• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 736 Views, 42 Comments

Pony Fantasy: Reborn - Jeweled Pen

Goldenseed, prince of Canterlot, gets a chance to live his life as the adventurer he's always dreamed. However, can the bottle of magical Fantasia end up spelling the doom for his home?

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Chapter 18: Travel's Beginning

Espirit couldn't hold in her excitement as she trotted around the room, circling Ganry and Steelhorn as they packed. “Have you been to Cloudsdale? What's it like? I've never actually been in a pegasus city, are they nice? Do you think they'll have the cloud walking spell? I've always wanted to walk on clouds but I've never had a chance. Do you think we can see some of the weather factories? Do they still work? What's the population like there? Are there a lot of griffons? How about negasi, will we see a lot of them? I know we'll see a whole bunch of pegasi. Are the pegasi nice? Is there anything else I should bring? I really just packed a lot of clothes though I'm not sure what else to bring. I don't think I have anything else. Do you think we can--” The rest of her words were muffled by Ganry's claw.

“Okay, calm down. I know you're excited, but you need to relax and take a few deep, calming breaths. I've been there a few times, but I lived in the mountains. They'll probably have a way for you to walk. The other stuff, well, it all depends or I don't know. There's all kinds of different things to see in the Cloudsdale lands. Mountain homes, the griffons tend to live in those. But there are plenty of cloud cities always traveling. More than likely they'll come to us, not everyday a bunch of heroes come traveling by the cities. We'll be stopping by a few on the way, though.”

“We might even get a chance to meet the Cloudsdale changeling queen,” Steelhorn said with a smile. “I hear she's really friendly, though her hive is a bit on the small side.”

Espirit paused. “Wait, what? Changeling queen? I thought the queen lived here, in Crystalopolis?”

“The strongest queen in the alliance lives here, yes,” Steelhorn said with a nod of her head. “But there is more than one queen. There are a few tribes with queens as well. I don't think there are any in Canterlot, though.”

“Any changelings, or any queens?”

“Both. Most changelings prefer to be a part of a hive. There might be a few single ones living in Canterlot lands, but I wouldn't know. Have you ever seen one there?”

“Not that I can remember,” Espirit said before looking at their bags. “Are you almost done? Shouldn't we be leaving soon?”

“We're almost done, relax,” Ganry said with a soft chuckle. “This is going to be a long trip, are you sure you want to just bring one bag?”

Espirit glanced to her knapsack across the room, a bit bloated but still manageable, before turning back to him. “I don't see why I'd need more. A few outfits should be just fine. It's not like I have any special items I need to bring. I don't really have any keepsakes or...” Her voice went low and she glanced back to her back. “Nothing to remind me of home or anything...”

“It'll be fine, I'm sure,” Steelhorn said quickly. “One bag is plenty. We could all afford to go a bit light. Dragons are pretty strong, but hauling us and our luggage for so long won't be--”

“What? What about dragons?” Espirit asked, her eyes widening.

“We'll be riding a dragon. Didn't you hear?”

The zebra let out another shriek. “Really? Why? When? I thought we were taking an airship! What kind of dragon? I can't believe we're going to see an actual dragon! This is going to be amazing!” She couldn't help but jump in place.

Steelhorn chuckled. “We'll be out in a few minutes, how about you go wait outside for us? Maybe you'll even see the dragon when it arrives.”

“Okay!” Espirit said with a loud shriek. She ran to her bag and grabbed it in her mouth, before galloping out the door. She stood on the street, looking around wildly for any sight of the dragon.

A dragon. An actual honest to goodness dragon. She'd seen them, but she never thought she'd be allowed to ride one. Dragons were extremely prideful and, often, aggressive creatures. The honor of actually riding one was something very few ponies ever got to experience.

Her eyes scanned the sky, looking for any sign of the massive beast. Unfortunately, since Crystalopolis tended to have the largest grouping of dragons, at least ones that went near cities, she saw at least a dozen dragons flying through the air, but they all passed by and went on their way. She hoped and longed for one of them to stop and dive down, to land by the building.

She was going to ride a dragon. A real dragon. It was all she could do to stop from jumping into the air. Well, from hopping more than she already was. “Okay, let's go meet our ride,” Steelhorn said as she stepped out from the building.

“What? I thought it was coming here?”

“A full grown dragon landing in the middle of the city? Do you know how many buildings they'd knock over?” the changeling asked with a soft chuckle. “They tend to keep to designated areas where they have more space. No, we'll be meeting it at the docks.”

“But... you told me to wait out here and see when it came. If it wasn't going to come here, why would--”

“Because you were being annoying,” Ganry said with a smile. “And she never said it would land here. Just you might see it.”

Espirit glared at them, but followed none the less. The three walked through the city, heading towards the docks. When they arrived she could see ships, even a few airships hovering above, but no dragons. “Where is it? It's here, right?”

“Of course it is,” Steelhorn said with a chuckle. “Well, she is.”

“She? Do you know her?”

“Well, not personally. But she is Swipe's mother.”

That made the zebra pause. “We're going to meet Swipe's mother? Why didn't you tell me! I could have... thought up about a dozen things to ask her! Why did she even volunteer?”

“Well, Silverwing is Swipe's teacher. I imagine she plans to use this opportunity to get to know the pony teaching her son.” Steelhorn looked around. “Where is she? I thought Silverwing would have beaten us here.”

“I'm more interested in knowing where the dragon is,” Espirit mumbled. “This is going to be amazing.”

“Oh, she's already here,” Ganry said with a soft chuckle.

“What? Where? I can't see her!” The zebra craned her neck as best she could, looking from left, right and up. But there was no sign of any dragon. “Where is she?”

“You're looking the wrong way,” Steelhorn said.

“What? But I'm--” A loud popping and sizzling filled the air. She looked down over the pier, which was bubbling rapidly. A long, purple scaled head slowly began to rise, parting the water as it went. The dragon's head turned from left to right, shaking the gallons of water from its face before the rest of it began to rise. Its wings spread, sending a small wall of water out as it towered over them, submerged only to the waist. Espirit's mouth fell open as she stared at the majestic, purple creature. “We get to ride THAT?”

“Her, young one,” the dragon corrected, though her tone was filled with amusement. “I take it you must be the three I am transporting?”

“Indeed,” Steelhorn said, bowing her head. “Thank you very much for this generous offer.”

“Oh! Right, ummm, thank you and may your scales be ever vibrant,” Espirit said quickly, bowing her head so fast she slammed it into the ground. “Ow ow owie ow.”

Ganry reached out to steady the mare. “Calm down, it's fine. She's not going to try to eat us or anything.”

“Indeed,” the dragon said with another chuckle. “Have you gathered what you require for this trip?”

“Indeed. We're just waiting on Silverwing for now,” Steelhorn said before glancing back towards the city. “I thought she'd be here by now.”

“I am afraid she will be meeting with us later. She arrived far earlier to inform me that some business came up,,” the dragon said before holding out her claw. “Ah, my apologies. My name is Onyx. A pleasure as well.”

“Ah, of course. I am Steelhorn, this is Espirit and this frumpy looking griffon is Ganry.”


“If she's going to meet up with us later, we can go without her,” Steelhorn said. “So, errr, how do we get on?”

The dragon smiled and turned her back to them. Slowly, she slid back into the water, leaving her back exposed. “There. You need to merely jump on and I will take you where you need to go. If you please.”

Espirit couldn't help herself. She jumped first, holding her bag in her mouth. She landed on the back of the firm scales and let out a shriek. They were wet and slippery. She struggled to hold on, but her hooves refused to find a proper hold and after a few seconds there was a splash as she slid straight into the water. She climbed back out after a few seconds, climbing up the spines of the large creature. Her cheeks burned and up above she could hear her friends laughing.

“You should have let one of us go first,” Steelhorn called down, shaking her head. “You okay?”

The zebra managed to wedge her luggage against a spine before glaring up at them. “I am fine. I didn't know it would be so slippery.”

There was a deep rumble from ahead and the dragon turned her head back. “My apologies, child. I forgot to warn you that water is, indeed, slippery.”

That just made the others laugh even harder and the zebra's cheeks burn with shame. She held onto the scale and waited patiently for the others to climb on. Then, after a few moments, Onyx began to slide through the water, her wings spreading out and beginning to flap. It took only a few flaps, but to Espirit it was as if the world slowed down. Inch by inch they began to go up, higher into the air. Rising over the water and pulling free from its pull. Once they were out, the dragon began to rise even faster and the city behind them got smaller and smaller. Espirit's mouth fell open as she looked back, the city soon small enough her hoof could cover it.

Then the city was gone and the world zoomed by beneath them, a blur. The wind howled in her ears and she couldn't help but stare below as they passed over forests, hills, mountains and lakes. What would have taken them hours the dragon was bypassing in mere minutes. “W-wow,” Espirit whispered as she stared down.

“You've never gone flying before, have you?” Steelhorn asked as she slid behind the mare.

“N-no, never. I've never even... wow. Huh?” Espirit looked up in confusion as something was tossed over her withers. A small fur coat. “What's this for?”

“Made from Yak fur. It'll keep you warm. How are your things? They going to be okay?”

“They'll need to dry out, but they'll be fine,” Espirit said before looking over the edge again. “It's so amazing. You see this all the time?”

“Not really,” the changeling said with a shake of her head before reaching out to pat the zebra. “I rarely fly this high or this fast. Dragon's are... very unique creatures. Long distance travels they're the best. Pegasi, griffons and negasi can go faster, but they can't carry as much or go as long.”

Espirit nodded. “Can she hear us?”

The changeling laughed again and shook her head. “No! I can barely hear you over this din,” Steelhorn called out over the thrashing winds. “Enjoy the view while you can, but keep yourself bundled up! You're going to be very cold, very soon!”

Espirit nodded before gripping the scales and returning to look over the edge of the dragon. She didn't see how she could get cold, it was a hot day and while the wind was nice, it was far from what she'd call chilly.


Espirit was FREEZING! She felt as if her mane and tail were going to freeze off and it was only the huddling of her coat that kept it at bay. Her enchanted garments helped, of course, but they were robes. The wind constantly shoved them up, coming at her from every angle and brushing against her body without care or abandon. Her eyes were starting to hurt, too, the harsh winds drying them out and making them all itchy.

Worse, while the sights below were still amazing, familiarity had dulled her excitement. She was starting to feel the strain of having to hold onto the scales more than she was noticing the countless sights they passed over with ease. To sum it up simply, she was getting bored.

She gripped the bag in her mouth and slowly made her way towards where Ganry and Steelhorn were sitting, nestled between a few spikes on the dragon's back. “Finally get bored?” the griffon asked.

“Mmm hmmm,” Espirit said.

“Come on, squeeze in,” Steelhorn said before motioning her over. She did so and the two let her slide in between them. “Oh my goodness, you're half frozen! Are you okay?”

The zebra blushed. “I-I think so. I don't feel bad or anything, I just-- eep!” she let out an undignified squeak as the changeling shifted into the form of a griffon and enveloped her in warm, fluffy wings. “I-I'm fine, really!”

“Nonsense, you'll catch your death of cold and be too sick to meet all your fans,” Steelhorn said with a shake of her head. Ganry chuckled at the zebra's plight.

“I'm a conjurer! I can't really even get sick!” Espirit whined. “Well, I can, but... not really! I mean, it's kind of like... I don't... it doesn't really work the same way! I can heal it unless it's... I'll be fine!”

“Now now, listen to mommy Steelhorn,” Ganry said with a chuckle. “Besides, you took a dip in the water earlier, we really don't want you getting sick. If you're too sick to do your healing, what if we have to fight and need you?”

“I'm fiiiiiine,” Espirit said, but finally relented. She couldn't deny that it was far warmer and comfortable nestled in the wings. With Steelhorn and Ganry on either side of her and the spikes ahead and behind them, the winds were far weaker. It was actually a little comfortable. “So, are you part of a hive?”

Steelhorn looked down. “What?”

“Are you part of a hive? You said some changelings aren't, so are you one of those? Or are you part of the hive in Crystalopolis?”

The changeling took a deep breath before nodding. “Kind of. It... really depends on how you look at it, though. There are different tiers of changelings, you see. There's the mindless drones, who tend to have no identity of their own and deal with most of the mundane tasks. Then there are the... ones like me. We tend to be stronger, faster, more specialized and leave the hive. I am still a member of the hive, but I don't answer to the hive.” She hummed for a moment before nodding. “You could think of it as... a pony family. The queen is still my mother, but I do not directly answer to her nor do I have to obey her. Most changelings you'll meet work on different spectrums of that.”

“What happens if you disobey her?”

“I would probably be destroyed,” Steelhorn said with a shrug. “Depending on the reason. She's still a very powerful queen. But it's not like she could, or would, destroy me on a whim.” She added quickly at the look of horror on the zebra's face. “Again, she's like my mother, but still a far more powerful mage than I could hope to fight.. She cares for me, but I am independent. In fact, most of my love now comes from Ganry,” she said with a chuckle.

“Awww, that's... really kind of gross,” Espirit said. “I mean, I've seen him. You can do better. He even snores!”

Ganry's eyes went wide. “I do not snore!”

“You sound like a choking dragon,” Steelhorn confirmed. “But it's okay, I think it's cute.”

The griffon hmphed and crossed his claws, turning his back to them. “Really? I thought I was supposed to be the childish one,” Espirit said with a little giggle.

“You know, if we tossed you off, I think we could catch you before you hit the ground,” Steelhorn warned.

The zebra yelped and gave a quick nod. “Sorry! I'll be good, please don't throw me overboard!”

The changeling chuckled and pulled her close, gently holding her.

“How long will it take before we arrive?” Espirit asked as she nestled into the wings. She wasn't used to wings in particular, but she couldn't help but feel reminded of when she was younger and her mother would hold him wrapped in a blanket.

“Days, probably,” Steelhorn said with a smile. “We're bypassing the terrain that makes it difficult and slow, but it's still a fair distance to the border. We'll make it there around nightfall. From there, we'll be traveling through plenty of different cities, stopping for short trips and meeting the ponies, but the majority of the trip will take place in Cloudsdale.”

The zebra nodded. “Mmmm hmmm. Wouldn't it be faster to just teleport? Magic could get us there in moments.”

“True. But we're supposed to be the heroes, remember?” Ganry said before laying back, pushing her a bit but burying her in more feathers. “It's like a story, for the ponies of the lands. They'll be coming from miles away, just to see us passing by. Riding a great dragon will just make it all the more thrilling for them. They'll look up at us and go 'Wow, look at them. Those are true heroes. Everything is going to be alright.'”

Espirit giggled, but they caught in her throat as a new thought occurred to her. “But... they aren't going to be alright, are they? Things?”

“Huh?” Steelhorn asked.

“Celestia was stopped before, right? She was even stronger then. What's to say that next time she won't be even stronger than she was this time? It might take fifty years, or a hundred or even five hundred, but it will happen, won't it? Then what'll happen? Ponies will be... in the same situation.”

“And then there will be new heroes,” Ganry said with a shrug. “It's how it usually goes.”

“What? Bad things happen just so some ponies can be heroes and save the day, getting glory?”

“No. We become heroes to make sure that if bad things happen, they'll be stopped. Even if Celestia or Luna, even Discord, never come back, it doesn't mean there wouldn't be any more problems. They are just... one piece of the threats plaguing the world,” Ganry said before reaching back to gently scratch under Steelhorn's beak. “That's why there has to be people like us, like Torrential. Warriors, conjurers, archers, those who will stand up against the darkness and fight it back. Who knows, maybe one day there won't be a need for heroes. Maybe there will be nothing more than songs to remind ponies and griffons and everything else of how the world once was. But for now, we bring them hope, a belief that they don't have to be scared that something big, bad and ugly will come and burn them away for the sole crime of existing.”

Espirit nodded. “O-oh. I... I guess that's true.”

“Exactly. So all those ponies and griffons and who knows who else will be there, are coming to see the heroes. The ones who they think will save them from all their troubles and are invincible warriors who laugh in the face of danger. And you, little Espirit, are going to be a fan favorite.”

“W-what? Why? I'm just the conjurer. I mostly just healed you guys while you did all the fighting. I-I barely even attacked her.”

“Of course,” Steelhorn said as a grin formed on her beak. “But there is one thing you've forgotten. Perhaps the most important thing of all. The reason that ponies will take one look at you and decide you are their favorite.”

“W-what? My outfit?”

“Nope,” the changeling said before turning into her changeling form. “You, my dear zebra. Are absolutely adorable!” She then reached out a started tickling Espirit, mercilessly attacking the mare as she shrieked.

“No! No no stop please eeeeee!”

Author's Note:

Guess who's back. My other two stories are done, so this is now my main focus until it's finished! Woooo!

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