• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


30 years old closet brony from the center of Europe. Just happily doing my thing in my corner of the internet.


Wow! I did it. Can't believe I actually achieved that.
Oh, the story? Well: nothing happens in the beginning, nothing happened in the middle, nothing has happend in the end.
In other words, nothing happens in this story. At all. Just like in real life.

Here is a great and funny story from someone else in case you would like a story with actually stuff going on inside it:
The Princess of Books

What? You still feel like wasting time reading a story where nothing happens? Then I advise you not to read the ending first, because it would give up the biggest element of the plot.
Spoiler: it's that nothing happens in the end as predicted.
I warned you.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 4 )

Now, due to how I "sold" that story, nobody will read it, and the few that would will find it confusing or badly written, they will be right and who cares?

I read it for that exact reason. A story with that description can't possibly be overlooked for long! :pinkiecrazy:

First off, A lot is happening! Well, maybe not a lot, but; the chapters read as short episodes or comics, or something like that. Small entertaining view-ins into Twilight's crazy new life.


She was very proud of all of her planning. Each day had its own. She had divided the twenty four hours in little time periods of twenty seconds and had allocated those to different tasks throughout the day.

How do you even start-

For example, she had three periods to get up, seven to assess the situation, six periods to brush her mane and up to thirty periods to wake up Spike.

... Nevermind. This is Twilight afterall.

And lastly, not having read The Princess of Books, I guess I'm missing out on some reference or idea. I'll try getting around to read that one too then, and will see from there.
Or, I simply have to stop reading your fics at 5-6AM, when I'm barely awake.
Or both.

It was fun anyway. I smiled at the Tuesday-scene. Dangit, Twilight!

Have a thumb!


First off, A lot is happening!

This is why I'm so proud of this one. (and I'm so proud of that one. Haven't written something that good in a long time. It's far from perfect, it's probably too convoluted for most people, but I think I did an actual sort of good job for once).

Because I had the challenge to tell a story with nothing happening at all without boring the reader to death. And the story had to go over at least a whole month...
So I had to invent stuff to fill the void. But the real story is hidden in the first, second and two last chapters. And I guess it could make it difficult for people to understand the "dark" tag.

I smiled at the Tuesday-scene. Dangit, Twilight!

I almost stopped writing at that point ato make it its own little story (because it amused so much I found it almost shameful to hide it behind a story nobody is going to read).

I usually need to entertain myself while writing and that whole planning stuff was really fun to write, up to the very detail.

And lastly, not having read The Princess of Books, I guess I'm missing out on some reference or idea.

I haven't read it either. (sorry to the author... :unsuresweetie:) I only read the interview. There is a sort of complex second degree of reading of the story (which is the real heart of the story). Sorry if it's too hidden. I thought that with my last chapter and the "author's notes", it would be clear enough.

If not, here is a spoiler that pretty much sums up the whole real story I was telling:
a petition for a reprieve from somepony who wants to evade the judicial system
She was telling the truth. He indeed was innocent.

So, let's read this when I'm actually awake, and not tired enough to suddenly miss whole lines of text, shall we?
Sorry, I think I was asleep within 10 minutes of posting that comment.
(I'm writing this comment on the go while reading, under "End" I'll reply more directly to your comment.)
Chapter 1
I was kinda looking for something in the long row of things that Twilight could have messed up. . . I didn't know what the word "reprieve" meant, so I guess that says a bit why I missed it on the first read. But there it is.

Aside from that, the interaction between Twi' and Spike is adorable. It's shown that they have been living together for a long while, and see eachother as helpful siblings.

Chapter 2
Well, that seemed a lot like something Dash could go through indeed. I don't think she'd use the word "beautiful" like that, but, that's just headcanon at this point.
The small nods at someone else being there did actually really start with the first line. Did not see that one before.

Chapter 3
And I see another hint to the "main arc", I think.

That aside; this chapter is funny indeed. It could almost stand alone as a short one-shot comedy, because Twilight is so much Twilight in this, that it reminds of the series.

Chapter 4
I was to say that AJ and Spike felt a bit off in this chapter, too aggressive. But, if they'd really been stuck down there for two days without supplies, I can agree that stuff could get stressful, not having any escape route.
Other than that, this is also a slice-of-life chapter, or something like that. Not much happens, but what happens mean a lot.

Chapter 5
Rainbow Dash. In all that tension, she had to break it her own way. I lost it when reading during the night, and I still smiled reading it today. That's RD for ya'.

So, I see what you are shooting at. Yeah, that's true. Myself, I don't read many OC stories, party because the known ponies are already introduced and established, going into an OC-fic, is going in blind for the characters. If you don't get a good base of the character, it's hard to feel with them - which might sound a bit horrible in retrospect.

So, on a first level kind of reading, this fic is amusing. It follows Twilight as she goes on about her new life as Princess, and does so in the most "Twilight" way possible.
Second degree, it's deep. Yet, I guess that's an old truth, that it's hard to feel with, or for-, someone that you have no idea about. And Twilight has no idea what she indirectly did here, maybe that's for the better. Or we'd be back at the problem in To Protect the Society.
Have a fav' as well.


Yet, I guess that's an old truth, that it's hard to feel with, or for-, someone that you have no idea about.

Journalist actually have an equation for that:
"1/Distance * number of death = emotional impact"

When we feel no connection with the person for whom something is happening, it's like nothing happened at all. The good old "if nobody knows you've died, have you really died? Or were you at any point alive?".

A few days ago, I was hearing how many people died in Gaza and was thinking "it's not that much considering how many people are living there...". Like nothing ever happened. And I could multiply the examples all over the world. Being someone good is very hard and complex when we begin to think about it and I fail so much at it...


I didn't know what the word "reprieve" meant

I know that feeling, having been there myself. We tend to forget how difficult the language barrier can make things be.
But speaking of that word, I think I hid that word pretty well anyway all things considered (the tricks are quite easy, but very effective), which was the very first challenge of the story (and the reason the introduction is so long).

Aside from that, the interaction between Twi' and Spike is adorable.

Thanks. I had so much fun writing that little part. I thought I wouldn't be able to, but I wanted Twilight to act childish for just a little moment (for personal reasons). I'm very happy to have made it sort of work and that you confirm it does.

I don't think she'd use the word "beautiful" like that

Probably not. To be honest, that chapter is the most "filler" of all. I was still trying to figure out how I could put stuff into the void. By which I'm admitting this part could really need more work.

And I see another hint to the "main arc", I think.

You're right, it's there, even if I had almost forgotten about it in the end (funny stuff, the pony was a "he" before I noticed that mistake and changed it).

That aside; this chapter is funny indeed.

Thank you so much. I usually suck at making funny stuff, so it's sort of important for me when I actually succeed.

I was to say that AJ and Spike felt a bit off in this chapter, too aggressive.

Well, your first impression is right. But I sort of like the contrast from the comedy that was just there before. In my opinion it's a hint that the real story is somewhere else.
Also, it made me show how we suddenly care about those characters because they have a name. I used so many names in that story all the way I'm actually amazed it worked so well.

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