• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 1,700 Views, 13 Comments

Meanwhile... - WatchMeShadow

Three friends discover an old secret that eventually will change everything for ponies. Unfortunately, these three will have more to deal with than just that.

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In the Distant Past part 2 (Optional)

As Platinum got off the lily pad and saw vines that looked like the ground cover up the hole they were in she teleported herself, Hurricane, and Puddinghead to the outskirts of a town that was most likely to be hit next.

*Pop* They were now on a dirt road surrounded by a few trees, and a grass field on both sides. “We don’t have time to dally around. I already got a plan.” Platinum said with urgency.

“Let’s hear it.” Hurricane said as neutral as ever. Puddinghead however was looking with some interest.

“No time, let’s get this gem powered up...” Platinum said as she began to concentrate on the gem while her horn soon lit up like the sun. Puddinghead smiled, and began to concentrate on the gem.

Hurricane frowned, he would have preferred to know what the plan was before they did this. He decided he might as well get to it, but realized that his sword was still sheathed and Platinum and Puddinghead were about to transfer a huge amount of magic and life force into the gem in the pommel. He quickly unsheathed it and stuck it in the ground. Then backed away, and began to concentrate on what he had to give up as well.

After three separate but similar brilliant light shows the gem in the sword was now glowing a bright white with a hint of blue. Three ponies lay on the ground panting and looking at the gem as it glowed. They rested for a little bit before somepony said something. To them it felt like they were drowning and needed air, a side effect to losing a lot of magic but not enough to cause a burn out.

“So *ha* what’s *ha* the plan,” Hurricane said still recovering from his sudden loss of magic while looking at Platinum.

Platinum took a deep breath shook her head and asked, “What?” unable to hear him because of her own breathing. Hurricane looked at her and repeated what he said though with a little less heavy breathing.

“Oh, Me and Puddinghead *ha* are gonna be in the open waiting for *ha* her and I’ll cast an invisibility spell on you *ha*, all you need to do is attack at the right time.” She said trying to control her urge to gasp for air.

Puddinghead looked at her got up and said, “I can see how that would work, she does not seem to care that we ambush her at all. The last time she basically laughed at us while building up magic to destroy the village which is odd because the first time she just destroyed the village.”

Hurricane looked at Platinum took a deep breath and said, “Okay, just make sure I can do it.” He got up and walked to the sword and picked it up with his mouth. A tingle shot through his body and soon turned into a burning pain. He closed his eyes in pain trying to keep hold of it as his eye began to water, but it was too much and he let go. “That was painful,” was all he could say as the pain quickly evaporated.

Puddinghead was watching with amusement as tears began to run down Hurricane’s face. “Well at least it didn’t obliterate you on contact... I don’t think any of us truly know what that sword is now capable of... Or for that matter what exactly is gonna happen to our races now that we have given up essentially part of our collective souls to this weapon. Anyways, let’s get ready.” Puddinghead said as he looked off into the distance.

They all agreed with this and soon Platinum was concentrating on an invisibility spell. It was partially effective. He could be seen by what’s distorted directly behind him in a distinct outline. It was only really noticeable if somepony was looking around a little bit more than a glance. Once this was done he went to pick up the sword again preparing for intense pain like last time only to be confused when nothing seemingly out of the ordinary happened. Platinum didn’t suggest he find a good spot to hide out so he remained there.

Both Platinum and Puddinghead noticed right away that Hurricane could not be seen in any way once his view distorting figure reached the sword. They were not sure what was going on because they all knew the unicorns could never truly make an invisibility spell that good do to several incidents before the Great Migration. They both looked at each other and silently agreed not to say anything. They then walked backwards a few steps and waited.

They waited long enough for them to feel like they just woke up in the morning and stayed up slightly later than usual. Until they saw her in the distance laughing like the maniac she has proven herself to be. She is a Windigo. A being that appears as frozen light blue mist in pony form and preys off any negative emotions while making them stronger by chilling the environment. She was about twice the size of an average pony. She’s the queen of the windigos and was using a gem that was the centerpiece of a light blue chest piece she was wearing. This gem is void black, all light seems to get sucked in. She noticed them with her clear white eyes waiting and laughed harder and walked close enough for a conversation.

“Ahahahahahaha you three again, I’m surprised you survived that last attack. I must say having some resistance is even more fun, but it looks like whatever you did to survive took a lot out of you,” The windigo queen said in a very seductive voice as she took a quick glance around looking for the Pegasus of the group.

Platinum and Puddinghead where almost not prepared for the emotional roller-coaster the gem in her chest piece emitted as the previous two times they were much more resistant to such ambient effects. They felt hatred, fear, anger, sadness, and like they were losing their minds at the same time. They did the only thing they could do and suppress their feelings altogether.

“So where’s he gonna come from now, the air again? The ground again? Not like it matters, you’re all going to die eventually,” the windigo said putting an empathize on the word again while looking around.

Platinum was first to regain her mind from the mix of emotions, though not completely and asked, “Why are you doing this!?” With anger.

“You want to know my intentions? But I just told you my dear it’s to kill everypony I think I’ll save you three for last we’ll have lots of fun playing impossible to get,” the windigo said then laughed and continued, “Maybe not,” she said giving Puddinghead a wink.

Puddinghead felt sickened by this but thanks to her gem much more so and threw up. This just made him feel worse but the taste of puke took him mostly out of that vortex of emotions and allowed him to focus on that horrible taste. He raised his head and said, “Ugh, that does not answer why you’re doing this, what did we do to your race.”

She let another laugh and then looked at him and said, “You’re so cute. Nothing. It’s really simple in fact, I just want everypony to die,” she said then laughed some more then suddenly stopped.

Hurricane had waited where he picked up the sword. Eventually he saw her in the distance getting closer. A trial of ice and frost was left on the ground in her wake. She stopped right in striking distance and then talked. He was a little surprised when she started actually talking his two previous encounters would have suggested she was incapable of caring to speak at all. He almost went for the killing blow when she asked where he was, but noticed that she glanced around the area while she asked. Another thing he noticed after Platinum spoke for the first time was that he didn’t feel the emotions he felt the first two times he encountered her and also noticed it seemed to be affecting Platinum quite a bit judging by her tone. He kept his attention on the monster in front of him not daring to look back, but kept his ears open to anything he could hear. Eventually he figured his window of opportunity was closing and heard everything he needed to and attacked while she was laughing.

He stabbed through the gem in her chest piece to where her heart would be if she was a pony. She stopped laughing and slowly looked down then laughed some more. Then she quickly turned into ash which promptly fell to the ground. Her chest piece and the pierced gem however remained in the air and stuck to the sword. Both gems from the sword and chest piece began to glow. Hurricane no longer felt safe holding the sword let go of it and backed away quickly. They stayed in the air though. The black gem was now emitting a black glow while the blue gem emitted a white light blue glow. The black gem quickly got cracks around it then shot off black volley of magic towards the blue gem while the blue gem did the same but with a pink volley of magic. The volleys hit their mark and the black gem exploded and left six magic balls shooting across the sky in mostly various directions. When the blue gem got hit it let out three volleys of magic two headed in the same direction while one went a different way. After that the chest piece also turned to ash and fell to the ground with the sword.

They waited a while looking at the sword till, Hurricane who was no longer invisible went and picked it up, sheathed it, and said, “lets go.”

They made their way back to their hiding place for the sword. It was quite the long walk. Hurricane unsheathed then placed the sword on vine pedestal with a little effort. They planned out excuses for the missing magic and life force. Then left to see what they could accomplish.

Forty Years Later

Puddinghead walked through the forest during night on constant watch. He was not worried about the wild life, well maybe a little, but more so about somepony seeing him. He eventually made it to the entrance of the hidden sword and went in. Little did Platinum and Hurricane know he enchanted the plant to let him in one last time after they placed the sword. He knew a journal would come in handy for the foals that dropped in, which is why he made one starting with several pictures of how to get out. He spent a lot of time preparing this journal. Having gone through many rough drafts. All of which he destroyed before leaving for here. He had them all enchanted with a still time spell. This spell basically prevents any deterioration from happening when not in active use. He placed it on a large leaf below the sword checked all the plants, then left.

End Chapter 4

Author's Note:

These first two (Optional) chapters were made to set up the character Puddinghead. I tried to make him somewhat whimsical but on point. You might understand why in later chapters if I do them correctly.

So these characters are main characters in my other story "In The Distant Past." That story basically shows how they get to this point. They got to go through a lot of horrible things to get to this point.