• Published 14th Nov 2011
  • 2,503 Views, 45 Comments

The New Cutie Mark Crusader. - RogerEarth14

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<Final Episode> Returning home

-------The next day in the morning-------

Mint Breeze was the first of the four to wake up, she looked through the window just to see that the sun had already rised. She quickly proceeded to wake up Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

Mint Breeze: "Girls! Girls! Wake up! It's already day time! The more we stay here, the more my Mom will be worried about me!" She said on a very alarmed tone.
Sweetie Belle: "Uh... What?" She was still sleepy "Oh! Right! Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, wake up!"
Scootaloo: "Five more minutes..."
Sweetie Belle: "Ugh! Fine, if you don't want to wake up by yourself I'll wake you up by myself!" Her horn began to glow, releasing a tiny spark that hit Scootaloo's and Apple Bloom's flank. Who jumped out of the ground screaming in pain.
"Ow! What the buck was that for!?" They both said while rubbing their electrified flanks.

Sweetie Belle pointed at the window, Scootaloo then realized what her friend was trying to tell her.

Scootaloo: "Oh! It's already day time" Sweetie facehooved "We have to take Mint Breeze to her home immediately"

-------On the way to Carousel Boutique--------

Mint Breeze: "I don't want to be pessimist but... I'm afraid of what my Mom is going to do to me for being out of home for so long" She shivered as she thought of the consequences.
Sweetie Belle: "Don't worry. We'll explain it all to her. You just stay behind us while we talk with her. Okay?"
Mint Breeze: "Okay..."

They were outside Carousel Boutique's door. Mint Breeze gave a big *gulp* as Sweetie Belle opened the door. On the other side Rarity was sitting on a couch with her front hooves covering her eyes. Apparently crying. Bright Bulb was next to her trying to calm her down. When they heard the door open, they turned their heads to see who it was. They saw the three full grown Mares with Mint Breeze behind them. Both Rarity and Bright Bulb ran to their daughter, pushing the 3 Mares aside. Rarity hugged Mint Breeze with all of her strength. And in between sobs and tears, she said:

Rarity: "Oh Mint Breeze, we're so happy that you're okay. We were scared to death thinking that something bad had happened to you" She continued sobbing.
Mint Breeze: "... Mom... You're hugging me too... hard" She could hardly speak because of the lack of air. Rarity quickly let her go. "But... I wasn't home just for one day... You shouldn't have worried that much" She was trying to catch her breathe.
Rarity: "I know... But, since you're too young, we were worried that you would do something you couldn't been able to handle"
Sweetie Belle: "Oh, come on Sister. We were taking care of her, do you really think we would let her do something dangerous?" She nervously laughed.
Rarity: "Oh, right... I forgot" She started cleaning the tears out of her eyes.
Bright Bulb: "By the way... Where were you that took you a whole day to return?"
Scootaloo: "Oh, hi Bright. We completely forgot about you!" Bright's face turned into a *Forever a lone* face for a second.
Apple Bloom: "We... we were..." She couldn't say a word, fearing she would say something she wasn't supposed to.
Sweetie Belle: "Don't worry Apple Bloom... I'll tell them exactly what happened"
Apple Bloom: "But... Sweetie... You sure 'bout that? What about..." She got interrupted.
Sweetie Belle: "It doesn't matter. They're my family, and they deserve to know exactly what happened" Rarity and Bright looked at each other with a worried face. "Sis., Bright... You should take seat, this is going to be a long story..."

They sat down on the nearest couches. Sweetie began to tell Bright and Rarity what happened since they left their house. When she got to the part where they met Sam, it got very difficult for Sweetie to continue talking. But she eventually continued. Mint's Parents were both amazed and horrified by Sweetie's story. Once she finished, Rarity said:

Rarity: "You made my little daughter go throughout that dangerous stuff!? What were you thinking?! Don't bother, I'll answer that for you: You weren't thinking!" She angrily screamed.
Mint Breeze: "Mom, stop! It wasn't their fault, it was my fault" They all gasped (Le gasp... lol) "... I was the one who asked them to go on an adventure, but I didn't know how bad it could go... Scootaloo even told me, but I didn't listen... The only thing I cared about was to be like them... To be a new generation of Cutie Mark Crusader" Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo proudly smiled.
Rarity: "Oh... Mint... You should have told me..." Mint interrupted her.
Mint Breeze: "For what? For you to yell at me how dangerous it could be? No thanks. That's why I preferred doing this without asking you" Rarity gasped.
Rarity: "But Mint, you gotta understand, you're still too young to do stuff like this."
Mint Breeze: "Yes. Maybe I am, but my aunt Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo accompanied me. And as you can tell, they wouldn't let anything bad happen to me"
Rarity: "Yes... I can see that..."
Scootalo: "So... If we aren't required here. We'll be going now."
Rarity: "You don't have to go, you can stay if you want, it's okay."
Scootaloo: "Hey, I just remembered something." They all looked at Scootaloo "Mint, before we began this adventure I remember you said that you wanted to get your Cutie Mark while we were adventuring, right?"
Mint Breeze: "Well... Yes. Why?"
Scootaloo: "Well, because you didn't get any Cutie Mark"
Mint Breeze: "What?! Really?!" She screamed as she looked at her blank flank.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo laughed.

Scootaloo: "Oh kid, don't worry, we went through the same when we were young"
Apple Bloom: "And, since ya said ya wanted to be a New Crusader. Well, ya can't be a good Crusader if you don't fail at gettin' your Cutie Mark a couple of times"
Scootaloo: "And, since you want to be like us. We could stick around with you for a while until you get your own Cutie Mark"
Mint Breeze: "Really? Oh, it would be so awesome! We could go on more adventures like this!" She excitedly said.
Sweetie Belle: "Actually, I would prefer NOT having another adventure like this one..."

They all laughed at what Sweetie said.


Comments ( 2 )

Oh my god... When will my pain end? I want to finish this story already T_T!!! Anyway... Final episode. Next thing on the list: Epilogue and a Q&A page... The end of this story is near... THANK GOD!

Rape is always funny

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