• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 1,431 Views, 40 Comments

The Hunter: The Path of the Moonlight - DJ Scratch21x

All my life, I craved for adventure. I prayed for the day where everything changed. Too bad it wasn't how I pictured it.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Invictus

Three months have passed since the first appearance of Sunset Shimmer and her army in The United States. The Government needed a way to explain the deaths of the soldiers to their loved ones, and to the rest of the nation. In order to keep the public from panicking, The United States Government conducted a conspiracy, in which any proof of the attack was erased. The casualties were lied to be the result of a training excessive that went horribly wrong.The Government began to search for a way to reach the attackers with a purpose to confront them, and to take down the ones held responsible for the lives that were taken.

However, since the attack, a few odd reports of missing people with similar stories began to sprout across America, and other countries throughout the world, only to be disregarded as everyday cases of missing people. These cases will soon become a daily occurrence..

It was so quiet. Just...so quiet. Peaceful. The trees were so peaceful. Everything in this forest was peaceful.

With each step I took, I became more in tune with the sounds of nature, which was the wind and a few distant birds flying freely in the twilight sky. It was peaceful indeed.

"Don't you think, Trevor?"

"Huh, what?" I asked, caught off guard. I turned my attention to my Dad, who was walking slightly ahead of me. "I wasn't paying attention. Could you repeat that?" I asked.

"The forest." My Dad said extending a hand to the surroundings around us. "It's nice, ain't it?"

I quickly began to nod my head in response. "Yes, yes it is." I watched a bird fly over us. "Quite nice."

We walked through the quiet forest on our way back to our truck. We have been for the past hour. My feet were sore from walking all day from hunting and tracking bucks. I was tired, my feet and legs were sore, and my stomach was begging for a burger. In order to focus off on the pain and hunger, I began to look around me, which led me to zone out, and to my father snapping me back to reality. I couldn't help it. I do tend to wander off with my thoughts now and then.

As the sunset began, the wind slowly began to get chillier as day turned to night. Already through the red clouds, I could see a star or two shining through. Soon, we would have to use our flashlights if we don't get to the truck by nightfall. I don't plan on running into anything out here. Most predators thankfully live up in the mountains, but I ain't taking any chances.

"Sucks we didn't get anything." My brother Chad said.

"Yeah, tell me about it. It's the last day we have here before going home too!" I said glumly. "It sucks."

I looked down at my dog Joel, who was walking beside me. He looked up at me as he walked. I rubbed his head proudly. Joel began to wag his tail happily.

"But we had fun, didn't we, boy? Didn't we?" I cooed. Joel barked in response, while his tail continued to wag. I chuckled to myself.

We continued to walk from that point on, mostly looking at the beautiful landscape of the forest, and talking a little bit here and there. As time passed the sun went sunk further behind the horizon, and the moon was starting to come out. The moon was already bright enough to illuminate a faint path in front of us. It was beautiful. Just amazing.

"Wow," I said looking up into the sky. "Would you look at that mo-"

"Follow the glow of the night...follow the glow. Follow...follow."

"Oh no." I whispered, rubbing my head. "Why now? Why this early? It never done this before!"

"What was that, Trev?" My brother asked.

"Follow the glow, Trevor. Trevor, you must follow the glowww. Please, I beg of you. Follow the glow!"

My eyes widened. I stopped walking for a second, cursing in my head before starting to walk again. This is new! The voice said my name! It came at an earlier time, and it said my name! It. Said. MY NAME. Jesus, how crazy am I?

"Trevor?" My brother asked again.

I flinched in surprise. The pricking sensation swept over my head, mainly my temples. I nearly cried out in surprise, only to clamp down onto my mouth to muffle the sound. I rubbed my temples, trying franticly to rid of the feeling! It was becoming stronger with each passing second! I gave my head a good smack, and the feeling quickly went away.

"Huh? What was that?" My Dad asked, looking around.

Both Chad, and my father looked back at me. They both saw me with my hand raised right beside my head, and just stared at me. I slowly turned to look at my hand, and I slowly lowered it to my side. I searched for words to say, as my cheeks felt like they were on fire. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I fumbled with my words.

"Bug." Was all I could think of to say. "Giant bug."

They shrugged, and continued to walk.

"What was that you said?" Chad asked back to me.

"Oh nothing." I said. "Just commenting on the moon is all."

It somehow got awkward fast. Yeah...I tend to make things awkward sometimes. Including all of the times where the voice decided to be a dick, and talk to me, having me react like I was insane. For the first time...in a long time, the voice concerned me. It was not a nuisance. The voice said my name! It never done that before! Maybe I should tell somebody. Yeah, I should.

I was about to say something, but I stopped. My mouth hung ajar, anxiety slowly growing deep inside, as we were following a moonlighted path to our truck. It was that bright. Bright enough to where we didn't need our flashlights. I shuddered at the erie realization that we were doing exactly what the voice said. Instantly, my paranoia began to kick in, and I felt like someone was watching us. Taking note of every movement we made.

I nervously looked behind me, to see if anybody was in fact following us. There was nobody there. I looked at every tree, every shrub, and I was listening to every noise that I could hear with my two ears. Only to see nobody was near. Even if somebody was near, Joel would be able to sniff them out. So why am I so paranoid?

"Chill man, it's probably nothing. Just chill out! It's just your brain acting up again. No biggie." I thought to myself. It comforted me a little, but not much.

I attempted to start a conversation, in order to keep my mind off of the voice, and the moonlight. Hopefully it would help.

"Soooooo." I said.

Dad turned to me, and raised an eyebrow.

"What is the plan when we get back to the truck?" I asked.

I cussed myself out for that idea for being a conversation starter. Weak! It's on the same low level of saying how nice the weather is! No. Just no.

"Trevor, we went over this. We are gonna get back to the cabin, get out of these clothes, pick up your mother and sister, and drive back home." He said. "Unless your mother hitched a ride from her friend, then we'll just head home ourselves."

Like I said before, what a great start to a talk. After seeing how badly that flopped, I tried to think of something else to say....only to come up with nothing. This is a major reason why i can't talk to anybody in public. With little success to say anything else, I only said agreed with the plan.

"Oh...ok. Aye aye, Captin." I said.

We continued to walk. By now, the sunset was gone over the horizon. Now it was only a dying light in the distance. The moon was now our guide.

"Captain...captain." Chad said repeating the word, as if he was trying to remember something on the tip of his tongue..

"Oh hey!" Chad said. "Maria read me this badass poem the day before we left! I forgot to tell ya guys about it. I know poetry ain't your guy's thing, but I think you guys will like it. I know I did." He said with an unusual amount of enthusiasm.

"Ummmm...ok?" I said, surprised by his unexpected enthusiasm. "Let me guess, did your girl show you some Shakespeare, or something that I won't be able to understand?" I asked.

"Nah man, I wouldn't do that to ya. Even my brain can't comprehend that stuff." He said, chuckling. "Then again, my brain can't comprehend that much."

"I'm surprised your brain can comprehend anything!" I snickered.

I got a punch in the arm. I scowled at him, as I rubbed my aching shoulder. I shook a fist at him in a cartoonish matter before talking again.

"So tell me, what is the Poem called?" I asked, slightly curious than before.

"The Poem is called something like insidious? No....Invictus! That's it. It was written by some guy in the 1800's." Chad continued. "Named William Earnest Henley."

"Sounds legit." I said.

"Mmm...indeed." Dad said.

Dad slowed down a bit to listen to the poem. He stopped right on Chad's other side. Chad bit his lower lip, as he tried to remember the poem. His eyebrows raised when he got it. With a deep breath, and a clearing of the throat; he began to read out the poem aloud:

INVICTUS: By William Earnest Henley

"Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstances

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul."

Silence followed him. A soft breeze was his only response after a few seconds to the words he spoke. I stared at him, nodding my head in approval. I gave a little golf clap.

"Huh." Dad said surprised. "And here I thought all poetry was all girly and feminine."

"Wow...That. Is. DEEP." I commented in a dramatic fashion. "No, but that was pretty neat, Chad."

"Told ya." Chad said grinning. "Doesn't my girl have the best taste in literature?"

"Ok ok. Let's not lose all of our manliness here." I said jokingly.

"Oh yeah? At least I HAVE a girl!" He said grinning. "Don't feel to good don't it, loner boy?"

"Ok ok. Break it up. Break it up." My Dad said annoyed. "Let's just get to the truck, and go.

"Hey, speaking of girls, how is Maria doing? Everything going ok?" My Dad asked Chad.

I began to relax. Knowing that the fear was subsiding. The paranoia in my mind quickly began to fade away. At that point, I decided to check out again, and put in my ear phones. Searching through my music, I found some good music to walk to, and I let it take me away. I've thought a lot about what the voice said to me in the time I had to myself. This whole time, I've been putting it on the back burner like it was no big deal. It has gotten worse. Perhaps I really did develop a case of schizophrenia? Maybe I can accept the fact that I have a couple screws lose in my head and go see a psychiatrist, or something? But won't they just diagnose me as unstable? It's not harming anyone around me, and it is obviously not affecting me in anyway, right? Right?

No, I won't be diagnosed as insane, but I'm not getting off free either. I'll probably get some fancy pills to tone down the voice.


I flinched. I yanked my earphones out, and stuffed them into my pockets.

"Jesus, can you keep you music down, so I can talk to you?" My Dad asked, annoyed.

"Uhh yeah. Sorry. My bad." I apologized. "What did you say?" I asked.

"I said, how is it going with Clair? Have you talked to her at all, like how I've asked you for the millionth time?"

I fell silent. I shifted my gaze to the ground between my feet. Searching for words to say, all I said was, "No, I didn't."

If you thought for a second that I had a girlfriend, then you are sadly mistaken, my friend. Clair was my high school crush, who moved all the way from Georgia due to a job her father took. She is one of the most beautiful girls in school. And no, I'm not saying that out of opinion. She actually is one of the prettiest girls in the whole entire school. Every guy wanted to be with her. Some sadly, want her for their own personal gain, and for "Certain parts of her anatomy." Mostly athletes.

Back in Junior High, she was a loner like me, and well...not as attractive? Yeah, that's the kindest way to put it. I can't find a way to sugarcoat this one. I'm just being honest here. Anyway, one day she had enough of flying solo, and decided to get out there a little. It went well for her luckily, and she decided to keep doing what she was doing. Clair became popular as time progressed, and puberty slammed into her like a frickin train! Look where she is now! Man, how did she pull it off?

The thing that makes her different from the other popular girls, was the fact that she was the most accepting person in school. A real open minded young women. What I mean, is that she likes to hang out with everybody; and she does it with her head held high. She does everything with everybody. Populars, outcasts, nerds, goths, everybody.

I know that a lot of the popular kids question her, and her purpose for it all. They don't understand how she can hang with the weird kids at lunch, or how she hangs out with a couple of chemistry geeks. I guess she just wants to give everybody a taste to have someone popular actually CARE about someone else other than their own kind. She knows how it feels to be left out like everybody else, who isn't as perfect as them, or as good looking as them. I gotta say, I respect that. I'd tip my hat to her if I had one.

You know what the neat thing is? She is like one of the few acquaintances I have at school. Hey, I'm not a complete loner, you know!
Anywho, we kinda bumped into each other during a "Drastic situation" while on my way home one day. I helped her out, and she kinda treated me different than the others. She smiles at me, and talks to me whenever she can. She smiles at everybody else, but the smiles she gives me are different. It's something that i can't explain. But none of the less, I'm grateful. Now would I consider her a friend? Sadly, no. She's always doing something, so I don't have that many chances to ask her to hang out or whatnot. Plus, she's taken by one of those jealous type boyfriends, and I'm not looking to start a brawl with someone who is double my size.

"Trevor, listen to me. You've gotta start talking to her, or anybody at least. Talk to her, and just be yourself! It's that easy!" My Dad said as if he was some kind of pro at it.

"Yeahhhh...the problem with that, is the fact that she is dating Dexter." I said smirking.

Quick note, you know how in movies, the hot chick always dates a strong, dimwitted loser athlete? Yeah, you know where this is going. Believe it or not, but she is actually dating one of the the best football players on the team in my school. The one who is the leader of his little gang. He is a dick to everybody except for his team mates, and his coach; who they treat like a god.

Dexter, or Dex as he prefers to be called because it makes him sound "Tougher." and Clair have been together since Clair's late sophomore year; while Dex was a Junior. Trust me, I don't know why they are still together. I don't mean to ramble on, but he's just rude to her and everybody else. In short, he is a total dick.

"So what? I'm not saying to date her or anything. I just want you for once to get out there for once, and talk to her, or somebody."

"Yeah, the problem with that, is that he'll probably tower over the innocent Junior who just wanted to talk to somebody, and beat the crap out of him. If you don't get it, I'm the junior!" I argued.

Dad sighed. "Well I'm not saying to do something to get your ass whopped or anything. Not that yours will or anythin'. I actually think you'll be the one whopping his if he ever stood up to you."

"What now?" I asked confused. "You mean like I will be the victor if it ever comes to that or something?"

"That's not the point." Dad said. "The point is that you can't be talking down on yourself like you have been. One, because it's not true. Two, because it gets rather annoying."

I waved him off.

"What I'm saying is, yeah sure, maybe some kids will reject you, but you can't just give it a shot or two, and give up! You gotta hold on, and not let go of what you want. You gotta FIGHT for what you want."

I didn't say anything.

"Son, I've been on this earth for thirty eight years, and I've learned a thing or two about this world we call home. It's a rough world out there. Nothing but miles, and miles of failure and rejection."

"Dad?" I said. "I don't think this is how a moral is supposed to go."

"BUT...you can't just let the bad happen to you, and the ones you love. It's tough out there, yeah. Food, money, a house, and a good life ain't gonna be handed to you on a silver platter. It doesn't work like that."

"Not unless your rich." I joked.

"Well, we ain't rich now, ain't we? In this world, you gotta fight this world to get what you want. Take life by the horns, and rip them off! There are gonna be people like Dexter to knock you down, but those are only obstacles in the way of your path to become a stronger man. You want Clair, huh? You want friends? Then you gotta fight for them. That's how it works."

I listened carefully to his words, analyzing each sentence in my head.

"Besides, I know you'll do fine on your own. You gotta that fighter in you, son. I see that in your eyes. Sure, everyone is a fighter, But you...you have that look of determination, looking to achieve something greater. Don't you ever give that up, son. People are gonna need that from you someday. Friends, family, it doesn't matter. You'll be needed."

"Yes sir." I said.

I looked over at Chad, who had been listening. Chad nodded slowly, while pointing at Dad, as if to support his speech. I then shifted my gaze down at Joel, who was looking back up at me. I knelt done to him, and hugged him tightly. When I let got, he started to lick my face. I smiled, but then got up.

"Come on, Joel." I said.

Joel's ears perked up and he followed my lead. I didn't say anything. We all didn't say anything. I guess it was my given time to let Dad's words sink in. All I did was pull my baseball cap down over most of my face, and walked forward.

None of us said anything for the remainder of the walk back to the truck. The sun was nearly gone now, only leaving us to rely on our flashlights to navigate through the darkness, as the moon hid itself behind the trees. The temperature began to drop quickly as the night officially began. After another fifteen minuets of walking, we came up on a somewhat steep ledge on our right. Looking down, we could all see the truck in the distance, patiently waiting for us on the ground below.

"I say we take a shortcut." I heard Chad say, as he pointed down the slope we walked along. "I call shotgun."

Without another word, he began to slide his way down the slope, calling for us to follow him. I looked at my Dad, and shrugged my shoulders. I had Joel go before me, and I followed him; with my Dad close behind. Within a minuet of us nearly falling over several times, we all made to the road below, luckily without a scratch.

"Come on." Dad said as he shut the door. "Let's go home."

"Let's." I agreed.

I had Joel hop into the backseat before I did, and I slammed the door shut. Buckling myself in, we pulled out of the bumpy dirt path, and began to drive down the smooth black road to our cabin. Looking out the window to see the moon hovering in the sky, I pondered on the thought of the voice in my head. For the first time in a long time, I was wary of it. But then I thought about Dad's words. How it made me feel different....motivated.

"I'm done. I'm officially done with this voice. It has bothered me for to long now. Why I've waited so long, I don't know, but it won't get to see the light of day. I'll show no mercy, and no remorse. Yeah! Man, this feels good! I feel motivated. It feels really good. You know what? Dad's right. This Monday, I'm gonna get out there, make friends, and kick ass! Maybe I won't get Clair for now, but someday...someday she'll be in my arms as my girl. That doesn't sound creepy, does it? Ok yeah, don't get your hopes up."

I then uncontrollably yawned. A sudden wave of fatigue washed over me, as my eyelids grew heavier. I stretched to the best of my ability.

"Tired?" My Dad asked, looking at me though the rear view mirror.

"Is it that obvious?" I smiled.

"Try to get some shut eye. It'll do you some good."

I positioned myself in the most comfortable way possible.

"Love you, boys." Dad said.

"Love you too." Chad and I said in unison.

I rested my head against the cold glass of the window, and just stared up into the night sky. Watching the stars roll past over us. Watching the moon follow us, like I did when I was a child. As time past by, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier, as I drifted off into a deep sleep. My eyes snapped open one last time, before they slowly closed shut for good; and the darkness overtook my mind.


There was a faded echo that I could not make out behind the white noise that clouded my mind. A sound that sounded strangely familiar to me, but yet so alien at the same time. I strained to recognize the noise, when I realized that the sound grew closer, as the static drifted further, and further away; until it was no more. The sound in the best description that I can provide, sounded like a group of people, hitting multiple hollow sticks against the ground at the same time.

I soon realized that this must have been some sort of dream that I've become lucid in. As the noise went on, I grew excited, hearing of such dreams, and able to harness control of them. I managed to calm myself before I made my first attempt to take control. I wanted to see a line of the most beautiful women stand before me, while I found myself high above the earth on a cloud; with a fantastic view of the ground below. I closed my eyes in the darkness that surrounded me, wishing for this moment to happen. Opening my eyes expecting to see just that, I was found disappointed when I found only darkness.


I gasped in surprise at the booming voice, only to be even more surprised to hear no sound come out of my mouth.

"There! The pool is up there! Hurry everypony, we don't have much time to waste!" The voice continued.

I grew curious of why he said everypony instead of everybody. Why would this voice say something as odd as that? But then again, this is a dream after all. Why should I question it? Well, since I'm here, I might as well stay to enjoy the ride, right?

"Haywire, do you have the rhyme?" The same voice asked in a hurry.

Instead of a raspy male voice, a female voice with a strong Boston accent replied in return.

"Yeah, I've got it right here!" What I assumed to be Haywire said.

Instantly after, the sound of crinkling paper filled my ears, almost louder than the anonymous banging of sticks. There was a quiet high pitched humming that kept a steady tone, before it abruptly stopped, and I could hear the paper get stuffed into a bag full of junk.

"You know Mutt, I still don't see the reason of WHY we are doing this!" A different deep voice snapped. "Half of Equestria hates us by now! Princess Celestia is on our flanks with an army to back her up when she finds us! Face it, we are doomed if we don't surrender!"

"Not true!" The same raspy voice from the start disagreed. "This is the only chance we got to prove to her that we're not a rebel group! Plus, wouldn't our mother want us to do this?!"

"No!" The deep voice argued. "This isn't our mother anymore! She's has turned into a monster! Why would you bother with this?! Wouldn't the double only be as evil as our mother?!"

The stick banging skidded to a grinding halt. Very faintly, I could make out what sounded like water running. I strained to see through the black, with little success. I all of the sudden heard a dripping of liquid, as if someone shot a squirt gun.

"Not if we repress her memories of jealousy, and hatred." The scruff voice said with confidence. "Look, we have NO time to argue about this now! Can we just drop her in please?"

For the first time, I felt the sensation of being slowly lifted from a dirt ground. I soon realized that I was being held up, by the same type of high pitched device, because I heard the same noise as I was being lowered, until it died out like the first time.

"She's our mother, and we can't let her become the monstrosity that she is becoming, but we can help keep the same caring princess that we've come to know as our dear mother. She is going to need us, just like how we'll need her in the future."

"Everypony." A high pitched female voice said. "It's time."

It grew silent quickly. I could finally hear where I was to the best of my ability. I heard a continuous echo, and a distant dripping of water, so I must be in some sort of cave. I tried opening my eyes, or to move anything in that matter, only to remain with failed attempts. Saying anything didn't work either. I was mute for the time being.

"Where the brambles are thickest, there you will find, upon the most twisted if vines." A group of voices said in perfect unison.

I grew uneasy, feeling like I was hearing a cult ritual in the making. I shuttered in fear. Slowly, a gentle prickly feeling made itself present on the top of my brain, only to grow stronger; and digging itself deeper into my head.

"And into her own reflection she stared," the voices continued.

The feeling grew stronger with each passing second, spreading from my head, all the way down to my neck.

"yearning for ones' reflection she shared,"

All the sudden, my heart felt like it exploded in my chest! Now the numbing feeling was rushing throughout my entire body, growing more unbearable! It was starting to become painful, as it felt like my head with full of broken needles, and shards of glass! I cried out in pain, silently begging for the voices to stop; only to have no sound come out of my throat!

"and solemnly sweared not to be scared,"

My body was so overwhelmed, I would've collapsed onto my knees if I had any! I would've clamped down onto my head, if I had any arms. The pain was so intense. Just so...intense! With all of the fighting strength I had in me, I sucked in all the breath I could, and...


"at projectively being doubly mared!"

My ears exploded as if a super nova went off inside my head. I felt my body being ripped in two, as I silently howled in agony. The feeling was so severe and painful, I thought it would never end, and I would have to spend an eternity in pain. But as quickly as it came, the feeling suddenly vanished. The silence broke around me, when I heard a loud wet slap echo throughout the cave, as if someone just tossed a drenched towel onto a tiled floor.

Gasps came from all around me. I couldn't tell if it was out of shock or accomplishment. My question was suddenly answered, when the same raspy voice said, "Perfection."


A thundering voice made itself known throughout the cave, and my ears! I would've screamed if I had a voice! The last thing I heard was a rumbling all around me, as if an earthquake was ripping this world into shreds!

And then I woke up.


I awoke with a jolt, my legs kicked out, and nailed the seat in front of me as I was in a panic. Looking around, I could see that I was still inside the truck, and my Dad was holding me still by the shoulders with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Trevor! Trevor! It's ok. It's ok." My dad said over and over again.

I just stared at him wide eyed as if he was some kind of extraterrestrial being. Slowly, I calmed myself down with my heart still beating like a jackrabbit. He let go of me, and sighed in relief as if he thought I was dead.

"I'm sorry son, but you weren't walking up! No matter how loud I shouted your name, you weren't waking up!" My father said frightened.

I looked at him scared and confused, and then I saw my whole family behind him, looking at me with a look of concern. Chad, my mother, my little sister, and Joel; who was staring up at me whining. I could see the cabin waiting for us.

I snapped out of my daze, shaking my head rapidly from side to side. Without a word I hopped out of the truck, still frightened over what I heard inside my head. Leaving my family behind, I began to slowly walk over to the cabin.

"Wait, Trevor!" My dad said.

He quickly walked over to me, and hugged me tightly. "Are you ok?" He asked worriedly.

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. I quickly took a glance at my family, who were giving me concerned looks. I turned back to my dad, and without thinking all I said was, "I don't know." ,and I walked inside. The screen door made a whine as it was closing, before slamming onto the wood of the door. As I snatched my backpack off my bed, I stopped...and thought about what I just said.

I quickly hurried over to the cabin door, and pushed it open. I saw them all huddled a group by the truck, talking quietly, obviously about me. They all saw me, and broke away as if it never happened.

"I'm...fine guys." I said. "I'm fine." I said again before going back inside.

Without thinking, I lazily snatched up the clothes I wore yesterday, and shuffled over to the bathroom. Shutting and locking the door behind me, I quietly sat down onto the bathroom toilet seat, and rested my head into my hands. I shook my head again to rid of the drowsiness for good. I didn't feel like sleeping again.

After what felt like an hour long shower, I dried up, put on my clothes, and left the room, leaving it for it's next occupant. My sister slipped in, and closed the door behind me. I yawned, and rubbed an eye, as I was still quite tired. With an open eye, I saw the rest of my family sitting on the beds. I can only guess who they were waiting for.

"I said I'm fine." I lied.

"Sure didn't seem like that when you were in the truck." My Dad said with his arms crossed.

My mother got up, and walked over to me. She held my hands in hers, and looked up into my eyes.

"Hon, we're worried about you." She said worriedly. "We know something's been bothering you for the past few months now."

"You do?" I asked, concerned if they really do know about the voice.

"Of corse we do." She continued. "We're not stupid. We've seen how you act at night. It's concerning all of us! It has been for a while now, so let me ask you a question. What is it that's bothering you?"

I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words! The room grew deathly quiet, except for the muffled sound of a running shower in the bathroom. Should I really tell them, or should I make something up?

Seconds that seemed like minuets passed by. I sighed, and began to give an explanation, without telling the whole story. I told them about the dream, and every detail that I could remember. The sounds, the cave, the pool, that unbearable pricking sensation all over my body. Everything. I also said that I've been having this dream for months now, and how memories of the dream keep flashing in my mind, to explain the behavior.

When I was finished, I watched my family to see how they would react. By now, my sister was out of the shower, and sitting on the bed with the others. They just stared at me with blank expressions.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow." My Dad said. "I know everybody wants to change clothes, but I think we can all wait another hour. Everybody, grab your things, and let's go."

The rest didn't say anything. They just got up, and started packing. We're they even listening to me? I mean, sure I lied about some of it, but still!

"I'm sorry Trevor, but no human shall know."

The voice echoed in my head, and my blood ran cold.

"I have been left with no choice. I have called for you again, and again, and again! You have left me very desperate, and impatient. I don't wish to do these sort things, but I have no choice. I know you have a family, and a normal life, but my children called from you to help out of desperation. They wanted you, along with the others."

My stomach began to twist into a painful knot, and my hairs began to stand on end. The world around me began to darken, as I felt a erie sense of paranoia.

"Forgive me for what I'm about to do."