• Published 14th Nov 2011
  • 2,503 Views, 45 Comments

The New Cutie Mark Crusader. - RogerEarth14

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<Extra Episode 1> The New Filly

9 Months passed after Rarity got pregnant. The baby could born at any moment! Foreseeing this, Bright and Rarity’s friends decided to get her to a Hospital as soon as possible. On their way to the Hospital, Rarity asked her friends:

Rarity: “Guys? Could I ask why are we going to the Hospital? If it’s because of the baby, don’t worry. It’s not yet time for her to born” She said with a smile as she rubbed her belly.
Bright Bulb: “I know that, but it’s better to have you in the Hospital already, so when the baby is ready to born, we don’t have to run like mad at the Hospital” He said without looking at Rarity.
Applejack: “Ah’ll have tah agree with Bright Bulb Rarity. It’ll for your own good.” Said the orange mare to her friend, smiling at her.
(Rarity sighed) “Fine... I’ll do it for the baby”
Fluttershy: “So... um... Rarity... How are you two going to name the baby?” Said the cream-colored Pony with her timid voice.
Rarity: “We... We still haven’t decided... Naming a Pony isn’t as easy as it seems dear....” She sighed once again.
Twilight Sparkle: “Well, you better start thinking about a name. You don’t want your baby to be nameless for the rest of her life, right?” She let out a little chuckle. The she go interrupted by Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: “So... are we still far from the Hospital? I’m getting bored... By the way, has any of you seen Pinkie Pie? I thought she was with us a few moments ago...” They all began to look around searching for their missing friend. Then, out of nowhere, a Pink Pony jumped in front of them with a big smile on her face.
Pinkie Pie: “Booh!” Bright jumped in fear. “Ooh, I scared you? I’m sorry...” Said Pinkie with a smile still on her face.
Bright Bulb: “My god, Pinkie... Where... Where do you come from?” He said as he tried to catch his breath after the surprise Pinkie gave him.
Pinkie Pie: “Oh, well, I came from my Mother’s...” Pinkie got interrupted by Bright Bulb.
Bright Bulb: “No, not that, I mean, where were you hiding?” He said as he finally caught his breathe and sighed.
Pinkie Pie: “Well, I was in those bushes over there” She said as she pointed to a bunch of bushes that somehow looked like a cupcake. (Yeah, I don’t get it either...)
Rainbow Dash: “Hey, Applejack, do you see what I’m seeing?” She whispered as she poked her friend's stomach.
Applejack: “Yeah... The bush looks kinda weird...” She focused her attention on the weird-looking bushes.
Rainbow Dash facehoofed “Not that, you Apple brain... That!” She pointed at Pinkie Pie’s flank, she apparently was bleeding.
Applejack: “Oh my... She’s hurt!”
Rainbow Dash sighed “No... Really? C’mon, let’s see what’s wrong with her” They trotted (Dash flied) to their friend to see why she was bleeding.
Pinkie Pie: “Oh, hi guys! ...What’s wrong? What’s with those faces?” Said Pinkie with a confused face.
Rainbow Dash: “Pinkie... Your... Your flank is bleeding...” Pinkie turned around to see her flank.
Pinkie Pie: “Oh, this... Don’t worry guys. It’s just a splinter.” She smiled.
Rarity: “I wouldn’t want to interrupt you, but... I think the baby’s coming” Everypony looked back at Rarity.
Bright Bulb: “WHAT?! The baby’s coming?! Quick, we gotta go to the Hospital!” He began to trot to the Hospital, but soon realized that no one was following him. “What’s wrong? Come on! We gotta get to the Hospital!”
Twilight Sparkle: “Bright, calm down. Rarity seems unable to move.”
Bright Bulb: “What? Great... Just great... What are we going to do now?!” Said as he angrily walked at every direction.
Rainbow Dash: “I’ll go to the Hospital to get some help”
Rarity: “Dash... Thanks.” She said as she let out a pain groan.
Rainbow Dash: “Don’t worry. I’ll be right back in no time!” She quickly flew towards the Hospital. She almost crashes to the door because of how fast she was going, but she managed to stop just before hitting the door. she entered the building and a Nurse got near her.
???: “Hello? What’s the matter?” Said a white Pony with a red cross as a Cutie Mark to Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash talked as she tried to catch her breath “My... My friend needs help... But she isn’t able to walk to here...” She reached a couch and decided to sit down. Still trying to catch her breath.
Nurse Redheart: “Oh my... Is she okay? Would you bother to tell me where she is? If she’s unable to walk we’ll need carry her here.” She got near a microphone and called for somepony to help them carry Rainbow´s friend. “By the way, I´m Nurse RedHeart nice to meet...” Rainbow Dash had fell asleep on the couch.
Stallion: “Did you call Ms. Redheart?” Said a big blue Stallion with a magnifying glass as a Cutie Mark.
Nurse Redheart: “Oh, yes. I did, I need your help to carry a hurt Pony to here.”
Stallion: “And were is she?”
Nurse Redheart: “This Pony didn´t told me exactly were I could find her.” She pointed at Rainbow Dash “But I suppose she is somewhere on the road.”
Stallion: “So... We´ll have to go search for her? Can´t we just wake up this Pony so she can tell us where her friend is?”
Nurse Redheart: “Let´s just let her rest. She seemed very tired when she got here, now let´s go. There´s a Pony out there that needs help.”
Stallion: “Okay, fine... Let´s go already...” They went down the road, the walked for a few where they finally found a group of Ponies.
Nurse Redheart: “Oh... Hello... Is everything alright?” She said as both she and the blue Stallion approached Bright and co.
Bright Bulb: “No, not at all... You see, my wife is going to have a baby and...” He got interrupted by the Nurse.
Nurse Redheart: “Oh my! A baby? We need to get her to the Hospital quick! Can you help us Mister?” She said to Bright Bulb.
Bright Bulb: “Well, yes... She’s my wife after all...”
Rarity screamed in pain “Would you talk later!? The Baby is coming!” She screamed again.
Nurse Redheart: “As in... Right now?” Rarity nodded. “Oh my... Quick, get her on my partner’s back”
Bright Bulb: “But, how are we going to do that? Isn’t she too heavy to lift?”
Applejack: “Big Macintosh should have come with us...” Said the blonde mare as she lowered her head.
Bright Bulb: “Well, don’t just stand there and do nothing! Help me lift Rarity. I can’t do it alone you know?”

After this being said, everypony got near Rarity and tried to lift her up with their heads. After a few moments they finally got Rarity on the Blue Stallion’s back. On their way to the Hospital, Rarity and Bright began to argue.

Rarity: “This is all your fault Bright Bulb!” She screamed at the Yellow Stallion.
Bright Bulb gasped “MY fault? You’re the one who wanted to have the baby!” He screamed back at Rarity.
Twilight Sparkle: “Would you two stop arguing!? Geez, isn’t a couple supposed to be happy and NOT argue with each other?” Said the Lavender Pony. Now tired of hearing her friends argue.
Bright Bulb: “But... It wasn’t my fault! She started this discussion!”
Twilight Sparkle: “Yeah, but you decided to continue it. So, please. For the love of Celestia... STOP arguing.”
“Fine” Rarity and Bright said at the same time.
Nurse Redheart: “Here we are. We finally arrived at the Hospital. Now, you stay here, while we get your friend to a room.” Said as she prevented Bright and co. from continuing.
Pinkie Pie turned her head and saw Rainbow Dash sleeping on a couch. And screamed “Hey! Rainbow Dash! Wake up!” With her usual squeaky voice.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, and saw Pinkie right in front of her face. She jumped in fear.

Rainbow Dash: “Pinkie! What are you doing! You scared me!” She said, shaking a little.
Pinkie Pie: “Well... i just woke you up! You were sleeping!”
Rainbow Dash: “Pinkie... You’re so random... Oh, hey guys!” She said as she looked to her friends. “Wait... Where’s Fluttershy?”
Pinkie Pie: “Oh, she’s right there. Behind Twilight!” Twilight moved from where she was so everyone could see that Fluttershy was there.
Fluttershy: “Oh... Hi Rainbow...” Said with her quiet cute voice.
Rainbow Dash: “Hey. Where’s Rarity?”
Applejack: “Oh, that’s easy. She’s with the Nurse. They got her to a room.”
Rainbow Dash: “Oh... I see. And why isn’t Bright with her? I thought that when a Pony was about to have a baby, her husband was supposed to be with her.”
Bright Bulb: “Well, the Nurse told us to wait here. I didn’t even have a chance to tell her that I was Rarity’s husband... Wait... Pinkie... Since when your flank is bleeding? Why didn’t you tell us?”
Pinkie Pie: “Oh, this? It’s nothing. It’s just a splinter.” Said with a smile.
Twilight Sparkle: “Nothing? Pinkie, this could get infected! Here, let me try a healing spell on you.” Twilight’s horn began to glow. And then, the splinter got out of Pinkie’s flank, landing on the floor.
Pinkie Pie: “Ooh! I feel much better now! Thanks Twi!” She smiled and jumped around in happiness.
Nurse Redheart came back and told Bright as she approached him: “Your friend is in bed now. So, I assume you must be her Husband. Right?”
Bright Bulb: “Yes. Can I see her?”
Nurse Redheart: “Of course. But I’m afraid your friends will have to stay here.”
Applejack: “Wait a second... Why? Why can’t we all go with him?” Said Applejack in a rather annoyed tone.
Nurse Redheart: “Because you can’t all go at once. You’ll be able to visit her, one by one. And if were you, I would hurry up. Because from how she looks, the baby could be born at any second...”

The same Blue Stallion that helped carry Rarity to the Hospital got near Nurse Redheart and whispered into her ear.

Nurse Redheart: “What? Already? Well... I knew it wouldn’t take very long... I’ll be there in a moment” She said as she shooed the Blue Stallion back where he came from. As she was grabbing some medical instruments Bright asked her:
Bright Bulb: “What’s the matter? What’s going on?” He said in a worried tone, thinking that what happened had something to do with Rarity.
Nurse Redhear: “Your friend is having the baby right now. You can come with me, but your friends will have to wait outside of her room.”
Bright Bulb: “Well? What are we waiting for? C’mon everypony, let’s go” He began to walk, but he stopped when he realized he didn’t even know in which room Rarity was. “Uh... Why don’t you go ahead Ms. Nurse?... I... I don’t even know where I’m going...”
Nurse Redheart: “Fine. Follow me, the room is not too far from here.” They walked until they were outside Room 105. Where Rarity was supposed to be. “Well, here we are. Now, you wait here.” She said as she entered the room.
Fluttershy: “But... Why can’t we enter? This isn’t fair...”
Rainbow Dash: “Well, I would rather stay here than be inside. It wouldn’t be nice to see how a baby is born... Too much blood and stuff.” She finished her sentence shaking her head. Trying to get the thought out of her mind.
Twilight Sparkle: “Well, I say we better wait outside. I mean, how long could it take?...”
Bright Bulb lifted an eyebrow “... Believe me, it takes way more than it should...”
Twilight Sparkle: “And how do you know that? Have you seen a baby being born of something?”
Bright Bulb: “Well, no... But I’ve read books about this kind of stuff you know?”

Meanwhile, inside the room, Rarity was about to have her baby. But noticing Bright wasn’t there, she asked the Nurse.

Rarity: “Where... Where is my husband? I want him to be here with me...” She speaked on a quiet voice, since she seemed very tired.
Nurse Redheart: “I’m sorry dear, but I’m afraid that won’t be possible.” Said the nurse as she put on some gloves. (Yeah... There are gloves for hooves... Don’t ask.)
Rarity: “Why... Not?” She said with the same quiet voice.
Nurse Redheart: “Because, this is a delicate process, we need to concentrate as much as possible.”
Rarity: “Oh come on! That’s such a ridiculous excuse! Let him in... I need him by my side.”
Nurse Redheart sighed “Fine, I’ll go get him... Anypony else that you need by your side?” She said as she walked to the door.
Rarity: “No... Just him. Thanks.”
Nurse Redheart: “Yeah, yeah... You’re welcome” she opened the door and saw everypony sitting in blue couches. “So, she said that she wanted you by her side. Now enter before I decide to close the door.” She told Bright Bulb.
Bright Bulb: “Me? Well, okay...” He got up from the couch and walked inside the room. Before the nurse could close the door, Rainbow spoke.
Rainbow Dash: “Wait! Why can’t we go in? We’re her friends!” Her wings spread out.
Nurse Redheart: “I’m sorry... She said she wanted only him by her side. Once this is done, you’re all free to enter. But, for the moment, please stay here. Thanks” She closed the door of the room.
Rainbow Dash: “Oh that little...” She got stopped by Applejack.
Applejack: “Calm your horses Rainbow. If Rarity wants only Bright to be with her, we should respect her opinion. Don’t ya agree?”
Rainbow Dash sighed “Fine... But once the door opens again, nurse or not, I’m getting inside.”
Twilight Sparkle: “With all that have happened so far, I almost forgot. Applejack, where is Apple bloom? Is she with Granny Smith?”
Applejack: “Yup. I left Apple bloom with our Granny. Ah’m sure Big Macintosh is with her too.”
Twilight Sparkle: “Well, that’s good to know. But I wonder... Where did Rarity left Sweetie Belle?”
Rainbow Dash: “Well... I think Rarity left Sweetie on her home... I can’t think of any other places.”

Meanwhile, inside the room..

WARNING: If you don’t want to read about how exactly a baby is born. Skip this part and continue reading on Episode 2... I’m serious... The main problem of the last story was exactly this kind of scenes.
Rarity: “Thanks for staying with me Bright...” Said the white Pony, still tired.
Bright Bulb: “You’re my wife... Of course I would be with you In a moment like this.” He smiled at Rarity. Who smiled back.
Rarity: “Bright... I’m sorry for saying this was your fault...” She lowered her head.
Bright Bulb: “Don’t worry dear... It’s fine.”
Rarity let out a pain groan. The time had come for the baby to finally be born.

Nurse Redheart: “Okay dear. I’ll need you to calm down. Inhale, and exhale. For the baby to be born without any problems, you need to be calm. Okay?”
Rarity: “O... Okay” She let out another pain groan.
Nurse Redheart: “Okay, now push! The baby won’t come out on it’s own!” Rarity did as the nurse told her. Bright felt a strong pressure on his hoof.
Bright Bulb: “Ow ow ow... Rarity, stop! It hurts!” He got on his knees. Still complaining about the pain. Rarity was squeezing Bright’s hoof with all of her strength. “To be a lady you have a lot of strength... Please stop!”
Nurse Redheart: “Keep pushing! The baby’s almost here! I can see the head!” Rarity kept doing as the nurse said while she screamed because of the pain, and squeezing Bright’s hoof who was laying on the floor still complaining, even harder. “Come on, a little bit more... It’s almost here...”

After a few minutes, the baby finally came out. Rarity stopped screaming a let go Bright’s hoof. The nurse wrapped up the newly born baby on a pink blanket, and haded it to Rarity and Bright after he finally got up from the floor. It was mint-colored with a black mane. The nurse went to the door, she opened it and told the Ponies that were sitting outside:

Nurse Redheart: “You can enter now. Come, so you can see the baby.” They all got uo from the couches they were sitting on and entered the room. As they got closer to Rarity and Bright they all let out a loud D’AWWWW when they saw the baby.
Twilight Sparkle: “Hello you cute little baby” She said as she looked at the baby.
Rainbow Dash: “Hey little fella! You look exactly like your mother!”
Fluttershy: “And you have the eyes of you father” Bright smiled.
Applejack: “So, how ya gonna name the baby?”
Bright Bulb: “Well, I thought about it for quite a while. And I decided to name her: Mint Breeze” Rarity stared at Bright Bulb.
Rarity: “Really? That’s the best name you could think of? You know... I’m starting to doubt if you’ll be a good father.”
Twilight Sparkle: “Oh, come on Rarity. I like the name, it totally fits her.”
Rainbow Dash: “Yeah! I like the name too. What about you guys? You like the name too, don’t you?” She asked Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie pie. They all agreed with Rainbow. “See? Everypony like the name. Why don’t you like it?” She asked Rarity.
Rarity: “Well, it’s not that I don’t like it... It’s just that I wanted to give the baby a name... But if all of you like the name... I like it too” She smiled at the baby, who was currently sleeping.
Pinkie Pie: “So, when we’ll celebrate? I already have plans for a party for Mint Breeze. I even made a list of things I’ll need for the party!” She smiled at Rarity.
Rarity: “But, Pinkie, isn’t she too young to have a party of her own? I mean...” She got interrupted by Pinkie.
Pinkie Pie: “Nonsense! Nopony’s too old nor too young to have a party. What about... next Saturday?”
Bright Bulb: “Sounds good to me. What do you think Rarity?” He looked at Rarity.
Rarity: “Fine... But please Pinkie, don’t invite too many Ponies... Would you do me that favor? Please?”
Pinkie Pie: “But... But... A party isn’t a party if only few Ponies go” She looked at Rarity’s eyes and said “But since you’re my friend... I’ll do it for you.”
Rarity: “Thanks Pinkie...”
Nurse Redheart: “Well girls. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to go. Your friend need some rest, and I need to take the baby to a special room” (<---- Yeah, I don’t know how those things where they put newly born babies are called... If you guys know, please tell me.)
Rainbow Dash: “What? Oh come on! We just entered a few minutes ago! Can’t we stay some more?” Said Dash, who began to get angry.
Nurse Redheart: “I’m sorry, but it’s a rule. So please, leave.”
Applejack: “C’mon Rainbow, let’s go. We’ll go see Mint Breeze when she’s able to leave.”
Rainbow Dash: “Fine. Let’s go...”
Bright Bulb: “Wait, do I have to go too? Or can I stay? I mean, since I’m her Husband...” He got interrupted by the Nurse.
Nurse Redheart: “I’m afraid that you’ll have to leave too. You can come back tomorrow, around 12:00 p.m. And you’ll be able to take your baby tomorrow too.”
Bright Bulb sighed “Fine... Don’t worry honey, I’ll be sure to come back tomorrow. Now get some rest. You need it.” He said giving a smile to Rarity. He got up from the couch and headed towards the door.

After Bright and co. left the room. Nurse Redheart took Mint Breeze from Rarity’s hooves. Who seemed to not want to give her baby away, but at the end she gave her to the Nurse. As she was leaving the room, she saw Rarity’s worried face and told her.
Nurse Redheart: “Don’t worry dear, your baby will be fine. Now, get some sleep, watch some T.V. You need to rest. See you tomorrow.” She closed the door behind her, leaving Rarity on her bed.
Rarity: “I better don’t worry, I mean, it’s a Hospital after all. It’s full of professionals... Well, I better get some sleep as everybody says.” She said to herself as she got herself comfortable in the bed and fell asleep.

--------- The next day ---------

Bright Bulb: “Good morning you sleepy head!” He said with a smile on his face.
Sweetie Belle: “Wake up Sis.! It’s already 1:00 p.m.!”
Rarity: “Uh... What?” She began to open her eyes “Bright? Sweetie? When did you get here?” She said as she rubbed her eyes.
Bright Bulb: “Well, we got here about an hour ago. The nurse said that by now, you would be able to go home. So, what do you say? Want to go home now?”
Rarity: “But... What about Mint Breeze? Have you forgotten about her already?”
Bright Bulb: “What? Of course not! The nurse said that we could pick her up after you’ve gotten out of bed.”
Sweetie Belle: “Yeah, so get up already! I can’t wait to see the new baby!” She smiled.
Rarity: “Well, okay then. Let’s go! I can’t wait to have my baby in my hooves” She got lost in the thought of seeing her baby again...

Since this Episode has gotten pretty long, let’s make long story short: They go to pick up Mint Breeze. They return home, Pinkie makes the Party she promised for the baby. They have fun. And in the following 5 years they go through the difficult part of having a baby. Blah Blah Blah... On to the next episode!