• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 3,408 Views, 209 Comments

Secrets of the Everfree - PaisleyPerson

Acrylic prepares to begin a new life with Torchwood. They'll face hardships, discover dangerous secrets, and begin the most terrifying quest of all- starting a family.

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Chapter 11: Thestral Wedding

Chapter 11
A Thestral Wedding

After a long night of partying and forgetting all my cares, morning came with a landslide of painful realization. I was getting married. Today.

My hooves felt heavy, and it was a chore just to drag myself to the bathroom to wash up. Married. The idea itself was a happy, even soothing notion. But the thought of actually going through with the ceremony wracked me to the bone. I loved Torchwood more than anypony. I knew deep down that we were made for each other, and I’d do anything for him- even something as terrifying as this. That didn’t mean I had to like it, though.

Nerves were getting the better of me, and I was trembling all the way to the front door. I was all alone in the house- my parents were too excited to get a wink of sleep, and left early. Blaze had stayed the night at Torchwood’s with Spike, Nova and Cedar so they could all be ready. Twilight offered to host a sleepover at the library, where we had moved to complete the party when Sugar Cube Corner closed up, but I preferred to get a good night’s rest in my own bed. Even so, I hadn’t gotten more than a couple of hours, and it showed on my dishievaled appearance. At least the wedding wasn’t until this evening- Torchwood and I both wanted to close the ceremony with a moonlit kiss. Hmm... on that note, perhaps it couldn’t hurt to catch a few extra winks.

“Hellooooo?” The door squeaked open, and the irratic bouncing of hooves told me that Pinkie was in the lobby. I released a heavy sigh, which only attracted her attention. So much for that idea. Pinkie’s reflection appeared in the mirror, and sure enough, her head poked through the doorway. Our eyes locked, and I hadn’t even opened my mouth to say something when she gave me a mamoth hug and squealed. “Oh! I’m just so so super duper excited for you! I can’t believe you’re actually getting married!” Her tight grip around my neck loosened slightly, and I managed to twist around enough to see her eyes water. “You’re all grown up now,” she sniffled.

“Pinkie, I’ve been grown up,” I irritably reminded, batting her away. I didn’t like to deal with Pinkie’s antics until after noon.

“Oh, I know, silly,” she giggled. “But this is HUGE! Ponies aren’t the same after they get married! You’ll start acting a lot like him, and he’ll act a lot like you to the point where it’s scary! I hope we’ll still be able to tell you apart!”

“Of course you’ll be able to tell us apart. But we are going to be living together,” I pointed out. “It’s only natural for us to start picking up one anothers’ habits.”

“We’ll see.”

“Are you guys ready?” Twilight.

“Ready for what?”

“The spa date we arranged, darling!”

“I guess she’s so excited about the wedding she forgot.”

“It’s six in the morning! The spa isn’t going to be open.”

“It will be for us! I had to pull a few strings, but the place is all ours this morning!”

“Not just yet.”

“Princess Cadence?”

“I think there’s something Acrylic wants to get off her chest before any of that.”

“There is?”

“There is?” I echoed in wonder. I wracked my foggy brain for answers. My pupils shrunk to pinpricks of fear, and my stomach knotted again. I’d almost forgotten about Luna.

“There they are. Go on, now. We’re right behind you.” All my friends had walked me to Ponyville Park, where the Princesses were already consulting with their skeleton crew of escorts about security. This wasn’t something for me to take on alone- Torchwood had met up with us just for this part of the morning. We had time for little else but a nuzzle in greeting before we happened upon the royal sisters. I took a shaky breath to steady myself. Torchwood laid his head over mine.

“Don’t worry,” he comfortingly crooned. “They’ll understand.”

“I know. It’s just the idea of telling the Princesses what they can and can’t do that’s getting to me.”

“Just think. After this, you can relax all day until the ceremony. Then, you’re all mine.”

“I like the sound of that.” He gave me one last peck before the royal sisters noticed us. We were accompanied by our entire train, though they stayed their distance to let us handle it.

“Ah! My dear bride and groom! What brings you here so early? I understood that the wedding is not to be conducted until later in the evening.”

“That’s right, your Highness. We’re here about Luna’s proposal.”

“I see,” the moon princess stepped forward. “So you have both considered my suggestion. And? What have you decided?” Torchwood and I exchanged final glances.

“Respectfully, Princess Luna, no.”

“We want it to stay a wedding,” I spoke up. Though she didn’t seem at all offended, I felt the need to explain myself.

“We want it to be our day, not a day for all thestrals.”

“Normally, I don’t mind sharing, but this... this is something we want to keep to ourselves.”

“I guess what we’re trying to say is, let the announcement be a celebration in itself. So thank you, but no.”

“It’s alright, you needn’t explain yourselves. I completely understand.”

“You do?” There was no hint of the coolness from before, or even disappointment in Luna’s voice. Mine, on the other hoof, reeked of surprise.

“Of course I do. Naturally, you want this to remain a private event. I did not think you would be the type who would accept such formalities, but sister and I agreed we must at least give you the choice.”

“I- I just... thank you, your Highness.”

“Is this so surprising?” Luna almost chuckled.

“I guess... I don’t know. Maybe this sounds foolish, but when you made a request from us...”

“I think what Acrylic’s trying to say,” Torchwood stepped in to help me out. “When such an honor was extended to us- from the royal sisters, no less- there was a good deal of pressure. I suppose that for a while, we forgot the choice was ours.”

“In no way did we mean to press anything on you this special occasion,” Celestia interjected. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable in any way. As you have said, this is your celebration. We may be royalty, but we’ve come to your wedding as your friends.” I smiled in relief at the way things were unrolling. “And so, with your consent, I would like to return the honor of conducting the ceremony to Mayor Mare.”

“ME?!” the mayor shrieked from the nearest tent where she was organizing last minute preparations.

“Oh, your Highness, please don’t feel compelled to-”

“I do feel compelled to make sure your wedding goes exactly as you originally wanted. I would not feel comfortable knowing I may have influenced your decision. Now I shall let you decide for yourselves how you want your wedding to be organized.” I looked to Torchwood.

“Do you still want our fairytale wedding?”

“As long as you’re up there with me at the altar, my life is already a fairytale.” He lovingly rubbed noses with me. My heart fluttered.

“Then I hope it is not too much to ask, Mayor Mare, that you take on this responsibility at such late notice?”

“It would be my honor, your Highness!”

“Excellent! Now, my little ponies, we have a wedding to put on!” Our large circle of friends cheered as their majesties looked on, beaming ear-to-ear. I was about ready to melt in my own relief.

“Well, come on! We still have exclusive spa time.”

“And we have plans of our own with Torch.”

“See you at the altar?”

“I’ll be there.” He lightly kissed my lips as we parted. I felt like I was walking on air.

I was pacing in the ‘dressing room’ set up in one of the tents. Rarity had just left to find her seat after fixing my hair- the mangy, unmanageable locks had been subdued by her fashion taste, forced into luscious curls and a beautiful braid. Not one wrinkle was visible on the dress, and even the satin slippers to go with it didn’t seem to have a speck of dirt on them. Of course, if I kept up this pacing, they wouldn’t stay that way for long.

“Don’t worry,” Cadence tried to soothe. “I was in your horseshoes too, not all that long ago. It’ll all be fine.”

“I know,” I repeated for the hundredth time. “But it’s finally happening. I’m about to be married! I’ll be the happiest pony in the world when it’s over with, but I have to get through the ceremony first.”

“Forget about all the other ponies,” Cadence advised. “Just focus on him, and you’ll be fine.”

“Is it really that simple?”

“He’s the only one that matters to you right now. Why bother yourself with the rest of them?”

“Thanks, Cadence. You’ve been such a big help to me through all this.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, I’d better go find my seat. You’re on in five!” With a final ‘good luck’ wink, she left me.

I glanced at my reflection once more in the mirror. My friends had gone to great pains to make sure I’d look my best for this moment. A long treatment at the spa had been rather rejuvenating, but the steam from the hot tub had caused my mane to frizz up. That led to a painfully long styling appointment. I suppose it’d all been worth it in the end- my hair was finely braided and curled, with flowers woven into it at Wild Flower’s request. Now just a hint of blue eyeliner coated my eyelids, making my sapphire blue eyes stand out. A light coating of makeup had been brushed over my other features, though if they really did anything to enhance my appearance, I couldn’t tell. It sure did itch, though.

“Are you ready?” My father had appeared at the tent’s opening, fitted in a smart tux to receive me.

“Is it time already?” I shakily smiled, slowly making my way up to him.

“It is,” he hummed, wrapping one hoof around mine. I turned to set off for the aisle, but he held me back a moment. I was instantly pulled into one last embrace. “You’re not my little girl anymore,” he softly wept.

“Dad,” I happily sniffled. “I’ll always be your little girl.” He pulled himself away so we could get going.

“I love you,” he smiled. This was the first time I’d ever really seen him cry.

“I love you too.” He looked me over, gently pulling the veil over my eyes.

“Shall we?”


It was getting late- the sky was purple, signifying that it was dusk. I was led up the hill, where I could see the edge of the red carpet. Once there, we momentarily stopped, giving the flower girls a head start and cuing Octavia to start the music. I felt all their eyes on me, and quietly gulped. Slight movement caught my eye to the left, which turned out to be Cadence waving at me. A reassuring wink reminded me of her advice. I closed my eyes, and with a shaky breath, focused my attention to the stage. She was right; once I locked eyes with Torchwood, I forgot all else. A smile escaped from my lips, and I held my head a little higher. Once Dad parted to find a seat beside Mother, I couldn’t help that I picked up the pace for the last few steps.

My parents sat in the front row to the left, with Torchwood’s to the right. The rest of our friends were scattered throughout the rest of the pews, though Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor all had specially reserved seating even further to the right. My bridesmaids lined the left side, and Torch’s groomscolts backed him from the right. The flower girls filed off to the side, and I noted our ring bearer Blaze hovering between Torch and the Mayor. Torchwood tenderly lifted the veil, revealing my damp, happy eyes.

“Mares and Gentlecolts,” the mayor began. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of Acrylic Storm and Torchwood. Against all odds, they found each other in a world where neither should have ever even existed. Yet their love grew and blossomed, and even brought thestral kind back to us. They are undeniably meant for one another, and though their hearts have already merged, tonight’s ceremony authenticates this wonderous union. May we have the rings, please?” Blaze dutifully stepped forward, offering the rings on a cushion. Twilight and Rarity were the only two unicorns on stage, so they split the responsibility of delivering the rings. Again, they hung from silver chains. Mine, surrounded by Twilight’s pink aura, was deposited around my neck, and Torchwood’s, suspended by Rarity’s blue light, dangled around his. “Torchwood, do you take Acrylic Storm as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Acrylic Storm, take Torchwood to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“Then it is my great honor to pronounce you mare and colt. You may now kiss the bride.” Our eyes locked, our hooves intertwined, and Torchwood bent over to make his move. His lips touched mine, and our assembly finally burst into a clamoring of celebratory cheers and happy tears. Both of our parents were crying in the front row, but as always, Pinkie could be heard above them all. Amazed ‘oohs and aahs’ filled the park, and Torch and I both turned to the face of the full moon behind us. I smiled my thanks to Luna- it was still a little early, but we got our moonlit kiss after all.

Torch and I walked back down the aisle hoof-in-hoof, being showered with flower petals the whole way. I didn’t think I’d ever stop smiling. Our train followed us out as we headed to the reception further out in the park, where we could use the park’s picnic tables for the event. AJ’s snack bar had already been laid out, and Vinyl Scratch could take over her DJ station. Torchwood escorted me and most of our train to the larger table, but we were missing one. Pinkie bounced to the middle of the picnic space, clipboard in one hoof and a whistle in her mouth. She blew as loudly as she could, attracting a sizable crowd.

“Alright, everypony. Are you ready for the best. Reception. EVER?!” I chuckled while the crowd sounded agreement, and I allowed myself to lie against my husband. His wing curled around mine, and we just sat quietly for a moment, soaking in reality. Our reality.

“You’re finally mine,” he contently sighed.

“All yours,” I agreed, snuggling closer to his chest. Our moment was short lived, for we were soon bombarded with congratulations from our friends.

“Well, well, well, congratulations to you both. Oh, you two are just so adorable!” Discord had gone from vigorously shaking our hooves to pinching our cheeks and finally settled on hovering in the air.

“Discord! I’m so glad you came,” I smiled. “You never responded to the invitation. I wasn’t sure if you could make it.”

“Well, I did have to reschedule some marvelous chaos in order to attend.” I snorted amusement, but Torch narrowed his eyes. He didn’t yet completely trust Discord and his chaos. “You both take care, then.”

“You won’t stay?”

“I think not. You know, places to see, things to do, a bit of chaos to manage.”

“Management and chaos? That’s a contradiction in itself!”

“Well, you know me.”

“Thanks for coming.” I reached over the table to give him a proper hug.

“You’ll take care of this lovely lady, won’t you?”

“For as long as I live,” Torch vowed.

“Then the best of luck to you!” He gave Torchwood a more formal hoofshake before taking off to who-knows-where.

“Hey, Vinyl! Time to hit the music!” Pinkie called out. I saw the unicorn’s electric blue mane bob to tell us she received the message, and got to work picking the perfect tune at her station.

“Um, Ditzy? Could I have this dance?” I heard Time Turner ask the gray pegasus Ditzy Doo.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” she blushed. “The last time I went dancing, I broke the ballroom. How about we get some snacks?”

“Snacks it is, then. Apple fritters?”

“I think I’m more in the mood for pears,” she jeered with a smirk. Time Turner’s face fell.

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Well, even if those two won’t dance,” Torch turned to me, “It seems as though everypony else is moving to the dance floor. Shall we?” Indeed, a huge crowd of our friends now swarmed the open space dedicated to said activity.

“Of course.” I was led out to the field where a new song was just about to begin. Vinyl took an extra minute to choose a song, probably realizing that the bride and groom were coming out for their first dance. I expected some sort of high energy dub step, coming from Vinyl Scratch, but to my surprise, a slow love song was put on instead.

“Forever, by Treble Cleff.”


“That’s the song,” Torchwood explained.

“Oh. I’ve never heard of it.” I paused for a moment to take in the gentle keys of the piano. “But I like it already.”

“Shall we?”

“Anything for you, Torch.” My new husband led us in a waltz in time to the song. Torch was obviously quite familiar with it, because he quietly hummed with the singer.


You’re the love of my life,
And we know no strife.
I’ll care for you all of my days.
I just wanna meet your gaze.
I’ll always want you in my life.


We’ll never sever.
For you I’ll always endeavor.
It doesn’t matter where we are;
You’re my north star.
And we’ll be together forever.


I’m never gonna leave you,
It’ll just be us two


You’re sweeter than morning dew.
I’d do anything to be with you.
I’d travel across the land;
Over mountains so grand,
If you’ll just love me too.


We’ll never sever.
For you I’ll always endeavor.
It doesn’t matter where we are;
You’re my north star.
And we’ll be together forever.


I’m never gonna leave you,
It’ll just be us two


I can’t offer much
In exchange for your touch,
But my love just might be enough.
And when times get tough,
I’ll be your crutch.


So it’ll just be us two


“I love you, Torch.”
“I love you, too.”

Author's Note:

So sorry guys. It only took me 11 chapters to get to the actual wedding. I really need an editor. As for the song, I just whipped up a quick poem. Not the greatest love song ever, but I figured that Acrylic and Torchwood’s song needed to be an original instead of some cliché or parody.

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