• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 27,741 Views, 549 Comments

Trixieverse 1/Trixie's Magic Bit - Applejinx

Rainbow Dash discovers a magical futa-bestowing artifact! Madness, love and friendship ensue!

Comments ( 152 )

Snagged the First! :D Will edit with my response-proper!


...And then all the mares discover the fixed ones are fully functional. ...Little AJ/RD foals runnin' 'round. *LOL*

A lovely end to a lovely story.


Fantastically done good sir! :moustache:

An' that's a wrap for Trixie's Magic Bit. :ajsleepy:
Y'all give me a breathin' spell afore starting a whole other novel, all right? At least a couple days :ajsmug:

A lovely way to end. Even light at the end of the tunnel for Twilight.

I had been worried about Fluttershy, Pinkie, and that bit, but Fluttershy handled it perfectly.

Poor old Mac's getting a taste of his own medicine, though! I suspect Rarity has enough ... prior experience to ensure he finds it to his liking, though.

Dearly, dearly hoping for a sequel of some kind. Moar dickfilly rampage! (hopefully with more Celestia/Luna involvement - even if they're only reading Twilight's letters and snarking, now that the horrible death curse is resolved).

I'm still wondering what happened with peeping Celestia, does she get some too?

Needs more wing-gnawing! ;) This is such a lovely ending to this lovely story, I don't think I can express myself correctly! I can see so many one-shot spin-offs to this one, or maybe even a sequel, and I'd love to get them! But as it is, it is awesome, and definitely one of the greatest fics I've read in all my time in this fandom. The characterisations were superb, the plots and sub-plots twisty and turny, and the clop not only hot but heart-warming at the same time. All my money, buddy, all my money!

" I’m beginning to learn that I’m in, shall we say, a special position. And I’m gonna use that special position to ram you down her throat!"

Okay. I can't be the only brony who now wants to see Twi in full Domme garb, ordering Trixie to... er... 'feed' a well-bound, blindered and ring-gagged Celestia?

Preferably with Luna watching, until she gets caught and, well, "the fun has been doubled?" Come on, everypony - show of hooves! :pinkiehappy:


Hey, I'm not asking for another novel, just meeting the in-laws! :scootangel:

Seriously, love the ending, knowing it hasn't really ended yet. :raritystarry:

A rather... adorable end, I think :3 well done!

... now I'm wondering just what's next in your bag of tricks.

I use this gif too much, but really this deserves it:

I :heart: you, Applejinx! Thanks so much for such an amazing story! I can't wait to see more writing from you!

I'm so glad I stumbled upon this when the very first chapter came out, the way it branched out after the first, holy horses.
Loved the series, take your time, and hope an editor catches all the minor grammer/spelling stuff in the series. Write on, Applejinx.

This is gonna sound weird, I expect. I was gonna say you were the Queen Of Clop, Applejinx, then I went and looked you up, and much to my chagrin, your Deviant Art account says you're male. And that downright astonishes me.

Because the depth of emotion, of romance, of complex interpersonal development, the down-to-the-bone understanding of the heart you show in your work is nothing but breathtaking and not something I associate with most males. You have genuine insight, and that just knocks me for a loop. Plus the avatar adds that extra little push.

So I'm saying you write like a woman, and that's a good thing, an amazing thing, and I am astonished and impressed, and the bottom line is that you have taught me a world of stuff that I never could have imagined, and I - prudish little frigid bitch that I am - loved every moment of it. Oh, I was shocked, mortified, freaked and stunned at turns, but also constantly mesmerized by your brilliant prose.

You are an incredible writer. And it has been a pure joy for me to follow this story. I started it with the notion that it was a light romp, perhaps with some clever character fun, and ended up getting schooled on what an erotic story can be, what it can do, and what it really is for - and it isn't just for clopping to.

You did more than entertain me, you taught me. And I am grateful for it.

So... thank you, thank you very much for your work here on Trixie's Magic Bit, and I feel so terribly sad now that it is over, the sadness of leaving something beloved. The ending was spot on, everything sang, I am just sad that it is done.

Thank you for the kindness of writing for us. It was a marvelous experience to follow this story, and one I will always remember. And, one day, I will doubtless read it again.


What Chatoyance said :rainbowlaugh:

It feels weird to say this about a fic of this subject matter, but I'm really quite sad that this is over. Now I don't want to be "that guy" who puts pressure on the writer to continue doing projects in the same vein/continuing the story and what not, because I know that sometimes you just want to do different things. Not that I wouldn't mind of course, because let's face it, your Twilight and Trixie are some of the best Twilight and Trixie I've ever read.

So whatever it is you choose to do next, I'm going to read it out of courtest to this fic.

Well, shucks, Chatoyance- happens I am a lesbian in a cowboy's body so you sayin' I write like a woman is one of th' best compliments I ever got. I basically _am_ Applejack so some of them personal struggles with identity come from life. It's pretty hilarious how many things we got in common, you an' me! We shall be friends :ajsmug:

WHUT grammar/spellin' stuff? I like to spit my bit when I saw that. I went over twenty chapters diggin' up that last English derp that Kurbz trips over, the "Period doesn't go here." said character, stuff, an' if you expect me to talk in fancy jes' to please you it ain't the least tiny bit of happenin'.
:ajbemused: Let that be a lesson to y'all and to anypony who is gonna nitpick on spellin' and grammar while misspellin 'grammer' less'n you mean Granny Smith who ain't prop'ly in th' story ATALL and I do NOT suggest givin' her a bit or all of Ponyville will flee in terror!
:rainbowlaugh: Sorry, just givin' ya a hard time RikuKaiKuu. I love ya, I ain't mad :ajsmug:

To all y'all- oh, you KNOW I have this continuin'. I am a novelist after all, though pony taught me to write short stories too! I have never been able to reach people this good, and you can interpret that any way you like, it's all true. You are wonderful, wonderful pony folk that I'm proud to work for.

I will continue to fit in novel chapters in this world and continuity. Got to warn you, savor the happy-endingness and don't start up with the new one (aw, who am I kiddin') unless you're ready to see more challenges. As always ponies overcome all grimdark in the end- but we're AT the end of this book. New book? The end's gonna look far, far away, so give all the ponies a hug and tell 'em to be brave, 'cos they're in for it, bigtime.

I also want to keep doin' more music- http://www.youtube.com/user/jinxtigr and drawin- http://applejinx.deviantart.com/ and finishing my reverse-engineerin' of mane cast pony in Flash which I reckon I'm just gonna share with the community (got perfect eyes built and stopped) because I can't do all these things on top of a self-employed day job... but there's somethin' special about the book-writin' and it means a lot to me that there are folks who appreciate it. I do honestly feel that in Western culture sex gets unfairly banished but you can have all the violence you want. I suggest this is unhealthy bullshit... I'd like to see people lighten up about sex and start bein' shocked by violence instead, so my writin' will tend to stay that way and if there is violence (or rape, which is violence not sex) you can expect it to be upsetting, as it should be.

Love you! :heart:

Fantastic story. I'm not gonna flood the comments page with my review again, so if you want to go read that it's in the comments section of chapter 19. Great story bro.

352976 I just hope something like this happens in the sequel:

RD: "I'm not forgiving you for what you did!"

"Oh, you mean boasting about how I could sleep with you anytime I wanted to get you all worked up? The lame and obvious romance attempt to make you drop your guard and feel bad for me? Once that happened you were putty in my hooves, I knew you'd be so relaxed after worrying so much about what I were planning to do. Add that to the pity you'd feel for my 'weak' attempt to get you to sleep with me and it made you vulnerable enough to fall for my real attempt. I just had to say and do the right things to get close to you, didn't I?" (mocking tone): 'I never meant to… I mean it seems really bad, but we were having fun, right? It's not like I was trying to hurt you.'"

RD: "You tricked me! You bucking tricked me, you little weasel!"

"So now you know what it's like."

RD: "What are you talking about!?"

"All those times you were playing around with other ponies, you didn't consider their feelings. You always thought it was all fun and games , but you never saw how wrong you are."

RD: "Come on, you're not making any sense."

"I'm not surprised that you don't see it. You've been sleeping around for years, and you never notice it. Let me ask you a question, Rainbow. Did you ever consider how any of the ponies you slept with might feel afterwards?"

RD: "They always seemed happy."

"Of course, they did. You just tricked them into sharing a deep, intimate moment with them. You made them feel special when you were only thinking about yourself. Did you even care about how I might feel after you slept with me?"

RD: "I...uh..."

"You don't have any right to be mad at me for what happened today, Rainbow. You actually should feel kind of glad that this happened because now, maybe, just maybe, it will make you think about how you treat others for once."

RD: "..."

"What I did to you was pretty bad, but it's something you did without a second thought to so many others before so you can't be mad at anypony but yourself. I just hope you can think about what you've done."

Rainbow Dash was silently contemplating about her actions in the past. There were several arcs in the story about this. Thousands upon thousands of words are dedicated to this one thought, just of her thinking. If those words were her brain power, her cranium would of swelled up to the size of a house she was thinking so hard.
Then Spike showed up. Then a Manticore and a Ursa Major appeared. Then a bunch of aliens and giant bugs.
They were all invited to a LAN party, played FPS', ate pizza, Cheetos's, and drank Mountain Dew on tap through the whole night. It was awesome.

I hope no one takes this seriously.

Who on earth do you reckon she is talkin' to? The closest match I can think of would be Lyra, but she ain't likely to be teachin' anypony stuffy moral lessons anytime soon. It's too 'evil genius' for Twi and too traditional-morality for Trixie. You're OOC for Trixie's Magic Bit. ...and the LAST thing Dashie would say or think is "I'm not forgiving you for what you did". You'll see... guess I best git to work lest you start writing a damn sequel in my dang comments thread :ajbemused:

An' you keep it to a dull roar, will ya, sugar? It's good havin' different opinions but you, NaturalGlitch, do NOT get to outshout some of th' other fans who understand the TMB characters better. I could rewrite your scene to give Dashie's more accurate responses but why should I when I can write more of th' real thing?

356310 ...Did you not read the last part? I was joking. Here:
Rainbow Dash was silently contemplating about her actions in the past. There were several arcs in the story about this. Thousands upon thousands of words are dedicated to this one thought, just of her thinking. If those words were her brain power, her cranium would of swelled up to the size of a house she was thinking so hard.
Then Spike showed up. Then a Manticore and a Ursa Major appeared. Then a bunch of aliens and giant bugs.
They were all invited to a LAN party, played FPS', ate pizza, Cheetos's, and drank Mountain Dew on tap through the whole night. It was awesome.

I hope no one takes this seriously.

See? I honestly don't care. Just having a bit of fun. I know that your characterization is superior to mine. I'm not a writer. At all.

Don't sweat it- I'm jes' giving you a hard time, I'm only teasing. You should find the sequel... interestin'. :ajsmug:

God dam! Just... Holy... Good... God... Dam. I've said it before and I'll say it again, thank you for putting so much care and effort into this beautiful fic. It really shows. I have enjoyed reading it from day one and I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!!:heart:

356810 You could of fooled me.
Well, I would of added descriptions between what the characters were saying, but I completely suck (I'm a rifer, not a writer) so I posted the dialog that I just made up on the spot to see if anyone would read the entire thing and figure out it was a joke. It was either that, or an verbosity filled comment about me writing a comment, but I'm not clever at all, so I couldn't pull it off. Plus, I don't think it would of been funny in the slightest.

I once tried to write a story about Twi attending an Museum located out in the boondocks and come across an artifact that, unbeknownst to her and her companions (couldn't think of who would go and how they were convinced to go) causes a reality shift, or something like that. It was going to be a suspense horror detective kind of story, but I said "Fuck it" and just ditched the idea and what I had already written. It was turning into a Silent Hill rip off, except they were stuck inside the museum/hotel. That was my attempt at a more descriptive style of writing. I feel like I utterly failed.

Here, I'll give an example:
My head was spinning, and a sudden nausea churned in my gut. The world seemed to be pulsating, the corners of the room wavering like a heat haze. You may say I imagined these things, and I thought that may have been the case. Was I going out of my mind? Was the hotel really changing into some nightmarish twin? Was I the only one who could see it? If I was hallucinating, it was too complex. The harsh wooden floor beneath my hooves felt real enough. The horrendous stench of rotting flesh that reached my nostrils could not have been conjured by my imagination. I decided I had to find [redacted] idol as soon as possible. If not that, then at least the painting [redacted] had mentioned. I was convinced that some connection lay between [redacted] and this sudden madness.

So I can appreciate the effort you put in your stories. I kinda feel bad that there's going to be a sequel. This one ended on such a sweet note. But, your next story's probably going to rock. You know, if TMB was a book, I would buy it.

Hah i like the title for this chapter... on an eagles wings. Ive always loved latin.

A great story you are a magnificent writer and i love this work. This is among my top stories ive read so far along with such others as past sins, twos company, threes a crowd, after that fateful night... i could go on. I guess i just like a lot of stories. I wholeheartedly agree with your views on peoples reactions to sex when many many many stories/films get away with some horrific violence it just makes no sense to me.

Im gonna miss this story. My reaction to the last chapter was a completely mixed one. Basically "YAY ITS FINISHED" and "AWW DAMN ITS FINISHED". I look forward to anything else you may write :pinkiehappy:


I didn't mind reading that. It sounds like it'd be at home with SCP foundation stuff. You've got the talent if you want to develop it into a skill.

>(couldn't think of who would go
Her friends, of course. Probably. Or even make OCs. This is one of those things were you just have to make a decision and try to make it work. Maybe you'll have to change your mind as the story grows.

>and how they were convinced to go)
This actually doesn't matter at all. Stories are about getting out of sticky situations, not explaining how characters get in to them. (Unless the how is part of the solution.) For example, there are all kinds of loose beginnings that don't matter in TMB. Dash is a rather good sexual communicator: look at how she reassures AJ when she falls into an uncomfortable place emotionally. That skill doesn't just drop from the sky. Where did Dash get it? Dunno.

As for things turning into "clones," I just started Rebecca McClanahan's Word Painting, and this thought on creativity struck me especially:

>I was nevertheless writing from the eye of the imagination. I was doing what the poet Stanley Plumly talks about in his essay "Words on Birdsong": "Poets cannot make things up. Poets make things from - from memory; from matter that cannot be changed, only transformed; from the rock of fact that may disappear ... but cannot be made, out of hand, to evaporate."

>These are comforting words to those of us who fear we lack imagination because we are unable to "make things up." Rather than spend time trying to invent something imaginary, we can focus on reseeing our old world through the imaginative eye.

All stories draw from the same roots. I'd swear the one you just read has been told ever since the dawn of language and erotic imagination (whichever came first the other must have been right behind).

Ug: Hey, Thug, what if there was this magic amulet that gave gals cocks?
Thug: Dohoho. They'd love it. They'd go crazy.
Ug: Yes, but how crazy?
Thug: Uh-oh. Crazy crazy...

So you shouldn't worry when something resembles another story, especially when it's a good story. Originality is all in the details and arranging, and there's a good chance no one else will see the resemblance. In middle school, I swore to never write stories again. Best promise to break, ever.



I wish I could write some brilliant analysis that would show just how much you've drawn me into the story, especially since I've been faster to complain than praise. This is my favorite character study of the mane six in fandom, and the narrative voice you use in it is quite nice as well. It's really, really frustrating not being able to share it with everyone, so would you maybe consider writing more non-clop for a while? You're too good to only stay on this side of the mature flag.

Sad to see it end but all great stories must. Thank you for providing me with a great Clopfic that didn't even feel like one while reading. It truely felt like I was reading a novel. I look forward to reading more of your work.

Not much to say, even though I have tons. One thing though: it's Bon Bon, not Bon-Bon or BonBon.

AUGH! :applejackunsure:
Jes' because I don't like Bon Bon that much is no reason to do that! Fixed every one, in every chapter she appears.
If all that 'tons to say' is more stupid mistakes I made, I am runnin' off to Cherry Jubilee's house of ill repute again, and givin' up writin' for earnin' a more honest livin' as a pony courtesan... :ajsleepy:

Heh, no. That "tons to say" is my theoretical breakdown and plot analysis, but I'll spare you the paragraphs of overanalyzing a good story.

Anyway... how's the Old Castle coming? trollface

Trade you a promised chapter of 'The Old Castle' for a promised analysis of Trixie's Magic Bit... :ajsmug:

Trixie's Magic Bit is now available in Kindle .mobi format, done up properly- Trixie's Magic Bit

Even includes an unexpurgated version of th' cover picture for its cover image...

Hope you enjoy it, kindle folks and those who can convert .mobi files to other stuff! I've started on The Old Castle to get that to a conclusion before figurin' out what else to do.

Okay, promised this weeks ago but two things have stopped me. The first is real life. School has hit me like a brick wall. The second is what you'll find more interesting. Every time I thought I was done, some new part or idea coalesced in my mind and had to be analyzed. The complex nature of this lends itself to that though, so I really shouldn't be surprised. Anyway, I've diddled enough; on to the analysis. 

The plot can be broken down into three real sections: the exposition and relationship building, the return of Trixie, and the corruption of Twilight. Now each of these is very different. The first reads much like a traditional shipping story, but with the bonding based on prior feelings and sex. The second is the only real "action" in the novel. It could really be viewed as a sort of climax for the first part to combine them, but the nature of the content is very much different. The final section is a confrontation-character study of Twilight and how she relates to Applejack. 

Exposition and Relationship Building
This was by far the most boring section. However, it is simply the least interesting if the three sections total. It is still a good section, but it builds the basis for the rest. I guess I should at least summarize he basics of it. You start by building the Applejack-Rainbow Dash relationship and using that to explore Pinkie as a minor character. Then you add the third main character, Twilight. Throughout this entire section, Applejack is the focus. She is whose perspective we see the most, and she is the center of both major relationships. Quite simply, she is your protagonist. The rest of the section fleshes out Fluttershy and Rarity's roles in this (both insignificant). 

Trixie's Return
The shortest section, but the one with the most action in it. I really can't think of much to say for this. It is the start of the protagonist shift, and introduces Trixie. It is also the first climax of the novel, and introduces the first real conflict that isn't just Rainbow pushing Applejack to share or Applejack's hesitation. Ultimately, this is where it turns downhill and the conflict starts to boil over because of one thing: the destruction of the bit. 

Twilight's Corruption and the Fallout of the Bit
The spicy section. It has two juxtaposed relationships, both of which are Applejack-centric. The Rainbow Dash-Applejack relationship becomes more caring and compassionate as they solidify into a couple that is based on more than sex and explore their feelings. After a few chapters this wraps up. It is done, happy endings abound aside from the lack of a penis between them. This is where you complete the protagonist transition to Twilight. Her relationship with Applejack is the driving force for the finale. As it develops, she tries to claim Applejack for herself and force Applejack into a male gender identity. As it goes on, Applejack breaks it off with Twilight. However there is still the matter of the bit, which both Twilight and Rainbow Dash want (although Applejack seems fine without it). Thus, Twilight is forced to bond with Trixie, who helps her deal with the loss of Applejack. Throughout this you introduce Trixie as a semi-major character. And then you have the two other ships. The FluttershyxPinkie Pie is nice, but it seems only there to provide closure to two minor characters hat are only tangentially involved. The RarityxBig Mac ship is more related since you use it once, but again it is minor characters. It is okay, but the ending seems really tacked on whereas the rest of the story is all necessary and cohesive. Oh look at me. This is an analysis not a critique. 

ApplejackxRainbow Dash - I still detest Applejack, but the relationship is developed well from sex-based to emotion based. 
ApplejackxTwilight - Nicely done and perfectly parasitic. The leeching builds well, and the mannerisms Twilight develops are great foreshadow. 
TwilightxTrixie - I love you for this. Trixie's masochism is interesting, as well as the way Twilight embraces it. I must admit I'm biased here but I did love the way Trixie comforted Twilight. 
RarityxBig Mac/Pinkie PiexFluttershy/LyraxBon Bon - All minor ships. They work as a part of the main story except for that past part about Rarity and Big Mac with the bit.

Applejack - She is fairly canonical, which is big for a clopfic. The relationship desire with Rainbow Dash is typical. Her loyalty to her partners is a key component. She really just wants to do right by her friends, and that is how Rainbow manipulates her into sleeping with Twilight. Her internal conflict is easily the greatest of the major characters. Also, why doesn't see ever see a lesbian relationship with Dash? Dash did it, loosely, with Pinkie. It would have been somewhere in her thought process. 
Rainbow Dash - Flat. She seems to only think about sex, and in a way how that relates to her friends. She is only not flat when Applejack forces her to be kind and cuddle. She seems to a tool to manipulate Applejack and provide the internal conflict for Applejack. 
Twilight - The most interesting character, except Trixie but I love Trixie. She obviously wants a relationship, and is quite exclusive about it having to be a stallion, probably due to her sheltered childhood. As it progresses, we see the forceful side of her. She has a desire to dominate Applejack and make AJ her stallion, hence her forcing that gender role. Later we see this desire fulfilled by Trixie, who is willing to take the punishment. 
Trixie - I love Trixie. Even cast as a masochistic, desperate showpony, she is brilliant. When we first meet her she is truly pitiful, and wants to die. However, as the story progresses, we see her need to be told what to do and somewhat dominated by Twilight. Then, we see her love. She develops this love and true caring for Twilight that goes beyond just sex. Even though it isn't fully reciprocated, she is the perfect mate for Twilight. They are equal in magic, and even have similar (but not congruent if you pardon the math lingo) penises. However, the key to their relationship is that Trixie's need to be dominated fits with Twilight's desire to dominate. Her main desire at the end of the story is to make Twilight happy again, and hopefully have her love reciprocated. 

The Role of Sex
I feel that this needs to be discussed because of the nature of the story. First off, I will not analyze any sex scene specifically but rather the role of it as a theme and element in the story. I am simply not qualified. I've written non-clop stories purposefully and tried to make them good. My one clop story is bad and I feel bad for writing it. Now, analysis. 

Sex doesn't play as big of a role in this as some would think. As written, yes it is a big part of it, but what it means to the story could (theoretically and with a lot of changing) be written without it. The sex they crave, except Pinkie Pie, is a forbidden desire. It is something that is denied to them except through magical means. That is where the bit comes in. It is the gateway to their desires, and some dive in unchecked. Rainbow sees it as a useful tool. Applejack is wary by sees it as a way to be with Rainbow (why she is so opposed to being lesbians is odd to me). Twilight rives in and uses it to fulfill her romantic fantasies with a stallion. Trixie is tired of it, but in the past saw it as a way to please her love. In the end, their desires overwhelm them. The sex is simply the desire you chose. Ultimately, (I love that word) this is not a story about sex, but rather a story about desire and how we deal with it. Rainbow Dash deals with her desire(sexy time and being with Applejack at the same time) in a (within the frame of the story, I'm not promoting or disparaging poly people) healthy. Twilight deals with her desire (to be romantically involved) poorly, forcing her friend into an unwanted gender role. Applejack's desire (to be with Rainbow) is fulfilled, though she is pained by her further desire to make everyone happy and the complications that leads to. 

In some interpretations (not being mean, cold analysis) this could be considered a cautionary tale against having multiple partners. In others, it is a tale of warning about delving too far into your desires. But now I'm just grasping at straws. 

Aw- thank you so much, Kurbz! :ajsmug:

I am jes' finishing up a SECOND promised chapter of The Old Castle so I still have a thing to reward you with, even though the first promised chapter went up a while ago.

Oh, and... Rarity/Big Mac bein' an unsatisfyin' unresolution?

More will be revealed.

It wasn't really unsatisfying. Just, without the sequel it feels really tacked on. Like it has no bearing on the plot, and resolves a problem we never saw, were told about, or even guessed at. Basically, it doesn't relate to this story, but to the next one. However, keep in mind that that is not a critique, but an analysis.

I'm not sure I entirely agree with your analysis, even though I would say it is more of a summery/critique than an actual analysis (which is totally fine as well, but two different things entirely.) I do think that the sex plays a huge role in the story and that you would have very hard time delivering the same themes if you had tried rewriting the story without the sex. Personally I find this quite amazing since it is rare that you find a clopfic that actually have any interesting/relevant themes at all, and even fewer that expresses their themes in a way that is only possible within the genre they are dealing with. :)

i hate to copy Grey but.....What Chatoyance said (because i suck with words) came in for clop and got sooo much more

Finally got around to finishing this. What a roller coaster!
I do agree with the above... Dashie could have been developed so much more. But I do love the moments between her and AJ (best ship forevaaaar). Especially chapter 6, that was strong stuff there. Plus so many concepts I wish I'd thought of! (wings not touching and so on). Definitely enjoyed myself reading this. And I don't mean that way, perverts :derpytongue2:

And with that, the story- continues, in Rarity's Worst Day Ever! We are in for a bumpy ride, though the same promise holds- in the end, the poni natures will prevail. The end is a mite far away from the first couple chapters, though. :applejackconfused:

It will be okay, I promise. :ajsmug:

Finished it! Probably one of the best fics I've ever read with all the emotion and descriptive writing. Everyone has a lover now and they all seem so... inseparable... But now I must go on to read about how they get painfully separated and mashed around before coming back together again. I trust you to do right by us though, you're a damn good writer with good heart and a creative mind.

P.s. I have to agree with you on the whole "violence should be more shocking than sex". It just makes more sense that way. nobody should get used to violence because it only causes problems every time.

Twilight Sparkle is best rapist :twilightblush:

Hey, they enjoy them... :ajsmug:

Just thought you might be pleased to know, you just knocked out Princess Molestia on my Top 5 "Cream of the Clop" fics on my userpage.
This story was incredible, beginning to end. It was obvious in the first few chapters that you didn't really know what you wanted to do with this yet, and they almost read like a trollfic. ("The Gaaay Dashie, the gay.") Although I'm not complaining, it did a great job of getting me interested in the rest of the fic, and I'm glad I did, because this evolved into a fantastic drama, completely unpredictable in how it would end, always leaving me on the edge of my seat, and always putting a tent in my pants. I've spent the last 3 days reading this exclusively, reading until I couldn't see the words on the screen anymore, and then passing out, thinking about the drama and wondering what will happen next. Amazing job Applejinx :raritywink:
Now, off to the sequel :pinkiehappy:

I hope "Rarity's Worst Possible Day" makes it onto your Stories Of Ultimate Winning :ajsmug:
Well, I can but try!
Thank you so much :heart:

We shall see, if it's even better than this, you have a good chance! :pinkiehappy:

Ye gods, I wouldn't want Lauren Faust reading this. Anthony Bourdain's a brony who's commented on how he liked Applejack's struggle with sexual identity. I want HIM reading this, not Lauren :rainbowlaugh:

He also digs pony hentai. There's such a thing as a right, and wrong, audience for stuff...

I'm not one for clop, but it was reccomended that I read this, I just read all of it and my goodness. I read all 21 chapters just for the story, this is amazing. :pinkiegasp:

YES. :ajsmug: Don't you dare tell anypony. Our little secret... (mind you, it's also a Firesign Theatre reference at the same time)

How sure are you that it ain't? :ajsmug:
(Rarity's Worst Day Ever is largely Rarijack, though that isn't the final situation...)

I Just finished reading this, and I must say that I am impressed with it. There were some problem spots, namely Trixie's appearance in chapter 11 coming literally out of nowhere (not so much as a few sentences ending chapter 10 like Trixie thinking "Ponyville. I can't believe I'm back in Ponyville"), and some grammar problems (like using "me and X" instead of "X and I", some ponies like Rarity and Twilight are much more likely to use the proper version over the common parlance), but overall, it was an enjoyable read, and I have saved it so that I can do so again at leisure. I'll begin on your sequel as soon as I read the story that brought me to yours, A Gift for Mistress.

I have to say that you've opened my eyes a little to polyamorism, though I doubt I'll be trying it anytime soon. I'm mature enough to admit that I would be insanely jealous sharing my girlfriend with any other guy. It's just how I'm wired. In that, I'm a lot like Twilight in this story. I want to be the only guy in her life (romantically speaking, of course).

tl;dr: Good job! :twilightsmile:

.....Is it bad that I kinda wish Twilight had succeeded in her plan to kill Rainbow Dash? I loved the way you portrayed all of the other characters, but RD and AJ made me want to kill them myself through the whole story. It got to the point where I was just skipping the clop scenes with them in it because I hated their characters that much.

The whole beginning of RD and AJ's relationship was just fucked up. Dash straight up lied to her about reciprocating with the bit, and then her master plan to make up with her is to go have sex with Pinkie, and not warn AJ at all that she's about to find out that the pony she loves, the pony that claims to love her, is sleeping with somepony else. And then the way she kept trying to get AJ to be all emotional about sleeping with their friends is the reason why everything else got all fucked up to begin with, and even by the end she STILL hadn't learned anything from it all.

As for AJ, I was ok with her up until the whole thing with Twilight. She knew what was happening. She saw the fall out coming the whole time, and did absolutely NOTHING to stop it. And then, as if leading Twilight on wasn't enough, after Twilight realises the truth, AJ has the gall to be mad at her for sleeping with somepony else. As soon as she started getting all pissed off when she walked in on Trixie and Twilight, I was really hoping that Twi was finally gonna just snap on her, but no. She just cried, apologised, and begged AJ for forgiveness when it should have been AJ doing the begging for not telling Twilight the truth sooner.

Those two aside, I loved the story. The writing was good, the plot was good (in all the ways that word can be taken), and the shipping was adorable (aside from AJ and RD). Especially the ending with Twilight and Trixie. If it weren't for the clop scenes with them it probably would have given me diabeetus. and now, off to the sequel.

I can't begin to guess whether you'll be delighted or appalled at the way Dashie does a death-spiral and hits bottom on her crazy behaviors in 'Rarity's Worst Day Ever'...

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