• Published 4th Nov 2011
  • 2,956 Views, 15 Comments

Rotten Apples - Dubs Rewatcher

When Apple Bloom accidentally steals candy, she must deal with the consequences of her actions.

  • ...

Rotten Apples

The sun shined down beautifully upon the small town of Ponyville. Various ponies played in the streets, shopped in stores, or simply took in the sights. However, a certain trio were making their presence known with a cacophony of shouts. The Cutie Mark Crusaders galloped happily through the streets, just barely avoiding the many ponies making their way. Scootaloo was in the lead, sweat trailing down her neck as she struggled to both keep ahead of Apple Bloom, who was right on her tail, and carry her saddlebags. Sweetie Belle, not used to such physical exertion, trailed behind in a leisurely trot. Scootaloo grinned at the red-maned filly behind her.

“Hah..hah...having trouble...keeping up?” Scootaloo gasped.

Apple Bloom grinned. “Oh, sure.” Scootaloo laughed, and turned her head back around. The three were headed for a singular point at the end of the road: Bon Bon’s Bon Bons, the single greatest candy shop in Ponyville. Probably in all of Equestria, Apple Bloom figured. It was only yards away.

At that moment, she stopped holding back.

With a surge of energy, Apple Bloom rushed ahead of her friend, securing her first place victory. Planting her olive-colored hooves firmly on the ground, the filly skidded to a full stop, just barely avoiding smashing into the candy shop’s door. She spun around, crossed her hooves, and shot Scootaloo a triumphant glance. “You were sayin’?”

Scootaloo caught her breath. “Wow, Apple Bloom, that was amazing! How did you get so fast?”

Apple Bloom waved her front hoof in the air. “Ahm an Apple! How do you think we knock down all those apples?”

Sweetie Belle, noticeably less sweaty than her comrades, cantered up to the group. “That was really fun!”

Oh, Sweetie, you didn’t even run!” Scootaloo retorted.

“Did so! You were just going so much faster than me, you didn’t see me!”

“You were not!”

“Was so!”

“Was not!”

“GIRLS!” Apple Bloom yelled. “Do you want to keep arguing, or do you want some candy?”

The three put their hooves together. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER CANDY EATERS, YAY!”

A door gave a short chime as the Crusaders rushed in, eager to sample the store’s wares. The three gave entranced oohs and aahs as they rushed between the different stands, each of which held a different kind of sweet. Eventually, the group broke up, each of them going to a different part of the shop.

Apple Bloom stared up at her favorite sweet: Dippers. They were fruits, dipped in chocolate. More specifically, apples. The crisp taste of straight-from-the-farm apples, combined with the smooth, silky sweetness of milk chocolate, created a beautiful taste that just seemed to dance over the taste buds. Sure, they were pretty easy to make, but homemade chocolate could never compare with Bon Bon’s. Drooling, Apple Bloom picked up a small package. One half of it contained a small bag, filled to the brim with slices of apples. In the other half was a small, plastic container, holding liquid chocolate.

“Oh, girls, welcome!” Bon Bon called, having walked into the room. “How are you?”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rushed to the counter. “HI, MS. BON BON!” they yelled.

Apple Bloom slipped the package into her saddlebag, planning to pay for it later. She joined her friends, who were staring up at Bon Bon expectantly, at the counter. Bon Bon simply stared right back, an amused grin on her face.

“So, would you girls like some candy?”

“YES!” the three yelped, their eyes growing wide.

Bon Bon nodded at the fillies. “Well, you’re in luck. I just happened to have a new idea for some candy, and I need some taste testers. Do you three think you’re up for it?”


“Okay then! Come on, we’ve got candy to eat!” Bon Bon led the girls into the back room, where boxes upon boxes of candy were stored. The mare gestured to them. “Help yourselves.”

If it was possible for a filly to explode in excitement, then the Crusaders would have done it right there.


“Consarnit, Apple Bloom! How many times ‘ave Ah tolda ya, if ya eat that much candy, ya won’t have any room fer dinner!” Applejack scolded. “‘Ave ya ever heard of a little thing called ‘restraint?’”

Apple Bloom simply walked by her sister, head held high. “Applejack, I’m a big pony! Ah don’t need you to tell me what to do.”

The orange mare glared at her little sister. “Ya keep actin’ like that, and Ahm gonna make ya wish I did tell ya what to do.” There was a tense moment. However, it was broken by Applejack, who chuckled and said “Oh, just go take off your schoolbag. Dinner‘ll be ready soon.”

Apple Bloom trudged up the stairs that led to the bedrooms. Stepping into hers, she cantered over to the small, crimson bed in the corner and emptied out her bag. As she did every night, she proceeded to take stock of what she had.

“Okay, lets see...math homework, book, pencils, Dippers, eraser, notebo-” She stopped, and looked back about two items. Sitting there, the packaging just as neat as ever, was an unopened Dippers box. Apple Bloom realized: she had put it in her bag to pay for later, but, in her excitement, had left without doing it! She had...stolen something!

Apple Bloom backed up from the items sprawled across her bed. She was a thief! She had heard about what they did to thieves. They locked them up forever! Apple Bloom could never survive that; forever was a really long time!

But Ms. Bon Bon and her were friends. The solution was easy enough; she could just go back to shop, explain what happened, and everything would be okay.

“But...what if it isn’t enough?” Apple Bloom thought out loud, beginning to hyperventilate. “What if Ah go back, and she calls the cops on me?! AH CAN’T GO TA JAIL! AH DON’T EVEN HAVE MAH CUTIE MARK YET!” In her head, she saw images of cops, dragging her away. The slam of jail bars. Of her friends, never seeing her again. Of her one phone call! Who was she supposed to call?!

She was convinced. At this point, nothing good could come of telling the truth. She would have to hide the evidence. Grabbing the Dippers, Apple Bloom stuffed it into the back of her closet, behind her winter clothes. It was the middle of summer, so she wouldn’t have to move it for a while.

Suddenly, something clicked in her head. The filly looked to her flank. Maybe something good came out of this. Unsurprisingly, her flank was blank. So, it really was just a bummer all the way around.

“APPLE BLOOM!” a shrill voice yelled, causing the filly to jump straight into the air. “DINNER’S READY!”

Apple Bloom composed herself, putting on as “normal” a face as she could muster. She could get through this. It was just one dinner, then she could go think of a plan.

As she walked into the kitchen, her nostrils were greeted by the sweet smell of an Apple Family dinner. Almost forgetting about what had just happened, she rushed to her seat at the round dinner table and sat. She was soon joined by her sister, brother and grandmother. Following the routine, the four began to recount the activities of the day.

Munching on her vegetables, Apple Bloom began to think about what she would say. Besides the...incident, her day had been relatively normal. But there was to way in hay that she could talk about what she had done. ...Or could she? This was her family after all. She may have loved her friends, but she trusted her family more than anypony in the world. She wouldn’t have to deal with this alone! They could tell her what she needed to do. Or, at the very least, tell her who to call with her one phone call.

“So, yeah. That was mah day.” Applejack finished. Everypony at the table looked to Apple Bloom expectantly. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the same mare who had just finished. “Oh, right, Ah forgot one thing! At about noon, guess who Ah found lyin’ in one of our trees, eatin’ an apple?”

“Rainbow Dash, Ahm guessin’?” Big Macintosh replied in a slow drawl.

“RIGHT! And you can bet that Ah gave her a right good talkin’ to! No one Ah know is gonna steal and just get away with it!” Applejack replied angrily, causing her sister to pale. If Applejack had noticed the filly’s reaction, she didn’t let it show. “So, how about you, Apple Bloom? What did ya do today?”

Apple Bloom gulped. Her plan had just gone right out the window. Applejack had made it very clear that if she found out what had happened, Apple Bloom would be dead before the day was up! “Ah...uh...went to school?” Her family kept staring. “And Ah...learned? Stuff?”

“It sounds like all that candy is rottin’ more than your teeth.” Big Macintosh offered, earning him a smack on the head from Granny Smith’s cane.


Apple Bloom put her head down on her desk, Cheerilee’s lecture beginning to become unintelligible. She hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see were the disapproving stares of everypony she knew. Only by a miracle had she finally been able to fall asleep; only to be woken up a few minutes later by the call of a crow, signaling the sun’s rise.

Apple Bloom knew this lecture was probably important, and she should listen. But it was just so hard to keep her eyes open...and besides, her average was high enough. She could probably afford to miss one lesson. Her mind’s eye started to blur. She was fading out...

“Apple Bloom, wake up!” yelled Cheerilee.

Opening her bloodshot eyes, Apple Bloom yelled: “AH DIDN’T DO IT!” This caused the class to break out into laughter. Cheerilee gave her a confused look, one eyebrow raised. “Ahm sorry, Miss Cheerilee. Ah didn’t sleep very well last night...”

“That’s no excuse for sleeping in class. Make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Cheerilee scolded. The filly leaned her head on her hoof. It was going to be a long day. “Oh!” the mulberry mare squeaked. “I almost forgot about the homework! What did I assign you again?”

Apple Bloom realized: she had spent so much time worrying last night, that she had forgotten to do her homework. She pressed her olive-colored hooves together and prayed silently. “Please, nopony say anything, nopony say anything...” In the end, it was one of her best friends that betrayed her.

“Ith was problem one to twelve in the book, Mith Cheerilee!” Twist called out happily. Cheerilee thanked her, and proceeded to check the homework of every filly in the class.

She went in alphabetical order.


As the bell gave a high pitched ring, the foals all filed outside, the day over. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were the last ones to leave. “Are you sure you’re okay?” the white filly asked, concern present in her voice. “You seem...distracted.”

“Nah, Ahm fine.” Her friends kept staring. “Really! Ah’ll be okay, you guys.” Apple Bloom stuck a olive-colored hoof on her chest proudly. “Mah sister once went a whole week without sleepin’, and look at her! She’s fine!”

“Yeah, but didn’t she beat up a bunny or something?” Scootaloo asked.

“What? No!” Apple Bloom responded loudly.

Sweetie Belle shuffled her hooves. “Well...okay then. You ready for some crusading?”

Scootaloo’s face lit up. “Oh yeah! I’ve this great new idea-”

A loud yawn escaped Apple Bloom’s lips. “Ah...Ah think Ahm gonna sit this one out, you guys. Lots of work to do...and stuff. You go on without me.” She gave an obviously forced grin.

The other two Crusaders sighed in unison. “‘Kay, Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo responded. They started to walk away. “Go...take a nap, or something.”

“Will do!”


Apple Bloom trudged through the streets, her saddlebags suddenly feeling as if they were made of lead. “Uuugggh.” Apple Bloom groaned, to nopony in particular. “Why does it have to be so hot? And so...dumb.” She yawned, not caring enough to think of a better way to insult Princess Celestia’s work. Not even the sweet smell of freshly made chocolate, wafting through the streets like a ghost, was enough to get her attention.

“Wait a second...chocolate?” the filly thought, new found fear filling her body. She turned her head to follow the smell, only for the fear to be replaced by a sense of pure dread. She was currently standing less than a yard away from the double-doors that led into the one place she wanted to get away from more than anything: Bon Bon’s candy shop. Her pupils shrunk. “Ohnoohnoohno. Get away, get away...” Apple Bloom began to run as fast as her tired hooves would take her, but it was too late; she had been spotted.

“Oh, hello, Apple Bloom!” Bon Bon called. The mare was currently sweeping up outside the shop, but she always had time to talk to one of her best customers! “How are you?”

Apple Bloom turned her head and faked a smile. “Oh, uh...hey, Miss Bon Bon. How’s life?”

“Oh, good. How’s school?”

Apple Bloom, realizing that trying to just leave the conversation was going to be as impossible as sprouting wings, walked over to the purple-and-pink-maned mare. “Good, Ah guess?”

“Do you have a lot of homework?”

“Nah. Ah just gotta study for tomorrow’s math theft...” Apple Bloom replied, not realizing what she had just said. “OH! Ah mean test! Heh...” She cringed as Bon Bon gave her a confused look. “But, uh, I better get back ta Steal Apple Acres...AH MEAN SWEET! SWEET APPLE ACRES!” Bon Bon kept staring. “I gotta go!” Apple Bloom ran as fast as she could, new found strength filling her body.

Bon Bon looked in the direction the filly until she faded into the crowd. What was going on with her?


Apple Bloom stopped only when she was sure that she was out of sight. That was close. A few more seconds, and she might have cracked under pressure. It looked as though if she wanted to stay safe, she would have to spend as little time in public as possible. It was going to be hard, but that was the price you paid when you lived a life of crime. She put a hoof to her chin in thought.

School was important, she couldn’t miss that. She would become one of those “deelinkquints,” or whatever you called them. If she just cut herself off from her friends, everypony would get suspicious. So, what would she do?

“Oh, come on, Twilight! It’s not that hard!”

It stuck in Apple Bloom’s head: Twilight. Twilight Sparkle was one of the smartest ponies she knew, probably just behind Applejack. She could help! Apple Bloom looked around, only to see Twilight walking along, just across the road. A certain cyan mare was circling around her, hovering a few feet off the ground.

“You’re not the one casting the spell, Rainbow Dash! How do you know how hard it is?” Twilight yelled at Rainbow.

“Because I just know, okay? Listen: if you give me an extra set of wings, my speed would increase by like...10 times. Do you even know how awesome that would be?” Rainbow Dash said, pressing her hooves to her face. “I’d be able to pull off two Sonic Rainbooms, at once.”

Twilight sighed. “I don’t think that’s how it works.”

Apple Bloom ran up to the two mares. This was perfect. Both of them were strong, smart and successful! They would know what to do! “Hey, Twilight! Rainbow Dash! Wait up!” The two stopped at the filly’s voice.

“Oh, hello, Apple Bloom.” Twilight said happily.

“Yo, Squirt.” Rainbow Dash said, her voice much more informal than Twilight’s. “What’s up?”

“Ah have a question for you two.” Apple Bloom responed. The two mares looked at her expectantly, ready for her question. The filly opened up her mouth to speak, but stopped at the last second.

It occurred to her: she was going to tell two adults, both of whom were best friends with her sister, that she had stolen something. Even if she asked them to keep it a secret, it probably wouldn’t help. Rainbow Dash could probably keep it, but Twilight was notorious for being one of the worst in town at lying. Twilight may have been nice, but she couldn’t be trusted to keep a secret, that was for sure. Apple Bloom thought of a way to ask them, while still somehow keeping her transgressions hidden.

A few seconds of silence passed before Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up. “Hey, this better not be ‘Where do foals come from.’ Because, I swear, Scootaloo asked me that last week, and I am not-”

“No!” Apple Bloom yelped hastily. “Ah, uh...Ah have this friend. And, well...” She motioned for Twilight and Rainbow to lean in closer. “Don’t tell anypony, but she told me she stole something. It was just an accident!” Apple Bloom added on hastily. “But, still...”

“What’d she steal?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Some candy.”

“Oh. So what?”

“Rainbow Dash! What are you saying?” Twilight scolded. “This is very serious! You can’t just go around telling little fillies it’s okay to steal!” Apple Bloom winced at Twilight’s harsh words.

“I’m not saying that!” Rainbow Dash retorted, too stubborn to try and rephrase what she had said. “But, it’s just some stupid candy! I bet whoever she stole it from didn’t even notice!”

“That’s not what matters!” Twilight turned to Apple Bloom, who was looking at the arguing mares worriedly. “Take my advice, Apple Bloom. Honesty is the best policy. Isn’t that what Applejack always says?”

Apple Bloom nodded.

“Yeah, I guess.” Rainbow Dash added. “That’s the right thing to do. But, I’m telling you, she’ll just get in trouble for nothing! It’s just a little white lie, won’t hurt anypony.”

Apple Bloom considered the advice for a moment. “Yeah, I get it. Thanks, you guys!” Apple Bloom scurried away, their words still fresh in her mind.

The two mares stood silently, watching the Crusader fade into the distance. Rainbow Dash turned back to the unicorn, an excited glint in her eye. “Now, getting back to my wings...”


Apple Bloom sat in the Crusader Clubhouse, watching the sun descend into the horizon. However, her head swam with confusion, leaving her no chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery. What was she going to do? She could tell the truth, like Twilight said. That would be the right, moral thing...but what about the consequences? Twilight also said that stealing was very bad; what would happen if anypony found out?

But, what if she lied? What if she kept it to herself? She wouldn’t get in trouble. She would be safe...right? She would never be able to get candy from Bon Bon’s again. She would have to lay low her entire life. And, if anypony did find out anyway, her punishment would probably be worse.

And either way, Applejack would end up just as disappointed in her.

Apple Bloom held her hooves over her eyes. “Oooh, what am Ah goin’ to do? Ah wish everythin’ would just go away...”

That’s when an idea popped into her head. She couldn’t make everything go away. But, she could make one thing go away.



“Apple Bloom!” Applejack called through the trees. “It’s gettin’ late! Come inside for some dinner!” She walked into the clearing that held the large treehouse, which acted as the Cutie Mark Crusader’s base of operations. “Apple Bloom, it’s time ta stop playin’ and get outta there!” There was no answer. “Sis?”

Applejack climbed the walkway that led to the house. The red door was ajar, revealing the empty room beyond. Well, almost empty: in the middle of floor, sat a lone piece of paper, writing covering one side. The orange mare cantered over to it, worry beginning to build up in her gut. The note was written in barely legible mouth-writing, reminiscent of a certain school age filly. Applejack read:

Dear the world

I have decided to run away. I have been forced into a life of crime here, and i cant live it around the ponies i love. Its just too dific difficelt hard for me. Ive taken all the money in my piggy bank, and some apples. Whoever finds this, tell everypony i love them, and im sorry.

Sinseer Cincere From Apple Bloom

p.s. Dont look for me, im trying to hide from the police

Applejack’s heart sank. Apple Bloom had run away?! What was that silly filly thinking?! Big Macintosh and Granny Smith were waiting back at the house; oh, who gave a buck? Right now, Applejack had a filly to save!


She galloped for a few yards before realizing: she had absolutely no idea where Apple Bloom could have gone. For all she knew, the filly could have left town already. On the other hoof, she could still be somewhere in the orchard, traveling through the trees. Or what if she had gone into the Everfree Forest?! There were just too many possibilities, and not enough time. The sky was already dim, the sun having just made its last rays for the day. Applejack couldn’t search alone. She would need backup.


Saying it was dark would be like saying Pinkie Pie knew what a party was. Apple Bloom repeatedly tripped over her own hooves, just barely able to see the path in front of her. The moon, which was the only thing right now that could possibly provide any light, was blocked by a heavy cloud cover. It was times like these that Apple Bloom cursed her earth pony heritage, and wished that she had a nice, magic horn to help illuminate her way.

Really, she was lucky she could see a path at all. It wasn’t like she knew where she was going. One of the disadvantages of living in a town like Ponyville was that you were somewhat isolated; the closest city was Canterlot, and even that was all the way up Mount Celestia, much too far for a filly to walk. She sighed. “Maybe Ah should just turn back...” But, in her mind, she knew she couldn’t. There was no going back now. She was a criminal, and that couldn’t change. She pushed ahead, making sure to stay on the road into front of her.

Exhaustion rested in her body, slowing her down to a crawl. Her saddlebags began to drag on the ground. She hadn’t taken a nap before she left, and staying awake for more than a day was taking a toll on her. Her orange eyes started to glaze over. Her hooves stumbled, eventually leading her to careen off the path, heading aimlessly to the side of the road. She was just so tired...


Apple Bloom fell back onto her flank as she collided with something tall and hard. Upon further inspection, she realized it was...a wall? Not just a wall: a house! But she had to be miles outside Ponyville. Who in their right mind would live all the way out here? Her ears picked up an angelic strumming from inside. With a sound like that, there was no way whoever lived here could be bad. Gathering up her courage, Apple Bloom walked to the large, wooden door and gave two short knocks.

The music from inside stopped abruptly. The filly could hear a loud shuffling, then the ascending sound of hoofsteps. The door slid open, and an adult unicorn mare stepped out. She was a bright turquoise color, with hair to match, excluding a white streak running through it. A golden lyre adorned her flank, and a rather confused expression her face. “Uh...hello?” the mare asked hesitantly.

Apple Bloom yawned. “Hello, miss. Ahm tired. Can Ah sleep here?”

Lyra stared back at her, unsure of what to do. She had never been good with foals. “Shouldn’t you be at home?”

Apple Bloom was too exhausted for this. “Look, miss, Ah don’t want to be rude, but Ah just want to sleep right now. Can Ah just lie on your couch or something?”

Lyra blinked. Not wanting to upset the foal, who already looked like she was on the verge of a tantrum, she said: “Uh, sure, I guess.” She stepped aside, letting the small pony pass through. Apple Bloom immediately made her way to the reclining chain in the middle of the room, lay down in it, and drifted off to sleep. “Wait a second!” Lyra called.

Apple Bloom looked to her, irritation present on her face. “Yeah?”

“I don’t even know what your name is.”

“Oh, mah name is Apple Bloom. What’s yours?”

“Lyra.” the unicorn responded. Apple Bloom nodded in understanding, and went back to sleep.


“Oh...*snore*...of course I can...”


“The key to the castle...? Oh...you shouldn’t have...*snore*”


“It’s like an earthquake...don’t worry, I’ll stop it...”


Mayor Mare sat up, having been woken from her peaceful slumber. At her side was her assistant, Sugar Neighlin, who looked just as tired as her. “Ma’am, sorry to wake you, but it seems we have an emergency.” she deadpanned.

The mayor composed herself, put on her glasses, and trotted out of the large office that doubled as her bedroom. Standing just outside were six mares, all of whom looked frantic. “Just what’s going on here?” Mayor Mare asked.

Applejack stepped forward. “It’s mah sister, Apple Bloom! She’s run away, and we don’t know where she coulda gone!”

The tan mare gasped. “Run away?! This is bad. Sugar!” she called. “Call the weather patrols, tell them to search the area. Rainbow Dash, that includes you.”

Rainbow Dash gave a mock salute and flew out the town hall doors. In the meantime, Applejack sat and wrung her hooves, the comforting words of her friends doing nothing to soothe her fears.


Light filtered through the window, washing over Apple Bloom like a calm wave. Her eyes opened. She had a short stretching session, during which she, for the first time, took a look around the room in which she had rested. It was small; a sign that Lyra really did live a secluded life. Various pictures were splayed across the walls, most of them depicting the unicorn and...Bon Bon? Were they friends? Judging from the sky outside, it was early in the morning. Where was Lyra?

The smell of wheat pancakes drifted into the room, causing Apple Bloom’s stomach to rumble as if it was a volcano. Wanting to conserve what little food she had brought, she had ended up skipping dinner the night before. She followed the smell, all the way down a cramped hallway into a small, yellow-walled kitchen. Lyra, dressed in a turquoise bathrobe, was at the oven, carefully holding a spatula in her mouth.

“Why aren’t you usin’ your magic?” Apple Bloom asked.

Lyra dropped the utensil on the counter and shrugged. “I don’t really know. It just feels more natural to do it this way. Did you sleep well?” She picked up the spatula again, and laid two thick pancakes on a plastic plate. “You were out like a light as soon as you walked in.” Lyra placed the plate on a small table near the window. Apple Bloom sat in a seat on one side, and began scarfing down the breakfast with reckless abandon. Lyra laughed. “Well, that’s good. At least you can still eat!”

Lyra sat down opposite her. "So...Apple Bloom, was it?" Apple Bloom nodded, and Lyra continued. "What happened? Why are you all the way out here? Shouldn’t you be back at Sweet Apple Acres?”

Apple Bloom stopped eating and looked up at her, surprised. “You know who Ah am?”

“Well, your name is Apple Bloom. I just figured.”

The filly looked away from Lyra, not wanting to make eye-contact. “Ah...Ah ran away.”

“Why would you do that?”

Apple Bloom weighed her options. So far, not telling anypony what happened hadn’t worked out very well. Lyra seemed nice, anyway. But she knew Sweet Apple Acres; did that mean she knew Applejack? No, that wasn’t it. Sweet Apple Acres was famous everywhere, of course Lyra would know about it! But...what if Lyra didn’t like her anymore?


“Ah, um...stole something.”

“Excuse me?” Lyra asked, straining to hear Apple Bloom, who had just slid as low as possible in her seat. “What was that?”

Apple Bloom slid even lower. “Ah stole something...”


Apple Bloom couldn’t hold it in anymore. “AH SAID AH STOLE SOMETHING!” she yelled, hopping up in her seat. “AHM A CRIMINAL! Ah ran away so Ah wouldn’t hurt anypony else. Ahm gonna be a criminal for the rest of mah life.” She held out her arms, as if Lyra was going to hoofcuff her right there.

“What? When? Who?” Lyra stammered, caught off guard by the sudden revelation.

“Two days ago. Ah box of sweets. From Bon Bon’s candy shop.” Apple Bloom confessed, her eyes still shut and her arms still outstretched. Lyra’s expression softened. This had just gotten a lot easier.

“Well, what you’re saying is that you think you’re supposed to be a thief for your entire life?” Lyra asked. Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. “You do realize that you don’t have a cutie mark, right?”

Apple Bloom glared at her, clearly irritated that she would touch on such a sore subject. “Yeah. So what?”

"So, if you were meant to be a criminal for the rest of your life, don't you think you would have a cutie mark to match?"

Apple Bloom had never thought of this before. A cutie mark was supposed to come when you found what you were destined to do in life. She didn’t have one. Put two and two together and you get: she wasn’t destined to be a criminal!

“Okay, so stealing isn’t mah special talent. But Ah still did it!”

Lyra nodded in acknowledgement. “I know. And, even if it took a while, you admitted that you were wrong.”

Practically falling out of her seat, she rushed over to Lyra and embraced her in a fierce hug. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” She rushed to the center of the kitchen. “AHM NOT A THIEF!” Apple Bloom yelled into the heavens.

“Hold on a minute.” Lyra interrupted. “I never said that. You’re not off the hook yet.” Apple Bloom’s ears drooped. “I think there’s somepony else you need to confess to.”


There was a swift rapping on the wooden door. “Lyra! You won’t believe what I just heard! It’s terrible!” Bon Bon yelped. Not waiting for her friend to open up, she pushed open the door and walked inside. “A little filly just went missing!”

Lyra heard her friend and walked into the living room. “Really?” A sliver of fear ran down Lyra’s spine. The day a filly goes missing, one just happens to show up at her house, saying she’s run away? “Who?”

Bon Bon sat down in the large reclining chair, careful not to put it back. “Oh, her name is Apple Bloom. I can’t believe it! I just saw her the other day!”

Lyra sighed. She should have figured that ponies would be out looking for Apple Bloom, even if it had only been one night. “Well, Bon Bon, about that...” She looked down the hallway. “You can come out now!” Lyra called.

Slowly, dreading every step, Apple Bloom walked into view. She made sure to avoid looking at Bon Bon, too guilty to imagine what Bon Bon was going to do to her. Bon Bon simply glanced in disbelief between her friend and the newcomer. “Lyra...did you...”

“No, I didn’t foalnap her. Apple Bloom here ran away, and just happened to find my house in the middle of the night.” Lyra responded quickly. She leaned in close to Apple Bloom, who was still hanging her head in guilt. “And, she has something she would like to say to you.” She gave the young foal a small push forward.

Apple Bloom nearly tripped over her own hooves as she made her way to the cream-colored mare. For the first time, she actually looked at Bon Bon. However, instead of the angry, disappointed, or simply sad look she was expecting in return, Apple Bloom only saw worry in Bon Bon’s eyes. She looked away, scared that it might change. “Apple Bloom?” Bon Bon began. “What’s going on here?”

The filly took in a deep breath. “Ah have a confession, Miss Bon Bon.”

“Uh, okay? What’s wrong?”

Apple Bloom hadn’t even made it to her second sentence yet, and she was already shaking. Once she fessed up, what would happen? Would Bon Bon hate her? Sure, Lyra hadn’t reacted that badly, but this was different! This time, it wasn’t just some random mare that Apple Bloom had run into. It was the one she had wronged herself! Apple Bloom tried to swallow, but a growing lump in her throat made passage difficult. “T-the other day, Ah...” she said. Picking her head up, she looked back at Bon Bon.

Her heart beat slowed. Bon Bon’s eyes showed such caring, such worry, that the foal knew it was okay. Everything would be okay. “Ah accidentally stole from your shop.” Immediately, her heart quickened again. Throwing herself to the ground in front of Bon Bon, she took up a face so innocent, that it was likely to induce diabetic arrest in any who saw it. “Please don’t hate me! Ahm sorry, so sorry! It’ll never happen again, ah promise! Don’t throw me in jail!” she begged, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. “Ahm sorry...”

Bon Bon stood, mouth hanging open, staring flabbergasted at the filly beginning to cry her eyes out in front of her. “I- wait- what- huh? Apple Bloom, what on earth are you talking about?”

“When me and mah friends were at your shop. Right before you gave us that candy, Ah put something in mah bag, to buy after. But...” she explained, biting her lip. “But Ah forgot to pay for it before ah left! Ah stole it!” she sobbed.

Bon Bon embraced the crying filly. “Shh...it’s okay, there’s no reason to cry now.” she whispered softly. Unlike Lyra, Bon Bon worked with young ponies for a living. As such, she was well equipped to deal with the situation. “You’re not a thief, Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom sniffed. “A-ahm not?”

“No, you’re not. I believe you. And, from what you said, it really does sound like an accident. And do you want to know something about accidents, Apple Bloom?”

The crying foal lifted herself back onto her hooves and wiped her eyes. “What?”

“They happen.” Bon Bon said with the utmost kindness. “I know you didn’t mean to do what you did. The important thing is that you confessed to it. It takes a very brave pony to do something like that. I’m proud of you.”

Lyra, who had been sitting on the sidelines during the entire exchange, grabbed a handkerchief and presented it to Apple Bloom. In turn, the filly blew into it, and looked happily back to her two newly-found friends. “Whew, Ah sure am glad to get that off mah shoulders. You don’t know what it’s like, keepin’ all that bad stuff inside for so long! You start to go crazy.” Apple Bloom said.

“Well, that was simple.” Lyra chirped. “Now what?”

Bon Bon gulped. “Now, we deal with Applejack.”


Applejack sat under a large oak tree, looking out over the broad countryside. Ever since she was a filly, it had been her secret hiding place, used only when she wanted nothing more than to be alone. She held her Stetson in her mouth, absentmindedly chewing the brim. Where could her sister be? Almost everypony in town had been searching since midnight last night. What if they didn’t find her? What if she never came back? And what did she mean by "a life of crime?"

Part of Applejack placed the blame on herself. How could she let this happen? There must have been signs leading up to this. How had she not seen them? Why was she such a terrible sister? She had ignored Apple Bloom, and now she had run away. She laid herself down on the grass, and stared out over the hills. It was all just too much.

Suddenly, three specks appeared at the summit of the next hill over. Ponies had been coming to and fro all day, none of them having anything more to say than a “Nothing yet, sorry,” and a “It’ll be okay, Applejack, we’ll find her.” She knew they all meant well, but it just made her feel worse every time. As the figures approached, Applejack could just make out their outlines. Two big ponies, one earth and another unicorn. And, in the middle, a small earth foal, with a bow on her head.

“Wait a minute. A bow? That’s...”


“APPLE BLOOM!” Applejack shrieked as she sprinted down the hill, tears of joy beginning to stream off her face, to meet her sister. In turn, Apple Bloom ran as fast as her legs would propel her. once they were about five hooves apart, Applejack lunged forward, dragging her sister to the ground in a fierce hug. “Oh, Apple Bloom, I was so worried...” she said, trailing off in a short sob.

While Apple Bloom was happy to see her sister again, all the affection she was suddenly getting was a bit embarrassing. How long had she been away for, anyway? She struggled to free herself from Applejack’s iron grip. “Yeah sis, Ah missed you too, but can you please get offa me?” she asked. Applejack, despite her hesitance to let go of her sister, lest she lose her again, eventually relented and released Apple Bloom. The filly picked herself up, just now realizing that the two ponies she had come with were still standing nearby. Not wanting to be rude, she decided to introduce them. “Applejack, this is-”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed into slits. She stomped up to Apple Bloom, and pushed her back, creating a barrier between her sister and the two strangers. “Ah swear ta Celestia, if you two touched one hair on her head, Ah will-”

“APPLEJACK, STOP IT!” Apple Bloom cried out, placing two hooves on her sister’s side. “There two are my friends! They helped me!” She looked over to Lyra and Bon Bon, who were clutching each other, petrified with fear for their lives.

“But, Apple Bloom, these mares, they-”

“They’re good!” Apple Bloom insisted. “Applejack, you don’t know what you’re talkin’ about!” She dropped her hooves, and gave Applejack an imploring look. “Just listen to me. Please?”

Applejack snorted in frustration. Even she couldn’t withstand what was Apple Bloom’s version of Fluttershy’s “Stare.” “Fine.” Attempting to put on a friendly face, she extended a hoof to the two mares. “Hey there. Ahm Applejack, Apple Bloom’s sister. And you two are?”

Lyra, still shaking, returned the gesture. “Hi, I’m Lyra. We were just-” she responded, but was interrupted as her entire body was thrown up into the air and down again, unready for the pure force behind Applejack’s handshake. Bon Bon could only look on in pure horror as her friend became nothing but a turquoise blur. As Applejack slowed down, Lyra attempted to hold her footing on the ground, but could only manage a quaking position. Bon Bon, despite readying herself beforehand, still couldn’t withstand Applejack’s strength, and received the same treatment.

“So, what happened? Why did Apple Bloom here suddenly show up with you two?” Applejack asked as Lyra helped Bon Bon off the ground.

Bon Bon and Lyra shot Apple Bloom sly looks. “Actually,” said Bon Bon, “I think that Apple Bloom should be the one to explain.” All three mares looked expectantly to the filly.

Apple Bloom simply wiped her forehead. “Boy, is it getting hot in here? Heh, heh...” she said. Unforetunately, this did not make the confused stares go away. “Ah mean, uh, yeah...”

Bon Bon closed her eyes, and gave a knowing smile. She tapped Applejack on the shoulder. “Can we have a minute?”

Applejack glowered at her. “Ah guess. But if you try anything...” she said. To emphasize her point, she slid one orange hoof over throat.

Bon Bon shuddered for a moment, but quickly regained her composure as she walked toward the agitated filly. She pulled Apple Bloom aside and kneeled down to the foal’s height. Whispering so the others couldn’t hear, she said: “Apple Bloom, what’s wrong?”

“Bon Bon, are you sure about this? Applejack will be so mad...”

“Apple Bloom, don’t worry. Yeah, I’ll admit, she’ll probably be mad.” Bon Bon said. However, when she saw Apple Bloom’s face pale, she quickly added: “But there’s no need to worry. I know she’ll listen to you. Just tell her what happened, and you’ll be okay.”

Apple Bloom thought for a moment. Finally, she looked straight into Bon Bon’s eyes. “All right, Miss Bon Bon. Ah’ll do it.” She touched her nose to Bon Bon’s. “Thanks.”

“It’s no problem.” she replied with a proud smile. “Hey, Lyra?” she called as she got up off the dirt.

“Yeah, Bon?” Lyra responded.

“How about we get going?” Bon Bon said as she walked past her friend. “Somepony needs to tell the mayor that we found Apple Bloom. Let’s leave these two alone.”

Lyra stared blankly at her. A moment passed before she realized just what Bon Bon was trying to do. “Oh! I mean, yeah, we should go.” She waved to Apple Bloom as they walked away. “See ya later, Apple Bloom!”

Applejack sat down in front of her sister. “Well, now that they’re gone...where have you been?!” she said, distress in her voice rising. “Do ya know how worried Ah was?! There are pegasi flyin’ all over, lookin’ for ya!”

“Applejack, I know you’re mad, but I can explain-”

“Really? Fine then.” Applejack said, leaning in so close that Apple Bloom could feel her sister’s breath, beating steadily against her. “Tell me what happened.”

“Well, um, you see, a few days ago, I...accidentallystolesomething.” she finished quickly, bracing herself.

Applejack just stared at her, face unmoving. “...What?” she said quietly.

Apple Bloom lowered her guard a bit. “Huh?”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Ya stole something?! Apple Bloom, what’s going on with ya?! First ya steal somethin’, now you’re runnin’ away...why?” Applejack asked, anger being replaced with desperation. “Why would ya do somethin’ like that? What’s wrong with ya?”

Apple Bloom simply sat there, taking the full brunt of Applejack’s rant. Once her sister had finished, the filly took in a deep breath. “Applejack, Ah only stole by accident. And Ah ran away because...because Ah was guilty.”

“That’s right, ya- wait, what? You were guilty?” Applejack asked, incredulous. That was not the answer she had been expecting, especially not from Apple Bloom.

“Yes, Ah was.” Apple Bloom responded, nodding. “Ah was afraid of what everypony would say ta me! So, instead of facin’ mah problem like a big pony, Ah ran away. And, if Ah hadn’t run into Lyra last night, Ah’d probably still be out there.” She pointed a hoof in the direction she had come. “It was only because of Lyra that Ah was able to tell anypony what Ah had done! At first Ah was scared that Bon Bon wouldn’t forgive me, but she did. And she made me realize that Ah wasn’t a criminal. Ah just made a mistake.”

Applejack blinked. This was Apple Bloom, right? She had never known her sister to be so...wise. “Wait, so it was those two that helped ya?”

“That’s what Ah’ve been tryin’ to tell you!”

“Huh. And to think, Ah was about to buck ‘em right outta here!” Applejack said as she let out a small chuckle. She lay down next to her sister. “So, Ah don’t have ta give ya the whole, ‘do the right thing’ speech? ‘Cause ya know how much Ah hate doin’ that.”

Apple Bloom put a hoof to her chin in thought. “Nah, Ah don’t think so.”

Applejack laughed, and tussled the filly’s red mane. “Well, Ah’m very proud of you for figurin’ it out on your own. Maybe ya aren’t so little after all.”

Apple Bloom shook off her sister, and puffed her chest out proudly. “Of course! Ahm Apple Bloom! A member of the Apple family, and a Cutie Mark Crusader! Nothin’ can keep me down!” She held her pose, looking straight up at the sky, victorious. “It doesn’t even matter that Ah stole, or that Ah...ran...away. Or that, uh...” She swallowed, and looked back at her sister, who had one eyebrow raised.

“Ahm still in trouble, aren’t I?” she asked.


“How long?”

“Grounded for two weeks. No crusadin’. And Ah expect ya ta pay back every bit of what ya took.”

“But Applejack, that’s not-”

“Tut-tut-tut.” Applejack interrupted, shaking her head. “Do ya know what the difference is between a filly and a mare?”

Apple Bloom stared blankly at her. “A cutie mark?”

“Nope. A filly complains. A mare takes responsibility.”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Ah guess...”

“Oh, come on, ya silly filly.” Applejack said. She wrapped a leg around her sister. “Let’s get home. Ahm sure Granny Smith and Big Macintosh are worried sick about ya.”

Comments ( 15 )

This was really cute. It was like reading an episode.

Great job with this.

Great story, felt just like an episode!

Nicely done short story!

Enjoyable story, very cute.

#5 · Dec 20th, 2011 · · ·

This was simply enjoyable. I'm not a critic, so, all I can say us that you did a very good job.

Even if a bit predictable it's a well done story. It's hard to imagine why it has so few views.

This was a great story and between this and The Moony Maiden, you've more than earned both a watch and a new fan! :D

Applebloom, NO! Don't you realize that if you learn a lesson you have to write a letter to Princess Celestia!

In other words, cool story bro.

That was great. It could a MLP episode as well. :pinkiesmile:

Very well written. Congrats on a great story. :twilightsmile:

Really well written. I know that everybody's already said it, but I'll say it again: It felt exactly like an episode. One error that bothered me:

The sun shined down beautifully

"Shined" should probably be "shone." Otherwise, really good story! :pinkiesmile:

Very cute. I would've like AB to admit she was going to confess until she saw AJ blowing her stack about Dash though. As well as AJ apologizing to BonBon and Lyra for jumping to conclusions.:derpytongue2:

Found a spelling error:

Apple Bloom immediately made her way to the reclining chain in the middle of the room, lay down in it, and drifted off to sleep.

Reclining chain? How does that work, or is it some kind of chainmail or chainlink hammock? Can't imagine that being very comfortable.

"Why'd ya run away, Applebloom?"

"Because ah was worried you'd overreact."


I agree with Grez, this fan fiction feels like it could pass off as an episode (that I would totally enjoy). Wonderfully done! ^-^

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