• Published 14th Nov 2011
  • 2,503 Views, 45 Comments

The New Cutie Mark Crusader. - RogerEarth14

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<Episode 2> Happy Birthday!

5 Years Passed after Mint Breeze's birth. The Crusaders eventually graduated from school and got their Cutie Marks. Bright and Rarity had a hard time raising her daughter. After the final event of the last story (You know, when Bright tries to return to his original world, but decides to stay. Yes, that event) the 5th birthday party for Mint Breeze was celebrated in Sugar Cube Corner.

------On the way to Sugar Cube Corner------

Mint Breeze: "Mom? Where are we going?" Said the little Mint-colored filly to her Mom.
Rarity: "Well, it's a surprise my dear. You'll see when we get there, but believe me, you'll really like it." She smiled at her daughter.
Mint Breeze: "But Mooooom! I want to know where we're going!" Said the filly on a whining tone.
Bright Bulb: "Now now Mint. Be a little patient, we're not too far from where we're going." Said the Yellow colt to the impatient filly.
Mint Breeze sighed "Fine... But I just hope it's good, or else..." She got interrupted by her Mother.
Rarity: "See, we're here already."
Mint Breeze: "What is this place?" She said while looking at the Bakery.
Bright Bulb: "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you already forgot about this place? This is Sugar Cube Corner! You loved to come here when you were younger..."
Mint Breeze: "Oh. Yeah... Now I remember, here is where Aunt Pinkie Pie lives, right?"
Bright and Rarity looked at each other with a worried face
Rarity: "Well, you see dear. Aunt Pinkie had to leave town for a while..." Mint Breeze got a sad look on her face as her Mom said these words.
Mint Breeze: "She... She left? But... Today's my birthday. Isn't she going to be here to celebrate it?" She began to tear up.
Bright Bulb: "Oh, please Mint, don't cry... Everypony else is here! Even your Aunt Sweetie Belle!" He said trying to cheer up the sad Pony.
Mint Breeze sighed "Well, I guess you're right dad... But It won't be the same without Pinkie"
Rarity: "Come on Mint. Cheer up! Why don't we get inside?" She said as she opened the door.

The lights were out. But as soon as they stepped in, the lights turned on again. A bunch of Ponies jumped out of their hiding spots and yelled "SURPRISE!" Rarity looked at her daughter whose eyes and mouth were wide open. There was a big poster that had "Happy birthday Mint Breeze" written on it. There were balloons everywhere, various colors streamers, bowls with punch, muffins and cupcakes on tables. And everypony was wearing party hats. Mint Breeze still with her eyes and mouth wide open said.

Mint Breeze: "What... Is this a party... For me?" She got a big smile on her face.
Rarity: "Yes, it's to celebrate your 5th birthday dear." She smiled at her.

Then, a Pink bouncing Pony approached them. With her squeaky voice, she said:

Pinkie Pie: "Happy Birthday Mint!"
Bright Bulb: "Pinkie? What are you doing here? I thought by now you would be on Manehattan." He got a confused face.
Pinkie Pie: "Well, duh! I wouldn't miss my favorite filly's birthday no matter what!" She said as she rubbed Mint's head.
Mint Breeze: "Aunt Pinkie! You're here!" She got a even bigger smile "See Mom? Pinkie didn't leave after all!" Her voice cracked.
Rarity: "Yes, I see dear..."
As Rarity finished talking, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash approached.
Mint Breeze: "Aunt Rainbow! Twilight! Applejack! You're here!" She screamed in happiness.
Rainbow Dash: "Of course! We wouldn't miss your Birthday party no matter what."
Rarity: "And Fluttershy? Won't she come?"
Twilight Sparkle: "Yes, but she said she wanted to get some stuff ready before coming."
Bright Bulb looked left and right looking for somepony, not seeing who he was looking for, he asked: "Have any of you seen Sweetie Belle? I don't see her anywhere..."
Applejack: "Yes, Ah have seen her! She's in the kitchen with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Maybe gettin' some snacks."

As Applejack finished talking. A white Pony followed by a Yellow and an Orange Ponies arrived.

Applejack: “Speakin’ of the devil.” She said as she looked at the Mares approaching.
Apple Bloom: “You were talkin’ ‘bout us?”
Applejack: “Yeah, Bright asked where you were.”
Sweetie Belle: “Well, who do we have here?” She rubbed Mint’s head as she smiled. “Happy Birthday, Mint”
Mint Breeze: “Hehe, Thanks aunt Sweetie”
Rarity: “So, what do you say if we go and take some punch?” Everypony agreed.

While they went to get some punch, the doorbell rang. Pinkie went to open the door. Fluttershy was outside.

Fluttershy: “Hello Pinkie... Can, I pass?” She said with her head lowered.
Pinkie Pie: “Yeah, come in Fluttershy!” She let Fluttershy pass.

On the corner of the room, everypony else was drinking punch. When Fluttershy approached them.

Fluttershy: “Hello girls...” Everypony looked at her.
Twilight Sparkle: “Hello Fluttershy. Where were you?” Said the lavender pony to her friend, who was taking something out of some bags.
Fluttershy: “Well, I was trying to get Angel to eat...” She got interrupted by Mint Breeze.
Mint Breeze: “Fluttershy! You came!”
Fluttershy: “Oh, of course dear. I wouldn’t forget your birthday. Oh, I almost forgot, here.” She handed Mint a purple box with a yellow ribbon.
Mint Breeze: “Ooh, what’s this? A present?” She started to unwrap her present, but Rarity stopped her.
Rarity: “Wait, Mint, dear. You can’t open the gifts right now” Mint looked at her.
Mint Breeze: “But Mom... I want to open it now!” She said in a whining tone.
Rarity: “I know. But can’t you wait until the end of the party to open them?”
Mint Breeze sighed “Fine...”
Bright Bulb: “Hey, Twilight, where’s Spike? I haven’t seen him anywhere.”
Twilight Sparkle: “He’s in the Library, with Owlowiscious helping him.”
Bright Bulb: “But, didn’t Spike want to come to the Party? Him and Mint Breeze are good friends.”
Twilight Sparkle: “I know, but he said that he wanted to stay in the Library. Celestia knows what he’s doing right now.” She let out a nervous smile.

Minutes passed, and some Ponies began to dance in the center of the room. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were talking on a corner of the Bakery.

Scootaloo: “Hey, what do you say if we go to our old tree-house after the party?” She said as she drank some punch.
Apple Bloom: “Well, ah dunno... We haven’t been in there in quite some time.” She began to think of how their club house would look like at this point.
Sweetie Belle: “Oh, come on Apple Bloom. I’m sure It would be fun, you know, remembering the times when we were the Cutie Mark Crusaders and all that.” She smiled.
Then, Mint Breeze got near them and asked:
Mint Breeze: “Hey girls. What are you talking about?”
Scootaloo: “Nothing, really. Just about a reunion in our old tree-house.”
Mint Breeze: “Ooh, ooh. Can I go? Please?” She began to jump. She smiled.
Scootaloo: “Should we let her go?” Scootaloo looked nervous at her partners.
Sweetie Belle: “Yeah. Why not, maybe we could tell her about our adventure when we were about her age.”
Mint Breeze: “So... That’s a yes or a no?”
Sweetie Belle: “A yes, of course. We would love you to come with us. Right Scootaloo?” She poked her friends shoulder.
Scootaloo sighed “Yes... But only if you promise to not tell anypony. Ok?”
Mint Breeze: “I promise.”
Scootaloo: “Pinkie Pie promise?” Mint Breeze got confused.
Mint Breeze: “A what now?”
Scootaloo: “Oh, I forgot. You’re too young to know what a Pinkie Pie promise is. Apple Bloom, why don’t you show our little friend here how to do it?”
Apple Bloom gasped “Me? Why me? Why don’t Sweetie teaches her? She's her Aunt!”
Mint Breeze: “Please Ms. Apple Bloom. I really want to know what a Pinkie Pie promise is” She got to the floor and grabbed Apple Bloom by her hoof.

Apple Bloom: “Fine... Now, put attention. Ok?” Mint nodded “Ok, first: Cross ma’h heart” She made a cross on her chest with her hoof “Hope to fly” She imitated a bird by swinging her hooves up and down “Stick a cupcake in ma’h eye” She “poked” her eye with her hoof.
Mint Breeze: “Ow! Doesn’t that last part hurt?”
Apple Bloom: “Not if you don’t really poke your eye.”
Mint Breeze: “Oh... Well, let’s see if I can do it... Cross my heart, Hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my EYE” She screamed in pain.
Sweetie Belle: “Are you okay?” She ran to her.
Mint Breeze: “Yes, I’m fine...” She said while rubbing her eye.
Apple Bloom: “Ah told you to not do that.” Scootaloo laughed.
Scootaloo: “Any way, you seem to get the hang out of it. You can now come with us after the party.” Mint smiled.
Mint Breeze: “Thank you very much! I’ll go tell my parents that I’m going with you after the party.” She ran to where her parents were.
Scootaloo: "B... But... I just told her to not tell anypony!" She sighed.

Rarity: “What’s the matter dear? Why are you so happy?” She was confused.
Mint Breeze: “Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are going to their tree-house after the party. And I asked them if I could go with them.” She took a deep breath.
Rarity: “And what did they say? Do they let you go with them?”
Mint Breeze: “Yes. I just wanted to tell you that I’m going with them after the party. Is it okay?”
Rarity: “Of course, you go and have fun. Just promise me you won’t get in trouble. Okay?”
Mint Breeze: “I promise! Pinkie Pie promise!” She began to do the Pinkie Pie promise. Rarity looked amazed at her daughter.
Rarity: “Who taught you that? Was it your father?”
Mint Breeze: “Nope. It was Apple Bloom. Speaking of my dad... Where is he?” She looked left and right looking for Bright Bulb.
Rarity: “He’s over there, talking with some other stallions.” She pointed to a group of Colts to the left.
Mint Breeze: “Oh... Would you bother to tell him when he comes back? I’ll go with Scootaloo and co. now” She began walking to where she came from.
Rarity: “Oh... Okay, I’ll tell him”

About half an hour passed. The party eventually got to an end. When everypony was leaving the only ones remaining on Sugar Cube Corner were: Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Bright (Who had fallen asleep), Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Mint Breeze.

Scootaloo: “Well, It’s been fun and all. But we got something else to do right now. Why don’t we leave already?” Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Mint Breeze nodded. “See you later” She said as the 4 of them exited the bakery.
Twilight Sparkle: “Rarity, where is Mint Breeze going?” She asked her friend in a worried tone.
Rarity: “Oh, don’t worry dear. She’ll be fine... I hope...”