• Published 29th Sep 2014
  • 2,969 Views, 76 Comments

The Pony With The Forbidden Magic - Hekkar

The Everfree holds more in it's woods then some monsters a rhyming Zebra.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Party, The Ego, and The Fashionista

As soon as the sun rose up on a new day, Spectre felt instant dread inside. He remembered what RD said yesterday at the party of each day he had to help a different pony, but the problem was he had no idea who he had to help. He figure it be explained when he got to the castle to find out what the deal was. After a quick meal, clothes and of course his music, the stallion made his way over to the castle via magic because teleporting is fun and saves him bits. After he had arrived, as if upon some unnatural cue, he moves to aside as Pinkie opens the door and comes running through them laughing like the maniac she is. Following in close pursuit was a rainbow that nearly knocked the stallion off his hooves from the fast speed she was flying at.

Didn't take him long to recognize the two as the first mares he had encountered in Ponyville of Pinkie Pie and RD, but he can see them fighting a bit "Give me back my book Pinkie!" RD yells as she chases down the bouncy mare. The chases lasted a good two minutes as a annoyed Spectre simply used his magic to separate the two. He walks over as he looks at them "Look, I don't know what the hay is going on here and I really do not care. All I care about is getting this over with, but also from experience if you two don't find out someway to work this out you will both say something you don't mean and boom! Friendship over" he says. After a quick glance, RD sighs "Sorry for not liking the custom made Rainbow Cupcake... just not a fan of banana filling" she says. Pinkie's tail moves the book back as it as a Daring Doo book "And sorry for wanting to turn your book into a pastry" she says.

"Wait what did you-"

"Forget it and move on" Spectre says intervening

The two nod and hug it out as Spectre simply did a eyeroll. Each day he came here, he was learning more and more about just how.... naïve these ponies were of how real problems are solved. Then again he was also learning a bit of alternate means to solve said problems. Either way, in the words of Coltcero 'To each his own' as the three went aside. At the large table, only three mares were there for the day. RD, Pinkie, and.... Rarity. Spectre still hadn't gotten over how much of a noble that mare, that white coated mare had sounded as it just annoyed him. The upside here is, she at least apologizes when she is being condescending instead of helpful and at least helps others when she can as well. That is probably the only upside. Spectre took a glance around as he asks "Hey, where's everyone else?" he asks. Rarity smiles "Well Applejack is helping around her family's farm, Fluttershy is helping the animals and Twilight is given a mission by Celestia. Spike is in the kitchen making snacks. After all, you are going to be helping some pony today" she says.

Spectre sighs as he sits down in a chair labeled 'Guest'. It was fancy like the others, but didn't have a symbol on it like them. RD smirks a bit as that alone set the stallion on edge a bit as she leans forward. She claps her hands "Alright! Here is how it will go! Since Pinkie and I found you first, we get the first two days with you. Rarity here insisted on taking the third day so that makes three days of your punishment. Fourth day, your heading over to Sweet Apple Acres where you'll be helping with the CMC in their cutie mark hunt.... AJ's idea not ours. Next you'll help Flutters with caring for the more rambunctious animals since you live in Everfree. Finally you'll come here to talk to Twilight" she says explaining it all. Spectre just nods, taking it all in as he looks at them both "So... who do I-"

"Me!" Pinkie yells as she bounces onto Spectre, knocking him out of the chair.

Spectre groans as he looks up as she is grinning "Pinkie.... while I do appreciate the enthusiasm, perhaps you may remove your leg joint from my mid section?" he asks. That seem to confuse her as she looks at him "Remove my what from your where?" she asks. Spectre groans and facepalms "Remove your knee from my stomach" he says. The mare quickly jumps up as he staggers to standing as he looks over at her "Sorry!" was all she said as he stops her talking. He chuckles weakly 'I've had worse" he says, brushing it off. He didn't brush it off to look tough, but mainly to make her not feel so bad. As soon as he found his legs again, he turned around to see the dragon walk out in a pink apron as he stands there seeing the dragon set the snacks down. It took all of his willpower not to laugh or even crack a smirk at the scene of a dragon in a apron. What came next though was a bit of a shock.

Spike went over to Rarity as the two had that... spark in their eyes as the two shared a loving kiss. That just made Spectre look at them as he asked "So uh.... you and the dragon are" he stops as Rarity simply nods. He nods as well "Alright well.... every pony has someone to love, no matter what species the two maybe. Heart gets what heart wants and etcetera" he says. He wasn't good with the whole 'relationship advice' department. The best he could help with is friendship and that's all. He felt himself move as Pinkie's tail starts to pull him along "C'mon! We need to get to my job to help the Cakes!" she says giddy like as she drags Spectre for a few feet before he starts to walk alongside her.

The business she spoke of looked like a gingerbread house that some wicked witch would live in. Only difference was instead of a witch were two earth ponies, two young babies who are somehow a pegasi and a unicorn and word of another earth pony. Before Spectre could reach, he felt something fall on his head as his magic lifts it off his head. He looks at it as it was a rubber chicken that had a big 2 on it. A laugh is head "Sorry about that. Boneless and I were trying a new dance and- Pinkie!" the voice says. His face turns to see a rather... weird Earth Pony. He was the same height as Pinkie, and oddly enough nearly the same hairdo, but brown with green eyes. His body was a light brown shade as his clothing was of a yellow shirt with collar folded back and a button undone. He also had a pair of jeans that lead to flipflops and a... accordion attached to a belt loop.

The two hug and do some kind of 'friendship handshake' which made no sense in anyway, especially with the part of juggling bowling pins, but it was two crazy for him to keep track of because only one thing went through Spectre's mind "Oh Celestia, their are two of them now". He groans as Pinkie giggles and bounces around Spectre "Spectre! Allow me to introduce to you the most spectacular, most stupendous and awesome coltfriend ever, Cheese Sandwich!" she says. Cheese laughs a bit "A nice meeting to you partner" he says. He extends a hand as Spectre was wary of grabbing it. The door beside them opened as out came a mare with what looked best to describe as twisty hair "Pinkie, good to see you back dear" she says giving her a hug.

This new mare was a plump one at best with a light blue body and a inch under Pinkie. Her hair was two tone pink and looked like something out of a ice cream machine from how it twisted. Her eyes were also a pink color and on her was a white and pink shirt somewhat covered by a yellow apron. Pinkie smiles "Mrs. Cake, this is my new friend Velvet Spectre" she says as Spectre doesn't try to correct her on using the term 'friend'. In all honesty, they were acquaintances at best as he does a bow "It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Cake" he says. From the doorway a taller stallion appears as he chuckles "Well, nice to meet a gentlecolt" he says. He was about a good four inches taller then Spectre and not to mention looked more like a barber. In contrast to Mrs.Cake, this stallion had orange hair, green eyes, some kind of candy cane style bowtie and hat and a white apron covering a white shirt and regular pants. He smiles "Name's Mr. Cake" he says as Spectre bows to him.

After a brief tour of the place, Pinkie puts Spectre on his job "Now Sugarcube corner is real busy around this time so I need you to do a very special, super important and extra careful job" she says with a serious look. It was a bit strange to see a carefree pony like Pinkie give such a look, but he just shrugs "Sure" he says. She opens a door to a nursery and shows two small fillies in bed. One had a bow in her orange hair and a stub of a horn and almost cream like skin. The other one is a more lighter fur color then the female as he had some kind of Foalzie style hair that was brown. Pinkie motions to take Spectre away as she says quietly "Make sure they stay asleep and in the crib okay?" she says. He nods as she slowly closes the door.

A bit of a surprise that the first job he has to do as punishment is foal sit a couple of babies as he sits in a chair and just waits. He can hear the clatter of hooves downstairs as ponies are starting to come and go as he uses his magic and laces the walls in his black and green magic, soundproofing the room. It was part of his job to ensure the two slept peacefully. It was weird to say for sure, but it felt... good to help some pony. He stands up as he walks over and watches them sleep softly as he remembers a time when he was this carefree. Young... adventurous... even reckless at times. All it did was add up to the stallion that sits in the room, who is still changing, even if it's bit by bit. He shakes his head and returns to sitting down as before long, he felt his eyes get heavy as he falls asleep.

He wakes up a few hours later, as he finds the twins asleep still in the crib as he stands to stretch and undo the magic. Things had quieted down a bit, just as the door slowly opens to show Cheese and Pinkie "Hey, how's it going?" Cheese asks softly. Spectre turns to see them as he looks them up and down "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" he asks. The two of them were covered head to toe in batter, flour, and icing as it must of been a hectic day as Pinkie giggles "Hope they didn't cause any trouble" she says. He shakes his head "Slept like angels" he says as they start to shift and wake. Spectre looks over as he sees them look at Pinkie and wave their arms as they say "Pinkie...."




and before long look to see Spectre. The two just look at him as when he tilts his head, they do as well, as if mirroring the stallion before them. He keeps this up as Mr. Cake appears and chuckles "Alright now, off to wash up you two" he says. Spectre sees them skip out as he looks at sun's position and walks over "It was quite a day to be here, but I must be heading back now Mr.Cake, got stuff to do tomorrow" he says. He is stopped as Mr.Cake hands him some bits, but Spectre hands them back "I was just helping a.... friend, not working for you" he says. There was that word again. Friend. It sounded so foreign and weird, yet.... natural around this town. Mr.Cake chuckles "I insist, at least to get a bit of food in your belly for the week. You look kinda skinny" he says. As if he was one to talk, he was skinnier then Spectre. He still pushed the bits back and walked out of the place and back home. One down, five to go.

The next day came just as fast as this time he had to go up to Cloudsdale to meet Rainbow for the job she had for him. Problem was, he can't fly and really hated heights. Luckily, part of that fear was remedied with a 'Cloud walking' spell by Twilight and the rest of it with a help of a bit of Dandelion Ale, for that liquid courage. He found her home quite easily thanks to the rainbow waterfall connected to her home and a chariot provided by Twilight as he knocks on her door. He sees the door open to a surprise he was not expecting.

In the doorway was a mare in nothing but a sports bra and sports thong. She had a two tone orange hair and tail with yellow body and quite a chest. She had a pair of wings on her showing she was a Pegasus with fiery orange eyes. She raises a eyebrow "Hey Dash! You got a coltfriend behind my back?" she yells out. Spectre blushes as he looks at her "N-No! Nothing like that miss. I'm just here to help Rainbow" he says. From behind the mare, Rainbow appears "Spectre? What is it my turn already?" she asks as Spectre simply nods.

She smirks "Well, at least you got here fast. Allow me to introduce Spitfire, the best Pegasus in Equestria... well besides yours truly" she says. Spitfire rolls her eyes "Always with the ego huh Dashie?" she asks. The brought a blush on her as Spectre clears his throat. Rainbow looks at him "Oh yeah, I need you to deal with paparazzi as we wander around the mall to relax" she says. Spectre sees them about to leave as he gets in the way "Any way I see fit to get rid of them? Also if you haven't noticed, I can't fly. How the hay am I to follow you?" he asks. Spitfire leans in and whispers "Try to keep up them" as she takes off with Rainbow. He does a double take as he groans.

Didn't take him long to find the mall since it was like Pegasus central out here. He caught sight of the two mares as he followed from afar and each time he found a paparazzi pony, he lifted them with his magic and teleported them away. It wasn't harmful or even painful and it got rid of them. The unfortunate part is, he did not know how popular Spitfire was as after a simple hour of wandering, he was already near his limit of magic from these picture taking leeches. He had to resort to other means, such as distractions of costumes or perhaps false reports of like 'Soarin and Fleetfoot on a date near the malt shop' as that got a stampede going.

The only place he would not follow them to is the bathroom... and the lingerie store. He was a stallion, but one with morals. The two seemed to be in a relationship and may of wanted privacy as before he could tell, they headed to a restaurant and he job continued. His magic helped to at least break cameras and save him magic throughout the 'trip' of these two and after all that, arrived back at RD's place. Rainbow smirks "You know, your alright Spectre. For a stallion anyway" she says. He shrugs lazily "At this point, I'll take what I can get" he says. Spitfire smirks "Hey Dash, why not let him crash here for the night? He looks about ready to fall" she says.

That was way beyond truthful. His legs were weak, his mind felt a wreck from overusing his magic and not to mention keeping up with the burning rainbow duo. He shakes his hand "Thanks, but no thanks... I'll get home somehow" he says. He turns as a chariot pulled by night guards arrive as he gets in and they fly him home. He doesn't even say hi to Zecora as he walks to his house and flops onto the bed like he just ran a marathon. The next day though would cause a bigger headache.

The sun rose to bask his face in light as his magic forces the curtains close as he growls. He felt like a colt, not wanting to get up for school, but still he needed to in order to finish his punishment... well his punishment with the six. He got up, drowned himself in ice cold water, and got dressed in his clothing as he walked over through the forest and to the town as he runs into Spike. The dragon smiles "Hey. Heading to Rarity's place?" he asks as Spectre nods. He leads him to a carousel like place as Spike knocks on the door.

Before either could react, the dragon is picked up and found himself face deep in busty mare as she was wearing her attire from first time she met Spectre. She hugs Spike "Oh Spikey-Wikey it is so good of you to come!" she says. Spectre stifles a laugh "Spikey... Wikey?" he asks. Spike glares at him "Hey. It's cute and at least I got a marefriend" he says as that made Spectre flinch. He looks at him "I could easily turn you into a chicken.... but I won't because your a dragon that is not trying to eat me" he says. Rarity puts Spike down as she smiles "Ah, Mister Spectre, such a nice day to see you here. Now all I need of you is quite simple" she says. She leads them inside to see the different fabrics as she shows a small table used for models. She smiles as she looks at him "I need to use you as a model for some male clothing lines" she says.

Spectre sighs "Alright... also sorry if I seem grumpy. RD had me run interference on fans who wanted her autograph" he says. It was a bit of a lie, but he figure RD and Spitfire's relationship was a secret. He looks at her "Also, if I still seem grumpy besides that. It's because I am not a fan of nobility.... except for five ponies" he says. Rarity nods "I understand clearly darling and I do apologize for our less then pleasant first meeting. I had never seen such well... form of fashion before" she says. She gets out her tape and asks him to go change. He goes behind a clothing stand and starts to get undressed as Rarity has Spike acquire the certain material and stuff to help create her line of fashion. She turned around as she blushes at the sight.

Before her was Spectre, but in his boxers. He had a toned body and a few scars on his arms that were hidden under the outfit he had and of course the red marks go to more over his body. He looks over "Um... Miss Rarity?" he asks. She shakes her head "Sorry dear just... never expected such a tone stallion. Still, nothing to my Spikey" she says as the two kiss. He chuckles "Love.... reminds me of my hometown" he says. He shakes his head "But enough of that... shall we get this over with? I rather like to leave before Spike gets jealous and roasts my tail" he jokes. That got a slight chuckle as they start to get measurements on him and model for different male clothing and not to mention some duo modeling with Spike. After all that, Rarity let Spectre go to get dressed as they sat down to drink some tea.

Rarity looks over as she sees Spectre not drinking his tea, but like his head is... elsewhere. She shakes him a bit as his head comes up "Sorry... my mind was elsewhere" he says. Rarity nods "I understand darling. Besides, I have been meaning to ask. How did you get those marks on your arms and coat?" she asks. Spectre simply looks at his arms as he smiles a bit "To put it simply. Went exploring in a cave, ended up chased by Timber Wolves and scared on the arms from their bites. As for the red marks, they came in when I matured into a stallion and they just came in" he says. Spectre looks up as Spike now asks "You said something about your hometown?" he asks. Spectre nods as he sets his tea down "My hometown is quite open on interspecies relationship" he says. That word brought a confused look as he shakes his head "Mix species relationship. In my town, we have more intelligent creatures then one would expect. For example, my gentlecolt manners were taught to me by a five headed hydra in town. Also of other relationships, like a mare I know in my town who is married to a minotaur" he explains.

That brought a bit of surprise to them both as he smiles as he leans back. He sees the sun move down as he stands up "I must be going before night comes. I rather like to see my path without worrying of creatures jumping me" he says. He looks at Spike "Oh and Spike... check your back pocket" he says. As he left, the dragon pulls out a sapphire gem that is heart shaped just like the one Rarity has as she puts it on him, as if some kind of connection between them. Spectre walked through the town as night feel and felt... peaceful. Every town he had gone to had some rough and coming ponies, none even going so far as to say a hello or acknowledge one another, just walking as if nothing is going on. He reaches his hut as he goes and sits down at his bed as he gets undressed as he smiles. Maybe... this town won't be so bad.... then again it could always go bad in a Manehattan Minute.

Author's Note:

I am trying to add tidbits of references in now and again, but if don't get any feel free to ask in comments. Yes I made some relationship you probably have not expected, but the reason is simple.... it's my story. Simple enough.

Also I know my author mojo gets bland near the end, but I wanted to get this chapter done before working on the rest.

Again, review, but no flames or insults.

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
- Buddha