the rocket. The under-layer of the rocket extended and the projectile started to shake the ground as its thrusters warmed up.

“Anypony got a rope? I could lasso it,” AJ protectively stepped in front of Apple Jack as he looked for anypony’s reaction to the comment.

The rest of the stallions did the same for their mares and soon shielded them with their own bodies as the rocket took off, the purple smoke blowing them all back from the site.

“HA! I knew you wouldn’t resist, Haiex! Or should I call you, ‘The Doctor’ now?” The Master appeared through the smoke, standing in front of the friends with his own party of ponies: Trixie, Discord, Sombra, and Chrysalis.

Blitz heard the voice and opened his eyes to the sight of them, but also to see he was on the floor, on his back, with his gauntlet broken and he was human. “What the--?” he became wide eyed and looked towards his friends who were having the same reactions to their own bodies, giving him relief: Pinkie and Bubbles where messing around with their toes and fingers and the rest were trying, to no avail (except Princess Twilight), to stand up. Blitz, however, quickly rolled onto his feet and got ready for a fight.

“Oh look, the Doctor got his wind back,” the Master teased.

“What the hay was that?” Blitz asked.

“Well, the rocket is a transdimensional infuser. But the exhaust was a test batch of the magic that is to come.” He gave a grin.

“Master!” Blitz dashed forward, throwing the first punch which didn’t land its mark. Then, a small battle ensued with the Master’s accomplices letting the fight take its time. Punches were thrown and Blitz was bruised, but the Master seemed to be quicker than him and was able to throw him off.

“Oh, trying to be the hero again. That’s terrible, Doctor. Remember what happened when you failed the last time?” The Master started laughing, but kept calm as Sombra opened a portal, along with Discord, as their escape.

“NO!” Blitz got back up and ran after them as they went through. He flung himself at the Master, but he was through the gateway and it closed just behind him, letting Blitz crash to the ground in a cloud of dust. “Dang it!” he got up, clenched fist and teeth, and stared at both is gauntlet and his friends. “Well, the one thing that was keeping me pony broke. But, seems I have an excuse to be human.”

But...though he thought his true form was human, was he right?