• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 1,431 Views, 40 Comments

The Hunter: The Path of the Moonlight - DJ Scratch21x

All my life, I craved for adventure. I prayed for the day where everything changed. Too bad it wasn't how I pictured it.

  • ...

Chapter 11 Redemption

Aww...there is nothing like walking home from school, only to start a highly anticipated Summer. I've been through hell with the finals. I deserve a little time to lie back a chill with my video games and lazy habits. I wonder what I'll do over the next three months? Go to the lake? Go to the annual carnival? Light off some illegal fireworks in the forest? Ok, maybe not the last one. I wanna have fun, not set a forest fire. I don't want Smokey to come breaking down my door with his shovel.

These are the kind of thoughts danced and pranced with their dimwitted elegance in my head while I walked down a lonesome dirt road. Trees that stood tall over me formed a roof over my head, letting me walk in their shadows, and hiding me from the warmth of the sun. To my left, I could see my house as well as many others ahead already, right through the trees, I could see the backyard. It was a good thing I took a short cut home. Now I can get to watching videos on the internet much sooner than usual!

I cut my time getting there in half when I began to jog over to my house through the trees. I hopped over bushes and I ducked under some low hanging branches, before I broke through a wall of plant life. There, I was greeted by the wooden fence that squared itself around the property of my house. I made it. Slightly out of breath, I walked over to the gate that led into the backyard. I undid the lock on the other side, and I pushed the door away from me, only to reveal my backyard. The green grass glistened with water from our sprinkler system. A bird that was waddling across the grass took notice of me, and it took off into the air. Soaring over my house and out of sight. Not taking my sweet time, I began to jog over to the back door.

"Hey, Trevor!"

The back door slid open and I saw Dad standing in the doorway. He must've just got out of work. His work shirt was almost entirely unbuttoned, revealing a slightly sweaty grey T-shirt underneath. He was already in what he calls his "Weekend shorts", rather than his work pants.

"Oh, hey....how's it hanging?" I greeted.

I heard barking coming from the interior of the house. A rapid pattering of paws of on carpet drew quickly closer to the doorway. A head poked out form the side, right below Dad's right knee.

"Hey buddy!" I greeted as I knelt down, ushering him over to me.

Joel barked, before forcefully shoving himself through the gap in between the edge of the door and my Dad. Joel ran over to me with his tongue flopping around in the calming wind. Instead of doing his normal greeting of rubbing himself against me like how a cat would, he embraced me with a few dozen slobbery licks to the face.

"Aw! Joel, gross." I said in a playful manner.

I pushed him off and I scratched his head while his tail wagged in excitement. Judging from his behavior, it was almost as if he could recognize that it was the begging of Summer vacation.

"I'm guessing it was pretty crazy at school today, huh?" Dad asked as he watched us play.

"Oh you bet." I said as I rose to my feet. I walked up the steps and I entered the house with Joel right at my tail. "Crazy is putting it lightly."

I dropped my backpack onto the living room couch. I made my way over to the kitchen and I opened the fridge. As I searched around inside, I continued to tell him about my day.

"Yeah, in first period, we watched some pretty funny Youtube videos. Second and third, it was basically talk and text time. Fifth as well."

I found the last soda in the fridge. Taking it out, I cracked it open and I took a HUGE swig. I instantly began to regret it afterwards when the carbonated liquid burned every inch of my mouth and throat. I let out a chocked cough, taking a moment to let the fizz settle before continuing.

"Fourth period was probably the most boring part of the day. Yeah, our chemistry teacher had us read a fourth of a chapter of natural gasses. You know how he is, that kind of teacher that doesn't cut the learning until the very last second of the school year. Anyway, we had lunch afterwards. For the rest of the day, we stayed in the lunchroom to watch The Goonies. It was played on the projector..."

I took another foolish swig. "Yep, it was pretty cool today. Oh, did I mention the horse mask? Yeah, when the final bell rang, two seniors rolled out of school on a pickup truck. One was blaring some heavy metal on a boom-box while hooping and hollering like a moron. The other one was wearing a horse mask while swing his shirt in the air like a lasso. It was crazy!"

Dad sighed and shook his head, but he couldn't help but smile. He chuckled.

"Ahhh...you kids these days."

"Anyway..." I said before I took a sip. I sat down on the kitchen counter. "How was work? I see you got out early today."


He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. He sounded uneasy. I cocked my head.

"What is it?" I asked. "Did something happen?"

He nodded his head. "It happened again....at work."

My eyes widened with my mouth full of soda, making me look like a bloated fish. I swallowed.

"You're joking! Again? At work?"

He nodded once more. "Yeah! J.B didn't show up to work today. It wasn't till an hour after I came in, four policemen came in the office. They said that last night, judging from the observations of his wife, he got up from bed to have a smoke. He never came back. His wife called the five-o when he was gone for six hours, as he was hoping that he was trying to scare her or something. She called and texted him, but to no reply! The reason I'm home now, is because I had to spend several hours answering questions for the cops and the press. Up until release."

"Jeeze." I gasped. I took another sip. "These kidnappings are getting WAY out of hand! Like, way outta hand. What are they doing about it? Do they have a lead this time?"

Dad shrugged.

I shrugged as well. "Well, I hope he's alright."


I guess I should explain who we were talking about before I continue. Justin Briar, or J.B, he is a coworker with Dad. I've met him a couple times. He's a cool guy. J.B always had a way of turning things more comical than they were. A real Joker he is. Despite appearing slightly overweight, he was surprisingly strong. I know because I at at him with an arm wrestle. Perhaps he lifts weights? I don't know. Anyway, Dad wasn't exactly friends with the fella, but they got along more than the other employees.

"Same..." Dad repeated.

He leaned in on the counter and stared at me. Dad quickly took the concern off his face and gave this more optimistic approach.

"So school was good?"


"Got all of your late assignments in?"

"Got em' all."

"Good grades?"

"Four A's, two B's, and a C+. The C being chemistry."

"That's what I like to hear! Well...not the C+, but it's good to year your ending the year strong."

We exchanged a mighty high-five. Mighty enough for me to retract my hand and shake the pain away. I took another sip of my soda. It was then....Dad asked a question I was hoping to avoid.

"You get with that guitar club?"

I stopped mid-sip. I stared at him with the can around my lips. I swallowed and I attempted to answer this question to the best of my ability.


He actually face palmed with a sigh. He breathed in....and he breathed out. "Why."

"Well," I started. "I never got the chance to. There were too many in the club already and I don't wanna join just yet. I'm still pretty amateur at playing that thing."


Dad walked over to me and he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Answer me this, son. Why....would you EVER think you are amateur, when you have mastered playing Nothing Else Matters, All Along the Watchtower, and many other songs!?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "They just seem way more experienced and skilled than me."

"Who cares! Trevor, you have to join this club next year. It's right up your allay! Wether you think you're good or not, you have to join this club. Make some friends. Not those kids at lunch that don't talk to each other. I don't have a problem with those kids, but I'm just saying. I'm talking about actual friends. Friends that you can get into trouble with and whatnot. Not drugs or alcohol, but something crazy from time to time."

"Well yeah, but..."

Dad got nearer. "Do you want to hang with them?"


"Do you want to get better?"


"Then do it! Just do it. Do what you want to do! You wan to make friends? Then do it. You want to play guitar with others? Then do it. You can't keep this....this...loner thing going. Sometimes you gotta do something crazy to do what it takes to make it. Something out of the ordinary to become a better person."

I said nothing.

"I promise you, Trevor. If you talk to these guys, then your journey through school will be MUCH much better!"

"Sure Dad....whatever you say."


She's dead. Oh my God, she's dead. They mauled her. They bled her out, only to feast on her flesh. Holy shit, I'm next.

For the past fifteen minuets, I have listened to endless shrieks. For fifteen minuets, I have been listening to those two monsters strip a body of all of its possessions. For fifteen minuets, I have been hiding in total darkness, shaking, petrified, praying that this was all a dream. A horrible dream. I wish it was.

I watched someone get pounced and slaughtered right in front of me. That same person tried to kill me, only to feed me to those things so she could get away. Who knows what other horrors lie ahead if I treaded down this cave. Mangled bodies drained off all of their blood would probably liter the floor like confetti. I can almost picture the horror on their faces when they were thrashed back and forth with those daggers for fangs slicing through their necks.

Thank God I won't be able to see any of that. I'm stuck here. I haven't eaten anything for almost a day and a half. That goes the same for water. There are probably dozens of those spiders stalking the darkness as I sat here. If they don't eat me, I will die of dehydration. There is no way out. And say some other soldiers were to find me, they'll probably shoot me on sight. Either way......there is no way out without getting myself killed. Even if I got out...I wouldn't be the same. I've seen to much. I won't be able to sleep at night as I slowly drift into a state of insanity as I lose my moral sense.


A metallic object crashed to the ground right beside me, followed by a heavy item, ending with another thud, but with a more hollowed out ring to it. I figured out pretty quick what was going on. When the two arachnids killed the women, they took off all of her clothing, armor, and equipment. They must be throwing in away like its worthless trash.

Just then, several metal object fell to the ground at the same time causing me to flinch with surprise. There were several of them. The way they all hit the ground at the same was odd. The way they sounded as they impacted the ground. It,,,it almost sounded like a bunch of keys. Wait....keys. Were they....? Oh my God.

I sniffed as I snapped myself out of my depression and loss of hope. Even though I could see nothing but darkness, I knew I was looking directly at the keys on the floor. They were keys. They had to be! That means that I have a chance to possibly get Joel out of his cage! Maybe there was a key to that Humvee at the mouth of the cave! Holy shit, that can be our way out!

Quietly, I looked back behind the rock. I could still hear them. Not risking getting caught any longer, I quickly moved back, and I took severla deep breaths. This is it. This is a chance that we can actually get out of here! I can actually get out of here alive!!

Without thinking, I began to reach over in the general direction of the keys. I stopped. Instantly in my mind, I could picture those spiders looking in my direction, only to see my trembling hand sticking out from behind the rock. With that, I slowly retracted my hand. I paced my breathing. I can't speed this through. One slip, one sound, one tiny cling of those keys, and I'm gonna find myself balls deep in trouble.

I peeked behind the rock. Despite the fact that I'm completely and utterly blind. Hearing their grunts and growls, I could tell that they had their attention set on the corpse. Stripping her of all of her clothing and equipment. I looked away, and I stared at the ground. I have to think this over.

"Alright, Trevor, think this through. You have to be flawless in this. You can't make a single mistake! You can't take those things on your own. They're too strong, quick, and lethal. From what I can tell, they are sensitive to noise, and they probably have night vision too. Considering how quick and efficiently they move in the darkness further proves this thought."

I could make a run for it, but I don't have the guts to move from this spot. I won't last ten feet. I could try to sneak past them? Hell no. I only have a flashlight on me. I do know for a fact that when she was stripped, they threw her pistol back along with the other stuff. The thing is, that gun has only one bullet in the chamber. Pretty much useless. Other than that, the armor is the last thing that I'm aware of, besides the keys.

I could reach over to get the keys, but the noise could get me killed. I can't risk it. Taking a simple step can get me killed. A single noise and they come running to it. Even if it's nothing. Like a falling rock, or a creak in the house. Wait....noise. One noise and they come running to wherever it is. What if....no. No! To much of a risk. I can't possibly risk myself in getting killed, only to create a distraction!

What am I gonna use anyway? The flashlight? Don't be stupid! The gun? Mostly useless, but I can still be of use to me! The armor? Please, I won't be able to throw it that far. What about the helmet? Well....maybe....possibly. No, it's still stupid! But damn it, what other choice do I have? This is the one and only option here!

"Damn it! Why does it have to go down like this!? Ok....just throw it as far as you can. Just throw it and pray that it works."

I slowly rose up. Crouching behind the rock, I prepared myself to be quick and as quiet as possible.

"Ok Trevor, just count to three. You can do this. One......TWO!"

Without thinking, I shot myself forward. My hands searched desperately for the helmet. I felt my finger brush up against the floor countless times. Rock. Only rock. I could feel nothing but rock. Where is it!? Where!?

My thumb bumped onto something that rolled away from me! It spun in a circle as its materiel continued to grind against the ground! Too much noise! I instantly reached forward, and I snatched up the helmet! I fell back, crashing back into the ground behind the rock! All I heard was screaming. That hellish shriek. So loud. It was so deafening loud!

I curled into a ball as they screamed relentlessly, cradling the helmet in my arms like a small child. The monsters sped up and down the corridor. I could hear the rapid ticking noises as their needle thin legs tapped against the ground for several minuets. All the while, I stayed behind the rock, trembling, praying that they wouldn't find me! I closed my eyes and I held onto the helmet tight, beads of sweat were dripping down from my forehead. My hearts was pounding faster and faster as their screams grew more and more intense!

Then they stopped.

Their screams stopped. Just like that. I could only hear silence among the buzzing in my ears. I didn't move. I didn't DARE breathe. I didn't even blink. My hearts was pounding in my chest and I was about to pass out from fear.

Out of nowhere, I could hear them turn their attention to the body once more. Their enraged screams ceased and they turned to growls and grunts that were released as they did whatever on the corpse. I heaved a long but silent sigh of relief. I could breathe easier for one brief moment.

"Ok....no time to sit here, Trevor. Just do it."

I breathed in....then out.....then in......then out.....then in.......and out.

"Ok Trevor, you can do this. You can do this."

I adjusted my arms around the helmet. Placing my right hand behind it, and my other hand on its side. I was ready. I just have to throw as far as I can. I brought my arms back, ready to hurl it forward. On three.

One......I swung it forward and it swung back.

Two......I swung it forward and back again, making me nearly losing my footing.

THREE! I Swung it once more.....only to wrap it entirely in my arms, preventing it from flying forward.

"No no no no no no no no no no no! I can't do this! I can't do this shit!! This is crazy! I'm not the one to put myself on the line like this! Especially like yesterday! I got shot at yesterday! Joel GOT shot yesterday! I threatened to kill someone yesterday! I watched someone die today!!!"

I set the helmet to my side. I was breathing heavily as I rocked back and forth in a ball.

"I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. This is CRAZY. I can't do it."

"Do you want to see us again?"

I heard a voice in my head. Not the female voice. Not the voice I was used to. It was a different, but familiar voice. It was Dad. I could hear him in my head. Surprised, I looked around in the darkness.

"Do you want to see us again?"

His voice repeated itself. Yes, I was actually hearing this voice in my head.

"Dad?" I continued to look around. "Dad?"

"Do you want to see us again?"


"Do you want to live?"

Looking into blank space, I answered the question under my breath. "Yes."


This voice bellowed in my head, louder than the spiders behind me. I clamped down onto my ears and I held my eyes shut tight!

"JUST DO IT!! Do what you gotta do to live! Do you want to get out of here!?"


"Then do it! Do you want to live!?"

I rose to my feet with the helmet in my arms. I gulped.


"You can't keep this going of being afraid! Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do something crazy in order to make it! Something out of the ordinary TO SURVIVE!!!

I brought back the helmet as far as I could. I was ready to throw it it. I had no choice. I had no choice in any of this. I have to live. Joel has to live. Whatever it takes!

"I promise you, Trevor. If you take this opportunity, you will have a chance to survive!! JUST DO IT!!!"

In my head, I let out a roar as I hurled the helmet forward will all of the strength I could provide! I felt it leave my grasp. Once it was gone, I dropped to the floor and I pressed myself up against the wall! Off in the distance no more than a second after I was on the floor, I heard the helmet crash against the floor or a wall. It bounced off the floor and it hit the ground again. The noise bounced off the walls of the cave and it traveled to the spiders. And they went crazy.

Once they heard it, they exploded with hellish screams and shrieks. Their attention was turned to racket and they bolted in that direction. Right in my direction! I remained still as they both sped off right at me, listening to them getting closer and closer. My eyes were shut and I prayed that this would work.

The rapid ticking of their legs ran right by me and my skin get goosebumps. I flinched and I tensed up. They didn't stop. They didn't even notice me. I could hear both of them run off into the distance. Their tapping drew further and further away. It faded into the silence until I couldn't hear it anymore. There was no noise other than the rapid rattling of my teeth as they quivered. I waited for a moment. They didn't come back. This was my chance.

I turned on the flashlights that I had my hands wrapped around ever so tightly. I was nearly blinded by the light when I pressed the button. My eyes jerked shut as an instinctual reaction. Letting my eyes adjust, I waited to hear if that would attract any unwanted attention. Nothing. Nothing was coming back. This was my chance.


I aimed my light at the various items that were piled up a few meters from me. I was correct. All of her equipment was stripped from her and tossed away. This including her armor, boots, and her underclothing. I moved from my spot behind the rock and I scurried over to the supplies.

"Ok...find what I need and get out. Find what I need and get out."

I poked around, and I found the keys hidden behind the body armor. The light reflected off them, giving it a highlighted appearance. I quickly snatched those up and I stuffed them into my pocket. Right next to them, I found something that made me hesitant to even touch.

A pistol. Her pistol.

It was almost empty. the clip was at least. There was only one bullet left in the chamber. It was better than nothing. I'll only use it only if I have to. Last resort only.

I nodded, and I picked the pistol up. The metal was still warm from the intense heat from every round that was fired into those terrible creatures. I pondered on wether I should hold it in my pocket or on my backside like in the movies. If I left it in my pocket, it could get caught and it could get me killed. Not to mention that it can go off if I'm not careful, and I'm not looking to get killed by foolishly shooting myself in the thigh. However, if I reached from behind, it would be more difficult to reach, but at least I can pull it out easier. Yeah, let's do that.

I took the gun, and I slid into the space between my jeans and boxers. To be safe, I tightened my belt, so I can preventing the firearm from falling out.

"Ok, there we go."

I wish I can risk taking off the holster, wherever it was from the uniform, but I don't want to waste any time. I don't know how much time I have. I aimed my flashlight around and I found the hatchet she used to cut Archard from his restraints. A black handle with a silver blade. The hatchet was attached to a loop in the right pant leg to hold it in. I undid that loop, and I held the hatched in my other hand. There. I think I have what I need. I must move.

I turned to the direction Joel's cage was in. My light spun around with me, and I began to run in that direction, only to grind my feet to a halt. As my light fell upon it, I nearly vomited with fear, disbelief, and disgust.

It was her corpse. She was almost entirely wrapped in a thick, dull white, wire-like coating what I assumed was the spider's web. The only skin that was exposed was ghostly pale. Only half of her bare chest and up was visible. A lifeless arm stuck out and reached out to me. Her cold dead eyes just stared at me feet with no emotion. No life. No soul. Her mouth was forever stuck in a twisted combination of terror and pure agony. The only sign of blood left in her system was only dribbling out from two gaping holes in her neck. Her slick blue hair was now sticky with blood, tangled, and in knots.

I just stared at her lifeless body. I wanted to scream, but if I did, then I would end up with the same fate.

I fell to my knees before her. I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I wanted to curl into a ball and cry. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I felt this overwhelming feeling of....dread....forlorn. Even if she tried to kill me, I couldn't help but feel guilty for her. The pain she experienced was nothing that I could've imagined. Even if she tried to kill me, I could've done something to ease her pain in some way!

My eyes grew wet, my vision blurring slightly. It was when I spotted a small metal chain wrapped around what was visible of her neck. It must be her dog-tags. I blinked away the tears as I made a reach for her neck.

My hand was clamped down onto the necklace and I pulled. With some tough restraint they came loose from the webbing with a strong snap. The link was broken, and I found myself holding her tags in my palm. On her tags, it read all of the information that would be needed on the battlefield. Her name was composed of two simple words to form her code name. Probably the only thing I'll remember her by.


Below, it read her number and her blood type. There was no next of kin. No religion.

She was O positive.

I carelessly let go of the tag, and it fell to the floor with a quiet *clink*.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you.....Sweet Tooth...."

I stood up. Looking down at her empty eyes, I wanted to close them. I didn't want her to look like that. I reached forward towards her face, but I stopped just inches from her face. My fingers were outstretched, ready to show my respect. I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself as my hand turned into a fist. My fingers were firmly tucked inside. I retracted my trembling fist and it fell to my side. I couldn't do it.

I kicked at the ground and I stepped over her, unknowingly stepping to the massive pool of blood below me. I kept my eyes forward, never looking back, leaving her to stare at empty darkness with her arm outstretched for no one.

"Damn it. Damn it all."

Using the light, I shuffled through the long corridor of blackness until I made it back to Joel's cage, in which it felt like an eternity. I turned the corner, and there he was. There he was sleeping under the heavy intoxication of gas in his cage. His chest heaved in and out. The red streak in his bandage gave me the reminder of how careful I have to be with him to prevent further damage.

I shook off the sadness and I hurried over to him. Stopping in front of the cage, I knelt down to the lock, dropping the hatchet, and taking out the keys from my pocket as I did. They jingled as they dangled from their chain.

"Don't worry, b-buddy." I said as I picked the first key to stuff into the lock. "I'll get you out of here. We...we'll find o-our way home."

The first key didn't fit. It only pressed up against the key hole and it didn't go in any further. I spun the key to the back of the chain, and I tried the next key. Same results. I sighed, and I tried the next key. Nothing. By the fifth key, I was getting impatient. I got out the sixth key. I tried it, and it didn't fit.

"Come on."

The seventh key didn't fit either.

"God dammit, which one?"

Eighth key.


Ninth key.

"Shit, hurry up."

Tenth key.

"This better be i-"

It was then, I noticed that something was off. Something was different, so subtle, that I didn't notice it. What was so different? It was probably nothing. I can't waste anymore time. I stuck the tenth key in, expecting it to stop at the keyhole. Instead, the key sank in a little further than the others. I pushed it a little further....and it went all the way in. With my breath bottled in my lungs and a lump in my throat, I twisted that key. There was a click, and a corner of the cage door bumped up against my knee.


I moved to door aside.

"Yes! Don't worry, Joel."

I began to crawl in, but I stopped.

What the hell was so different? Why did I feel so....skittish? It was when I heard it. When I actually noticed what was wrong. There was a low and quiet rumbling sound. So silent that I didn't even notice it until now. I didn't move. I just listened to it. How long has that been going on for? Then it hit me. I noticed it growing in volume and malice. That wasn't rumbling at all.

That was growling.

And I could find the source in the direction in which I came. A low growling emerged from within the darkness.

My stomach tensed and newly formed sweat soaked my brow and the interior of my mask. My gaze was now set in the darkness in which the growling resides. Slowly.....I crawled out from Joel's cage. I picked up the hatchet at my feet as I rose to a stand. The growling grew louder with anticipation. I aimed my flashlight at the source of the noise and I found four eyes staring right back at me.

There it was. It was one of the spiders that attacked Sweet Tooth. It looked at me. It was staring right at me with fangs dribbling thick globs of dark venom that splattered against he floor. The hairs on its back shuttered when it lowered itself to a pounce. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen solid, frozen with fear.

Before I knew it, the spider projected itself at me with its twisted scream! It landed on the ground in front of me. Standing on its hind legs, It rose one leg up, and brought it down at me! I yelped and backed away, but I bumped into the cage door behind me! The leg was swiped at me, barely missing my chest as I leaned back!

I fell over the door and I hit the ground with a thud. It hopped over the cage and it made another swipe for me!

"NO NO!" I rose my hands up to block the attack. but the legs needle-like edge slashed through the soft flesh of my right hand. A stinging pain so unbearable overtook my hand, it made me cry out as fresh blood began to gush out from the wound.

I crawled backward as it kept coming at me!

"Get away! GET AWAY!!!"

The spider lunged at me. Holding me to the ground, it trapped me in a cage made by its legs when it landed on top of me. I screamed when it brought up its fangs to dig into my neck! Before it could, I shot my hands up at it in defense! My hands broke its force. They pressed up on its abdomen and I pushed with all I had! It screamed in frustration, swiping its fangs at me, barely missing my throat by inches! I was flattened against the floor, trying to fend it off as I whaled in terror! Blood from the gash in my hands dripped down onto the lens of my mask, and turning everything to a sickening dark red. The thick pointy ends of its hair dug into the flesh of my wound, casing my pain to skyrocket!

"Get off me! Get off me! GET OFF!"

Up ahead, more shrill cries could be heard, only to reveal another spider step into the view of the beam of light. It again screamed and it raced over to me at full speed!


Its fangs drew nearer to my neck with every second, while my second attacker was only seconds away from us! They were gonna tear me apart! I had to do something! I had to survive! I HAVE TO! Closer it was getting! The second spider let out a howl of anticipation as it prepared to pounce! It leaped up and.....


The two spiders collided! With the second spider landing onto the one pinning me down, it turned its attention to the spider behind it! The spider began to get off me, and I was able to move! Looking around frantically, I spotted the hatchet and light just a few feet from my left foot! Right by the cage, and right by the second spider!

Letting out a cry, I leaped forward, and I charged them! Both spiders noticed me and screamed, preparing for battle! I dove downward, rolling across the ground in a summersault completely evading an attack from above. I pivoted around to face my first attacker. Picking up the hatchet, I leaped back, as it attempted to swipe at me! I dodged it by jumping to the side, giving me a clear shot of its entire side!

"Get away!!"

I brought the blade down onto the base of the leg closest to the base of the head. There was a loud thud! The blade went deep, splitting the flesh the deeper it went. Green blood squirted out as it shrieked in agony! Crying out is nausea and fear, I yanked it out, and I brought it back down onto the same spot. I sickening snap of the bone rang out as well as the constant pitter patter of blood.


The severed leg fell to the floor, leaving the spider to collapse under the huge amount of anguish I have brought down upon it! It twitched and turned, screaming so loud, it was causing my ears to ring! On came the second spider, the one that pinned me down before! I was barely able to get out of the way when it jumped for me, attempting to pin me down again! Running to the left, the spider soared right by me, and it crashed into the wall of the cave! A green spot was imprinted on the wall of the cave when it began to tumble to the floor. With its face still against the wall, various sharp edges tore up its face on the way down, leaving a trail of green goo above. It hit the ground with an enraged and pained grunt.

I can't let it stand again, It could still get me!

With its face still in the wall, I grabbed it by its wiry hairs and I pulled it back, and I slammed its face into the wall again! I let its face bounce of the rock, letting it fall to the ground its back. Discombobulated, it didn't attack me, still trying to process what happened. Instead, it wiggled and swiped at the air, trying to roll over like an overturned turtle. I pressed my knee down on the center of its abdomen, axe in hand!

With a bloodcurdling roar I brought the hatchet up high into the air, only to bring it down upon its head!


Blood oozed out from a deep gash in its head. It screamed and screamed as it fought to push me off. I brought the axe back up and I sent it crashing down upon its head!


Its movements grew weaker.



Its movements ceased entirely.



"You will not take me!!"





I did not stop. I just did not stop. With my heart in my throat, I hacked and chopped at the beast! Blood flew in every direction, covering my clothes and mask!


"You will not ta.....take me."

I finally stopped, out of breath. Heaving in and out, I clutched my pounding heart. The monster below me was still. It didn't move. Its heart didn't beat. It didn't scream. It was forever silent. All around me, there was silence. I rose up from my balled up position. I leaned back and I breathed in and out. I choked back vomit as I stood up from the carcass below me. I quietly walked over to the flashlight and I picked it up.

I could see what was in front of me. Aiming my light at the two spiders that I slaughtered, I nearly gagged in repulsion, barely able to comprehend what I've done.

With all legs outstretched, one spider remained sprawled on the ground. Its body was unharmed, but its head was a bloody pile of blood, bone, and flesh; all mixed together to form a repulsive clump of mush. Both of its fangs were nearly severed form the roots. One end of a fang was snapped into two. The other was barely attached, leaving three strips of flesh to let it dangle and wiggle freely. The entire head was caved in to reveal the remaining chunks and lumps of brain tissue the caked the interior of its skull.

All around the corpse, green mist painted the floor and walls. Looking at myself, I could see that I was covered in its blood from the chest up. Covered my hands and fingers. I wiped the blood from my gas mask, both mine, and the spider's.

I could hear the other one moving. It screamed out loud and I made a dash for the other one. I could still see it slashing and clawing at me! I ducked underneath and I crawled on top of it. With a holler, I brought the hatchet up, and...


More blood soared through the air. It legs jerked in random directions. I hit it again and I could hear the gut wrenching crack of the skull as the blade broke through. The spider fell silent like the first one. I tried to pull back, but the blade was lodged inside the cranium. I wiggled it from left to right, left to right when it finally came loose. I tumbled backward but I never lost my footing. I scurried away from the monster and I rose to my feet.

Both bodies were still now. I did it. I slaughtered them both. I just stared at their lifeless bodies while my chest heaved in and out. My stomach was in knots as guilt swept over me. I couldn't bare to look at them anymore than I did. For what minuets felt like hours, just looking at the blood that covered me, that covered everything around me. I just couldn't look on much longer. I turned away from the horrific sights and I made my way back to Joel's cage.

"Come on, Joel." I said, as I stopped before him. "Let's get out of here."

I walked over to the cage door, and I knelt down to it. I placed one hand on the cage door for leverage as I leaned, only to gasp in surprise. The pain in my hand was too much, making me tense my hand like nothing before. The sting was unbearable, just flexing it made me wince. Putting the hatchet of the ground, I looked at my hand through the light. The gash that spider gave me was deep, but not deep enough to see bone, but it stung like hell. It was red with blood and it was already starting to swell. My hand was almost entirely red. It seemed when I actually saw how bad the damage was, the pain intensified. The adrenaline that was pumping through my veins was gone. My yelps grew louder and I stood up and shook my hand like crazy, trying to ease the pain.


It was getting infected. I needed a hospital or something before it gets really out of hand. No pun intended, but If its gets too infected, I might lose my entire hand to it!

Just then, another light began to emanate from the center of my chest. It started off faint, very faint. Iy was when it grew bright enough was when I took notice of its. A pure white soothing glow that drew my curiosity to it like a moth to a bug zapper. The necklace.

"What the-?"

Holding the flashlight with my shoulder and neck, I pulled out the necklace from underneath my flannel shirt. Yes, it was glowing brightly. Almost as bright as the flashlight.

"Holy shit...wha...what?"

Just then, a small misty apparition began to form out from within the medallion. A small cloudy figure of grew flew out and glided through the air. Its thick looking appearance gave it the the look of smoke from a fire.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!! What is this!?"

The smoke made a quick dash for my wounded hand! I yelped in surprise as I dropped the medallion from my hand! The mist sank into the gash into my flesh as I shook it like crazy! I could feel it moving inside my hand! The pricking sensation that I was ever so used to made my hand feel like the bones in my hand were crawling with ants, gnawing on the nerves and whatever they could find! I slammed my hand into the ground when I felt it grow ice cold! My hand grew numb and I hit the ground again!

"No no no!! I don't want it! I do-"

I stopped. I stopped panicking when the pain in my hand lessened, dulling the pain. I looked at me hand, and the misty substance filled every inch of my wound. The pain in my hand subsided greatly, allowing to move my hand more freely without mental restraint. The mist tumbled out from my cut, only to slowly retreated back into the medallion, going through the glass, like how a spirit would travel through a wall. Once the tail end entered the necklace, the glowing light began to fade into nothing. The light died, and I was left staring at a normal necklace. I was totally speechless! My jaw was nearly touching the floor with both shock, awe, and concern.

Taking the flashlight in my hand, I stared at my hand. The bleeding stopped. It was gushing blood a second ago, but now it has completely stopped! Not only that, but the pain has died a great amount. It was still painful. Quite painful, but I could actually move and wiggle my fingers. I could even make a fist.

I don't know what is going on around here. I'm in another dimension, there are talking animals with human qualities and personalities, and there are people in American Army uniforms running around. Now...now there's magic!? What's next, there are zombies running around!? Dragons in the sky!!?

"This is crazy. This is totally crazy." I gasped as I stared at my hand. I then looked at the necklace around my neck. "But this can be useful. If I'm finding my way out of here, then I'll have to figure out how this thing works. I have a feeling that this thing has something to do with the voice in my head. But first...."

I turned back to Joel in his cage. I was now finally ready to take Joel out of here.

I tried to be as careful as I could, lifting him out from his cage, cautiously holding him in my arms with a wound like his on his side. I took my time and I eventually had him on the ground, just inches from the cage. Without a word or remark, I slid my arms under his body, and I lifted him up. I wheezed when I had him in my arms. His weight was difficult to endure, but I was able to carry him for sometime. Joel was always heavier than he looked.

I held him in my grasp, staring the the large bandage wrapped around his torso. He breathed softly in my arms, still under the thick gas that filled every corner and crack of the cave.

"Come on, bud. Let's go."

I made sure that all of the equipment that I had beforehand was safely secure to me before I began to walk forward. The flashlight was tucked in my armpit, keeping the light steady and strait. However, it is a rather clumsy way of securing the light. If I were to suddenly enter stealth mode, the light might still be on when they notice me, exposing my position. Plus, I won't be able to turn it off right away with Joel in my arms. Whatever, It's the best I can do. I'm not smart enough to find a better solution at least.

The hatchet was secured more efficiently. I carefully made a loop in my jeans, which was me cutting two slits into the fabric parallel to each other. Both openings were large enough to fit the handle through. Obviously it won't fall through, because of the large blade preventing so. Again, there were complications involving Joel in my arms. The pistol will have to remain in its spot, for I can't think of any other spot to put it.

And I was off, walking along the darkness of the cave with a flashlight tucked inside my armpit with a wounded dog in my arms. On multiple occasions, I would hoist Joel up to keep him from falling out from my grip.

"Don't worry...don't worry, buddy. I got ya. I'm not gonna drop you."

I was then I realized I was back where I started when my shin bumped against something. The object moved back from the force of my leg. It sounded surprisingly hollow. It took me a moment to figure out that I hit the chair that I broke free from almost a half an hour before hand.

Under my feet, a moist squishing noise interrupted the pattern of my shoes on the floor. Apple sauce and chile smeared the floor, and I just walked through a pile of cold chile. Up ahead was the opening where I attempted to save that's mans life that was getting mauled by another one of the vile spiders. Now every step I took left a footprint made of flattened beans, beef, and tomato pulp.

I walked past the very first spider that I encountered. The same one that Sweet Tooth rescued me from, only to use me as bait shortly after. It was when I approached a corner was when I stopped. This was the exact spot where I stood when I listened to a poor boy get mauled by the very same spider behind me. Everything beyond this point was new to me. I must be careful. I don't know what to expect beyond this point.

"Here it goes."

I moved forward, and I peaked around the corner. I gasped in shock.

Behind the corner, there was blood. So much red blood that painted the walls and floor. There was so much. So much blood. Yet...there were no bodies. A slaughter took place here, and there were no bodies to show for it. The only hint shown to me of the outcome, were several streaks across the floor. The way the blood was angled at a curve symbolized that the bodies were dragged away. Not only that, but various pieces of equipment was scattered throughout the area. The bodies were stripped over everything. Just like what has happened to Sweet Tooth.

As much as I didn't want to go on....as much as I wanted to find another way out of here, I knew that I had no other choice but to press on. I can't let fear take over me now.

I took a deep breath.


Without a second thought, I leaped around the corner and I kept walking, never looking back. I kept my eyes forward, preventing myself to gaze upon the horror on both sides. Iv'e seen enough when just out of my peripheral vision, just to my right, I could see a bloody handprint on the wall, leaving a marking as a reminder of what happened here. The handprint trailed extended down a foot or so, before suddenly stopping, meaning the hand lost contact with the wall.

"Don't look. Don't think. Don't look. Don't think."

Up ahead, there was a gap in the floor. A hole. From that hole, there was a light coming from within it. I hurried myself over to it and I peered over to see what was visible. With my light, I could see that there was a sleeping quarters of some kind. In two rows of four, were eight sleeping bags in total. Every sleeping bag was undone or unzipped. In the center, there was one lantern, slightly dimmer than my flashlight. The sleeping bag closest to the light was too unzipped but there were foamy globs and specks of toothpaste surrounding an electric toothbrush that was still on, vibrating in its spot. These people must've left in a hurry.

As far as I could see, there was no other way to proceed but through this hole, so that's where I'm going to go. Looking down at the drop, I grew nervous that would drop Joel if I landed to hard on the ground. I must be careful.

I sat down on the ground and I dangled my legs over the edge. Keeping Joel up, I maneuvered myself to slide over the edge. Once I was over halfway in, I pushed off, and I fell forward. My feet hit the ground almost instantly after I jumped. The weight of Joel's body fell down on me and I nearly stumbled over, but I managed to keep my balance.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Don't worry, I got ya. I've got you."

Once I was fully balanced and calm, I continued forward through the sleeping quarters. The toothbrush's hum was the only noise I could hear besides my feet against the ground. Upon being completely in the whole, I could get a better look inside. Aside from an overturned duffle bag with clothes spilling out the side, there was a huge metal locker with the doors wide open. The interior had these slots with locks for each one. I realized that this was a gun locker. However, there were no guns inside, only a few empty shells that were on the floor.


There might be nothing usable in here, but at least I know there can be something worthwhile in the near future. A gun perhaps? Who knows, maybe I can get my stuff back.

I turned around, and my eyes caught a second glimpse of that duffle bag. Looking at the straps, I could see that they were long and wide enough for me to wear as a backpack. Getting this thought, gave me an idea. Maybe there was something useful in here after all.

I left that area with both a flashlight and hatchet in hand. Joel was safely placed in the duffle bag that I wore on my bag. Preventing him from falling out, I zipped it almost completely shut, only leaving some space open so he could breathe easier. I placed in the safest position possible, with him sitting upright. I know it's not the most comfortable situation for him, considering his condition, but I can better defend myself this way. If this is what it takes to survive, then I'll take it.

"Yeah...this will do just nice."

I continued forward, now better equipped than before. For a moment, the only sound I could hear was the consistent humming of the toothbrush, only audible for brief moments as I walked further away. The noise faded away into nothing, only to be replaced with something new.

Growling. A lot of growling and grunts were up ahead, right through a large crack in the wall. I walked forward and I stopped at a dead end. By dead end, it was a pile of rock and ruble. The only way out was the large opening. If I was gonna get out of here, this was the way. It looked like a tight fit, but if the spiders could fit through there, then so could I.

I approached the gap, and I shuffled through the tight squeeze with Joel on my back. Keeping the light forward, I made my way through, stepping over large boulders that were wedged in tight areas. Upon entering a wider area, there was an opening that I would have to duck into to fit through. I lowered myself to a squat, and I crawled through, barely able to fit us both through to the other side.

"There we go." I said as I stood up to look behind me. "Fits like a glove."

I began to walk again, but something metallic and hollow, bumped against my foot. It bounced away from me, and I jumped in surprise at the unexpected sound. I looked down, and there was a tick metal can, slightly larger than a can of food. There was no label or logo on it in any place. On one end, there was a small, black, rectangular box of some kind. Kicking the box slightly, A red laser revealed itself from the floor, pointing strait up at the ceiling. The origin of this laser resided in a sensor that was hidden from view before I kicked the can.

It was obviously a motion sensitive grenade of some kind. Not only was there this lasers sensor, but the other end of this canister had its top completely blown off. The end was missing, and the cylinder shaping around it was bent back from the force of the explosion. Picking it up for a closer inspection, I could see that there was still smoke leaking out from inside. The smoke had the same dense texture and color of the gas that was currently around me. The same gas that put Joel under and it was the same gas that has me wearing a gas mask to stay conscious.

If I was correct, then these were used in order to contain the spiders that invaded the cave. Obviously, this didn't do the trick. Why the spiders took no effect from this gas was beyond me. Why the gas didn't take an effect on ME was beyond my rational reasoning. Archard passed out from the gas, and he was behind me. I inhaled plenty of the gas before it reached him. For the spiders, perhaps they could have an immunity for this particular chemical? What about me? Do I-....

No, that's not possible. If a single normal person can't handle chloroform, then no one can handle this. It must take different amounts for everyone. It must takes a larger of amount of the gas to put me under. How can I be immune to this? Then again...how can a mist from a medallion numb the pain of a large gash in my hand? Maybe this necklace prevented me from going unconscious. If that's true, then I don't need to wear this mask. I can take it off, and I'll be fine.

Obviously I'm not going to test that theory. It would be silly to take off my mask to see if some magical mist could do something as incredible as that.

With that, I kicked the can, and it bounced off the wall, before falling down a small hole in the ground.

Turning my light upwards to see my surroundings, I was surprised to see where I was. I found myself to be in some sort of laboratory. Boxes upon boxes of data and notes were labeled and stored in specific subjects of studying.


"What is this about?" I asked myself.


A raspy voice in the darkness caught me off guard. I jumped in fear, and I was already in full on panic mode! I brought back my hatchet, ready to defend myself!

"Who's out there! I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it on you!! Show yourself!"

"Go.....go ahead....I'll be dead.....soon."

The voice was faint and weak. Very tired. It directed my light to an operating table in the distance. There was a dark mass prostrated on top of it. I could see it breathing, moving a little.

"You stay right there! Don't try anything you....you ASSHOLE!!"

"Me? You're talking t- *cough*...to me?" The voice coughed again. It was only growing with anger. "I have been...shot. I have been beaten.....torn.....apart. You have the.....audacity to treat me *COUGH* like one of....your buddies!?"

Wait....my buddies? What was he talking about? Did he think I was one of the brutes that kidnapped me in the first place? I walked closer, cautious still.

"Buddies?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

The light began to reveal more of the body on the table. Still faint, but I could see that there was no person on the table at all. What I saw made me gag as I stumbled back in disgust and shock. Couldn't contain it anymore, I ripped off the gas mask from my face, and I vomited onto the floor. What little food I had inside me, was now spilled across the floor. I stared at it appalled, wiping the remaining contents from my lips. The taste of vomit lingered on my tongue.

"Good God."

There was no person upon that operating table. There was a horse. A horse that was about my height lying sprawled on the metallic surface. Dried blood covered its brown fur coat and matted its mane. With its mouth ajar, I could see that teeth were forcefully extracted, seeing that many were missing, leaving a small pool of blood near the mouth. Blood still continued to trickle down from the bruised muzzle which clearly shown signs of assault. Not only that, but several vessels in its right eye, the one looking at me, were popped. What was once a clear white, was now half crimson that surrounded green irises. I looked at its body and I noticed that a leg was missing from where it used to be. It was now a stump the was wrapped with bloody bandages.

I put the mask back on as I struggled to choke back whatever I had left. I could only feel the rage in me grow.

"Where....where are you?" I shot up to me feet. "WHERE ARE YOU....YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!! I'LL FIND YOU, AND I'LL KICK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!!"

My grip around the handle of the hatchet was so tight, I couldn't feel my fingers. In my rage, I brought the blade down on the wall behind me, releasing a CLANG into the air.


"Wait! You *cough*....you're not....one....of them."

My anger dumbed. The voice was right in front of me. I aimed my flashlight in front of me, down at the mutilated horse.


It remained still, still looking at me. Then it blinked. Its red eye slowly slid shut and opened again, still looking at me. It mouth began to move.

"You're...not one....of them."

It talked. It actually spoke. I was stunned still, my mouth agape and my palms were sweaty with newly found fear. The hatchet slipped through my grip and it clanged to the floor.

"Please. Don't-don't be.....afraid. I don't....bite."

My lips trembled and my legs felt like jelly. Yet, I began to slowly move back.

"You have....you NEED to...listen."

The only thing that came out of my mouth was the letter I over and over again. Not a single coherent sentence was able to come out from my mouth. He coughed and a puff of red mist shot out from his mouth.

"I know-...I know this is all confusing for..you...but-"

"How are you talking." I snapped. I stood back and I extended my arm out to him. "You are a horse! How can you talk How you conscious right now!!? There's gas everywhere!! I-!"

"I'm...not...a horse." He wheezed. Just then something began to rise out from behind him. Curved, brown, and covered with feathers, it stood tall and proud above him. A wing. A large brown wing that was hidden from view. A wing with feathers that were forcefully extracted by hand.


It was then when I noticed a small patch of bare skin was on his upturned side. Looking closer, I could see a gaping hole in which the other wing used to be. The tissue around the wound was singed black. It was cauterized to prevent bleeding.

"Oh my God."

"Yeah..." He chuckled softly. "Talk...about....costing you a leg....*cough* and a wing." His wing curled up, and it retreated out of view. "The only reason....that I'm awake....is that-....is that they gave me a shot once everything.....went downhill. I guess...that would be you're....answer."

"What's...what's going on around here?" I asked more calmly. "I thought your species was only a legend. A myth!"

"Look." He started. "I don't know...where you're from, but...I know you're not one.....of those guys. I'm right.......aren't I?"

I nodded, still with a mouth agape. "What are you doing here? Why would they do this to you?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just taking a wing to see if replicas could be made. Taking blood, to see....if it can be used for...transfusions. Simple...stuff really."


"I know you have a lot of.....questions, but you need....to listen. I can tell by your eyes. As you can...see, your eyes don't glow like....others. You're...different. That necklace.....so familiar."

I looked down at my necklace before turning back up to him.

"I don't know who...you are, but you....have that for a....reason. *Cough* "Just like you're friend. He had one too. It's gotta mean something....doesn't it?"

I didn't say anything.

"All I want for you...is three....things."

He turned his gaze away from me.

"Don't be stupid like me. I was out here....because I was trying to...help a little filly find something. I believe...you met her? I went beyond...the city limits....all to make her happy. I risked my life.....all for a small piece....of thread."

I nodded.

"Two." He looked back at me. His red eye stared right into mine. "Get her out of this cave. She's still...out there. I know it. She isn't safe. Three? Tell her not to blame herself."

I let him continue.

"It is all my....fault. I could've taken her back home. I could've...said no. I could've flown her home...at any time. But...I was stupid. I only...wanted to me her...happy. Besides....*cough* I going to lose....everything. My friends....my family....my fellow soldiers. Everything."

"No. No you're not." I snapped, as I knelt down to him. "We are getting out of here! I know you seem lost, but I'm gonna help you out of here! You'll...you'll see you're friends again, I promise you."

"Please....let me finish. I don't have much...time left." He coughed. He pointed to the an area behind me. "Over there."

Looking back, I could see that there was a worn out, brown blanket that was laid out flat in a tighter corner not far from where I was. Approaching it, I kicked it, and a corner of a hole was revealed from underneath. I threw the blanket off, and there was a large metal box hidden inside. I looked back at him, and the Pegasus nodded, ushering me to continue.

I stepped inside, and I lifted the top open. I saw there was a medicine kit inside. I snatched it up, and I opened it. There was nothing inside, so I tossed it away. Other than that, there was an empty ammunition box tossed on its side, and three cylinder objects. I picked one up and examined it. On the rim, it read in bold letters. Two simple words that made my eyes snap open wide....


There was a small pin above, still intact.

"I saw one of them stick a crate....inside when they thought I was....asleep. I thought you...should know."

I quickly snatched up all three grenades and I stuffed them in my pockets, being careful not to pull the pins. I hopped up and out of the hole. I began to approach the Pegasus, but he turned his gaze to a pile over what appeared to be yellow, metallic, armor. A approached it, and I picked a piece up. A large golden helmet. The design of the helmet covered most of the face if worn, minus the eyes and nostrils. Everything else, including the ears would be protected.

"Inside." He said.

I peaked inside the helmet and there was a photograph taped along the inside. I took it out, and I examined what was on it. What was on there formed a lump in my throat. A family. His family, all gathered around for a picture behind a solid blue background. All smiling with no care in the world. He stood there with his wife, a normal looking horse with a tan mane and coat. Beneath him was his son who wore a red baseball cap backwards. His mane was brown, but his coat was a mixture between the parents. He wore a wide grin on his face as he waved at the camera.

"You're family....this is you're family."

He nodded.

I sighed and I shook my head in dismay. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He whispered as he slowly waved me over to him. "Come...here."

I walked over to him. Instead of stopping at his side, I knelt down to him.

"It's not....your fault."

"I know. I know, but-"

"Can you do it?" He whispered.

I looked up at him. "What?"

"Can you get that filly to safety? Will you risk your life again like how you did before?"

I didn't say anything. I was unsure of what to say. I don't know why, but I shrugged.

"I heard what you did." He started. "That took guts. It was stupid...but it was brave. You....you are here for a re-reason. You just took off your mask to vomit when you first saw me. This gas didn't affect...you. No human...can do...that like you can."

"Yeah, but...but I was angry!" I exclaimed. "I just got angry, and I don't know why. I just hated the fact that something so small was over powered by something bigger and stronger than it! I just got angry. I never got that angry in my life! Ever since that damn voi-...ever since I got here, I've felt different. This anger, it isn't me!"

"Maybe...maybe that's a good thing."

"No! No it's not! "I'm just want to get home! I didn't ask for any of this shit! Do expect me to go in, guns blazing, killing everything in sight!!? I can't kill another person. I can't. I just can't! I'm not supposed to fight! I'm supposed to get back home, to my family!'"

"That filly has a...home too." He sighed. "She still has... a family. If she's still out alive, then there is still a...a chance of her getting back to HER home. To HER family. Do you really want to leave a girl for dead so you can....stay innocent? Face it, human....no one else can save her bu-but you. Even if you find somepony to, will they really help....you? A human?"

I was silent. Speechless. He was right. He was right! That little pony has a family to get back to. No one else can help her but me!

"Will you do it?" He asked again. "Will you bring...her...home?"

I stared at him, then I stared at my bloody hands. The gash in my hand made me cringe, and I could feel the anger tug on my thoughts. The frustration of that little horse in danger. It wasn't fair. I wanted to kick something. I wanted to hit something, but instead, I stood up, and I cracked my knuckles. At this moment, Arachard's question whispered in my mind.

"Would you save one of those ponies as if they were one of our own."

I nodded slowly, swinging the hatchet in a figure-8. The anger turned to motivation. A small smirk began to spread across my face. I turned my gaze down to the Pegasus below me.

"Yes.....yes I will."

I began to walk away. With a hatchet in my hand, a light in the other, I made an oath that was only the beginning of the long stretch of road I had to walk. I was not sure if I was gonna keep that oath, but I was sure as hell gonna try.

"I'll find her. I WILL find her. I take out all of those things if that is what it comes to. She'll be safe, just you see. I'll find a way out of here, and you'll see your family again! Just hold on."

The Pegasus watched the Human stomp away with newly found motivation in his heart. Now, he can finally rest knowing there was a chance for that filly to be safe. He lied back on the operating table, and he stared off into the ceiling. He sighed with relief, and he slowly let his lungs fill up with the bitter cold air around him.


Maybe now he can get some well needed sleep....

I was jogging down a long stretch of nothing. The horse was far behind me. I could hear their cries now. The spiders. Not only I could hear what was ahead, I could SEE what was ahead. Daylight. I could actually see daylight! The sun's light bounced off of the wall of the cave, and projected itself right at me.

I walked closer and the light grew brighter, bright enough for me to see. I turned off the flashlight, and I raced to the corner to the outside. There were a lot of them out there. I could tell. I reached the corner and I stopped at the edge, flattening myself on the wall as best as I could without squishing Joel. I was mentally prepared. I leaned forward and I peaked over the corner to see what was on the other side. The morning light instantly blinded me, and I shot back into the darkness. Rubbing my eyes, I was careful not to make noise.

"Relax, Trevor. You can do this. I can do this."

I took a deep breath. I prepared my eyes, and I peaked around the corner.

I fought against the urge to turn back, and it paid off quickly. My eyes adjusted to the light quickly, the white glare fading into clarity, only to reveal the mess of clutter before me.

The entrance to the cave absent of any spiders, but I could still hear them outside. The entire place was a mess. Shelves were tipped over, everything that was on the shelves were spilled over onto the floor. Empty ammo shells littered the floor like confetti. A makeshift barricade of ammo boxes, a mattress, and a few sand bags. Blood painted the floor and walls,and there was a pool of it at my feet. This was what remained of a gruesome battle.

Now I really wanted to go back when I saw that my foot was in the center of it. Nearly shouting aloud, i snapped my foot up, and the sole of my shoe was dripping with blood. The droplets beating onto the ground triggered a clutter of junk from behind the barricade. Caught off guard, I planted my foot onto the ground, and I brought back the hatchet, ready to bring it down on whatever was before me!

A black shadow rose from behind the clutter. No spider, but a person.

The next thing I knew, the muzzle of a gun was being pressed up against my forehead. I was frozen solid with shock. Not one second later, the shadow whispered to me.


I recognized that voice. The German accent, I knew it! The gun was lowered from my head and I could breathe again.

"Ar-Ar-Archard!?" I gasped.


He clamped his hand onto my mouth to quiet me. With wide eyes, I looked at his hand, then back at him. His shadow's head shook rapidly from side to side. He held his hand to my mouth for several seconds before he slowly lowered it to his side, only to point a finger to the mouth of the cave. I picked up on my own stupidity, and I nodded. He signaled me to follow him, and I carefully stepped over the barricade. Careful not to make any noise, my eyes fell on the Humvee that was parked neatly on one side of the cave with the driver's door ajar. I wanted to alert him, but I was gonna have to get close enough to whisper to him.

He led me to the mouth of the cave where he squatted down to listen. I listened as well. The spiders we outside alright and close. I could hear their grunts as well as this constant hissing sound. This made me concerned, so I whispered to him.

"What exactly is your plan here?"

He looked back to answer my concerns. It was the first time I saw his face, and it was hidden with a gas mask similar to mine.

"We run."

I scoffed at his question. "We run?"

He nodded "We have to be quick. Slip out the opposite side of the cave."

"Why don't we just take that?" I asked, pointing a finger at the humungous armored car right behind us by a couple meters.

"You think I haven't tried that? The are no keys that I could find."

Instantly, I reached for the keys that were stuffed into my pocket. "Hold on....I" I said as I twisted my hand to wrap my fingers around the keys. "I have some ke-"

It was then I noticed the rifle that was wrapped around Archard's back....the revolver on his side.....the bag that hung from his side. Hey, my stuff! Archard's got my stuff! All of it!

I gave him a tap on the shoulder. A rather hard one in fact, because he turned back to me with a look of annoyance. I mouth to him...

"You got my stuff!"

He nodded as if he was expecting me to know that already.


He shook his head with rejection. "Not a good time."

"It's my stuff!"

"Trevor, it's not a good time!" He snapped silently.

"At least give me my revolver." I pleaded. "I'm a great shot with that thing."

He shook his head.

"Have you even shot a gun before?" I sneered. "You're from Germany, Europe. They aren't as accepting of guns over there as from where I'm from, yeah?"

He looked at me with disbelief. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and he began to reach for his side

"Here you go, you happy?"

I reached for the gip of the revolver. My fingers were just about to make contact, when a loud shriek filled my ears, breaking the silence we so dearly needed. Both of our heads quickly darted over to our right, only to see a heavy set spider screaming right at us. I took no time to think as it screamed to alert the others! With my eyes never taken off of its hideous body, my hand reached for the revolver to my side. I was able to snatch the gun from Archard's hand before it clamped shut! Pulling the hammer back, I aimed my sights at the beast! The cylinder began to spin as I pulled the trigger. The spider reacted quickly, ducking down low before spring at me! The revolver exploded with light, and the recoil sent my entire arm back! The bullet completely missed it, and the spider batted at the firearm; sending if flying away from me!



I shuffled back as it slashed at me with a shriek! Archard struggled frantically to get the rifle off from his back to gun it down! I brought back the hatchet, and I slammed it down onto its face! Green squirted in all directions as it let out a gut twisting scream of pain!


Its side exploded with fluid and flesh as it flew to the side, taking me with it, as my hatchet was still deep inside! I stumbled over, and I fell onto my side with a grunt! My hand left the hatchet, leaving me to grab at nothing! My arm hit the floor, and the entire body of the spider landed down on top of it! I yelped in pain, the weight of spider was causing sharp edges of the floor to dig into my arm. Pinned to the floor, fresh blood began to leak out from fresh cuts and slices in my arm! I pulled and yanked, but my hand wouldn't come loose, my skin would scrape away if I tried to get free! I could still feel the hatchet! I had my fingers grazing it!

"Archard!" I shouted. "I'm stuck!"

I turned to him, only to see that the revolver was on his side again, standing at the mouth of the key. Did he really go past me to get the revolver before helping me?

"Archard! I Can't move my arm! Hurry!"

He looked at me, then at the outside, then at me, then at the outside.


Already, spiders were starting to swarm around the entrance to the cave! They all shrieked simultaneously when their eyes fell on us!


I couldn't believe he was just standing there! I punched and kicked at the body on me, but it didn't budge! Archard turned from me to the mouth, and he paused. He wasn't gonna do what I thought he was! Was he!!?


He sighed, and he said several unknown words that made my stomach churn.

"Es tut mir Lied."

Just then, he darted for the mouth, right at them! Already, spiders were lunging at him, while I was pinned, screaming for my life! Archard took out MY revolver and let out several shots that rang in my ears!



Two lifeless spiders tumbled to the ground and blood gushed from the gaping holes in their bodies. With the space he made, he squeezed through and he was outside!


He was bolting away from the cave, as several spiders gave chase after him! Four spiders looked at Archard, then at me!

"NO NO NO!!!"

Without warning, they were scurrying at me, ready to tear me apart!


All four were racing to reach me first. I had to act fast! I quickly sank my hand into my pocket, and I yanked out a stun grenade. Before I could pull the pin, one spider pounced for me!


The spider landed just inches from me! Angling myself, I slammed my foot onto its face! It grunted and stumbled back! The other three that were close behind, crashed into it, and tumbled to the floor, all snarling at one another! This was my chance! I bit down onto the pin, and I yanked my head back. The pin slid out with a click, and I threw it as far as I could away from me! The grenade soared through the air and it bounced off Humvee, and landed in pile of trash! I braced myself, tucking into a ball, and a single hand covering my ear!

What happened next can only be described as the loudest ringing I have ever experienced. There was a bright flash, and all I heard was a constant ringing that made my ears throb with agony. Everything around me shifted from the force of the explosion. I opened my eyes only to find everything in a hazy state. My ears and head were pounding, and I could feel the warm trickle of blood coming from both ear canals. However, I could still see. I could still see that all of the spider were tripping over things, walking into walls, and each other. Though disoriented, I had to move if I was gonna make it out of here!

Though I couldn't hear it, I was screaming with frustration when I was slamming myself into the carcass that pinned me down.

"Come on!! COME ON!!!"

I brought myself back as far as I could, only to slam into the body. The force caused the body rise slightly, allowing enough space for my arm to barely slip through! I didn't let the pain hold me back! I jerked my arm back, the skin of my fingers was ripped away, but my arm smacked me in the face when it came loose. With the intense ringing in my ears, I shot up to me feet. Blood was dripping from my fingers. I looked at the spiders, and they were still disoriented. I was in plain sight and they took no notice of me. This was my chance to get my hatchet back!

I could see the hatchet sticking out from the spiders face. I gripped the handle with both hands and I pulled. It was stuck! It was barely moving! I improvised by placing a foot on the body for balance, and shaking the blade to make it come loose! More fresh blood came leaking out from its face when the blade was getting more and more loose. With one final attempt to pull it out, the blade gave away broke free and I found myself stumbling back with the hatchet back in my hands! I bolted for the Humvee. I shoved a spider out of my way and it face-planted the floor!

I could hear nothing but the relentless ringing that made my ears throb. I was tripping over things that littered the ground as I got closer and closer the the driver door! One spider moved in front of me! I took no chance to decide wether it was trying to kill me, or it just so happened to stumble before me! With reluctance, I swung the hatchet in it direction, praying that it won't get lodged inside like last time! The blade sunk into the side of its head. Blood sprayed out in all direction. Its head shot back from the blow, but it was still standing! I side swiped it and it fell to the floor without a sound! I watched the spider on the floor for a split second, lifeless, motionless. It was dead, it had to be.

Just then, I felt myself crash into the the Humvee!


I yanked the door open, only to cower to the floor in shock. In the driver's seat, there was a body. A man that wore the American armor that I have seen countless times since yesterday. He was slouched down in the seat, slack-jawed, his eyes were staring off into the dashboard. The way his neck was angled revealed two giant holes in his neck. Dried blood painted a majority of his neck and lower face red.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the body. This was just like Sweet Tooth. The two gaping holes made me shutter. However, I could see the veins around his neck were black with venom. I didn't want to touch the body. I wanted to find an alternative without disrespecting the dead, even if he was an asshole in life. I didn't want him to get torn apart or wrapped in webbing like the others, but damn it, I'm driving out off here! I'm getting out of here alive!

I wrapped one hand around the head and I pulled it forward; the body following closely after. Disgust and regret made me sick as I yanked it forward. I let gravity do the rest. The body fell out of the door as I was crawling in. It fell to the ground with a thud, and I slammed the door shut! I took Joel off my back, placing him off from my back and onto the passenger seat. Yanking out the keys from my pocket, I searched frantically for what looked like a car key! Here! There was a large and bulky key that looked like it would fit in the ignition! I jammed the key in the ignition and turned!

The vehicle roared to life, but all I could hear was the ringing! The headlights turned on, and the steering wheel vibrated with the rumbling of the engine. I nearly bursted into tears of joy, but I couldn't let emotion cloud my objective! I set the Humvee into reverse, and I slammed onto the gas pedal! I watched in the review mirror, as two spiders got mowed down and flattened behind me, crushing the bodies to nothing but mangled messes! I just knew they were screaming in pain in their final moments of life. I didn't bother with remorse. It was too late now!

I watched everything around me grow brighter and brighter with sunlight. Then, just like that.....I was outside. Light flooded my vision as I was speeding further and further away from the cave. Everything inside, was hidden in the darkness! Just outside to the right of the mouth of the cave, there were a dozen bodies wrapped in thick webbing that was stained with red, all stacked up on one another like firewood.


I spun the car around, only to find myself down a long stretch of dirt road. I was finally free. I was finally free!! I rammed my foot onto the gas and I was off! Down the road, like a bat out of hell! Just then, from behind a tree far up ahead, I saw a figure. A black figure in the distance, running away from me. The wheels dug into the ground as I pressed on the brake. It took me a moment to figure out that it was that son of a bitch asshole who left for dead! Archard!!



Two loud bangs rang out into the air. What the...? What was that? Gunshots? Behind me? I kept my foot on the brake. There were a few more gunshots that followed. I looked in the rearview mirror. To the far right side of the mirror, I could see the slope that led up to the log that I hid behind when I first met these guys. It was there I saw someone running from a couple of spiders along the tree line, letting off rounds from a handgun in one hand. There was something else in the other hand. It was hard to make out, but I could see that....it was moving. It was twisting and kicking. The object even looked like it attempted to punch the person holding it. My fears were only proven correct, when I saw its head poked out long enough to show two elongated ears sticking out.

Good God....it's her. That little pony. It was her! It was her and the person holding her was being chased by those things! It won't be long before he or she tires out. They'll both get torn apart for sure! How many bullets does this person have!? It wasn't long before they both disappeared behind the tree line. I looked ahead. Archard was still running down the hill, taking no notice of me. I looked back into the mirror. I can't get both of them. If I get Archard, both the pony and the person will get killed. If I save the pony, then Archard will get away. I couldn't do both.

I had to choose.

"Would you save one of those ponies as if they were one of our own?"

I nodded. I set the Humvee into reverse, spun around, and I set the car into drive. I sped off in the other direction, away from Archard's location. I sped by the cave and the pile of bodies. Up ahead, there was another road hidden behind some trees with low hanging branches. Shortcut. I gripped the wheel and I braced for impact. Thick and heavy branches collided with the roof of the Humvee. I was clouded by leaves and pine needles that showered down upon the windshield. Without stopping, I spun the wheel in the direction of the pony in need of aid. I raced down the dirt. Up ahead, I could see the two spiders , standing in place, looking around in all directions.

They had to be near by. If I was gonna be able to get her to safety, then I have to lure out the person running with her. If I was gonna do that, then I'll have to take care of those two creatures in order to prove it. I can only hope I make it quick.

I slammed onto the gas, and I was charging in the direction of the spiders. The faster I was, the louder I was. Their head turned in my direction. However, when they noticed me, it was too late. The grill of the car crashed into the bodies. Their bodies popped like zits with blood in all directions. They both flew forward and hit the ground, only to get ran over from underneath. I could feel myself bounce up and down as I drove over them. Both bodies were mangled corpses that left streaks of green blood across the dirt.

The Humvee drove to a standstill. I sat there in my seat, shaking, my hands were barely able to grip the wheel firmly. I looked at the bodies that I mutilated behind me.

"Holy shit."

I shook away the shock, and I beeped the horn. By now, the ringing in my head was quieting down. I could just hear the loud blaring horn echo through the trees. No one appeared.


Just then, from a ditch ahead, a head poked out from inside. It was a man. I could tell from his size and shape when he stood up. However, when he stood up.....I gasped in surprise.

He stood up and he was about my height. Stronger than me by far. He wore the typical armor that I have been seeing, but something was different. The was a large rifle on his back. A rifle with a scope of some kind. His face was completely masked with a black bandana and sunglasses. It was him. The Gunman. The one who shot my dog. The one who threatened to kill me.

"Oh Christ."

He climbed out of the ditch. His arm was wrapped around her neck. The horse. His arm was tangled firmly around her windpipe as she kicked and fought in his grip. The Gunman spotted me and he waved to me, as if it was a way to get my attention. Apparently, he didn't recognize me, because he showed no reaction other than relief. Guess the mask was hiding me pretty well. It was then he carelessly dropped the yellow creature from his arms onto the ground. He jutted a finger at her, and snapped something at her. The little pony sat right there, curled into a ball, trembling like a fragile little leaf in a storm. He slipped his pistol into his holster, and he made a dash for the passenger side!

"Oh no no no no."

I had to act fast! If he opens that door, he will know that it's me, and he'll shoot me down! I grabbed the key, and I turned off the car.

"Hey!" He shouted. "What are you doing!?"

He walked faster "Turn the damn car on, and run over that little brat! Let's get out of here!!"

I yanked the pistol out my backside. The Gunman yanked open the door, only to find a gun pointed strait at his head. He froze. He didn't move. He didn't speak. I could tell he was looking directly at me through his sunglasses.

"What is this."

"Shut up." I snapped.

We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"Listen here...and listen good." I growled. "You're gonna do EXACTLY what I say. To the point."

Suddenly, his hand snapped to the pistol at his side. He began to take it out, but I pulled back the hammer of my gun, letting out a menacing click.


The gunman froze for a moment and he let go of the grip, letting it fall back into its holster.

"How the hell are you still alive?" He asked plainly.

"That doesn't matter." I barked. "I made my way out of a giant spider infested cave. That's pretty impressive for a pussy, right?"

I flicked the wrist holding the handgun over in the direction of the little pony. He looked at her and then back at me.

"Walk over to her. Slowly." I began. "Pick her up, and bring her back here. Drop her into the seat next to me, and we'll separate. No need to get ugly."

He scoffed at me in disgust and defeat. He took one final glance at me, before he began to slowly walk over to the cowering youngling.

"If you hurt her....kill her.....or if you disobey me in anyway...." I snarled. "I can guarantee you a date with the dirt as these wheels crush you into a bloody pulp."

He didn't acknowledge me in any way. He just continued to slowly walk over to her. Once he stood over her, I turned on the Humvee, letting its mighty roar do the talking for me. The Gunman hesitated with his movements, before he carefully picked her up and he held her in his arms like an infant.

I pressed on the gas, making the engine roar once more. Again, he ignored me, keeping his cool. He made his way back to the ajar door. I turned off the Humvee, and I stuffed the keys into my pocket. By then, he turned and stopped just before the door, staring at me; waiting for his next order. The horse ceases its hushed sobbing. It turned its head to me, and its eyes widened with surprise. Dried tear streams ran down her face from her puffy, red eyes. She was giving me this confused look. Can't say that I blame her.

"Put her down." I whispered. "Slowly. Nice and slowly."

He began to do so. The horse's eyes darted from the bag with Joel in it, to the space left in that seat, than at me.

"You're gonna close that door." I said to him, as I watched her slowly get lowered to the seat. "You are going to step back from the vehicle, and we are going our separate w-"

Just then, I was interrupted by a bloodcurdling scream. I screamed as welll when I found the small horse crashing into me. Her face connected with mine. I was thrown backward, my back slamming against the door behind me! I felt a hand clamp down on the collar of my shirt, and I was hauled forward! The other hand that held the pistol was held away from my aim on his head.

"Let go! Let go of me, asshole!!"

His strength overpowered me, throwing me out from the open door. The small pony only screamed and hid away somewhere in the vehicle. I found myself crashing into the ground with a grunt. Terrified, I sprang up and I threw a random punch, only to hit thin air.


A large fist connected with my left cheek. The force caused everything to go white for a quick moment as I stumbled back. The hand that held the pistol was slammed against outside of the Humvee again and again, causing my hand to release its tight grip from the firearm. It fell to the ground with a metal clink.

"Get off!!"

I slammed my head against his. I could hear his sunglasses crack and bend from the force of the blow. He yelled in a boiling rage as one hand cupped his face. I took this moment to dive to the floor and snatch up the handgun the I dropped. I sprang back up and back away from him with a pistol in hand! With the other hand, I caressed my throbbing jaw as I rotated it around.


I took several steps away from him, never taking my sights off him. The Gunman stopped caring for his nose, and he slowly lowered his hand to his side. His sunglasses were slightly crooked from the force of my head against his face. I could just see his glowing green eyes.

"Where are the keys?" He asked calmly.

"They're not in there." I snapped. "That's for sure."

"Give them to me."

"Like hell I will."

"Kid, I'm giving you a chance here." He started. "You give me those keys, and I'll let you go. You can walk out of here without getting killed! Plain and simple."

"I'm not leaving without her."

He scoffed. "What, the pony? Are you serious!? Pssh....why do you even give a shit about that thing? She's completely useless! They ALL completely useless and weak! What do you care if she or any one of them gets their turn to kick the bucket, huh?"

"I have only been here for a couple days, and I have only met two of them so far." I growled in anger. "I've only talked them for so briefly, but I can tell that they are like us in so many ways! No, they are like ME in so many ways! They have families! Loved ones! She has loved ones, and that Pegasus has loved ones too!"

I could hear him chuckling under his bandana. I grew frustrated.

"I have been through HELL to be standing here right now, but she has probably been through more than I could EVER imagine! That's why I'm here! I am bringing her to safety!! She doesn't deserve this, and that Pegasus didn't deserve what he got!"

"You're funny, Trevor." He snickered. "You're a funny one. You think you tough? You got a gun in you hand, now you think you're the boss. Is that it? Well, guess what, I've done a little snooping around in your stuff, and I gotta say.....you're one sad son of a bitch."

He began to laugh even harder. "No friends in your contact list on your phone? No pictures of a girl in there either what so ever. You have no friends, no girl to pound, and you're skinny as hell."

He pointed a finger at me. "You think you've got what it takes, but you don't. You don't have the BALLS. You're just a weak and pathetic kid who won't survive a week on your own. Just give me the keys before you get yourself hurt or worse."


"Then what?" He snapped. "What are you gonna do if I try anything? You gonna shoot me? Go ahead, shoot me. Put a bullet strait through my head, I dare you!"

"I will if I have too!!!"

"THEN DO IT!!! I don't see much of a choice for you!!"

He began to slowly walk towards me. I began to stumble back.

"Stay back! "I'll do it!"

He taunted me by making his hand look like a gun, only to point it at his head and shout BANG!

"Shut up!"



"Then give me the keys! BANG! Pull the trigger if you're gonna stop me! BANG!"

"Leave me alone!"


"Don't make me do it!"


I let out a blood curdling scream as I chucked the gun at him! With him distracted, I charged at him and tackled him to the ground! He was prepared for it. The Gunman dodged me, and pushed me hard in the direction I was falling. I tumbled to the ground, instantly rushing to my feet. I balled my fist tight as I prepared to fight. He howled with laughter as he walked over to me, cracking his knuckles, and kicking my gun underneath the car.

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you." He cackled. "With my bare hands!"

He ran at me and he swung a fist in my way. I shot my head back, his fist grazed my chin! With his face exposed, I shot my fist trait for his forehead. Pain exploded in my knuckle when it connected with his skull. His head shot back as he stumbled back. I brought back that same fist, and I clocked him right on the left side of his jaw! I socked him on the other side! He was quick to recover, as he wrapped his hands around my back, and he slammed me downward kneeing me right in my stomach. I lurched forward, air was forced out of me, and I felt like I couldn't breath. The Gunman uppercutted me in the dead center of my head and I felt myself sore through the air.

I flew back and I crashed into the ground. Next thing I knew, there was a knee pinning my chest down, and I had hands wrapped around my neck; only beginning to squeeze tightly. With my air way blocked, I reached up and I clamped both hands down onto his throat! We rolled around in the dirt as he tried to squeeze the life out of me!

"Just go to sleep!" He chocked. "It'll all be over soon!"

"S-stop it!"

A small high pitch, but muffled voice screamed as a small branch whacked him upside the head. The grip around my neck loosened. My eyes fell upon the small yellow pony with a broken tree branch in her mouth.

"Get off me, you little shit!"

He shoved her away with a free hand! I released a throaty cry as punched him in the throat when he was distracted! Through he was choking, he released his grip from my throat and grabbed my by the collar of my shirt. He pulled me up, and dragged me along the ground in a fit of rage, only to throw me forward. I felt my head crash into the door of the Humvee. Everything went white. I yelped in agony. My head throbbed and pounded against my skull, and I let gravity take me to the floor.

I heard him kick the pony hard enough for her to tumble to the ground, leaving both of us in an incapacitated state. I was twisted around only to be greeted by a fist to the face. Fresh blood flooded from my mouth when I felt a tooth rock loose from the sheer force of his attack. My head was forced back into position, only to get struck hard again in the same spot.

The tooth swished around inside my mouth in the mixture of blood and saliva. I felt myself get thrown forward towards the ditch where I found the Gunman hiding in before hand. I face-planted into the dirt, only to be flipped around. Once again, I was pinned down by a knee.

I felt my gas mask get ripped from my face and thrown aside. The skin of my face was exposed to the cold fresh air. only to get socked in the face again. Blood sprayed out of my mouth, painting the dirt to my side. I attempted to spit at him in desperation, but that only resulted in a thick stream of blood running down the side of my face as the blood didn't travel far from my mouth. The tooth hopped out, only to land and rest up on my chest. The gunman roared in rage as he stuck me again. My nose felt like it shattered to pieces. Blood began to gush out from both nostrils. I wheezed as I tried to claw at his face , but he only moved his head back, and I was only grabbing at air.

"See?" He mumbled. "You're weak. Pathetic!"

He planted his hands onto my face as he was cackling with bloodlust in his voice. It was when my life began to flash before my eyes when he hovered both of his thumbs over my eyes.

"You think you're tough?" He taunted.

I screamed as he placed his thumbs onto my now closed eyes.

"Let's see how you are when I'm done with you!"

He began to press his thumbs. I screamed, bracing myself for the agony I was about to experience.

Just then, something hopped down into the ditch with us. I can hear four feet or hooves fall onto the ground at the same time.

With a ferocious snarl, something sank their teeth into the exposed flesh of his arm. I could hear the wet and flesh sinking sound. Instantly, blood began to gush out from the bite in his arm. He roared in pain as he removed his hands from my face. I opened my eyes, and I coughed up blood as I rose up to my hands and knees.

"Get off! Get off!"

I spat out the remaining blood from my mouth, and I turned to see what was happening. I gasped with surprise.

The Gunman was beating down frantically onto the snout of a canine that was clinging to his arm as he shook it wildly. Joel didn't let go from his arm, no matter how hard he beat at his muzzle. Joel shook his head rapidly, sinking his teeth deeper and deeper into the flesh of his arm. He screamed and screamed. Finally, Joel let go once The Gunman bumped into the edge of the ditch. He began to climb up and made a dash for the Humvee! Joel followed close behind. He opened his mouth wide, and he sank his teeth into his left calf. The Gunman tripped, falling forward and out of my vision.

I rose to my feet, and I stumbled over to the ledge. I fell onto the edge, leaned on it for a brief moment, and I crawled up and rolled away from the ditch. With my chest heaving in and out from fatigue, I pushed up and I took a few steps, only to stumble to the side and bump into the hood of the Humvee.

I watched as Joel shook his head from side to side and The Gunman was shaking his leg like crazy, screaming in fear.

"Off." I gurgled.

Joel continued to tear at his leg, taking no notice of me. His pant leg was in tatters and soaked with blood. In a window of the Humvee, I could see the little pony looking on with a mixture of disgust and relief on her face.

"Joel, OFF!" I hissed.

Joel turned to me, seeing me calling him over to me. He got off him, and he stood away. I stomped over to The Gunman. He saw me coming at him. Terrified, he rose to his feet, despite having a chunk taken out of his leg. He began to plead for me to leave him alone, but I completely ignored his pathetic moans of pain. I grabbed him by his head and the back of his head, and I slammed his face up against the Humvee. It let out a satisfying metallic whack. He let out a weakened wheeze, pleading for mercy. I brought him back up again, and WHAM!

I slammed him back down again. Blood sprayed out into the air like a mist. I let him stumble back, I snuck behind him, taking his rifle off from his back. Having him face me, I placed the rifle across the back of his head, and I brought his face down upon my knee! That was all he could bear before he took one step back, and he collapsed onto the ground. Grasping the rifle tightly, I looked down a sight that was attached on the body. I found myself to gaze at him through a digital green crosshair set directly between his eyes.

"I am DRIVING am out of here!" I shouted, spitting out blood. "And you are NOT going to stand in my way!"

He didn't say anything. A wet gurgle broke through the blood that pooled inside his mouth. Huffing and puffing, I wiped the blood from my nostrils with a sore arm as I stumbled over to the ditch. There I spotted the gas mask lying in the dirt and rubble. I picked up the mask, and I held it in my hand. I nodded, considering the thought of taking it with me.

"Yeah, why not."

With the rifle in one hand and the mask in the other, I climbed out from the ditch and I made my way to the Humvee. Joel was hunched over The Gunman, growling and snarling, watching his every move as he moaned in agony.

"Come on Joel." I barked. "We have to go. Let's leave this asshole."

I looked in the window, only to see that the small horse was huddled in a car corner in the back of the Humvee, like a cornered animal. She was safe inside. With that, I opened the side door for Joel, and he hopped in. I closed the door behind him. I turned my gaze to the bleeding man on the ground. With blood in my mouth, I spat out blood in his way.

"I told you I will drive out of here." I gurgled. "I made that promise, Bugs. That's you're name isn't it? I believe I heard it mentioned before back in that cave."

"Don't kill me." He yipped as he shook his head from side to side. "Please....please don't."

I knelt down over him, and I patted him down. Chest, legs, sides, arms. Upon inspection, I found two full clips for his rifle. That will come of use. I tossed them into the car, followed by the gas mask. The last thing I found was a pistol in its holster. A large one with a black grip and a silvery frame. I took it out and I held it in my hand. It was heavy...and deadly. I looked at him as he trembled with fear. He held a hand out at me, as if it would stop a bullet that would rip through the flesh of his hand.


He flinched as I mocked him. I shook my head as well. "Nah.....I won't." I pressed the button that caused the clip to slide out from within. I cocked the pistol and the final bullet sprang into the air. With that, I chucked the gun into the ditch. It landed with a thump in the soft dirt.

"You have a chance to get away from here. I would take it if I was you." I spoke softly. "Perhaps the spiders will get you. That's not in my control, but I'm not gonna kill you. Wanna know why?"

He chuckled. "Let me guess. You're too weak and afraid to finish me off, is the right? Or do you want me to suffer in my final moments of agony. Tell me Trevor, am I right?"

"No." I muttered. "You're wrong."

I began to walk away from him to the driver's side. I opened the door and I placed the rifle down between me and the passenger seat. I turned back to him.

"I'm just not a psychotic fuck like you."

I turned back to hop into the driver seat, slamming the door shut and locking it. I stuck the key into the ignition, turned it, and the engine roared with power. Without a second thought, I slammed on the gas and we were off down a long dirt road, leaving him in the dust. In the rearview mirror, I watched him as he screamed with rage as he flipped me the bird.

I looked back to take a glance at the little pony in the back seat. She was staring at me like I was the devil himself, trembling all over.

"Are you ok?"

She didn't reply. She only stared at me with wide eyes and fear on her face.

"Yeah...you're fine."


Something bounced off the exterior of the Humvee, right behind us. Looking in the rearview mirror, I could see The Gunman firing his pistol right at us. Every bullet he let off, it never penetrated the thick metal armor. The pony watched the bullets bounce off the outside warily, as if she was worried if one would break through and kill us all. Joel only turned his head back to watch to, but I kept my eyes forward and a drove strait. Yet, no matter how focused I was on the road ahead, I could still hear the mindless screaming of dozens of hungry spiders as they raced to where those gunshots were fired.

Whatever. It's not my problem.....but I do wish him the best of luck.

I could hear him holler out in frustration. I looked in the mirror, only to see a fraction of his body flee into the trees. He was already making a break for safety. It won't be long for the spiders to find the source of the gunfire. We have to get far away from this place. As quickly as possible. I would hate for them to follow me. It won't make things easier.

I pressed on the gas, and we went faster. Everything that I have seen or done was getting put further and further behind me. I am alive. I AM ALIVE. I survived. JOEL survived. WE survived and we saved a small pony from the clutches of death.

We are alive.

We are survivors.

Comments ( 6 )

6539583 I liked everything but him freaking out buuuuut that's realistic so it makes since

"Es tut mir Lied."

did you mean "Es tut mir leid"

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