• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 403 Views, 0 Comments

Immortality - ReubenHarvey

Follow Snowgleam Dust as he moves trough his life discovering himself and his friends and what he's meant to do. From the Manehattan stories, to the Ponyville Tales.

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Ponyville Tales - Chapter One

Ponyville Tales - Chapter One

The journey to Ponyville was long and tiring, it wasn’t until late into the afternoon that the unicorn arrived.Though Snow was lost in thought, not noticing the stop until the conductor tapped him on the shoulder.

“Miss her that much huh?” He asked bringing Snow out of his daydreams of a mare he couldn’t have.

“Heh.. that obvious huh?” Snow replied, taking a stand and heading for the luggage compartment to pull out his cart. The conductor hot on his heels, intent on keeping conversation with his only customer going so as to ease his boredom for the day. As well as to sate his curiosity on what transpired hours before upon the Manehatten boarding platform.

“So why would you leave a hot mare like her, On Hearth's warming of all days?” He asked. Helping Snow to buckle up to his luggage cart. Spotting a somber look on his patrons face.

“New job” Snow replied monotone and saddened by the memory of leaving Sketch behind.”Manager of the Coffee Pots Coffee House Ponyville branch.” Snow continued Pulling hard on the rains slowly launching his cart into a sluggish movement onto the platform.

“Maybe next time we refuel at ponyville I will pop in for a coffee then” The conductor said. Smiling as he waved of his only patron for the day. And sighing as he reboarded alone.

Snow only stopped for a moment, looking round at closed doors, empty vendor stands and hauntingly empty streets. Sighing slightly at the setting sun. Wondering if a certain somepony was watching the same sunset. He reached into his saddle bag to retrieve the map, showing directions to his store, as well as other localities that shared his street. Like the music store two doors down. Or flower shop over the road and further down the same side the mail office. There were also other larger stores like a clothes boutique across town a library and a sweet shop. He was rather unimpressed at the small town he was left in. This only made him regret accepting the job offer even more so. Almost as much as watching Sketches face as the train rolled away made him regret ever thinking of boarding the train. Snow Cried lightly as he walked the empty streets towards his new home.

It was a nice enough place from the outside. It gave a warm and welcoming feel. With its freshly painted sign hanging above the door. To the painted windows that read the coffee houses name. As well as the large banner strung across the stores front that read.

“Coffee Pots Coffee House. Grand opening, tomorrow at 7.”

Snow pulled out his key and let himself in. The inside was larger than his previous store, It looked as if it could seat 50 plus ponies easily. The tables were dotted around each neatly decorated and placed. Larger circular tables in the center of the room dotted about for the groups of ponies. And towards the back were smaller square tables for the couples who like to sit close as well as the counter and coffee machines strung up on the left hand side of the far wall. Adjoining to the door which snow assumed was the way upstairs to his abode. There were also two large booths on the right side which had comfortable padded seats on either side of their large rectangular table. And neatly stacked to the edge, just off from the door were metallic tables and chairs neatly folded away ready to be put outside for more guests.

After taking a brief moment to take in the surroundings of his new homes workspace. Snow moved towards the counter to head upstairs. Spotting two resumes on the side with a note on top just before heading up. Snow stops to read.

“Dear snow

these are the resumes of your two new workers I hand picked them myself on my trip down earlier in the week to oversee the final stages of the store. I gave them a quick run down of procedure and instructed them in the operating of the machines and till. Though they may be green the mare picked it up rather quickly and should be a good worker bee. The young stallion seemed disinterested so I ask you to keep your eye on him, if he seems of no use, you have my permission to fire and rehire. The same applies to all the staff. But you already know this as I didn’t make you ponyville managing chief for nothing. I hope the timing of your move wasn't to much of a bother and that you enjoy your work here in Ponyville.

Sincerely Miss pots

P.S I did request your apartment to be furnished as you asked and everything should be in order.”

After reading the note along with memorising the two works that would be under his rule. Snow opened the door to his abode and began the climb up stairs. Upon reaching the second floor Snow was surprised to see that there was another flight of stairs at the back bending round over the hall. He decided to investigate that after looking in each of the 3 rooms on this level. Two doors to his right and one to his left. He started with the door on his left. This lead to a shared Kitchen and main living space much like the old apartment he used to share only larger. To his right was the kitchen, a counter separating the main space and the kitchen. To his left the main space. This had a Large lounge chair that sat adjacent to the counter and facing the window as well as a single arm chair to its right that faced the back wall and a fireplace. The only thing snow thought was missing was the Art easel that should be sat by the window, this had been replaced with a small coffee table that had flowers arranged on it. Saddened by the thought of a vacant Sketch, Snow decided to move onto the next room. He started with the first of the two doors on the right, the one closest to the stairs he came up. This was a simple bathroom that house a walk-in shower and a large corner bath. aswell as a toilet and sink. Not overwhelmed by the amazingness of this room he moved on. Finally on this floor was the last room. This was a Neat and simple bedroom, I housed a double bed in its center, which was pushed up against the backwall under a window. On either side of the bed were bedside tables, one for each pony who would share a side of the same bed. To the right of the room was the final object, this being a cupboard for any clothes a pony may feel they need. Shutting the door on that room snow headed for the final mystery of the home. Stepping up each step of the second floor staircase slowly, he reached what was another and considerably larger bedroom. The staircase came up its center, a banister protecting ponies from falling in. On snows left was a long wall cupboard that spanned the entire slanted side of the roof. On the right the room and roof had been boxed out and much like before a double bed with tables either side was situated under the window. The only other added feature was that close to the stairs was a bookcase and chair. Snow was pleasantly surprised by this fact he had so much space. Though realising he had no-one to spend it with made him just want to sleep. So in order to reach this goal he set out unpacking his stuff and tidying it away, coming across the unopened gifts from Sketch and setting them aside for another time, not wanting to upset him self more.

Just as he began to wind down laying on his attic room bed his thoughts turned to the last night he and Sketch spent together. The promise he made to write every day, repeating in his head. over and over. Finally he sat up pulling a pencil and paper out of the draw.

“Dear Sketch

I am sorry for kissing you like I did. I dont know what I was thinking. I'm all moved in and the new store looks great. The apartment is less apartment than it is an actual house. Its so large. and empty. The main living space isnt so much different to the old place. I miss having your art cluttered around though. I miss you.

It has not even been a day and I miss you. This empty house doesn't feel like home without you in it. I know before long I will have new friends and won’t be so alone. But the distance between us, its so great, I hope keeping our friendship alive is possible. I never want to lose you ever. I don’t want to regret making the decision to move here. But the longer i'm appart from you the harder it is just to close my eyes without seeing how sad you were that night. I just hope and pray I didn't make a huge mistake.

Sadly missing your smile Snowgleam”

Snows letter had a few dry watermarks on it from tears he didnt even realise he shed. Carefully folding it up and marking the postage address on it. He walked to the mail office with a somber look and posted it into outgoing mail. He finally returned home locking up and laying his head down, wanting to sleep. Wishing his day would end and that his regrets would lesson some come morning light.

Author's Note:

Ponyville tales chapter two will take a while as i am waiting on some source material.

However if this does not arrive i know i can continue without the information.