• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 1,705 Views, 13 Comments

Meanwhile... - WatchMeShadow

Three friends discover an old secret that eventually will change everything for ponies. Unfortunately, these three will have more to deal with than just that.

  • ...

At Sweet Apple Acres part 2

The next day things settled down and were more or less normal. Everypony involved still felt a little on edge by the events of the day before yesterday. Morning passed by a little different for some ponies. Rainbow was released from the hospital and a tired Scootaloo was there to keep her company and help wheel her around. Rainbow didn’t like it as it looked so uncool, but her body still ached too much even for her to walk longer than five minutes and she appreciated Scootaloos help. Applebloom went around requesting everypony to show up to her big reveal that’s about to take place. Sweetie wanted to spend just a little more time with her sister so she made a grand breakfast for her; oddly enough everything wasn’t burnt to a unrecognisable crisp. In fact, that breakfast was pretty decent, just some minor burn marks and not enough seasoning. Needless to say Rarity was pleasantly surprised.

It was almost two o’clock and ponies began to show up at Sweet Apple Acres, to honor Appleblooms request. They didn’t all show up at once, but it didn’t take long for everypony to get there in a mostly timely manner.


Yesterday when Applebloom got her bowtie back she was a little shocked to see some off color splotches on it. The nurse apologised but Applejack interrupted any thoughts that were going through Appleblooms head. Turns out Applejack would take it to a unicorn, who knew a spell that could remove stains from clothing, anytime it got a stain they couldn’t remove by normal means. Oddly enough it wasn’t Rarity, in any event Applebloom never thought that was ever the case.

She had plenty of spare bowties that looked pretty much the same as the one she truly prized to wear, if she felt she was going to do something that could in any way tarnish it. The two things that set it apart from the others is that it has her initials hidden within the knot and it was given to her by deceased parents.

She thought about everything that happened and how frivolously she behaved. She didn’t want to be in denial like that again. She was lying to herself, that everything would be okay once they got to the hospital. That nothing could go wrong. That it’d always be okay. She was wrong and she’s glad Scootaloo slapped her out of it. She felt awful about how lightly she took the situation because of a false belief. She asked Applejack to let splotches remain because this was something she never wanted to forget.

Today however, she waited nervously beside Applejack as ponies began to show up. She didn’t ask many ponies just her family, Applejacks friends, and her fellow CMC members.

She planned on revealing what she'd been working on in secret for the last week and with Applejack yesterday. Granny Smith and Big Mac were already waiting patiently. The first to show up was Pinkie Pie, followed by Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Twilight and Spike teleported in exactly as the clock hit two, or rather when Spike told her it was two o’clock. Fluttershy was seen wheeling in Rainbow with Scootaloo who had some bags under her eyes and Zecora walking on either side of her not soon after that. Zecora had requested to stay at Fluttershys until the creatures of the Everfree calmed down as she decided it was getting too dangerous even for her. Applebloom was quick to invite her to the show when she found out she’d be staying at Fluttershys for however long.

Everypony was there and even though she knew she could do it, it would be so embarrassing if she failed. Applejack wished her good luck and went to wait by the others.

‘well here goes nothing, Ah can do this!’ Applebloom thought, psyching herself up for her presentation. “Howdy yall, thank you for showing up on such short notice! Now, Ah know some of you have already seen what Ah can do with these weird powers Ah got,” Applebloom began to pace around, “Sure earth ponies have been known to grow plants slightly faster and overall better than unicorns and pegasi, however, it still takes time to do so,” Applebloom stopped where she started pacing and faced them again, “As you may know Ah’ve been secretly practising on this weird ability ever since Ah learned Ah could do it. Ah’m proud to say that yesterday Ah met my goal and Applejack can confirm it, in the event Ah ehem some how mess this up. Any questions?” Applebloom asked.

“I do," Twilight spoke up, "you were being kind of vague. Could you describe this weird power you plan on presenting us?”

Applebloom smiled because she was hoping something like this would happen, “You’re right. Ah was being a little too non-descript, though you will soon learn it was intentional. This weird power Ah’m talking about is the ability to turn a flower seed into a full grown healthy flower almost instantly. Ah don't know what such an ability could be called but that’s how it works. Ah won’t have to pay to eat another daisy in my life because Ah can grow one on demand with little effort!” Applebloom watched as understanding began to fill the minds of everypony except Applejack who was now smiling proudly.

Before they could make any connections to her ability to grow flower seeds and other seeds she spoke up, “Today Ah’m going to show you the fruits of my labor, literally!” with that she threw an apple seed on ground, reared up and hit the ground around the seed as hard as she could with her forehooves. While doing that she yelled in her mind for the seed to grow while imagining a fully grown apple tree with apples and all because that really seemed like it was needed in some fashion. In front of everypony a fully grown apple tree popped up like a zap apple tree. They watched as leaves and apples quickly covered its branches in shock and awe. Applebloom quickly went around the tree to see everyponys expressions and was pleased. “So what do yall think?”

That seemed to set everypony into motion. Sweetie screamed in joy and tackled Applebloom, while Scootaloo ran up to her and excitedly exclaimed, “That was AWESOME!”

Granny Smith commented positively and Big Mac agreed. Twilight began asking questions, while Spike and Rainbow exclaimed how cool that was. Fluttershy and Zecora congratulated Applebloom. Pinkie went over to Applebloom soon after Sweetie and Scootaloo settled down. Rarity kind of just happily stared at her sister. Applejack got a round and put it under the tree Applebloom basically just made. Applejack gave it one good buck and enough apples for everypony came down. They all sampled and were pleased to find out that their quality hadn’t gone down because of the way they were made.

“Alright everypony thank you for coming! Ah’m sure yall have things to be doing right about now so Ah won’t hold you any longer!” Applebloom yelled to everypony. They said their goodbyes and began to leave. Sweetie and Scootaloo were left with Applebloom as Applejack was just short of dragging Rarity away from them upon Appleblooms request. “Okay, let's go to the clubhouse Ah believe Scootaloo has something she wants to tell us,” she watched as Scootaloo went from happy to dread. Sweetie looked at Scootaloo curiously. So to the clubhouse they went.


Scootaloo was the last to enter the clubhouse with a heavy sigh. She hasn’t gotten much sleep because of this and her nightmares previously. In fact the only night she got a good night's rest within the last five days was the night she stayed at the hospital with Rarity.

Last night she couldn’t get any sleep for what she fears is about to happen. Regardless of her lack of rest she feels wide awake with a slight ache. This was something she had to do because she can live with the consequences of what she’s about to do, but not with what she has been doing at least not anymore.

Lying is one of the worst things anypony could ever do, and sure she might have done it on several occasions, but this was a serious matter. Lying about serious things like she has been is only for the worst kind of pony, or so that’s what she has been led to believe by tormenting experience.

She closed the door behind her slowly, as guilt overtook her mind. She turned around to see Applebloom and Sweetie looking at her slightly concerned. “Before I start I need you to Pinkie Promise me that you won’t tell anypony what I’m about to tell you that includes your sisters,” she sighed, “though I guess it won’t mean much by the end of this… Well...” she looked at them questioningly.

They did their pinkie promises and she continued, “I would also like to thank you two. For being the two best friends anypony could wish for…” she smiled at them and looked down, “When I almost lost you Sweetie I was struck by guilt so much guilt. The guilt of not being able to tell you something you should have every right to know, a-and I can’t live with it! I need to get rid of it even i-if..." Scootaloo sighed, and looked at her friends, “I live here,” she said bluntly. Scootaloo dejectedly walked to a large toy box in one of corners near the window and moved it aside.

Applebloom looked at her confused as Scootaloo began walking, “What do you mean you live here?" She questioned, "Ah know, Ah’ve never been to your place but you don’t live here. Ah’m pretty sure Applejack, Big Mac, Granny, or even Ah would have noticed that,” Applebloom said, as Scootaloo removed a plank and gathered a helmet, a yellow sleeping bag, her saddlebags, and a sack.

“Did you get in a fight with your parents or something?” asked Sweetie.

“You wouldn’t notice Applebloom, because I made sure to take the long way to get to the clubhouse at night, and no Sweetie I can’t have a fight with parents I don’t have,” Scootaloo answered as she removed her stuff from her secret hiding place.

Sweetie gasped, “Scootaloo don’t talk about your parents like that! You’ve always said they loved you! what did they do?” As Applebloom looked at a loss for words.

Scootaloo turned and faced Sweetie once she was done, “You don’t get it Sweetie. I’ve never had parents. I’m an orphan,” Scootaloo said plainly. By this point Scootaloo was just trying to not think about the inevitable conclusion, but saying what she needs to.

Sweetie blinked a couple times, “Stop lying. We’ve talked about our parents plenty of times,” she then spared a glance at Applebloom who looked confused and hurt, “THIS ISN’T FUNNY SCOOTALOO!” she yelled.

Scootaloo couldn’t get angry at Sweeties outburst even if she tried. She just calmly asked, “Have you ever seen my parents? Have you ever seen where I live? Don’t you find it strange we’ve never had a sleepover at my house? You know when I freaked out that Twilight told us that we were missing for a day and not a couple hours after we got out of that cave?” she looked at them questioningly as Sweetie stared angrily and Applebloom slowly began to look horrified, “Well now you know why. If they had to look for us in the Everfree Forest they would have to tell parents I don’t have that I went missing. They would have found out the truth and they would have taken me away from you guys because Ponyville doesn’t have an orphanage.”

“If that was true then how come it hasn’t happened!” Sweetie challenged.

Scootaloo looked at Sweetie, “I lied my way out of it, like I lied to you two since I met you. I won’t do that anymore that’s why I’m gonna tell both of you everything…”


six years ago

Scootaloo was looking up at potential parents excitedly waving to them as they left her. She might not have done that if Miss Gold didn’t tell her it was a good thing those ponies took some of her friends away from her. That she should seek to be taken by them as well. She didn’t get it but Miss Gold made it sound like a really good thing.

They waved back with a false smile, and walked down a hallway into a room. Scootaloo sneaked up to the room out of curiosity. Before she made it they started talking to one of her caretakers Miss Iron as she peaked inside.

“I don’t think she’ll work for us Miss Iron, she seems a little too rambunctious.” One of the potential parents said.

“We also can’t afford to fly her everywhere, we just wouldn’t be able to take care of her. Sorry,” the other said.

“That’s fine I’ve been running across that problem with Scootaloo since day one, it’s like one of those pesky things you want to get rid of but never can, like a bad kidney,” Miss Iron said in a sarcastic voice. They laughed slightly.

“So you have any other pegasi we could adopt that can fly?” Scootaloo went back losing interest.

four years ago

“Miss Gold! Miss Gold! Why haven't I been adopted yet?” Scootaloo asked one of her favorite caretakers. She’s a light red earth pony with a light yellow mane, golden eyes, and a golden heart as a cutie mark. Another foal was adopted recently, which is why she felt the need to ask.

Miss Gold looked at Scootaloo, “It’ll happen Scootaloo you will just need to wait, you can’t rush things like that.”

“but why do they always look at somepony else after me?” Scootaloo asked on the verge of tears.

Miss Gold sighed walked up to Scootaloo and gave her a hug, “I thought you weren’t a baby,”

“I AM NOT!” Scootaloo yelled as she tried to get out of the hug.

She maintained the hug however, “I know you’re not, and the reason they look at somepony else after you is usually because you can’t fly,” She hugged a little bit tighter, “Now I know that sounds like a stupid reason and you would be right. Adult ponies aren’t always right and if they can’t see that you’re a great filly then they don’t deserve you as a daughter.”

“I, I still don’t get it but thanks,” Scootaloo gave quick hug back.

three years ago

It was hearth's warming and the foals of the orphanage were receiving gifts from their caretakers. There was only one big package amongst the piles of wrapped gifts. Well bigger than the others at least. Every filly and colt wondered who the lucky pony is that’s going to get it. Miss Gold would be the one handing it out.

Scootaloo watched as her peers received their gifts. Some were happy. Some were sad. She knew why some of them were sad, because she has helped them live with it. She had dealt with ponies who had something tragic happen with their parents to end up here. She never really liked crying, so she decided to be the tough cool pony that they can feel safe around. She didn’t do it well, but well enough to know some horribly sad things.

“Scootaloo here’s your gift,” Miss Gold said as she laid the big gift in front of her. Everything went silent as the fillies and colts looked at her and the gift. Scootaloo went to tearing apart the wrappings quickly and saw what it was.

She smiled brightly and almost didn’t scream in joy. It was a scooter. She began to unbox it but Miss Gold set another gift down in front of Scootaloo. As much as she wanted to get at that scooter she had to see what the other gift was. She opened it to find a helmet, no doubt to wear while on the Scooter. It was winter so she couldn’t really play with it now but they did let her get a practise run inside.

About two and a half years ago

It was spring and Scootaloo was not feeling okay. The scooter was a really nice gift, but what she really wanted was to be adopted. She has met several fillies and colts while at the orphanage but only really made one friend. She was a earth pony filly named Light Wave. She had bright blue eyes, a white coat, and a white mane. She hasn’t seen her in three years but was still her friend. She knew this because every week Light would send a letter to her telling her how things are going. Scootaloo of course replied to her, but not nearly as often. Still she was happy for Light Wave and glad to know she wasn’t forgotten almost instantly after adoption like her other ‘friends.’ She would have liked to visit Light, or Light visit her but it seemed like it would never happen.

Some of the orphans turned on her when she got the scooter. Sure she never got along with those particular orphans to start with but they left her alone. They began to call her names, and try to get her in trouble. True Miss Iron and Gold were sure to stop it whenever they saw it but that only seemed to make them worse. Scootaloo just wanted to get out of there and be happy like Light Wave.

Scootaloo had just got done practising some tricks on her scooter and quietly walked inside. She didn’t want her tormentors to know she was there if she could help it. She put her stuff away and looked for Miss Gold to see if there were any potential parents coming by. As she looked she heard talking in Miss Irons office. Miss Iron was a grey pegasus with blues eyes, light blue mane, and a iron horseshoe cutie mark. She sneaked up to it.

“Well Miss Hoofshine do you think you could describe what you’re looking for?” Miss Iron said slightly muffled through the door.

“I’m looking for a foal that has been here the longest, it simply breaks my heart somepony would need to live their foal hood here for any amount of time, I figured why let them keep living here if we have a loving home to offer,” no doubt Miss Hoofshine answered. Scootaloo began to think, and yes she was the one who lived here the longest, her whole life in fact.

She began to feel hope rise in her. “You’re right it is a tragedy that any foal would have to live here for any amount of time and I have the perfect colt that fits that criteria,” Miss Ironhoof said, confusing and hurting Scootaloo. The colt she was referring to has been here for only two and a half years. Why would Miss Iron lie like this? She went to her room and waited until they left. She asked Miss Iron if anypony was looking to adopt and she answered like she pretty much always has. For the first time she realized something wasn’t right with Miss Iron. That she could be wrong. She kept it to herself for the time being.

Two and a quarter years ago

Summer was almost halfway through and all Scootaloo could think about for the last month or so was why Miss Iron would lie like that. They always stressed the importance of telling the truth to her. She got in trouble twice for lying about how something got broken. They made it clear why her punishment was more harsh than it would have been if she told the truth the first time. The second time she did they basically made her understand all the bad things that can happen when somepony lies.

She couldn’t bring herself to ask why. She knew she could at least trust Miss Gold but Miss Iron was the boss. She didn’t want Miss Gold to get in trouble. She just got inside quietly again. Even though a few of the foals that have been making fun of her were adopted the ones that weren’t passed it on to some new fillies and colts. Luckily it was nice out and usually all the orphans were outside doing stuff, since there was no school. She still came in quietly as a precaution though. “WHAT!?” She heard Miss Gold yell out loud in what sounded like Miss Irons office. She went to investigate.

“Calm down do you want other ponies to hear us, or Celestia forbid Scootaloo?” Miss Iron whispered harshly. This peaked Scootaloos interest so she listened.

“I’m gonna go tell the police about this right now! This is wrong,” Miss Gold explained. Scootaloo began to back away from the door so she could hide.

She stopped when Miss Iron talked, “Wait! wait, Gold you know I wouldn’t do this unless I had a good reason. Let me explain first, I think you’ll see things my way.”

“Fine! But don’t think it’ll get you out of this,” Miss Gold said.

“You know the laws around orphanages right? Well there are some laws I conveniently kept you in a dark about,” Miss Iron said. As Scootaloo intensly listened.

“And what laws would those be?” Miss Gold asked.

“These. Go ahead and read them but I’ll give you the gist of what they do. It’s the only reason this orphanage is as successful as it has been. These laws give support directly from the crown for orphanages that aren’t doing well and have an orphan living there for longer than four years. The support is in the form of extra income to the orphanage. Financial support and a good tax break for those who adopt from this orphanage. It’s the only reason why we’re able to find families for so many fillies and colts,” Miss Iron said. Suddenly things began to make since for Scootaloo and she felt hurt. That’s why she let that colt get adopted but not her because of some laws. Laws that were supposed to help her. Miss Gold was right about adults.

“But what about Scootaloo she deserves a family,” Miss Gold protested. This made Scootaloo feel good and smile. She could always count on Miss Gold.

“Think about it Gold, Scootaloo has lived here all her life, she probably considers this place her home. You saw how happy she was when she got her scooter. She hasn’t asked about being adopted in a while. What she doesn’t know can’t hurt her,” Miss Iron said happily, “Think about all the fillies and colts who would get a second chance to be happy because of this. You know Dusty Rail” Scootaloo knew who that was, he kept to himself and would cry uncontrollably at times, “would have never been adopted if it weren’t for this. He was traumatized and I know you’ve been keeping track of his progress. You know any hoity toity rich family would never be able to understand or even begin to help him. The family he has now only exists because of this law. Tell me if Scootaloo’s already happy why not let her help others be happy?” Miss Iron pleaded. Scootaloo smiled she knew Miss Gold wouldn’t fall for this.

“I, I… You’re right. What she doesn’t know doesn’t hurt her,” Miss Gold finally said. Scootaloos world came crashing to a halt , as tears began to freefall from her eyes. She kicked open the door and it slammed hard against the wall. She glared hatefully at both of them. “Scoo... SCOOTALOO!” Miss Gold screamed in shock and horror, as Miss Iron looked on mouth agape.“Scootaloo wait!” Miss Gold cried out as Scootaloo left them. Scootaloo had enough, she quickly ran and got her things and got out of there. Scootaloo was a mess she’d been crying, in an ally for a while. She eventually picked herself up and ended up at a train station. She hitched a ride and ended up in Ponyville and after a week she met Sweetie Belle in the park while she was still struggling with everything that happened.


Tears were going down Scootaloos eyes as she relived the first time she ever felt truly betrayed, “And that’s how I ended up here, I’m sorry for lying to you guys for so long,” Scootaloo finished looking down. Applebloom looked dejected.

Sweetie looked ready to explode, “STOP LYING!" she glared, "You’ve talked about your parents plenty of times with me. The reason I havn’t seen them is because they’re always busy. The reason I haven't seen your house is because you live on the other side of town and your parents won’t let you have anypony over. just stop, IT’S NOT FUNNY!” Sweetie screeched. Scootaloo wasn’t too shocked by Sweeties unwillingness to accept it. She was a good liar after all.

Scootaloo sniffed her runny nose as tears continued down her cheek and looked at Sweetie in the eyes, “I’m not lying right now Sweetie, I’m serious. It’s the truth. I… I’ve, I’ve been lying to you since day one,” sniff, “but I’m telling you the truth right now!”

Sweetie stared at Scootaloo angrily for a brief second before she blinked a couple times and got a hurtful expression. “Sweetie wait,” Applebloom yelled as Sweetie quickly ran out the clubhouse slamming the door behind her. Scootaloo was about ready to break down crying right there. Applebloom almost bolted after Sweetie but stopped and turned towards Scootaloo and calmly said, “Scootaloo you better stay right here! Ah mean it,” Then she chased after Sweetie. Scootaloo was alone, just like she always knew would happen.

Sweetie Belle

Everything Scootaloo was saying made sense but it had to be a lie. Worse yet, she was lying about her parents to Applebloom who already asked them not to talk about their parents too negatively and/or too often in front of her. Why was Scootaloo lying like this? Why is she apologizing about lying in the past instead of her lying right now? It made no sense. Sweetie saw Scootaloos pain. She couldn't ignore it, it told her that Scootaloo wasn't lying. Then a dastardly thought came to her.

Scootaloo was telling the truth? Sweetie blinked a couple times as her eyes felt tears begin to form. If that was true then, Sweetie looked at Scootaloo and couldn’t bare to see her. Memories began to kick in and connect the dots. 'Oh Celestia, it was all true,' she thought. She couldn’t stay there any longer, regret filled every fiber of her being. She bolted out the clubhouse and ran into the orchard as those memories took over and tears began to run down her cheeks.


The first day they met

Sweetie decided to take a walk in the park, her parents were on vacation as per usual and her sister was too busy to play with. She had nothing to do and a walk in the park sounded nice. As she walked she was looking up at the sky, it was pretty. Just as she looked down she saw a orange filly about to collide with her she almost managed to get out of the way but not quiet and they bump into each other. “Sorry,” the orange filly with a messy purple mane said.

She’s never seen her before, and she knew what all the foals in her class looked like. She wanted to know more. “Hey, I’ve never seen you before,” Sweetie said.

“I would hope not, I’m new in town,” responded the orange filly angrily, now that she looks back.

Somepony new in town! “Oh okay,” she wondered if this filly knows about the upcoming celebration, “Did you know the summer sun celebration is taking place tomorrow?”

“How could I not everypony in town is talking about it,” she responds with the same anger.

“I know isn’t it great Princess Celestia is gonna be here, and there’s going to food from Sugarcube Corner and Bon Bons,” Sweetie replys happily.

“Wait, there’s gonna be food there?” she asks with interest and no hints of anger.

Almost two weeks later

Sweetie had been wondering when Scootaloo’s parents would get her into school so they could hang out more often like during recess. Scootaloo said they’d have it done by next week, and she was excited about it. She mentioned a Cutescenera party that Diamond Tiara was going to have and Scootaloo wanted to go to it. If only for the free food. She made such a good argument so they went.

three months or so later it was still summer

She remembers Scootaloo trying to get sleepovers every chance she got. Anytime either she or Applebloom brought up her place it seemed to always change into another subject that made them forget about it. Eventually, they gave up and stopped thinking about it altogether. By this point Scootaloo had and stopped her Rainbow Dash fan club. More so because Applejack made her. Scootaloo did start to talk about how cool it would be if Rainbow was her sister. She didn’t think much about it at the time other than being very skeptical about the whole idea.

About one month later more or less

After the camping trip Scootaloo changed. It wasn’t how she acted, or what she said. She just seemed happier, then again she did start to talk about Rainbow Dash as her big sister.


Now that she was looking back on those moments and more in a new light she realized just what was going on. She now realized why Scootaloo acted the way she did. It hurt how badly it made sense to her at this moment. No wonder why Scootaloo always jumped at the chance to get food. No wonder why Scootaloo didn’t go to school right away when it started. No wonder why the subject changed or there was an excuse whenever they tried to get a sleepover at Scootaloos. No wonder why Scootaloo wanted Rainbow as her sister. It all made sense and it cut deeply. She couldn’t see through her tears.

The clubhouse was far away now. She tripped and couldn’t find the strength or will to get up. One of her best friends has suffered who knows how much right in front of her and she never even had a suspicion something was not right. She felt like a horrible pony for being so blind. She should have known something was wrong. Every memory only paints the picture clearer and makes it that much worse. She remembered all the times she complained to Scootaloo about her sister and her parents for one reason or another. Something that she knew hurt Applebloom dearly, if she complained about her parents. She could only imagine how Scootaloo felt when she complained about having loving parents and sister. How Scootaloo could stand being around her at all for complaining about things that now seemed pointless. She couldn’t face Scootaloo not after all that. She feels like she doesn’t deserve to be her friend. Something poked her side but she didn’t care to look. Next she got embraced by somepony, she figured out it was Applebloom pretty quickly.

“Hey Sweetie why’d you go and run off like that?” Applebloom said softly.

Sweetie calmed down just enough to barely answer, “be, becau, ‘sniff’ because I should have knooo~wn,” and began anew.

“What are you going on about? Come on let's go Scootaloo didn’t look well off when Ah went to get you,” Applebloom began to push Sweetie to her feet.

Sweetie soon began walking, as Applebloom nudged her back to the clubhouse. Sweetie still felt terrible, but the hug calmed her down a little. As they walked Applebloom asked again what the big deal was. “I’m a horrible pony, that’s why. You two are the best friends anypony could hope for and all I do is make you feel bad. Oh my parents are on vacation? I’m gonna complain about them to my friends who don’t have parents. One of my best friends is homeless? I’m gonna complain about how I basically have two homes! One of my friends has no sister? Well, well I’m gonna replace my sister! And, and, and worst of all I don’t even take time to even realize just how mu… how mu…” Sweetie answered in a sarcastically angry voice before the tears started falling again. Just the thought of anything Scootaloo might have had to go through made her lose it. Putting it into words was something she couldn’t do right now.

Applebloom managed to guide Sweetie back to the clubhouse. She wasn’t crying by the time they got there. Before they even could get inside they could clearly hear sniffles from within the clubhouse. As Sweetie opened the door she was horrified to see Scootaloo curled in a ball tears with running down her cheeks. Sweetie was hugging Scootaloo so fast, Scootaloo was a little shocked. “yo… you forgave me?” Scootaloo asked with a hint of hope.

Sweetie didn’t know why she was asking that question, only that it made her hug tighter. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she repeated as she hugged Scootaloo for dear life. Applebloom joined the hug soon after.

This only confused Scootaloo but she was happy they’re there, “Sorry for what?” Scootaloo finally managed to squeak out.

“For being a horrible pony. I should have figured something wasn’t right with your life. It was so obvious. But no, all I could do was complain about my own problems that are nothing compared to yours. I don’t even know why you kept me around,” Sweetie stopped the hug and Applebloom got off as well. She waited for Scootaloo to respond. She watched as Scootaloo soon smiled brightly and laughed uncontrollable. Applebloom and Sweetie stared at her as she laughed almost stopped then laughed some more. This only confused them.

“What’s so funny?..." Applebloom asked. Scootaloo failed to compose herself for a answer, "Ah swear if this was a prank or something,” Applebloom began but before she could continue Scootaloo interrupted her.

“No, no ahaha, wait, wait It’s just I remember asking pretty much exactly what Sweetie just asked me two years ago. I couldn’t help it. I’m just now realizing I was worrying way too much I thought you would never want to see me again. I thought I would’ve been able to live without you guys but when you left it was like a piece of me was gone… but you came back! You came back! You guys are the best!” Scootaloo pulled them both into a tight hug.

Sweetie wasn’t buying it though and still felt guilty, “but didn’t I make you feel bad complaining about how much better my life is than yours? Because I feel horrible that I put you through that, I’m sorry!” Scootaloo gave her a questioning look.

“No Sweetie, I was okay with it in fact I liked it,” Scootaloo answered.

Sweetie was confused, “How could you possible like me after basically shoving how much better my life is in front of you almost daily?”

“Because it made me feel normal. It made me feel like maybe I wasn’t missing out on much,” Scootaloo answered.

“...that makes sense I guess,” Sweetie said finally. She still didn’t get it but was glad Scootaloo was okay.

They talked about several things after that. Scootaloo explained how Pinkie has been helping her out with food and shelter during the winter. Pinkie did a Pinkie Promise to keep it a secret and has remained faithful to it. Scootaloo apologized about taking several apples from the farm but Applebloom had no problems with it given the circumstance. They asked when or if she was planning on telling anypony else. Scootaloo said she's gonna tell Rainbow Dash next, but is worried about Rainbows reaction. They offered to be there for her and she thanked them, but said this was something she felt she had to do on her own. Scootaloo had a good idea where to find Rainbow. As everypony left after Appleblooms impressive presentation, she saw Pinkie wheel Rainbow off. She had to be at Subercube Corner, and if not then she could find out where she was. So that’s where we went.

Rainbow Dash

After Applebloom did one of the most awesome things ever, but still not as awesome as her Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow didn’t have much else to do for the day. Pinkie ended up hi-jacking her wheelchair when Applebloom was done. She wanted to complain and stay with Scootaloo but when she looked she realized that she would see her soon enough as Scootaloo was left alone with her friends. She wondered what Scootaloo wanted to tell her, the possibilities were too many. Pinkie distracted her kind of, talking about a slumber party with her and gummy. She asked what Pinkie was talking about, turns out she failed to realize she can’t really fly to her cloudhouse right now, and Pinkie volunteered to let her crash at her place with the Cakes till she got better. The Cakes, who happen to be Pinkies second family/boss’s, were okay with it. Pinkie had work which left Rainbow with little to do. Well she did get the honor of babysitting Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake, the Cakes twin babies. They were having a nap so there wasn’t much she had to do. Rainbow ended up dosing off.

She woke up being wheeled through a hallway. She stretched and yawned only to regret it at the pain she received which woke her up a little more, “huh?” she looked behind her and saw, “Pinkie? where are we going?”

“Oops sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you up, well since you asked. I’m taking you to our guest room because you have a guest, wait no that’s not right, I meant because you’re our guest. Yes, and what kind of hostess would I be with letting my guest sleep like a baby next to babies? It’s not at all because you have a guest!” Pinkie covered her mouth at that last bit but Rainbow didn’t see it.

"Ahhh, t-that's okay, Pinkie," Rainbow replied, thoroughly confused. "It's cool, I don't mind."

Pinkie rapidly rolled Rainbow into the guest room, leaving her disoriented, “Okay Rainbow, I have to get back to work. Bye!” Pinkie shouted, as she quickly shut the door.

Rainbow looked behind her to see just as the door closed, “Uhh, okay Pinkie,” she turned back as looking behind her caused an aching pain. She saw a bed with Scootaloo on it looking at her strangely. She blinked a couple times to make sure she wasn’t seeing things and smiled, “Hey sis,” to which Scootaloo smiled as response, “I take it you had Pinkie drag me here?” Scootaloo nodded, “I’m guessing you told Applebloom and Sweetie Belle whatever it is that you wanted to tell us?” to which Scootaloo nodded again, “how’d it go?”

“Better than I hoped!” Scootaloo said happily.

This calmed some of Rainbow’s nerves perhaps Scootaloo didn’t have something too bad to tell. Rainbow never had a true family and ever since she realized what Scootaloo meant to her, she felt conflicted. She wasn’t too sure how to act around Scootaloo. She only knew what her friends did around their sisters to some extent and she felt a little lost. Still the idea of having a sister, a family, gave her a feeling that she wanted to keep. It was like a part of her that she forgot ever existed came back after being suppressed for far too long. Forgotten hopes and dreams of her childhood became reality when she saw Scootaloo, “That’s great to hear! So what is this secret you wanna tell me? Got a crush on some colt or filly?” Scootaloo made a gagging gesture and replied with a no. “Well as fun as it would be to keep guessing. It sounded like it was important so what is it?”

Scootaloo looked down sighed and then back at Rainbow, “Before I tell you, I just want to say, thanks for being my big sister even if for about two days…” Scootaloo happily said, “I’m sorry but I lied to you about where I live,” she finally said gravely.

This confused Rainbow as she began to feel dread, “What? You had Miss Daisy lie for you? Why would she lie for you? Is she your mom?” It wasn’t that long ago that Scootaloo introduced Daisy to her as Scootaloo’s neighbor.

“What!? No! I mean in a way I had Miss Daisy lie for me, I’m sure you know Bulk Biceps? That crazy pegasus that’s always at the gym? Well I noticed Miss Daisy easily gets scared I mean she fainted because of a bunch of bunnies. I also noticed Bulk happens to jog by her house every once in awhile. So one day while he was jogging by I talked to him and got him to stand still and merely look in my direction while I talked to Miss Daisy. pht ahahaha you should have seen the look on her face when I told her that I moved next door and not to tell anypony or else my bodyguard might do something about it. She told you everything I told her to tell ponies if they asked about me, unless I gave her the okay to tell them, I still can’t believe it worked out as well as it did,” Scootaloo’s spirits were up like nothing serious was being said.

Rainbow listened intently. If Scootaloo tricked Miss Daisy into saying she lived next door, then where does she live? She already asked everypony in town, “Where do you live then Scootaloo?”

That knocked Scootaloo back to her current situation and she closed her eyes, “I live in the CMC clubhouse,”

Rainbow looked at Scootaloo a little shocked. ‘Why would her parents let her live there? Wait does she even have...’ Things began to make sense Rarity and Applejack not knowing where she lives or her parents. She just needed to know one more thing, “Where did you live before you started living in the clubhouse?” She watched as Scootaloo closed her eyes tighter and tears began to form.

“...n ...anage in some ..ig cit..” Scootaloo said as she plowed her head into the bed she was laying on. Rainbow couldn’t understand so she asked Scootaloo to repeat. Scootaloo kept her eyes shut but removed her mouth from the bed so Rainbow could hear her. “An orphanage in some big city,” Scootaloo said and put her head back in the bed as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

Rainbow blinked a little surprised, she did have some fears this would be the case but she never actually thought it would be the case. She couldn’t stand to see Scootaloo cry. She knew what Scootaloo was going through. She knew the pain of wanting to have a family, it was something she forced herself to forget about throughout time. Scootaloo brought those feelings back when she agreed to become her big sister. Rainbow remembered why she ever wanted to be a Wonderbolt in the first place. She wanted to be somepony who ponies could look up to. A pony who stood as light as things got darker. Somewhere along the way she forgot about this dream, and simple kept the goal of becoming a Wonderbolt. She realizes now, that she doesn't need to be a Wonderbolt to fulfill this dream.

Without thinking much she slowly got out of the wheelchair then hopped onto the bed and embraced Scootaloo with her wing. Scootaloo nudged in closer after her shock that Rainbow was still there wore off. They remained like that silently for a while. Rainbow was trying to dig through her emotions, trying to think of something to say. She felt more closer to Scootaloo than she thought she could; now that she knew the truth. As Rainbow thought back about all the things she wished she had, once upon a time. She couldn’t allow Scootaloo to suffer the same bitter pill of having to wonder what it’s like to have a true family. Rainbow wasn’t sure how things would go down but one thing was for sure, “Scootaloo you know, no matter what anypony says I’ll always be your big sister because I… I love you,” Rainbow said softly.

Scootaloo pressed herself against Rainbow and responded, “I love you to big sis.”

Any conflicting emotions Rainbow once had were blown away. A few tears ran down her cheek because she felt so happy. She has a family. She has a younger sister. She never knew how much she had been missing out on. She now understood why Applejack and Rarity would freak out if anything happened to their sisters. She wouldn’t let Scootaloo have the same lonely childhood she had. She had many things to think about, but she didn’t care to at the moment. She was comfortable and Scootaloo apparently dozed off. It was just as well because Rainbow never got to finish her nap from earlier.

Just outside a pink pony happily, bounced away.

End Chapter 14

Author's Note:

Well, hopefully I got someone to cry. I’d like to think the situation's and context of these were good enough compared to other stories of these characters that got me to cry. The only real question being if I wrote them down in a way that would allow for such a reaction to be possible, which I do not know that answer to. So let me know what you think.

Next chapter is an epilogue, that'll be worth reading. Don't worry this story isn't done yet, I'm just splitting it into parts, you could call this book one... but I'd rather it be called ark one.

Author's notes:

1. “She was a earth pony filly named Light Wave. She had bright blue eyes, a white coat, and a white mane.” This was inspired by someone who I knew elementary school.