• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 1,431 Views, 40 Comments

The Hunter: The Path of the Moonlight - DJ Scratch21x

All my life, I craved for adventure. I prayed for the day where everything changed. Too bad it wasn't how I pictured it.

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Chapter 5 Abduction

Canterlot, Equestria
Date on Earth: June 28, 2015
Time: 1:02 am

Princess Celestia and Princess luna stood side by side, watching the oddly colored moon with great concern. The moon the hung in the sky, was now shining in blue. Everything they could see from the balcony they stood on, was showered in blue light. Every inch of Equestria was blue. For the past hour and a half, it has been like this. They watched the panic commence from below. Terrified ponies ran through the streets, while guards struggled to control the chaos. They both waited anxiously for the results, fearful for what they might hear.

Behind them, the door opened. In the doorway, revealed a short stallion holding a clipboard in his mouth. His lab coat was ruffled. Stains ranging from coffee, to ink, to sweat could be seen, giving an unwanted display for anypony to see. The young pony's mane was messy. Filthy and tangled. He entered the room slowly, shuffling slightly, looking shaken at all of the guards that stood in the corners of the room.

He approached the doors to the balcony. The guards who had their spears blocking the path, quickly removed them so he could gain entrance. The pony gulped before offering the clipboard to princess Luna.

Luna examined the information given, before sending it over to her sister with her telekinesis. Princess Celestia took it, and examined it herself.

"Your highness, there are no traces of dark magic that we could find. That...that is all we can find right now. I'm sorry." The timid pony stammered. "Though it is good news, we however don't have anything like this recorded in our files. My unit is still searching for answers as we speak."

"Do you think it poses a threat?" Princess Celestia asked, looking up at him.

The pony pondered on the question for a brief moment. "If I may say my honest opinion, your highness, but I think there is something more to this. If that makes any sense."

"What do you mean?" Princess Luna asked, stepping forward. "Explain."

The timid pony gulped once more. "Well...f-for the past hour and a half, the moon has remained this color with for no objective that we can see. That being said, surly this must have a reason for happening in the first place. If I'm correct, this is only a build up for something greater. Something else. Wether it is positive or negative, I don't know. Thus, making me all the more fearful for what has to come." He stopped at Luna's unexpected yelp.

Princess Luna gave out a surprised cry, as she nearly crumpled to the floor. a head splitting head ache washed over her, clouding her thoughts. Princess Luna grimaced in pain as she leaned herself against the railing of the balcony, rubbing her head.


Princess Celestia instantly began to help Luna get back on her hooves, looking at her with utter concern. The guards began to rush over to them in a panic, but Celestia held a hoof to them. They backed off slowly with reluctance.

"Sister, what is it!? What's wrong?" Princess Celestia asked, becoming worried.

"Something happened!" Luna gasped, shaking her head. "I don't know what, but something- no...somethings have entered Equestria!"

The scientist's eyes widened in both fear. "Really?" He asks. "Can you sense a intention for destruction or harm?"

Luna winced once again. The pain and dizziness was swirling throughout her mind, making it difficult to concentrate on anything around her through the constant throbbing. She cringed, and rubbed the side of her head. Luna concentrated harder. She could not sense any positive energy, nor negative energy. It seemed dormant. As whatever these things were that have entered Equestria were unconscious, or asleep. Yet, she could feel something else. Something that caught her off guard.

In the center of her mind. A tingling sensation coursed through her head. The same sensation any alicorn would feel when preforming even the simplest of spells. This was strong. Too strong. It was strong enough for her to sense it herself.

"No." Luna confirmed. "At least for now. There are multiple of them now. All unconscious. They are all scattered around Equestria." She finished, out of breath.

Luna collapsed to the floor, partially holding herself up against the stone balcony. Before Princess Celestia could ask her about her well being, Luna waved her off.

"I'm fine." She wheezed. "I...I just need to lie down."

Princess Celestia began to assist Luna to the bed in her room. While doing this, Princess Celestia turned to the guards standing in the corners of the rooms.

"Find anything irregular. Wether it's alive or dead!" She commanded. "I want guards out there every minuet, of everyday!"

She turns to the shaken scientist. "Anything they find, I want you to examine. Write down everything you find, then report back to me."

"Yes, your highness." The scientist confirmed, as he began to run out of the room.

"Wait!" Luna huffed.

The scientist stopped. He turned back to her.

"There's...more." She sighed. "They are powerful. They contain a magic I never felt before. Strong enough for me to percept. They can be highly dangerous! Please, tread carefully out there. We don't know what we're up against."

In the deserts of Equestria, miles from civilization, something was different. Someone has arrived. Underneath a cactus, lied Trevor White. An average small town boy, now face down to the ground, asleep. With a rifle on his back, a magnum clutched in his right hand, and a knife in his pocket; that was all that he would expect to be with him. Almost everything.

Resting up against the cactus, was a neatly placed video camera bag. Something he didn't have in his grasp when he was awake. It waited for him to awake. Until then, it will continue to wait.


With the handle in hand, I glared up at the towering glowing anomaly. Swaying from side to side like leaves in the wind. Why it was still moving, I didn't know. It shouldn't be alive right now! It shouldn't be breathing the same air as I did! I will end it!

With an enrage scream, I charged at the monster with the only intent to bring it down! No matter how big it was, I will kill it! I don't know how, but it will fall to my feet!

I raised my magnum as I prepared to pull the trigger! There was no way for it to stop me! I began to pull the trigger. The hammer began to cock back in the split second I had. The split second I had, before a tentacle slammed into my left side. I could only see it for a fraction of a second, before everything went white.

Pained exploded in my chest as I took flight.

I felt myself soar through the air. The wind blew through my face and hair. That was until I struck the ground on my left shoulder. The wind was knocked out of me. I felt myself bounce back into the air and fell further down the butte, before hitting the ground again. Down I went, tumbling down the butte. Everything was a blur. All I could see was the light of the moon showering over me, and the tentacles for split seconds before my face was shoved back into the dirt.

Just then, I slammed into something large and solid in the ribs. Multiple cracking sounds filled my ears, as I felt skin being crudely scraped off. My body rolled over the object, and i continued to fall further downward! I only cried out for a second, before I instantly dug my fingers into the ground, preventing myself from tumbling down any further. My left side flared in agony. It wasn't enough. My fingers slipped out of the moist ground as my body was still in motion.

My back and my head collided into something hard and metallic. My vision exploded with light, and my back throbbed in pain as I yelped one final time. My body went limp as I lost control; and already my vision was going dark.

I lied against whatever I struck. My limbs were too weak to move. My head only slumped down, and I gazed upon my clothes for a brief second, before everything went dark. For that second, I saw grey T-shirt soaked in blood, and it made a dark trail down to my jeans. I spat out a little blood with the metallic taste met my tongue, leaving a little to hang on my lower lip. That was all I could see before I fainted. All the noise in the distance became nothing but white noise.

Once again, i was surrounded by total darkness. Silence filled the air. Submerged underwater. Drifting through an empty black void. My limp body continued to slowly move along. I drifted through the cold waters, not knowing where I was or....or who I was. I couldn't not remember my own name. Nor could I remember where I came from!

"You are one of us, my son; and you always will be."

I heard the voice come out of the darkness. The one that I have heard constantly in the past. All this time. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. It was more of an echo, bouncing off the walls of a narrow hallway. For the first time, I felt comfort in its presence.

"What am I?" I asked calmly. "Where are you? Why can't I see you? Show yourself."

I felt different. When I should've felt fear and rage instead...relief? That is the best way to describe it. It was almost like I was familiar with whoever was speaking to me, but yet so alien. So mysterious. I knew this person, or thing, yet, I didn't at the same time.

"What am I?" I asked again. This time my voice echoed as well, bouncing off wall that I couldn't see. Just then, a hissing sound could be heard from below me. Like someone was letting in gas into a room. I panned my eyes down slowly, only to see nothing but blackness.

"You are one of us, my son. A Child of the Night. You are, and you always will be. Through every life and death you face. Remember who you once were. Fight for who you will become. Fight for the sake of ponykind."

The hissing grew louder and closer. Now I started to feel concerned. My breathing grew rapid and heavy. Off in the distance, I could even see a small blue dot strait ahead of me forming in the abyss, and it continued to grow faster at an alarming rate. I couldn't move. All I could do was watch it grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger. I started to feel pain. The pain that engulfed my body entirely before I went out. I could make out more details in the space. Green grass illuminated by blue light, my body that lied back against whatever I struck earlier. Almost awake now. I could see so much more. I could even hear again. I heard shouting off in the distance. I felt a cool breeze run through my hair. further evidence that I was alive.

Then I woke up.

The sensation of a consciousness rammed itself into me as awoke, gasping for air. I wasn't dead. I was positive that I was, but I wasn't. My entire body felt like it had been ripped apart, and dragged around like a chew toy. Everything throbbed with its own heartbeat. Every time I gasped for air, my lungs felt like they were being squeezed, like a snake was wrapping itself tightly around my lungs. I would inhale, and I would spit out blood every time I exhaled. My vision came back into focus, and I could see that the bleeding prier had slowed down surprisingly. The dark trail that led to my jeans has grown, but not much. Only stopping just above knee.

I moved my hand slightly to cause a twitch in my fingers. It moved on my command, so I did the same on my other hand, and my feet. Same results. Glad to know that I could move fully, I slowly raised my left arm, only to let it fall to the ground as pain shot up my entire left side. I moaned in agony, as my vision grew fuzzy once more. I stopped and did nothing, except suck in air through my grinding teeth, until everything became clear again.

I looked over at my left side in fear, not wanting to know why it hurt so much, but I had to. Slowly and reluctantly, I tired again, only to have the pain wash over me once more. I took deep gasps of air, as I prepared to see what damages were done to my side, which was calming myself for several minuets until I grew the courage.

Once ready with watery eyes, I clamped my teeth shut, gripped my T-shirt, and yanked it up as quick as i could! The pain was agonizing. I screamed through my teeth, as the worst was over.The bottom of my shirt rested itself on my chest. Already, sweat was sliding down my forehead as I leaned back. I batted any sweat off from my brow. I sighed before I craned my neck down so I could see my exposed gut.

I gasped in utter shock.

There was a dark purple blotch forming right in the center of my left side! A light red surrounded the badly damaged area. It took no time to figure out that I completely shattered the left side of my ribcage. As if me noticing was a trigger, the pain grew more and more extreme! It didn't help when I saw a arch like formation was now visible in my skin. Pressing itself against the flesh in my chest, barley visible.

I felt like crying as I banged my throbbing head against the object I hit, only to recoil in pain; grunting at my own stupidity. I screamed. both in frustration and in agony. I took deep breaths as i calmed myself down to the best of my abilities.

Curious to see whatever I hit in the first place, I looked behind me by turning my head. I was lying up against the front of a red Hummer. I was lying against the front of it, as it was parked uphill. The blood sprinkled license plate read: SPCE M4N.

Spice Man?

No, Space Man.

Uncle Darren's Hummer.

The tingling sensation traveled up my legs, all the way to my head. At the same exact moment, a hissing sound came from up above. From up the butte. I looked up, only to have memories come flooding back in as I saw several bright glowing tentacles waving wildly in every direction! Despite my current condition, I have to move! Whatever it takes!

Reluctantly but frantic, I felt my pockets to see if anything is missing as the pain in my ribs was threatening to knock me out unconscious. Most of my bullets still remained in my pocket. I'm sure some fell out during my fall, but at least I still had something to fight with. The hunting rifle was still wrapped around me. It pressed itself into my back, but my magnum and my knife were nowhere on me.

I looked around by turning my head left and right. I was glad to see that my knife was only a few meters way from me to my left. Heaving a sigh of relief, I rose to my knees with the best of my abilities. I looked back up. All I could see was a giant tentacle coming for me! Attempting to end my life once more! I squealed as I rose to my feet, only to have my right ankle flood with pain! I fell forward, and my chest collided with the ground! More pain! My vision grew fuzzy, before snapping back into focus in a white flash. Continuing with the rhythm of my heartbeat!

I couldn't breathe! I pushed myself up, and snatched the knife off the ground. I looked back to see how much distance was left from me to the road below that led to the truck. I wasn't even halfway down! The odd thing was that the hole that we encountered earlier was now gone. No residue or clue left behind from what i could see. It struck me that it somehow moved to the top of the butte! I looked back to the tentacle. It was closer now! No time to think! I looked around franticly for my magnum, but I couldn't find it!

I looked back once more to see the tentacle split up into several smaller rope like appendages!

"No! No! Where is it!?"

I looked at the Hummer, and decided that it was my only option! I couldn't run far. It'll catch me! I couldn't go anywhere with my crippled ankle!

With pain in my ribs, I quickly slid my way back over to the car. Placing a hand on my side, as I crawled beneath. I escaped the light of the moon and into darkness below. I groaned as my ribs ached. I reached back to move down further, but my hand felt something cold and metallic. Looking behind me, I saw my magnum lying in the grass! With my free hand, I quickly snatched it up, and lied flat against the grass. My head was pointing downward to the base of the butte.

I clutched the gun tightly in my hands. They trembled as I did. Sweat was pouring down my face, and I felt like I was going to vomit from fear. I was terrified! I only stared up at the bottom of the car with wide eyes, and listened as the tentacle drew closer and closer. I gulped, and I cocked back the hammer. I rested the barrel gun on my face, letting the cold metal meet my skin, and I shut my eyes tight. I hoped that it would go away. I hoped that I would be able to live to see the light of day! I hoped that it won't find me, and I'll be able to live! That I would be able to get a running start at the least!

My hopes were diminished when I saw a glowing white tentacle wrap itself around the car, and began to lift it. The outside layer of metal crinkled and bent at the strength of the tentacle. Class windows shattered into pieces and fell to the ground like rain!

I screamed as it was thrown to the side like it was nothing! I screamed again, as I raised my magnum up at the monster that towered over me! I pulled the trigger! The gunshot rang in my ear as the recoil traveled up my arm, throughout my body, including my left side. The pain was extreme. Feeling like a dagger was digging itself deep in to my side, but I didn't let it stop me! I cocked the hammer back again, ready to fire, but one wrapped itself around my arm! I was surprised to find out that it was blistering hot and it felt rough, like dry skin! It pulled on my magnum unrelenting with force, but I fought back with all I had! It slipped out of my grip, and it threw it off back toward the top of the butte, vanishing into the night sky!

It released me, leaving my hand empty! I took out my knife, and I began to crawl away in a panic! It was no use when a thicker one wrapped itself around my waist! Its heat made me cry out in utter terror, as I jabbed at it again, and again, and again! It lifted me up in to the air! Glowing blood was spurting out, and it sprayed my face! I did everything I could to break free! More small tentacles wrapped themselves around my limbs and neck. Avoiding my ribcage as if it knew. As if it noticed my injury! They wrapped themselves around me like a spider web!

I looked down in fear. I saw a large rock, sticking out of the ground, pass by beneath me. It appeared to be sprinkled with blood. It took no extra thoughts to know the fact that I slammed into it on the way down.

I rasped out for help franticly, unable to move! "Dad! Mom! Zoey! Chad!"

"NO TREVOR NO!!! Let him go!!!" Chad howled.

I looked down, and I saw all of my family in its clutches! They were all pinned down by the monster! They all fought, kicked, and screamed, fighting to get free! Fighting as I did!

"SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! HELP ME!!" I wheezed out as I was lowered closer to the blinding abyss below! "HELP ME, PLEASE!!!"

This was it! I was gonna die here! I was going to be consumed by the light! Disintegrated into nothing but dust in the wind! I was so close now! So nearly close to death! I was lowered to the ground, yards before the hole. I dug my feet into the ground with all that I had! My boots came to a halt, and I struggled to take a few steps forward! Every step I took, it fought back! Tentacles let go of me, that slithered back into the hole! Already, I could feel myself giving out to the monster! I could feel and hear my boots grind against the dirt!


Dad managed to get himself free. He scrambled up to his feet as he punched away any fighting tentacles, and bolted for me! I felt hope! Like I was gonna make it! I reached out my free hand, tears flowing from my eyes. Dad reached out his! We were inches apart. I could analyze every single detail plastered on his face. Tear trails were visible in the dirt smothered on his face. He wore a look of woe, and doubt. As if he was unsure if he was able to save me! My smile vanished. No...he's not gonna save me.

You know, I actually thought I would have a second chance. That he would pull me away, and we would all run off together to safety. I guess it was when my feet gave out from under me was when every sense of hope that I had before, was now gone. I didn't even get to say my final words. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

The tentacles yanked me away from Dad. My feet left the ground as I felt myself dip downward.

In my final moments of life...as I was being lowered further and further down, my final memory was burned into my mind. Detail after detail. I could hear my mothers shrill scream as she watched me go. Down, down, down I went. The further I sank, the weaker I grew. I looked up, only to see my dad. He was beating at an invisible barrier in the ground with a rock. He was separated from me and there was nothing he could do. I could see the pain on his face. The anger in his eyes. The tears that fell, and seemed to hover in midair over the unseen wall.

I reached out to him once more as I was being dragged down further. Every tear that escaped the corners of my eyes instantly evaporated into vapor. He screamed in a boiling rage and began to beat at the ground harder and faster. I was almost gone now. Everything was nearly black. This was my final moment. The final memory before I was gone forever.

In the final second before everything went dark, I heard the voice speak to me in a calming voice. The voice that I was cursed with all this time. She said a sentence that would haunt me and my memory. Something I would never be able to forget.

"Forgive me for what I have done."

I died that night. That night would be the last one I would ever remember before it was all ended with one swift and easy motion. Never to experience the joys any human being would encounter over the course of their life. My life ended, and their is nothing I can do about it. What iI didn't know, though my life ended, I was about to be reborn. The old life that I once had, has died off, only to have a new one take its place.