• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 1,705 Views, 13 Comments

Meanwhile... - WatchMeShadow

Three friends discover an old secret that eventually will change everything for ponies. Unfortunately, these three will have more to deal with than just that.

  • ...

On a Cloud Somewhere Above Ponyville part 1

Rainbow Dash

Down below ponies were going every which way to accomplish one thing or another. The weather had been rather nice lately for them and nothing unusual happened either. Both of these facts posed a problem for a certain cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail, and a white puffy cloud shooting a rainbow themed lighting bolt for a cutie mark. Rainbow Dash had a couple days off of work. The weather from the Everfree had been rather calm. Ponyville was scheduled for partially cloudy tomorrow, but that left her with no work today. She already spent her time practising some new flying tricks for the wonderbolts, pranking ponies with her friend Pinkie, and reading the latest edition of the Daring Do series.

She had nothing to do, sure she could always go practise some more flying tricks but she had work tomorrow and she didn’t want to pull anything. It happened before and it was an annoyance she didn’t want to deal with if she didn’t have to. “Soo~ bored” she exclaimed on her comfy cloud. Her mind raced as she thought about something to do. A brilliant idea came to her. She got up and eagerly flew to the town's library.

She got there fast enough and knocked on the red door twice, “I’m coming. Give me a second,” came the muffled voice of Spike. The door opened to reveal a purple bipedal baby dragon half her size with green spikes, and green reptile eyes. “Hey Rainbow Dash, how's it going?” asked Spike.

“Hey Spike, I’m here to teach Twilight how to be half as awesome as me,” she responded posing confidently. It wasn't long ago Twilight sprouted wings and became an alicorn princess. Being the best flyer in Equastria and Twilight's friend, she naturally made it her goal to show the newly minted alicorn the ropes. That was put on the way side after the vine infestation two months ago. Then she found out Daring Doo was real. Needless to say, it took her some time to get out of that stupor and by then she forgot all about Twilight's flying lessons, until now that is. She was looking forward to having a friend who she can fly around with and maybe even race. The time Twilight got fifth in the Running of the Leaves event, came to mind. She'd flown around with Twilight a couple times, but it was clear she needed more practice.

Her other pegasus friend Fluttershy was too timid for races or competition in general. Rainbow really valued her friendships with the ponies who ended up becoming the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They found the Elements two years ago in the Castle of the Two Sisters in a quest to stop eternal night from Nightmare Moon. It was one of the first times in her life she truly felt like she belonged somewhere. Recently, they had to give the Elements up to the Tree of Harmony. After everything they’ve been through within the span of about two years it would be silly for them to stop hanging out with each other. Sure, she’s had several friends over her lifetime and some good times with them, but they just seemed to fade into history. Her friend Gilda was the closest she got to a true friend before she met them, but that ended in disaster. She knows they actually care about her and it’s a nice feeling to have, even though she’d never actually admit it. It also doesn’t hurt that they’ve been on a couple awesome adventures, and helped save Equestria a couple times.

Spike gave a toothy smile, “I’m glad to hear that, Twilight has been studying like crazy the last couple days,” as he got out of Rainbows way and gestured for her to come in.

She saw Twilight at a pedestal on the other side of the room reading something. 'Such an egghead,’ she thought walking up to her. She found it funny that Twilight became a princess, but behaved like it didn’t even happen. She lightly banged on the book with her forehoof, “Ha," Rainbow exclaimed, causing Twilight jump a little, "what’re you reading that’s so interesting that you didn’t notice me come in?”

“Rainbow Dash? When did you get here? Nevermind, I'm reading the laws of Equestria, did you know there’s a law in Canterlot that says ponies can’t throw away watermelons in the parks? It doesn’t say why though. Why are you here?” Twilight asked looking anywhere but at her.

She held back her laughter at her friends little jump scare, “You're such an egghead Twilight. I’m here to get you out of here and get some flight practice in. I mean you're a princess now, you need to be able to fly better than most ponies, and Spike thinks you need to get out of the house? Library? You need to get out.”

“Wha- Why do I need to be able to fly better than most ponies? Just because I’m a princess, it's not like I will be doing more than sitting on a throne signing papers, hearing ponies cases in court, and being a prop for events!” Twilight said in a fast but clearly irritated.

“Calm down Twilight," Rainbow requested backing up, "jeez think about everything that's happened with Princess Cadence. You remember how she needed to fly to get the Crystal Heart and save Spike and the Crystal Empire?"

After a moment of what looked like contemplation, Twilight perked up, “Oh yeah, and that time in the crystal mines below Canterlot when she needed to fly to the other side of a seemingly bottomless pit before we fell in.” Rainbow was a little shocked she never heard about this before, then again there was a lot going on at the time. “Okay, you're right. I do like to be prepared for anything and flight will assuredly help me out,” Twilight said while putting a book marker in the huge book and closing it.

Rainbow made a mental note to ask her about the caverns below Canterlot later, but for now she wanted Twilight to be at least half as awesome a flyer she is, “Alright let's do this!”

“Spike I am gonna be practicing flying, I’ll see you when I’m done!” Twilight yelled before they went out the door.

While they practiced Twilight managed to wipe out six times. This is because Rainbow Dash decided to have Twilight practice landing, before anything that would actually hurt her if she didn’t know how to do so. Twilight was getting better pretty fast, and Rainbow had to up the difficulty, and it was at this point she began to wipe out. Rainbow noticed Twilight getting pretty tired after about an hour so she suggested they take a breather on a cloud.


Next to a nice looking wooden display cart was an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail, green eyes, dawned a cowboy hat, and white apron with a pocket. “Ya’ll come back now ya hear!” she yelled with a heavy country accent as her last customer of the day left. She took a look around and saw other ponies from the market place closing down for the day. ‘Just in time,’ she thought as she gathered her things and stacked them on the cart before saddling herself to it. She walked to Ponyvilles library.

‘Now all Ah need ta do is find Applebloom and the rest of ma day will be free,’ she thought while walking. She passed several houses and took one turn, an easy enough route. She approached the library while deep in thought, looking down to watch her step.

“Hey Applejack! How come you got your display cart with you?” asked somepony she instantly recognized as Twilight. She looked around but couldn't find Twilight. She was really confused by this, but then she heard the snickering of another pony she recognized as Rainbow Dash. She looked up and saw them flying above her to the side.

“Bwahahahahaha-" Rainbow laughed as she held her chest with her fore hooves while her wings flapped unaffected, "y-you should have seen the look on your face it was priceless!” exclaimed Rainbow in a tomboyish voice as she slowly landed.

“Gosh darn it, Ah’m still not use to ya being an alicorn, Twilight. The fact that ya sprouted wings and can now fly completely slipped mah mind.” Applejack said apologetically, as Twilight landed surprisingly well next to Rainbow Dash.

“That’s okay Applejack, if anything I prefer it that way. By the way, Applebloom has been doing very well with her alchemy studies. I think she might have to go to Zecora, if she wants to learn more.” Twilight said with a smile.

“That’s nice to hear but speaking about Applebloom ya happen ta know where she is? Ah need ta ask her something,” Applejack replied. Rainbow looked a little disappointed at the quick subject change. She imagined Rainbow wanted to hear how Scootaloo was doing.

“I don’t know where she is right now, but I do know she was going to go crusading when she left. What do you need to ask her?” Twilight asked. Rainbow's smirked at her in mirth. They all knew what that meant.

Applejack decided to give Rainbow a show, “oh great! She could be anywhere by now!" She sighed, she never was good at acting, "Anyways, Ah’m gonna ask her if she wants ta go on vacation with me next month to Manehattan for a week." Applebloom and her friends had caused quite a bit of havoc since they formed their club. They were all over the place in their quest to get their cutie marks and now she had to find them. She glanced at Rainbow and found her holding back laughs, maybe she wasn't too bad an actor after all. Twilight on the other hoof looked deep in thought.

“Oh, could I come with you? That sounds like a lot of fun... I bet Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy would love to come along as well. I bet Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would want to come too.” Twilight asked.

“Well, ah was planning it on being just me and Applebloom, but if you got the time for a week vacation being a princess and all, of course ya can come.” Applejack said sourly. She didn't like that a whole lot, she wanted it to be just her and Applebloom. Applebloom was growing up and the thought that her sister may one day change scared her. She figured Twilight or anypony else for that matter would ruin their quality time together. There also was something she wanted to tell her sister, but always lacked the courage to do so. As she thought about it, the camping trip last summer came to mind. It went by smoothly and she had plenty of time with her little sister. Coming to a conclusion, she noticed Twilight was no longer smiling. “Sorry Twilight, Ah know you don’t have any royal duties or anything. Ah was really just looking forward to it being just me and Applebloom," Twilight looked crestfallen at that, "but Ah gave it some thought and Ah actually wouldn’t mind if ya gals tagged along.”

“Awesome, I’m so going. I can’t wait to see the Mare of Liberty.” Rainbow Dash jumped in the conversion while Twilight smiled.

Applejack was beginning to fancy the idea of having them tag along. The last time she went to Manehattan with her friends, it was only for two days. All they did was help Rarity holed up in a mediocre hotel room and watch a play before they headed home. They had a lot more planned but Rarity really took up their time. A week with her sister although nice would get boring even with all the things to do in Manehattan. “Hey Rainbow Dash can ya go ta Rarity's and ask her if she wants ta come on the vacation also if ya see Applebloom tell her Ah want her ta go home please?” Applejack asked nicely. She hoped to run into her sister sooner than later.

“Hey sure thing Applejack. I was done teaching the rookie here anyways,” Rainbow said while patting Twilight on the back, “I’ll even go ask Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, laters” she waved and took off towards Rarity’s. Applejack brought her attention back to Twilight.

“It’s okay Applejack. I know you didn't mean anything by it. Anyways, I need to get back to studying Equestria’s laws because I think I should know them better.” Twilight said.

“Alright Twilight, Ah’ll see ya later then.” Applejack replied before they went their separate ways. It was about a quarter an hour walk home for Applejack. Her first stop was a huge red barn to drop off her display cart. She then went home which looks like a barn but a little smaller and slightly more like a house. It has windows and a door on what would normally be the side of a barn. She entered in the front door right into the living room. It had a rocking chair occupied by an old green mare with a white mane and tail, orange eyes. The elderly mare wore a large orange handkerchief with apple spots and a white half circle outer lining.

“Didja ask Applebloom if she wanted to go on your little trip?” Asked the green mare while rocking back and forth on her chair. Her voice was old and high pitched.

“Ah haven’t seen neither mane nor coat of her since she took off like Winona after a stick. Have ya seen her since she left Granny?” Applejack asked back.

“Can’t say I've seen the little whippersnapper since she left either,” Granny Smith replied.

“Well Ah’m gonna go see if she’s at the clubhouse. Ah know she went crusading today thanks to Twilight,” she said as she went outside.

“Okay,” Granny Smith yelled as the door was closed.

The clubhouse was a pretty big tree house surrounded by apple trees. It's about a five minute walk from her house. The clubhouse itself looks like a mini house atop a tree painted in a peach color with a platform and railings along the outside to prevent anypony from falling down. It also has two retractable studded ramps as the way to get to it.

As Applejack went up the ramps, she saw a white piece of paper with writing on it taped to the door’s handle. Once she got to the door she took the paper and read it:

Hey were going to the castle of the two sisters

to get our explorers cutie marks

we will be back befor dark


P.S. this was Sweetie’s idea

She reread the note, making sure she didn't misread it, 'Gosh darn it what in tarnation are those fillies thinking. Don’t they know the Everfree is dangerous.' Alarmed she quickly ran to the one pony she knows could help the most.


After Rainbow Dash went to ask Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie if they were gonna come on vacation and Applejack left to put away her display cart Twilight went back in the library to continue reading her book titled ‘Equestrian Laws ... Most of Them.' After reading for about half an hour the library door slammed open followed by Applejack yelling, “Twilight!” Alert, She turned around to Applejack panting and holding out a piece of paper to her. She took the paper with a levitation spell and read it. It was in Scootaloo’s writing style and she had to reread it before she realized what it said. They went into the Everfree Forest by themselves, it made her worry about them.

Twilight kept looking at the note as Rainbow Dash seemingly came out of nowhere and asked what was going on. She looked up when Applejack responded, “Rainbow we ain’t got time ta talk. We got ta get ta the Castle of the Two Sisters now!” Twilight followed Applejack as they began to run towards the Everfree.

“What? Why? What’s going on?” Rainbow asked as they ran by houses and Rainbow flew.

“Apparently the crusaders decided to get their explorers cutie marks by going to the Castle of the Two Sisters.” Twilight answered, thinking of effective ways to resolve the issue. First they would have to stop at Fluttershy’s and see if she has seen them leave or enter the Everfree. Then they would have to stop and see if Zecora has seen them and to keep an eye out for them. As they ran Twilight told them her plan and they agreed with this plan of action.

After making it through the forest and searching the castle for an hour they met near the entrance. “Well where in Equestria could they be! They’re supposed to be here!” Applejack said on the verge of tears.

“Hey we don’t know that, they could have been in the Ponyville movie theater for all we know. I’ve seen no sign that anypony has been here since Spike and Owlowiscious, I mean we didn’t look everywhere in Ponyville we just ran straight here. Even Fluttershy and Zecora hasn’t seen them,” Twilight said trying to comfort her. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll keep looking in the forest around the castle for any signs of them throughout the night while you go back to Ponyville and see if they’re there,” Twilight said partly because she didn’t want to see Applejack in such distress but their was another reason and it caught her by surprise. Twilight had been teaching the crusaders for about two months now and she just now realised that she basically has the same type of relationship with them as Princess Celestia did/does with her. There are some major differences but the basic concept was the same. She was so concerned with what her role as a Princess is and soo irritated over some ponies special treatment of her that this fact had completely slipped her mind.

Before she could think more on this new discovery Rainbow Dash said “Sounds like a plan to me, hey Twilight if we do find them back in Ponyville I’ll come get you, if not I hope you find them.”

“Okay, well there’s no time like the present to get started I’ll see you later.” Twilight said and began to walk in the forest to the left of the castle. Rainbow Dash and Applejack began make their way back to Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow and Applejack went to see if maybe the fillies were somewhere in Ponyville. They checked on Zecora and Fluttershy first. Neither had seen them. They split up to cover more ground. They met back at the Library after asking around; unfortunately, nopony has seen them. “What happened ta them, where are they? She is so grounded when ah see her!” Applejack said in extreme distress. Rainbow didn’t understand why Applejack was so worried. They’ve proven themselves to be capable and resourceful several times in the past.

“I don’t know but they will be fine, I mean they’ve been in the Everfree plenty of times to visit Zecora or at least Applebloom has, and also that time she survived that encounter with that tiger, goat, snake monster you talked about.” Rainbow said trying to comfort Applejack.

Applejack took a calming breath, “Yer right ah need to stop panicking, ah’m gonna go tell Spike that Twilight won’t be back ‘til tomorrow, then Rarity’s parents what's going on, then Big Mac and Granny Smith, ya think ya could tell Rarity and Scootaloo’s parents what’s going on?”

Rainbow Dash quickly responded, “Sure thing” and took off but then was unable to recall where her number one fan lived so she came right back, “umm," she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment, "I don’t know where Scootaloo lives... Mind telling me where that is?”

Applejack looked like she was about to answer then closed her mouth as if deep in thought for a while. “Ah don’t rightly know where she lives,” Applejack said intrigued then flatly continued, “Ya should know where she lives though being her big sister and all.”

“What are you...” Rainbow started to say, until a night last year she could never forget ran through her head.

During the night in the Whitetail woods which consist of mostly long slender trees. They were near the top of a waterfall that Scootaloo almost died from and she just got done silently crying about to respond to Rainbows question. “I’m so so sorry Rainbow Dash I just wanted you to hangout with me and see how cool I was so you’d take me under your wing teach me everything you know and become like my big sister.”

She couldn’t remember her response exactly but she knows she didn’t say she would become her big sister. So why did Applejack think that.

“Ah mean Applebloom has mentioned it a couple times how Scootaloo likes ta talk about her awesome big sister,” Applejack continued without acknowledging Rainbows first response.

Rainbow felt a little guilty for the misunderstanding they had back then. However, She was a cool filly and her number one fan so this made Rainbow feel appreciated? She wasn’t quite sure what she felt about somepony wanting her to be their big sister. She tried to think about any time Scootaloo called her sister but couldn’t recall any. It was kind of a shock that Applejack of all ponies would think Scootaloo was her sister. Applejack was big on family and she would have thought Applejack would have higher standards for somepony to be family like being related via blood or at least the possibility of it in the case of Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, well I never said I was, I mean I like the squirt, but... Why don’t you know where she lives? Your little sister has been best friends with her for at least a year and a half now.” Rainbow replied trying to avoid that issue altogether.

“Bah, it’s not important right now, Rarity probably knows go ask her,” Applejack said a little flustered at her lack of knowledge of something so important. Rainbow agreed and went to Rarity’s so she could inform her on what’s going on and ask her where Scootaloo lived.

Rainbow Dash arrived at Rarity’s boutique. It is a tall circular building painted blue, with pink roof, round windows, and very frilly looking.

*Knock* *Knock*

“I’m coming,” responded a mare with a muffled voice on the other side. The purple door opened, “Oh, what brings you here at this dreadful hour Rainbow Dash? You’re interrupting my beauty sleep,” A white unicorn mare with a stylized purple mane, and saggy blue eyes wearing a purple robe said tiredly.

“Rarity! Sweetie Belle and the other Crusaders went to the Castle of the Two Sisters today and we have no clue where they are at the moment,” Rainbow Dash blurted out not sure how else to say it. Rarity gave a confused look then a very worried look. Before Rarity could do anything however she continued, “It’s okay though, Twilight volunteered to search the forest around the castle tonight, also I need you to tell me where Scootaloo lives so I can inform her parents.”

“Oh dear oh dear oh dear I hope they’re Okay, and what do you mean I need to tell you where Scootaloo lives? You’re her big sister are you not?” Rarity said likely trying to keep herself from thinking about the worst possible scenario.

Another vivid memory hit Rainbow. This one answered a question she wanted to ask Applejack and now Rarity.

It was now daytime and they were at the end of their hike through the Whitetail woods. “I call sister teams, last pair to make to the falls is a moldy carrot,” Sweetie yelled while looking back at everypony else. Soon Applebloom, Applejack, Rarity, and Sweetie were running towards the falls. Rainbow Dash accepted that challenge and flew Scootaloo to the falls. Scootaloo seemed so very happy with a wide smile that Rainbow couldn’t help but feel great about.

Rainbow really began to feel guilty about the miscommunication they had, after that memory. Even Rarity thought them as sisters, how long has this been going on? It had to have started at the falls last year. How come she was the only one who didn’t know about it? She couldn’t think about this right now, “Well I don’t know so are you gonna tell me where she lives or not?” she said, irritated for some reason.

Rarity scrunched up her nose then gave a blank stare and said, “I don't know where she lives, how has that slipped my notice? Maybe you should ask Applejack she’s pretty responsible.”

Rainbow Dash stared at Rarity for a while in shock, before she finally said, “Yeah, I’ll do that, Well I’ll see ya later Rarity. If Twilight doesn’t return with them by ten A.M. tomorrow we will have a real problem on our hooves,” she said before taking off to her cloud home.

On her way there she couldn’t help but wonder why neither Applejack nor Rarity knew where Scootaloo lived. This was a mystery she would have to solve tomorrow morning whilst she goes and ask everypony in and around Ponyville if they know where Scootaloo lives. Rainbow was a little shocked at how little she knew about Scootaloo. She should have known where Scootaloo lived, especially after she made that fanclub for her. Instead she’s now learning that Scootaloo has considered her a sister and other ponies thought it to? Just about every morning for about the last year and a half or so Scootaloo has shown up to the park to watch her workout and practise flying stunts. She first thought it a little creepy, but quickly thought otherwise once she got to know her a little better. Rainbow wasn’t sure what to think. She eventually got to sleep.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight had nothing but time to think while she observed her surroundings for any sign of the three fillies. What she thought about was how she was now basically their mentor kind of how Celestia is/was to her. She knows they respect her or else they wouldn’t show up for their “Twilight Time.” She felt a little guilty though, she could have helped them out a little more than she has been. So she decided she would get some lectures set up and ask Zecora for some help with alchemy lessons. She enjoyed watching them get better at what they were learning.

She quickly lost track of time and the excitement of the day was finally catching up to her after she did a complete search of the woods immediately around the castle but saw no signs of the fillies. It was too dark to see at this point and although she was confident she could take on anything in the forest she decided to go to the castle and sleep for the night then go to Ponyville in the morning so they can get a proper search party going.

When she awoke the sun was already high in the sky and providing base ambient light from a broken window on the side of the castles wall. She was in a small room that she thought would help her wake up in the early morning when the sun shined on her as Celestia began to raise it. She was wrong and if she had to guess she’d say it was nearly noon.

She had no time to feel tired so she got up, shook her head, and began to run out the castle. She kept running when she made it across the bridge, and then the creepy forest with trees that look like creepy faces that she hasn’t been able to disenchant. Laughing at them temporarily disabled the enchantment but that’s all. It wasn’t much further after that when she saw three figures walking the way she was running up ahead of her.


Applebloom was the first to get up from whatever just happened to them. She no longer felt that horrible pressure that made her feel like she could pass out at any moment. She looked around for Scootaloo and Sweetie and saw them on the ground as their chests slowly rose and fell. Looking around the room revealed it was still covered in leaves and vines. The blue glowing flowers didn’t seem to take damage from the wind that was going on minutes earlier, and the lily pad looked like it completely recovered from the damage they caused it when they first entered. The only difference was the sword now laying on the ground near the vine pedestal. The Sword was one and one half the size of any of the fillies in length and it was three hooves in width. It wasn’t much sooner Scootaloo and Sweetie got up. “What just happened?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Ah have no clue but one thing’s for sure we’re getting out of here, Ah think we passed out for a couple minutes.” Applebloom said and walked off to the lily pad while Sweetie and Scootaloo looked around some more.

While looking around Scootaloo saw the sword on the ground, “Ha!" she exclaimed in victory, "see?" she pointed to it, "I told you I’d get that sword down. Now I just have to carry it,” She said as she began to run to it to Sweeties horror and Applebloom’s alarm.

“STOP!” they yelled in unison a little too late as Scootaloo picked the sword up and turned to face them.

“Wah?” Scootaloo asked. As Applebloom and Sweetie Belle slowly began to calm down.

“Why’d you go an’ do that Scootaloo? You saw what happened to the canteen you threw, and I know you saw the three orb things that came out after that. Who knows what else it could have done,” Applebloom said. Sweetie knew exactly what could have happened and it was a terrifying thought.

Scootaloo saw Sweetie Belle begin to look down and spat out the sword and said, “You’re right. I’m sorry girls. I wasn’t thinking... but don’t I look awesome with this sword?” She then picked up the sword again and struck a few poses. This seemed to get her best friends minds off what could have happened.

Sweetie Belle got an awestruck look as Scootaloo started posing and squealed, “You do look awesome with that sword!”

Applebloom was still a little worried something weird would happen but she noticed the gem in the pommel of the sword was now grey and cracked and no longer glowing so she assumed that it broke or ran out of power or something. She then noticed how huge the sword was and the fact that Scootaloo made it seem like it weighed nothing. “Hey Scootaloo how’re you carrying that, isn’t it heavy?”

Scootaloo looked at Applebloom for a while and then set the sword down and said, “Good question, this doesn’t seem too heavy to me how about you give it a try?”

Applebloom walked to the sword while Scootaloo backed away. She bent her head to bite on the golden hilt then struggled to lift her head. She eventually did but the weight of the sword was too much for her to hold too long so she dropped it. It was almost like picking up a full round of apples, except the gold hilt kind of hurt her teeth.

After Applebloom dropped the sword, Sweetie ran over to it excitedly yelling, “My turn! My turn!” while Applebloom got knocked aside by Sweetie.

Scootaloo and Applebloom saw Sweetie lower herself and bite on the hilt and remain still for a little bit, then her legs began to shake, then paw the ground in a vain effort to lift up the sword. She let go of the sword brought a hoof to her jaw and said “Ow, That’s not fair, you make it look like it weighs nothing Scootaloo,” she said with a pout.

Scootaloo smiled, “Hey, that’s just because I’m awesome like that!”

Applebloom knew there was more going on but had no clue what that was, “Well ah agree that is cool, but lets get out of here already we probably need to go see Twilight and find out what’s in this book," she said gesturing to the book in her saddlebag, "and what those three magic orbs did to us.” She said, walking to the giant lily pad again. Sweetie followed close behind, while Scootaloo picked up the sword and went after.

Now on the fully healed lily pad, Applebloom took out the book and looked at the picture again. She hit the leaf that sprouted out of the lily pad. To their mild surprise, it actually began ascending. “This is a pretty cool elevator,” Applebloom said as they went up. Sweetie and Scootaloo agreed. Soon they found themselves outside. They swiftly got off the lily pad before it had any chance to go back down. Looking back they saw plain ground root out to cover where the lily pad was as the lily pad began to make its descent. “Well... that happened, did ah get one!?” Applebloom said excitedly while they turned to look at their flanks for a cutie mark. To their disappointment they didn’t get one.

They agreed to go tell Twilight what happened and cancel their plans to go to the Castle of the Two Sisters for today. “Girls!" They jumped like cats and landed, hearts racing, "I’m so so so glad to see you! You had everypony so worried," said a familiar voice of Twilight.

Sweetie was the first to run up to Twilight while she was staring at Scootaloo and the huge sword she was carrying. “Twilight, how’d you get here? We were just on our way to see you! and why was everypony so worried we haven’t been gone two hours, ugh my sister can be so overly dramatic sometimes,” Sweetie said with annoyance at the end.

Twilight brought her attention to Sweetie who was in front of her, “Sweetie what are you talking about? You girls have been missing for one whole day! We’ve searched the castle three times over and I have been out looking for you since last night.”

Scootaloo put down the sword, “What!?" she yelled, "I thought you said we were out only a couple minutes Applebloom!” very upset about this news.

“That makes no sense how could we possibly have been out for an entire day? It didn’t seem like more than a few minutes,” Applebloom half defended half questioned.

“Girls calm down and tell me what happened, and why Scootaloo is carrying that sword,” Twilight said getting their attention.

Sweetie began to explain how they got trapped. Then Applebloom continued their story with what was in the cave and the horrible feeling she got. Scootaloo then told Twilight about the sword and the three balls of magic. They somehow forgot to mention the book.

“Well I hope you don’t mind Scootaloo but I will be carrying that sword back to Ponyville,” Twilight said as she began to lift the sword up with her magic and this gave her a question she would need to find answers for later. For now she looked at the three fillies, “Okay girls we will talk more once we’re safe in Ponyville, I know Applejack and Rarity are probably getting ready to send the whole town on a search party by now.”

Twilight was right. As they walked out of the Everfree they saw several ponies by the entrance getting in groups of three. A mare spotted them coming out while everypony was getting ready and loudly asked, “Is that them?”

There was a loud cheer followed by Rarity and Applejack running towards them. Rainbow Dash left a rainbow trail already three quarters the way to them. Rainbow swept Scootaloo up and kept going. Scootaloo didn’t know what was going on at first but quickly realized it was Rainbow and hugged her. The hug didn’t last as Rainbow quickly put her down and backed up a step.

Rarity and Applejack were hugging their sisters by this point and telling them not to do something like that again. While Applejack and Applebloom were talking; Applebloom remembered something they completely forgot to show or even tell Twilight about. It was the book that she now had in her saddle bag.

Twilight thanked everypony there for offering to help them find the fillies and said they could get back to anything they were gonna do otherwise. Ponies then began to disperse back into Ponyville.

Applebloom approached Twilight and presented the book. Applebloom then opened it up to the first page and said that was the how they knew the lily pad would go up. Twilight took it and looked at the texts. She recognized it as Old Equestrian. She never really learned how to read or write in Old Equestrian, but she did recognize some of the symbols. Twilight then thought about the pressing matter of what happened to the girls when they were gone and why they don’t remember it. Her first idea was to use the memory spell on them but decided against it. She figured the next best thing would be to bring them to the Ponyville hospital.

Scootaloo now mostly alone with Rainbow Dash, well at least out of hearing distance of everypony else, noticed that Rainbow wore an annoyed frown, “H-Hey Rainbow Dash did you see the awesome sword we found in a dungeon? Well it was more like a cave,” she questioned.

“Where do you live?” Rainbow Dash asked, though it felt more like a demand to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo felt shocked by the question, even though she knew it was probably coming. She recovered though, “Oh aah ha ha, didn’t Applejack or Rarity tell you?” She needed to fish for details see what kind of trouble she's in.

“No, it seems neither of them know where you live and I’ve asked around town…" Rainbow frowned, "I..." she looked down briefly, before looking back to Scootaloo, "we needed to tell your parents that you went missing but had no clue who they were or where to find them." She spent all morning asking around to find out where Scootaloo lived and the only pony who knew anything also wouldn't say anything. Pinkie Pie said she was bound by a Pinkie Promise. Pinkie did say she would make sure to, 'inform the ponies who need to know that Scootaloo is missing.' Then asked who all knew. Any attempts at following Pinkie were completely fruitless.

“Oh, my bad I could have sworn I told them where I live, but I’ll gladly show you-” Scootaloo responded but was interrupted by Twilight.

Sweetie Belle was in the middle of excitedly telling Rarity everything she remembered about their failed trip to the castle. While describing what happened with the canteen she couldn’t help but notice Rarity’s look of horror. “and then three orbs of magic came out of the gem and it got really windy then it wasn’t windy but the orbs of magic were huge! Then they began to spiral at us like a tornado or something and then I blacked out. Then I woke up and…” Sweetie stopped there as she remembered what had happened earlier today. She was utterly helpless, there was nothing she could do but watch as her first true friend ran and picked up a sword that earlier had turned a canteen to ash. Tears began to form at her eyes as she continued down this road of thought. Before she could actually cry Twilight snapped her out of it.

“Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo I need you girls to go to the hospital so we can figure out if anything happened to you after you passed out…” Twilight yelled pretty loudly. Twilight looked around to see Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and the scattered Crusaders staring at her. She got embarrassed and said, “sorry,” in a less loud voice and continued with, “Anyways let’s start heading to the hospital because something happened to them and we need to figure out what, because when I first talked to them they said they’ve only been gone not even two hours.”

So they made their way to the hospital.

End Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Well This was a lot of reorganizing and adding. This chapter used to a mess, but I think I cleaned it up enough at least. I can't help but feel I got the characters off maybe a little too much. This is a final I won't be changing anything outside of any grammar mistakes. Hopefully.

Authors notes:

1. "did you know there’s a law in Canterlot that says ponies can’t throw away watermelons in the parks?" At the time I've read and/or heard about a law at a park somewhere that banned watermelons because the seeds would ruin the trash bags.
2. "On her way there she couldn’t help but wonder why neither Applejack and Rarity knew where Scootaloo lived." This is the reason why I excluded the Equestrian Games Episodes of season four. No pony most know where Scootaloo lives, except Pinkie.
3. "She said as she began to run to it to Sweeties horror and Applebloom’s alarm." This is another example of Applebloom not reacting to a situation properly. Kind of at least.