• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 736 Views, 42 Comments

Pony Fantasy: Reborn - Jeweled Pen

Goldenseed, prince of Canterlot, gets a chance to live his life as the adventurer he's always dreamed. However, can the bottle of magical Fantasia end up spelling the doom for his home?

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Chapter 37: Assembling the team

Espirit looked around the field, unable to feel a little guilt as she watched many of the soldiers trotting out down the road. The airship was just a little bit away from them, waiting for their small unit to enter it.

She and Clearpond were to be the back line, keeping everypony up and doing everything in their power to keep the wounds from overwhelming them. The mission depended on the two of them the most, because if they fell so would everypony else. Fortunately, Mirage joined them in the morning and they managed to convince Selene to aid them. The breezie may not have been quite as good a healer, but her magic could still give them the edge they needed.

The front line was Grounder. The diamond dog she'd seen during the first fight with Celestia, but to her disappointment she couldn't remember much about, aside from the fact he was apparently quite the able fighter.

Their mid line was half old friends, half ponies she didn't really know. Silverwing, Mirage and Tempora were three she knew, though the unicorn looked very annoyed to be here and kept scowling at Mirage. Bronzeflex the minotaur was there as well, though she knew next to nothing about him. She couldn't help feeling guilty that she'd never gotten to know him even though he was a member of her company. The last one to make up their group was Diamondtip, one of the wonderbolts. She was a negasi like Silverwing.

In all there were nine of them, eight if they didn't count Selene. The main force was already making its way towards the border and preparing to engage Luna's forces. The airship was being prepared, readying itself for the quick voyage through the sky. Possibly the last time it would sail if they didn't succeed.

“Everyone, I won't lie,” Clearpond called out, drawing the attention of those chosen few. “You're going on what many would call a suicide mission. We aren't being sent because it's believed we'll succeed. We're being sent because there is no other choice. Make no mistake, we're losing this fight. We managed to pull back with most of our forces at the fall of Crystalopolis, but we still lost many good people that day. Ponies, dragons, changelings, minotaurs, donkeys. We've all felt the sting of this spirit and their forces. Every day they grow stronger, fueled by the aether of the world while more and more ponies join their side. We're risking our lives in a fight we... might not win.”

“Truly a motivational speech,” Mirage snapped before trotting forward. “Clearpond, allow me.”


“This doesn't call for honesty,” the crystal pony said before coughing into her hoof. “Listen, this is dangerous! Very dangerous! But you all knew that when you were chosen and accepted the fight! You were all chosen because you either have experience with these monsters or you are one of the best of the best! It's not going to be easy, but it's not impossible, either! Luna is on her own, if we can defeat her before Celestia comes back, we'll set them back even further! We'll crush their forces and break them, force the fiery alicorn to show her face and then destroy her too! We'll take back Crystalopolis and wipe out these spirits once and for all, so badly that none of the tribes will even consider raising one for another century! Who's with me?!”

There was a weak and minor cheer.

“If we do this we'll all be heroes and get all the drinks we could ever want! For free!”

There was a considerably louder cheer, though Espirit face hoofed none the less.

“That's right! Now get on that boat and prepare to kick an alicorn's flank back to the moon!”

Espirit smiled and turned to start walking to the ship, but stopped when somepony called out her name. She looked back and, to her surprise, saw Goldencollar racing towards her. “You made it out! I thought you were one of the... errr...”

The stallion came to a stop in front of her, his chest heaving slightly as he tried to regain his breath. “I... just heard about your return,” he said weakly before wiping the sweat from his brow. “O-one second.”

She smiled and nodded. “Go ahead, take your time.” She couldn't help enjoying the fact he was stumbling from the run. Even if he was a bit cute, kind, rich, charming and all around a great guy, he still needed to get a bit more exercise to keep up with her. It made her feel that he was a bit more-- her cheeks turned bright red and she quickly shook the thoughts away. “Y-you should pace yourself better.”

“D-didn't want to m-miss the ship,” he said softly, taking beep breaths before grinning to her. “I wanted to wish you luck and I brought you a good luck charm.”

Her eyes widened slightly as he pulled out a small black box. He opened it and revealed a small diamond brooch inside. “I picked this up from one of my colleagues a few years back. Legend says it belonged to Rarity, one of Twilight's friends.”

Espirit stared at it, shivering slightly. “A-and you got it... you want me to have it?”

“Yes. I know what you're doing is dangerous. Risking yourself for all of us. If this even gives you the slightest edge, the most minor of luck, it would be worth all the bits in the world.” It lifted out of the box and slowly glided over to her mane. She blushed and gave a little smile.

“I uhhh... thank you,” she turned away, blushing. She then looked up and realized nearly everypony on the ship was watching them. “W-what?” Most looked amused, but Clearpond, Mirage and Tempora just looked thoughtful.

“Pony needs to worry less about colt friend and more about Luna,” Grounder said, hefting up his great axe. “Else we all be dead before night falls.”

Espirit blushed and trotted towards the ship. “H-he's not my... we're not... Thank you Goldencollar! I'll uhhh, see you when I get back. If I get back. I'm happy you survived!” She climbed into the ship and laid down by the supplies, trying to keep her bright red face hidden from view.

“I wasn't aware you had a colt friend,” Mirage said as she sat down besides her. “That's quite interesting. Obi dobe dah mooden nom.”

“Ohden oba dob ah dah?” Selene asked.

“Ohden doh.”

“What did you just tell her?” Espirit asked, glaring up at the mare.

“Tell her? Oh, I merely asked if she remembered that particular stallion trying to meet with you in the dead of night. Perhaps a couple's loving embrace in the cold nights of--”

“I don't care if you're old enough to be my grandmother, I can and will toss you over board without a second thought.”

The crystal pony cringed. “Oof, the threat was fine, but did you have to make that grandmother remark?”

“When you're being that mean, yes,” Espirit grumbled. “Is he still there?”

“Yup. He's watching right now. You know, he's old enough—”

“To be my father, I've heard it. He's not THAT old and I'm not interested.”

“Oh? Why?” the unicorn asked.

Espirit glared up at the mare. “Why are you so interested?”

“Boredom, mostly.”

“Well find your boredom relief somewhere else.”

“You sure seem--”

“Mirage, leave it alone,” Clearpond said harshly.

“But she's--”

“I said leave it. What she does is her own business. We're tense enough without antagonizing each other.”

Espirit sighed and relaxed as the others walked off. Not that they could go very far, the vessel was so small it barely had enough room for them and all their supplies. She sat up for a moment before falling back, collapsing against one of the chests.

She heard a oof and froze. She turned back to the chest, her heart racing. Had she heard right? The chest was plenty big, had somepony managed to sneak aboard it? An ambush, a spy? She gulped nervously and slowly pushed herself off from the chest and trotted towards her friends. They were talking, but she quickly tapped on Clearpond's side. “Clearpond?”

“Espirit, I'm busy.”

“This can't wait,” she whispered. “I think... we have a stowaway.”

“What?” the pegasus asked, her head whipping about. Espirit motioned towards the chest.

“What's wrong? What she say?” Mirage asked.

Clearpond frowned and turned towards the chest. “Are you sure?”

“I-I heard it speak.”

“We might have a stowaway. Ready your weapons. Grounder, come here!”

The diamond dog grunted. “In a minute,” he said, too busy sharpening his axe at the front.

“Now! This is important!”

He let out an exasperated grunt, before slinging the axe over his back and moving forward. “What's so important?”

“Possible stow away. You're our front line, get to it,” Clearpond whispered, pointing towards the chest.

The dog let out a growl and drew his axe again, gripping it tightly in his paws. Espirit gulped as she watched him lumber off towards it. She couldn't help but notice how muscular and fairly terrifying the diamond dog actually looked when he was ready to fight. His thick, spiked armor didn't help much. The dog stopped in front of the chest as the others quickly got ready, weapons drawn. Then he reached out and lifted the lid up, swinging his axe down.

Swipes barely managed to leap out in time, narrowly avoiding the blade. “Wait!” Silverwing called out quickly. “It's Swipes, he's with us!”

The dragon made it to the back of the ship, holding his claws up innocently. “I uhhh, I... errr... accidently... err... fell into the chest and...” The flat stares her received from everypony on the ship made him give a sigh and lower his head. “I wanted to help.”

“This is dangerous!” Silverwing snapped. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? What could possibly possess you to do something so stupid?”

“I just... I...” the dragon said, stepping back a step. “I've been training every day. I fight with you all the time. I can do this! I'm strong enough now I could make a difference!”

“Absolutely not!” the negasi said before shaking her head. “You need to--”

“Let him come,” Espirit said, stepping forward to get between him and them.

“W-what?” Silverwing said, her eyes widening slightly. “Espirit, this isn't--”

“He's one of us!” the zebra said quickly. “He fights with us, eats with us, if it ever comes to it he might die with us. It's not like we can't use the extra fire power and if you've been training him all this time then I'm sure he won't be useless. He's willing to go up against Luna and risk his life, shouldn't we at least trust him enough to give him the chance?”

Swipes smiled down at her. “Wow. I never thought you'd have my back, rookie.”

“Uben doooba lown?” Selene asked.

Mirage let out a sigh. “It's a moot point, anyway. We can't exactly turn back now, we're on a tight schedule as it is. If we're not in position when our forces engage, the entire mission might fail. He any good, Silverwing?”

The negasi let out her own sigh to match the crystal pony's. “Yes, he's very good. Arrogant and a bit over zealous at times, but good. Swipes! You can stay, but you need to follow orders. No matter what you think, you need to listen and obey. No going off on your own and getting us all killed. We're a team, that means we act like it. Got it?”

Swipes nodded and put his claws together, bowing his head. “I won't let you down, I swear.”

“See that you don't.”

Slowly the group parted and started talking amongst themselves. Swipes moved up behind Espirit and gently tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey, uhhh... I just wanted to say thanks. For having my back out there. I know I haven't always... when we first met and... all.”

She looked back and smiled. “I know. But we're company mates, right? Besides, even if you are extremely rude like... all the time, I know you still have my back.” She reached out and gently patted his claws. “I've seen you fight and I know you've always worked hard when we were fighting together. I know you won't let us down. Besides, everypony deserves an opportunity.”

“Oben dopen dupe!” Selene added helpfully.

“Thanks. So, uhhh... what's with the pony fly on your head?”

“She's a breezie and... that's a pretty long story.” She glanced to the bow of the ship. “But I think I have time to tell you it.”

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