• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Secrets of the Everfree - PaisleyPerson

Acrylic prepares to begin a new life with Torchwood. They'll face hardships, discover dangerous secrets, and begin the most terrifying quest of all- starting a family.

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Chapter 88: Letting Go

Chapter 88
Letting Go

As Time Turner had predicted, Essence later conferred with the other princesses and Wood family to set a date for the new prince’s coronation. Nana, the hippogryph representative, was invited to bring a collection of diplomats to formally welcome the hippogryphs back at the same event. (Most were content to remain in their mountain homes, so reintegration wasn’t necessarily an issue.) Current was also sent back to Neighlantis with an invitation extended to Trident, though it remained unclear as to whether the sea king would attend. It wasn’t until the day of the celebration, in fact, that he gave any sort of response, and that was by showing up.

Nana brought Gilda, Winter Green, Hawk Stripe, and River Rush as her representatives. Trident brought mostly members of his royal court, but because of his ties to Current, she was also included in his train. The other girls still tagged along as guests, and even Water Mark accompanied them.

Cadance and Shining Armor arrived with a special guest- the carbuncle whom they named Beryl had been cleaned up quite nicely, and now doubled as both the royal couple’s pet and a symbol of the Crystal Empire. Celestia, Luna, and Radiance came as a company. Discord had attempted to stick to Radiance like glue, though for some reason, she kept pushing him away. This occasion was no exception, and he was forced to sit with Fluttershy and her animals for the ceremony. (She had released the cockatrice back to the forest and reunited the manticore cub with its mother. The sandfishes’ home, however, was much farther away, and it was a trip Fluttershy had not yet gotten the chance to make.)

Because the coronation was being held in the Ponyville Palace (the Everfree Castle was still under repair) all the Elements and their families were present. Essence, Topaz, Charcoal and their timberwolves arrived together. Because Fink and Shift now lived in the castle, they also came as Everfree representatives. When Pound Cake promised to find a front row seat, Charcoal could have the support of all his friends. Well... almost all of them. Garble and the dragons had already started the return trip home to their wives and hatchlings, but at least Blaze and Spike would be there.

Charcoal was nervous to say the least, considering what a big hubabaloo the princesses had been making of the event. It actually turned out to be quite boring; he paraded out onto the balcony with Essence and Topaz, waved to the onlookers, exchanged formalities with the other dignitaries, and did his best to sit still while the princesses droned on. They mostly talked about new policies and plans for the returned species. He was all about welcoming them back, but wasn’t too interested in the politics side of things. Essence eventually did pick up on a topic that intrigued him, however.

“The return of four new species- thestrals, destrals, hippogryphs, and hippocampi- within the last twenty years has raised many questions. One of the most prominent, if not intriguing is: who else is out there? Are our libraries filled with mere bedtime stories, or legitimate history?

“Recently, we have uncovered research that strongly suggests there may be other species out there. Now, the question you’re most likely wondering is: what do we plan to do about it? We have good friends with us today that are something of experts in that field.” Essence retreated from the balcony, gesturing for Torchwood and Acrylic to take her place. The couple nervously obliged.

“Hello, everypony,” Torchwood timidly coughed. “As Princess Essence said, looking into this sort of thing has been our hobby for a number of years, now. In fact, it was on our honeymoon that we first encountered the hippocampi, and we’ve been enthralled with the idea of finding new pony breeds ever since.”

“It used to be just a hobby,” Acrylic contributed. “But when it led to our son finding his cutie mark, it became so much more- not just for our family, but for the whole world. We all want to know who else is out there, and if you’re listening, don’t be shy! We won’t bite. Feel free to come say hello, sometime.”

“But we also recognize that not everyone is ready to show their face just yet, and we’ll respect that decision as well.”

“I have a question. Does that mean you will be investigating the whereabouts of these other pony breeds?” a news reporter called up.

“We will,” Acrylic confirmed. “But if they would rather be left alone, then that’s their decision to make. Just don’t say we never offered.”

“What species will you be investigating first?” another reporter called up. Acrylic and Torchwood exchanged glances.

“Bogg sprites!” Charcoal hissed from the back. “Look for the bogg sprites!” Acrylic and Torchwood smiled.

“The bogg sprites,” Torchwood definitively answered. This raised a whole new bout of questions they did not have the solutions to.

“Are they dangerous?”

“Is it true that they can walk through walls?”

“What are they, exactly?”

“Well... uh...”

“We don’t exactly have much information on them at the moment...”

“I have a theory.” Without warning, Charcoal appeared behind his parents.

“Charcoal,” Topaz quietly hissed.

“Nothing’s been proven yet- everything I’m about to tell you is speculation. But Kindling Pyre left behind some notes and research; specifically, clippings of bogg sprite hair. In fact, he used whole braids of it in making the orbs that imprisoned the princesses. His notes said that the braid was there to, and I quote, ‘keep the body out of phase.’ That is, while he trapped the mind in the orb, he could store the body elsewhere. But that’s not the point. I think that the hair retained properties from the bogg sprites themselves, which would tell us a lot about the species. This could mean that they have the ability to drift between phases, or realities, or dimensions, or whatever you want to call it.” A whole slew of new questions erupted from the crowd, but the bombardment proved to be overwhelming. Charcoal finally heard one that stuck out.

“They’re called bogg sprites because they’re most often spotted in the Everfree Bogg. Why do you think they only appear there?”

“It’s hard to say until any real research is conducted. Maybe something in the bogg is attracting them. Maybe that’s the only place they can drift into this phase. Maybe that’s just their home. We just don’t know.”

“Whatever the case,” Acrylic interrupted the reporters before they could fire any more inquiries. “We’ll be looking into it, and hopefully get as far as actually making contact.”

“Will your son be joining you in this effort?” one last nosy pony called.

“We’re going to do it as a family,” Charcoal confirmed. He grinned as Lilac happily pounced him from behind, and glanced back at the rest of his friends. “All of us.”

“Thank you, no more questions.” Torchwood pulled everyone away from the edge.

“And with that, we will conclude,” Essence finished. “Further question will be answered at a later date. For now, please enjoy yourselves, and join us in the closing celebration.” The dignitaries made one last appearance before the meeting ended and the feast began.

The Elements, Princesses, and all their friends were clustered at one table together for the feast. They even had seats saved for Pound Cake, though he was still fighting through the crowds to get to them. To everypony’s surprise, he brought two tagalongs with him.

“Hi, everypony!” Ditzy chirped.

“Ditzy! Time Turner!”


“Come and sit down,” Caramel beckoned as he and Soarin’ pulled up extra chairs for the new arrivals.

“So, you’re a myth buster too now, huh?” Pound winked, sliding into his seat.

“It would appear so,” Topaz flatly stated, clearly irritated that Charcoal had made such a rash decision without consulting her.

“Sorry,” Charcoal sheepishly blushed. “Guess I should’ve asked first, huh?”

“It certainly changes our agenda,” Smoky agreed.

“Not necessarily,” Essence hadn’t been nearly so insulted as Topaz. “In fact, it appears as though your research and their investigation are already closely intertwined. Connecting both projects in such a way may be beneficial for you both.”

“We can help each other,” Acrylic enthusiastically agreed.

“And we won’t interfere in your work unless it directly concerns us,” Torchwood promised. Though Topaz didn’t actually have much choice in the matter, she finally seeme to accpt the partnership.

“Very well,” she concurred.

“Hear that, guys? We can all help out!” Pinkie whooped.

“No, I didn’t mean-!” the group’s cheers droned out her protests.

“How come you don’t want everypony helping?” Charcoal seemed to be the only one to acknowledge her reluctance.

“I suppose I am not ready to surround myself with another team of ponies,” she sighed. “I turned the last batch into changelings.”

“This won’t be like that; we’re all friends, here. Besides, they’re not so bad once you get to know them- even Pinkie isn’t all that weird.” Pinkie and Cheese chose that moment to hop up on the table and demonstrate an Irish jig for Kelpie. How that had even come up in conversation was beyond Char. “...Most of the time.”

“Are you going to help too, Discord?” Fluttershy inquired.

“I think not, my dear. My place now is with Radiance.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy bit her lip as the draconequus reached for the alicorn’s hoof. “That’s okay... of course. I’m so happy for you. Um... excuse me. I need to check on the sandfish; I wouldn’t want the poor dears to feel neglected or abandoned.” She promptly left the table before she broke out in tears.

“Alright, Fluttershy. See you later,” Discord obliviously waved.

“Discord,” Radiance shakily removed her hoof from his talons. “I need to speak with you... privately,” she added.

“Anything for you, my dear.” Discord promptly teleported the both of them off to a cliff side overlooking Ponyville. “What is it you have to tell me? I’m all ears.” The appendages rapidly expanded until they engulfed his entire face.

“I need you to be serious for a moment, Discord. You aren’t going to like what I have to tell you.”

“So long as the words come from your sweet lips, I’m sure I’ll be thrilled.”

“I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”

“What?” Discord’s lopsided pupils constricted to nearly the same size. “What are you talking about? Why not?!”

“I’ve been gone for over a thousand years. In my absence you branched out, made new friends, and forged new relationships all on your own.”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t remain together. There will always be room for you!”

“No, Discord. I think what you have with your Ponyville friends is wonderful. Don’t lose it.”

“They’re just that! Friends! None of them could ever replace you.”

“I know that’s what you think, Discord, but you have become so focused on what we had that you cannot see what has been placed right before you.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Fluttershy. She loves you, Discord.”

“I love her, too, but not like I love you.”

“She loves you like you love me. What we had was wonderful, Discord, and I cherished every second of it. But I was gone for a long time, Discord, and whether you know it or not, she has filled the gap I left. Who am I to butt in now?”

“But Radiance,” tears were forming in Discord’s eyes. “I love you.” The division was no easier for Radiance.

“I loved you, too.”

A flash of light caught Fluttershy’s attention from a short distance off. Discord had arrived, looking miserable and withered.

“Discord!” she gasped, setting down the sandfish. “What happened?!” Discord gladly accepted the company as she sat beside him.

“Radiance is leaving,” he moped. “And I can’t go with her. She... doesn’t love me, anymore.”

“Oh, Discord, I’m so sorry!” She squeezed him tightly.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.”

“For what?”

“For always being there.”

“You’re welcome,” she smiled sweetly. Discord’s breath caught in his throat, and he brushed aside her breezy mane to get a better view of her face. That was the look Radiance used to give him. Could she have been right? Was it possible that Fluttershy saw him as more than just a friend?

“I love you, Fluttershy.” He was about to add, ‘but just as a friend.’ Something stopped him from finishing the statement. Instead, he waited to see how Fluttershy reacted- if she responded negatively, he could always insert the last bit afterward. Rather, her eyes welled up with happy tears.

“I love you, too.” She snuggled against him. Discord wasn’t sure how he felt, now that he had determined that Fluttershy did indeed have feelings for him. Still, he couldn’t bear to break the delicate mare’s heart. And, he already had a strong relationship with her. Perhaps he could give it a try.

“So... what do you say we take these sandfish home?” One of the creatures chattered.

“They’d like that,” she beamed. Discord smiled back. She was beautiful...

In a pulse of light, both had vanished somewhere off into the San Palomino Desert.

Meanwhile, Radiance was still returning to the Ponyville Palace from her talk with Discord. He had left her alone out on the cliff, which was fine by her. They both needed time to heal from the heartache. She had taken a leisurely flight all to herself, postponing contact with other ponies as long as she could.

Radiance had loved Discord, but she was afraid he was leaning too heavily on her. He hadn’t left her side since she had returned, but she couldn’t always be with him. Hay, the last time she’d left, he’d had a mental breakdown that had endangered the whole world and led to his own imprisonment! But then Fluttershy had come along, and taught him how to stand on his own two hooves. She believed she’d done the right thing by letting him go, but that didn’t make the decision hurt any less.

It wasn’t until nearly sunset that she finally decided to return to Ponyville. The hippogryphs and hippocampi had all returned home by now, as they had quite a trip ahead of them. Canterlot was closer, however, and Cadance and Shining Armor hadn’t intended to return to the Crystal Empire until the next day anyway, so these parties were still here. She found those who remained still laughing and enjoying themselves, though there was still no sign of Discord or Fluttershy. ‘Good. Maybe they’re out together,’ she thought. She hoped things worked out for them.

“Radiance, darling, there you are,” Rarity beckoned.

“We were beginning to worry,” Luna said.

“Eh, I figured you and Discord were just getting used to each other again,” Rainbow casually waved. “I still think it’s really ironic that the both of you were trapped in stone all that time. It’s a little bit creepy, actually.”

“Maybe they’ve just got an unspoken bond,” Applejack suggested, leaning against her own hubby. Radiance winced.

“Hey, where is Discord?” Twilight realized she hadn’t been accompanied by the draconequus.

“I don’t know,” Radiance confessed. “I took him aside to end our relationship.

“WHAT?!” Even Celestia and Luna looked shocked.

“But I thought you loved him!” Cadance exclaimed.

“And if you really, really, really, really, REALLY love somepony, you’ve got to find a way to make it work,” Pinkie added.

“How could you just break his heart like that?” Acrylic felt her own heart wrench in her chest.

“Believe me, I did love him. But that’s why I had to let him go.” Acrylic remained quiet, sensing that there was some sort of logic behind the decision even if she didn’t fully understand it.

“That makes NO sense!” Thunder folded her arms.

“You’ll understand when you’re older,” Soarin’ ruffled her gradiated blue mane.

“So... we’re not going to have to worry about another case of psychotic, maniac Discord, are we?” Cheese fretted, recalling the last time Radiance had ‘left’ him. Just then, Discord and Fluttershy reappeared, laughing and smiling.

“Welcome back,” Pound knowingly smiled.

“Hello, everypony! Radiance,” Discord enthusiastically waved until he noticed his ex, where he curtly nodded. She politely returned the gesture.

“We were just out in the San Palomino Desert to bring the sandfish home,” Fluttershy giggled. “But on the way back, Discord took us to visit Maretonia’s wildlife. They have such amazing creatures there!”

“The ladies do love seeing wonders, don’t they?” Time Turner winked at Discord.

“What kinds of animals did you see?” Candy Apple curiously inquired.

“There were all sorts of little critters! A lot of them we have here, but they also have basilisks, imps, and even parasprites- which are still adorable in their natural habitat.”

“You didn’t bring any back with you this time, did you?” Flash jumped up.

“No, no, of course not,” Discord waved him off. “At least... I don’t think so.” He then proceeded to check Fluttershy’s mane for stowaways. She thought he was just joking, and found him absolutely hysterical. Though Discord wasn’t quite sure what he’d done that was so funny, the laughter was contagious, and soon the whole group was cackling.

“I presume this means you will be staying with us in Canterlot, Radiance,” Luna spoke.

“If you would have me, until I find something else,” she gratefully dipped her head.

“You would be welcome to stay with us permanently,” Celestia fondly wrapped a wing around her former foalsitter. It was odd; all those years in stone preserved Radiance with a young face, so now Celestia appeared to be the oldest.

“Excuse me a moment,” Luna had to take a short leave from the table to raise the moon. “I think it would be best if we left for home soon, sister.”

“Indeed,” Celestia agreed, waving for the guards to prepare their royal chariot.

“We should be leaving too, Charcoal,” Essence directed, standing herself.

“Already?” Charcoal longingly looked back to his friends. He had been living in the Ponyville castle with his family while he helped to rebuild their real home. Blaze had already moved out- he didn’t want to change things even more by leaving his family so soon.

“We did have an agreement that you would move into the castle after the coronation,” Topaz reminded him. “It is necessary for you to live on-site in order to reap the most benefit from your training.”

“I know,” he sighed. “It’s just hard.”

“I understand,” Essence kindly nodded. “But it would be best to say your goodbyes, now.”

It was considered poor manners for a pony to fly over the dinner table, lest dirt from their hooves contaminate the food. Spectrum seemed to forget this etiquitte, however, as he zipped over to bid his friend farewell.

“Every day after homework and practice,” he vowed.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Charcoal warned. He then moved on to Pound Cake. “And I’ll see you soon too, I hope?”

“Maybe sooner than you think. I requested to be transferred to the construction crew in the Everfree. If I don’t get the job, there’s still plenty of work to be done in Ponyville, which is still a lot closer than Cloudsdale.”

“I’ll put in a good word for you,” Charcoal promised. He moved on down the line, just to run into wildly grinning Shift and a modestly enthusiastic Fink. “Hey! You guys are coming with me!”

“That doesn’t mean we don’t want in on some of this action,” Shift laughed, wrapping a hoof around his shoulder and giving Charcoal a friendly shake. Fink also gave him a playful knock to the arm. Since their changeling selves had been lifted, their personalities were really beginning to show through. Shift was a playful, slightly wild soul, while Fink remained quiet and reserved, perhaps even slightly awkward. Charcoal was looking forward to getting to know them better when they would all be living in the castle together.

“Good luck out there, Charcoal,” Ditzy smiled.

“Not that you’ll need it,” Time Turner shrugged. “Great things, remember, great things!”

“Thanks, Time Turner,” Charcoal chuckled.

The stallions all had to clear a path for Lilac Bud as she charged through, crying. “Oof!” Charcoal grunted as the little pink filly collided with his shoulder.

“Do you really have to go?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I’ll miss you,” she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck.

“I’ll miss you, too,” he comfortingly held her. “But we’ll see each other soon. In fact, I bet Spectrum’d let you come visit with him, if you wanted.”

“Ooh, can I come, too?” Candy asked.

“The Everfree Palace is so cool!” Thunder agreed.

“I think ‘elegant’ is the word you’re searching for, but I wouldn’t mind visiting on occasion, either,” Petti declared.

“Oh, sure, let’s just make it a great big field trip!” Spectrum threw his hooves up. Lilac and Charcoal giggled, knowing that he would still take them all.

“Don’t forget about me, okay?”

“I could never forget about you, Bud. You are my sister, after all. My amazingly awesome, funny, at times annoying little sister.”

“Hey!” she playfully swiped at his hair.

“Don’t worry, Lilac. We’re going to make sure he can’t ever forget us.” Blaze and Spike had reemerged from the castle, where they had been off doing who-knows-what for most of the celebration. Blaze had a small item cupped between his claws.

“My vase!” Lilac exclaimed, recognizing the warped trinket she had gifted to the dragon.

“I hope you don’t mind my passing it on, Lilac, but I think Charcoal needs it more than me right now. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a great idea,” she said, moving it from Blaze’s huge palm to Charcoal’s hooves.

“Oh, no, not that thing,” Charcoal groaned, hardly daring to look at the hideous abomination he’d created.

“To remember us by,” Lilac giggled.

“But it’s so ugly,” he complained.

“Keep it anyway.” Blaze nuzzled his adopted brother.

“I’ll see you around Char,” Spike wasn’t going to get as intimate as Blaze had, but fondly grinned down.

“Yeah,” Charcoal agreed. Next in line were Charcoal’s parents.

“We’re happy for you,” Acrylic sniffed, squeezing her son tightly. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll miss you any less.”

“I’ll miss you, too. Sorry I didn’t get to help rebuild the house.”

“Don’t you worry about us, son,” Torchwood knew his wife wouldn’t let go until pried away (a task that might well require a crowbar), so he squeezed in between them. “We’ll get along just fine. You’re growing up- it’ll be good for you to get out and stretch your wings a bit.”

“We love you, champ.”

“Love you, too.”

“Aww... group hug!” Pinkie practically did a stage-dive on top of the family, whereas Cheese somehow popped up from underneath them. No one questioned their antics, and pressed in close. Even the carbuncle Beryl nosed Bandit in farewell (the ferret had been brought to the event because Charcoal knew they would be leaving right from the castle). Charcoal considered his pet. He wouldn’t have a lot of time for the ferret in between his new responsibilities and studies. And he was worried that Bandit would just feel out of place without much to do- not even Heckley would be around for him to hassle.

“You know, Lilac,” Charcoal picked up the ferret. “I’m not going to be able to take care of Bandit very well while I’m living in the castle. I’ll be awful busy, and I don’t want him to get lonely. You think you could look after him, for me?”

“Charcoal?” Acrylic was quite surprised, and Bandit also chirped in alarm. He then proceeded to wind his way up Charcoal’s back and chatter in protest.

“You mean it?” Lilac was enthralled by the idea.

“It’s for the best, bud,” Charcoal quietly whispered and painfully removed his life-long, loyal companion from his shoulder. “Yeah, Lilac. You take care of him for me while I’m gone, okay?”

“Okay!” She squeezed the ferret as tightly as one of her dolls, causing him to squeal. Charcoal chuckled. ‘Sorry,’ he mouthed.

“You watch her for me, bud. Got that?” he scratched the ferret’s head one last time.

“Are you ready now?” Topaz inquired.

“Wait!” Charcoal turned around to bid farewell to one last familiar face.


“I just wanted to say goodbye before you left,” she panted, running up. Charcoal hadn’t seen her at the coronation- she must have just arrived. She did look a bit disheveled and flustered as though she’d been in a hurry, but that made her no less beautiful.

Charcoal’s heart fluttered when she gave him a goodbye hug. He timidly returned it, hesitant to embrace her for fear that he’d forget to let go. That always happened in the movies, anyway. When Glitter pulled away, Charcoal expected her to move right along, but then she leaned back in to give him a quick peck on the cheek. His whole body froze, and his face grew hot.

“Whoa... are ya alright there, sugarcube? You’re turnin’ red as a beet,” Applejack voiced. This only made him blush more. Glitter knowingly laughed.

“See you around, Charcoal,” she playfully bumped him with her wing before dashing after Trixie.

“Charcoal? Chaaaaarcoal? Equestria to Prince Stormwood, over,” Spectrum teased, trying to shake him back to reality.


“Let her go, Char. She’s way to old for you,” Pound snickered.

“I... she... no!” Charcoal knew that his parents weren’t buying it by the way his mother scowled.

“Oh, dear.”

“Prince Charcoal?” Essence prompted again, gesturing with a partially-spread wing to remind him that they needed to leave.

“Oh, right. I’ll see you all soon,” he waved.

“Goodbye, Charcoal,” Cadance and Shining Armor waved.


“Later, partner!”

“Have fun!”

“See you soon!”

“Goodbye, honey,” Acrylic blew a kiss into the cool night air. “I love you.”

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