• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 3,411 Views, 209 Comments

Secrets of the Everfree - PaisleyPerson

Acrylic prepares to begin a new life with Torchwood. They'll face hardships, discover dangerous secrets, and begin the most terrifying quest of all- starting a family.

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Chapter 62: The Long Road Home

Chapter 62
The Long Road Home

“Do you really have to go?” Thunder Cloud asked, hugging her brother with a heavy heart.

“We’re going to get our parents back, remember?” he asked, holding her close so she wouldn’t see his fear.

“We’ll be back,” Charcoal promised.

“That’s what Ma said, but now she an’ Pa are missin’,” Candy sniffed.

“But we know what to expect,” Charcoal assured, rubbing her shoulder in consolation. “And we have six dragons on our side, plus a changeling! We’ll round up some more friends on the way. Chrysalis won’t stand a chance.”

“I wanna go!” Lilac stomped her hoof.

“It’s too dangerous,” Charcoal hugged her. “Stay with Flare and the dragonesses. Be good for them, you hear? That means all of you, Thunder Cloud.”

“What?” the pegasus filly indignantly folded her arms. “I didn’t even do anything!”

“Yet,” Candy giggled. Thunder swiped the back of her head.

“Shut up.”

“Behave,” Spectrum pressed again.

“I wish I could come with you,” Flare sighed, bidding her husband goodbye.

“Someone has to watch the hatchlings,” Garble reminded, looking back to the cave where dozens of tiny newborns scuttled about. “Keep them safe, won’t you?”

“Only if you’ll do the same?” Flare glanced over to the few ponies preparing to leave.

“On my life,” Garble vowed, kissing her forehead in farewell. All around, the other dragon pairs were likewise exchanging goodbyes. Garble’s closest friends refused to let him go alone, and so it had been agreed that while the males traveled back to Equestria, the females would remain in the dragon lands to take care of the hatchlings and young fillies.

“You boys ready?” Garble called down. Charcoal turned to Spectrum and Chance. His voice was hushed so that they had to lean in close to hear him.

“You both know how dangerous this is. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

“Don’t leave!” Ocean Mist pleaded, breaking away from Crystal who had been holding her back, and clinging to Chance’s leg.

“Ocean...” Chance sighed.

“Please... I’m scared,” she wept. “I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

Her words touched the hearts of everyone present. They all knew that Ocean Mist had been adopted, never knowing her biological parents. This was the only family she’d ever known, and losing their parents had been hard enough. If she lost Chance, too, she’d have nothing left.

“I... I think I need to stay,” Chance gulped. “For Ocean.”

“We understand,” Charcoal nodded, plastering a half-hearted smile on his face. Inside, though, he felt completely and utterly crushed. Not because Chance had decided to back out, mind you, but because he wanted nothing more than to retreat here with Lilac, hiding from everything that had happened. Here they were safe, but for all he knew, returning to Equestria could be a suicide mission. At the same time, how could he ever look at Lilac the same again if he didn’t even try to put their family back together again?

“If you see our parents... tell them we love them,” Chance spoke.

“We’ll bring everypony back for you to tell them yourself,” Spectrum assured.

“Watch out for Lilac until we get back?”

“That’s a promise.”

“You guys, we’re burning daylight!” Fizzle urged.

“We’ll be back before you know it,” Charcoal squeezed Lilac one last time. Then, Charcoal, Spectrum and Shift boarded Garble, still waiting for them.

“Goodbye!” All those staying behind lined up and frantically waved as the dragons took off.

“See you soon!”

“Be safe!”

“Way to go, partner!”

“Kick flank!”

The dragons and ponies had flown in silence. Garble’s enormous wings were propelling them miles away at amazing speeds. Charcoal, Spectrum and Shift all watched as the island of the dragons slowly faded into the distance until it had disappeared altogether. Now there was no way to gauge the distance.

“How long does the dragon migration usually take?” Spectrum called out, repositioning to a more comfortable spot between Garble’s spines.

“A week or so of nonstop flight,” Garble replied.

“A week?!”

“Relax,” Soot laughed. “That’s when there’s hundreds of dragons that have to make the trip and settle in to the craters. Now there’s only six of us, so we can cut travel time. What do you think guys? Two, three days?”

“I bet we could make it in one if we really tried,” Vex reckoned.

“How far do you think the changelings will have spread in a day or two, Shift?”

“If all has gone according to plan, they will have already conquered Baltimare, Ponyville and Appleloosa, and depending on how much resistance they have encountered, will be in the process of taking Fillydelphia and Canterlot.”

“Do you think they’ll have made it to the Foal Mountains?”

“The Foal Mountains are of little strategic value,” Shift furrowed his brow. “Why?”

“Because that’s where we‘re going.”

“I thought the plan was to recruit as many ponies as we could and build up a rebel force,” Clump interjected. “Who’s in the Foal Mountains?” Charcoal just raised an eyebrow. Fizzle seemed to catch on.

“You don’t mean-?!”



“The hi-mph!” Clump spat out Garble’s claw as he clapped it over his mouth. “What?” Garble just jerked his head back, gesturing to Shift. The group went quiet.

“Sorry, Shift,” Charcoal sighed. “But Garble’s right. You’re connected to the hive mind. I’ve told you as much of the plan as I can, but if I tell you any more...”

“Chrysalis will know,” Shift understandingly bowed his head.

“Sorry,” Spectrum apologized again.

“When we are back in range of the hive, she will learn that I have betrayed her,” Shift went on. “She will be able to track my position, and may very well send drones after me. They will find you. I will have to split off.”

“But how are we going to meet back up? We’re just briefly stopping in the mountains, not long enough for Chrysalis’ drones to catch up. And if we tell you where we’re going next, she’ll be ready for us,” Spectrum scratched his chin.

“I know!” Charcoal practically jumped up. “Shift, you’ll need to track down a pony called Pound Cake. When you find him, ask him to take you to the place my parents went on their honeymoon. He’ll know where that is. Just make sure to tell him we sent you.”

“Where will I find him?”

“Pound Cake was still in Cloudsdale when the Ponyville castle was broken into. I just hope he didn’t go back home when he heard about the trouble.” Charcoal shivered, hoping, praying that his friend was okay. Their whole plan suddenly dangled on his whereabouts. “He’s a wheat colored pegasus with an umber mane and bistre eyes... those all mean brown, by the way,” he clarified when Spectrum shot him a funny look. “Sorry, Mom’s influence. Anyway, he works on the Cloudsdale construction crew, specializing in demolition, and has a cutie mark of a power drill with a lightning bolt plastered on top. Just ask around- he’s pretty well known.”

“And don’t get caught,” Spectrum reminded.

“I will do my best.”

“You know, guys, he is a changeling. I doubt anyone will believe him just because he says he’s on our side,” Pierce pointed out.

“I can change into another form less likely to raise suspicion,” Shift offered.

“That’s a pretty common tactic amongst changelings... they’ll probably be looking for that,” Charcoal mused. “I can’t think of anything I could give you as a sign that you’re really with us; our house has probably been plundered. Anything I give you could just as easily have been stolen... oh!” Charcoal’s face went pale.

“What’s wrong?” Spectrum wondered.

“Our house has probably been plundered,” Charcoal quietly repeated. “I hope Bandit’s okay.”

“Bandit?” Shift echoed.

“Really, Charcoal? Out of everything, you’re concerned about your pet ferret?” Spectrum rolled his eyes.

“You’d understand if you had a pet,” Charcoal shot back.

“We have Tank, remember?”

“He’s your mom’s,” Charcoal shrugged. “And besides, my mom will kill me if anything’s happened to Heckley.”

“Heckley?” Shift repeated again.

“Her pet snake.”

“Changelings do not usually bother with pets,” he assured.

“Fluttershy will be relieved.”

“The Element of Kindness?”

“You know her?!”

“Only through memories shared in the hive mind.”

“We’ll have to introduce you when we get them back. I’m sure she’s a lot nicer than your hive memories depict.”

“Hm.” The group elapsed into silence once more.

“So... what’s life like, sharing a hive mind with hundreds of other ponies? I bet that gets noisy after a while,” Spectrum commented.

“It is... intimate, yet distant.”

“How so?”

“We all share the same memories, yet we are all exactly alike. We always know what the others are thinking, and never need to converse aloud. Know one changeling, and you know us all.”

“Well, not anymore,” Spectrum nudged him.

“I am still the same as the rest of my hive,” Shift insisted. “They have been kept in the dark as I once was. Mere hours ago, I was exactly like the rest, until you exposed Chrysalis’ deceptions to me.” Shift shuddered at the memory. “She is a liar, but she is still the only mother I’ve ever known.”

“I... I guess I didn’t think about how hard all this must be for you...” Charcoal stuttered. “I’m sorry. We’ve been so focused on getting our families back that we didn’t realize that you’d be losing yours.”

“But you do see why we have to fight Chrysalis?” Garble prompted.

“I do. I just hope that at least some others will see the light,” Shift sighed. “I... do not want to be alone.”

“You’ve got us,” Spectrum reminded.

“It’s not the same,” Garble understandingly spoke. “Friends are great, but family is something else altogether.”

“We’ll find them,” Fizzle placed a claw on his shoulder.

“Tell you what, Shift. When this is all taken care of, we’ll do that.”

“Do what?”

“Appeal to the changelings. See if we can find any more like you.”

“You would do that?”

“You’re helping us to find our family. It’s only fair that we help you find yours.”

“I... thank you,” Shift could hardly find the words to say. What was more- he felt more love radiating from these ponies. He couldn’t stop the flow of energy. He could only keep his mouth shut and hope that it didn’t drain them too badly. Soon he would be splitting off from them anyway; their time apart would do them good.

“What are friends for?” Spectrum shrugged.

“You were telling us about the changeling hive,” Charcoal reminded, intrigued.

“There is not much else to tell,” Shift admitted.

“I want to know everything!”

“Well... the hive has few weaknesses...”

“No, no, I don’t mean strategic information. I guess that would be beneficial, but I’m just interested in you guys as a whole. Our information on changelings is very limited.”

“Charcoal became a bit of a bookworm,” Spectrum rolled his eyes. “Not as bad as Aunt Twilight, but he takes after his parents, always investigating new pony breeds.”

“They investigate myths and legends. I stick to fact,” Charcoal flatly corrected.

“Not all of them are myths,” Garble reminded.

“Changelings,” Charcoal gritted his teeth, changing the subject upon realizing that he was losing this battle. Garble realized it too, and the whole group laughed.

The troop continued to converse well into the night, yet the dragons still flew on. The moon rose high into the sky, its reflection dancing off the still ocean waters. They would reach shore a time after dawn. In just a few hours, they would be in enemy territory.

Chrysalis watched her armies travel forth from Essence’s balcony. It was quite a nice view. Thanks to Kindling, a portal leading to her hive in the desert would provide an unending stream of immediate support. Stationed at the heart of Equestria, her troops would move outward until they had conquered each and every citizen. They may face some opposition, of course, but nothing they could not handle. Celestia had fallen right into her trap, bringing Luna and Cadance to Essence’s castle, where she and Kindling were waiting with more orbs. With the princesses and Elements of Harmony out of the way, nothing could stop them now.

And to think in just a couple of days, Chrysalis would be standing in this very spot, in her own wedding gown, prepared to wed Kindling. But not like this. Chrysalis moved away from the window where endless streams of her changelings poured. She turned to Essence’s body-length mirror, stationed on the far end of the luxurious chamber.

She looked over her blackened, sickly body with both sadness and distain. She used to be so beautiful. Now her once luxurious mane had been reduced to stringy, flimsy fins. Her lovely coat blackened by the residue of changeling fire. Cavities that drew attention to her once shapely and healthy legs. The disgusting beetle shell that now rested upon her back. And her wings... oh, her beautiful wings. Once magnificent and strong, the appendages had been reduced to frail, withered propellers. She could no longer soar as she used to with these stumpy things. Never again could she enjoy a peaceful evening flight without the hum of her wings to escort her.

Chrysalis sighed. How she longed to return to her old body, even just for a day! A changeling could morph into any body, of course, but it was never the same. That did not keep Chrysalis from attempting the feat, however. Fire boiled up from her hooves, bathing her body until a new form was left behind.

A crystal pony stood alone in the royal bedroom. She had thestral wings and a horn both, but wore no armor. Her body was a gray-brown, a blue-green crystal mane drooping from atop her head. Chrysalis sighed. She indeed shimmered with a strange luster, but lacked the sparkle of a healthy crystal pony. She lacked love.

But not for much longer. She was sure that sealing her marriage vows with Kindling would complete her spell, and restore her to her former beauty. How long she had waited to remove herself of this vile changeling body! Kindling had promised that they would be married on the night Equestria had been conquered. With her forces, this should only take a few days. So close to achieving her goal, even that short period seemed like an eternity.

“Chrysalis.” The voice in the doorway made her jump, and the crystal destral abruptly broke away from her reflection in the mirror.

“Kindling, dear! I did not hear you come in,” she apologized, hurriedly switching back to her changeling form. “You look well.” Indeed, the catacombs’ darkness had generously concealed his weakened, sickly state. But now restored to his full strength, Kindling’s magnificence had risen from the darkness. A fiery orange coat demanded attention, but ruthless, red eyes deterred onlookers from gazing upon his glory. Casper was clasped around his chest and hooves in a fashion similar to Essence and Jasper. And likewise, wherever Casper’s bark curled around his coat, his coat faded to yellow, only adding to the fiery impression. His blood-red mane flickered and flowed with sheer power, even his hair impersonating a flame. The cutie mark of a raging yellow pyre enveloping Casper’s glowing red eyes stained his flank.

“What is our progress?” he asked in a very formal, business-like tone, rebuffing the affection Chrysalis tried to force upon him in the form of a light peck on the cheek. Chrysalis humbly backed down, though the disappointment was evident on her face.

“My drones have taken Ponyville and Baltimare completely, and are well on their way into Fillydelphia. Appleloosa is on it’s way- the residents are evidently fighting back with pies. It’s only a matter of time before they run out of ingredients,” she chuckled. “But in all seriousness, they do have allies in the buffalo herds. They are strong, but they, too, will fall eventually.”

“And Canterlot?”

“Canterlot is posing more resistance than we anticipated. It is the most concentrated region of royal guardsponies,” she reminded him.

“And therefore our most strategically important target. Your drones have conquered two entire cities ,” he angrily barked back. Chrysalis flinched, her pitiful excuse for a heart wrenching in her chest. No wonder he was angry- he had waited eons for this moment, not unlike herself, yet she failed him. At least Kindling would carry through with his promise... wouldn’t he?

“I will increase the support the Canterlot troops are to receive,” she vowed.

“Yes. You will.”

“Your majesty?” a timid, metallic voice clicked from the doorway. A drone, tucked into a low bow with eyes fixed on the floor waited patiently for permission to enter. Though the Queen had access to the hive mind, trying to hone in on everything that happened often proved both difficult and confusing. Besides, she had more pressing matters on her mind at present. So, she had requested one of her drones compile a synopsis for her and report back.

“Report, drone,” Kindling Pyre demanded. The changeling looked to Chrysalis for permission to do so.

“Do as you are told, soldier,” she barked. Though she was aware that the changelings would only respond to her direct commands by instinct, she found it rather irritating that they still would not take orders from her fiancé, the soon-to-be King, no less.

“We caught the dragons from Ponyville Castle,” it bowed, presenting the orb containing Spike and Blaze. “Minimal casualties. A few were caught in the crossfire during the acquisition of the dragons.”

“Very good,” Chrysalis praised.

“But...” the changeling gulped, “the children got away.”

“What children?” Kindling narrowed his eyes.

“I sent my drones to bring me the children of the Elements of Harmony,” Chrysalis glared at the failure of her subjects.

“What could you possibly want from a few insignificant foals?” Kindling growled.

“A trophy,” Chrysalis lifted her chin. “The Elements cost me victory once. I wish to impress upon them the pain I once felt by dangling what they hold most dear to them right under their very noses, but just out of reach.”

“You want leverage with which to gloat,” Kindling chuckled, his face coming rather intimately close to hers as he searched her enraged eyes. “Very well. Spare a few drones and pursue them.”

“There is more, your highness,” the changling reported. “We lost them in the Ponyville castle, but just afterwards, they were spotted on the outskirts of Baltimare. A trip of that duration would not have been possible in such a short period of time.”

“A unicorn must have teleported them to safety,” the queen grunted.

“The thestral colt performed the teleport.”


“We lost them a second time in the woods. His fire sent them away. We lost another changeling during the teleport.”

“Where is that changeling now?” Chrysalis wildly demanded, more angry with herself for letting such a thing go unnoticed.

“We have lost contact. He is out of range.” Chrysalis briefly searched the hive mind herself, sifting through the thousands of thoughts all jumbled in the cloud that was their hive mind. She found the changeling’s words to be true with a roar of frustration.

“The thestral colt teleported out of range?” Kindling raised an eyebrow, interest peaked. “How many ponies were there?”

“Nine, including himself and the changeling.”

“A thestral- a child, no less!- teleported nine ponies out of reach of the hive mind. With only natural ability? What a powerful fire dancer he must be!” Kindling mused. He then turned to Chrysalis. “Advance your search for the Elements’ children. But save the thestral colt for me. I may have use for him.”

“What a perfect wedding present,” Chrysalis beamed. Kindling’s expression hardend slightly.


“Drone,” Chrysalis called.

“Yes, your majesty?” it shuddered.

“From now on, it will be your duty to report directly to Kindling. Keep him informed of all important happenings within the hive mind. Whatever he needs, you are to deliver to him. You are now his personal servant. Is that clear?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Another present?” Kindling slyly raised an eyebrow. Chrysalis coyly batted her eyebrows and offered a genuine smile, sickening as it was.

“I love you, darling.”

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