• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 1,431 Views, 40 Comments

The Hunter: The Path of the Moonlight - DJ Scratch21x

All my life, I craved for adventure. I prayed for the day where everything changed. Too bad it wasn't how I pictured it.

  • ...

Chapter 4 Execution

My life ended that night. That night would be the last night I would ever remember before it all ended with one swift and easy motion. Never to experience the joys any human being would encounter over the course of their life. A wife. A loving family. That was gone now. My life ended, and their was nothing I can do about it. As I watched the razor sharp claws making a reach for the flesh of my throat, I knew nothing would ever be the same again.

I yelped as the hands of the beast wrapped themselves around my neck as it lifted me up, letting my feet dangle. With a pounding heart and sweat pouring heavily from my face, I awaited the inevitable. The metallic smell of blood flooded my flared nostrils as it breathed heavily in my face. The hands tightened as it watched me gasping for air. It let out a twisted giggle at my struggling. It started to howl in laughter when my fists stopped beating at its hands and fell to my sides. Dead limp. My legs that kicked before, now hung loose. Unable to move.

Then it stopped. I felt its hands instantly evaporate into nothing in an instant.

I suddenly fell to the ground, gasping for air as everything started to come back into focus. Instantly I began to back away from the monster, still gulping in air. I looked up...only to see that it was gone. Like it was never here! The monster that attempted to strangle me before, was nowhere to be seen. I was alone. I hope.

I rose to my feet, and looked around cautiously, looking through the darkness for any other signs of danger. I seemed to be safe. I didn't know where the demon went, let alone why it left in the first place.

I had to get out of there. There was no way in hell I was gonna stay for another second there. I began to make my way down the bone dry slope, only to stop dead in my tracks.

This is your world.

I jumped with fright as I heard the voice right behind me! Right in my ear! I looked around in a panic! Nobody was around me! Nobody that I could see. My breathing became heavier once again, and my heart was beginning to race as another dose of adrenaline was entering my veins.

Three years from now, this is the world that you would come to know. Go. Go, and take a long look around. Look at what your home has been reduced to.

"Where are you!" I yelled, looking around franticly.

No reply.

"Show yourself!"

Something that I couldn't see forced me around to look upon the forest! The same force held me in place, and moved my head slowly from side to side; so I could see all of the details of the burning forest.

This is Earth. Your home three years from now. What was once a world ruled by a strong and loving race of humans, is now a ravaged wasteland of its former glory. Anywhere you tread, you will find nothing but desolation and death. Order is no more. Harmony has been slain. Harmony is dead. Everyone you know is either deceased, has been sold to the military or for slavery against their own will.

Every word that I heard overwhelmed me more and more. I couldn't tell if this was a dream or if it was reality. Everything felt so real! But this is impossible. It has to be! I clamped down onto my ears, praying that it will muffle the voices horrid words. Yelling the words shut up over and over in my head!

"This is a dream." I said to myself. "It has to be!"

I wish this was, but this is the future that your world beholds. But...there is a way to prevent any of this from ever happening, and it requires you.

Everything blew up in a bright flash of blue light. For something that I expected to be loud, all I could hear was the buzzing in my own ears. The light grew brighter and brighter! I thought I would go blind for good, until it all faded; and I found myself in a completely different environment.

I was in a forsaken town of some kind. Maybe I wasn't in a town. Perhaps it was a Renaissance Fair or something, because that was what it looked like exactly. The houses had roofs made completely out of straw from what I could see. The patterns on the window frames looked like something from a long time ago, as well as the structure of the houses. The structure gave out a texture that seemed like it was from a distant past of Europe.

Alert and cautious, I looked around to see if I could see anybody, but I couldn't. The town appeared vacant. Abandoned. It seemed like a beautiful day outside. The sun shined bright in the sky and I could hear birds chirping in the distance that went on and off like someone flicking a switch. Though the town seemed empty, I still felt like someone was watching me within the darkness of the buildings. Watching every move I made. Made me paranoid the more i thought about it.

It was hard to see but there were stands in the distance. Wooden stands that held fresh fruits, drinks, and vegetables in organized wooden bins. They were alone. No one was around. Someone or something had to have put those there, making me feel all the more paranoid. The only thing I could hear was my own heavy breathing. Looking around, I noticed that all of the lights in every building were off. All of the doors and windows were shut and most likely locked. Almost as if people were avoiding detection.

Do you remember? I heard the voice ask me, breaking the erie silence.

I attempted to look behind me as the voice was right up in my ear, but I couldn't move. Rolling my eyes down, I saw that I had no body that I could see. Is none of this real? Perhaps this was a vision of some kind! Is the voice trying to show me something? Am I just dreaming? Do the wolves even exist? Maybe I'm sleeping in the backseat of the truck on my way home!

"Rem-remember what?" I asked with a trembling voice.

This town. This kingdom. The beings who lived in perfect harmony within this town? Something you would recognize as a utopian society?

I quickly answered with, "No. No, I'm sorry."

It was your home. It is mine. Everybody's home. Trevor, this is Equestria. It is a land that lives without poverty. Without war. Without crime, nor fear. We were all born here. We all died here. Including you, and every other person from your world.

"No." I whispered. "I was born in Colorado. Raised in Colorado! I never heard of this place...Equestria before! I lived there all of my life!"

We all lived multiple lives, young man. Everyone has lived here multiple times in the past. In this land. A land that used to be perfect, but things changed. Since THEY attacked.

There was a bright blue flash. Again silent. The flash went as quick as it came, and it left me in utter darkness. I thought my eyes were adjusting, but I was wrong.

Three months ago, we were invaded. Invaded by demonic creatures.

There was a giant explosion of fire all around me from the ground up! Again, I couldn't move, as the flames swept through me, and throughout the whole town! I screamed, expecting to be consumed in burns, but....I felt no pain. I felt the extreme heat wrap itself around me like a snake.

The flames died down, and were sucked back into the ground as if the ground was a giant drain. The smoke was heavy, but I could hear things. Awful things. I heard growling, screaming of innocent people. I heard a roar similar to the one that I encountered earlier. I was horrified, but when the smoke was swept away by an invisible force, I was mortified!

It was total anarchy! I saw more of those demons! Dozens of them! They flew through the blackened sky like buzzards with their long, hole ridden wings! They lurked in the shadows of the streets and ally ways, like rabid animals! They were all large and muscular, all having a different variety of colors on their skin and hair, but they all had elongated ears. Ears that seemed deformed. As their hair was to. The formation of their hair looked somewhat flame like. Like their hair was made completely out of fire! The flicked and even glowed!

They threw fireballs anywhere they pleased. Where a fireball struck, it exploded with intense heat, and debris!

The town was in a total wreck! The buildings were now destroyed and in flames. Crumbled to the ground in ruble. A giant tower in the center of town, began to creak and moan, as the sound of bending metal could be heard! Slowly, it began to sway from side to side. Then it fell. The tower's supporting beams snapped in two like twigs, and the base of the building gave in on itself! I watch it sink into the giant cloud of dust that it was kicking up, until I heard a giant crash! The demons howled in glee, as they clapped and cheered.

For months now, we've been tormented by these creatures. They have control of a species of human much similar to your own.

No. I didn't want to see anymore of this. This is truly horrifying. These things. These....abominations. I didn't want to see them anymore.

They kidnapped civilians, placing them into slavery camps, where they are left to work until every fiber in them throbbed in agony. They burned almost half of our crops, and pillaged our towns of resources in less than a week. They use our own soldiers, and turn them against us.

"No." I said, looking down on my nonexistent body.

Like I've said before, there is a way to prevent this. She continued.

"I said no." I said quietly, looking on in horror at the chaos before me, appalled. "I don't want to see anymore of this. Please...for whatever reason you are showing me this, I don't want to see this anymore. Please, I'm begging you...take me back!"

Trevor, there are things you possess that you have yet to understand. I must show you these things for a reason! You must remember! You must remember who you used to be! Who you will be! Who you are destined to become!

"I said no!" I shouted. "Why you choose to show me these things, it doesn't matter anymore! Whatever you think I have, you are wrong! Mistaken! I can't do this! Leave me alone! Take me back! For the last time I'm going to ask, If you're looking for someone to show these things to, find someone else!! For the last time, leave me be!!!"

The ground erupted with a bright blue flash. Explosions went off in my head as I felt like I was spinning impossibly fast! I felt like I was sinking deeper into an ocean abyss.The light grew brighter with each passing moment! I didn't know what was going to happen. I just hoped that she would just bring me back home.


I heard a voice calling to me. It was distant, so I couldn't make out who it was.


The blinding light quickly began to fade as Chad's voice suddenly boomed in my ears. The next thing I knew, the light was gone, my face was being lifted from the dirt, and a wave of nausea was rushing over me. I was greeted with the cool evening air once again. Somebody was lifting me from the ground. With a sickening feeling in my stomach, I shook them off, and I held myself up weakly by my arms; nearly about to vomit. I felt Joel by my side, licking my face.

"He's awake!" Dad announced in relief. "Thank God! Trevor, are you alright?"

I gurgled up and vomited a small puddle of water and chocolate onto the dirt in response.

"Holy shit." Dad said. "Chad, get Uncle Darren's car started, now!"

"What...what happened?" I gurgled, looking around, my head shaking uncontrollably.

I felt Dad lift up my face, not answering my question. I found myself queasily looking at Dad's face. Instantly, his face went pale. Sheet white! He moved my face side to side, mostly looking into my eyes in a mixture of emotion. Fear, confusion, and....fascination?

"Holy shit." Dad groaned. "Trevor! Your....your eyes!"

"What!" I mumbled nervously. "Are they okay?"

Dad was about to say something, but he stopped as if he was rethinking his words. He put on a trembling weak smile, and nodded his head.

"Yeah. Yeah. You're fine! They just look a little different, that's all." He poorly assured me. "Can you see well?"

I looked around. Yes, everything came in clear. No hint of fuzziness. It was darker that I remembered, but then again, it seemed like they've been flashed at by a flashlight a thousand times, so I wasn't questioning that.

"Yeah." I said nodding. "My eyes hurt, but I can see fine."

"Do you know how they could have started hurting?" Dad asked. He checked over to Chad, to check if he was in the car, before turning back to me.

The nausea was thankfully leaving me. I wiped away the tears from my cheeks, and saliva dribbling from my chin; and bottom lip. I nodded loosely. In fact, I wasn't nodding at all. My head was just bobbing up and down slightly.

"I have a thought." I said out of breath. "But I don't think your going to believe me."

"Trevor, trust me." Dad said. "We've seen a lot of crazy things tonight. The wolves left, incase if you're wondering. Don't worry about them. Once you went under, the wolves...just got off of us. They ran back down the butte and into the woods. Everyone is fine. Look, there is Mom, Uncle Darren, and Zoey. Right behind you!"

I looked back to see the three of the huddled together. Zoey was curled up in a ball in Mom's arms. Dried streams of tears ran down Mom's and Zoey's cheeks. Uncle Darren had his hand rested on Mom's shoulder. He gave a weak smile, and waved at me. I didn't oblige. I just turned back to Dad.

Joel placed his head onto my shoulder, and I couldn't help but grin slightly. From behind, I heard Zoey, Mom, and Uncle Darren approach me. Mom wrapped her arms around my neck, and hugged me tight. Zoey was hugging me on my side. Darren just patted my shoulder softly.

"How you holding up?" He asked with a weak smile.

"I'm fine." I gasped. "Just dandy."

"We were so scared." Mom said with a lump in her throat, hugging me tighter. "Thank the Lord you are alight."

"Hey, guys?" I asked. "I don't mean to sound rude or anything...*gasp* but can I get some space? I don't feel so hot."

Without a word, everyone gave me space. They still sat near me. I kept Joel by my side, and scratched his ears. A way to comfort me. They stared at me, awaiting what my explanation was. I took in a long deep breath, and sighed softly.

"Well...something got into my eyes. I don't know what, but something got inside my head though my eye sockets, and caused me to go out cold. I was being held down by this really strong wolf...and it just held me down. Nothing else! No desire to eat me, nor kill me. Just to hold me down. Something fell onto the nape of my neck. I didn't think much of it at first. At first, I thought it was saliva. That was, until it traveled up to my face, and into my eyes! It hurt...SO MUCH! It...it. I couldn't tell if I was losing my mind, or-"

"Save your strength." Dad said, cutting me off without intentions of being rude. "We'll get your better, ok?"

I nodded thankfully. I didn't want to talk about it. I thought it was best if I didn't. I didn't even want to think about it.

"Chad!" Dad called out. "How is the car coming along?"

"It's not working!" I heard Chad yell. "It's not even doing anything when I turn the key!"

"Darren, call for an ambulance!"

"On it!" He confirmed.

I turned my attention away from they others, and looked up at the blue moon. It continued to hang in the sky, feeling like it was giving me a giant middle finger. I couldn't help but feel mocked by it. Yet, it was a giant reminder of what I have been through in a single night. A reminder I won't forget. I felt Dad turn my head away from the moon, and he held me in his arms.

"Don't look at it." He said in a hushed voice. "Don't look at it."

"My eyes." I groaned pitifully. "They hurt."

"I know, son." He replied with a nervous tone. "I know, but they won't for much longer. Let's just get home safely, ok?"



"What happened? The wolves. What happened to them? They seemed...abnormal, didn't they?"

Dad took a moment to think about his words.

"Ah. Well...I don't know that much. One second I was struggling to get the wolves off me, the next, I could hear you screaming. Before I knew it, the wolves were off us, and were bolting down the hill! Probably got scared off when Darren arrived. I didn't care much for the wolves at that moment. I only cared about you, and why you were screaming like that. You could imagine how bad we freaked out when we saw you....when I saw you like that."

He paused before continuing. "You were having a seizure, Trevor."

I looked up at him in shock. I never had a seizure before! He looked strait ahead as if he was in deep thought. As if he was having a flashback of the difficult moment in his past.

"Yeah.....they just-..this does't make sense!. One second, they were on us, the next...they were just gone." He finished, steering away from that moment.

I was speechless. I thought about the wolves and how their eyes glowed like the moon. I thought about when Dad and I shot at them, and how they wouldn't go down. How they wouldn't die. How they healed so quickly. Now that I have had a direct conversation with the voice, there is no doubt in my mind that they are connected. There was a reason the wolves didn't choose to kill us. There was a reason they let us run faster than them. There was a reason for that wolf to get that blue stuff into my eyes. But why!? Why me of all people!? Was it just for anyone? No one else got it but me. Why?

"This is all my fault." Dad said frustrated. "I should've listened to you when you didn't want to go. This was so stupid! How could I have been so careless? That fu....that freaking moon drew me to it. I-I just couldn't resist! God dammit, this is all my fault!"

"Dad?" I asked while sitting up.

"Yeah?" He sighed.

"What is wrong with my eyes." I asked directly. "Let me see, please."

The worried face I saw him have, while we ran earlier returned, and he bit his lower lip. I knew he was unsure of what to do. Slowly, he began to pull out his phone, where he would pull up the camera and show me.

Just then, a rumbling started beneath us. A rumbling that felt like a stampede was coming. Already I could hear Joel starting to bark uneasily, and Zoey began to whimper nervously. As weak as I was, I jumped to my feet, and Dad got up too. I looked around, my eyes darted everywhere. I couldn't see anything! No wolves, and nothing alien, but the moon appeared to have grown larger in size!

"Hey!" I heard Chad shout. "What's going on!?"

"It must be an earthquake!" Uncle Darren said. "Everyone, flatten yourselves against the ground, and stay still!"

A giant blinding light came from behind me, as a loud hissing noise made us all jump! I looked behind me, only to see a giant beam of light shooting strait up to the sky, like a giant spotlight! It was coming from down the butte, so I couldn't see the source. We all felt shrunken at the sight of the towering light! The rumbling stopped, but the light continued to shine on! My head was tilted so far back, I nearly fell back!

"What in blazes!?" Dad cried. "What in the hell is going on!?"

"Everybody, let's move! I don't like this!" Mom said nervously.

"But the truck!" Dad shouted.

"The truck's in the lights direction, and there is no way in hell that we are going near that! Let's go!" Darren snapped.

Chad began to run back to us in a hurry, and in total fear! He skidded to a stop right beside me, before he too gazed up at the light.

"I'm going with Mom! Screw this! Let's get out of here!" Chad exclaimed.

We all began to back away from the light in the other direction. Everyone except for me. I only took a few steps, before I fell to my hands and knees as I was still very weak. I felt Dad lift me up by my shoulders, and began to help me walk. Joel walked by my side as we did. We were at the edge of the butte, and we began to make our way down. Uncle Darren saw us dragging behind, so he rushed over, and took my other shoulder to help us catch up.

We didn't know where we were gonna go. Both of our cars were in the other direction, not to mention they both did not work for some strange reason! Most likely by the work of the voice! Hopefully, we could hitch a ride from a stranger, or strangers. The fact that there was a whole family that was wandering the road in need of aid was on our side, instead of a single shady guy, or a bum. The least they could do, was to take Dad and I to a hospital. Chad or Zoey if they had room!

I felt my hand brush by my right pocket, only to feel the magnum was missing, but I could feel the bullets still in my other pocket. Dad must have taken the magnum off of me, while they were in the process of waking me up. I looked at Dad's pockets, and sure enough; there it was. The magnum. All snug in the pocket closest to me, looking up at me, offering me protection. Offering us Protection.

Just then, there was another hissing noise coming from behind us, up the butte! We all turned, and we couldn't believe what our eyes were seeing! Tentacles! Giant, glowing, blinding white tentacles! They reached up from the ground, right from the light the emerged before! They waved and swung wildly in every direction! We couldn't believe what we were seeing!

"Gott im himmle!" I shouted as one made a dash for the three of us! "What is that!?"

We all were thrown to the ground as one rammed itself into us! My back cracked as I fell to the ground, and my feet tapped the back of my head before falling to the ground with a thump! I heard screams of terror and Joel's barking as I picked myself up. The pricking feeling was beginning to rush through my veins, making me weaker than before! I strained to keep my wobbly arms strait as I looked behind me, only to see it making a grab for me! With a yelp and all of my strength, I threw myself over to the left! I tumbled for a few seconds, before catching myself! I found myself looking at it, making for another grab at me!

"Trevor, run!!" I heard mom shriek!

Terrified, I scrambled to get to my feet, only to fall back down as the weakening sensation grew stronger! Instead, I began to crawl away, not daring to look back! I fought the incapacitation with everything I had as I moved! Taking the risk, I threw myself forward, and up! I rose up to my feet, and began to run; already starting to wheeze!

"No, no, no, no, no! I don't wanna die! Please, leave me alone! I don't want to die!"

Just then, I heard barking and growling from behind me! Barking that was full of anger! I spun around, nearly falling down! The only thing that stood between me and the tentacle, was Joel! He stood in the middle, snarling at the tentacle, protecting me!

"Joel!" I shouted. "NO!!" I cried out.

The tentacle attempted to reach over him at right over for me! I began to run back, but I fell to my rump, crying out in terror! I watched Joel jump up, and clamped his teeth down onto the flesh of the gigantic limb! It simply flicked him off like nothing, and he fell to the ground on his side; yelping in pain! Glowing white liquid came gushing out of it, dripping onto the grass, and painting the grass in a glowing white.

I watched the end of it turn to me, as if it was actually looking at me! I screamed, and it came at me again! It was about to grab me, and I was certain that I was done for! I curled into a ball, and closed my eyes shut! Awaiting the attack. The only thought that ran through my mind, was the thought that I was going to die tonight! Images of my family ran through my mind. Memories. Both good and bad. when I first met Joel as a pup. The first time I met Clair. Holding Zoey in my arms when she was born. Everything in my final moments. A feeling of dread washed over me, as every memory that I had, will be erased. Erased like sidewalk chalk. Gone!

I awaited the start of my demise. Instead of it wrapping itself around me, I heard a brief yelp. A yelp that was quickly hushed. Nothing else.

I opened my eyes instantly, only to see a horrid sight. "No!"

Held in the tentacle's grip, instead of me, was Joel. I gasped as it wrapped itself along the body of my best friend, as my gut felt like it was being crushed, and twisted. Everything grew quiet in that moment. That moment when I looked into his eyes, and all I saw was fear. Fear as he looked back at me. I only stared at him, refusing to believe what he has given up for me.

"J-...Joel." I mumbled as I reached a hand out. "Joel?"

That was all I could muster, before he was hauled away from me. Up into the air. Higher, and higher, before he was pulled back to the top of the butte, and out of sight. All the while, I watched in go in utter horror. Nobody spoke. Nobody did nothing but watch him go. Already, tears were running down my cheeks, as I felt like I wanted him to be right back beside me. As I prayed that I didn't see what I just witnessed.

All I could hear was the pounding of my own heart in my ears, and a distant terrified whimper from above. It went on and on, like a broken recored. The sound of his whimpering and his body being dragged across the ground was too much for me. There was a high pitched yelp, a bright flash of light....then nothing. No more whining. No more dragging. There was only silence and a dying light as the bright light above was now starting to fade away back into the ground. Already, I could feel something change inside me. I felt....incomplete. Empty.

"Joel." I squeaked, on the verge of tears. "J-Joel?"

"Oh my god." I heard Chad mutter distantly.

"Joel, no please no! Joel!" I heard Mom screamed.

I reached out a hand to the butte, before it fell to the ground, and I started to cry silently. Tears fell onto the grass below me, as I began to scream. I screamed in anger, pounding the ground with my fists, until they were throbbing! I felt Dad pick me up, and began to run away with the others. I rested in his arms, crying like a child. I didn't listen to what the others had to say. All I did was weep, and look up to the top of the butte. The light was nearly gone now. Very dim. I can assume that thing is almost gone now.

I cried out Joel's name again and again, praying that it will bring him back, but he's gone now.

I kept thinking of the look of fear in his eyes. That is the last thing that I'll remember him by. That look of pain. That look of fear! How he sacrificed his whole life for mine! How he gave up everything to save a weak, helpless, hermit, who was to scared to fight!

"Why? WHY? Why did it have to do what she did? Why couldn't it have just taken me instead? Joel had NO PART in this shit! Why did it take him instead of me!? It should've been me!!"

My eyes panned down to the magnum in my Dad's pocket. Calling to me. I realized that I could feel ammunition for his rifle pressing into the skin of my arm, as it sat there in his shirt pocket. A boiling rage began to brew inside of me. It burned. It burned with each passing step that my father took carrying me. My weakness was fading quickly. Then a realization hit me.

"Oh my god. It's my fault! I told her to find someone else! Selfishly backing out, and pinning it on someone else! My selfish actions led to the death of my friend! My best friend!! MY ONLY FRIEND!!! He is gone, and his blood rests on my hands!!"

I reached down, clamping down onto the handle. My sore hands ached as I tightened my grip.

"You....bitch." I snarled in my mind.

I slammed my elbow into Dad's ribs. He grunted, as he loosened his grip on me. I wiggled my way out, and I fell to the ground on my side. My fingers dug into the ground in anger, but I didn't stop there! I turned around, and snatched the magnum out of his pocket; and placed it into mine!

"You bitch!"

I clamped down onto the strap of the rifle on Dad's back, stripped it off him, before wrapping the strap onto myself. All the while, I took every bullet for the rifle out of Dad's pocket, and jammed into my own! I kicked Dad down so he wouldn't be able to catch me easily!

In the split second. In that split second that I had before I ran, I knew what I had to do!

"You...you have plagued my mind with your presence! You have made me scared, paranoid, and you have terrorized me!! You took my best friend away from me!! You SLAUGHTERED him like it was nothing!!"

With a raging cry, I charged up the butte, as Dad wheezed out my name! I loaded bullets into the cylinder, and snapped it shut! I took out my knife, and held it into the other hand as I ran! I was fueled by anger! I was FURIOUS! I could hear Dad's footsteps behind me, trying to catch me! I ran faster in response!

"GIVE HIM BACK!!" I shouted, tears flowing down my cheeks. "YOU HEARTLESS HAG!!"

The light was brightening. It heard me. I knew it did! I knew I had its attention!

"Give him back! GIVE HIM BACK!!"

A tentacle made charged for me! I threw myself to the ground, and it ran along my back over me! I heard Dad cry out in surprise as it collided with him instead of me.

"Trevor!" Dad shouted. "Get back here, now!" Followed by a chorus of the others calling out my name!

"Get back here!"

"Trevor!" Chad shouted with Dad.

I ignored them! All I wanted to do was to make this thing pay for what it has done! It has taken my friend away! My ONLY friend!! It took him away, and left me here...alone! Without him, I had nothing! Now I am nothing! He was one of the few in this life who stood by me no matter what! We shared memories together, being through the thick and thin! And she has the horrid audacity to end it all!? Not on my watch! Not as long as it breathes the same air that I do! Nobody hurts my friend! Nobody!

My teeth gritted together in rage! I screamed in anger, as I pushed myself to run faster!

"You are gonna pay! I'll make you PAY! You tormented me for long enough! I will end you! I will SLAY you where you stand!! I'll KILL YOU!"

It lunged out again with another tentacle, this time, swinging in on me from the right! Timing it right, I hurled myself over it, and it knocked into my shoulder! Pain shot up in my arm as I slammed into the ground, but I didn't care! All that screamed in my mind, was retaliation! That word went through my mind again and again! I looked back! I saw Chad, Dad, and Uncle Darren running after me from a distance, calling my name, begging for me to come back, but the same tentacle was coming at me from behind!

I ran faster! I was nearly at the top now! While my chest and legs burned, adrenaline rushed through my veins! I ran faster! I could see the top, but yet another one was coming at me! It was gonna grab for me! My eyes were kept peeled to it! Something came over me. I don't know what, but I felt extremely focused and coordinated. Everything around me turned slightly grey, as everything seemed to have slowed down slightly. Enough time to plot what I needed to do to evade the attack. Focused enough to time it just right! I jumped into the air. I landed on the tentacle with both feet, and threw myself forward! I dove forward, and rolled on the ground until I was up on my feet again!

Holding my knife in one hand, and my magnum in the other, I looked up at the towering glowing tentacles! They waved about freely above me, but I felt like they were all looking down at me at the same time!

"Youuuu." I snarled. "You and me. Let's settle this! NOW!!"