• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 1,099 Views, 10 Comments

The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions - RainbowBlitzkrieg

Rainbow Blitz isn't your usual pegasus, or is it alicorn...nevermind, just hitch a ride with him and his friends as they crash the Tardis in a strange new Ponyville. "Wait, why are there mare look alikes of all of us, Blitz?" -Dusk Shine

  • ...

Two Become One

Rainbow Dash raised her ear off her eye and looked about the half darkened room. It was morning. The sunlight was pouring in through the skylight and glittering off the white walls of her bedroom. She didn’t understand why she woke up so early, it was her day off; her one day off from weather duty, at least that’s what Blitz had told her. As she came to her senses and the haze of sleep started lifting from her mind she realized that Blitz wasn’t with her. His spot on the bed, in front of her, was empty and she suddenly started panicking. She sat up, her wings on end and her heart pounding, “Dash, come on. Don’t worry...he’s probably downstairs with breakfast, or something.” She unconsciously put her hoof over her heart. “H-He’s just d-downstairs he’s n-not g-gone. He c-could’ve left before, b-but he d-didn’t.”

Blitz gently nudged the front door in as he quietly walked into Dash’s house, not a sound. He thought Dash was still asleep and he didn’t want to wake her with going up just yet, so he set down the ring box he’d been carrying, on the kitchen counter, and closed the door with his magic. “I hope she hasn’t woke up yet. It is rude to leave her unattended at rest,” he mumbled as he tried undoing the red sash about his waist. “I better put this to dry,” he said as he went to put the sash on the kitchen chair. “That rain storm was a pretty hard job to do. Good thing I can’t get that wet.” He chuckled as he compared his dry coat to the wet sash.
Dash heard a rustling from downstairs and sighed with relief. “He is downstairs,” she flopped herself back on the bed. She had gotten used to there being a canopy above her bed, when they had been staying at Princess Celestia’s castle, and she now had to squint as she looked up at the ceiling for the sun wasn’t her thing in the morning.

“Duskie?” Twilight called as she trotted down to the foyer. There was nopony in sight and it seemed that there was a note on Owlicious’ beak as she moved closer to her sleeping friend. “What?” She gently took it off the owl, with her magic, and read it. “After two weeks of being away from Canterlot, he, Spike, and Barbara are called back to investigate more into the elements?” she mumbled as she read. She let out a sigh next, “Well, at least they’ll be back tomorrow...” She took the note with her as she went upstairs to the balcony to try and spot Rainbow Dash for maybe a nice get-together later, but when she reached the open air she only found a gloomy sky. “That’s strange…”

“So, you did all my work for today, just so we could hang?” Rainbow Dash asked Blitz, a little pompous and prideful, as they ate lunch. She paid no attention to the dark clouds above, even if they were sitting just outside Ponyville’s finest café.

“Well, of course. Why else would I fly all over Equestria in one morning?” he gave her a wink.

She blushed hard, slipping down in her seat as she held her sandwich in front of her muzzle. “R-Right, sure you did,” She took a bite of her sandwich and pretended like her cheeks weren’t so rosy.

Blitz chuckled a tad, picking up his sandwich with his hooves, awkwardly, and taking a bite.

“You okay there? You seem to be having a little bit of trouble.” She grinned, sitting up in her seat again and snickering at Blitz’s effort.

“Yeah...just not used to eating with my hooves,” he gave her a sheepish smile and fumbled with his sandwich again, trying to flatten the sandwich between his hooves so as to get a better grip. No use, a bit of lettuce slipped out as he stuck out his tongue in concentration.

“Alright, easy there, ‘Hot Shot’,” Dash found her opportunity and started getting her pompous demeanor back. She gently pushed Blitz’s hoof down, so as to make him put down his sandwich.

“W-What? I was getting to eating that,” Blitz pinned his ears back, slightly, trying not to show how red his ear tips were getting. As he pushed his ears back, though, Blitz caught a glimpse of the gloomy sky. “That’s strange…”

“What’s strange?” Dash looked up to see the clouds had turn a deep black and soon a drop of rain fell on her muzzle. “What the--I thought you said only Cloudsdale was getting a shower?” she looked at him, surprised, and quickly wiped her nose.

“Yeah, that was what I did. Nothing more, but I bet we should take these sandwiches inside.” He gave her a grim look, reaching for the watch in his vest pocket.

“Uh..what’s up with your mane?” She pointed to him as his mane started to stand on end, like it was statically charged.

“I honestly--” As Blitz clicked open his watch a rush of future images ran through his head, like a movie, and he saw lightning striking their table in just a matter of seconds. He knew what to do, but it pained him to show it to Dash; he had to save her, right?

“Blitzie?” Dash started, but was cut off by Blitz lunging over the table. As he clutched her Dash felt a rush of warmth and a sudden rush of wind. She found herself with her eyes closed and clutching Blitz, tight, the next minute and as she opened her eyes she found them sitting behind the windowed door of the café and with Blitz’s forelegs and wings about her, protectively.

“It’s alright…” Blitz whispered to her as he nuzzled her ear, tiny sparks jumping from his coat, the “open” sign on the door swinging side-to-side.

“How did we get here?” She asked, keeping her voice steady and she looked about, a little angry as well as surprised; by the look on everypony’s faces, about the café, they must have made an entrance.

“Just a trick, Dash.” Blitz tried not to say “magic” for he thought Dash wouldn’t have understood.

Dash looked up at him, realising something else had happened as she saw him giving her that same, unsure, grin. She looked out the window to wear they had been sitting to find scorch marks on the ground and the table dark and smoldering on its surface. “What the hay happened?” she shoved him away and stood up. “What aren’t you telling me? Was that lightning that struck the table?” She started getting red in the face with anger.

Blitz, feeling guilty, started, “Well, care to take my entire story over a cup of coffee?”

Dash, still angry, but grateful he had done something to save her, agreed to hear him out.

Meanwhile, Twilight let Rarity and AppleJack into her home, as the storm took a turn for the worst. “Some storm, huh? The Pegasus ponies sure have outdone themselves this time. I hope you and Applejack don't have any trouble getting home.” She closed the door behind Rarity, trying not to slip in the puddles the two newcomers were making.
Rarity turned about, trying to wring out her hair as AppleJack tried the same. “It may indeed be a problem.”

AppleJack nodded in agreement.
Twilight looked at the two soaking friends and produced two towels for them, which they gladly took. “Well, you're welcome to stay if need be. Spike, Barbara, and Dusk are away in Canterlot on royal business. I'm home all alone tonight.” She gasped, “You and Applejack should totally sleep over! We'll have a slumber party! I've always wanted one of those.”

AppleJack and Rarity tried to refuse, giving excuses involving AJ and Elusive worrying about them, but Twilight eventually got them to stay.

“So, what? Now you’re telling me you’re really an alicorn?” Dash rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat, forelegs crossed over her chest.

“Yes. Exactly. Remember, I am not really Rainbow Blitz. I just took his name and face. I’m Haiex, that wolf you guys encountered, that’s the real me.” He sat up straighter, his rainbow bangs falling over part of his face, then quickly turned to the window of their kitchen as he saw a flash of lightning.

“So, you’re really a hard ass?” She chuckled, then got serious again.

“Yes...well, sort of. Now, if I were to change I’d be more calm.” He looked back at Dash and smiled.

“Alright. Anyway, you say that you can teleport?” Dash eyed him and his watch.

“Well, I did get us back home, didn’t I? And it was because of my Time Vortex Manipulator, not because of a teleportation spell, like at the café.”
“Right. Sure.” She squinted at him, then jumped at another flash of lightning.

“It isn’t supposed to be this bad, at least, it wasn’t this bad when I left it with that one mare...or was she a filly?” He looked out the window again.

“Wait, you’re telling me that you might’ve left this storm in the hooves of a filly?!” She got up on her hind legs and stomped her forehooves on the table. “Really?!”
Sheepishly, flattening his ears against his head, Blitz silently nodded to Dash who was gritting her teeth at him. However, another strike of blinding light sent Rainbow Dash jumping onto Blitz’s lap and Blitz’s own mane standing on end. "I gotta do something about this," Blitz thought as he gently helped Dash to her hooves and started for the door.
"Hey, hold up. If anypony's going it's going to be me. You’ve done enough damage." Dash quickly ran past Blitz, out the door, and into the downpour outside. In the darkened sky Dash could barely make out the blackened clouds through the heavy rain. Thunder crashed and ripped the sky around her as she flew higher, the rain pelting and drumming against her
"Dash!" Blitz ripped through the sky in his own lightning bolt; the fastest he had felt himself fly before.
Dash turned about to see her stallion flying towards her. She was about to stop hovering, but Blitz pushed her horizontally from him. “What the hay!” Dash spun around and around, away from him, then got her stability and was ready to start yelling at Blitz. Her jaw dropped instead.

Blitz teleported, just a few seconds after pushing Dash, maybe ten feet from where he was hovering. He saw Dash straighten out and then a massive bolt of lightning struck between them; however, in the eye-scorching light Blitz thought he saw a pair of glowing red eyes peering out at him. “The Master….?” Blitz’s hearts started to race, sounding like drums in his ears, “The drums are coming...I can hear them…” Blitz shot up, to Dash’s surprise and his own, in a rain sizzling streak of lightning (around a darkened rainbow that was elusive in the darkened sky). He dashed and zipped, this way and that, trying to avoid the oncoming strikes of lightning. “It’s like they’re being controlled,” he thought. “Maybe if I break the cloud line I can stop this…” He kept going, his lightning failing as the rain started to overcome him. It started to scorch his coat, his own electricity hurting him where the water hit; it was everywhere. He was so close to the clouds now.

“NO! Blitz!” Dash screamed.

“Tick tock goes the clock...” Blitz thought as he felt his body go limp, the shroud of darkness was pulling itself over his eyes as the lightning that hit him coursed outwards from his heart to his other limbs. “The rain. In my eyes. I didn’t see it. I was almost there. Directly in the left heart...my normal hear--” Even the voice in his head cut off as he succumbed the the pain...and fell.
“No...no, this can’t be happening.” Dash paced, sniffing back tears as the rest of her friends rushed in. It was morning now, Dash’s mane and tail were frizzed from the storm and from the past hours of anxiety.

Pinkie rushed in with a heart warming hug, “What happened to you?”

“Yeah? It looks like you just got caught in a storm, witness the death of Blitz, and then carried him all the way over here,” Bubbles smiled after giving Dash a hug.

Rainbow Dash looked, dumbstruck, at Bubbles. “I still can’t believe you two can do that.”

“Don’t try to wrap you mind around it, Dash,” Twilight gave Dash a reassuring hug. “But, is it true? They rushed us all over here after telling us the same thing.”

“I...I don’t know…” Dash started to tear up as she buried her muzzle in Twilight’s mane.

The ringing was subsiding from Blitz’s ears now. He twitched one, then the other, checking for feeling. The beeping of the medical instruments around his bed was pounding against his skull like the drums he kept hearing. It was still dark, he thought, but he then tried to open one eye, then the next. The fuzzy, light, images of the room around him were seeping into his head with the clearing of the fog that was still there. He looked this way and that, looking at his darkened wings. “There not black...but a dark blue,” he heard a voice say; he felt his lips move, but the voice wasn’t his, or was it? He looked at his legs, all four of them, “My George, I’m a dark blue...and this hair.” He tried to blow his bangs out of his eyes, the green streaked strands were the only ones he could see, but as he stared at the mirror at his bed side he noticed he had brown hair too. “Bloody hair, but why brown? And why is Elusive’s mirror here?” He picked up the thing with his magic, studying himself. He then noticed a book by his side, just on the bed as if somepony left it there as they slept. “A Daring Do novel?” He began to look the book over, and over, and soon found that he was reading it with emphasis. Sure, he read in his head normally, but his head voice had become to British to stand so he decided to read aloud and to no avail; his voice had become British inside and out and he couldn’t understand why. There was a knock at the door.

“Um….uh….is anypony in there?” Fluttershy nudged the emergency room door open a tad as the others tried to console Rainbow Dash.

“Flutters?” Butterscotch looked about for her as the last glimpse of Fluttershy’s tail vanished through the door.

“Huh? What?” Rainbow Blitz fumbled and quickly shoved the Daring Do Novel under the blanket. “Yes?” Blitz looked towards the door and instinctively tried to fix a tie that wasn’t around his neck. “Damnit, where are my clothes?” he thought as he looked this way and that and then decided to sit there and wait for whomever was around the corner to bare the sight of him.

“Uh...hello?” Fluttershy peeked around the corner, hearing a strange sounding voice that sounded a lot like that wolf they’d encountered days before. “H-Haiex?” She saw the pony sitting in bed, staring straight at her. She squealed and hid behind the wall again.

“Fluttershy? Is that you?” Blitz tried to crane his neck to get another glimpse of the beautiful yellow feathers before they hid themselves.

“H-Haiex?” she squeaked again.

“What?” Blitz looked at himself in the mirror. “Come here...please…I don’t understand what you mean, Flutter.”

Fluttershy came from around the corner, “F-Flutter? Uh...I haven’t heard that name in a while. At least not from a stallion besides Butterscotch.” She looked at him-horn and wings-and saw that charismatic glitter in his eyes. “Blitzkrieg? But, you also remind me of-”

“Haiex? That black colt you took care of, many moons ago?” A soft grin crawled across Blitz’s lips. “So, that’s how you know me…”

“No...I took care of colt a couple of months back...” Fluttershy, unconsciously retorted. She then looked him up and down, “But how are you Blitz too? I thought you two were different-”

A light bulb flicked on in the recesses of Blitz’s mind, the TimeLord part of his mind, as Death’s fog vanished from his head. “Mindsets? Different personas? Maybe before-oh, I hope you don’t hold it against me that I growled at you before-and now I have my ole British accent back, a new body, and the best of being an Element of Harmony and a TimeLord. Plus, everything’s separated by two hearts to boot!” Blitz’s rant left him out of breath and Fluttershy speechless.

“I...I…” Fluttershy looked at him again, his darkened cyan coat and wings a stark contrast to his brown and streaked green hair. “But still those same eyes…” she thought, the voice in her head as timid as that from her lips. She moved to Blitz’s bedside, astounded and flushing.

“You don’t have to say anything...just, don’t tell the others.” Blitz put a hoof on her shoulder, wincing at the pain it took to achieve the effort, and managed a smile; as his lips parted to show his K-9 teeth, Blitz’s horn disappeared by his own magic, “A little dimensional rift spell. I didn’t care much for the horn anyway.”

Fluttershy gasped, louder than she’d ever before, “That’s what that pony said when she dropped that colt off at my cottage.”

“That the Professor did and I would never be able to repay you for taking me in, Flutter.” He tried to keep his smile, but it faded as the rest of the group rushed in, beckoned by Fluttershy’s gasp.

“W-We could do tea sometime...i-if you w-want?” she gave a timid smile as her wings began to rise. “So, he was that colt? But how? It wasn’t that long ago,” she thought.

Rainbow Dash then hurled herself at Blitz, landing on top of him in bed, “What the hay?! You’re alive!?” She hugged him and gave him a frantic filled kiss on the lips.

Rainbow Blitz just hugged her, uncomfortable by the position, but kissed her anyway as the Daring Do novel slipped onto the floor.

“You’ve been readin’ again, Sugarcube?” AJ picked up the book and set it on the nightstand, giving an eye roll to Fluttershy who was on the other side of the bed from him.

The friends all laughed and soon they were all gathered around the newly entered Rainbow Blitzkrieg, asking him things and finding that his Posion Joke personality and his Rainbow Blitz personality-the two that had been struggling to take control-had become one now.