• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 737 Views, 42 Comments

Pony Fantasy: Reborn - Jeweled Pen

Goldenseed, prince of Canterlot, gets a chance to live his life as the adventurer he's always dreamed. However, can the bottle of magical Fantasia end up spelling the doom for his home?

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Chapter 23: Returning home

The next few days passed quickly as she saw more and more of the city and went through dozens of small celebrations. By the time they were finally permitted to leave, every inch of Espirit ached and it was all she could do to climb onto Onyx. She was starting to miss being on the ground, feeling the aether flow through her.

“I think I've had my hoof shaken so many times the shape has changed,” the zebra grumbled.

“I did warn you, fan favorite,” Steelhorn said before sitting down between a few of the scales. “If I got a bit for every filly and colt that said they wanted to grow up to be like you, I could buy my own company house.”

The zebra chuckled and then plopped down besides the mare. “So long as it has a bed. Where are we going next?”

“Canterlot. We'll be heading straight there this time, but there will be a lot of stops afterwards,” Silverwing said before sitting on the opposite side of the zebra. “But there will likely be more celebrations. At least they should be more tame. The uhhh... well, griffons, pegasi and negasi are hardly known for their calm demeanors. I do believe we'll even be stopping by one of the sea pony cities near Canterlot.”

“Which one?”

“Ponylantis,” Ganry said before dropping down opposite the rest of them, his wings spreading out as he grumbled. “I'm not looking forward to it.”

“You just don't like getting wet,” Steelhorn said with a chuckle.

“I don't like being under the ocean, that's all,” the griffon snapped. “Entire cities set up like... just no. But nopony said a pony's life is easy.”

Espirit chuckled before looking to Silverwing. “Why are we going to Canterlot first? Aren't there plenty of villages on the way?”

“Yes, but we were requested to go their first. The king has said that... well, he wishes to meet us himself before allowing us to travel through his lands.”

Espirit let out an exasperated sigh. “Of course he would.” That was just like her father. The moment something fun comes around he had to always examine and tear it apart until there was nothing enjoyable left. Meeting him again was not going to be a pleasant experience.

She locked up and her eyes widened as she realized she would be seeing him again. Her father. After all this time, after everything she'd been through, she was going to see him. HIM! He was going to be right in front of her. What if she caved and told him everything? What about Aetherbind? She was going to be furious! Trapped so long while Espirit became a hero! If not for her, maybe Aetherbind would have been at that fight and have helped defeat Celestia.

“Is something wrong? You turned very pale,” Steelhorn said before putting a hoof over her head.

“I-I'm fine. I'm just a little nervous. Is the king... nice?”

“I've heard he can be a bit rough around the edges, but I am not too worried about it. I hear he's become much calmer lately and has been letting the prince take over many of his duties. He'll actually be with the meeting party,” Silverwing said with a smile.

“T-the prince will?” she asked, her voice getting high pitched.

“Ohhhh? Have you seen the prince?” Steelhorn asked with a little giggle. “Is he your first crush?”

The fears and doubts left her mind as her cheeks turned red. “W-what? No! I do not, on the prince? No!”

“Ohhh, I think you've hit the nail on the head,” Ganry said with a chuckle. “Look at how red she's getting. She is about that age, after all.”

“I do not have a crush on this prince or any other prince!” she shrieked, shaking her head. “I do not!”

“Oh? Then why are you getting so red?” Steelhorn asked with a mischievous smile, poking the zebra's head.

“I am not red! I do not like the prince or any other stallion!”

“Oh, the young crushes of youth,” Ganry said with a chuckle. “You know, it's perfectly okay. Plenty of zebras date ponies. You're a hero now, a prince might be possible. Even--”

“Stop itttttt!” the zebra whined. “Silverwinggggg! Make them stawwwwwp!”

The negasi chuckled before giving a nod. “Yes, enough. Cease your teasing for the young mare's shake, please? She doesn't deserve such abuse.”

“Thank you.”

“If she wants to pine for the young prince of Canterlot, she can do it in peace.”

“SILVERWING!” Espirit shrieked, glaring at the negasi as the other two laughed.


Espirit couldn't breath as her eyes locked onto the city off in the distance. Canterlot. It was enough to drive Cloudsdale, and the fact she'd forgotten to find out about the Wonderbolts AND meet with that noble again, completely from her mind. They'd passed Ponyville only a few moments before and would be landing any second. She'd be home, finally. She'd be able to see herself, maybe find a way to fix this.

But she didn't want to fix this. She was doing more good now than she ever had as a prince. More importantly, this new prince was making everypony happy. Aetherbind was a better ruler than she'd ever dreamed she could be. The fantasia was possibly permanent and even if it wasn't, she didn't want to return. At least, not yet.

She felt a little woozy, having to grab Steelhorn to steady herself.

“Are you okay?” the changeling asked.

“Y-yeah, just a bit woozy. Looked down too long I think,” the zebra said. The castle stood apart from the main city, a beacon of Canterlot's might. It made her stomach want to drop into her hooves. “We're almost there. Do you think they'll like us?”

“Of course they will,” the changeling said with a chuckle. “Come on, let's get ready. Just try not to throw up on anypony.”

“I've never done that!” she shrieked before looking back down at the city. The only landing zone they had was far too small for the dragon, due to already having a few airships inside. Instead, the dragon flew over to the main gate and slowly circled a few times before lowering herself to the ground, landing gently on the grass outside their walls.

Immediately ponies surged forward. Espirit's breath locked up as she saw her father and herself trotting towards them. Himself. Goldenseed. Slowly she trotted down the side of the dragon, landing on the ground besides her friends.

There were guards with their escort. What if her father knew? Had Aetherbind screwed up? Was she going to be taken and punished for her actions? All manner of horrors flashed through her mind as her father stepped forward.

“Hello, slayers of Celestia. I am king Rosespike, it is an honor to have you in our kingdom.” He bowed his head. The guards and Aetherbind bowed as well. Espirit gulped before bowing back.

“A-a pleasure,” she said quickly. She looked to Aetherbind, but there was no sign of recognition in the stallion's eyes.

“Your highness, we thank you for this meeting,” Silverwing said before stepping forward and bowing. “I am sorry to bother you so quickly, but would you mind if we could talk in private? I have some information about our battle I'd like to discuss with you and your council of conjurers.”

The stallion frowned for a moment, before nodding. “Very well. If you'd come with me. Goldenseed?”

“Yes father?” the stallion asked, looking over quickly.

“Escort them to the castle and show them to their quarters. Silverwing, follow me,” he said before trotting away.

The prince turned to them and smiled. “Ah, of course. If you'd please follow me I will show you where you'll be staying. I do hope they're adequate for what you need.”

“They'll be fine,” Ganry said as he looked out over the city. “It's very... peaceful here. I thought there would be more celebration stuff going on.”

“There will be,” Aetherbind said with a light chuckle. “However, father has decreed that there will be nothing until tonight, after you have had your rest. Have you been enjoying your travels so far?”

Espirit glanced off towards the forest as the others talked around her. She felt different. Wondrous. She hadn't even realized how tired she had been since their first arrival in Cloudsdale, but now she felt as if she had energy flowing through her body and she could be awake for days. Each step she took seemed to fill her with more energy. The aether here was so perfect and energizing, pure and clean. While flying and in Cloudsdale she'd felt a little cut off from it and hadn't even noticed, but now it flowed through her, filling her with its power as she went.

“We'll see you later, Espirit,” Steelhorn said as she stepped into her room, stifling a yawn. “Going to take a little nap before the celebration.”

“Oh! Right, ummm, of course. I'll see you then,” Espirit said with a smile, before waving her away. She then turned to Aetherbind. “So, my room next?”

“Of course, m'lady,” the earth pony said casually and started trotting again. There was no sign that the stallion recognized her in the slightest, not even a hint. She hoped he hadn't forgotten what she looked like. Then again, with the guards around she doubted he could risk saying much to her.

He stopped outside a room and smiled to her. “Lady Espirit, when you get a chance, I'd love to talk with you. I--”

“I'd be good now!” she said quickly. To her embarrassment she heard the guards snicker. “Sorry, I just feel so energized since arriving here. The land is so clean and pure, wonderful to a conjurer like me. I'd forgotten what it was like.”

“Well, I suppose we can talk now. You're dismissed,” Goldenseed said to the guards.

“Your highness--”

“The slayer of Celestia is a hero, I'm in no danger from her,” he said with a chuckle. “Please.”

The guards nodded and walked off, leaving the two alone. Espirit stepped inside, the stallion following closely behind and closing the door.

“I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!” Espirit said quickly before backing away from him. “I-I didn't mean to, I was having so much fun I just thought, everything was going so well and I heard you were doing such a good job I couldn't help it I'm so sorry!”

“I'm sorry?” Goldenseed asked, his eyes widening slightly.

The zebra looked around for a moment before gulping. “Aetherbind, it's me. Goldenseed. I-I made it back.”

The earth pony's eyes widened. “Y-you're alive? I thought... I thought you had perished.” He stumbled back a bit, looking disoriented and confused. She could hardly believe it, he didn't recognize her?

“I almost had. The spell you used... well, it sent me to the centaurs, can you believe it? Well, not to them, but near the border. I went into a coma as far as I can tell, for months. I-I barely escaped and I'm so, so, so sorry!” she said, shaking her head. “Y-you've been trapped here, all this time, d-doing my job. I was only supposed to be gone a month and--” She was cut off by hooves wrapping around her as the stallion gave her a hug.

“There there, little prince. It's okay. When you didn't return, I knew something was up and I've made sure to keep the deceit going perfectly. Err... about the fantasia. It...”

“I know, I've already found out about it,” Espirit said with a nod. “I think the pony who sold it to you lied. It might even be permanent.”

Aetherbind gasped, a hoof moving to his mouth. “O-oh! But... I thought... I-I am so sorry, your highness. I thought--”

“It's no problem,” she said quickly. “I know you were only trying to help. These last few months have been magical and...” She took a deep breath and lowered her eyes. “I... I have a request to make.”

“Your highness?”

“Can... we do this a little longer? Just a little bit longer, not much!”

The earth pony looked taken aback and pulled back, shaking his head. “You truly wish to?”

“Yes! Just for a little longer. Until the celebrations are done? We still need to find a way to get rid of the fantasia and revert me back, anyway. I don't want to just disappear in the middle of all this and... I don't think I'll get another chance to do it. I know it's asking a lot but--”

“It's fine,” Aetherbind said before placing a hoof on her head. “Take as long as you need. My comrades have been searching for a way to reverse this effect anyway, so I should hopefully have a cure soon. Have you been enjoying your adventures?”

“Oh, they are equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. I feel so alive and I've done so much! I even helped defeat Celestia. Can you believe it? I did it! I was terrified, but it was still me. I've learned more about my arts in the last few months than I did my entire life here. I could crush all of those tests now. Err, if you hadn't already.”

The prince chuckled. “Of course. The life of an adventurer is amazing, is it not? I am thankful you are enjoying yourself and my mistake hasn't caused you too many problems.”

“It hasn't. I... I'm sorry to put you through all this. I know you probably miss being an adventurer. B-but I swear, when this is over, I'll make it up to you. I-I'll find some way to get you the best adventure ever!”

The stallion smiled at her, though it faltered slightly. “To... be honest, your highness, I have been enjoying myself a little. I wouldn't wish to stay forever, but it has been a nice vacation. So do not feel too bad about making me endure it.” He took a deep breath. “Though, I can't deny that I long to be back out in the field again. Once these celebrations are over and you have had your fill, I will send for you once I am able to reverse this effect.”

Espirit nodded. “Is... it hard? Ruling? I mean... are you having trouble with it? I always felt like...”

“I've had very few problems. The people here are quite reasonable and have taken to your gentle rule kindly. When the time comes for our switch, I will give you a few lessons and teach you what I have learned. Would you like that?”

The zebra eeked and lunged forward, giving the earth pony a tight hug. “Yes! Oh yes yes yes! Thank you thank you thank you!” she said loudly, giggling. The earth pony looked shocked, but gently patted her back.

“I should leave now, before anypony gets any ideas,” Aetherbind said with a chuckle. “I will see you soon, okay? For tonights celebration?”

Espirit nodded before pulling back. “Of course. And... thank you for everything. I... I know that... it's not easy. Giving this up for me, but thank you so much for letting me experience it.”

“It has been my pleasure,” the stallion said before turning away. He paused. “Does anypony know about this? About our switching places?”

“Oh, no. A few ponies know I used to be a boy, but they think I was just a basic conjurer. I haven't said anything about my royalty. I don't know how I'd even begin to tell them.”

“That's good. If your father found out...” the prince shivered. “It bears not thinking about.”

“He'd murder me,” Espirit mumbled. “Thanks for everything. I'll see you at the party tonight!”

“Of course,” the stallion said before trotting out.

Espirit grinned and trotted to the bed, collapsing on it. It was the finest of beds, made of the softest fabrics, with the warmest blankets and the gentlest cushions imaginable. It was nowhere near as good as sleeping on an actual cloud. She let out an annoyed sigh and shook her head. “Stupid lucky pegasi with your super awesome beds,” she grumbled darkly.

She rolled onto her back, but quickly found she couldn't actually sleep. She was too full of energy. She felt so alive and refreshed, it was nothing like the last time she was here. Aetherbind seemed pretty happy too, so she had that stress off her mind. If her father knew, she was pretty sure he'd have summoned her by now. Everything felt right. All she had to do was avoid her father for the trip as much as she could, and she'd be fine.


Oh buck oh buck oh buck. Espirit tried to keep calm as the guards escorted her through the castle towards the council meeting room. She'd been summoned before all of the conjurers and she could only imagine what they had figured out. It took everything she had not to run screaming down the halls and try to find Onyx and escape. They stopped outside the large wood carved doors and she gulped, trembling slightly as the door opened.

Her heart sank even lower into the ground as she caught sight of who all resided in the room. Earth ponies, buffalo, zebras and there was even a sphere of water hovering in the room with two sea ponies. The full representation of the conjurers of their country. All of their leaders.

She was so incredibly dead.

The zebra was led to a small stage in the center of the room, surrounded by the council. It was all she could do to stop herself from running out the door. “H-hello,” is what she wanted to say. Instead it came out as more of a pained, weak squeak.

“Espirit, please remain calm,” her father said, not even looking up at her. Instead he was focused on a few papers laying in front of him. “I do apologize for drawing you here so soon after your arrival, but Silverwing has brought some pressing information to our attention.”

He was calling her Espirit! There was a small glimmer of hope and she gripped it, holding it tight as she tried not to faint from fear. “Y-yes?”

“About your confrontation with Celestia. We've heard that it had quite the distressing effect on you and we'd like to know more about it.”

She paused and then giggled. “W-wait, that's all?”

He looked up and narrowed his eyes on her. “Yes, is there a problem?”

She squeaked and shook her head. “No! No no, not at all, no! I just, I mean, I thought you'd want something more... pressing. Err, I mean, I thought... a-all of you summoning me here, I-I thought I was in trouble.”

There were a few murmured whispers from the conjurers, though none of them spoke loud enough for her to hear. “Why would you believe you're in trouble?”

“Because... I don't know,” she said softly before nudging the floor with her hoof. “I... just thought... so many high ranking officials and... sorry.”

The stallion nodded. “I understand. Please, all we want to know is what you remember when you fought Celestia. How it felt.”

Espirit nodded. “I-I see. That's... it's really hard to say. It kind of felt like... I felt like the world had been taken out from under me sometimes. And... sick. I felt very sick. Everything felt icky and warped, the land, the aether. It all felt gathered wrong. To be honest, it kind of gave me a headache and... I can't really remember everything clearly about it. I remember fighting her, but how it all felt just feels... weird. Iffy. Wonky. I'm sorry, I'm not being very clear.”

Yet her father seemed to be taking notes every step of the way. “I see. Do you remember anywhere else that felt kind of like that? Perhaps somewhere you'd been recently?”

“No, I ca--” She stopped and closed her mouth, slowly reaching up to rub her chin. “Wait... maybe...”


“Due to an accident, I was near the centaur borders with Crystalopolis. The lands there were just as bad, if not worse. The constant fighting there has the world ready to snap at a moment's notice. I could imagine elementals appearing the size of buildings, there's so much back up and damage done to the world. It needs as many conjurers as it can get, not normal ones either. Powerful ones.”

He nodded and kept taking notes. “I see, so you were near the border as well. We will see what we can send there. However, times are difficult and--”

“They're going to get a whole lot more difficult when that aether finally reaches the breaking point. The entire place could turn into somewhere as bad as the Everfree Forest was said to once be. Possibly worse. They need aid there and they need it soon.”

For a few moments there was silence before the conjurers started mumbling to themselves in hushed tones. After a few seconds her father looked back to her. “Very well, we will prepare a force of conjurers to send aid as quickly as we can.”

“W-wait, really?” Espirit asked, her eyes widening. She couldn't believe it, they were actually listening to her. Trusting her.

“Indeed. But, about Celestia. Was there anything else you can remember? The way she absorbed magic from the land, anything?”

“No. She just seemed to be gathering it and tainting it. Once she was defeated, however, it felt much better. All that aether being released and settled back into the land. I uhhh... I didn't really focus on it much, at the time. I was just so thankful to be alive,” she said softly. “Sorry.”

“Alive? Of course. I imagine anypony would have been happy at that point after facing a creature such as that. Please, if you remember anything else about it, do not hesitate to call upon us.”

She nodded. “Am I dismissed?”

“Of course,” he said. She quickly turned and trotted away, occasionally glancing back. She'd been through enough of these to know what would happen now. They'd endlessly debate amongst themselves what to do now, a talk they'd try to keep hidden from her. She was just thankful they didn't pry into who she was, since she doubted they'd have any record of her or her training periods as a conjurer. In fact, she knew they wouldn't.

Then again, she supposed Celestia was a far more important subject than she was, so they probably weren't questioning who she was. She decided to quickly shove such thoughts away and prepare for the party. She felt so energized, the aether in the air seeming to flow through and reenergize her with each step. She wasn't even trying to pull on it, it just seemed to happen naturally now. She supposed it was because she'd spent so much time around tainted sources of aether.

When she made it back to her room she glanced back to her garments and sighed. She liked her robes, they were nice, but she wished she had something nicer to wear once in a while. If only she hadn't left most of her clothing back home and just brought the single main outfit. She looked in her mirror and gasped, her eyes going wide.

She'd grown up. Well, not all the way, but she could barely recognize herself. Well, she could barely recognize herself before, but this seemed new even for her. She slowly tossed off her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. She was taller than she remembered and her body was more toned than it had ever been. She still looked young, but she was quickly developing into a proper adult. For a moment she couldn't help feeling proud.

Then, with a sad sigh, she remembered the song Ganry had sung at her expense. With a defeated groan she pulled her robe back on and grumbled darkly. “I am an adult. A young one, but a real one. I can handle myself.” She then turned to the door and took a deep breath. She was an adult and she would handle everything that came her way, even the difficulty of the ceaseless parties. Though she did like the glory.

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