• Published 29th Sep 2014
  • 2,969 Views, 76 Comments

The Pony With The Forbidden Magic - Hekkar

The Everfree holds more in it's woods then some monsters a rhyming Zebra.

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Chapter 1: A Visit To Town

As the stallion put in his other earbud, he simply choose the song he wanted to hear that day to help him drown out the sounds around him. As the song played he simply sighs as he looks ahead at the dirt path before him. It was kinda funny how to see the contrast of the Everfree and the land around Ponyville was so... obvious to any pony who saw it, like looking at a mirror of how many say that 'there are two sides to everypony'. Personally, Spectre wished that was true of him as he only saw in him the dark side of pony kind. All of the rumors, all the tales, Tartarus sake if it wasn't true. Ever since the first hex he felt something slip from him. Not something mental, not something physical, just... slip. He shakes his head as the song finally started to play after a slow prelude of silence as he started to walk down the path. The dirt under his boots crunch as he walked and simply ignored noise around him be it critters or passing ponies talking. He just wanted to get his supplies and leave. Didn't really care if any pony remember him or not with him coming for supplies, just come and leave before any trouble starts.

It took a while, but before long he came to a hill and stopped as he looks around a bit. The hills, village below, sky, everything about this place was colorful... cheerful... happy. All it did was send a shiver down his spine as he wasn't one for cheerful scenes or happy scenes. It did come to be fearful and scary or otherwise no one would take the whole 'Voodoo Stallion' seriously. That is until they are cursed with having burning sores for three days after a hateful insult on his family and then ponies remember the fear again. He looks near the large tree and saw a few tents and stands open as that brought a miniscule smile to him as a thought went through his head "The market is open" he thought as he made his way down.

His boots soon made contact with cobblestone as he walked past ponies who were together and walking around as he simply listened to his music and walked past them. He was sure if he wasn't listening to music he hear the murmurs of 'who is that pony?' as he is quite different from others. Where they wore shirts, pants and casual clothing, he was walking through wearing a simple brown cloak and hood that hid his body as he kept walking to the market. He could see many move out of his way, probably out of respect or suspicion of him, either way it did not matter. They were afraid of him hiding himself and he wanted it kept that way. Yet, something felt very.... off as he walked. He could swear he was being followed by somepony.

He stopped as the feeling stopped as well. Against better judgment, he reached down and stopped his music as he can hear the murmurs now, yet focused more on the feeling as he started to walk again, but this time slower. As he walked he swear he could hear a sproing sound, like something bouncing as he stops. He turns around fast and finds no one there as he raises a eyebrow and sighs. He brings a hand up to the bridge of his nose as he sighs and shakes his head "Just your imagination... just your imagination" he thinks. As he turned back around to walk, he stops as he felt something bump into him as it felt... soft. He looked down and raised a eyebrow as he sees a white stain on his coat. He looked over and saw not a mare, but a small filly with light green eyes, like a dull hue in a way. Her coat was a light pink color and with a small horn on her head to show she was a Unicorn. Her hair and tail were a two tone pink, one tone was like a dark pink color. The young filly had on a purple shirt and some overalls with a small skirt. In her hand was a cone and on his coat was the ice cream she accidentally dropped on his coat.

He hears a gasp as he looks over to see a mare who looked about twenty-four in age, a year older then Spectre. She had on some simple blue jeans, a light pink shirt that was fitting to her form. She was a purple Earth pony of about five foot five with dark pink mane and tail. She was about to come over as he raises a hand to stop her. Spectre looks at the filly as it looked like she was about to cry, mainly from the sheer height difference as all he did was kneel down. He kneeled down, extended a hand and simply patted her head. He pats her head a bit as he pulls open the pocket on her overalls and dropped three bits into it. He stands as he walks away and hears the filly walk to the mare calling her 'Mommy' as he simply walks.

Before long he stopped as he was in the market place and it was busier then he expected. Seems a lot of ponies had the same idea of the market as he shakes his head. If there was one thing he really hated was crowds. Not because he was a anti-social pony, but mainly because he felt like some little foal would think it funny to pick his pocket. Joke be on them though, he has a spell on his money to come back to him. As he walked through the market he heard that same sproing sound from earlier. This time he stopped and looked around to see a mare. about two inches shorter then him with hair he could only describe as cotton candy shaped. It was poofy, bouncy and the mare looked like she was hopped up on sugar or caffeine or both! A few things made her definitely stand out from the crowd around them.

For one, the mare was bouncing before him. Not standing, just bouncing like she was going from a world record or something. The second thing was she had this grin on her like not even going to Tartarus itself would make her break that smile as if it was plastered on her. The third thing, and most prominent as he can notice being a stallion, was her bouncing chest. She had on a short top that if she stop bouncing would read 'Party Mare' and blue shorts that went to mid way of her upper thighs. Her eyes were of big blue orbs that looked at him.

The only downside of it all was "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Are you new here? I think your new here because I know everypony, literally EVERYpony here in Ponyville!" was all he heard as he tried to tune her out. The downside was all the questions about why he was there. Isn't it possible he is just a traveler and not a resident as he shakes his head, turns and walks. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy to evade a mare like her as she followed and he simply tried to tune her out. After a good twenty minutes, he walked up to a dessert stand, bought a éclair and shoved it in her mouth. Finally silence.... for ten seconds. The mare giggles "Your funny mister! I bet your fun at parties." she says.

He inhales and exhales slowly to calm himself as he felt this was going to be a long day. She kept following him asking questions and sometimes, with luck, silence as she simply states "Your not a big talker" she says. At least she got one thing right. He walked to a spice table as the stallion spoke to him. He got the name of the stallion as Condiment Spice, a bit of a husky, yellow stallion of perhaps thirty-five. Spectre drops a few bits as he says in a deep voice "Three bags of red spice" as he looked at the red powder substance. It sounded Janeighcan in a manner, but also a bit rushed and no pony seemed to know why. The reason was the mare near him. He got his red spices as he lifts them with his magic into a bag.

He turns as he walks as he gets to the bridge for the mare to stop him just by bouncing onto his outfit's coat tail as that made him stop. He looks at her as she is still smiling "I should introduce you to Twilight! I'm sure she can help you be more talkative! She was like you in the same manner when she first arrived!" she says all happily as he looks at her. He could already tell she would not relent anytime soon as he decided to do the next best thing. His horn lit up as he lifts her with his magic in a mix of purple and green as she giggles and says it tickled. He carries her with his magic and drops her softly onto a stool near a café as he simply walked down the path.

As he reached the bridge, the mare showed up again as he does a double take. He had left her at the café, ten minutes ago and here she was, waiting. He sighs as he was now getting annoyed of her persistence, though did give her credit for her said persistence. He looks at her as he was here and well it was a new town and no one knew of his special 'talent' yet so it may do good to at least try and offer assistance, if it was to get some revenue for bits for supplies solely. He looked at her eyes and saw that determination as he tosses his hands up before they flopped to his side as his form of surrender as before Spectre knew it, the mare was pulling him by the hand as she was smiling "Then I will show you around Ponyville! The most special town in all of Equestria!" she calls out.

As if on cue as well, sound of music started to rise as he looked at his player and no music was coming from it. He looked around as she was now dragging him through a musical number, singing and dancing as if rehearsed for new arrivals as he started to feel something else slip now.... his sanity.

Author's Note:

Again, no clue what I am doing, yet still trying. Mainly planning the first few chapters be a encounter of Mane 6 and one chapter of having a encounter with Blueblood who decided to grace the town... but also ends up with a nasty hex for it.

Also will ask for advice to give and review. No flames, no insults, none of that. Prefer advice to give to a novice story writer since that's all I am.

Also thanks to Fresnor for helping solve the small word problem I had

"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe."
- Whitney Houston