• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 6,028 Views, 258 Comments

The Crimson Fucker is Here! - DontFearTheSuperman

You know the drill. Costumed dude comes to Equestria, gets powers blah blah blah. However, what's different about this guy is that he came here of his own free will. And he's dressed as Alucard. And he ha a plan. Will he win? Read and find

Comments ( 101 )

:pinkiecrazy: Oh my! You killed the ponies again! I can feel the rage building up inside me! Since you destroyed Equestria! I'll reform it and rebuild it but this time I'll protect it! *Crazy laugh*

And so it has come to pass...the long awaited "walk". My good sir, i tip my hat to you.

5095311 :pinkiecrazy: Oh please~ And why are you telling me Good luck?~

5095321 Because, your up against Schrondinger Alucard, who basically is immortal and undying because, no matter what you do, as long as he can obseve himself, he is neither dead nor alive, here nor there, so you can't kill him, try as you might. In other words, you'll need all the luck you can get. Plus, you feed me hate, I can't let my food source die!

5095324 :pinkiecrazy: Ah~ So. You want me to live eh~ Sure~ I'll try not to die~

5095331 Not so much that I want you to live, it's just that it's hard to find food sources. If you die it would be tragic, but not devastating.

5095353 Oh. Even I get killed. :pinkiecrazy: I'm come from the dead again and again! *Cray laugh* I won't rest until Equestria is safe~

Hmmm... Well, while your theory is sound enough for this story (Which, by the way, is on it's way into my Favourites - Hellsing, muthafucka (Note to self; finish watching Hellsing OVA then move onto Ultimate... (Side note to self/author/anyone who knows the fucking answer; Is Ultimate the same as the OVA, just touched up?))), I'd say that the main difficulty would be finding the Prime of that Universe. Or, more importantly, the Origin AKA the birthplace. I'm sorry to say, but I find it extremely hard to believe that anyone can simply find the Origin world, as the Multiverse Theory would technically spread into the quintillions... at about the third 'generation' line. Even if you tried to trace the roots of the worlds back to the Prime, the path would be convoluted as fuck.

But that's just how I'm seeing it.

Aaanyways, while your writing could honestly use a touch-up in all applicable areas, and I do mean a touch-up, I found it rather entertaining. Not enough for my insanity to get loose, perhaps, but entertaining nonetheless.

Why is this still here?!! This is not a tolerable hatefic, this is pure vile sadistic violence without purpose! :pinkiesick:

5095429 Thanks, welcome any tips you could give me.

5095524 This is still here cause some people still like it, just because it's not tolerable to you, doesn't it isn't to others. And like I repeatedly say, if you don't like it don't read it.

I wonder what he'd do if lady Fausticorn (Guardian/creator of the MLP multiverse) or Umbra Shadow-Walker (SysAdmin of the multiverse could literally code him as a virus or wipe him from the multiverse) show up.

5097574 Easy, kill them. As long as he can observe himself, even if it is through someone else's mind or gaze, you will live and be dead, at the same time.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: best. Ending. EVER!

5098074 Are you gonna crossover?:derpytongue2:

5098138 Well my idea is that other people can take this Alucard and cross him over with some of their stories. Or I could just send him on some random adventure if I chose to, whatever suits either other people's or my fancy. Heck you could put him in a crossover is you want, just remember these things when writing his parts:
1. He absolutely hates ponies, any form, and whenever he works with them, he most likely will kill them later.
2. Because of his Schrodinger powers, he can go anywhere, be anywhere, and exist anywhere, even inside someone's mind. As such, he can not be killed since technically, he is neither dead nor alive, he does not exist, but he exist, he is everywhere and nowhere.
And 3. No matter who he goes up against, because of his Schrodinger powers, he will win.


i'm so happy:pinkiehappy:

5098470 Well I do like to go overkill.

5098284 Well....... shit. I'm dead from awesome. :rainbowderp:

Simply amazing.

PS) What if one were to introduce a primordial human in opposition to the Schrodinger powers? The primordial human would be immortal and, as the name suggests, would be the prime human. As such, if they were killed or ill, every other human in existence would be affected. Including those that used to be human.
I await your answer.

5102597 Well, still wouldn't kill him. Cause he already doesn't exist, yet at the same time he does exist. That is what makes him unkillable.

Hmm...I see. Well, I suppose that just goes to show how badass Alucard is, eh?

5107705 Oh come on. I'm pretty sure you could. All you have to do is while writing completely detach yourself from all forms of pity, human decency, and mercy, at least towards ponies. And having an OP OC, who happens to be fuck mothering vampire helps. Just try and you shall succeed.

One day when i finish my own fic. O speaker of the fuck mothering vampire i ask in your blessing to use the crimson fucker to wipe out all life.

Reading my own comment makes my brain hurt:facehoof:

5115524 I give you permission oh commissar, bring Equestia to its knees.

5115581 With great pleasure those prancin anthro show ponys wont know what hit em.

What about drawing individual limbs and layering them together in mspaint? Technicaly it still wouldn't be a drawing of a character; it would be a bunch of limbs layered together in a pile.

Like a shitty flash animation.

I found this when I was in the middle of reading "Team Four Star In Equestria" in the chapter "Let me show you my Alucard"

some times i just love to sit down a read a god mode story this is one of those times good job with this ^_^

the alucrad of this story is a bastard (good job)

porfin a fic where Celestia and company is defeated very nice

Me: Whatever you do, do not let him leave under any sirc
Seris: Actually he just went through the mirror. Said he was going for a walk

While this story was interesting while it lasted one reason you can't claim this as TFS Alucard status is that he is not the actual character and just some random dude. Also just ripping off the lines from the series and not at least trying to make an attempt at original lines that the TFS Alucard would say is another reason you can't claim TFS status.

Other than that great hatefic:heart:

5125493 thining of ways to get pics past your exploding paper on technicalities.

5125493 thinking of ways to get pics past your exploding paper on technicalities.

5138060 True, however I did try to add some lines, and I only claim TFS Alucard as personality, not character. Thank you though.

5142133 He did have a cause: Kill all the ponies!

5142118 Fair enough. And no prob

5142231 No problem, dude was being a prick and for a novice, you seem to be able to cover your bases pretty well. I enjoyed the story, and has got me pumped to watch the next episode which, as tradition dictates, will be coming out in about two weeks. Keep up the good work and make sure not to lose that attitude. No matter how good you get, haters gonna hate.

5148827 Oh my god! Best fan fiction ever! I Dragon Slayer Orenstein approve of this epic sause story!!!

5186357 Thank you, Oh royal Dragonslayer! May you guard the Lady of the Sun faithfully! Praise the Sun!

5186364 Ah it seems you have heard of me eh? Well that is a pleasure to know! Only few stories make me chuckle and this one was the few stories that is worth reading!

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