• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 3,411 Views, 209 Comments

Secrets of the Everfree - PaisleyPerson

Acrylic prepares to begin a new life with Torchwood. They'll face hardships, discover dangerous secrets, and begin the most terrifying quest of all- starting a family.

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Chapter 8: Storm Family Reunion

Chapter 8
Storm Family Reunion

We all landed in front of Art Life. Nova had been hanging around the back with Cedar, but Honeysuckle was small enough to burrow herself in Wild Flower’s bangs and catch a ride. I folded my wings as Wild Flower looked over my shop. Her eyes told me she approved, but as my sister, she couldn’t very well outright say that.

“Art Life? Really?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I moved to open the door, and Nova was the first to zoom inside. At first, the two other dragons didn’t notice us.

“Welcome to Art Life,” I heard Spike say.

“Hey, boys!” I called.

“Acrylic! You’re back already?”

“With company. Anypony come in while I was out?”

“Cloud Kicker came in and bought a few things, and Mrs. Cake asked if you’d do a new flier for Sugar Cube Corner. We left the form in the folder, just like you said.”

“Wow. You two did a great job!” I finally got a good look around my shop to see that it was in tip top shape. Everything had been tidied up while they were in charge, just proving how disorganized I was. I kept the place in what I considered to be a presentable state, but these dragons had taken it as far as to straighten every sketchbook and paint jar in the place. The peeling price tags had been replaced with fresh ones, and the window pane shone in my eyes, now free of dust. There wasn’t a speck of dirt or grime to be found on the floor, not even in the darkest corners. This place hadn’t looked so good since last spring cleaning, when Fluttershy had come over to help. “Scratch that. This place looks better than great. Astounding? Amazing? I can’t find words!”

“You don’t always keep it this clean? Shame on you.”

“You know what? Why don’t you just shut it?” I elbowed her.

“Are you going to make me?”

“Maybe I will.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“How cool is this place, eh?” The blue dragon interrupted our sibling rivalry. Nova flapped around the room, examining every shelf. Spike and Blaze’s eyes locked onto their fellow hatchling, mouths ajar. Nova finally came to rest on the countertop, below which the two other youngsters were standing. They turned to stare at him. Nova was taking it a lot better than they were, and casually waved. “Hi!”

“Nova, get off the counter!” Wild Flower scolded. Nova chuckled but obediently glided down. Spike shook his head to recover from the stupor, and eagerly held out a claw for a welcoming clawshake.

“Hi! I’m Spike! And this is Blaze!”

“Good to meet ya.” Nova ignored his claw and went right in for a rather vigorous tail shake. Blaze still hadn’t come out of the daze, and the tail shake jostled him even more. Nova’s face fell when he looked down at his new dizzy-eyed comrades. “Come on, guys. You have got to work on your tail shakes.”

“This is so exciting!” Spike cheered when he finally recovered. “Three dragons in Ponyville? Now we’re getting somewhere.”

“We’re gonna be best buddies, I can tell,” Nova grinned, bending between the two to deliver a giant bear hug.

“Spike? Blaze?” I finally caught their attention, and all three dragons turned around, still interlocked with Nova’s arms draped over their shoulders. “I need to introduce you to somepony. Meet my sister, Wild Flower. And her friend Cedar,” I quickly added as the stallion drew nearer.

“You’re Wild Flower?”

“You’ve got your whole family back together!”

“And just in time for the-” Spike clapped a claw over Blaze’s mouth before he could finish. I gave him a grateful wink. I wanted to deliver the news myself.

“Just in time for what?” Wild Flower prompted.

“Can I talk to you outside?” I didn’t wait for an answer, and hauled her back out myself.

“What is it?” I took a deep breath to calm myself.

“There’s something I have to tell you.” I shuffled my hooves, but joy gleamed in my eyes.

“Yeah, I got that much when you dragged me out here, thanks. Now are you going to tell me what it is?”

“I know it’s going to come as a shock, but I have been trying to get ahold of you to say something before...”

“What. Is. It?” I smiled and looked at the ground, chewing my lip. Then, I slowly pulled at the chain around my neck, drawing attention to the sapphire-encrusted engagement ring. Wild Flower’s eyes grew huge.



“Oh. My. GOSH!” she squealed, jumping on me in a big hug. I hugged back, relieved that the news had gone over so well. “Acrylic, I’m so happy for you!”


“Who is he? Is he here? It he handsome?”

“Of course he’s here. And, yes, I think he’s quite handsome,” I blushed. “His name’s Torchwood. He’s a fire dancer.”

“A fire dancer? Well, well, well. You do have a type, don’t you?”

“I don’t have a type,” I defended.

“Oh, sure you do. He’s your type.” Wild Flower was busy jumping around to release the excited energy, reminding me of Pinkie Pie. “When’s the wedding?”

“About two months away.”

“Do you have your dress picked? Who are your bridesmaides? If I know you, you’ve already got a color scheme picked out. You have to tell me everything!”

“I will, but I want to ask a favor first.”

“Anything! Well, almost anything. Ask anyway.”

“I want you to organize the flower arrangements,” I requested.


“Please? I can’t think of any pony who could do a better job.”

“You really mean it?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t serious. Will you please do this for me?”

“Oh my gosh, yes! Of course I will! How could I say no to my sister on her special day?”

“That’s a relief,” I sagged. “And one more thing.”


“You’re also my Maid of Honor.”


“No, I’m being sarcastic. Yes, seriously!”

“Thank you!” She practically leapt into my arms at the idea of such a role.

“I don’t think I could go up there without my friends and family behind me.”

“How are Mom and Dad taking it?”

“Mom’s thrilled, and Dad’s tolerating Torchwood. So far, so good.”

“That sounds like Dad,” she laughed. “Where are they, anyway? I can’t wait to see them again.”

“The last I heard, Mom was still out with Fluttershy, and Dad was away with Rainbow Dash. Though, I thought they’d be back by now.”

“Who are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash?”

“They’re two of my best friends here. I can’t wait to introduce you to everypony!”

“And Torchwood. I’m dying to meet my future brother-in-law!”

“Let’s go do a quick fly-over, and I’ll introduce you as we go. But first, let’s pay Rarity a visit. She’s just right down the road.”


“You’ll love her. She’s the most amazing fashion designer in Equestria! You’d just adore her floral prints!” I knew Wild Flower wasn’t big on clothes, but this caused her ears to perk up.

“We’ll see about that.”

“Well, come on! Time’s a wastin’!”

“Wait a sec. I’ll get Cedar. Do you think Nova would be alright staying here with those other two dragons?”

“Sure. They’ve been on their own all morning. In fact, Spike and Blaze might like to give Nova the grand tour of Ponyville. Give them some guy time, you know?”

“Sounds good. But what about Honeysuckle? I don’t trust your snake enough to leave them alone.”

“His name is Heckley,” I corrected, “and he wouldn’t dare hurt her. He prefers insects, anyway.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Fine, let her tag along. I’m sure Fluttershy would love to meet her, anyway.”

“Heckley isn’t coming, is he?”

“If you keep this up, I’m going to lock the two of you in a room until you learn to get along,” I huffed. Wild Flower just rolled her eyes, and walked back around to fetch Cedar. I followed her to close up the shop.

“Hey, Cedar? Acrylic’s going to take me around town and introduce me to her friends. Do you want to come?”

“I’d love to,” he responded, pulling himself away from the youngsters he had previously been conversing with.

“And Spike, Blaze? Why don’t you show Nova around?”

“Sure thing!”

“Sounds like fun,” Nova agreed.

“Let’s start at Sugar Cube Corner,” Blaze suggested.

“Why Sugar Cube Corner? Rarity’s boutique is just down the road.”

“That’s the only place I really remember...” Blaze blushed. I smiled. After two weeks, he still wasn’t particularly familiar with anyplace but my shop, the library and Sugar Cube Corner. “And I’m kinda hungry for a cupcake.”

“Take a few bits with you,” I directed, pulling a couple of coins out of the register. “You can stop there on your way.”

“Thanks!” Blaze eagerly accepted the money.

“Let’s go! Spike called, leading the march. All three dragons plodded out, Nova waving back from the rear.

“Come back here for dinner!” I called after them. Turning back to my guests, I started going about my duties. “I’ll just close up here and we’ll be off.”

“Anything I can do?” Cedar offered. I was impressed at how polite this stallion was. Where did Wild Flower find this guy? For that matter, who was he? Just a friend or maybe a coworker?

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve just got to put this away...” I moved the order form folder to my studio where I’d remember it, “...put this here...” I stuck a ‘be back soon’ note to the front door, “...flip the sign...” I flipped the CLOSED sign around, “...shut out the lights, and we’re off!” Wild Flower led the way out, Honeysuckle perched in her hair. Cedar followed her out as I extinguished the lanterns. Finally, I locked the door behind us, and headed for the boutique.

Once there, I knocked on the open door to the Carousel Boutique to alert Rarity we weren’t ordinary customers. “Hello? Rarity?”

“Is that you Acrylic? Do come in. I’ll be with you in a moment.” Wild Flower began to scan the multitude of gowns on display. Cedar let out a whistle of surprise.

“Your friend Rarity made these?”

“Every one of them,” I nodded. “Made my hat, too. She did an astounding job on my wedding dress, by the way, Wild Flower.”

“She’s doing your dresses?”

“You’re getting married?” Cedar almost jumped. I kinda forgot to tell him.

“Two months,” I happily sighed.

“I’m going to be the maid of honor!” Wild Flower squealed.

“You’re Acrylic’s maid of honor?” Rarity stopped dead in her tracks, dropping the stack of fabrics she’d been levitating. I cleared my throat in nervousness, hoping she hadn’t been expecting that role. Before I could say anything more, Rarity zoomed forth with a measuring tape. “Do be a dear and hold still then, would you?”

“What are you doing?” Wild Flower squealed, shifting away from Rarity’s advance.

“Why, taking measurements, of course. I was just finishing the design of the bridesmaid gowns. Now I’m free to begin yours, dear. Hold still for just one more moment, please.”

“You’re going to make me a dress, just like that?”

“But of course! Acrylic’s put me in charge of designing all the dresses for her bridal party. They have to be absolutely perfect! Best to get an early start, hmm? Speaking of which, Acrylic, I need you in the back to look over the designs.”

“Sure thing, Rarity.”

“Acrylic, would you be a dear and fetch my sketchbook? I feel an idea coming on. Hmm... what do you think? Should we weave daisies or white roses into your mane?”


“Oh, you’re right. Silly me. We’ll just use both.”

“This is Rarity?” my exasperated sister exclaimed.

“Yes, I am Rarity, Acrylic’s friend. And now, it appears, one of her bridesmaides. Oh! Where are my manners? I haven’t even gotten your name!”

“Rarity, this is my sister, Wild Flower.”

“Acrylic’s sister? Oh, I’m just thrilled to make your acquaintence! Acrylic’s told me so much about you!”

“It’s... good to meet you too...” she finally managed, stiffly shaking Rarity’s hoof.

“I can tell we’re going to be the best of friends,” Rarity crooned.

“Well, I’d hope so. You’re going to be working with her a lot. Wild Flower’s doing our flower arrangements too.”

“How wonderful! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working with you! And what better first project than your elder sister’s wedding? This is perfect! I must consult with you about the bridesmaide dresses! I just can’t seem to get the flower accents right.”

“Well... alright. But as long as you’re going to weave flowers in my mane, I want a chain of white avens.”

“White what?”

“White avens.”

“I’m afraid I’m not entirely sure what those are... but I’m sure we can make it work.”

“And Rarity? This is Wild Flower’s friend, Cedar.” The poor stallion always seemed to be forgotten until brought to attention. He only dipped his head in greeting.

“Miss,” he said.

“It’s good to meet you, too, Cedar. Are you participating in the wedding as well?”

“No,” he smiled. “Though, I would be honored to attend.” He looked to me for permission. I couldn’t say no to Wild Flower’s vigorous nodding.

“We would love to see you there,” I answered. Wild Flower looked about ready to burst with excitement.

“Splendid! Now, everypony in the back! There’s a wedding to be planned!”

“Uh, Rarity? Could it wait until tomorrow? They literally just got here. I haven’t gotten to show them around yet.”

“Oh, alright. But be here at eight o’ clock sharp tomorrow for a formal planning session. Be a dear and spread the news as you go around, would you? I’d like to see how the bridesmaid gowns fit.”

“Okay, Rarity,” I reluctantly agreed. I wasn’t like her. Rarity wanted to get everything taken care of ASAP. I was so nervous about the whole ordeal that I tried to put it off by avoiding it altogether.

“See you tomorrow,” Wild Flower called. She led the way out, followed by Cedar and finally me. Our next stop was Rainbow’s house, as it was nearest. Rainbow wasn’t in, evidently still out with Dad, so I left her a note to inform her of Rarity’s planning session. Next, we tried Pinkie’s house, but when she wasn’t in either, we finally found her hard at work at Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie, thrilled at meeting the rest of my family, decided to merge my parents’ Welcome party with hers. When I told her about Rarity’s meeting, she promised to be there with big ideas for the wedding reception.

Pinkie didn’t know where Dad was, but said that we’d better hurry if we wanted to catch up with Mom, who was about to leave Fluttershy’s cottage. Though Twilight had been next on the list, we took a detour to the countryside. The two yellow ponies were just parting when Wild Flower bowled into Mom, crying happy tears. We caused such a ruckus that Fluttershy soon came whizzing back, faster than I’d ever seen her, to see what was the matter. Mom and Wild Flower were blubbering too uncontrollably to give any indecipherable answer, so I translated. When she finally understood what was going on, Fluttershy almost broke down crying with us, she was such a tender soul. In any case, she got along so well with my sister that it was hard to pry the two apart! As I predicted, Fluttershy fell in love with Honeysuckle right away. This only made it harder to separate them. We finally convinced them to split when I promised they’d meet up tomorrow at Rarity’s conference. Cedar was quiet the whole time, but after introducing him, I let him be, assuming he preferred to stay at the back.

We backtracked and went to see Twilight after that, Mom clinging to us like glue. Twilight welcomed them to Ponyville, but refused to acknowledge us any further until Wild Flower and Cedar had been registered. The stress of overlooking the reintegration of a whole new pony breed was obviously stressing her. She looked so frazzled that I considered letting her off the hook for Rarity’s meeting tomorrow, but Wild Flower blew that plan when she reminded me of it rather loudly from across the room. I suppose it was a good thing in the end, because Twilight looked relieved to get away from the thestral responsibilities, even just for an hour. I asked if she’d seen our father, and she directed us to Sweet Apple Acres, where she believed Rainbow and Dad had gotten caught up in helping AJ buck apples. We moved on, hoping to catch them both at once so we didn’t need to make an additional trip.

It worked out perfectly. We got them all at once, literally. Dad accidentally crashed into us while he was flying, sending us tumbling into everypony else. Nopony was hurt in the end, so we all laughed it off (or in the case of a few, happily cried it off). Dad was thrilled to have both his girls back, and even more thrilled to hear that she would be my maid of honor. He was a little stiff around another stallion coming into the picture, but still gave Cedar a more-or-less warm welcome. AJ and Rainbow both promised to be there for the planning, and Mom decided that she wanted to come, too. I didn’t object. The only pony left to find was Torchwood.

We checked everywhere, but no pony had seen him. We also asked for Mr. Cake, who he was supposed to be out with. (Mr. Cake and Torchwood had been spending a lot of time together these days.) The two were nowhere to be found! I finally resolved to return to Art Life and ask Spike or Blaze to send a letter to him, but we ran into them both upon mounting the hill. Torchwood gave us a queer look upon noting our train, but seemed more interested in looking beyond us. He strained to see over those of us in front.

“Torchwood, this is-”

“Cedar?” Torchwood ignored me. I didn’t have the capacity to realize that I should be offended. Everypony was too busy parting for quiet stallion to be wondering such things.

“Torch?” Recognition washed over Cedar’s face. The two stallions didn’t exactly leap into each others arms, but they did perform a less sentimental ‘guy greeting.’ The rest of us watched on, baffled. Torchwood was practically dancing on the spot, and Cedar was more lively than he’d been for the whole three hours I’d known him. They were talking too fast for me to keep up with the conversation. How they deciphered it, I wasn’t sure.

Torchwood finally broke away from his companion long enough to bound over to me. “Acrylic, this is Cedar Wood!”

“Cedar Wood? As in Torchwood Wood?”

“Torch is a very distant cousin of mine,” Cedar beamed. “At least we think. The geneology was a little jumbled after so many generations.”

“Oh, that doesn’t matter. Biological or not, you’re family.” He draped a wing over Cedar’s shoulder.

“That is too weird,” declared Wild Flower.

“What’s so weird?” I absentmindedly grinned.

“I’m dating your husband’s cousin.”

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