• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 737 Views, 42 Comments

Pony Fantasy: Reborn - Jeweled Pen

Goldenseed, prince of Canterlot, gets a chance to live his life as the adventurer he's always dreamed. However, can the bottle of magical Fantasia end up spelling the doom for his home?

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Chapter 15: Awakening

The days turned into weeks as Espirit slowly fell into the groove of working missions with Steelhorn and the others. She loved it. While there were plenty of hard missions, she felt like she was finally doing things to test her powers. She felt strong and capable for the first time in her life. The cleric stance had been simple to learn with the help of Clearpond, though she had a few mishaps on the way. Now she felt as if she had been using it her entire life.

Unfortunately, the fact she'd never learned it before was just another sign of how little her father had trusted her. Such a simple skill that even the basic conjurers could learn she hadn't even been told of. But now she was finally using her arts for real, practicing, fighting, training. She'd even learned three new spells to aid in her healing arts. One to purge illnesses from those poisoned or sick, one to put to sleep hurt patients and one to bring a pony back from the brink of consciousness. The last one was hard and was difficult to do without quiet and calmness, but it was a new spell none the less.

She occasionally checked on news from Canterlot, but everything seemed to be going well there. She even sometimes saw Cheesecake and Beefcake in pictures, apparently they had been granted positions in the Canterlot military. She couldn't help feeling proud of them. She considered writing them a letter, but she didn't want to cause them any troubles. Everypony was better just believing she was dead and this much better, kinder pony would one day be on the throne.

Everything was going well for her and she felt that the world was becoming a better place. She was where she belonged. She'd met a lot of different members of the company, too. While Ganry and Steelhorn were always with her on missions, their fourth tended to vary. Sometimes it was Swipes. Sometimes they even had a minotaur in their group, Bronzeflex the pugilist. There didn't seem to be many minotaurs in the company that she could see, but he really was a big sweetie. Not to mention huge. He sometimes picked her up and threw her into the air so high she felt as if she was flying. Steelhorn got really mad whenever he did that though. She'd also met one of the companies few crafters, a mule known as Larry. He'd even upgraded her cane a little, making the flowers in it all the stronger and sparkle a little when her magic flowed through it.

Espirit felt as if she was finally home. But not just any home, a home with ponies who trusted and believed in her. Who depended on her to work with them. Who didn't mind when she made minor mess ups so long as she tried her hardest and, best of all, they let her try. She didn't want it to ever change. But nothing can last forever.

She was eating breakfast when it happened. The doors of the company house slammed open and a crystal pony she didn't recognize came galloping in. The pony didn't stop to look at any of them, instead running up the stairs and started banging on Clearpond's room. Silence soon reigned in the room as every pony stared at the intruder. The door opened and the pegasus stood there, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

There were a few harsh whispers as the two talked. Clearpond's body language was clear as day. She tensed up, her wings shuddering. She nodded once the pony left. “Okay, company meeting!” she yelled before running into her room. She came out a few minutes later, dressed in her white uniform. “I have to meet with the other company heads, but I'll be back within a few hours. Gather everypony up, get ready to move. It looks like we've just been hired.” She started galloping down the stairs.

“What is it?” Steelhorn asked.

“I don't know yet,” the mare said. “Everypony, gather what you can and prepare to travel. We might be leaving as soon as I get back. Food will be handled by other companies, but make sure any good byes you need to say are done. And ensure your weapons and armor are ready. There's no telling when we'll be back.” She charged out the room, slamming the door behind her. It opened a moment later. “All previous missions and jobs are hereby put on pause! Crystalopolis will be handling the severance.” A moment later the door slammed shut.

Espirit stared at the door, before looking to Steelhorn. “What's going on? What does this mean?”

The changeling gulped and looked to the zebra. “This means trouble. Eat your breakfast then get ready to travel. Don't worry, Ganry and I will be there with you. Just need to keep calm and carry on, okay?”

The zebra nodded, though she couldn't shake the nerves in her stomach. Something big was going on and whatever it was, it couldn't be good. She ate what she could without getting sick before galloping to her room. She slid on her garments and then sighed. They truly were amazing. Even when they tore, they re-knitted themselves. They cleaned themselves, kept her cool or warm depending on the temperature. She wondered how she had possibly gotten through life before she had them. They were just so wonderful and perfect.

She then moved out of her room to watch Ganry and Steelhorn work. They didn't have much either, just their weapons and armor. A mission like this meant traveling light and fast, which meant very little supplies. Since food was being handled by another company, it meant they only had a little to pack. Unfortunately, it also meant they had plenty of time to think about what it was that had Clearpond running off like that.

“Do you think it's a war?” Espirit asked softly.

“It's possible,” Ganry said softly. “Something like this might mean the centaurs have made a major move. We might be heading north.”

Espirit shivered. She wasn't sure she could face the centaurs again. The thought of them taking the outpost made her stomach turn. The ponies there had been so nice, so kind. Saved her life. The thought of them being over run and dead made her want to throw up.

“It could be any number of things,” Steelhorn said quickly. “This is likely just a show of force. One of the tribes probably did something to put the head ponies on alert. We're probably just going to be traveling around a lot, keep an eye out for trouble, put a little fear of civilized ponies into them.”

“Why?” Espirit asked softly. “Why can't... Why do we have to fight with them? I... I mean... they're the same as us, right? The tribes are...”

The changeling gently put a hoof over her shoulder. “Some of them are, yes. There are plenty of them who are like us and just want peace and to live their own way. But then there are the other ones. The ones who see themselves and maybe a few others as the ultimate races, who want to destroy or enslave all the other races. Or those who think we've gone too far away from the old ways and that the old gods need to purge the wrong doers from existence. Those are the tribes we need to watch out for. Those are the ones who threaten to destroy everything we've worked for.”

Espirit nodded and leaned against Steelhorn and closed her eyes. “Why? I thought... all the stories I've heard of the old gods were... kind and peaceful. Why would they want this war?”

The mare shrugged. “I don't know. Sometimes ponies will use anything they can to enforce their own prejudices.”

“Like all the tribes that believe the changelings should be extinct,” Ganry muttered.

“Or the changeling tribes who believe that Chrysalis should rise again and enslave all non-changelings,” Steelhorn muttered before shaking her head. “There will always be war, child. If it wasn't the centaurs, there would be something else.” She smiled. “But that's why there's always going to be ponies like us. Ponies to try and stop these wars and keep ponies safe.”

The zebra nodded. “I guess. I... don't like it.”

“Not many do.”

Espirit leaned against her and sighed. The changeling was comfortable though and the tension was more tiring than she though. Before she knew it, she drifted off. She was gently shaken awake later, her eyes popping open. “I-I'm up! What is it? What?”

“Clearpond is here, we're meeting outside. Come on,” the mare said before getting up and trotting to the door. Espirit and Ganry followed after her.

The building was packed, all the tables stacked up and to the side to make more room. Even then, the fliers were hovering in the air or dangling off the sides of the walls to keep from falling. Clearpond was standing by the door, looking over the crowd. “Is anypony missing?”

A few ponies called out about the ponies away on missions. The pegasus nodded. “I see, well, they'll know when they return.” She took a deep, slow breath. “This... is perhaps the most dangerous mission anypony will ever receive. I won't beat around the bush. Celestia is back.”

There was a horrified gasp and the crowd erupted.

“SILENCE!” Clearpond yelled. The crowd obeyed. “We don't know who brought her back, or why. What we do know is she has already purged an entire outpost of Crystalopolis soldiers. She's marching across the plains towards the city as we speak. There's no telling how long until she or her soldiers will arrive. We, and nearly every single company in the city, have been hired to stop her.” She took a deep breath. “Canterlot and Cloudsdale have already been contacted. There's no way of knowing if they'll send aid yet, or even if it will arrive in time. What is known is if we don't stop Celestia now, there's no telling how many will die.”

She ground a hoof into the floor. “This isn't an easy mission, if you're afraid, I understand. Celestia is... it's been a long, long time since Celestia has risen. Decades. I... was there when it happened. But I saw the destruction she created. I won't sugar coat it. There's no guarantee any of us will survive. It's almost impossible that all of us will survive. If you don't want to fight, if you want to run, flee and hide, then I understand. But don't make any mistakes. There is nowhere to fall back to. There won't be anypony 'guarding Crystalopolis' from this. If Celestia makes it here, the city will burn.”

Silence fell over the room as they shuffled nervously about.

“Those who are going to fight with us, meet by the main gate in an hour. Otherwise... I'd try fleeing to another city or the hills.” The pegasus turned tail and walked out the door.

Espirit stared for a few moments before looking to Steelhorn. “I... I guess we'd better follow her, shouldn't we? I think I'm all... packed for this.”

Steelhorn just stared ahead for a few moments before grabbing Espirit and Ganry. She hauled them out the door a few seconds before the main hall erupted into frantic talking. “Okay, Ganry. I want you to take Espirit out of here. Somewhere north to--”

“WHAT?” the zebra asked, before shaking her head. “No! I am going, I--”

“You're too young. This is dangerous. Celestia we're talking about. It can take hundreds, thousands of us to fight her and her army. You'll get killed and--”

“I'm a conjurer. You need me. There's going to be a lot of damage that you'll need a pony to help stop. I have to be there to help fix it. You need me just as much as you need everypony else. I can heal, I can fix, I can help ponies. I can do everything you can.”

“No. I'm not letting--”

“You can't stop me.” The changeling raised her shield. “Wait! Even if you hit me and try to knock me out, or tie me up, or leave me, I'll just escape and come anyway. Then I'll arrive and be tired and weak and away from the group, a lot easier target!”

Steelhorn frowned but slowly lowered the shield. “Fine. But you don't leave me and Ganry, okay? This isn't like those small missions. This is a full battle. That means we have to work together. It also means you need to stay where you can help us without getting yourself hurt. Okay?”

Espirit nodded. “Of course.”

The changeling turned away. “Fine. Let's go before I change my mind. You have everything you'll need?”

“Everything,” Espirit said softly before following after the mare. She'd be able to see Celestia soon, in the flesh. She hoped she wasn't as terrifying as the stories said.


Espirit's stomach occasionally jumped as she walked the long road towards the battle. She was one in hundreds, possibly thousands. A sizable force had stayed behind to keep the city and civilians safe from any other dangers, but the main force composed of nearly every fighting company in the city as well as the majority of the army now marched with her. Judging by the grim looks on many of their faces, this wasn't going to be an easy fight, either.

Fortunately for her, she was used to running and long marches now. She was even getting used to camping. But the land was in turmoil and they were marching straight towards it. Even from this distance she could feel the corruption in the distance, the great aether twisting and turning to keep Celestia strong. Held imprisoned in her grasp. The sheer enormity was horrifying.

Her mind kept envisioning Celestia. A pony as tall as a mountain, with great golden wings and a horn made of steel. Her mane and tail were said to be made entirely of fire. She controlled the sheer power of the sun, holding the ability to scorch all life from the planet with a single wave of her horn. They had to fight and kill her. True, it was not the real version of her, just a summoned version, made with crystal and the belief of her followers. But even a portion of such great power was something she'd never imagined herself having to fight.

“Have you ever fought one of these?” she asked Steelhorn as she moved closer.

“No. I've heard the stories, but I was just a new born when Celestia was defeated the last time. We have a few ponies who fought her, but that was a long time ago.”

“Do... you know anything about them?”

She nodded. “A little. Their bodies are real, as far as we can tell. I mean... well, how to put it. Their bodies are made of aether, you know? But they act as if they were real. They bleed, sweat, can be hurt just like anypony else. Well, except for the fact they're extremely powerful. So making them bleed isn't exactly easy. But they can die and be wounded just like anypony else. When they die, they apparently turn back to aether and can be reabsorbed back into the land.”

Espirit nodded. “That makes sense. I can... feel them, now. The power being drawn out. She's sucking it out, corrupting the land around herself.”

“She's deadly,” Steelhorn said gently. “I hear she incinerated a full army once. But don't worry, we'll be fine. We won't be in the main force engaging her. We'll be fighting her tribe and keeping them from interfering.”

“Main force?”

“Yes, a small force has to fight her. A full army would just be blasted by her powerful magic and turned to ash. These ponies will have to fight her and do what they can to stop her, while we weaken her tribe to weaken her.”

Espirit nodded. “I see. That's... not as scary as I thought. What else do you know about the last time this happened?”

“Last time she was just the first. They tried to awaken her sister, Luna, as well. Fortunately, Celestia was defeated before she could be summoned. Both sisters at once... there's a horror story worth writing home about.”

Espirit nodded. “I don't think anypony could have survived that.”

“Not easily. It would have taken a lot of power and work to kill them all. Even then, we'd have likely been in such disrepair that the centaurs would have overran us.”

“Who fought her before?”

“Well, Silverwing and Clearpond were both there.” Steelhorn looked around before gesturing towards a steel coated diamond dog. “Him too, Grounder. His father, Nibbler, died in that fight.” She looked around some more. “Oh, Clearcoat. I don't see him. Hmmm... I know there's a few others.”


“Clearpond's brother.”

“She has a brother? I didn't know that!”

“They... aren't very close.”

“But if they both saved the world, they'd have to--”

“It's a long story, don't worry about it. It's really none of our business,” Steelhorn said before letting out a gentle sigh. “Espirit, this isn't going to be easy. We're... not all going to make it home. Chances are a lot of us will die. If you want to go home, nopony will--”

“More ponies will die if I don't come,” she said softly. “I won't be engaging much, I'll mostly be in the back lines keeping ponies from falling over. It'll be fine, really. But I can't just turn my back and run with my tail between my legs. If I did that, I'd never forgive myself. If you keep asking me, my answer is not going to suddenly change. It's just going to get a little more annoyed each time. Okay?”

The changeling gave a slow nod. “Fine. Stubborn little thing, aren't you?”

“Us earth ponies often are. Even if we aren't earth ponies anymore. I'll be fine, really. I just need to keep near the back, away from the real danger. I'll look out for trouble, watch out for threats and keep as many ponies as I can from falling to their wounds. That's all I have to do, right?”

Steelhorn nodded. “Yes. Just... stay careful, okay? This is dangerous. I'd rather a child not be involved.”

Espirit cringed at those words. “I am not a child. I am young, but I'm not foalish or going to risk myself unnecessarily. I'll be careful. Just try to have a little faith in me, please?”

The changeling gave a little nod, followed by a smile. “I'll try. Who knows? Maybe I'm worrying too much and this will be not as dangerous as I fear.”

Espirit nodded, though she didn't comment. She could feel just how powerful and deadly this creature truly was. She was all too aware of how little their odds were of actually succeeding.

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