• Published 14th Nov 2011
  • 2,504 Views, 45 Comments

The New Cutie Mark Crusader. - RogerEarth14

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<Episode 3> The new adventure

-------On the way to the CMC’s club house-------

Scootaloo: “Would you remind me why do we let her come with us?”
Sweetie Belle: “Well... Because she’s my niece. Why else?” She smiled.
Scootaloo: “You know? I’m starting to think that this was a bad idea... I mean, look at her!” They turned their heads to see Mint Breeze.
Sweetie Belle: “I still don’t see your point Scoot... It’ll be fine. Don’t you worry.”
Scootaloo: “I hope so! Because if she gets us in trouble...” She got interrupted by the little filly.
Mint Breeze: “Are we there yet? I’m starting to get tired...” Scootaloo stared at Sweetie Belle.
Scootaloo: “See? She can’t even handle a little walk! Sweetie, I’m sorry. But she has to go. Now.”
Sweetie Belle: “Oh come on! Give her a little chance! She’s still very young compared to us. And if this helps, I’ll carry her on my back. That way she won’t have to walk, and thus, she won’t complain!” Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence.
Scootaloo sighed “Fine, but if she complains ONE more time, she goes. Got it?”
Sweetie Belle: “Got it!” She walked to were Mint was. “Hey, if you’re really tired of walking. Why don’t you get on my back so I can carry you?” Mint Breeze looked at her.
Mint Breeze: “Well... Wouldn’t it bother you to be carrying me around?”
Sweetie Belle: “Of course not! I used to carry a lot of heavy stuff when I was younger. Carrying you would be pretty easy!” She said as Mint Breeze climbed to her back. And continued their way.

They walked for a few minutes. And finally got to the tree-house.

Scootaloo: “Well. Here we are.” Mint Breeze jumped out of Sweetie’s back.
Mint Breeze: “This is your tree-house? It looks really old...”
Apple Bloom: “Well, we made it when we were ‘bout your age.” She finally talked.
Scootaloo: “Exactly. It has been about... 7 years I think?”
Sweetie Belle: “I say it’s been more. Maybe 8-9 years, who knows.”
Mint Breeze: “Well, let’s go in! I want to see it from the inside!” She ran to the stairs. And climbed up.
Scootaloo: “Sweetie... You have the weirdest family. Ever” She said as she began to walk to the tree-house.
Sweetie Belle: “Hey! It’s not my fault! It’s my Sister and Bright’s fault!” She stopped calling Bright “big brother” since she graduated. So she calls him Bright.

-------Inside the tree-house-------

Mint Breeze: “Well. On the inside it doesn’t look so bad... Hey, what’s that?”

She looked to a map that had Sweet Apple Acres, Sugar Cube Corner, The Library, Carousel Boutique, A mountain and a Pond drawn in it.

Apple Bloom: “If ah remember correctly, That’s...”
Scootaloo: “That a map we made a time long ago... I kinda forgot why we made it.”
Sweetie Belle: “Oh Scootaloo... You already forgot? We made this map when we used to search for our Cutie Marks when we were young.”
Scootaloo: “Oh, yeah. Now I remember... I miss those years...” She got lost in thought.
Mint Breeze: “You used to go on adventures searching for your Cutie Marks?” Her eyes widened up.
Sweetie Belle: “Yes. We used to call us the... The... Gosh, I forgot...” She started to think.
Scootaloo: “And you say I’m the one who forgets things? I think I remember it... We used to call us “The Cutie Mark Crusaders””
Mint Breeze: “Ooh, ooh! I would love to hear about that!” She jumped in excitement.
Scootaloo: “I KNEW this would happen... Hehe, anyway, sit down Mint. This’ll be a long story.”
They sat down on the on the old tree-houses’ floor. Which surprisingly was able to handle the 4 Ponies’ weight. (Since the whole story would take A LOT to make. I’ll skip it. Want a CMC’s story? Go watch the CMC’s episodes. *insert troll face here*... Sorry.)

Mint Breeze: “Wow... That’s a pretty good story... You really did all that just for your Cutie Marks?” She was amazed because of the story. Still eyes wide open.
Scootaloo: “Yep. And let me tell you, it was pretty fun..” She sighed “But I just wish I could re-live those awesome years...”
Apple Bloom: “Hey, remember that time Ah got Cutie Pox?” She said trying to cheer up her friend.
Scootaloo: “Oh, yeah! I forgot about that...” She smiled.
Mint Breeze: “Cutie Pox? What’s that?”
Scootaloo facehooved "Don't your parents teach you anything? Gosh..."
Apple Bloom: "Oh, please Scootaloo. Don't be so harsh with her. She's just a little filly." She smiled at Mint Breeze. "You see, Cutie Pox's an illness that makes the Pony who has it get a ton of Cutie Marks... It may seem like fun, but believe me... It's not."
Mint Breeze: "Ooh... Anyway, Ms. Scootaloo. You said that you would love to re-live those years right? Well, why don't we all go on an adventure of our own? Wouldn't that be fun?" Scootaloo lifted an eyebrow. She seemed to like the idea.
Scootaloo: "I would love to, but... I have something to do, you know..." She laughed nervously.
Apple Bloom: "Oh c'mon now! You won't fool us Scoot! We all know that you'd love to go on adventures once again."
Scootaloo: "Fine... I'll admit it. I would love to, but... It wouldn't be the same..." Mint Breeze interrupted.
Mint Breeze: "Then it's a deal! Maybe while we're at it, I could get my Cutie Mark too!" She smiled and jumped in joy at the same time. Sweetie Belle laughed.
Scootaloo: "What are you laughing at?!" She said on an angry tone.
Sweetie Belle: "Oh. Nothing." She rolled her eyes.
Scootaloo: "For your own good, I hope so."
Mint Breeze: "Oh, please! We don't have time to argue! We need to start thinking about our adventure!"
Scootaloo: "Kid... It's not as easy as it looks. An adventure could end horribly wrong or... Or..." She got interrupted by Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom: "What's with Ya and that pessimistic attitude? When we were young, the worst that happened to us was when we encountered that Cockatrice on the Everfree Forest." She chuckled.
Scootaloo sighed "Fine... But first. We need to get some supplies, what if we get thirsty or hungry while we're adventuring? It wouldn't be fun, I assure you that."
Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes "So... Captain I know everything. Exactly what would we need?"
Scootaloo began to think "Let me see... A couple of water bottles... Some food..." She got interrupted.
Apple Bloom: "I'll take care of that! I'll take some apples from Sweet Apple Acres!"
Scootaloo: "Yes... Thanks Apple Bloom... We'll need some bandages in case we get hurt or something. And... Well, that's pretty much it..."
Sweetie Belle: "Well, now that we decided what we'll need. Why don't we decide who will bring what?"
Mint Breeze: "Ooh Ooh! I'll bring the bandages! My Mom has a lot of those in our house!"

The CMC looked at each other worried

Apple Bloom: "Oh, we really appreciate that you want to help honey. But... Wouldn't your parents ask why you need those bandages? What if they don't let you come with us? You're the one who had the idea of doing this..."
Mint Breeze: "Oh... Guess you're right Ms. Apple Bloom" She sighed "I just wanted to be helpful..." She lowered her head.
Sweetie Belle: "Oh, but dear. Don't be sad. Of course you'll help us. The time for you to help us will come when necessary. Don't worry." She smiled.
Mint Breeze: "Fine... So, when are we going to reunite to go exploring?" She looked at Scootaloo who was still looking around the Tree-house.
Scootaloo: "Uh? Oh. That... Tomorrow maybe?"
Sweetie Belle: "Tomorrow? But tomorrow I have a test so I can enter a Music Band."
Apple Bloom: "Tomorrow I have a painting lesson..."
Mint Breeze: "And Tomorrow I go to School!"
Scootaloo sighed "FINE! Then we'll go on Saturday. How about that? Does any of you have anything to do on Saturday?"

They looked at each other.

Sweetie Belle: "I don't. Saturday's fine to me."
Apple Bloom: "To me too!"
Mint Breeze: "I don't think I'll have anything to do... If I have homework I'll do it as soon as I get home."
Scootaloo: "Then it's a deal. We'll begin our adventure this Saturday."

"Deal!" Everypony screamed.

After deciding when they'll begin their new adventure. They each departed to their own houses, Sweetie accompanied Mint to her house since she was too young to go alone. Anxiously waiting for Saturday to come.