• Published 29th Sep 2014
  • 2,969 Views, 76 Comments

The Pony With The Forbidden Magic - Hekkar

The Everfree holds more in it's woods then some monsters a rhyming Zebra.

  • ...

Chapter 15: A Decision and A Problem

Author's Note:

Sorry took so long. RL has started taking over so may get held up on this and updating other stories.

"My father used to say that it's never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, 'You never know what you can accomplish until you try.' "
- Michael Jordan

The question had caused Velvet's mind to retreat to the 'inner sanctum of darkness' otherwise known as Nexus's domain. Now any other stallion in his position may of accepted and thought nothing more of it, but for Velvet, his reaction was.... rather special. Inside the mind he was running around screaming as he can't believe what had happened or even why it happened to him. All Nexus did was stand there watching his host run and scream about what had happened.

To do a recap, the Princess of Friendship and mare who wants to learn his magic, had just gave him a letter asking if he likes herds and wants to start one with her. To put it in 'regular terms', the princess has asked if the voodoo stallion wanted to have a group of ladies as his wives and thus he is screaming since he really has no clue what to do.

Getting bored of his screaming, Nexus did the only logical thing. He stuck out his arm, waited for Velvet and close-lined the stallion to fall flat on his back. He walks over and looks over at Spectre, red eyes meeting light purple "You done?" Nexus asks as Velvet nods. Nexus nods and helps him up as within this place he can make anything as he makes a large couch for Velvet to lay on as Nexus puts on fake glasses and sits on a comfy chair "Now... tell me why you are screaming" he says.

Velvet closes his eyes "It's just.... out of nowhere this mare, no, this princess asks me via a letter for a herd. A herd! I mean.... I don't even know if I will be a good coltfriend for her! Not to mention there is also Luna and Zecora and - and.... ARGH! I just can't bloody think!" he says as he puts his hands to his forehead. Nexus nods as he motions for him to continue "For a long time, I had always thought I be lucky to just get one mare, just one mare who loves me for well... me. Not because I have dark magic or because of my gentlecolt nature or even because I am a unicorn. All I want is one who just loves me for me, but now I got three in my heart and mind" Velvet says.

Before them a outline of his brain comes out and his heart. The first one to appear is Zecora as she is wearing a white tubetop and bellbottom jeans with her hair all down, just like tonight "Zecora is honest and is the first pony I met here in Equestria who understood when I want solitude and quiet instead of trying to be nice and friendly. Overtime I fell for that mare for her knowledge of potions and herbs has helped me a lot considering how volatile mine were." Velvet says. Nexus raises a eyebrow as Velvet rolls his eyes "What? Did you expect me to talk about how her body feels and all that? I look beyond that, I look at who a mare is. She's so friendly and nice.... not to mention the rhymes she does just sound so.... beautiful" he says.

The image soon turns and distorts till it shows Twilight in her librarian like outfit. Velvet just sighs "Twilight. Princess Twilight Sparkle. What can I say? She's intelligent, a bit over reactive, a bit a know it all, but when it comes down to it, she is there, backing her friends and standing by their sides. In my time here in Ponyville, her and her friends accepted me like I had known them for years and.... I hate to admit, but she and her friends have made me feel happy and better. I don't feel like everypony wants to stab me in the back for my recipes and knowledge, she actually cares. She.... she actually understands that I do what I do to ensure she is safe and protected from the backfire of my magic. Plus I feel like I can learn from her more about magic then any book" he explains. Nexus writes this down as the mind and heart shifts to the final one, Luna.

Velvet smiles a bit more "Luna. What to say about her? Honestly I don't know since I've only met her for a few days, but I can tell she has everypony's best interest's at heart, but also that she is willing to teach me spells that Nightmare Moon, that..... dark splotch of her past knows just to help expand the dark archive of magic so we can protect ourselves" he says. He smiles as he seems to get more comfortable, whatever worry seems to wash away "She looks after everypony as if they were her own child and knows how to play a cool prank" he says. Soon the image turns to a heart separated into three pieces, each with a mare's face on it as he sighs "Yet.... I don't know the first bucking thing about relationships and I am sure they have a bit. I.... feel for them deeply, I truly do, but.... I have no clue if I will be of any good to them, to make them happy" he says.

Nexus removes the glasses as he leans over "From what I can tell, your afraid. Afraid, not of yourself, but of hurting these mares who have found a way into your heart.... honestly the Twilight one was unexpected, but still quite pleasant. You want them to be happy, but you also want to be a good coltfriend, yet don't know how to and don't want to hurt any of them." he says. He drops the glasses to the floor "Honestly, this is your call Spectre. Either way you got some fine ass mares" he says with a laugh before a black blast knocks him away.

Back in reality, Spectre shakes his head as he regains consciousness. He looks at a small clock and sees he was out of it for a good twenty seconds. Seem time really does move slower in one's head. As he looked around, he saw the same three mares as Twilight looked a bit... sad. Guess it was a bad idea to simply go all empty minded infront of her. Before she could even speak, he stops her "Twilight. Luna. Zecora. As much as the idea of a herd intrigues me, I am unsure if I can accept since I don't really know any of you besides a few encounters here and there." he says. Twilight's head seems to go down a bit more as quickly Velvet wraps his arms around her and hugs her "But... I will accept, only if we keep this a secret from everypony and I mean Every. Pony. AJ, RD, Rarity, Spike, even Celestia, we can't tell anypony" he says.

Luna seems to narrow her eyes a bit "Why? Does thou wish to keep this a secret? We need to tell everypony!" she says as luckily Zecora stops her.

"I understand your need to tell the truth, but imagine the reaction from the youth. Many would not understand that this is of love and understanding. Instead they may see it as him trying to gain a social standing" Zecora explains.

Velvet simply nods "That and well we're not sure if this is actual love or... just some silly schoolfilly crush. I want it kept secret from them until we know for sure this is love" he says. He closes his eyes as a 'squee' is heard.

Twilight rushes over "I know who we can call and be able to tell us!" she says as the group looks at her "My sister-in-law, Princess Cadence!" she says as Velvet nods and smiles. He knows of the princesses from stories and papers and Cadence is the one of love. If anypony could tell it be her.

His head looks down as he thinks for a bit and looks wideeye as he groans. He facehoofs as the mares look at him "I have to tell them. If I don't then they will skin me alive" he says as he seems... afraid of who he must contact. He quickly takes out a piece of parchment and a quill as he quickly writes a letter and sends it with a black flash of magic.

Twilight raises a eyebrow "Um... who did you contact?" she asks.

Velvet looks over "The only two ponies I fear more then Celestia and Luna..... my folks" he says.


Deep within the Forsaken Forest, a village sits in the middle of it. It was a small village, so small it was not on any map. Only way to find it, is to either get a guide who has been there or find a resident of the place. The place is best described as a 'swamp village' to many as the water was deeper then any lake on Equus and teemed with ravenous guardians that attack and eat anyone who dares to try and hurt the village or it's residents. Over these rivers are bridges that never age from the magic that is embedded into them to ensure nopony accidentally falls through and ends up in the water. The village's buildings were all made of wood, stone and some even of vines, flowers, and grass from Nature class magic.

The residents here were of different species ranging from the classic Pony all the way up to usually non-sapient species, like Hydras or even Manticores. Through the town, the residents could see the black wisp flow through town, a indication of who it was meant for. Near the edge of the vilage in the very back, a lone house sits. Three stories tall and on a small hill, surrounded mostly by water that is shallow enough to walk through, if you don't mind wet ankles. Though when the water rises during tide time, it's best to take a boat. Surrounding the sky of the house was a so called 'murder of crows', animals that always stayed near the two residents of the house.

Inside, a Earth mare and a Unicorn stallion sit and cuddle before a fire as the wisp comes in and shows the letter. The unicorn reads it as he stands up and grabs a black vest as he looks over "Sarah. Pack your bags. We're going on a trip" he says in a deep voice.

Sarah stands as she smiles "Where are we going my dear Shadow?" she asks in a gentle, calm manner.

Shadow looks over at her "We're going to a place called Ponyville dear. We're going to visit our son" he says.

As the two got ready, a large black flash envelops them as they teleport out of the home and to the nearby train station. Now this station didn't really hold trains, but it looked like a trainstation. The fact was, it was actually a portal station where ponies could take it to nearby towns to get near a official train station. The only portals open are near Pisa in the Griffin Kingdoms, Frankfurt in Germanneigh and finally a portal to Trottingham. Of course these portals are hidden and thus nopony can see them except for those skilled in portal magic or dark magic.


Velvet looks at the mares "I must retire for the night. I must get my hut ready for their arrival" he says. He walks over to each of the mares as he gives them a tight hug and a meaningful kiss. When it came to Twilight though, he gave her a hug as she smiles "I knew great minds think alike" Velvet says. He smiles as he knows she wants to save the kiss for when the two of them are a proper couple.... if they connect. As he gives a bow and leaves, the two mares smile at Twilight.

Luna smiles "Relax Twilight. We have the same thought process. Still... we wish to meet this stallions parents. Perhaps tomorrow we will meet them and talk more then" she says, but makes it sound more like a already made plan as she vanishes.

At his hut, Velvet was calm as he got everything straightened up and got everything organized. He gulps as he tries to steady his breathing as his mind spoke the truth. He was not ready or prepared for this meeting.... still it was inevidable. Only problem is, would they approve?

Comments ( 9 )

Oh dear. How are you gonna play this: strict, hard to please parents or dark and mysterious bayou king and queen who scare the s*** out of everyone?

5432360 I will keep that a secret, but know this.... the Wife keeps the Husband in line.

lovein it

When will there be more this is getting AWESOME

5547330 Patience. I update when I can

when is your next chapter coming out:rainbowhuh: this was a good story :rainbowdetermined2: cannot wait for the next chapter keep it up:twilightsmile:

Srry, been busy with college, but now with summer, I got more free time. Can't guarantee it will be a grand chapter, but it will be a good one.

So the stort gives us a cliffhanger, and then dies. Thanks author!

When is the next update?

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