• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 736 Views, 42 Comments

Pony Fantasy: Reborn - Jeweled Pen

Goldenseed, prince of Canterlot, gets a chance to live his life as the adventurer he's always dreamed. However, can the bottle of magical Fantasia end up spelling the doom for his home?

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Chapter 28: A new friend

The next few days went slowly for the mare and as the first week of her friend's departure ended, she finally worked up the will to move her bed out of their room. She now officially had her own room. She hated it.

She was now a legend amongst the free company, one of the ponies who helped defeat Celestia AND Cadence. But no pony seemed willing to hang out with her. Or rather, they were too scared to. She met plenty who wanted to buy her drinks or get her autograph, but the moment she tried talking to them, they always had an excuse to run off. She also noticed the way the mumbled and talked about her and how nervous they got whenever she approached. She didn't mean to be intimidating.

Without her friends, she didn't feel as if she had anypony. Clearpond was always busy as well, though she could still only barely move. Espirit kept hoping that the mare would come by and say she changed her mind, but there was no sign of regret from the pegasus.

On the up side, there was some good news. All the tribes seemed to have gone quiet and there hadn't been an attack of any sort since Cadence had been defeated. Farther north at the border, reinforcements from Canterlot had finally arrived and the ponies there were apparently winning and slowly driving the centaurs back, inch by inch. It was wondrous. But there was nothing for her to do. She'd even requested to go up to those lines and help them, but Clearpond had quickly said no to that.

She was shaken from her thoughts by a light pounding on the door. “Espirit? A letter just arrived for you.”

The mare eeked and darted to the door, pulling it open and taking the letter quickly. Aetherbind must have finally found a cure, she was going home and going to be herself again!

The thought sent a shudder through her, but she quickly shook it off and opened the letter. To her surprise, it wasn't from Aetherbind at all. It was signed by Goldencollar.

“Huh?” she said softly, as she read it.

Dear lady Espirit,

I'm not sure if you remember me from our brief encounter in Cloudsdale, but I was hoping you and I could have a talk. I was the unicorn stallion who you met at the first party. I'm sorry I didn't have another chance to meet with you then, but I was forced to depart quickly after a minor incident occurred at home that required my attention.

I have heard that your recovery is now complete, so I do hope you'll be willing to meet with me. My home is near the edge of the city, Rich Manor. Please feel from to come by at any time.

From, Goldencollar.

Espirit stared at the letter and cocked her head to the side. “Who in Equestria? Goldencollar? When did I-- oh!” she said before bursting into giggles. “I can't believe I forgot about him!”

She then glanced to the door before giving a shrug. Well, she had nothing better to do so she trotted out the door and closed it behind her. Perhaps meeting the stallion would be a welcome distraction.


Espirit could barely keep her mouth from hitting the floor. The manor itself was more like its own small village. The entire area was fenced off from the rest of the city, with the main manor taking up the majority of the grounds. However, there were almost a dozen much smaller homes on the lands, lined up besides each other against the walls. They were all made of crystals, making them glimmer in the light. Many of them were covered in scaffolding and ponies were working to repair the damage.

The guards, two crystal ponies, let her pass with a gentle wave. She walked across the stone path towards a great fountain in the middle of it. Sadly, it was damaged and covered in crystal shards, lightly trickling water. She stared at it for a few moments before trotting towards the manor. Nervously, she reached out to knock on the door. It opened after a few minutes, revealing a crystal pony in a tuxedo. “Ah, hello,” the stallion said. “Can I help you, ma'am?”

“I uhhh, I'm Espirit. I'm here to see--”

“Oh, of course! The hero of Crystalopolis!” the stallion said before looking her over. “I... thought you were older.”

“I'm still growing!” she shrieked, her voice getting high pitched. “I'm here to see Goldencollar. Is he here?”

“Ah, right, my apologies. Right this way, madam,” he said before turning and trotting into the house.

She followed after him, her eyes drawn up. The building was huge and made of wood on the inside, filled with statues and paintings all over. The carpets were so thick her hooves sunk into them. The stallion led her down the hall before lightly knocking on a door to one of the side rooms. “Sir? The young maiden, Espirit, has come to see you.”

“Ah, let her in!”

The stallion nodded and pushed the door open. Espirit gasped and stepped inside. The room was massive, filled from wall to wall with book cases and a single large circular table in the center. Goldencollar was sitting behind the table with a book out in front of him.

“Hello again, Lady Espirit,” he said. A moment later the door closed behind her. She gulped and stepped forward.


“Thank you for visiting so soon. I didn't imagine you'd have the time so quickly.”

“I had nothing better to do, so I thought I would. Is... all this yours? All these... homes?”

“More or less. Many of my workers have trouble finding homes, due to how expensive the city can be. I try to help them and their families where I can.” He closed the book and motioned her over. “I am sorry for the damage, however. Cadence's forces were far from gentle and with all the repairs going on throughout the city, the manor hasn't been quite the priority I'd desire.”

“I-I think it looks fine,” the zebra said before trotting forward and sitting across from him. “So, what may I ask you wanted to discuss?”

“You, my dear,” he said with a smile. “I merely wanted to get to know you better. After our last encounter ended so abruptly, I felt absolutely awful that I couldn't see you again after the party.”

She smiled sheepishly. “I-I'm sorry. That was just as much my fault, to be honest. I kinda... forgot.” She gently poked the floor. “Sorry.”

“Oh, it's no trouble,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hoof. “I'm sure a mare like you had all kinds of important things to do in the city. Did you enjoy your visit at Cloudsdale?”

“Oh, tremendously! I am a little disappointed that I didn't get to find out more about the Wonderbolts, though. I wanted to know if Rainbow Dash really was the founder or not. Can you imagine?”

The stallion chuckled and shook his head. “Ah, I'm afraid that's actually an old myth. Most ponies don't study the long and varied history of the Wonderbolts anymore, sadly. In fact, many of their modern members don't know. For example, only pegasi were allowed to enter until long, long after Rainbow was believed to be alive.”

Espirit gasped, her ears perking. “W-wait, really? How do you know this?”

“I've studied them throughout the years. It's really quite fascinating.” He hummed and looked over at his book shelves on the right of the room. His horn glowed and a golden bound book flew out, landing on the table. There was no title, just a lightning bolt. “For ponies willing to take the time to research, though, the history of the Wonderbolts is quite an interesting read. Although there are still many fragments. The actual founder, however, was a mare by the name of Firefly.”

“Wow,” Espirit said, sitting up in her chair and leaning over the table. “So by the time Rainbow joined, they were an established organization?”

“Actually,” he said before flipping the book open. “While Rainbow is officially a member of the Wonderbolts now, she was made an honorary member long ago. There is no official record if she ever joined at all while alive. There's nothing to prove she didn't and there are plenty of questionable records abounding to prove she at least likely associated with them. But actually joining has never been proved. Some ponies say it's because she wasn't a pegasus at all, but her flight capabilities were what made it possible for other species to eventually join.”

Espirit's eyes practically glowed as she looked at the book. “Is... is all that in there?” She barely managed to avoid drooling.

“All of the records? Of course not,” he said with a chuckle before motioning to the shelf it came from. “I have shelves filled with records. However, this books has a nice summary of what has been found as of a decade ago. New things have been found since, of course. But this is one of the most comprehensive sources of information on them and many ponies still reference it. Would you like to borrow it?” His horn glowed and the book slid across the table to the zebra.

“Yes! A million times yes!” she said, wide eyed with wonder as she flipped the book open. “I never really studied the Wonderbolts, you know? They were interesting, but I always found the stories about the warriors of the sun and moon far more interesting. I can't believe she's not the founder, though. If she didn't do that, what did she do for a living?”

“Nopony really knows. Some say she was a warrior, others an apple farmer. One pony I know swears up and down that she was, I know this sounds preposterous, a weather pony.”

Espirit burst into a little fit of giggles at that, her hoof over her mouth. “A weather pony? Okay, there is NO WAY she was a weather pony. One of the toughest fighters of them all, and she'd just be up there all the time monitoring the rain and picking out snow flakes? That pony must be nuts!”

He nodded with a chuckle. “Plenty of ponies seem to think so. I personally think he's just trying to get a grant and being wild like that is a good way to get one. He also claimed she had a pet tortoise.”

That made the zebra nearly fall over with giggles. “Really? The fastest flier ever and a pet tortoise? Hah! That pony would say just about anything, wouldn't he?”

The stallion nodded. “Likely. So you're a great fan of them, then?”

The zebra nodded. “Uh huh. Growing up, I always wanted to be like them. Going on adventures and everything. Fighting off monsters, rescuing damsels and sometimes being rescued, creating peace through force of arms. Saving lives.”

The stallion cocked an eye. “Rescuing damsels?”

“Y-yeah! Rescuing damsels!” the zebra said with a blush. “Remember when Spike got captured by the beast mistress Trixie? Twilight and her friends had to fight off three ursa majors, at once!” she said proudly. “Could you imagine, fighting off things like that?”

“Not particularly, no. I've never actually seen an ursa. Have you?”

She blushed and shook her head, smiling sheepishly. “W-well, no.”

“I've read that story though. It was quite thrilling. I particularly liked how they purified the amulet of the beast mistress at the end.”

“Oh, I know! They were always doing things like that, stopping evil forces and saving things. I'm sure it wasn't all true, but there must be some truth to them, right? Otherwise how could they have made it this long?”

The stallion nodded. “Of course. I think you've managed quite well with your dreams. You are a hero in your own right, nopony would deny that. You're quite skilled and practically a household name. Defeating two of the princesses in under a year? I don't believe any other pony outside of your small group of allies could claim such a feat.”

Espirit's chest burst with pride as she nodded. “We were just doing our best, really. We knew we had to succeed, so we just didn't let ourselves fail.”

He chuckled. “Well, speaking for all ponies who were able to survive thanks to your hard work, thank you. Would you like to stay for dinner?”

She paused, staring at him for a while. “Dinner?”

“Yes. I'd love to hear more about your adventures. The defeat of Cadence and Celestia has been just rife with gossip. The exact details directly from such a pony as was there would be a rare delight.”

Espirit nodded. “Well... I guess that would be okay.”

“Wonderful.” He then coughed into his hoof. “Ah, I apologize if this is too forward, but would you object to some of my servants joining as well? I'm sure they would absolutely adore hearing the stories as much as I would.”

The zebra perked up and gave a nod. “That would be fine! I'd be more than happy to tell it to as many as are interested.”

“Wonderful. I will have the cook prepare whatever you desire and spread the word that such an honored guest has come to join us for dinner.”

She blushed and nodded, a smile on her lips as she relaxed in her chair. Yes, being a hero was quite nice.


It was nearly midnight by the time the mare finally made her way to the door of the manor, her eyes drooping slightly as she walked. The dinner had been loud, but delightful. The dining hall was nearly as large as the one the company had, but she wasn't surprised. What surprised her was how quickly it was filled.

Goldencollar seemed to have no qualms about letting any of his servants who desired eat with him and judging by how quickly it filled, neither did they. She'd been the guest of honor, sitting besides the stallion and spending almost the entire meal answering questions. Even after the meal there had been no escape, pony after pony asked her to recite the story of the battle. It was different from the bigger parties, though. These ponies actually sat there and listened, watching her with breathless anticipation. As if every word she said was a precious gem that would shatter if they spoke. They didn't seem to watch her with those eyes, either. The ones that seemed to prod and poke her, looking for something that could be used to help them. They were interested in her, not what she could do for them.

She'd still be inside, telling it, if Goldencollar hadn't insisted that she get some rest before she would fall asleep on her hooves. He'd offered her one of her guest rooms, but she'd refused. He'd finally settled for escorting her back home and now she was just waiting for him.

“My apologies for keeping you waiting,” the stallion said as he trotted down the stairs. He was wearing a black overcoat and gave her a gentle smile.

She nodded and let out a soft yawn. “Mmmm hmmm. I'm good to go now,” she grumbled. She blinked wearily and trotted out once the door opened.

“Are you sure you don't wish to stay here? I could have the guest bed prepared special for you. It would be no trouble. It's clothed with the finest silks.”

“No,” she said firmly. “I don't... feel comfortable outside of my own bed. I just wouldn't like it as much. It's fine, really.” She waved a hoof before yawning softly. “You didn't have to trot back with me, you know.”

“I know. But after keeping you out so long, I felt I should.” He glanced up towards the sky. “It is a beautiful night, isn't it? Not a cloud above. The stars are wondrous on nights like this.”

She nodded and glanced up. It was pretty, she couldn't deny. But she'd seen so many nights like it now the allure was beginning to fade. “It's alright I guess. I wouldn't want to be sleeping outside on a night like tonight, though.”

He nodded. “Of course. You aren't cold, are you? Would you like my coat?”

She shook her head. “Nah,” she said before giving another yawn. “This outfit is enchanted. Self cleaning and, more importantly, self warming. We could be in the middle of a snow storm and I'd be a lot warmer than that coat.”

He chuckled. “Truly? Such marvelous devices you heroes keep.”

“Mmmm hmm. It's standard issue for adventurers.” She blinked blearily as she walked. Her eyes burned a little and her hooves were getting strained with each step. All she could dream about was crawling into her bed, feeling the delightful covers around her. She lowered her gaze, watching the tiles with each step. So close. Just a little longer. She could hear the stallion talk as they walked, but she barely listened and only gave token responses.

“We're here,” he finally said, stopping. She walked a few more steps before looking up.

“Huh? Oh!” She lifted a hoof to her mouth to yawn one last time. “S-sorry. Just... really tired. Need to get some sleep.” She gave a sheepish smile.

He nodded, smiling back at her. “Lady Espirit, I would like it if you could join me again, perhaps tomorrow? We could talk more.”

She nodded. “I guess? I really need to keep practicing, though.”

“You could practice at the manor. I'm sure I could have a course set up.”

Through the fog that was her mind, those words penetrated. “Like... an obstacle course?”

“Of course.”

She nodded. “I'd like that. I'll come over tomorrow to see it!”

He nodded before giving her a little wave while she trotted off.

She made it through the side door of the company house using her key, crawled her way across the nearly empty building, giving a token greeting to those she passed. Once she was in her room she stripped down, crawled into bed and buried her head in the pillow.

Her head shot up and her eyes widened. “W-wait! He's flirting with me!” she squeaked, her mouth falling open. “W-what? Why? I'm not...” The siren call of the mattress drew her back in and she sighed, closing her eyes. “Think about it tomorrow. Sleep now. Not important. Sleeeeeep...” To her surprise, she found she wasn't as worried as she felt she should have been.

In fact, a part of her didn't even mind.

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