• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 1,099 Views, 10 Comments

The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions - RainbowBlitzkrieg

Rainbow Blitz isn't your usual pegasus, or is it alicorn...nevermind, just hitch a ride with him and his friends as they crash the Tardis in a strange new Ponyville. "Wait, why are there mare look alikes of all of us, Blitz?" -Dusk Shine

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The Master...Of Romance?

“...Well, it has been a week since my friends and I have set hoof into this castle. Reminds me of Solaris and Artemis’, for homesick I and Dusk are. None the less, it be inconsiderate to hold on to such sickness when there are mares around that actually want us around. Still, ‘tis no remedy for such feelings...”

Blitz, after an hour of writing, finally put down the quill and book on the night stand. He then sat there, on the edge of the bed, pondering a strange drumming that had been in his head all afternoon: distance drumbeats that seemed all too familiar.

Dash rolled over to look at Blitz's back, "You finally done, so we can get some sleep?"

"Sorry, Professor--" Blitz choked on the realization of the slip of his tongue, then quickly tucked himself in bed, his back to her.

"What?" Dash elevated herself on one elbow, glaring down at Blitz as her temper rose. "This is the second time you've mentioned her. Who's this 'Professor?'"

"Bluntly..." Blitz paused, gritting his teeth in anticipation of a wallop. "She was my Doctor, before theMasterkilledher..." Blitz await an evanescent hoof to the back and just laid there, internally mourning.

Dash, about to take her hoof and brand Blitz's back with it, slowly unclenched her teeth. "Really..." She sort of felt sorrow and anger towards her bed-mate and soon gave in to her urge to just give him a hug, as she saw a tear run down his cheek.

<\Steve...rebooting.....execute memory bank code: 0-0-9-6/> Sorry to intrude, but to request of Haiex I have deleted this section of his recollection of the story to bring what truly happened to our beloved Professor Whooves and Doctor Whooves, from the beginning. Since Doctor Whooves' Tardis managed to latch a camera onto "their" Master, I'll be able to recollect his story to YOU:

It all started with a fate churning explosion.

"Haha! Finally, back in control of the Tardis," exclaimed a bat-winged alicorn as he made his rounds about the Tardis' control panel and a tied up Doctor Whooves, that sat on his bench.

"Mm-mmm-mmmhm-hm-hm," The Doctor gargled through the bit in his mouth. He thrashed this way and that, making his blue tie and tail flop about.

"Oh, now Doctor..." With a confused tone and expression upon his face, he positioned himself between the control panel and the Doctor, "What the hay did you just say?" With a stomp of his hoof and a twinkle of his horn, his magic dematerialized the bit and harness from the Doctor's face.

Taking a gasp of ample air, "I...said that 'if Derpy was here she'd probably take you out, but I'll do it myself!'" The Doctor pushed himself with his free hind legs, launching himself into the Master and pinning him against the console as he tried his sonic screwdriver on his shackles.

With a roar of anguish and a blast of strength, the Master pushed the Doctor off him and towards the door.

“Alright, Cozech, I’ll tax you with the burden of leaving my ship,” the Doctor exclaimed, freeing himself and getting to his hooves.

The Tardis jerked as it jumped dimension with an explosion, due to the Master’s cruel rewiring. As the two Gallifreyans struggled to gain their balance the Doctor’s Tardis latched a small camera to the Master’s red hair as he landed on the ground.

The Master got to his feet, “No one calls me that!” He rushed the Doctor, who sneakily opened the Tardis’ door and stepped aside, barely missing being skewered on the Master’s horn.

“And ‘Geronimo’, for you,” he exclaimed, triumphantly, before giving the Master the extra shove out the door.

“Ahhh!” The Master yelped before landing, on his back, in the middle of a dusty lane. As he came to his senses he watched as the Tardis ascended, above the water-fountain of Ponyville’s Centre Square, and hang there as a similar Tardis lost it’s cloaking, underneath it. “What the-” the Master spoke, just before a fate churning explosion erupted from Doctor Whooves’ Tardis, then a quick implosion cleaned up the mess, as if some black hole had foregone its existence.“He’s finally dead?...He’s finally dead!” The Master started chuckling to himself, reassuring himself it wasn’t a dream by taking some of the dust, on his hoof, and examining it, joyfully. His attention was then caught by a distant row that was taking place near the fountain.

“In! Now, Blitz!” yelled a brownish pony (with an hourglass for a cutie mark), to a rainbow-maned pony, as she opened the door to the stationary Tardis, by the fountain’s base.

The cyan coated, rainbow-maned, pony quickly dashed inside before the door was slammed shut.

“Now your mine!” screamed an alicorn who looked like a very defined, curved, duplicate of the Master himself. She ran into the scene, pointing her laser sonic screwdriver at the brownish pony, with her magic. “Got you now, Professor!” She fired, missing the pony by a hair, and having the beam of energy absorbed by the Tardis behind her.

“Really, Elizabeth? Your aim needs work.” The Professor scampered to safety, her red tie and black-redish coat moving side to side in her rush.

“I will not be made a mockery when I have the advantage! Cornering you and your companion in this ‘safe haven-world’ of yours will be my victory!” She became livid, but not out of control, taking careful aim at the Professor as the Professor ran pass Cozech.

Elizabeth, the female Master, saw her look alike and stopped pursuing her target and lowered her sonic screwdriver back into her waistcoat pocket as both the Tardis behind her and the Professor vanished.

Cozech had clenched his eyes, wondering if he were dead or just aging faster than he could calculate. When he cracked open one of his eyes and removed his covering ear, he found the brunet mare standing over him. “Why, hello?” he asked, coolly, giving her a small smile. “Yes, hello. What are you doing here?” She asked, irritated, as she looked him over.

“I believe the same reason as you: hunting the Doctor.” He stood, brushing himself off the best he could, but to his surprise he needn't work much for Elizabeth quickly interjected with a helpful swish of her tail that crossed both his muzzle and cleaned his coat. He stammered, but composed himself quite readily, “Thank you.”

“Of course. So, may I deduce your Doctor’s Tardis to be the one that perished?” She asked, swaggering past him and proceeding down the lane.

“Yes, I believe so.” Cozech quickly followed the pretty mare, at her side, but was baffled that she moved so freely about the town. “Are you not wanted, here?”

Elizabeth interjected with her own question, “Are you not feared in your own place?” She growled at a passing pony who quickly scurried off.

Cozech admired her boldness and her looks as he followed her.

She led him about Ponyville as she searched for that brown pony with the hourglass upon her flank. “When I see you, again, Professor...I won’t miss,” she mumbled to herself.

“You must really despise her--”

"Don’t you your Professor?” She turned on him, glaring into his eyes with a raging fury that soon turned to a soft glow and a smile. She immediately turned away, flustered by the new thought and trotted to the edge of the Everfree forest.

Cozech stammered, but kept up with her as he smiled a bit due to the receding warmth he felt on his nose, where Elizabeth’s nose had accidentally made contact. The smile soon faded with the warmth that had been kindled as he followed Elizabeth to a pristine castle of dark aura. “Did you build this?” The Master questioned as they perused the entrance hall.

“No, this used to be Equestia’s Princes’ former castle. I’ve kept it in good shape.”

“It looks like it was just built yesterday.”

“A lady does what she can, especially when the undergrowth is unrelenting.” She led him to the laboratory and astronomy wing, the sparks and fumes of her latest endeavours still parading the air under the majestic, clear (yet at the moment foggy), glass domed ceiling. Elizabeth couldn’t help but have her breath taken away every time she stepped into the larger than life room, complete with telescopes, work tables, elixirs, and the assortment of books and laboratory coats.

“Magnificent.” Cozech was starring about when his leader stopped unexpectedly and his next step led him into her backside. They both blushed, Cozech stepping back, quickly, while Elizabeth strutted over to her work bench, trying not to let her quick emotion show through her calculative gaze.

"I do believe we have an attraction…” she coughed, pouring a flask of green liquid into a larger glass cylinder, which continued her previous experiment with a hiss of smoke.

“W-What do you mean, we’ve just--” a flustered and amazed Cozech, stammered.

“Met? Yes, but dimensional proximity disturbances would attract us to each other--”

“As if light and dark matter in the same room.” Elizabeth and Cozech looked at one another as they realized their similar sentence. Elizabeth soon broke the eye contact and resumed her work.

Cozech, finding a moment, gradually scrutinized the mare’s lab as he made his way to her side.

She looked at him and upon realizing his proximity her calculative expression and manner slowly melted into a soft rosy colour in her cheeks. “W-Why, yes.” She swished her tail, this way and that, and tried to go back to mixing her elixir.

“Well, it seems obvious now.” Cozech smirked, getting up on his hind legs and leaning his elbow on the table in a suave fashion.

“Clearly, your side of the attraction,” she stuttered, trying not to let her two beating hearts get the best of her, “is more toxic then mine.” She slowly looked at him, shaking her mane onto her face to mask the warm colours of her cheeks.

“Oh, really?” Cozech elongated his syllables to try and mock Elizabeth.

“Yes, really.” She stomped her hoof, lightly. “Besides, I bet we have nothing in common.” She dodged his eyes and trotted to the telescope in the middle of the room, knowing her elixir would need to cool and wanting to put some space between her guest and herself. She could feel him standing next to her, soon after, and decided to look through the towering telescope to avoid looking at him.

“I highly doubt I’m the only atom being pulled so strongly.” Cozech looked the length of the telescope, all the way to the break in the dome roof. “Besides, I bet any stallion you’ve met has told you the same thing.”

“And what’s that?” She asked her question, a little annoyed of Cozech’s small talk.

“Well, that ‘you’ve probably looked up at those stars so much, your eyes have started to resemble the brightest ones.’” He gave a smile Elizabeth’s way, but the smile was more to reassure himself then it was for her; his hearts were fighting there way up his throat, by now.

Elizabeth flicked an ear, then looked up at him, blushing. “I-I’ve never heard that before.”

“Well then, seems we do have something in common.” He stepped to Elizabeth’s side, draping his wing over her in a loving fashion.

“O-Oh? What’s that?” Her ears were now pinned back and red as her cheeks.

“The stars. Watching them-wanting them,” Cozech distantly explained to her, giving her a smile when he met her eyes.

She held his gaze, “True.” She lost her thoughts of the Professor and of all of time, Done that instant, and focused on Cozech. She had never felt more known or accepted. Before she knew it- before they knew it -they had been kissing for a good while.

Cozech smiled as Elizabeth slowly moved her lips away from his, a rosy colour on both his cheeks still. “Well, guess you were right.”

“About?” Elizabeth’s voice cracked with excitement. She kept looking at him as she heard her experiment fizzing, but she didn’t want to move from under his wing.

“You know, this attraction we have.” He gave her a smile as she blushed in turn, with a devilish smirk on her face.

<\Steve...rebooting.....execute memory bank code: 0-0-9-7/> This is why the Master is after Haiex…An exert from Blitz’s journal.

"There was a crash and a boom. ‘Do you surrender, Missy?’ I scoffed through gritted teeth, with sword in hand whose tip just balanced on Elizabeth’s jugular .

'You watch,’ she panted out, blood running from her wounds, ‘I’ll put an end to you and the Professor, soon. If not me, then--’

‘Who? Your husband?’ I smirked as her pupils dilated with fear. ‘If he can’t save you know, how the hell is he supposed to take us on.’ I stared into her large, watery eyes, as my fingers gripped the sword tighter and the cuts on me I could feel bleeding. ‘You shouldn't have laid a hand on the Professor, Missy!’

‘Blitz! Don’t!’ But the Professor was to late, for as she approached Elizabeth was too far gone. Though Elizabeth had given her a painful bruise and a bleeding cut, she still knelt beside the body and whimpered. Her friend was gone with a whimper as I pulled the sword from her chest. ‘No, Elizabeth...Elizabeth! Regenerate, please!’ Her voice shook with emotion as she saw Missy’s body go limp, no sign of regeneration about her.

I slowly cleaned my blade, a little taken aback by the Professor’s crying, but stoic at the least. ‘She had no more regenerations in her, Professor. You know that.’ I had said with calm collectivity as the Professor looked up at me.

‘I-I know...but you didn’t--’

‘It was either her or you. I didn’t want it to be the latter option.’ I sheathed my rapier and knelt at her side, trying to encircle her shoulders with my arm but she shrugged me off as she clenched Elizabeth’s body close to hers. I knew in my heart I was sorry, but I was also glad she was gone; No more problems from her, which meant less worry about the Professor. But then, just as I though the trees about us with their dense, damp, dark leaves would have muffled the battle’s noises from the outside world, I heard a distinct cry of rage. It was far off in the distance, but I knew it was the Master; I knew he was out for blood and knew we had to get out of there before he got close. It was too late, though. He had maybe flown, or wrenched his way to the clearing we were in and was stand there with anger in his pupils. He knew now I was the one who had delivered the final blow…

The Professor told me to write this all down to remember the time my anger had boiled over, to remember not to let it get that far, and to remember Missy…”

</Back to Haiex’s recollection from where I had stopped YOU all. Thank you./>

“So, wait, let me get this straight...you’re saying that your Professor killed the Master’s wife?” Dash was sitting up on the bed, facing Blitz who was sitting opposite of her.

“Eeyup,” Blitz said, mimicking Big Mac’s saying to the letter.

“And that you really aren’t my double?” She looked him straight in the eye, with conviction.

“Eeyup. See, I had to infiltrate this world some way or other and I saw that the original Rainbow Blitz was in dangerous trouble. Considering that I was born an alicorn I could be susceptible to magical appearance manipulation; me and the Professor explored the possibility and we made it happen. I look exactly like him, in equine form.”

“And as a hoo-man?” Dash struggled with the word and the entirety of the story she just heard.

“As a ‘hu-man’,” Blitz articulated the word for her, “I look much different--maybe--from him.”


“It’s hard to say considering we couldn’t get him to comply with us that far.”

“So, he was the one that the Professor yelled to get into the TARDIS?”

“And hence, she gained his trust and we were able to transform me into him.”

Dash reclined on the headboard, relieved that he wasn’t her doppelganger, but also a little disappointed in not finding the true one. She loved this Blitz, though, anypony could tell. “So, what do you actually look like?” She looked at him, smirking. “Probably not as cool as me, huh?”

“Definitely not, Beautiful.” He smiled.

She rolled her eyes as she took the compliment with a smile herself.

“I’m actually that jet black stallion, with a black-ish brown mane.” He had to ponder what he had looked like when he had seen himself in the camera lens, after eating that Poison Joke.

“So, this ‘rainbow’ look…” she pondered.


“So what’s your real name?” She leaned forward.

“Well, it’s supposed to be Haiex Pond, but after a few missions with the Professor I decided to call myself Lake Song after she alluded to someone else’s name...which I can’t remember.”

“Are you sure it wasn’t The Master’s name? You know, the one she killed?” Dash leaned forward to Blitz.

He leaned closer to her as well, meeting her nose with his, “I doubt it...but then again, I have another name that I took on when the Professor died. It used to be hers. Hence I call myself the Doctor, now.”