• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 1,099 Views, 10 Comments

The Mane 6 Finally Find Their Stallions - RainbowBlitzkrieg

Rainbow Blitz isn't your usual pegasus, or is it alicorn...nevermind, just hitch a ride with him and his friends as they crash the Tardis in a strange new Ponyville. "Wait, why are there mare look alikes of all of us, Blitz?" -Dusk Shine

  • ...

Thanks for the Memories

As Celestia and Luna opened their eyes they saw Blitz and a young girl at his side. They looked on as Dusk confronted Blitz about the “legs” remark, but they paid no attention to the skirmish, only to the young girl.

“Is that..?” Luna turned to her older sister.

“I think she is.” Celestia called to the girl then, “Sapphire?”

She looked up from Blitz’s side, dressed in a blue princess’s gown and tiara. “Uh...” her eyes soon grew large and tears started to form as she raced to hug Luna and Celestia. “Celestia! Luna! You girls are okay?!” she gave them both a loving embrace, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Dusk and Blitz just looked on, only, Blitz had a tender smile on his lips.
“Yes, we’re here, Sapphire,” Celestia gave her a nuzzle.

“But how? I-I thought Sombra was going to get all of Equestria.” Sapphire looked up at the two sisters, now wondering how much older they were to her.

“He tried, Sapphire, but did not succeed,” Luna explained, ruffling the girl’s hair.

Blitz stepped closer, his long coat’s belt swaying side to side, “It’s true, Sapphire. The Element Bearers stopped him permanently after Celestia and Luna chased him away, years ago.”

All three mares looked at him as he spoke, with Celestia adding, “Yes, the Element Bearers and Blitz banished him once more…but it seems he’s back.”

“Wait! You mean the Elements of Harmony myth is true?” Sapphire turned to Blitz, but not after giving a curtsy to the other three royals in the room. Blitz nodded to her, making her run to him, to hug him, “And you are one of them?”
Blitz nodded, half-heartedly, and looked up to Celestia and Luna (especially Luna) as a silent apology as Twilight came rushing in with the rest of her friends.

“Is everypony alright?” she waited for the nods and turned to an armoured guard who was rushing in.

“Flash?” Blitz asked, “What is it?”

Lifting his helmet Flash Sentry eyed Twilight and then began as he tried to steady his new legs, “It’s the whole city; we’ve all changed.”

“Uhm…are these the Element Bearers?” Sapphire squeaked

The friends looked to the young girl at Blitz’s side, as Celestia and Luna approach, followed by their stallions.

“If I may ask, who’s the adorable filly at your side, Darling?” Rarity asked, giving Sapphire a curtsy and admiring her dress.

Out of instinct, Sapphire returned the curtsy, but stood back up in awe at Blitz’s friends.

First, Blitz gave a nod to Sapphire and then addressed everyone in the room. “Well, everypony, from the fall of the Crystal Empire…to the hooves of Sombra,” Blitz growled and held Sapphire closer, “I present to all of you, Princess Sapphire.” Blitz stepped back a few paces and gave Sapphire a bow along with the other royals and soon the rest of the ponies in the room.

Sapphire giggled at the gesture, curtsying back to Blitz, “And my brother, Prince Blitzkrieg.”

All the humans in the room, save Celestia and Luna, chorused the same question, “He’s your brother? A Prince?”

The Master’s maniacal laugh resounded throughout the olden castle, “Everypony must be at their weakest now, including The Doctor.”

There was a long pause as the air became still in the room. “What is the name that stallion goes by, besides the ‘Doctor’ or ‘Blitzkrieg?’” Sombra asked, with an air of suspicion about him as he stared past the window into the darkness of the forest.

“Haiex, why?” The Master became intrigued for he thought he, only, knew about the Doctor’s given name, in this world.

“He reminds me of a Prince I met some time ago…Haiex beeth the name as well, but…” Silence overcame the room as Sombra’s resonating voice fell in thought.

“But what?” The Master gritted his teeth, knowing something was ahoof.

“He must have died out with the Princess and her parents as well, when I set the Crystal Castle aflame, in darkness.” He looked towards the Master, sweeping his cape back as he turned.

Oscura soon became worried as she saw uncertainty in Sombra’s eyes, but no one moved about the room as the question settled to the cobblestone, with a soft hiss. Then, the Master moved to turn off the flame under the hissing beaker, a purple fume boiling up from the opening. “So…you believe you met the Doctor, in the past, and he were of royal blood?”

“They called him such, which is all I know.” Sombra retired to his seat, next to Oscura, on the couch.

“So he’s a royal, big deal,” Discord hissed, peeling an apple as he spoke, deftly.

The Master turned on him, moving the chair Discord was reclined in, from beneath him, with him magic. As Discord landed with a thud the Master spoke through gritted teeth, “‘So?’ He isn’t supposed to get involved with the past like that. And if the kingdom’s royals died to Sombra, and he’s alive, I don’t doubt that his ‘kind hearts’ also saved that Princess, his sister.” The room fell silent as the Master’s clenched fist fell to his side; the purple fumes of the Master’s concoction spilling onto the cobblestone.

Back at Canterlot, Blitz soothed Sapphire as she ate, the others eating at the dining table as well. Luna kept seeking Celestia's eye for some glimmer of thought that would undo the harshness she’d shone Blitz. Celestia soon gave her sister a nod and a knowing smile, seeing Artemis was also doing his best to comfort Luna as well. Then somepony spoke.

“So, Blitz, whatya do to find her?” Apple Jack spoke, beckoning all to look to her, then to Blitz for his answer.

“Well, I bet the Princesses can help with the story,” Blitz looked towards Luna and Celestia as Celestia started recollecting how they first met Blitz. Blitz reclined, Sapphire leaning against him, and started remembering his side of the memory:

Blitz had landed with a thud, getting to his hooves as he checked the TARDIS. “I'm equine, again?” He snorted with annoyance (checking his sparking gauntlet), but made his way out of the TARDIS to see he landed just on the backside of the Crystal Kingdom’s Castle. He hid in a bush, quickly, as he saw two guards coming his way; clicking the TARDIS’ key, the TARDIS disappeared just before the guards saw it, but they saw him. They scooped Blitz up and carried him to the castle, managing to restrain the hooded stallion as he struggled back.

“Don't you know me?! I'm Blitzkrieg!”

“Again, you were caught trespassing, citizen. Now bow,” one of the guards, the one that had been talking, forced Blitz on the ground as the other pulled off Blitz’s hood. The other spoke and bowed, “My King Cortez, my Queen Emerald, we found this citizen trespassing on the grounds.

Before Blitz’s hood could be taken off his head he magically aged himself to look as if a colt. When he looked up he saw two unrecognizable horses sitting before him, definitely not Princess Cadence and Shining Armour. He bowed his head as well as flattened his ears, in a sign of adolescence.

The Queen offered him a smile and her face showed remorse for the poor colt, his cloak tattered and dirt all about him. She gave her husband a quick whisper, “He’s just a beggar. Let him go.”

He nodded, but proceeded to question the colt before him, “State your business, young one.”

Blitz couldn't think of what to say, but a whisper in his head told him the TARDIS was again damaged and that employment would lead to good reward. He pondered where he'd heard the words before, and it hit him: The Professor told him this story. After the thoughtful pause, Blitz stood straight, “I, Haiex Romanov Blitzkrieg, seek to impress the royals in hopes of finding acceptance in the ranks of their guard or jesters.” Blitz gave a weak smile, sticking to acting his “new” age.

Queen Emerald’s heart melted at the thought of being able to help the colt and she gave King Cortez a gentle elbow on his shoulder, cutting him off. She spoke, “Well then, show us some skill you possess.

Blitz perked up his ears and wagged his tail, “Yes, my liege.” Blitz spread his wings, to start, with such force that the two guards were blown back. Blitz propelled up, sparks in his wake, and then he used his magic to conjure enough black magic to darken the room (his eyes turning red), then the room was lightened by Blitz dissolving his magic into confetti that reflected the sunlight into rainbow patterns.

The Queen was impressed, the King and guards were taken aback, but the deciding factor was the filly at the doorway; stomping her hooves in enjoyment and whooping with satisfaction, she obviously enjoyed the show.

“That was awesome!” she ran over and looked Blitz up and down as he landed. “Can you do anything else?”
Blitz flattened his ears and blushed, “I could, but I must be going--”

“To get fitted for your new armour,” Emerald interrupted, seeing how much joy that performance had brought her daughter.
Blitz was taken aback, but felt himself smiling. He bowed, “Thank you, my liege.” He saw King Cortez quickly turn to his wife, after speaking with the guard at his side, and furiously whispering to her as the young filly and the guard from Cortez’ side led Haiex out to the guard barracks to get him suited.

“So, where are you going to be put?” The young filly asked.

The guard with them spoke as he looked forward, “He shall be put in with the royal guards, Princess Sapphire, by your father’s request.”
Princess Sapphire gasped with joy and hugged Blitz again, as they walked. “And, since you’re getting put as one of our personal guards, you’ll be able to teach me how you did that back there.”

Blitz felt a flurry of pride as he realised that the filly was being sincere. However, before he could open his mouth a couple of stallions dragged him into the armoury, proceeding to suit him with golden armour. Blitz struggled against the hooves as the guards did their job, effecting a giggle from Sapphire.

Blitz looked about the table, seeing Sapphire giggling again.

“So, you were just swept into the armoury?” Celestia asked.

Blitz nodded and was about to speak, again, but fell silent as he looked out of a nearby window to the darkening sky. He felt himself growl, but he knew he wasn’t meaning to.

Solaris spoke, “So, how did you come to meet Princess Luna and Princess Celestia?” Solaris gave Celestia a warm smile as he had said her name.

Blitz continued his explanation, but kept his eyes and ears aware of the coming storm.

It had been a month, the same routine judged Blitz’s days: Wake up by dawn, dawn his suit, and make his way to the royal kitchen to start the cooks on their way, then he would find his way up to his post in front of Sapphire’s room and would wait there till she stirred. The routine was his idea, for his true assignment was being Sapphire’s personal guard; Queen Emerald had done so, for she had seen how well Blitz got along with Sapphire, and she didn’t see how an older guard could have be so relative. But, the day which is being spoken about was the day the royal family ventured to Canterlot (not for their monthly visit with Canterlot’s royals, to keep their places united, strangely). However, though the ride, in the closed-horse drawn carriage was bumpy, it was tolerable considering The King and Queen had grown fond of Blitz, and he of they, and not to mention that most of the trip he played court jester for Sapphire’s entertainment. He was the only guard that was sitting in the carriage with the royals, the excuse being he was “Sapphire’s personal guard,” but that didn’t seem to be the only reason.

“So, my lieges. Once we are in Canterlot, I can personally escort you three to the castle—”

King Cortez interrupted, “There is no need, Blitzkrieg. The other guards will escort us four by means of the carriage.” He said this with a charismatic smile, one that a father would give his son in the brightest of moments.

Blitz smiled back as he stroked Sapphire’s mane and covered her body with his wing, seeing as she had fallen asleep with her head on his lap.

Emerald whispered, “So, will you reconsider? She already treats you like—”

“A brother, I know, my Queen, but I canst allow that. I…” Blitz’s voice faltered with agony as he looked from the two horses to the young filly on his lap, her horn gleaming as she dreamt.

“Didn’t you already tell us about your parents, how you canst remember how you lost them? How you lost your sisters?” Cortez softly asked, looking to Emerald.

Blitz realised that Cortez had been spending more time with him (asking Blitz to walk with him around the castle, showing him the secrets of their castle, or joining him as he escorted Sapphire about the gardens and town) just to butter him up for this very question. It had work. “Yes…but, I’m just a guard. What is so special about me?” He looked up at them both.

“The size of your heart,” Emerald answered. “See, many of these guards we have are in our presence for either their patriotism or because their job has been passed down their lineage...only. You, however, stay because you care for Sapphire. I see it in your eyes.”
Blitz blushed at the compliment, “And for you two, of course…this past month I have finally had ‘parents’ that are actually here.” He smiled up at them. Cortez and Emerald smiled back, filled with a sense of pride, but the mood of the moment was jerked out the window of the carriage as they hit the end of the draw bridge.

Sapphire stirred, “Are we…there already?” she rolled to put her muzzle on Blitz’s stomach and fell back asleep.
Blitz chuckled and looked up at the royals before him, “I guess we’ve entered the city?” Blitz looked out the window and saw the glimmering mountain-side city roll past as they rolled through.

“So wait, they adopted you? After you met Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?” Dusk, Solaris, Artemis, and Twilight chorused.
Celestia chimed in, “Well first, after Sapphire introduced us to Blitz, we had our fun as children do: running about the castle and garden.”

“Though he was my age, he acted as if a grown stallion already,” Luna gave a shy smile to Blitz, who winked back, causing her to blush.

“Yeah, like he was my ‘really’-older brother,” Sapphire teased.

Celestia noticed Blitz’s fixation on the coming storm and tried to sooth him, “Blitz, do you remember what Sapphire called you, in the meadow, when we were trying to see how many of us you could carry around?”

Blitz’s eyes focused on her and he grinned, “Yeah, it’s the reason, I think, that you recognized me when Twilight brought us here the first time.”

Sapphire laughed, “I called you a walking rainbow!”

The rest of the table laughed, but Blitz fell silent as he recollected and kept an eye on the dark clouds rolling in, from the direction of the Crystal Kingdom.

“We are all gathered here to unite two bloodlines,” a hooded stallion called. His voice echoed about the ceremony hall as Celestia and Luna, accompanied by their parents, watched as Blitz, Sapphire, Cortez, and Emerald encircled a pedestal that held a rustic looking basin. “The orphan, Romanov, and the royal bloodline of the Crystal Kingdom.”

Luna looked to Celestia and mouthed the word “boring” which effected a laugh from the fillies and a nudge from their mother.

“Let us begin,” the hooded stallion whispered to the new family before him, his brown cloak hiding everything but his muzzle. He held out a knife with his magic, next.

Blitz started, taking up the knife and admiring its curvature, but still proceeding to cut himself just above the hoof. The blood trickled down as he held the wounded leg over the basin, the blood pooling inside.

Sapphire, Emerald, and Cortez followed suit, adding their blood to Blitz’s. The mixtures of red held resemblance to the Professor’s, in Blitz’s mind, but only for a little while, for the mixture started to glow a bright red and pink as the cleric started to say his chant. The sphere of light lifted from the basin, impressing the onlookers, and leaving the bowl empty of its contents.

Blitz smiled to his new found parents, his new sister jumping for joy, quietly.

As the room grew bright with the sphere rising higher, it spontaneously split in to four parts, speeding their way into Blitz, Sapphire, Cortez, and Emerald. A feeling of fulfillment rushed through the four horses, and all sparkled as the crystal ponies they were.

“And see, we were there when the blood ritual occurred,” Luna nodded as she finished, giving Blitz a loving smile.

Blitz smiled back, getting elbowed by Rainbow Dash as she saw. Blitz grunted and was about to speak when the doors to the dining room banged open.

“Cadence? Shining?” Twilight got up and rushed to hug them both.

“Twi, what’s happened?” Shining asked as he hugged her. “We were on the train here when everypony changed into,” he looked at his new hands as his voice trailed off.

“Yes, we were on our way to warn you all about what’s happening at the Crystal Empire.” Cadence started to shake again, leaning against Shining for stability. “Changelings…they took over the castle…they’re coming here, next…”

Everyone in the room looked at Cadence as she whispered her warning.

Blitz looked out the window and saw the sky was pitch black outside, now. He absently stated, “I believe war is upon us.” The drums of war became clear in his ears, and Blitz was forced back into his memory by the noise.

The chandelier in the throne room swayed back and forth as the candles were snuffed out by the foul wind brought through the doors of the Crystal Castle as Sombra swaggered in. The clank of the stallion’s hooves echoed through the hall as each hoof fall left darkened crystals behind.

Blitz’s horn glowed a bright white as he set himself between the royals and Sombra, waiting for a fight. “Be gone, Sombra. I order you as the Prince of this kingdom,” he snorted.

Sombra smiled, his horn glowing a crimson red, “And what will you do, child, if I don't leave?” Sombra laughed, his booming tone seeming to make the hall darker.

Blitz growled, stomping his hoof, “I will fight.” With an outburst of magic, as he spread his wings, Blitz transformed before everypony’s eyes into his stallion form; his royal cape gently overlaying his back. “And, I'm not a child, Sombra.”
Sombra and the others in the room were taken aback, but it didn't stop Sombra from making the first move: he shot a bolt of crystal at the royal family, encircling Cortez and Emerald. “No…you still are. And, no child would fight if their parent’s lives hang in the balance.” He smiled his fanged smile.

Blitz saw Sapphire hoofing at the crystal around Cortez, “Fine, just spare Sapphire and her family. You can take me and the kingdom.” Blitz growled as he turned to Sombra.

“Actually,” Sombra grinned, “I'll spare all of you if you just go to your rooms.” Sombra laughed.
Blitz took that as his time to escape, so he rushed and started to try to free his parents, but to no avail.

Cortez got Blitz’s attention, “Blitz, get out of here. Save yourself and your sister.”

Emerald snuffled back tears, but kept a hardened stare at Sombra, “Go kids, we’ll be fine.”

“No! I'm not losing my parents, again!” Blitz’s horn glowed with a dark aura as he tried to fight the crystals with dark magic.

“No, don't waste your time with us. Get going, remember your duty as a royal guard,” Cortez barked at Blitz.

Blitz stopped in his track, “What do--”

Cortez shot him a teary look, “Your primary job is to keep your sister safe. Now go!” Cortez gave a look at Emerald and they nodded.
Sapphire was clenching onto Blitz by this moment, making it easy for Blitz to get her on his back. Blitz gave one last, tear filled, goodbye to his dying parents (a whisper of sorts, and a promise to protect Sapphire with his life), then he raced out of a side door while Sapphire held his neck in frenzy.

Cortez and Emerald knew they couldn't have gone out without a fight, so they made one final effort: a joined blast of light to stun Sombra as their kids made their escape.

“Ah! Impervious souls you two have turned out to be.” Sombra opened his eyes to see Haiex and Sapphire gone, and blue sunspots in his vision. “You two are strong, I wouldn't mind having a strong throne to sit on. Let your children try to make it out…they won't!” His maniacal laugh rang through the halls, chasing the two children.

“Haiex! Watch out!” Sapphire braced herself against Blitz’s body as Blitz came to an abrupt turn.

“The entire bloody castle is in flame!?” Blitz raced up the staircase to Sapphire’s room, the flames licking at their manes. Blitz was familiar with this darkened flame, “demon fire” he called it to conjure the dark magic: it could destroy or recreate whatever it touched, to the wielder’s will. He knew he had to save his sister, and there was only one way he knew how, “Hold on tight, Kiddo!” Blitz felt Sapphire tense up as he lost the ground under his hooves and extended his wings. They both huffed as they flew through the smokeless fire, but Blitz soon banged through the door of the study-wing and set Sapphire down.

The little filly shook as the flames got closer about them. She looked up at her brother, terrified but curious of the calmness on the stallion’s face. She heard him click his tongue and saw him take out a green stick from under his cape. “What is that?” she whimpered, getting under Blitz as the tongue of the flames started to inch closer with every book that fell off the shelves.

“I guess…hope…” Blitz clicked the screwdriver and the TARDIS appeared; as quickly as it appeared the doors opened wide for the Prince and Princess. At that moment Blitz turned to look at the study’s doors and tried to imagine a different outcome for his parents, but to no avail; so with tears in his eyes Blitz threw the screwdriver into the TARDIS and picked Sapphire up by the scruff of her neck and raced inside.

“What is this…?” Sapphire was both quieted in fear and astonishment as Blitz set her down on the bench. “It's—”

“Bigger on the inside, I know; everyone says that.” Blitz said this line with utter dread, knowing it meant that he was about to leave another family, again. He put his hoof on the main lever as he watch the flames crawl under the closed doors of the study, then came what he had been waiting for: it was an ear-piercing scream, two to be exact, one male and one female. Blitz pulled the lever to close the TARDIS doors and then quickened his step to go cover Sapphire’s ears.

Tears streamed down Sapphire’s cheeks, onto Blitz’s chest, as the screams died away. “Was that…” There was no inflection in the filly’s voice, to signal a question, but Blitz knew what she meant through her tears.

Blitz clicked his tongue and the TARDIS revved to life as he gently stroked Sapphire’s hair and continue to rock her back and forth.