• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 737 Views, 42 Comments

Pony Fantasy: Reborn - Jeweled Pen

Goldenseed, prince of Canterlot, gets a chance to live his life as the adventurer he's always dreamed. However, can the bottle of magical Fantasia end up spelling the doom for his home?

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Chapter 40: Harsher news

Espirit laid alone, curled up in a small bed surrounded by darkness. It had been days since Clearpond had revealed what she was and the zebra still had trouble wrapping her mind around it. But every day it became a little more clear. She hadn't eaten since, but she didn't feel any weaker. The aether she drew from the land felt like more than enough to sustain her. Mirage and Tempora had come forth to explain their own research into it and confirm what the pegasus had said. So many things she hadn't understood before now made sense.

She'd never been that good a conjurer, she could barely even believe she thought she'd be capable of being a white mage. All of her power came from the world itself, none of it was hers. She didn't have talent, she had a handicap. She wasn't special or unique. She was just chosen because when she'd died. Or maybe how she'd died. Had the travel through the aether killed her? Was that why she had been so weak when she came out? How long had she been dead? No pony had even noticed, her replacement made sure of that.

A few ponies had been sent off to Canterlot, but if they'd returned there was no mention. Was her father grieving, or was he happy that his useless son was dead? What would happen after this threat was gone, would they have to kill and disperse him like he had the alicorns? Did he even have a right to live?

Was he even alive? Maybe he WAS Espirit. Goldenseed was dead, torn apart in the aether. A good child who had just wanted to be a hero. A stupid child who should have accepted who he was. Maybe then a pony who actually deserved to be the hero could have come. One that hadn't failed at every turn.

A knock on the door made him look up. “Y-yes? Who is it?”

“Espirit? It's me, Steelhorn. Can I come in?”

“Yes,” the zebra said softly. The door opened, letting light into the dark room.

“It's so dark in here,” Steelhorn said as she stepped inside, leaving the door open. “Why don't you uncover the windows?”

“Wanted the dark. Makes me feel better.”

“You're a growing mare, you need light,” Steelhorn said before trotting to the windows. She pulled back the curtains and sighed. “Taping over them, really?” She started tearing off the taped over window, tossing the pieces of cardboard on the ground.

“I'm not a growing anything,” Espirit mumbled. “Hasn't... hasn't Clearpond told you?”

The changeling sighed and finished revealing the window, letting the sunlight peak inside. “Yes. She did. I'm... I'm so sorry.” She trotted back and sat besides her. “I... can't imagine how you're feeling now.” Her hoof reached out and gently patted the zebra on the back.

“I'm not real,” Espirit whispered. “I... I was never real. Everything I did... everything I worked for. It was all fake. Just... fake. None of it existed. I never existed. I'm just a--” She was cut off by Steelhorn grabbing her head and forcing it into her chest.

“That's not true and you know it, child,” Steelhorn said firmly. “You're a good mare, a mare who has risked her life again and again to keep ponies safe.”

“B-but I never had a life to--”

“You have just as much a life as any of us. It's just... the origins of it that are different. That doesn't mean you're not a pony. It doesn't mean you're not one of us. Look at me, I come out of a cocoon. Ganry came out of an egg. Don't even get me started on what Clearpond came out of. Just ew. But that doesn't mean we're not friends or equal. It just means we're different. You were given life by... something else. But you're still Espirit.”

“But I'm not real...”

“You taste real. You love, you hurt, you care. Everything about you feels like a pony.” The changeling changed again, taking the form of a griffon and wrapping her wings around the zebra. “Trust me, I know. I can feel it.”

“B-but what if it's all fake? What if--”

“It's not. You can't fake emotions, dear. At least, not well enough to fool a changeling. Those feelings you feel, the ones inside you burning away? Those are all real. They exist and nothing you say or do will change it. Just because you don't have the same origins as the rest of us doesn't mean you're any less. You feel the same, act the same, are scared just the same. Espirit, you're a pony, a zebra. Nothing like this will change that.”

Espirit nuzzled into the mare's chest, letting the soft feathers gently rub against her face. “Mmmm hmmm... So I... feel the same? To you? You think I...”

“I couldn't tell there was anything different with you and, child, we lived together for months. I helped train you every step of the way. No matter what happens, you're still you. You're the same pony you were before all this.” She leaned down and gave the zebra a little kiss on the forehead. “You're a pony. You're alive, I swear. One day you'll grow up and get old just like the rest of us.”

“W-what if I'm bad? What if I'm... what if I'm causing bad things? What if I'm hurting the land, like the alicorns? And... Tirek? What if I really am just like them?”

“Did Clearpond say you were?”


“Then you aren't. A white mage like her, especially one so dedicated to her craft, would have... she'd have tried to do something about you long ago if that was the case. But you've always been her ally, somepony she'd helped take care of and tend to since we found you. Even from the beginning. You're no more a danger to the land than I am.”

Espirit nodded and then looked up. “I... I'm... I'm scared,” she whispered.

“I know. I can feel it. Anypony would be afraid. It's... a normal thing. You've lost something very important to you, your identity. The thing you... thought you were for so long. It can't be easy. It can't be... Espirit, I'm sorry.”

The zebra nodded. “Has... there been any news from Canterlot?”

“No, not yet. There's just...” The griffon sighed and gently patted her head. “I'm sorry I didn't realize exactly who you were. I should have realized when we got to Canterlot. Were you really a... all this time, being a... a uhhh...”

“The prince? Yes. Aetherbind is good, though. I talked to her when we were there. She's just trying to look out for me and keep everything going. She's a... much better ruler than I ever was. The ponies like her more, my father like her more, she's passed all the tests and--” She was silenced by a claw being put to her lips.

“Shush, child. There's no need for you to compare yourself to anypony but yourself. I'm sure you would have made a great ruler, kind and generous. You've been nothing but good since I've met you. Don't think down of yourself just because of one incident.”

Espirit nodded slowly. “I... I guess... I just...” She closed her eyes and nestled back into those feathers again. “I... I still want to fight Tirek. I'm still going to.”

Steelhorn cringed. “I think you should go with Mirage and hide, with the others.”

“W-what? They told you? But--”

“It's for the best. It will keep you safe and out of harms way, which is the best for everypony right now. When... the centaurs leave, they might need you to help make the pony world habitable again. They--”

“If I'm a spirit I might draw Tirek right to me,” the zebra mumbled. “He can probably feel me like I can feel him. We're not... the same as normal ponies. He probably felt me there, when we were fighting Luna. He probably knew I was right there. If he knows I'm here, he won't stop at anything to get me. It's... best I fight him now, while I'm strongest and he's weakest.”

“But you can't win. He's--”

“I have to try!” Espirit screamed, tears forming in her eyes. “W-why can't a-any of you just let me do this? D-do you think I want to fight him? I don't! I want to run and hide and wait for others to fight him! B-but... but I have to. I... I'm different. I'm... I'm going to keep drawing him to me. I'm the last spirit. The last of these... these things. He's going to find me. Either way he's going to come for me. I-I can either face him, o-or I can die r-running.”

Steelhorn stared down for a moment before slowly nodding. She leaned down and gave the zebra a little kiss on the forehead. “Very well. Ganry and... we'll be there with you.”

“W-what? But... I-I thought you were retired.”

“We... we were. But there's... well, if we're going to fight Tirek, then we have to fight him with everything we have. There's no more... after this, there's no more running. Where else could we go? I'm not really looking forward to living a world amongst the breezies. They're cute and all, but I can't spend more than ten minutes alone with Selene before I start to get a head ache. I don't want to live with a whole world of them.”

Espirit giggled. “She's really good when you get the hang of it.” She slowly pulled back from the griffon's arms and smiled to her. “I... I want to talk with Clearpond and prepare. T-thank you. For everything. I couldn't have... I wouldn't have been able to, without you. Thank you.”

Steelhorn nodded and got to her feet, helping the zebra up. “Come on. I'll help you find Clearpond.”


Espirit looked around in confusion as they stepped through the swinging doors of the tavern. They'd been told that Clearpond was there, drinking with other members of the companies, but she didn't want to believe it. She'd never seen the white mage sip anything stronger than wine, she couldn't imagine the mare drinking actual ale. In a tavern of all places.

But, true enough, the pegasus was sitting at the table furthest from the door. Mirage, Tempora, Grounder and Swipes were all with her, thick mugs of ale before them. They were leaning heavily against the table, not even looking up as the two approached them.

“Clearpond? What's wrong?” Espirit asked, dread gripping her stomach.

The white mage looked up and sighed. “Oh... Espirit. Child... I... I'm so sorry. I wish it wasn't but... oh heavens...” She reached out with her wing and took another drink of her ale.

Espirit gulped, her eyes widening. “W-what's wrong? What happened? Is it Tirek, is he on the way here?”

“No. Oh heavens no. If only...” The pegasus covered her face with her hooves. “I just... we just discovered. T-the reports just got here and... we were just informed and... Tirek has won.”

The zebra gulped, her eyes widening. “W-what? Won? How?”

Mirage sighed. “The news will be going throughout the city in a few hours, it's best we tell her. There's not any... Espirit, come here. Sit on my lap.”

“I am not sitting on your lap, tell me what happened!” Espirit screamed, terror coursing through her. What could possibly have happened for them to say that? Tirek wasn't even here yet!

“Just sit down!” Mirage snapped. “Just... please. You don't want to be standing for this.”

The zebra sighed and moved to sit on the bench, the others sliding down to give her space. “What's wrong? What happened?”

“Canterlot has fallen. Prince Goldenseed has been deemed a traitor and killed his father, the king. The council and all the ponies in the city have been captured. A few have made it to Cloudsdale, but only a very small number. Tirek has already drained most of their power.”

Espirit felt a chill down to her core. “W-what? But... but we had... we had a week... he couldn't... he... Aetherbind wouldn't...”

“It was a trick. To make us think we had time,” Clearpond said, her voice barely above a pitiful wail. “The prince... he... killed his father and surrendered to the centaurs. In the chaos, they were unable to produce even a token defense. It will probably be a while before the full country has fallen, but there's no... there won't be any more help coming from them. Surrender is now our only option.”

“B-but... but the breezies, can't we--”

“There's no way to get to the portal,” Mirage muttered. “Canterlot lands are under their control now. I'm sorry. It's over. The centaurs have won. Tirek has won.”

“W-what? B-but... but we have to still fight him... we can't just... we can't...” Espirit shook as she felt more tears go down her face. “But they're... they... they killed my dad? But... but why would... Aetherbind... she said... she was supposed to... everypony is...”

“Espirit, you need to take deep breaths,” Clearpond said softly before reaching out with a hoof to gently pat her shoulder. “I... I normally shouldn't say this. But... considering your situation... I can likely send you back to the land.”

“W-what?” Espirit asked, her eyes widening.

“You're made of aether, sending your aether back into the land would be a painless, merciful--”

“You mean kill her?” Steelhorn asked, slamming a hoof down on the table hard enough that everyone jumped. “She's a child, she--”

“She's a spirit,” Grounder snapped. “Tirek has won. All the thing will do now is make him stronger. It's best we kill her now before we all end up dead.”

“It's not killing, it's merely sending her aether back where it belongs. It's a gentle, delicate process,” Clearpond said with a smile. “I'll be soft and kind. She'll barely even notice it, before she knows it she'll be gone and won't have to worry about any of this anymore.”

“It's murder! You're asking Espirit to just let you kill her!” Steelhorn snapped. “I won't stand for it! If we're doomed either way, then we need to fight Tirek now, not just give in and let him do as he pleases!”

“Why? There's nothing we can do,” Mirage muttered. “It would be best for everypony if she was gone. She wouldn't have to suffer any more, and at least it may stop Tirek for a little bit, before he can drain the land. He's not like the other spirits, anyway. He might not be able to do it the way they did. But giving him the powers of the land that Espirit has is not an option.”

“I'm sorry to interrupt,” Swipes said coldly. “But she's gone.”

“Huh?” they said, before looking in unison to the now empty spot where Espirit had been sitting.

The pegasus sighed and shook her head. “Come on, we need to find her. This is for her own good, for her safety. Better she die a quick and painless death than... whatever Tirek has in store for her.”

Steelwing growled and stomped her hooves down before standing. “No.”

“Steelwing, we--”

“NO!” she screamed. “If you want to... if you want to just give up without a fight, sacrifice that child, you'll have to do it over my cold, dead body.”


Espirit sat on the edge of town, struggling to hold back her tears as she looked out over the trees and roads. After everything she'd done, everything she'd worked so hard for, they wanted to kill her. Her own friends.

Something happened to Aetherbind, too. It had to. The mare was so... loyal. So kind. So sweet. There was no way she could have killed her father. She was a true friend. But she had. Now Espirit's legacy would be one of a traitorous prince and a protector that had failed to keep her ponies safe. She raised a hoof and felt the tears start to flow. Maybe Clearpond was right. Maybe it would be better for everypony if she just disappeared, the aether in her sent back into the world. At least it would delay the absorption. They could probably destroy the crystal heart, too. Without those two, it could take him years to draw out every single drop of magic in the land. Or months. She didn't know, he was so powerful that in the end it might make no difference.

“Espirit, are you well?” Goldencollar asked as he put his hooves around her shoulder.

“H-huh? W-what?” She looked up at the stallion and blushed. “O-oh. I just... I'm not feeling well. Kind of... did you hear about Canterlot? That it--”

“Yes, I heard everything about it. Here, come with me.” He gently pulled away and started walking down the road.

“Where are we going?”

“You're a hero to the people, it wouldn't do for them to see you wandering the streets with tears in your eyes. Let's go somewhere to be alone. I know a beautiful little stream bed near here. You'll be able to wash your face as well.”

She nodded and trotted up besides him. “Thank you. I just... I... did you hear anything else about it? About... me? Have you spoken with Clearpond?”

“Clearpond? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that pony. I've not spoken with any other pony since I received the news, however. I came out immediately to find you.” He gave her a gentle nuzzle before guiding her off the road and into the forest. She glanced back at the passing crowds making their way to the city. So many ponies who were looking to be saved, none of them knowing how doomed they truly were.

“T-thank you. I... I'm sure you want to be with your ponies now. Since things are...”

“I would do whatever I could to protect them, but I know there is little I can do now. Is... I must know. What do the guilds plan to do?”

Espirit sighed. “I... I think they intend to surrender. This isn't... this isn't the kind of fight we can win. He's so... strong. Two countries have already fallen, how can we hope to stand? Celestia alone was enough to break our lines, he has the power of her and the others. What chance do we really have?”

The stallion sighed and lowered his eyes. “Surrender? Truly? I'd held out hope that there was... some plan. Some last glimmer of hope. Some means by which we could protect ourselves. Here.” He stopped before turning to the right. After a few moments they came to a small stream. “It's not much, but it should help.”

She nodded and trotted over to it. She looked into the water before leaning forward to splash it across her face. She then collapsed on the ground and let out another soft sob. “I just... I just want to do some good. I want to help ponies. I wanted to. I thought I was doing everything right, that I was saving lives. But maybe if I hadn't... maybe if I'd stayed home then I could have stopped Canterlot from falling. Maybe a better conjurer would have taken my place. Somepony stronger would have fought Celestia and the alicorn would have fallen. Crystalopolis never would have fallen. Tirek would have been stopped before he'd gotten too strong.” She closed her eyes and sighed sadly.

“Perhaps. But if you were there, you wouldn't have been here and maybe everything would have gone worse. Here.” He gently reached down and patted her back. “Rest. The grass here is comfortable and it will do you some good. I'm sure there's still some good you can do.”

“I'm not really tired,” Espirit lied.

“Nonsense. You've been through a lot today, the news as well can't have been easy to hear. Just rest for a little bit.”

She sighed and nodded, closing her eyes. Maybe a little sleep would be good.


Espirit was awoken by something thick and coarse covering her body. Her eyes shot open and she shrieked, trying to uncover herself.

A net was over her body and she was surrounded on all sides by centaurs, at least five of them. Each far bigger and able to crush her in one of their thick, powerful arms. She let out a scream. “Goldencollar! Goldencollar help!”

One of the minotaurs laughed and then she saw him. The unicorn was by the stream a few yards away, his eyes lowered down. “I'm sorry, Espirit. I never wanted this to happen.”

“W-what? Why? What are you doing?” she screamed, tossing in the net but it only seemed to get tighter around her.

“I did it for my ponies, the ones in my care. If I give you to them... he's agreed to spare them the suffering of a life of servitude. They'll be able to live long, happy lives. Even without their magic.” He smiled up at her. “See? There is still some good you can do. Some hope you can give for ponies.”

“How could you?” Espirit screamed, before letting out another shriek as she was lifted onto the back of one of the centaurs. One of them walked to the unicorn and smiled down at him.

“You've done well, pony.” It reached down and patted his head. “When Tirek arrives, you will find that he remembers well those who served him. Come! We take the spirit to our master!”

Espirit looked back helplessly as the centaurs began to ride, her body jostling heavily with each step.

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