• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 3,408 Views, 209 Comments

Secrets of the Everfree - PaisleyPerson

Acrylic prepares to begin a new life with Torchwood. They'll face hardships, discover dangerous secrets, and begin the most terrifying quest of all- starting a family.

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Chapter 17: A Royal Decree

Chapter 17
A Royal Decree

“Honey? Do you want gemstones in your pancakes?”

“Do we have sapphires?”

“No, just emeralds and topaz.”

“I’ll take a few emeralds.”

I was new to the whole ‘cooking’ thing. On occasion I’d fixed meals for Garble, Blaze and I when we were out in exile, but more often than not they ate their gemstones plain and I’d just open up a can of preserved green beans. I could work magic with paint, but not so much with food.

I gingerly sprinkled a couple of the green jewels into the pan, desperately trying to flip the flapjack before it burned. I didn’t think it was supposed to be bubbling like that. I finally gave up with the stove and tried to coax my own flame hot enough to thoroughly cook the food without starting a house fire. At least now I had some control over it.

Torch had been working overtime to find places for all his belongings. We’d finally moved in together after the honeymoon, but due to the small size of the house, it was hard to squeeze even our humble quantity of belongings inside. He wanted an early start on finishing the last of it this morning, and came down just in time to watch me deliver the corrupted meal to the table. We both stared at the blackened pancakes for a moment before meeting each other’s gaze. “I tried?” Thankfully, he started to laugh.

“I think it’s time we pay the Cakes an early morning visit.”

“I’m more than okay with that.”

“What happened down here?” Blaze wrinkled his nose, following the smokey odor of burned food to the kitchen.

“There was a little... incident...” Torchwood mercifully chuckled.

“That’s putting it lightly,” Blaze snorted, trying to wave the foul smell away.

“Oh, you be nice to me,” I playfully scolded. He snapped out of it in an instant.

“I mean... it looks... delicious!”

“I’m only teasing, Blaze,” I laughed, greeting him with a pat on the head. “We’re going to Sugar Cube Corner for breakfast instead. Do you want to come?”

“That’s alright. I smell emeralds.” He helped himself to Torchwood’s usual seat at the table, and holding his nose to block out the burnt smell, began picking the gems out of the singed batter. Torchwood grinned and I shrugged.

“Alright. We’ll see you later, then.”

“Have a good time.”

It was a nice early morning stroll. We were all alone as we trod down the rough country road to our small hometown. The streets were just beginning to wake up, but we found the plaza to be a little more full. Thestrals made up the greater percentage of those we met, as many of them were still reluctant to give up the nocturnal sleeping schedule of our culture. We’d all gotten used to seeing more of them in the early mornings or late evenings than other parts of the day, but it seemed to me that we encountered more than usual. I wasn’t aware of why this was until we were almost to Sugar Cube Corner.

There was a huge cluster of ponies converging on town hall, and most of them were thestrals. Excited chattering swept through the mutlitudes, but never made its way back to me.

“What’s going on?” Nopony answered us. Finally, Torch pushed his way through the crowd to get to the bottom of it. As it turned out, they were swarming to get a glimpse at a poster pinned to the Local News bulletin. I couldn’t see past him, and finally gave up, waiting for him to come back with a summary of the flier’s message. He did better than that, and read aloud to satiate the curiosity of all those waiting.

“To all citizens of Equestria,” he loudly read, hushing the crowd.

“Due to the recent addition of our new friends, the thestrals, overcrowding has become a reason for concern. There have not been enough homes or jobs opened up to accomodate the new arrivals. Their majesties Princess Celestia and Princess Luna hereby decree that there shall be a new colony to be constructed near the White Tail Woods territory. The area is well suited to establish and maintain a thriving logging industry, and with the Running River and Western Sea so close by, it is also a prime location for a bustling seaport.

“The sheer scale of this project is overwhelming, but their Highnesses are sure that Equestria shall step up to the challenge. Volunteers are greatly needed and appreciated. Housing will not be restricted to thestrals, and any are welcome to apply for housing. Please see the local mayor for details.

“Signed, Princess Celestia.”

There was a loud cheering after that. Of course, we’d known this had been coming, but hearing it aloud caused the reality to sink in. It felt so good to know that our parents would finally have a real place to stay. Torchwood had reclaimed his old apartment shortly after returning to Ponyville, which both of our parents were now sharing. It was only large enough to comfortably house two, and four was getting a bit cramped.

I was so relieved and excited that I almost didn’t hear the grumblings behind me.

“It’s taken them long enough,” someone growled.

“And now that they’ve finally got it sorted,” another pessimist agreed, “they want to stick us right back in the woods.”

“Watch your tongue,” I abruptly cut in. “I know for a fact that their Highnesses have been working very hard to accomodate all of you.”

“Easy for you to say,” the third of their company grumbled. “You already have a nice home, a nice life. The rest of us are still stuck in the same old routine, still living in tents. The only difference between now and our days in exile is that we don’t have jobs anymore!”

“Then why didn’t you just stay behind in the Everfree?” Torchwood challenged, returning to support me.

“He’s got a point,” one of them brought out. “Why didn’t we just stay behind?”

“We were satisfied back there,” somepony else agreed. The crowd erupted into a clamor, some for the idea of moving back, and some against it. Torchwood reared to silence them all, but didn’t dare slam his hooves down for fear of causing an earthquake.

“I know that some of you are frightened about what is to come,” he boomed, “but the Princesses have been doing their best to care for us. There is no reason for such outbursts. If you wish to return to the Everfree, then that is up to you, but leave their Highnesses out of it!” The intsigaters of the riot slowly dispersed, grumbling all the while. Even those in favor of the movement had been put in bad spirits after the negative complaints of the others.

“Alright, everypony,” Torch called out, attracting the attention of the remaining group. “Let’s not allow the naysayers to ruin the moment for the rest of us. This is wonderful news, and calls for a celebration!” Most of the others perked up, and a whistle of agreement was heard. Before we knew it, Sugar Cube Corner was being swarmed.

“Whoops,” I voiced, Torchwood joining me. We watched as they all slowly pushed their way into the bakery. “You think we should lend a hoof?”

“It was kind of our fault,” he agreed.

“I thought you handled it really well, though.”


By the time we made it into the shop, the Cakes were already flustered trying to find enough seats and keep the orders organized. Mrs. Cake couldn’t keep up with the register, Mr. Cake was flying to seat ponies, and I saw flashes of pink in the back where Pinkie was frantically cooking an an effort to keep up.

“I’ll be right with you,” Mr. Cake called to another round of customers.

“It looks like you could use a hoof,” Torch spoke, startling him.

“Torchwood! Thank Celestia! We’re busier than a beehive at the moment!”

“I’m afraid that’s our fault,” my husband apologized.

“Oh, well that’s no matter. Now that you’re here, I’m sure things will go much more smoothly. Torchwood, could you help me seat tables? And Acrylic, would you mind joining Pinkie in the kitchen?”

“NO!” we both exclaimed. Mr. Cake blanked for a moment before recovering.

“Well... alright then. Maybe you could trade places with Cupcake?”

“Now that I can do.”


Mrs. Cake was just as pleased, and readily set me to work at the cashier. I was used to working with the device at my own shop, but the rate at which I had to punch numbers in was overwhelming. It wasn’t long before Rarity came in hopes of a scone, and she ran off to recruit the rest of our friends. Even Spike and Blaze had been collected. With everypony now set to work, we were able to keep the customers satisfied. Traffic was settling back into a happy medium after an hour or two, and we were all worn out.

“What was that all about?” Twilight panted when the last thestral had left.

“Sorry, everypony,” Torch sheepishly blushed, ears flat.

“It wasn’t your fault,” I insisted. “You just told them all to celebrate. The fact that they all instantly flocked here just means Sugar Cube Corner is undoubtedly the best place to do that.” The owners beamed.

“We are the only bakery to add gemstones to our goods,” Mr. Cake proudly pointed out. Shortly after so many thestrals had moved in, they had updated their selection, and from what I’d heard the gemstone cakes were doing well.

“Ooh! Ooh! What are we celebrating?” Pinkie wondered.

“Princess Celestia finally posted her plan to relocate the rest of the thestrals at Town Hall,” Torch explained.

“That’s right!” Twilight recalled. “Mayor Mare asked me to help keep the applications organized.”

“My, my!”

“That’s great!”

“This really is a reason to celebrate!” Mrs. Cake declared. “Come on, everypony. You all worked so hard, cupcakes are on the house!”



Rarity took the last scone, and I was about to ask for a blueberry muffin when the bells jangled again, alerting us of more customers.

“I’ve got this one,” Mr. Cake declared, returning from the back. “Oh, hello girls. What can I get for you?”

“Ya got any gemstone cupcakes left?” The young voice belonged to none other than Apple Boom.

“What if she doesn’t like cupcakes? Should we try muffins?” the tender Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Everyone likes cupcakes!” Scootaloo piped up.

“Apple Bloom? Girls? What are y’all doin’ here?”

“Hey, sis!” the little filly smiled, waving at the group. I took my muffin and joined them at the large table, and the girls wasted no time in following.

“Sorry, Apple Bloom. We’re fresh out of gemstones,” Mr. Cake reported.

“What in the hay do ya need gemstone cakes for?”

“We met a nice thestral filly this morning!” Sweetie Belle offered.

“She doesn’t have her cutie mark yet, an’ she’s real shy,” Apple Bloom went on.

“We wanted to recruit her to join the CMC.”

“So we thought we’d try and get to know her first. Apple Bloom suggested we invite her to have a snack with us, but her mom said that she wasn’t feeling so good today.”

“So we were going to take her something to make her feel better!” Scootaloo finished.

“That’s awful nice of you girls,” Applejak smiled.

“But I’m not so sure a cupcake is going to make her feel better,” Twilight chuckled.

“Cupcakes always make me feel better,” Pinkie protested. Twi ignored her.

“You could try to bring her a thermos of soup.”

“A simple cup of tea always makes me feel better when I’m ill,” Rarity offered.

“Tea! That’s a great idea, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“Well, what are we waitin’ for, y’all? Let’s get to it!” They headed for the door, but Scootaloo stopped.

“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Can we invite her to that art class you promised us, Acrylic?”

“Art class? Oh! I completely forgot!” The friends exchanged disappointed looks. “I’m so sorry girls. Life’s been crazy. But I promised you class, so a class you’ll get. My sister is visiting tomorrow, and I have to take Blaze to see his brother on Wednsdays, so how about Friday? That’ll give me time to get ready.”

“Sounds good!” Scootaloo piped, buzzing her wings in delight.

“Thanks, Mrs. Acrylic!”

“See you then!” They happily trotted out the door.

“You promised them an art class?” Twilight inquired, eyebrow raised.

“Yeah. They asked if I’d teach them before the wedding, but I’d completely forgotten about it.”

“Well, it’s no wonder. You’ve had a lot on your mind, dear. That’s why I told them to wait until after things settled down. But alas, it seems they didn’t listen,” Rarity huffed.

“Well, it’s a good thing they reminded me. I promised Blaze, too. I hope you don’t mind their friend joining us,” I turned to him. He waved it off.

“The more the merrier, right?”

“That’s the spirit!” Dash encouraged, taking a big bite out of her cupcake.

“Can I come? Please please please?” Pinkie begged.

“Pinkie, I think it’s meant to be a kid’s class,” Twi reprimanded, tasting her own cake.

“Aww,” she pouted.

“I think it’s best to let the kids have their fun,” I gently agreed.

“Alright,” she reluctantly agreed. Then she perked back up again. “Hey! Did you say Wild Flower’s visiting tomorrow?”

“She and Cedar are both coming,” Torch affirmed.

“Awesome!” Dash high-hoofed me.

“You’ll have fun together,” Twilight gave her approval.

“Do you have any plans?” Fluttershy prompted.

“Not really,” I shrugged.

“We’re hoping they had something in mind,” Torch admitted.

“Though, knowing them, they’re hoping we made plans, and we’ll sit around the house for an hour trying to come up with something to do.”

“That’s an hour wasted!” Rainbow argued.

“If you just spend a bit of time figuring it out tonight, you could utilize your time together far more efficiently,” Twilight advised.

“That’s alright. It’s kind of like tradition. We’ll spend that hour chatting and catching up until we figure something out.”

“If you say so.” The rest of the girls shrugged and went back to their dessert.

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