• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 3,408 Views, 209 Comments

Secrets of the Everfree - PaisleyPerson

Acrylic prepares to begin a new life with Torchwood. They'll face hardships, discover dangerous secrets, and begin the most terrifying quest of all- starting a family.

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Chapter 6: Settling In

Chapter 6
Settling In

The whole camp came back with us, but I brought Mom and Dad back to my place. It wasn’t really designed to house so many ponies, but we would make do. I wasn’t about to let my parents go back to sleeping in tents, for sure. I temporarily converted my studio into a bedroom by moving an armchair in (there wasn’t room for anything bigger). Therefore, Mom and Dad would use my room, which had a bed large enough to accommodate them both.

I was glad to find that Mom wasn’t bothered in the slightest by my pet snake. Heckley took a shining to Dad, who approved of my choice of pet. There were no problems on this end. On the other hoof, I still had to introduce them to Blaze. He was still at the library with Spike. I left my parents just long enough to go fetch my young friend.

After being away from them for so long, I didn’t want to be away any longer than was necessary. I flew to cut down the time, noting with pleasure how strong my previously crippled wing felt. I had to be more careful to watch where I was going. Now that the thestral camps had been temporarily moved to Ponyville, the skies were far more crowded. I encountered a couple of old acquaintances, but as much as I’d have liked to stop and chat, I didn’t have the time.

Though it wasn’t very far, the flight to the library seemed to take an eternity before I finally arrived. This time, I didn’t even bother to stop and knock. Twilight was absent, as she was currently preoccupied with registering the new arrivals at the “headquarters” set up next to the camp. Spike and Blaze were shelving books when I came in.

“How’d it go?” Spike asked, placing his last volume in the non-fiction section.

“We found them,” I panted.

“Your parents?” Blaze’s eyes shone with both excitement and nervousness.

“And the rest of them,” I affirmed. “Rainbow and Dad scouted the entire Everfree to pick up all the remaining stragglers. Twi’s registering them now.”

“How many more?”

“Almost a third of what we had before.”

“So another hundred thestrals? Where is Twilight going to put all these guys?” Spike burst, arms crossed in exasperation.

“More like fifty, if that,” I corrected. “But it’s not that bad. Rumors are going around that Celestia’s got a big plan to help things along.”

“Yeah? What’s she planning?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Spike. They’re just rumors.”

“Okay. Well, I guess this means you’ve gotta go now.”

“Yeah, we do. Come on, Blaze.”

“I’m coming. See ya, Spike.”

“Tomorrow at Art Life,” Spike reminded with a wink. Blaze waved acknowledgement upon having clambered up onto my back. I took off so violently he was almost unbalanced. I quickly leveled out to correct my mistake. Blaze’s tiny wings flapped for all they were worth, almost buzzing from the energy. Their small contribution of power was enough to right him. Seeing as he was still safe, I went on, just a little slower.

“So... what are your parents like? Do they like dragons?”

“It’s hard to find a thestral who doesn’t, Blaze.”

“But do you think they’ll like me?”

“Blaze, they’re going to love you.”

“How do you know?”

“Who wouldn’t like you, Blaze? You’re sweet, kind, easy to get along with... the list goes on and on!”

“What if that’s not enough for them?”

“Blaze, I love you. That should be good enough for my parents, too. And I know my parents. If my dad will tolerate Torchwood, he’ll practically adopt you!” I caught Blaze beaming from out of the corner of my eye.

Art Life appeared on the ground below, and I arched into a dive. Blaze held on for dear life as I finally pulled up, just feet above the ground. Mom or Dad must’ve been watching out the window, because no sooner had I landed than the front door opened. The wooden “OPEN” sign clanked as Dad held the door open for Mom. The two trotted out, beaming at my young companion. Blaze’s confidence withered away as soon as they stepped out. He slid off my back, but cowered behind my foreleg.

“Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet-”

“You must be Blaze,” Mom finished for me, bending down to his level. She must not have looked so intimidating anymore, because Blaze straightened up a little.

“And you’re Mrs. Vase?”

“Call me Porcelain,” she winked with a broad smile.

“It looks like we have a young flyer in the works,” Dad beamed. He puffed out his chest with pride, unconsciously making himself look bigger. Blaze shuddered in his looming shadow.

“M-Mr. Storm?”

“You’ll call me Wind Storm, you hear?”

“Yes sir.”

“Ah, ah! No ‘sir.’ Just Wind Storm.”

“Yes, Wind Storm.”

“Good. Tell me, son, are you flying yet?” Of course Dad, being an expert pilot, tried to strike up a conversation by talking about his talent.

“Um... no, not exactly...” Blaze averted his eyes.

“Hmm, well, we’ll fix that soon enough.”

“Dad, we’re at my house, not flight camp,” I reminded.

“Who says it can’t be both?”

“Mr. Storm!” We all turned to watch Rainbow Dash swoop down.

“Dash? What’re you doing here?”

“I just came back from clearing something with Twilight, and I have a proposition for you, sir,” Rainbow beamed.

“What kind of proposition?”

“Well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna invited all you thestrals to participate in this year’s Equestria Games. And since you’re such a good flyer...” A grin spread onto my own face, though Dad didn’t understand my excitement. I doubted he even knew what the Equestria Games were. “We’d like you to coach the thestral group this year. And compete in one of the events, of course.”

“Is that so?”

“Oh, Dad, you have to do it! It’s such a huge honor!” I excitedly squealed. He looked me over, getting an idea of the responsibility being offered to him. He seemed to consider it for a moment, and finally nodded.

“Very well.”

“YES!!!” Rainbow flipped in the air.

“On one condition,” Dad interjected, stopping Rainbow mid-arc. I wasn’t sure how she was still up in the air, upside down as she was. She flipped back over momentarily. “I want Acrylic and Torchwood competing with me.”

“Really?” I jumped.

“Why not? It’d be a good way for me to spend time with my son-in-law. He seems to have speed. And of course I want you there. You’re my daughter, and not to mention one of the most skilled flyers I’ve ever had the honor of teaching.”

“You mean it?”

“Do I strike you as the sarcastic type?” Indeed, he didn’t.

“I’m up for it, and I’m sure Torchwood will agree. What do you think, Rainbow? Can it be arranged?”

“There are three ponies on each team per event. It works out perfectly!”


“Now you just have to decide what team you want to belong to. I’m going for the Aerial Relay, myself.”

“Aerial Relay, huh? I’m assuming that needs serious speed?”

“Oh yeah,” the pegasus smirked.


“Absolutely.” I could tell Dad was hoof-pumping on the inside by the twinkle in his eyes. Speed and stunts were right up his alley.

“Sign us up for the relay, Dash,” I winked.

“You got it,” she answered.

“The Equestria Games, huh? Congratulations! That’s huge!” Mom pressed in to hug us.

Wind Storm jumped as he watched his wife press close to their eldest. He finally placed the look in his daughter’s eyes in an epiphany. It was the same look he saw in his wife every day. She’d started looking like that after they had their first foal. It was a mother’s understanding.

Wind Storm looked back down at the young dragon Blaze. Was that what he was to Acrylic? A son? Casting the matter of biological family, and even species aside, Wind Storm looked down on the hatchling in a new light. If he was that close to Acrylic, then the dragon was just as important to him. He was practically a grandfather! Wow, was he that old?

Wind Storm snapped out of those thoughts and looked the baby over more closely. This dragon would be his pride and joy. He’d be flying in no time, that was for sure. Wind Storm had never had the pleasure of raising a boy before. He wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to do. How should he react? How should he treat him? It was probably a good idea to get to know him, first. At least that would give him an inkling of what to do.

“Hey, ya’ll!” a familiar voice called. Everypony turned as the orange mare with a strong southern accent and an old cowgirl hat ran up.

“Applejack!” I called.

“I heard your parents were in town, and I wanted to be the first to welcome ya to Ponyville! Though it looks like Rainbow here beat me to it.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Dad nodded. “I’m Wind Storm, and this is my wife, Porcelain Vase.”

“It’s an honor, sir, ma’am.” I don’t think I’d ever heard AJ sound so formal, except maybe for addressing the princesses. “I’m Applejack. And on behalf of the Apple family, I’d like to invite ya’ll to dinner over at Sweet Apple Acres!”

“But AJ, we just ate lunch,” I countered.

“Acrylic? That was hours ago.” I looked up at the sky, and realized with a start that it really was almost time to eat again.


“I don’t want to impose,” Wind Storm tried to decline.

“Not at all! We Apples love meeting new folks! And all the others are gonna be there, too.”

“It’d be a good opportunity to get you acquainted with all my friends,” I pointed out. There was no point in arguing with AJ when she had her mind made up, especially when it came to food.

“Well, in that case, lead on, Miss.”

“Yee haw! Come on, ya’ll! Supper’s gonna get cold! That includes you, Rainbow Dash.”

“I wish I could, but I’m supposed to meet up with Tanzi for dinner.”

“You two are getting along, huh?” When thestrals were first being placed in homes, I suggested that she specifically ask for my old friend Tanzanite Miner. She’d taken my suggestion, and though I never really got a straight answer about how things were going, I got the impression that they were becoming fast friends. Tanzi, however, was still a little shy around other pony types, and even after warming up to Rainbow, refused to join in other activities involving anypony else. She preferred to stick with her clique of thestral girls.

“I think we hit it off pretty well,” Rainbow affirmed.

“Well, why don’tcha bring her along?”

“She’s not really into that sort of thing.”

“Just tell her that Wind Storm’s going to be there. She’ll be along,” I assured.

“I’ll give it a shot,” Rainbow shrugged, zipping off once more.

“The farm’s this way, ya’ll,” AJ waved, disappearing over the hill. Blaze moved to climb up on my back, but I was pleasantly surprised when Dad scooped him up instead. With a smile, I pressed close to Torchwood, and walked by his side all the way to Sweet Apple Acres.

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