• Published 13th Aug 2014
  • 403 Views, 0 Comments

Immortality - ReubenHarvey

Follow Snowgleam Dust as he moves trough his life discovering himself and his friends and what he's meant to do. From the Manehattan stories, to the Ponyville Tales.

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Manehatten Stories - Chapter Two

Manehatten Stories - Chapter Two

Time moves on. It's been Almost two months since Snowgleam met Sketch Pad now. He found out shes a Traveling Artist, evident from her Cutie mark. A thick yellow pencil drawing a line, situated on her flank. Her job entailed her traveling from town to town, city to city, Drawing up masterpieces and the like and showcasing them for all to see. Though this didn't always go over well, it paid the bills. Currently she and him occupied a small 1 bed apartment above a Coffee house.

Having a special talent was something that they didn’t have in common as Snow did not have a Cutie mark. He could never explain why he had no mark like her. He thought it may be a side effect of losing his memory, but that subject was not something the two often talked about. Not since the first few months. Sketch didn't push the subject as he always became hostile when she did.

Currently he worked in the Coffee house below. This was thanks to Sketch being so persistent to him helping to make ends meet. He still wondered how she survived before he moved in.

One benefit of having a home, as cramped as it was, was that he had the chance to actually see for himself what he looked like. Though he wasn't impressed with what he calls, the mop atop his head, he couldn't complain. Snowgleam Was a stallion unicorn with white fur and a grey mane, tipped at the end with black, matching his tail. Though he has tried to straighten his messy mane.. it never worked out. After a week he just gave in to the mess. He later bought a lovely Blue collar with a loop on the front so he could attach something to it if he wished. As well as a little black beaded hooflet which he wears on his right hoof. Sketch criticized him on his fashion choices before, but “I know what I want” is what she always got back.


Snow struggled through the door of the apartment, six bags strung up in his mouth after a long day of work and shopping for food. He sets the food down in the kitchen and takes a look over to sketch who was in the adjoining main room, sitting in the the back corner by the window hard at work on another piece of art.

“she probably didn’t even hear me come in” He thought to himself as he put the Food stuffs away in their proper places. “I'm home Sketch!” He shouted after sneaking up behind her. Causing her to almost fall off her stool. She span around slapping him in the face with her ponytail.

“You! Dont do that, i’ve told you before.. I get real into my work” Sketch snapped with an amused yet slightly annoyed look.

“You could at least lock the door..” He laughed as he took a seat on the sofa/bed, slumping into it, tired from work. “I could have been a burglar..” he sighed.

“But you weren't” She laughed, spinning back round to go back to work. “You have a fun day downstairs?” She asked Knowing full well what his reply would be.

“Same as every week, Boreing. But it pays the bills and buys food. How did you survive before me” He pointed at her and made a silly face.
Without even looking back at him she replied “No pulling faces, I managed.. remember it was cheaper to live alone even if I did go hungry once or twice.”

“Ha, once or twice my eye. though I will admit, when you sell a piece it sells.” Snow was jealous of this fact. She had an amazing talent and when she sold her art it would always sell for a lot. And if he had his way the Bits would last for months.. He sadly does not get his way. luckily Sketch was not the kind of mare to use allot of things, or even eat much. Her money was mainly blown on art supplies, cans of the energy drinks she likes and manga that she reads at night.

“Honestly, Its like the pony who picked me up of the streets isn't here with me sometimes.” Snow joked. rolling over onto his side, pulling his blanket down atop him tired from a full days work. Stressed he lets out a sigh, listening to Sketch Pad paint.

After a short while the room falls silent. Snows ears twitch listening for sounds of life but before he notices he is taken by surprise. He’s flattened to the sofa by Sketch’s weight atop him. Before he can protest he is taken back by a sudden and short kiss to the cheek. Snow was frozen still confused and red faced.

Sketch just giggled hopping of him and making her way to the bedroom, flicking the lights of as she went. “Goodnight snow” She said softly before shutting her door, the sound of a bolt locking heard clear as day, since Snow was still silently taken back. Frozen still.

“I am confused!” He shouts.. Knowing full well he will get no reply. “And then you go do something like that” He says to himself pulling the sheets up over his head.

Quietly he sang himself to sleep as he always has done since he was taken in.

The morning rang through the window once again. Snow was awoken to the light of the sun on his face. Sitting up to the silence he slumped over putting his hoof to his face.

“Not even the birds wake up this early” He moaned as he pulled himself of the sofa and moved to make a morning coffee. With incredible ease and skill he whipped up The best looking and tastiest coffee known to the planet. He sat sipping the coffee. A gleeful look on his face as he was happy that his time working in a coffee house was clearly not wasted. Snacking on an apple and thinking up what note to leave Sketch this morning. The nights events still playing in his mind. Still causing him to go a little red at the thought.

To my favourite roommate

You surely know how to confuse a stallion don’t ya. I was quite taken back there. I can honestly say I did not see it coming. I dont expect you to explain yourself, I am just happy you dont dislike me for being a little overly harsh with you yesterday. I was stressed from work.

As always you lunch is in the fridge. And please for the love of celestia, please lock up after me as I leave. I know it means I have to knock to get in but I want you to be safe.

Your thoroughly confused roommate Snow.

Snow Set down the pen and left for work, heading down all nineteen steps and one door just to get there. Such a distance. His work started out same as it always would opening the shutters, setting out each and every chair and table. Putting the signe out to tell ponies they were open and setting up the coffee machine to be ready for customers. This process was almost always done alone as his boss only came in for the midday rush, and left shortly after. Though he worked primarily alone he didn't struggle as the coffee house was small it only comfortably seated around 20 ponies and most customers came for takeaway orders. though he usually had at least five to ten ponies seated he had quite allot of time to sit and relax. His usual customers would come in for the morning coffee and take their orders to the table sitting chatting to their friends they relaxed. Seeing this sometimes would make Snow jealous. Mostly because he Spends so much time working he never had a chance to make friends for himself. The only friend he knew kind of forced herself into his life. Not that he complained. He loved Sketch for being so great and kind to him.

As usual during his off time, when no customers where hassling him. He sang to himself. He always sang to himself and always vocalised it. This was more because he easily spaced out and could quite quickly forget he had people to watch and listen to whatever he decided should be sang. Today he was thinking of Sketch and the kiss she planted on him.

“Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul.

And it's the only thing that I know.

I swear it will get easier, Remember that with every piece of ya.

And it's the only thing we take with us when we die”

Snow sand leaning back in his chair tapping his hoof on the ground, swayed his head back and forth to the tune and rhythm of his own voice. Still singing he moved over to the coffee machine flipping a bit in the register as he passed it. Singing a little louder he he began to make himself a coffee dancing a little, swishing his tail back and forth to the rhythm.

“And if you hurt me

That's okay baby, only words bleed.

Inside these pages you just hold me.

And I won’t ever let you go,

Wait for me to come home”

He sat back down humming as he drank his coffee. Opening his eyes and realising he was being watched by the customers. Though all but one went back to their drinks. One of the elderly customers looked at him and smiled. She stood and slowly walked off, back to her own business. Snow moved to clean her table and realised there was a tip, Five bits. As he took the bits and placed them in his bag behind the counter. He noticed there was a note underneath, it simply read.

“Service with a song” and had a smiley face drawn on it.

He laughed and stashed it with his tip.

The rest of the day moved on without event and as always his boss arrived in the last five minutes of work to collect the bits and pay him for the day. And as always Snow rushed out the door slinging his bag over himself and headed for the shops for the last few essential things.

Author's Note:

Music lyrics - Ed sheeran Photograph

I know i know.. It's lazy to write using lyrics from a song. But honestly im not the most creative of song writers. And this just spoke to me when i heard it. I would absolutely suggest buying it. or at the very least listening to it on youtube. The chester see cover is also amazballs !! look it up.

As always Proof readers welcome as are all ideas.